What is the best artificial tree material. How to choose an artificial Christmas tree - according to the material of manufacture and cost. The main types of artificial New Year trees

If we decide to buy an artificial New Year tree, then we shouldn't take the first one we come across. Especially if it will be sold cheaper than others. This is true: there is a great risk of bringing low-quality goods into the house, which will also be environmentally dirty, fire hazardous and short-lived. Let's try to figure out which New Year's trees were from artificial materials you can buy, but which ones are better to pass by.

Artificial Christmas trees are most often traditional green color

Materials from which artificial trees are made

Examination of artificial Christmas trees confirms that a number of materials release volatile chemicals such as phenol and formaldehyde. In living quarters, this happens at room temperature and when artificial needles are heated (for example, with a garland with lights on). A person develops a headache, slight dizziness, a feeling of tiredness and malaise.

pay attention to artificial snow, which manufacturers sometimes beautifully spray on the branches of Christmas trees. We have it crumbled in the first season, leaving white marks on the carpet. They had to be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Artificial snow often falls off quickly

Expensive artificial Christmas trees are made from environmentally friendly non-combustible synthetic material. They are sometimes called plastic, cast... They look almost like living spruce. Manufacturers (usually European) cast each branch in special molds.

The price is lower for spruces, the needles of which are made from a special line (usually a nice green color). Such a Christmas tree is always fluffy, its needles do not wrinkle and look natural.

The price is even lower for those Christmas trees whose needles are ribbons made of polyvinyl chloride material (PVC)... It is safe if not heated too much. In all cases, this material must be of high quality, which must be indicated in the certificate.

The needles of this artificial Christmas tree are made of PVC

The cheapest - with cellulose "paper" needles... They can flare up not only from an accidental spark of sparklers, but also when electric garlands are heated by bulbs.

We study hygiene certificates

The buyer is not an expert, so he has to trust any written sources. He has the right to ask the seller for all accompanying documentation. Or carefully study the text on the packaging. Perhaps this will help to understand how this artificial tree complies with environmental standards.

Unfortunately, artificial spruces are not subject to mandatory certification and declaration. This is voluntary. The manufacturer may not receive a conclusion confirming the health safety of artificial spruce. Or get it to feel more confident in the market. Trade organizations often filter suppliers themselves, choosing those who have documents confirming the quality of the product. In some cases, sellers independently carry out an examination of artificial Christmas trees in order to protect themselves from possible claims from buyers who may decide to contact the offices of Rospotrebnadzor.

Conclusion: do not hesitate to ask the seller for the documentation (certificate) he has. Be sure to study what is written on the package.

Choosing a quality Christmas tree

Let's try to determine for ourselves how high-quality artificial Christmas tree we are going to purchase by affordable price.

Needles... In a good artificial tree, the needles hold tight even when we run our hand over it in different directions. You can pull the bundle of needles slightly towards you. Their ends should not be pricked, but rounded or fluffed. It is better if the artificial needles are not crushed after we clench them in a fist. Slightly inclined branches spring, trying to return to their previous position. There should be no unpleasant chemical odor. Bad artificial Christmas trees drop their needles.

It's hard to believe, but this artificial Christmas tree has paper needles.

Fire resistance... An important property of a good artificial Christmas tree is fire resistance. Fire-resistant PVC products made from cellulose that are not impregnated with a flame retardant that inhibits ignition may catch on fire. In such "paper" trees (made of cellulose), garlands, candles and sparklers included in the network become the cause of the fire. An accidental spark can ignite if it hits any poor quality tree (especially one made of cellulose). The fire-resistant tree will remain intact.

It is worth examining the certificate or inscription on the box. If the word "fire retardant" is there, then the artificial Christmas tree has reliable protection from fire.

Storage... A high-quality artificial Christmas tree should fold comfortably so as not to take up much space during storage. There are two types of assemblies. It " umbrella "(The tree is collected in ready-made tiers) and completely collapsible (the trunk is disassembled into several parts, and each branch is attached separately). The packaging of the second design will take up less space. It is imperative to check how reliable all the connections (hooks and hinges) are, otherwise the branches will fall out of the trunk. Artificial Christmas trees with the first mounting option (umbrella type) are more expensive than the second (with separate branches).

Stand... It is very important that the stand is strong and stable. Better if she will metal cruciform. Plastic stands are short-lived and unreliable. Especially with large quantities christmas tree decorationsthat make the tree heavier.

The simplest and most stable metal stand

Frame Artificial Christmas trees are of two types: cast and wire with PVC film ... Cast frames of artificial trees are expensive, they are most often found in products imported from Europe. These are the most durable structures, designed to last for decades. Wireframes and PVC foils are most common. The basis is steel or aluminum wires covered with a film. Such frames are less durable than cast ones, but they look beautiful. The result is beautifully shaped fluffy trees.

Sizes of artificial Christmas trees

Artificial Christmas trees can be of different heights. There are both low and very high. Designers reasonably recommend not to buy too spreading spruce for an apartment of a relatively small area. It is better to take with branches more pressed against the trunk so that the space of the room is not eaten up. This approach has its drawbacks: some mystery disappears, there is no way to hide under the crown new Year gifts etc. Another option is a low, fluffy tree, which is usually placed on a table or other suitable furniture. Then the tree becomes a decoration of the room and does not bother anyone.

This artificial Christmas tree with a thick, but not too lush crown can be placed in any apartment

height 1.5 - 1.8 meters fits in a small room and looks great in a spacious room.

What color of needles to choose?

Green and dark green Artificial Christmas trees remain the most popular. For original gifts sometimes they choose “unconventional” Christmas trees white, silver, red, gold, orange or another color.

White needles of an artificial Christmas tree

We had an inexpensive Chinese New Year tree which had to be thrown away. its snow-white artificial needles soon turned gray.

Christmas tree with or without lighting?

Artificial Christmas trees are made in three versions: without lighting, with fiber optic lighting and with LED lighting. Artificial Christmas trees without backlight Usually bought by people who like to decorate the tree with toys, garlands and glittering tinsel. The backlit options are self-contained and do not need additional decoration.

The manufacturer of this fake Christmas tree has clearly gone too far with pine cones and fake snow, leaving no room for other decorations.

Modern lED backlights can give not only solid light, but also create fabulous patterns. While many of us are scared away enough high price these artificial spruces, especially when they are higher than one meter. Such a tree is connected to the network through a special adapter.

Artificial tips christmas trees with built-in fiber optic backlight begin to sparkle with all colors (there are several backlight modes) when they are connected to the power supply. The color of the needles of such artificial Christmas trees can be very different, but most often they are green or white.

Artificial Christmas tree manufacturers

European manufacturers expensive artificial Christmas trees supply their products with complete documentation. They produce high quality and safe spruce that is expensive.

Domestic manufacturersas a rule, they also provide all the necessary documentation. As a rule, there are no complaints about the material. But quite often there are spruces on sale that lack elegance. Their branches are often made of metal rods with pointed ends.

Artificial cones on an artificial Christmas tree

Lots of goods imported from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand and China ... Quality questions most often arise for Chinese artificial New Year trees. They are bought because they usually cost less than others. If desired, among the Chinese firs, you can find good options with all the accompanying documentation. Unfortunately, the main share of complaints and faults falls on products made in China.

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New Year not far off and it's time to choose a magnificent house forest beauty... Prefer an artificial Christmas tree? A great solution that will not only fill the room with a sense of celebration, but also preserve nature. Especially for you, we have compiled a rating of the most popular and demanded models of Christmas trees among buyers.But since you cannot compare a Christmas tree next to it for 1000 rubles and for 15 thousand, we have divided our selection into three classes - economy segment, middle class and Premium performance. We offer you our own independent rating based solely on the opinion of buyers.

Premium class

    Shaggy Pine Carolina from the National Tree Company from the USA has been the undisputed leader in sales for the last 5 years. Due to the use of the combined method of making needles (cast + fishing line + PVC), the herringbone looks unusually magnificent. Small natural cones give it a special look, like particles of wildlife, they remind of the silence of the forest. Also, reviews often mention a pleasant and discreet snowiness - frostiness.

    The second place undoubtedly belongs to the Sherwood tree - an elegant queen from the Dutch brand Triumph Tree. An abundance of warm white lights and realistic cast + PVC needles - the spruce will give festive mood, no matter what decor you choose. The lush crown has a voluminous lower tier, thanks to which the outline of the tree is perfect and almost fabulous.

Also, this model is produced in the version WITHOUT bulbs, but according to customer reviews, it is Sherwood with bulbs that is clearly the leader.

    Blue spruce Colorado National Tree Company TM is a noble tree with cast and PVC needles of short length. Classic form versatile, and the luxurious crown is incomparable. In the reviews, admiration for the fluffy lower tier dominates, the twigs of which practically reach the floor. The spruce looks just magical, and oblong forest cones give it a realistic appearance.

    According to reviews, the Russian Beauty Christmas tree - the products of the domestic plant Tsar Elka - is suitable for those who want to buy a Premium class product at an affordable price. At first glance, 100% cast needles cannot be distinguished from a natural prototype due to the bend and dark branches that imitate wood. The pompous owner of a dense crown has a rich shade, and judging by the reviews of the owners, any balls and garlands suit her.

    Snow-covered Alaska from Kaemingk from Holland will mentally take you into the winter thicket. The twigs are densely covered with a pleasant to the touch snow - looking at them, the fantasy is born that the tree has just been brought from the street, where a blizzard is raging. Flocking of needles gives this effect. The admiring responses of the owners describe the extraordinary realism of the product, which is achieved by the presence of branches protruding beyond the triangular silhouette.

Price segment Standard

    The luxurious Vancouver tree of the Dutch company Kaemingk is very similar to pine thanks to the abundance of long PVC needles. Brown twigs are clearly visible through the greenery - an imitation of real wood. A distinctive feature of the model is the use of several shades: from emerald green to light salad. This achieves the effect of naturalness, which has been repeatedly noted in customer reviews.

    Model Forest candle offered to admirers original solutions... The artificial spruce of the American National Tree Company brand stands out for its narrow design, therefore it does not take up much space. For a small apartment - a great option. The tree's needles are made of polyvinyl chloride, the twigs look down, and the wooden stand complements the laconicism and aesthetics of the designer product.

    Reviews for the Artificial Christmas tree Alba made in Russia are also very positive. The designers of Crystal Trees did a great job and made a realistic crown - sweeping, with protruding branches. The triangular silhouette transforms the tree into an exquisite forest beauty, as if she had stepped out of the illustrated pages winter fairy tales... At the same time, customer reviews note the incredible similarity of cast + PVC spines with real ones.

    Another charm from the Crystal Trees catalog is hairy Etna. Thick needles are molded from rubber and supplemented with a film, which gives the model extra pomp. Triangular shape combined with wide petticoat allows you to try on chic images on the Christmas tree - with any toys it will look truly magical. Those who bought a green tree have already seen this.

    Great reviews for the Christmas tree can't surprise anyone. After all, this - an elegant representative of the middle class from the Russian supplier Beatrees - has an interesting shape - narrow upper and lush lower tiers. PVC needles are soft and deep green, and the twigs are very pliable, which is regularly noted in customer reviews. Such a beauty will surely become the center new Year's interior and will give all guests positive emotions.

Economy class leaders among artificial Christmas trees

    Fraser's bright green herringbone has an attractive price tag. In this segment, it is in the lead thanks to cast + PVC needles, which are responsible for the density. The perfect silhouette makes the model slim, and the Dutch quality from the Kaemingk company has not been questioned for a long time. The tree looks delightful in any festive setting and different styles decoration.

A beautiful, elegant tree is an almost universal decoration for the New Year and Christmas holidays. And on the eve of the holidays, many begin to wonder which tree is better artificial or real.

Some people don't really like the extra fuss and constant mess from the fallen needles of a living tree. In addition, very often children and adults have allergies, which makes it difficult to fully enjoy the New Year's holidays and a natural, green Christmas tree. In such cases, your choice naturally falls on an artificial one.

And now, you are faced with the problem of how to find the best artificial, christmas tree for your home. When choosing it, it is worth considering several important nuances before spending money on buying an artificial tree.

Avoid fashion trends

The main advantage of an artificial Christmas tree is that it can be used over and over again, for 10 and more years... Therefore, you need to choose a Christmas tree that will remain popular in next year, and in five and ten years.

Many growers create "thematic" trees that have some peculiarity. Such trees, as a rule, are relevant one year, and the next they are already forgotten. For example, a few years ago there were very popular inverted trees. At their tops were the widest branches and they converged at the bottom at the top. One year such ate was just a hit, and on the next New Year they were nowhere to be seen.

When choosing an artificial tree, try to stick to the classic style - green faux Christmas tree, normal proportions and standard sizes. This spruce will be in trend for many years.

The correct size of the tree

Artificial Christmas trees, just like real ones, are different forms and sizes. They are tall or short, have a wide base or narrow, very dense, with big amount branches or slightly sparse.

Before you go to choose an artificial tree, you just need to measure the room or other room where you will be installing the tree. A very common mistake that many first time buyers make is not knowing the height and area of \u200b\u200bthe tree area. As a result, they buy either a tree that is too small, or worse, too tall.

Ideally, your chosen fake beauty should be large enough to reach two feet from the ceiling. Wide enough to cover a portion of your room without making it difficult to move around the house.

The choice of material for an artificial tree

1. Types of branch attachment. Artificial spruces are of two types of branch attachment: articulated and hook-shaped (hook-in). Articulated spruce consists of several parts and the branches are simply straightened in relation to the trunk. Installing such a Christmas tree is quite easy and quick. With the hook type of attachment, the branches are separately attached to the trunk using colored markers. This type of assembly takes much longer, but such trees are much cheaper than articulated ones.

2. Types of materials. Artificial Christmas trees are made from two main types of plastic: polyvinyl chloride or PVC (PVC) and PE rubber (polyethylene). The main differences between these materials are the appearance of the trees and the price.

Christmas trees made of polyvinyl chloride are made of fishing line and PVC film. The needles made of film are cut strips attached with a wire to the branches, which are collected by fasting in beautiful christmas tree... Branches made of PVC line are very similar to pine branches, more fluffy than from film, but in turn, prickly.

Making artificial Christmas trees from PE rubber means that each branch is poured in special forms, and thus the needles look very natural and the artificial cast Christmas tree looks more like a real tree.

A premium cast artificial Christmas tree costs much more, but its quality is much higher than the quality of trees made of PVC. From a distance, such an artificial tree can even be confused with a real one.

3. Tinsel, rain and other artificial trees. The main purpose of the artificial Christmas tree is to replace real, evergreen trees. But there are also fir trees that serve as a more decorative decoration. Such trees are made of tinsel and rain, and come in white, gold, silver and other colors. These trees are usually tabletop, not large sizes and are used like additional decorations in home.

Additional criteria for choosing artificial Christmas trees

Issue price

Artificial Christmas trees differ in size and price. The quality of the material from which the Christmas tree and some additional decorations on it are made directly affect the cost of the artificial tree. The tree is made of good, high-quality material, and is additionally decorated with toys, or garlands cannot be cheap. This fact should also be considered when choosing your Christmas tree.

All inclusive

The average service life of an artificial beauty is 10 years, and most self-respecting manufacturers also provide an additional guarantee. The set, along with the tree, may additionally include a stand, storage case, or other accessories, as a bonus from the manufacturer. Also remember that your tree must be fireproof and resistant to fading.

Artificial Christmas trees are becoming more and more popular every year, since their service life is much longer and it is much easier to handle them in care. And depending on the spruce you choose, they can be absolutely environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, you are purchasing a Christmas tree for several years, so you need to carefully approach this issue and choose the one that will fully meet all your requirements and wishes.

It's hard to imagine new Year's celebration without the green fluffy beauty tree. Of course, it's good when it's real, big, and smells like pine needles. But in recent years, people have preferred artificial trees.

Firstly, many are guided by the fact that such a choice will preserve coniferous forests. Secondly, such a tree is a profitable acquisition from an economic point of view. After all, having paid once, you can decorate it for many years in a row. Given the large assortment, it is important to know how to choose an artificial Christmas tree.

PVC film

Before deciding which artificial tree is better to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with what materials it is made of.

The cheapest raw material used to make a Christmas tree is PVC film. Such products represent a pretty good imitation of real spruce. Plus they can serve you for many years. The PVC film needles near the Christmas tree are flat and soft. But they must be handled with care, since it is easy to crush them, but it is not always possible to return them to their previous shape.

Each manufacturer tries to make their artificial Christmas trees fluffy and thick. Many imitate long needles like pine. For this, a film up to five centimeters wide is used. Such products are usually in great demand. Among such firs, the following can be distinguished:

  • Altayskaya;
  • Virginia;
  • "Premium".

To make small needles, like a Christmas tree, a PVC film is used 1.5-2.5 centimeters wide. But in order to make a tree with a short needle look thicker, growers increase the number of branches. An example of such models:

  • "Piano";
  • "North";
  • "Iceberg".

If you are still thinking about which artificial Christmas tree to choose, expensive models of Christmas trees are also made from PVC film. To do this, make branches with different lengths needles. They look very nice and natural, for example:

  • "The Snow Queen, Snowy";
  • "Imperial Snowy".

Models made of PVC film are usually prefabricated.

From fishing line

Fishing line is a more expensive material than PVC film, but at the same time, outwardly, the trees from it do not look like natural Christmas trees. But they have a very effective appearance. The needles of this spruce are made of fishing line with a diameter of 0.1-0.3 millimeters. They stick out in different directions, outwardly resembling brushes. In spruce trees, the needles are usually 3.5-6 centimeters long. These trees are very fluffy and tend to attract attention in stores.

The "New Year's Beauty" is a running Christmas tree made of fishing line. Such models are usually also prefabricated.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree: molded from plastic

Another material that is used to make artificial Christmas trees is soft plastic. Trees made from such raw materials are the most expensive, but their appearance is closest to natural. They are made by casting.

Spruce needles made of plastic are no more than three centimeters long. The fact is that plastic branches are quite heavy, and if you make longer needles, they can simply break. Unlike Christmas trees made of fishing line, you will not prick on plastic needles.

Combined models are also produced - made of plastic and PVC. The branches of such trees are heterogeneous, and they look even more attractive than trees made only of plastic. Very beautiful models with mixed branches:

  • "Absolute";
  • "Absolut Premium".

Variety of colors

One of the parameters with which you must decide when deciding how to choose an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year is its color. Unlike natural conifers, artificial colors are much more diverse. Although there are natural shades:

  • light green;
  • dark green;
  • the color of brilliant green.

Although it should be noted that trees with needles of unusual shades are in great demand: white, pink, blue, transparent.

Christmas trees with white needles are very popular. Models in which only the tips of green needles are painted in this color look especially beautiful. She looks as if she was covered with snow.

As for the color of the trunk, in artificial trees it usually matches the color of the needles. But in models of the "Premium" class, the barrel, as a rule, has brown color, that is, outwardly they are as similar as possible to a real tree.

How to choose the right artificial Christmas tree for your home

When making a choice, you need to decide which model you want in height, with which crown. The length of the trees can be very small - 46 centimeters, and very large - 5.5 meters. They also have different crown widths. If the room is spacious, then the spruce can be set spreading, and if it is small, the option of a narrow model that can be placed in the corner is suitable.

In addition to the usual green trees, Christmas trees with lights are also produced, which are of two types:

  • Built-in LED lighting. It happens both monochrome and multi-colored. Moreover, the LEDs can be either built-in to the branch or be a hanging garland.
  • Fiber optic illumination. It is multi-colored and one-color. It consists of optical wires that lead from the center of the tree to the ends of its branches. This light gives a soft dull color and is usually installed on small desktop trees.

Given these parameters, it will be easier for you to solve the problem of how to choose a good artificial tree.

How to define a quality model

If you want a tree to decorate your holiday, you need to know a few nuances of how to choose the right artificial tree. It is very important that it is of high quality and safe for health.

  • It is better to buy artificial spruce in the store, as it is warm there and you can understand if it has a smell. A quality product should not be smelly. If there is an unpleasant "smell", then it is possible that the model is made of toxic materials. It is undesirable to buy this. If you want to buy a product on the market, in the open air, you don't have to smell anything.
  • Do not hesitate to ask the seller to show you the quality certificate for the product. This will ensure that the tree you are buying is safe for your health and that it contains substances that make it fireproof.
  • You want to be sure that your purchase will withstand new Year decoration, check the tree for strength. To do this, you need to try to bend the branch. If it is good and strong, it will return to its original position. Also check how securely the needles are attached. If they remain in your hands, then such a tree will not last long.
  • Another point to consider before choosing an artificial Christmas tree is its material. If you want the green beauty to serve you for a long time, you need to give preference to plastic models. They are able to maintain their original appearance for up to 15 years.

Main manufacturers

Consider the main manufacturers of artificial Christmas trees that usually end up in stores:

  • China. Unfortunately, their quality is often not very good. Instead of traditional materials in the manufacture of needles, they can use paper impregnated with a composition with a pungent smell. Not only are they short-lived, they can also be unhealthy.
  • Russia. Basically, Christmas trees are made from environmentally friendly plastic. There are also prefabricated models of PVC film and fishing line, for the manufacture of the frame of which steel wire is used. Domestic Christmas trees look very natural, their color is natural.
  • The countries of Europe and America. They have both prefabricated and cast Christmas trees made using a special technology. They are expensive, but they also look like they are alive.

It is very important to study the information about the manufacturers before choosing an artificial tree.

Installation Precautions

  • it should be away from the battery;
  • if the model is large, then it needs a metal cross-shaped stand, which will make it as stable as possible;
  • hang toys evenly on all sides so that the tree does not fall;
  • there should not be too many decorations, otherwise the branches may bend;
  • for an artificial Christmas tree, choose high-quality garlands that do not heat up during operation;
  • if the model is prefabricated, strictly follow the instructions when installing it.

You can determine the quality of a product by its appearance. Pull on the needles, they should not crumble. Try to bend the branches: in a good artificial tree, they are elastic, easily take on different shapes. The ends of the branches should not have any sharp edges or bare wire.

The optimal material is considered to be polyvinyl chloride, treated with special substances that exclude fire. This property is usually indicated on the packaging. The coniferous beauty treated with a special composition can be decorated with garlands, candles, creating a unique holiday atmosphere.

In addition to visual inspection, do not hesitate to sniff the branches. A quality product should not emit any smell at all. If there are impurities of chemicals, it is better to refuse the purchase. Such an artificial tree is dangerous to health.

Stand and price

Stands for artificial trees are made from different materials: wood, plastic, metal. For a fluffy beauty over 150 cm tall, it is preferable to choose a cruciform metal stand. It gives stability, holds firmly under the weight of the jewelry.

The price of artificial trees can vary significantly. It depends on the material used in the manufacture, the height of the product, the quality of the needles, the presence of additional elements: cones, lights, ornaments.

Experts recommend refusing to buy a suspiciously cheap Christmas tree. The quality of such a product is likely to be low. And it will not last long. Since an artificial tree is purchased for a long time, please yourself, buy a beautiful and high-quality product.