What are the artificial trees. Which artificial tree is better. The choice of material for an artificial tree

A magical, mysterious and expected holiday is approaching - New Year 2020! It's time to go home. The eternal question is which tree to give preference to: natural or artificial? Today, many people make their choice in favor of the "reusable" green beauty. Artificial Christmas tree is a good choice for conservationists who oppose tree cutting. Of course, the smell of pine needles inherent in a "live" Christmas tree creates a New Year's mood in the house, and decorating a real tree is much more pleasant, but today we want to tell you exactly how to choose an artificial tree and not be mistaken.

Artificial trees produce different ways made of many materials, but we will consider exactly the main types of artificial trees: PVC on a frame and cast. Cast Christmas trees are significantly more expensive than their "sisters" made of PVC materials, but such a high price is justified. These Christmas trees are made of polyethylene or polypropylene, which are known to be environmentally friendly materials. Christmas trees are cast, as a rule, in Europe, and are distinguished by excellent quality and appearance.

An ordinary PVC Christmas tree will cost you much less. Although it is inferior in quality to the cast, it will faithfully serve you for more than one year.

Variety of Christmas trees

PVC trees often look even better than real ones, as they are fluffier and tidier. These trees are the perfect example of value for money, so if you can't afford an expensive cast tree, then a PVC tree is the best solution.

And yet, how to choose an artificial tree for the new year 2020? What should you look at first so as not to get screwed up?

Let's talk about what are the selection criteria from artificial material:

  • Pay attention to the needles first. For cast trees and PVC-line models, they must be strong and rigid and hold well. To check if the Christmas tree is crumbling, just run your hand over the branch and shake it slightly. Attention should be paid to whole branches: they must be mobile and at the same time securely fixed.
  • The tree structure itself must be straight and stable (see photo below). It is better to choose a spruce tree on a metal stand, since plastic stands break down rather quickly.

Stand stability

  • Do not forget about your personal preferences. Think about which model you need. Should it be miniature or, on the contrary, high and reaching to the very ceiling? What color will it be? Green, white, or even hot pink? If you search well, then you will definitely find a tree that will suit your taste.

An artificial tree must be made of fire-resistant and environmentally friendly materials, so a little must be said about safety when choosing a product. Even if you will not use burning candles as a decoration for the New Year's tree, the tree must be fire-resistant, since only under this condition can you hang on it. Ask the seller for a few needles from the tree you like and set it on fire. If the needles have caught fire, then you should refrain from buying.

Sample certificate of conformity

To find out what materials the tree is made of, ask the seller for a quality certificate. Take away special attention the smell of a Christmas tree structure: if it is sharp and unpleasant, it is not worth purchasing.

Where to buy

Great multitude beautiful Christmas trees, as well as, you can find before the holidays in shopping centers, large stores and markets. Of course, in the century modern technologies You can order a Christmas tree via the Internet and save some amount, but in this case, you should contact only trusted sellers who will absolutely send you exactly what they promise.

Video instruction for choosing artificial Christmas trees:

Now you know how to choose a good artificial tree for the year of the rat, and you can safely go to the store for your festive beauty! The new year 2020 will be knocking on all doors soon, so hurry up! Happy and happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!

Coming Soon New Year, so it's time to think about decorating your home. In order not to harm nature, it is better to give up a natural tree in favor of an artificial one. It will last longer and look just as natural. Christmas trees for the New Year are different - they differ in material, color, cost, shape.

Living trees are expensive, it is a pity to chop them down, and with prolonged use, their needles crumble. Much more convenient and environmentally friendly to buy artificial spruce, which will last a long time, will be easy to assemble and disassemble. The shops have a wide selection of decorations - pine trees, blue or white spruce, with or without cones, covered with hoarfrost or decorated with colored lights.

Types of artificial trees differ in material, color, shape, design. Some open up like an umbrella, others are collected from branches that are inserted into the stem-trunk. The cheapest, but unsafe ones are with paper needles. The material is impregnated with a special compound, and then wound on a wire. They do not last long, they can easily catch fire from a garland.

PVC Christmas trees

Artificial tree for the New Year can be made from a thin polymer tape with a metal base inside. This is a better quality decoration. Beautiful artificial Christmas trees made of PVC film (polyvinyl chloride) look fluffy, because ribbons with needles are wound around the wire and create the effect of natural branches, unlike paper or fishing line.

The raw materials for their manufacture are cheap, but they serve for a long time. The needles of such prefabricated Christmas trees are soft and flat, they wrinkle easily, so you need to handle them carefully. To imitate wide needles, strips up to 5 cm are used (types Altai, Virginia, Premium), narrow - with a difference of 1.5-2.5 cm (Royal, Nord, Iceberg). How real branches with different lengths of needles look - varieties The Snow Queen, Imperial.

Molded from plastic

Cast Christmas trees are very similar to living trees. They are made of plastic, branches with soft needles are made of polypropylene, each branch is molded in a special separate mold. Soft plastic is expensive, the needles are made of it no longer than 3 cm, otherwise they can break under their own weight.

It is impossible to prick such needles. Combined models (Absolute, Absolute Premium) made of plastic and PVC are often found. They have irregular branches that look attractive and very natural. Such models are the most expensive of all on the market.

From fishing line

On the basis of this material, fluffy Christmas trees are made, which look more attractive and natural than PVC film. Pine twigs look like brushes with a width of 3 to 6 cm. For spruce, the needles are made smaller. Fishing line model - New Year's beauty... More often she is a national team.

Fiber optic

A silver, red, green or white tree can be made from a special material. Fiber optic products are expensive, but garlands are immediately built into them. Such decorations glow and revolve around their axis, there are different sizes... More often these are non-collapsible ones that come with a stand. On premium models, the barrel is painted in brown color, for cheap products - in green.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree for your home

For products to serve for a long time and safely, you need to know how to buy them. To choose artificial Christmas trees, it is useful to pay attention to the recommendations:

  1. Size - depends on the installation location. Small Christmas trees are suitable for an office, large ones, up to 150-180 cm, for a house or apartment. The higher the tree, the more unstable it is, it is necessary to secure the trunk more securely.
  2. Smell, appearance, color - a safe tree cannot smell bad, otherwise it contains substances harmful to health. A quality certificate will help to verify this. The wire must not be exposed or show through. Choose the appearance of the tree at your discretion - white, gold or classic green branches with tips powdered with snow are in fashion.
  3. Strength - the branches should be well fixed, the needles should be tight and not have increased rigidity. The needles cannot come off when squeezed or held against growth. High-quality needles will quickly take on their original shape, they will not crumble ..
  4. Stability - the stand can be metal, plastic or wood. When buying a tree taller than 150 cm, choose a cross-shaped stable bottom so that the tree does not wobble. A metal stand is more reliable, as plastic can break under the weight of toys.
  5. Fire safety - a quality product made of fire-resistant materials, treated with anti-flammable substances. There will be information on the package.
  6. Price - depends on the material, the size of the tree, the manufacturer. Chinese products are cheap, but often unsafe for health and in terms of fire safety... Cast plastic are the most expensive, produced in Europe, have high quality... Domestic PVC Christmas trees are safe and elegant.

The best artificial Christmas trees

Fluffy, natural looking models are popular. The rating compiled by buyers is headed by:

Triumph Tree Forest Beauty Spruce

Indoor floor spruce looks simple but natural. She has no additional decor. The tree is made of polymer, the plastic is not heavy, the branches are attached to the trunk. The design of the model is collapsible, there are modifications in the number of branches and the height of the product. Comes with a stand.

The main advantages:

  • lush, looks beautiful in the interior;
  • processed with a fire-fighting compound;
  • stable;
  • not too heavy;
  • convenient packing box.


  • may crumble slightly;
  • for a long time to collect the frame and straighten the spruce branches;
  • incomprehensible instruction;
  • according to reviews, real size often less than specified.

The difference in price for a tree with a height of 1.3 m in different stores, rubles:

  • Plastindustry - 17,200;
  • Beautiful spruce - 34,000;
  • Morozko - 25,000;
  • MyToys.ru - 14500.

Spruce New Year's Tale

The trunk polymer tree is made in a single green color, has modifications in the form of a choice of a different number of branches and heights. The branches are securely attached to the rod, the tree weighs little and is very stable.

The main advantages:

  • looks nice;
  • the lush design consists of many branches;
  • does not have unpleasant odor;
  • the needles do not prick.


  • may crumble slightly;
  • collect and straighten branches for a long time;
  • lasts 3-4 years.

Prices for a tree with a height of 1.5 m in different stores, rubles:

  • Online trade - 5000;
  • Toys for children - 2700;
  • Kidstore - 5000.

It is much more profitable to purchase an artificial spruce that will retain its ideal appearance for many years.

But before buying such a Christmas tree, it is worth deciding which one to buy, because now there are a huge number of artificial New Year trees on the market.

Types of artificial trees

Artificial Christmas trees and pines are of different heights - from 70 cm to 3 m and different types: plastic cast, made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and from fishing line.

Cast plastic Christmas trees the most expensive and durable. They are mainly produced in European countries. The needles of such trees are cast under certain conditions, due to which they become as close to natural as possible.

Artificial Christmas trees made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) fireproof and durable. The manufacturing process allows each branch to be processed separately, so the branches have different shape and tapered ends.

Christmas trees from fishing line - the most inexpensive and fluffy, but not fireproof.

Artificial spruces are also produced with silvered hoarfrost or snow-covered twigs, cones or shimmery effects.

Benefits of Artificial Spruce

Such a spruce will pay off in a few years - after all, instead of spending a certain amount on a living tree annually, you can buy an artificial one that can be decorated for several years.

The artificial tree is safe for children. It does not prick, does not crumble, and in most cases does not ignite.

Artificial Christmas trees are symmetrical, perfectly lush and green.

How to choose an artificial spruce

1. Check it for stability and quality of the needles. To do this, you should lightly stroke against its needles - they should not crumble.

2. Check fire resistance. You can't buy spruce with paper needles - they instantly light up. Spruce should be covered with non-combustible impregnation.

3. It is necessary to look at the hygienic certificate of product quality to be sure of the safety and hypoallergenicity of an artificial Christmas tree or pine.

4. When choosing a green beauty, you should immediately discard options for cheap trees with a specific smell of plastic. This is a substandard material that can catch fire or even poison children.

5. It is best to choose Dutch spruce. It will last at least ten years, the needles will not fall off, odorless and safe - each branch is wrapped in green silk thread to prevent injury.

6. The safest option is a metal tree. Plastic feet may not be able to withstand the loads of lights and many toys.

7. Soft or hard spruce needles should not deform when squeezed in the hand.

Hurray, he will come soon - the long-awaited New Year! We start preparing for it in advance. Even in summer, just smelling tangerines or drinking a sip of champagne, we involuntarily rush forward for several months, fantasizing about what it will be like this day.

We buy gifts in advance, think over the menu. But if you can do without all this, then the main symbol of the New Year - they try to put a Christmas tree in every home.

A green fluffy beauty with a star on top of her head is an eternal and unshakable symbol of the holiday. And the decorating process in most families turns into a ritual that sets all its members in the mood for magic and family celebration.

The advantages of an artificial herringbone

I think you understand that right choice this tree will create an atmosphere for the whole long series holidays... When buying, the choice immediately arises between an artificial and a living tree, and what to prefer is up to you.

In defense of the first option, we will say that an artificial spruce is durable, beautiful, environmentally friendly and budgetary, because having bought it once and spending money, you will forget about the urgent search for a beautiful fluffy New Year's symbol for many years, which, moreover, you will not have to search in a hurry in the last days before the holiday, competing for a worthy option with people who like you.

Having finally decided that an artificial Christmas tree will be decorated in your house for the holiday, it is important to understand that it is better to purchase it in advance.

Of course, not six months, but at least two months to think about making a purchase. Just at this time, in large shopping centers, in small stores and on Internet sites, interesting offers appear. You can already ask the price for them and determine for yourself the external parameters of the artificial spruce.

In this article, we will try to help you with advice on how to choose an artificial Christmas tree, listing the main important points of a future purchase.

Christmas tree selection criteria

Before the New Year, a huge number of various models and types of New Year trees will appear on sale: small (desktop) and large (under the ceiling), Christmas trees, fir or pine, with or without cones, of different colors - from classic green to blue, silver and gold, which is, of course, not for everybody. The tree can be covered with frost or the tips of the needles with built-in LEDs can mysteriously sparkle and blink, adding atmosphere and beauty to the event.

Have artificial trees there may also be a different design. Or articulated, when the tree opens up like an umbrella, or it will be assembled from branches inserted into the trunk-base.

The material for making a fluffy beauty can also be different.

Types of material

    Plastic molded Christmas trees. Outwardly, just like real living trees. They have soft needles made of polypropylene. Each branch is cast in a special mold.

    PVC film trees. From such a material with a metal base inside, trees are obtained. best quality... The tape passes through the machine, which cuts it into small needles. The resulting stripes with different lengths twigs are wound around a wire and branches are formed, which are then collected into a beautiful tree.

  • Artificial tree made of fishing line. In this case, the product turns out to be fluffier than a PVC tree, and more like a real one. Pine twigs are also made of fishing line, which to some resemble dishwashing brushes.
  • Ate with paper needles... And such a material is possible - the paper is impregnated with a special compound and wound on a wire. There is a minus - such a tree does not last long and can easily catch fire even from an electric garland.

The stand matters

Before buying an artificial Christmas tree, it is better to understand where it will be located - as a rule, they prefer to put trees in the same places from year to year. Whether it will be the center of the room or the corner, by the window, on the floor or on the table - there are a lot of options. Including the size of the tree, its type - Christmas trees or pines and color will depend on this.

Stand is the first thing you should pay attention to when making a purchase and choosing an artificial Christmas tree. The material from which it is made can be anything - metal, plastic or wood. One thing is clear - if you have planned a tall tree more than 150 cm, be sure to choose a cross-shaped stand so that your artificial spruce does not wobble. A metal stand is more reliable - a plastic stand may simply not support the weight of a tree supplemented with toys.

✓ One more test - hold your hand against the growth of needles or even slightly squeeze a branch in the palm of your hand... If the product is of high quality, then the needles will very quickly take their original form and will not crumble. The wire underlying the branches cannot be exposed and stick out, showing through.

✓ Needless to say that materialthe wood is made of, must be fire resistantor at least treated with a flame retardant agent. They write about this on the packaging of the product - study it too.

✓ And now one of the funniest tips you can give advising on how to choose an artificial Christmas tree. Smell her. Yes, you read that right, smell the tree. It is unambiguous should not have a strong unpleasant chemical odor. Even if the smell is present, but it is not too pronounced - take a closer look at other options. After several days of being in a confined space of an apartment, even with regular airing, the smell that seemed to you in the store to be weak and insignificant, accumulated, will cause a headache at best, and at worst, you and your child will have allergies, coughs or even worse. No smell - great! Now it is the seller's turn to show the quality certificate - you have every right to see such a document.

You are convinced of the quality of the material, its safety, needles winter tree do not crumble after being held over them by hand, the stand is reliable and able to withstand both a fluffy beauty and numerous jewelry, the size and color of the beauty is the one you dreamed of. The heart beats - this is it, the same!


Congratulations on your choice! The most beloved holiday will come to our homes very soon and your tree will take its rightful place, gathering the whole family around it. Shining with the lights of garlands, the tree will create an atmosphere of a magical event that will be remembered for a long time by both children and adults.

Be healthy and happy! Peace and goodness to your families! Happy New Year!

The most New Year's attribute is, of course, a Christmas tree. All preparations for the New Year will seem pointless if this beauty is not in the house. We'll talk about how to choose an artificial Christmas tree below.

This article is for people over 18 years old

Have you already turned 18?

IN early November in all supermarkets in the country are starting to appear new Year decoration... This creates good mood at buyers and stimulates them start preparing for future holidays. Among such a variety, most likely, no one even thought about which tree is best suited and how to choose it correctly.

Herringbone for home

Basically, everyone is eyeing the decor that will be in the apartment or in the house. First of all, you need to decide on the size of the tree. In a small living room, accordingly, it is better to choose a low Christmas tree that fits freely in the far corner. It will be not only beautiful, but also safe, because a voluminous tree can be easily hooked, which will lead to adverse consequences. Place it on the floor or on a dedicated stand. The most important thing is that the tree for the house is securely fixed and cannot fall on its own. This function is perfectly handled by a small weight placed on the bottom of the Christmas tree leg. Then it can be closed with a garland, and it will not stand out.

There are many tips on which spruce to choose. Here are just a few of them:

  1. As noted above, the main criterion is the safety of the installation, including fire safety. Make sure the branches are out of the way and the garland is plugged into a reliable outlet.
  2. The higher the ceilings in the room, the higher the spruce can be. In a room with low ceilings, a two-meter spruce will look out of place.
  3. Decorative trees are not only green, so they can be selected based on other interior elements. Often the silver option is the best option.
  4. It doesn't matter if you choose a live or artificial spruce, the main thing is its environmental friendliness. Pay attention to the smell of the wood and the country where it was produced.

These are the basic rules on how to choose the right tree, but there are still many questions about how to design it now.

Now the Christmas tree is already in your home, and the most interesting moment comes - the design. There are no specific recommendations here, because usually the tree is dressed up in accordance with their tastes and preferences. Until now, the toys that we had in early childhood... They are truly unique and unique. These are suitable for any Christmas tree, and their appearance will only evoke pleasant feelings in you.

Garlands must be put on a live or artificial Christmas tree. These glowing lights add color to the New Year, creating coziness in every home. Now almost all garlands are safe and durable, therefore they will serve you for more than one year. They can be used to decorate not only branches, but also cornices, furniture, walls or windows. Artificial snow in cylinders also helps out perfectly. It does not spoil furniture, it can be easily washed off, but it creates a real New Year's atmosphere.

Remember when in childhood we were looking forward to the moment when the decoration of the Christmas tree would begin? Now many children are also waiting to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree with their parents. Choosing a natural tree, you get a Christmas tree that was really born in the forest. Her scent usually spreads throughout the house and is sure to cheer everyone up. Correct planting in the tub will ensure that the tree looks great throughout. new year holidays... Children will certainly be delighted with such a gift.

Have you ever wondered why we even put christmas tree? It turns out that this tradition is already many centuries old, and it originated in Germany. At first, instead of pine, they put branches in the water fruit treesthat were dismissed for the holidays. If the flowers did not appear, it was a bad sign, so they were replaced with evergreen spruce branches. In those days, there was no general agreement about when to celebrate Christmas, they only knew that Christ was born in winter. Since then, it has gone on that on New Year's and Christmas in every house there should be an evergreen.

From Germany, this tradition spread throughout the globe. Now absolutely everywhere on the New Year you can see a wide variety of Christmas trees.

Types of artificial trees

We have already mentioned that there are different types of artificial Christmas trees: from green to ultraviolet. There are no limits for imagination, however, there are some peculiarities. The main types of New Year's trees:

  • fiber optic;
  • cast;
  • christmas trees made of film;
  • ate from the fishing line.

Fiber optic trees have the most unusual appearance. Their branches are equipped with thin strands of optical fiber that glow. It seems that the tree itself is glowing from the inside. They receive power through the network, consuming the very minimum voltage. These trees are safe and practical to use. The price, of course, is slightly higher than for ordinary decorative Christmas trees, but the product has a guarantee of ten years or more.

Cast trees are among the most expensive. The thing is that each individual branch is cast in special forms. Only then can a single ready product... It is also important what kind of company such a tree will be. They are best produced in European countries. These manufacturers ensure that the wood is as close to natural as possible. There is also a Russian production, which is also in no way inferior to the original. Such decor is rarely found in ordinary supermarkets, so it is better to order it in online stores in advance.

Film trees made of PVC also look pretty cute. This is the most common variant found in every second house. It looks like soft needles, very similar to natural wood. Mainly produced in Taiwan or China. It has a dense, non-flammable structure. It is especially suitable for those families where there are children, because such a tree simply cannot catch fire. It is often chosen for kindergartens as well. It will last five years guaranteed, after which it is easy to change the tree to a new one.

You most likely know about what kind of Christmas trees are made of fishing line. The thing is that it was these trees that were popular in soviet time... Then they did not differ in particular beauty, and rather looked like a dish brush. But there was no alternative, therefore they were decorated as well. Now the Christmas trees from the fishing line have changed and look very good. They have very strong, but thorny branches, so it is better to place the trees so that you do not have to touch them. In appearance, they strongly resemble natural pine. Convenient to use as they do not wrinkle. By folding such a tree in the mezzanine, you can be sure that in a year it will be just as beautiful. The longest service life is 15 years. This is not the cheapest option, however, considering the service time, it is cost effective. Often these are put in public and private institutions.

How Do I Pick a Good Artificial Christmas Tree?

Perhaps the listed abundance of tips will seem too cumbersome, and will confuse you even more, but it's worthwhile to figure it out. A Christmas tree is an item that children really like, so it's still worth spending a little of your time to choose a worthy option. When looking at a quality Christmas tree, always pay attention to the manufacturer. Each person has their own criteria for choosing, but the most important thing is to choose a safe spruce.

Pet owners are advised to pay attention to the fact that the decor is safe not only for people, but also for pets. They often like to "feast on" the rain, which can lead to their hospitalization. If this is the first time you put the tree down after you have a cat or dog, pay attention to the animal's reaction. Don't risk it! Holidays will be joyful if you take care of everything in advance. This will protect you and loved ones from unpleasant surprises, and the New Year will be held in a warm, friendly atmosphere. We wish you only good impressions and positive emotions!