Stuttering in children of preschool age. The child began to stutter: causes and treatment. Unconventional Stutter Correction Methods

Stutter is considered one of the most persistent. This pathology can occur at any age, but in most cases it can be diagnosed in children begin to speak.

The earlier the therapy of the disease will be carried out, the more chance will be to get rid of the ailment forever. Treatment is carried out complex and includes several types of techniques. On the reasons and treatment of stuttering in children, let's talk in the article.

Concept and characteristics

Stutter represents speech defectdue to certain disorders of the central nervous system.

Such pathology is manifested against the background of the convulsion of the articulation bodies and manifests itself to the repetition of individual sounds during the formulation of thought.

Child is difficult to pronounce words. Some sounds can not only be repeated, but also accompanied by specific and forced speech stops. In medical terminology, stuttering is indicated "Logoneurosis".

What can be caused?

Stuttering can be congenital or acquired. In the first case, the key role is played by the period of pregnancy, the health status of parents, generic activities and diseases transferred to the newborn period.

Stuttering can not only initial stages speech development, but also in school or adolescence. For example, such pathology often becomes the consequence of the reappearance of the left.

Why does a child stutter? Reasons of stuttering in children The following factors can be:

Forms and degrees

In medical practice, stuttering is divided into several types, depending on the development stage of pathology, its etiology, as well as certain types of symptoms. According to the degree of progression, the disease may be easy, middle and heavy.

The first stage is accompanied by a weak manifestation of signs of stuttering, which occur under the influence of external factors. The average degree of pathology is manifested in the form of signables in the process of speech. The heavy shape of stuttering is characterized by pronounced symptoms.

Others stutter classification:

  • according to the nature of the convulsive states of the speech apparatus (mixed, articulation, voice, tonic, respiratory, clonic and clonic-tonic form);
  • according to the nature of the occurrence (constant, recurrent and waveform);
  • on etiology (neurotic and neurosis-like stuttering).

How does it manifest?

The first symptoms of stuttering usually manifest themselves in children aged 3-5 years.

The child is experiencing difficulties with the pronouncement of words. Recognize signs of stuttering without a special examination.

Symptoms of illness may be permanent or have a temporary character. For example, stuttering can be caused by a child's excitement or embarrassment. Such states are also must be treated.

Symptomaticschildren's stuttering is manifested in the following states:

  1. When trying to start speech speech, the child arise the speech apparatus.
  2. The child's speech is accompanied by the amplification of the Mimici (ragged blink, inflating the wings of the nose, etc.).
  3. In the process of writing words, the child makes pauses and repeats individual sounds.
  4. Breathing disorder when pronunciation of individual sounds (for example, a deep breath).
  5. In the older age for a peculiar disguise masking, children can use specific tricks (at the moment of pause, the child can start smiling, coughing or yawning).


In the process of diagnosing stuttering in children there are several specialists. The child's survey is necessarily carried out by a speech therapist, a neurologist, psychiatrist, a psychologist and pediatrician.

When identifying the causes of the defect of the speech, a family history is necessarily taken into account.

If the stuttering passed the child at the genetic level, then it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

Diagnosis of children's stuttering It is carried out by the following methods:

  • overall assessment of the speech of the child;
  • reophiecephalography;
  • MRI brain;

Basic methods of treatment and correction

What to do? How to treat alert? Stuttering passes without special treatments only in isolated cases.

Such a defect of speech must be removed, and the therapy should be started at the first signs of violation of the process of playing sounds by a child.

Correct the situation will help speech therapy classes, respiratory gymnastics, some types of special massages and computer programs. In most cases, therapy implies mandatory medication To normalize the work of damaged brain departments.

Speech therapy classes

The complex of speech therapy exercises is developed for each child individually. At first, a comprehensive test of the baby is carried out, the causes of the ailment are found, and the degree of pathology is determined.

Only after studying the clinical picture of the disease, the speech therapy chooses classes, regular execution of which to speed up the process of normalizing the child's speech.

Examples of speech therapy exercises:

  1. "Funny Carousel" (The child slowly walks in a circle, pronouncing with the phrase "We are funny carousels, opa-opa-pa-pa, Tatatiotan").
  2. "Chickens" (The child jumps on one leg, repeating the phrases "Clask-top-clap", "UV-IV-AV", "TAP-Type-Rap Rop-Tsych-Tip").
  3. "Conductor" (The speech therapist depicts a conductor, when breeding hands, the child pronounces vowel sounds, in charge - consonants).

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics is carried out with a child based on a technique developed by A.N. Strelnikova. During the execution of the complex you can stand or sit. The breaths are always made sharply, and the exhalation smoothly and slowly.

Exercises can be combined with the game so that the child is more interesting to play them.

Exercise examples:


Point massage when stuttering in children is directed to the impact of certain sections of the speech apparatus.

Smooth massaging movements should be influenced against the corners of the lips, the area near the nasal sinuses, the uraces of the ear, the nose, the middle of the chin and the tip of the nose. During massage, you can enable relaxing music or keep calm poems.

Computer programs

For the treatment of stuttering in children are particularly popular special computer programs. They approve and use many specialists.

Programs can also be applied for home treatment of speech defects in children.

Their main goal is reproduction of correct speech intonation And the impact on the child's speech apparatus by the game with a simulator.

Examples of computer programs:

  • Demosthenes;
  • Speak Gentle;
  • Dr. Fluence.


The use of medicines is auxiliary method of treatment of stuttering. The reception of certain types of drugs is prescribed to normalize the work of the brain and eliminate pathologies of the central nervous system.

If we take preparations and do not carry out treatment with the main techniques, then there will be no effect on therapy.

When stuttering, the child can be appointed the following types drugs:

  • anticonvulsants (epileptal, phenibut);
  • means from homeopathic assortment (tenoten);
  • preparations with a sedative effect (dyeing, Valerian);
  • means of category Nootropov (piracetam, actovegin);
  • tranquilizers (selected individually).

What can be done at home?

Is it possible to cure a baby at home? Home Studies must be carried out.

You can sing songs with a child so that he learns to stretch sounds, play games, implying reproduction of certain sounds in combination with specific movements.

A complex of such exercises can be clarified Doctor or specialized teacher.

At home, the following steps of stutter treatment can be carried out:

  1. Enter into the diet of the child soothing means Based on medicinal herbs (brazers from Melissa, Chamomile or Hypericum).
  2. Reiteration speech therapy occupations, respiratory gymnastics and point massage (first need to learn from specialists simple exerciseswhich will easily reproduce at home).
  3. When talking with a child special attention is paying out spectator Contact.
  4. Parents must read a child Books and discuss with the baby their content.
  5. If the child is spear slowerIt will be easier for him to reproduce individual sounds, show this way it is necessary on its own example.

Launched stutter forms can drastically change the quality of the child's life and cause violations of his social adaptation.

The consequences of the disease become a decrease in self-esteem, fear of communication, difficulties in writing words and learning to read.

To prevent such factors, Dr. Komarovsky advises parents approach with a high degree of responsibility for upbringingchildren with stuttering and their cure from this ailment. The forecast will be directly dependent on the fullness of the measures taken and their timeliness.

Special approach for upbringing

When raising a child with stout, standard rules are used, but with some adjustments. Do not focus on the alend of the kidBut classes to eliminate the defect of speech must be carried out even with games.

To punish children with stuttering must be loyal. Stressful situations are unacceptable. Accelerate the treatment process can a favorable atmosphere in the family and the education of a child in love and respect.

When raising a child with stuttering, it is necessary to observe the following regulations:

  • it is impossible to interrupt the child's speech, aggressively make comments and focus on his ailment;
  • the atmosphere in the family should be favorable and calm (a quarrel with a child must be excluded);
  • the child must often praise, but do not indulge (the krisses of the baby can aggravate the treatment of stuttering);
  • authoritarian education methods must be excluded;
  • the child should be accustomed to the routine of the day and the sequence of actions;
  • do not overload the child with educational material (reading out loud, retelling).

Forecasts for stuttering in children directly depend on the timeliness of treatment. In some cases, it is not possible to get rid of the illness, but it can be made less pronounced.

Regardless of the stage and form of pathology, parents need in advance prepare for a long and time consuming treatment kid. Children with speech defects require special attention.

Doctor Komarovskyabout stuttering in children in this video:

I am convincingly please do not engage in self-medication. Sign up for a doctor!

The wrong speech in a child is a frequent problem with which parents face and younger students. At this stage, growing up the toddler's speech apparatus is still formed, and therefore it is much easier to correct all the flaws than the teenager. Stuttering in children is caused by different factors, congenital and acquired. However, this is solved if noticeing and take action on time. In the opposite case there is a danger that the problem will be preserved for life.

That sobody represents

Stuttering in children 3-5 years is a speech defect, mainly due to the state of the psyche of the baby. In a different way, this disease is called logoneurosis. He represents a sharp reduction in the articulation bodies, accompanied by a rhythm, hitch, speech delays, repeats of letters and syllables, intermittentness. It is not so often observed as other speech defects - only in 2-4% of cases. Boys suffer more often.

At this age, the baby learns to fully speak, repeats the surrounding sounds and words, copies someone's speech manner. IMPORTANT During this period, parents help a small little man to form the right speech.

If you start the disease on samonek, over time it can pass on its own. However, it will be more likely to be present, creating complexes, preventing socialized. Stuttering may also indicate serious neurological violations.

As manifest

Stuttering the child is accompanied by the following signs:

  1. Speech spasms when pronuncified by any word. Usually occur at the beginning of the word (phrases) or in the middle. Locking and replay occur on one letter ("Mmmm ....") Or on one syllable ("Ma-ma-ma ...").
  2. Pause, long and arising in the middle of the word. Either too long stretching vowel sound in the middle or beginning of the word.
  3. Combining the first two symptoms when the knocker and repeats are combined with pauses.

In addition, the secondary symptoms occur most often when writing. Often, the child becomes more nervous, aggressive or, on the contrary, weave. Logoneurosis is often combined with nerve ticks, enuresis, high sweating, sleep impairment, loss of appetite. During communication, the baby can blush, worrying, which creates more obstacles when trying to pronounce phrase.

Toddler older, especially if he constantly communicates with other children, can be closed in himself. It goes worse for contact, it is nervous if necessary to communicate with someone. The speech of the baby becomes a coming in general, dim, monotonous, without expression and emotional color. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the problem than before, the better.

Often parents confuse stuttering in a child for 3 years with natural, physiological stuffing. They are expressed in pauses in the toddler speech. There are because he is still learning to speak, and does not always know how to express in words what it comes to mind and how to make complex verbal structures.

The wider the vocabulary of the little man will be, the faster it will be able to get rid of physiological locks. An important role in this is playing educational activities, reading, communicating adult family members with a child.

How to distinguish such natural stuffing from stuttering? And at the same time, and with a friend there are pauses, knocks and repeats of words, syllables. But with logoneurosis, they occur due to convulsions, and in other cases - because the baby is trying to find the right word.

You can distinguish at the location of the knuckle. When dragging, the child begins to stir at the beginning of the word or with a certain combination of letters. In physiological hints - anywhere in the phrase, especially when building complex verbal structures.

In addition, when entering an unusual situation or, when interacting with people, the Zap defect speech is especially active, and otherwise, on the contrary, the toddler's speech becomes smooth.

A child who has everything with a speech apparatus, usually does not notice the championships in his speech and does not give them importance. If it is logoneurosis, even a very small child is aware that something is wrong, it begins to nervous and worry.

The reasons

Stuttering can be as congenital - if it appeared, as a child began to speak, and acquired - if, for example, the stuttering of the child for 5 years has appeared for the first time, and before that he spoke fine. They differ by the causes.


Causes of congenital stuttering in children:

  1. Heavy pregnancy. If this stage is accompanied by fetal hypoxy - when he lacks oxygen, it is capable of influencing the formation of its speech apparatus. Also, infectious diseases transferred to the woman during nursing the fetus are also affected.
  2. Birth injury. Hypoxia can also influence the formation of the articulation apparatus, but already occurred not intrauterine, but during long, difficult labor. When receiving a generic injury, brain cells are able to suffer. Often suffer early children who have emerged earlier.
  3. Heredity. Violation of speech is transferred by inheritance. And this is a fairly common cause.
  4. Features of temperament. Children children are more often susceptible to stutter than melancholic or sanguinics. Their nervous excitability is significantly higher.

If a small man before a certain age spoke well, and then suddenly began to stutter, this is a sign of the acquired disease.


Causes of purchased stuttering in children:

  1. Survived stress. This is a loss of a loved one, a sharp change in the setting, a strong fright. Psychosomatics also plays roles.
  2. Lack or oversupply of attention. Often, spoiled, capricious kids are stuttering.
  3. Increased parents.
  4. Heavy home furnishings. Children often suffer from disadvantaged families, where there are often scandals, quarrels, assault. The divorce of parents can also affect.
  5. Long stay at the computer or in front of the TV. This generally affects mental development.
  6. Diseases. Meningitis, encephalopathitis, head injuries, influenza and other diseases are seriously implications.
  7. Pseudozing. This phenomenon arises in families where someone from the older suffers from stouting. Then the baby is able to take the manner to talk from a loved one, without suffering any violations.

To determine which reasons are based on speech disruption, you need to watch the child. The problem arises with excitement, in the presence of unfamiliar people or in an unusual setting? Then, most likely, logoneurosis is acquired. If the baby stutters stable, in any environment, then the problem is congenital. However, only a qualified specialist can accurately determine the reasons.


In addition to congenital and acquired, there are several basic varieties of the disease:

  • pathological - congenital, due to genetically;
  • neurotic - after injury, stress, serious experiences, fright, etc.;
  • tonic - a variety of pauses in words and with stretching vowels;
  • clonic - the inability to spoke a certain sound or syllable, frequent repetition;
  • combined - combines the symptoms of tonic and clonic;
  • stable - constant, independent stuttering;
  • unstable - manifested only in certain situations;
  • cyclic - with it, stages of stakes alternate with periods of normal speech.

These varieties can be combined with each other. For example, when failures occur in a certain setting, but cyclically, alternating with periods, when everything is pronounced easily.


Differs logoneurosis and by severity. Three stages are distinguished:

  1. Easy. Failures in speech are formed only in stress, strong excitement, in an unusual setting, when contact with new people. Under normal conditions, the defect is practically not noticeable.
  2. Average. Speech defects are manifested if the crumb even begins to worry about a little or in front of it there are some difficult tasks for it.
  3. Heavy. The baby stutter constantly, and often the speech defect is combined with the convulsions of the limbs, facial tick, redness.

It is important to know that over time logoneurosis is able to progress - if you do not take anything for his treatment. The earlier parents turn with the baby to the doctor, the most likely the help will be provided. The risk of exacerbation and recurrence of the problem in this case is minimal.


In the manifestation of signs of the logo-erection, it is worth showing a child to a child neurologist or a pediatrician who will write down the direction to the neurologist. The specialist will establish the exact causes of the disease and accommodates the path of its correction.

Usually for the installation of the diagnosis and the reasons are enough to inspect the child, the collection of anamnesis, survey. The doctor will diagnose speech: Rates, breathing, motility, articular cramps, voice, and so on.

If there are suspicions of brain injury, you will need a computed tomography. With the difficulty of planting reasons - a comprehensive toddler examination.

A comprehensive examination will help identify, possibly hidden problems in development and avoid the recurrence of the disease in the future. And also determines how to treat stuttering in a child.


The diagnosis and treatment at first is engaged in children's neurologistIn the future, it may be necessary to assist the speech therapist and a psychologist (if the problem lies in a psychological plan). The choice of method of treatment depends on the causes of stuttering and the degree of gravity, from a medical conclusion.

Medicia treatment

If stuttering is caused by serious diseases and injuries of the brain, violations in the work of speech centers, serious mental injuries are appointed medications. These are tranquilizers and anticonvulsants. Such drugs are accepted only by appointing a doctor, they are released in pharmacies for the recipe. Uncontrolled their reception can cause harm to the emerging body. Depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body, the treatment can last from several months to several years.

With minor psychological problems, stress, elevated excitability, sedative preparations, sedatives, or, on the contrary, which increase the concentration of attention, which improves brain activity can be appointed.

Stutter treatment is not only drug or hardware. It is appointed comprehensively - in conjunction with classes with speakers, respiratory and speech gymnastics, work with a psychologist. It is also important to create a baby a favorable psychological situation.

Hardware treatment

The method is carried out using special computer programs that adjust the work of the hearing and speech centers. Such programs for children are used older than five years who are able to understand and execute the task this computer.

It happens like this: the child must repeat the phrase program, which is slow and clearly dictate him through the headphones. Adjusting the sound of the phrase, the child learns to speak smoothly, rhythmically, clearly pronouncing every sound. Communication with a computer program minimizes the excitement and nervousness of the kid, his fear is mistaken.

Work with speechopmed

Inalienable treatment of stuttering in children is a job with a speech therapist. In addition to classes with the baby, the specialist will still explain the parents of the principles of treatment and teach them to fulfill the exercise with the child - to work with him at home.

The basis of the speech therapy during stuttering is the exercises aimed at normalizing breathing and speech tempo. Since the baby is treated, then all classes are held in gaming form.

For correction, special songs are used, poems, rhythm classes. Excellent results can be achieved by giving a child on singing, including chorals - this is a frequent recommendation of the speech therapist. Singing is an excellent charging for the speech apparatus, the ligaments are trained, the voltage and spasms disappear.

It is important that the classes are interesting to crumb. In a light, interesting game form, he will be able to relax, overcome psychological difficulties.

Work with a psychologist

This direction of treatment is necessary if the stutter is caused by psychological injury, stress, fright, loss of close people, and so on. Or, on the contrary, stuttering caused the occurrence of psychological problems - closets, shyness, difficulties in communicating with other people.

Even an adult person is not always able to cope with the cargo of problems who called him and experiences, what to say about a small little man. A competent specialist will help crumbling to get rid of the accumulated negative, from nervousness and stress, cure mental wounds.


In addition to classes with a speech therapist, massage sessions can be assigned. If speech spasm is caused by overvoltage of the articulation apparatus, then cheeks, neck, shoulder belt, mimic facial muscles are intense.

Massage in these areas will help relieve the tension of the muscles, relax, improve blood circulation, remove spasms and nervous overvoltage. Therapy should be conducted by a specialist, but it can show the main techniques and parents.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics is based on the normalization of respiratory rhythm, relaxation. A child learns to pronounce words on exhalation, entirely, without swelling. The formation of proper breathing contributes to improving the blood circulation of the body as a whole, the removal of voltage, improving speech characteristics.

Often, the popular gymnastics of Strelniki is used for this, but it is not necessary to do it yourself - for example, according to video lessons. To teach the proper exercises and parents, and the baby, must physiotherapist, and only then the skills you can use at home.

Incorrect respiratory gymnastics technique can aggravate the state of the kid. The pressure will rise, headaches will appear and dizziness, as a result of which he will be nervous even more and does not want to do on.


Hypnosis is applied in rare cases, if it is not possible to determine (and, accordingly, eliminate) the cause of the across stutter, and the child does not remember that he caused him a psychological trauma or scared.

The method is not applied to small children, most often start from average school age. In addition, the child may not succumb to hypnosis.

Folk Methods

Folk methods are often used in addition to the main. These are phytotherapy using sedative herbs, if the logoneurosis is caused by the conversion, nervous overvoltage.

Relaxing herbs (chamomile color, linden, mother-in-law, mint, melissa and others) are used in the form of sedative fees or added to the bath. However, in combination with medicines, these funds can lead to excessive inhibition. Therefore, before their use, you should consult with the attending physician. It is he will determine how to cure stuttering in children.

To help the crumbling to get rid of the illness and associated problems, you should follow the following recommendations:

  1. The child should be aware that happens to him, but it is impossible to focus on the problem. This is especially important when he begins to stutter - if at this moment start to jump him, prompt words, help, it will be even worse.
  2. It is necessary to listen carefully to the child in order to understand the meaning of the said and not ask for the first time.
  3. If stuttering is combined with other speech defects, they need to be treated at the speech therapist at the same time.
  4. During the exercise, you need to concentrate the attention of the baby on them. No need to work at this time in the room, music played or other people talked.
  5. Classes should be held in a calm, comfortable setting, with pleasure and interest.
  6. Viewing TV, computer games, using a variety of gadgets need to be limited.
  7. Useful will be moderate physical activity - charging, swimming.
  8. In no case cannot overload the child by classes in the hope of as soon as possible to obtain the result. This, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. Classes should be alternate with rest.

An important condition for recovery is a favorable psychological situation at home. Scandals, quarrels of home, tense relationships between parents - all this will pull the moment of recovery. For the sake of the well-being of the crumbs, his parents must become a single team.

Many parents do not want to give a child with stinking in a kindergarten group with deviations in speech. They believe, with ordinary children, he adapts faster and starts normally talking. But it is not. Little children who do not suffer from any violations may be adopted by the Maneru of the Speech of such a child (pseudozing). And older children can expose the escape from them.


Stutter prevention begins with pregnancy. The well-being of the future family member depends on its flow. After the birth of the child, a psychological atmosphere in the family plays an important role, calm, love. However, it is not worth overly pamping off.

A certain day of the day should be established for crumbs in which useful classes would be alternating with rest. Sleep should be full, daily walks and proper nutrition are also needed, exercise.

Stresses, injuries - physical and psychological, hypothermia, viral disease should be avoided. All this will help to avoid not only tie-up, but also many other health problems kid. After all, the best prevention of all diseases is a healthy lifestyle and sincere equilibrium.

The joy of parents during the pronunciation of the first words and phrases will soon be overshadowed by the appearance of stuttering. What to do? Is it possible to cure? Such questions arise in front of their parents and force them to rush from the speech therapist to a neurologist, and from doctors to folk healers. We will try to figure out what is the problem of stuttering in children, what are the causes of the phenomenon and what treatment can be applied in the event of an admission.

What is stuttering?

Wrivery can provoke a strong fright or psycho-emotional shock.

Under stout, understand the smoothness and rhythm of speech. This is a complex speech pathology, due to the muscles of the speech apparatus. Most often, stuttering appears at children from 2 to 5 years, when a phrase speech is developing and actively developing. The occurrence of it may be sudden, and in the process of developing the baby to increase.

Little kids often repeat normally acorn words: "Let, let me give me water." But only sounds can be repeated with a child: "Dr. D-Give me water." Experts believe that the repetition of sound is more than 2 times the initial manifestation of stuttering.

Among the children's contingent, stuttering is noted, according to world statistics, in 2-3% of children. Girls have this pathology of speech arises 4 times less often than boys. It is assumed that this is due to the greater emotional resistance of girls. Stuttering is intensified in the first year of study at school and in the adolescence. It affects the behavior of a child and his adaptation in the team.

In some children, stuttering appears only during the period of excitement or stressful situation. In a relaxed atmosphere, a child seems to forget about his problems with speech. And when talking on the phone, communicating with a unchanged person, with a public speech heavily stutters.

Causes of stuttering

Stuttering is the most common children's neurosis. It is usually called logoneurosis. The delay in the pronunciation of sounds and syllables is associated with Speech Musculatures: muscles of the language, lips, larynx. They can be tonic and clonic.

In tonic convulsions (the voltage of these muscles), it is difficult to overcome the failure in speech, in connection with which the difficulties in the pronunciation of consonant sounds are noted. At clonic convulsions, there is a repetition of initial sounds or syllables of words, pronunciation of unnecessary vowels (and, a) before the word or phrase. Although quite often stuttering is tonic-clonic.

The immediate cause of the child's stuttering can be:

  1. Physiological violations:
  • damage to the nervous system after generic injury;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol mother during pregnancy;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • injury;
  • diseases of speech organs (larynx, nose, pharynx);
  • changes in the nervous system due to the suffering disease (, infectious diseases);
  • returning left-handed on the right.
  1. Psychological reasons:
  • stressful situations, psycho-emotional shocks;
  • loss of loved ones;
  • neurotic reactions: children's fears (fear of darkness, punishment, etc.);
  • a pronounced feeling of resentment, jealousy;
  • the desire to attract the attention of parents;
  • strong fright (thunderstorms, dogs, horror scenes in the film).
  1. Social reasons:
  • excessive parental rigor;
  • imitation of a stutting family member or other child;
  • toddler overload speech material ( early learning foreign language or even several languages);
  • insufficient parental attention in the formation of speech, which leads to a rapid, hurry speech and skipping syllables;
  • toddler translation to another kindergarten or school;
  • moving to another place of residence.

TO provoking factors You can attribute:

  • overworking a child (load on the school program, uncontrollable viewing of telecasts, long-term computer games, etc.);
  • family troubles and scandals;
  • problems at school;
  • unbalanced nutrition with excess proteins in the diet;
  • the period of teething and transitional age;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases.

Parents' behavior tactics

If the child has stuttering, parents are advised not to focus on this, but to create a comfortable psychological situation in the family.

If the child is detected, the child does not need to focus the attention of the baby on this violation of speech, so as not to fix the conditionally reflexively its occurrence. The baby must be given to understand: I wonder what exactly he wants to say, and not how he says. Parental anxiety about the defect of speech is further oppressed by the child.

An important task for parents is also the protection of the baby from ridicule, so as not to give a complex of inferiority and a decrease in self-esteem. Children are often cruel, and a lovers of a stuttering child can be found in the team.

If the educator cannot correct the situation, and ridicule, forced tooling the child in the team continues, then the baby for the period of treatment should stop visiting the kindergarten. Otherwise, the developed shyness and closure of the child will further strengthen the stuttering.

To help the child cope with the farewell, parents and other family members must comply with simple rules:

  • monitor your speech: speak slowly and smoothly, to make a short pause after each phrase; The child will try to imitate and speak the same;
  • do not interrupt the kid, always give him the opportunity to finish speech;
  • you can learn from the child of the song;
  • in conversation with a child to use short phrases and suggestions;
  • avoid fuss and chaos in a family lifestyle; prevent quarrels and stress in the family;
  • strictly follow the observance of the child's time mode, eliminate the possibility of overwork and overexcitation of the baby;
  • do not force a child repeated difficult words repeatedly;
  • the baby should less often make comments and more often praise;
  • do not allow a constant "background" work of the TV in the apartment; To eliminate the TV shows the child before bedtime;
  • do not create a child no privileges in behavior and discipline in the family due to its stuttering.

In some cases, stuttering passes independently, without treatment. Stuttering, which can pass independently, has such signs:

  • the child does not have any psychological difficulties during communication, he does not hesitate his defect;
  • stuttering periodically disappears for a long period of time;
  • the child does not closes and does not avoid conversational communication;
  • short words and phrases pronounce easy.

If the child strains during a conversation, grimensides, makes pauses in speech with breathing interrupt, stretches vowel sounds, avoids some words and sounds, to questions (even obvious) answers "I don't know!" - You need to consult on the speech therapist. And you should find a specialist who has experienced with such children.

Treatment of stuttering

Classes with speakers will help get rid of stuttering.

Stuttering can be treated and fully cured. You should contact a speech therapist and a neurologist or a psychoneurologist for qualified help. True, there is no such pill, from the reception of which stutter will disappear once and for all. Joint efforts and specialists, and patient parents are important.

The most successfully treatment in the early stages, in preschool age. The rules for the behavior of parents are set out higher. It is important to create a favorable calm situation in the family. All conversations with the child should be held at a slow pace. Relationships with all children need to be built so that they do not have a feeling of jealousy and rivalry for parental attention.

The child must be sure that he is carefully listened to, despite the speech defect. It is necessary to find time for compulsory communication with him and joint classes, an interesting child. Even a 10-minute conversation before bed has a relaxing effect. Of course, during this conversation, you should not make a claim to the child and put any conditions. Only from television views (even cartoons) before going to sleep.

Do not avoid in conversations with the child of stuttering. It is important to praise him if he manages to achieve some success in treatment. Let even minor. He must feel emotional support from parents. You should encourage a child and unail confidence in the success of the treatment of this time disease.

There are quite a lot treatment methods Stuttering:

  • speech therapy lessons;
  • breathing exercises;
  • computer programs;
  • acupressure;
  • hypnosis treatment;
  • medication treatment;
  • treating treatment.

On the speech therapy lessons Exercises are selected, allowing to remove the tension and make speech smooth and rhythmic. The child repeats the exercises at home, seeking expressiveness of speech. Exercises are selected based on the age of the patient.

Breathing exercises are one of the traditional treatments. They allow you to train the muscles of the speech apparatus and voice ligaments, teach deeply, freely and rhythmically breathe. Exercises have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system as a whole. In addition, the exercises are an additional relaxation method.

Computer programs - One of the effective methods of treatment of stuttering. They use the synchronization of speech and hearing centers of the brain. Child at home, sitting in front of a computer, says to the word microphone. An insignificant delay by them with the help of the program allows the child to hear his voice, and he tries to adapt to him.

In this case, it becomes smooth. The program allows you to talk in situations with emotional color (joy, anger, etc.) and tells how to cope with circumstances and improve speech.

In many cities there are clinics and centers for the treatment of stuttering hypnosis method For children over 11 years old. The doctor's prescription is removed by a speech muscles spasm, a feeling of fear of a public speech. Speech after 3-4 sessions becomes smooth and confident. This is an emotionally impressive method of psychotherapy.

Alternative medicine offers stutter treatment point method massage.The specialist has an impact on certain points on the face, back, legs, chest. With this method, the regulation of speech from the nervous system is improved. Point massage is recommended to do constantly.

Medicia treatment - auxiliary method in the treatment of stuttering. It is carried out by appointing a neurologist. Anticonvulsant drugs can be used. Treatment contributes to the normalization of the function of nervous centers. From the sedatives, decoctions and tinkers are applied (lattice, Valerian root, Melissa). To cure stuttering with some drugs is impossible.

Logging methods We contribute to the treatment of stuttering. They include compliance with the day, rational nutrition, hardening and fellowship, excluding stressful situations. Of particular importance for the child is sufficiently sufficient sleep (at least 9 hours). To dream to be deep, you can take a warm shower or relaxing bath in the evening (for example, coniferous). Computer games and viewing television programs in the evening should be excluded.

Definitely stuttering in children to three years and older is a problem, familiar and affecting so many parents. Yes, in fact, the kids themselves, as they are growing up, stuttering begins to bring a huge number of unpleasant moments. As a rule, in such cases, the study also begins to suffer, and the socialization of the child often decreases the children's self-esteem, moreover, the development of the strongest complex of inferiority, which unfortunately can remain with the child during the entire adulthood, becomes quite possible.

Actually, therefore, this kind of problem in no way be recommended to be allowed to be allowed to leave without parental and medical attention. To our enormous regret, the most parents even the main reasons for the development of stuttering from their children do not consider it necessary and trying to find, not to mention the start of full treatment. And all from the fact that many parents mistakenly believe that over time all this will be held independently. Nevertheless, justice for the sake of, of course, it should be noted that some accurate and 100% faithful reasons for the development of stuttering so far, scientists from all over the world have not been identified, and even those doctors-speech therapists who dedicated their The life of this science.

The need to appeal to a speech therapist

Undoubtedly, the treatment of stuttering, as well as the treatment of other diseases in kids should be extremely complex and assign such therapy, of course, only a qualified speech therapist can be. Moreover, the earlier such treatment is started, the fact that it will eventually turn out to be. Therefore, just try, as soon as possible notice the development of the problem and, of course, to seem to seek qualified to the doctor's doctor. Any kind of delay in such cases can play exclusively against your child.

Note that as a rule, the last of modern methods The treatment of stuttering for the most part allows you to save a small child even from the strongest and protracted stuttering. However, it should also be understood that the success of the proceedings will very much depend on the correctness of the behavior of the parents themselves. Because parents themselves should also be as much as possible to observe a number of certain rules and ultimate recommendations from the speech therapist or other narrow specialists with whom it is possible will also have to face.

By the way, to say, about the doctors of the speech therapists, for the successful healing of stuttering from their children, parents must necessarily have to communicate as closely as possible and interact with such a doctor. Actually, therefore, an incredibly important point is in this case the correctness of the selection of a specialist. Indeed, in the case when parents do not find a common language with a doctor and cannot fully trust such a doctor, it is unlikely that it can be about the success of treatment, and in no matter how high-quality specialist.

Right child day

It should be noted that in most cases the stuttering child is extremely moving and incredibly excited. Actually, therefore, parents must necessarily be able to properly organize the strict regime of the day of such a child. We will have to constantly keep track of strictly compliance with the selected mode. And now closer to the regime itself.

  • Of course, the parents should pay special attention to the child. As a rule, the child in the age category up to seven years during the night should sleep at no less than eleven hours. At the same time, the daily dream of such a child is vital - and at lunch, the duration of sleep baby should be at least two hours. It should be understood that the daily dream of a child as a positive way can affect the condition of the entire nervous nervous system.

  • Casual games kid

    Well, of course, in modern families It is cartoons - this is the most popular and most beloved children's pastime. However, you as parents should always make sure that your little child does not excessively in front of the TV screen - as it leads to its excessive nervous excitability. And as a result, the existing stutter can become only much stronger. Do not forget that today there is incredibly many right and incredibly useful educational games for children of concrete age.

  • The need for air walking

    Parents should understand that in no case, and even under no circumstances, it is unacceptable to ignore the children's casual walks - because for children's body It is just walking in the fresh air is simply vital. Try to walk with the child at least two hours a day - well, of course, only in the case when real weather conditions will allow you. Agree to a small rain - not a hindrance to a walk, but the storm warning of weather forecasters is quite a real reason to stay at home.

Baby speech control

As you understand, on special speech therapy classes, full-fledged control over the correctness of the child's speech is carried out by a doctor. However, the doctor himself does not have the opportunity to be around the clock in close proximity to your child, in fact, therefore, just the rest of the time you will need to constantly follow the correctness of the child's speech. If, for example, you were able to notice that your baby again utters the word, or the whole phrase, staring, should not immediately make the child's remarks, and of course, the more you should not laugh at him. To begin with, just finish the word that sounded instead of a child or together with the baby, I absolutely not focusing on the problem.

Note that in particularly severe cases of the launched stuttering of children, quite often experienced speech therapists strongly recommend using the so-called full silence mode in families. With this mode, it is permissible to talk to the child only directly in classes, naturally under 100% control of the speech therapist. But the rest of the time in the family or for walks, the baby should try to save silence as long as possible. Naturally, to talk a child, of course, maybe only in cases of extremely necessary and, of course, only in a whisper.

Such requirements of speech therapists can be explained incredibly simply - directly with silence, it is often possible to completely suppress the reflex to stutter in kids. See, during periodic speech therapy classes for the correctness of the speech, the child is followed, and the speech is such and becomes correct and without the slightest knuckles. And the rest of the time the kid is silent, and it means that the crumbs will be developed directly at the subconscious level, a conditional reflex will be developed, directed solely on the right speech. Regret, such treatment, as a rule, can last for quite a long time, starting from several months and up to one year.

Definitely, the baby at the age of 3 - 4 years is extremely difficult to explain this necessity. Nevertheless, to obtain the necessary results, parents may have to manifest a truly short fantasy, and all, because the success of the entire treatment will depend on the fulfillment of the doctor's claims. Remember if you like parents just and unreasonably prohibit your child to talk, it can be extremely negative in the future to affect his psyche. Definitely such silence should be turned into some kind fascinating game With bonuses and gifts for a long silence.

Proper behavior of parents

And, of course, parents should also know how to behave with the baby treated from stuttering. As previously said, to eliminate the developed stuttering, parents also have to comply with a strictly defined number of important and useful rules.


  • Discussion of stuttering problems with child

    Remember - in no case by the parents should not be discussed, and with whom, then, neither the kid existing in the kid, with his friends, nor with his friends, nor relatives or loved ones, in general, with whom. Definitely should not think that your child who turned 3 or 4 years old is not yet able to understand anything. Remember - the baby and hears and fully understands much more than we, adults, have become accustomed to thinking. Moreover, such children incredibly painfully perceives a detailed discussion of some of their own flaws, taking them as not love moms.

  • Personal examples of adults

    Try to follow most carefully for your own speech A, especially in the presence of your child. Your speech as parents should be the most calm, completely leisurely, preferably expressive and, of course, correct. Remember, it is your correctly set speech incredibly important for right Development Speech your child.

  • Positivity of the psychological situation at home

    You probably understand that it will be possible to try to heal stuttering, and the most modern new techniques, and expensive drugs, but so to the end and not cure it, including unpleasant If in the family, the baby will surround a kind of unfavorable painful nervous atmosphere. Regarding the age of one year, two years old, three, or five years - believe me, at any age, the baby must live exclusively in the atmosphere of complete consent and love of parents. Try, of course, to reduce all sorts of family conflicts or disagreements to the absolute minimum. Either, at least, try not to find out the relationship in the presence of your child. After all, otherwise, such a disease as stuttering may not pass, or even to begin with absolutely healthy shorts.

  • Some Limit Circle Circle Baby

    It should be said that most speech therapists categorically insist that during the treatment of the problem of stuttering do not drive a child in guests and not even take large number Guests (unfamiliar to the child of people) at home. And here everything is logical. Well, firstly, the child will certainly be shying his own stuttering or own inferiority. And secondly, as a rule, for a child of 3-5 years, an unexpected arrival of a large number of guests is more than serious stress, let it even positive. Actually, that is why you have to once again expose the nervous system of your own karapus such psychological loads.

And even walks on the most noisy playgrounds you should also try to avoid. Ideally, it is desirable that such a child will communicate and walked with one - a maximum of two relatively calm children - maybe peers or a little younger age. Believe me, such communication will be able to go to your child benefit.

And the last, stuttering at the kid at the age of 3, 5 years - this phenomenon is extremely taking and unpleasant. However, parents definitely should not be desirable and worry too much - after all, to cure stuttering more than really, again with a qualified speech therapist. Although, unambiguously, certain efforts, parents still have to apply, and not so little. And patience to such parents will be useful as ever - since such treatment, as a rule, can take a rather long period of time. However, remember that in the end you have every chance to grow a child without this problem!

- Disorder of the tempo-rhythmic side of the speech caused by repeating convulsions in the articulation, voice or respiratory department of the speech apparatus. Stuttering in children is characterized by a "jam" on individual sounds, their repeated, involuntary repetition, accompanying movements, speech tricks, logophobia, vegetative reactions. Children with stuttering must be examined by a neurologist, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a psychiatrist. Correction of stuttering in children includes a medical and wellness complex (compliance with regime, massage, hydrotherapy, LFC, FTL, psychotherapy) and a system of speech therapy occupation.


Stuttering in children - unintentional stops, dance in oral speech arising from the convulsive state of speech muscles. According to scientific data, about 2% of children and 1.5% adults suffer from stuttering. Boys stuttering is 3-4 times more often than in girls. In addition to speech cramps, stuttering in children is accompanied by a violation of the highest nervous activity, which in some cases can be associated with a neurotic reaction in others - with organic damage to the central nervous system. Therefore, it would be wrong to consider stuttering in a child as a purely speech problem; Study and correction of stuttering in children are impossible without integrating knowledge from the field of speech therapy, neurology, psychology.

Classification of stuttering in children

Depending on the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying convulsive pads, 2 forms of stuttering in children are distinguished: neurotic (logoneurosis) and neurosis-like. Neurotic stuttering in children is a functional disorder; The neurosis is associated with the organic damage to the nervous system.

In terms of severity, speech cramps distinguish the light, medium and severe degree of stuttering in children. Easy degree of stuttering in children is characterized by convulsive stuffing only in spontaneous speech; Symptoms are barely noticeable and do not interfere with speech communication. At a moderate severity, the knocker arises in monologic and dialogical speech. With severe stuttering in children, speech cramps are frequent and long-term; Docking happen in all types of speech, including conjugate and reflected; Concomitant movements and embol phrases appear. In the most extreme cases, due to stuttering, the speech and communication becomes almost impossible. The severity of stuttering may be non-permanent in the same child in various situations.

Depending on the nature of the flow, the following stuttering options are distinguished in children:

  • wave (stuttering is enhanced and weakens in various situations, but does not disappear);
  • permanent (stuttering has a relatively stable flow)
  • recurient (stuttering occurs again after speech well-being).

Causes of stuttering in children

All factors contributing to the occurrence of stuttering in children are traditionally divided into predisposing and producing. The predisposing (background) reasons should include the hereditary predisposition, the neuropathic constitution of the stuttering child, the intrauterine defeat of the CNS. Hereditary predisposition to stuttering in children is most often determined by the congenital weakness of the speech apparatus. In children suffering from stuttering, enuresis, night fears, increased anxiety and vulnerability are often revealed. Perinatal brain damage in children can be associated with pregnancy toxicosis, hemolytic disease of the fetus, intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia in childbirth, generic injuries, etc. The development of stuttering is more susceptible to children physically weakened, with a non-well-developed feeling of rhythm, common motor skills, faulty and articulation.

Increasing the frequency of stuttering cases observed in recent years, directly binds to the rapid introduction in daily life Video games, various computer technologies that make a huge flow of audiovisual information on the rapid nervous system of children. It should be remembered that the processes of ripening the crust of large hemispheres, the design of the functional asymmetry of the brain activity is mainly completed by 5 years of life, so the impact of any excessive strength or duration of the stimulus can lead to nervous breakdown and stuttering in children.

Such extraordinary stimuli (or reasons) stuttering in children can act heavy infections (meningitis, encephalitis, cortex, cough, tiff, etc.), Chmt, hypotrophy, rickets, intoxication, etc. Shocks or long-term trauma of the psyche. In the first case, it can be short-term fear, fright, excessive joy; In the second - protracted conflicts, authoritarian style of upbringing, etc. To the emergence of stuttering in children can imitate stuttering, early training foreign languages, Overload with complex speech material, reappection of leftovers. The literature indicates the connection of stuttering in children with the left of the left, other speech disorders (Distilia, Tachilalia, Dysarthria, Rinolalia). Secondary stuttering in children may occur against the background of motor alalia or aphasia.

Comparative characteristic of neurotic and neurosis-like stuttering in children

At the heart of neurotic stuttering in children, there are strong psychotrambulating experiences, therefore, the violation of speech arises sharply, almost simultaneously. In this case, parents tend to accurately indicate the time of stuttering in the child and its cause. Neurotic stutter usually occurs in 2-6 years, i.e. at the time of the development of violation in children there is a detailed phrase speech.

In children with neurotic stuttering there is a decrease in speech activity, a logophobia and fixation on difficult sounds is expressed; Respiratory-voice cramps prevail. Soundlessness, as a rule, is broken, but the lexico-grammatical side is developing normally (there is an FFN). Children often accompany their speech by inflating the wings of the nose and the accompanying movements. The nature of the flow of neurotic stuttering in children is wave-like; The deterioration of speech is provoked by psychotrauming situations.

In the case of neurosis-like stupidity arising against the background of organic lesion of the central nervous system in the perinatal or early period of development of the child, the disorder is developing gradually, gradually. Explicit communication with external circumstances is not traced; Parents are hampered in determining the cause of stuttering in children. Netrosy-like stuttering in children appears from the moment of speech or aged 3-4 years, i.e., during the formation of phrase speech.

The speech activity of children is usually raised, while they are not critical to their defect. Speech knuckles are caused mainly by articulation convulsions; Speech monotonous, inexpressive, pace is accelerated; The sound test is distorted, the lexic-grammatical side of the speech is broken (there is an ONR). In children with neurosis-like stuttering, a common motor was broken: their movements are clumsy, shaved, stereotypes. Characterized by sluggish mimic bad handwriting; Dysgraphy, dyslexia and dyskalculia often occur. The flow of negros-like stuttering in children is relatively constant; Speech deterioration can be called overwriting, increased speech load, somatic weakening. With a neurological examination, multiple signs of TSS defeat are detected; According to EEG - increased convulsive readiness.

Symptoms of stuttering in children

The main symptoms of stuttering in children include speech cramps, physiological and speech breathing disorders, accompanying movements, speech tricks and logophobia.

When stuttering, the knocker in children arise when trying to start speech or directly in the process of speech. They are caused by convulsions (involuntary reduction) of speech muscles. In its nature, speech cramps can be tonic and clonic. Tonic speech cramps are associated with a sharp increase. muscular tone In the lips, tongue, cheeks, which is accompanied by the impossibility of articulation and the pause in speech (for example, "T --Rava"). Clonic speech cramps are characterized by a multiple reduction in speech muscles leading to the repetition of individual sounds or syllables (for example, T-T-Trava). Children with stinking can take place tone-clonic or clone-tonic convulsions. At the occurrence of speech convulsions can be artilation, voice (lancing), respiratory and mixed.

Breath when stuttering is nehydramine, superficial, chest or clavical; There is no discoordination of breathing and articulation: children begin to speak in inhalation or after a complete exhalation.

Children's speech is often accompanied by involuntary concomitant movements: twisting the muscles of the face, inflating the wings of the nose, morganing, rocking the body, etc. often stuttering use so-called motor and speech tricks, haunting the goal hide a knockout (smile, yawning, dusting, etc.. ). The speech tricks include embolofrasia (the use of unnecessary sounds and words - "Well", "this", "there", "here"), change in intonation, tempo, rhythm, speech, voices, etc.

Difficulties in speech communication are caused by children with stuttering logophobia (fear of speech as a whole) or sound phobic (fear of pronouncing individual sounds). In turn, obsessive thoughts on stuttering contribute to even greater aggravation of speech disadvantaged in children.

Stuttering in children is often accompanied by various kinds of vegetative disorders: sweating, tachycardia, blood pressure lability, redness or poverty of the skin, which are enhanced at the time of speech sudsiness.

Diagnosis of stuttering in children

Survey of children with stuttering is carried out by a speech therapist, a pediatrician, a children's neurologist, a children's psychologist, a children's psychiatrist. For all specialists, an important role is played by the study of anamnesis, hereditary burdens, information about the early psycho-chore and motor development of children, finding out the circumstances and time of the occurrence of stuttering.

Stutter correction in children

The speech therapy adopted a comprehensive approach to the correction of stuttering in children, involving therapeutic and health and psychological and pedagogical work. The main purpose of the medical and pedagogical complex is to eliminate or weaken speech cramps and related disorders; Strengthening the CNS, the impact on the identity and behavior of the stuttering.

The medical and recreational activity of the work includes the conduct of generalifying procedures (hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, leafc), rational and suggestive psychotherapy.

Actually, the speech therapy work when stuttering in children is organized in stages. At the preparatory stage, a gentle regime is created, a friendly atmosphere, the speech activity is limited, samples of the correct speech are demonstrated.

In the training stage, work is carried out on the mastery of children with various forms of speech: conjugate, reflected, whisper, rhythmic, question-replied, etc. It is useful to use various forms of manual labor (modeling, designing, drawing, games). At the end of this stage, classes are transferred from the Cabinet of the speech therapy to the group, class, public placeswhere children fasten the skills of free speech. At the final stage, the skills of proper speech and behavior in various speech situations and activities are carried out.

Important attention in the process of work is paid to the development of the main components of speech (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar), votofibers, asking. In the correction of stuttering in children, logo lessons, speech therapy massage, respiratory and articulation gymnastics play a major role. Speech therapy classes According to the correction of stuttering in children are conducted in an individual and group format.

For the correction of stuttering, children proposed many copyright techniques (N.A. Stevelevaleva, S. A. Mironova, V.I. Seliverstov, G.A. Volkov, A.V. Yastrebova, L. Z. Harutyunyan, etc.).

Prediction and prevention of stuttering in children

With the right organization of therapeutic and recreation work in most children, stuttering completely disappears. Possible recurrence of stuttering at school age and pubertal period. The most sustainable results are noted when the preschoolers are corrected. The more stuttering experience, the more uncertain forecast.

To prevent the occurrence of stuttering in children, a favorable course of pregnancy, care for the physical and mental well-being of a child, his speech development, selection of educational and entertainment material, respectively, age. In order to prevent the recurrence of stuttering in children, it is necessary to comply with all the recommendations of the speech therapist at the stage correctional work And after it, the creation for a child of favorable conditions for harmonious development.