What date is the Chinese new year. Chinese New Year Celebration Traditions. Feng Shui Secrets of Celebrating Chinese New Year

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For the Chinese to hear on January 1, "Happy New Year!" as wildly as if you were congratulated on March 8 in winter. The Chinese New Year comes later than the Western one and, unlike the banal calendar change, makes much more sense.

Chinese New Year is a holiday of spring. It falls on one of the days between January 21st and February 21st. And this is what happens in China two weeks before and two weeks after the holiday.

Firstly, it is customary to celebrate the Spring Festival at home with the whole family, that is, about half of China working in big cities returns home at this time.

Secondly, the Chinese are not entitled to vacation. There is no such clause in the Chinese Labor Code. That is, national holidays are the only way to travel. This means that within two weeks after the holiday, half of China is intensively developing the tourist destinations of the Middle Kingdom.

Thirdly, in 2016, the population of China was (for a second!) 1.3 billion people. Now imagine 750 million people simultaneously moving from one place to another.

The traditions of celebrating the Chinese New Year in provinces and cities differ:

  • In the Wudang Mountains (Hubei Province), all houses are carefully cleaned and a red and gold image of the hieroglyph Fu 福 (happiness, prosperity) is hung on the doorupright or upside-down, as is the case throughout China, and the door frames are also decorated with red inscriptions wishing good luck in the new year. They often hang like this throughout the year and change on the eve of a new holiday.
  • It is also common here the custom of hanging an image of a "sweet god" in the kitchen.Before the New Year, housewives smear his lips with honey or sugar syrup, so that when this god goes to heaven to report on the behavior of his wards, only sweet speeches would flow from his lips.
  • The New Year's meal is one of the most plentiful.In Wudang, on the eve of the holiday, pork sausage is prepared, which is hung on the street to dry.
  • Making dumplings for the whole family is an integral tradition. Many families make dumplings in the form of ancient money bars, and put a coin in one of them. The year will be especially successful for the one who gets this surprise.
  • There can be more than 20 dishes on the New Year's table.Among them must necessarily be fish, chicken, pork, beef, duck - often all dishes at the same time. In poor families, only one meat dish is put on the table, but no one touches it - to show the neighbors that they can afford it, and not to actually eat it.
  • A typical New Year's gift is Hongbao, a red envelope with money,which in Hubei province is usually given to children or the elderly. The amount depends on the well-being of the giver and the status of the recipient. The older a person is, the more money it is customary to give.
  • On the first day of the new year, they visit each other. The Chinese give practical gifts: cigarettes, alcohol, large bottles of vegetable oil or portioned milk cartons. No romance, but a lot of benefits.
  • New Year in China is red.This is due to the legend of the terrible monster Nian, crawling out on the last day of the old year, who is afraid of red. Also, red symbolizes happiness and good luck. And, thirdly, according to popular belief, people whose year begins in accordance with the Chinese cyclical calendar (year of the Rat, Rabbit, Tiger, Ox, etc.) will face a difficult year. They are shown wearing red underwear to scare away trouble and attract good luck., which appears in huge quantities in stores on New Year's Eve.

The most important holiday for China is New Year. It is celebrated twice. The first time with the whole world, the second in the first decade of February. The celebrations are grandiose, the whole country walks, from small to large.

This is the main holiday for Asian countries. Celebrating the Chinese New Year is an ancient tradition. It is celebrated every year at a different time, the beginning always falls on different days of the week.

The celebration always begins with the arrival of the new moon. The countdown is from the winter equinox, which falls on the 21st of the last month of the year. The duration of such festivities is half a month.

In 2019, the celebration is celebrated on February 5th. The festivities will take place from 5 to 19 inclusive.

According to Chinese traditions, this will be the 4717th year. We will celebrate 2019 with you.

When Chinese New Year ends

The duration of such celebrations is 15 days. The Chinese will walk until February 19. The Chinese year that began on February 5th will end in 2020 on January 24th, while our year starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st.

New Year traditions in China

By tradition, before the New Year holidays, seven days before, you need to carry out a general cleaning in the house. Get rid of trash, old unnecessary things. They begin to restore order from January 28. According to legend, in this way, they get rid of bad luck, invite home luck, joy, money.

At the end of the cleaning, colorful garlands are hung up, there are always a lot of decorations. Red, a symbol of wealth. For China, this is luck, protection from demons. The streets are hung with red lanterns, a canvas with hieroglyphs that portend happiness, goodness for everyone passing by.

Exactly at 0 o'clock, explosions of pyrotechnics are spread throughout China, bright fireworks are bursting in the night sky. All this lasts at least a couple of hours. Traditionally, such a noisy action is necessary to intimidate evil spirits, spirits that need to get into the homes of the Chinese. The more colorful and stronger the pyrotechnics explode, the more successful this year will be.

By tradition, gifts should be given. Because of its scrupulousness, practicality, envelopes filled with Hongbao money are presented. It is customary to hand them over to relatives, and not only. At work, they are given by employers to their employees. This is not just donated money, it is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. they are awarded only in the morning.

Innovations do not stand still, now such congratulatory envelopes can be presented in the Chinese messenger. Such innovations are in demand.

Today, like many centuries ago, the Chinese are dancing and having fun. Mass action takes place in the streets, there are many mini-performances. The dragon, a favorite character, his figures are full of their brightness.

It is on these days that many Chinese food vendors come out on the street, a lot of exotic food and drinks. A large number of fairs, which are held with the beginning of a new lunar cycle, allow you to purchase temple figurines. This trade lasts until the day when millions of festive lanterns fly into the sky.

On these days, it is customary to visit the Longhuasa temple, pray for luck and prosperity. This is the only way to get it for the whole year.

According to legend, with the arrival of the new year, the monster Nian appears in the settlements, which can cause irreparable damage to agriculture. To protect yourself from this monster, you need to brightly decorate your house, there should be a couple of everything, even inscriptions, especially there should be a lot of glowing flashlights. Legend has it that the monster dragged the children away. Once it got scared of a baby in red robes. This is why Chinese jewelry has a lot of red color.

In the new year, the whole family is supposed to gather at one table. They cook a lot, generously. The main dish is considered to be Chinese dumplings, which symbolize the desire to have male children, and are brought home from all over the country. After all, the new year is celebrated only with the family. It is extremely difficult to get a ticket, there are many kilometers of traffic jams everywhere.

It is supposed to give gifts to all relatives. The Chinese take about five days to do this. A pair of gifts is always given. You cannot give 4 gifts, this symbolizes death, but two or six are just right. It is customary to give a couple of tangerines, when you leave you will also be presented with two.

For the Chinese people, tangerines symbolize prosperity and stability.

Video China New Year

Weather in China for the new year

This time of the year is quite warm. The central part of China holds the January mark of 0-5 C frost. In the south, the average is + 6 / + 10 C. In the north, fluctuations are from 0 to -30 C.

The warmest place is Hainan Island, during the day it is + 25/27 C, at night it is cooler +17 C.

The colder month is February. For the period of the Chinese New Year, the temperature in Harbin drops from -9 to -18 C. Most of the winter festivals are held here, there are many figures made of snow and ice.

The winter period is dry, in general, the temperature of the central part of China fluctuates within +4 C.

Holidays in China for the new year

China is becoming a popular holiday destination in winter. And the New Year's atmosphere only disposes to this. Tour operators offer a wide variety of activities. You can bask in the warm sun, you can master the ski resorts.

Tour operators invite skiers to Yabuli. At this resort you can find all kinds of entertainment, bars, restaurant complexes, unmatched saunas with Chinese massage, golf courses. The temperature is kept at around -10 C.

Pilgrims are given excursions to Tibet. It should be remembered about temperature drops, very low humidity, only 26%. Also, when planning such trips, take care of the hotel.

Medical tours have become relevant. This period of the year is relevant for healing in the famous springs of Yambajini and Dezhun. The cold in February increases the concentration of health-promoting substances. In other months, it is not so high.

When traveling to Harbin, dress warmly. Admiring the ice structures, you can freeze, in the daytime the air warms up to -15 C, at night the temperature drops to -20 C, frosts are possible down to -35 C.

Reviews new year in China

The Chinese are very hospitable people. We didn't really want to return home. Unforgettable Chinese cuisine has left its mark. It is incredibly tasty and varied. Shanghai is a beautiful city, you will find exactly where to walk. You can gain strength and vital energy in the "Garden of Joy". There are so many shops that your head can be dizzy. In the New Year itself, the whole city is celebrating, a spectacular spectacle.

The main thing on New Year's Eve is to get to the embankment in advance. All festive processions take place here. If you don't have time, you will celebrate with the police columns. Shanghai is an exciting city without a new year.

The pricing policy pleases the tourist. Everything is very accessible, the main thing is to have Chinese currency. Starting from September, you can buy tickets in advance at the Aeroflot ticket offices at very low prices. Book two ends at once. Promotions for the holidays allow you to pay for the road in the region of 2-3 thousand rubles, and this is there and back. Booking a hotel in advance can save you tons of money. Our noisy company cost $ 40 each. During the three days that we spent there, we managed to see the tangerine garden, museums, and Yu Yuan Park.

You won't be able to call a taxi on New Year's Eve. The main big clubs, and all the entertainment takes place on the Bund. Plan your first night there. We bought tickets to the club, which was located on the highest floor of the high-rise. You can't take such a view of the embankment from him. At midnight, a magnificent firework began, and the entire quarter was cordoned off by the police. The sky was full of millions of lights, the beauty was incredible. All residents of the city try to get to the embankment to see such beauty.

On the first day, everything calms down, people walk in the parks, they are so big and beautiful, there is no end or edge in sight. On the second day, everything is removed, the vanity subsides.

Year of the Pig according to the Eastern calendar

Those born this year strive for comfort, it is important for them to take care. They perfectly feel other people, know how to listen and understand the interlocutor. These are naturally patient people, balanced. As a rule, they have many acquaintances and friends.

The negative manifestations of character include the manifestation of self-doubt, self-pity. Those born in the year of the Pig are prone to exaggeration, they see the bad in everything, which is why they suffer from dissatisfaction. They often deliberately fall into depression, not believing in a good ending. The situation can be corrected only by solving all the questions for the Pig.

It is not recommended to say that such people are weak-willed. Having strained themselves, they can do anything for their relatives to achieve their goal.

Pigs born in the year have a remarkable grip, which allows you to achieve material well-being in a short period of time. Having reached the top, they gladly help their relatives.

According to the eastern horoscope, this is the most hardworking sign. This year will bring good luck in all your endeavors.

The cycle of the Chinese calendar is 12 years old. The final year of the Pig. She will generously present those born this year with happiness, good luck, prosperity. Her element is associated with the earth. Everything that stands on it grows and will bring considerable profit. Her efforts are directed at strengthening the family.

The most blessed time is from 9 to 11 pm. Those who were born in the period from October to the end of November are more fortunate this year. They will be on the wings of good luck all year round.

The year wears the color of lavender, cornflower, olive. You will be protected by two stones, moon and lapis lazuli. They will help get rid of laziness and frustration.

What awaits us in the Year of the Pig

The year promises changes in everything. Those who do not have a soul mate need to tune in. If you meet her, it will be for life.

As for financial receipts, cash spending, the Pig recommends to be careful. It is better not to make big purchases to avoid tricky situations. The year promises career growth to absolutely all signs. You will travel a lot, work, personal travel. On business trips, the necessary acquaintances will appear, a change of residence is possible.

You will act more than talk. If in the process you begin to doubt, in no case do not stop, only forward to the designated goal. You need to rely only on yourself, your luck.

This year is more material than spiritual. The strong side of man prevails: striving, search for new ideas and solutions. You will not be able to make a wrong decision, so feel free to implement all your previously conceived plans. This is possible only this year, the entire next new cycle, and this is 12 years, will not be able to please you so. It should be noted that you should not act completely thoughtlessly, common sense should be present.

Absolutely all signs can achieve what they want:

  • Water signs: Rat, Pig, will be able to implement old ideas. Their potential will be so high that they can handle any task.
  • Earth signs: Ox, Dragon, Goat, Dog, will have an excellent opportunity to change not only their lives, but also the world around them.
  • Wooden signs: Rabbit, Tiger, will have a unique opportunity to establish business relationships, family.
  • Metal signs: Monkey, Rooster, will be able to realize the most insane ideas. The benefits from their actions will be enormous.
  • Fire signs: Horse, Snake, will perform a feat that will be remembered by everyone around for a long time.

2019 for many representatives of the zodiac signs will be decisive, very important, for some, even a turning point in their lives. You need to focus on serious matters, current issues will be resolved on their own, you will not have to make efforts to them.

Don't put off anything for later, today and only now. With this approach to business, you will be able to resolve all issues as quickly and in an original way as possible. All paths in 2019 lead to victory.

As for love, family ties, the Yellow Pig strongly recommends staying on the positive wave. You will not only improve your relationship, but also raise your status by getting married.

The year promises a large number of events, large and small. The pig loves noisy companies.

Asian countries celebrate the New Year differently than we do, but there is something in common in both cultures. Observing the traditions of celebrating the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, you can attract happiness, wealth and good luck into your life.

Every year more and more people are asking themselves the question: when is the New Year according to the Eastern calendar? The reason for the interest lies in traditions, which are in many ways similar to ours, but at the same time have some very interesting differences. Knowing how it is customary to celebrate this holiday among residents of Asian countries, you will be able to better understand the roots of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar.

When is the New Year on the Eastern calendar

In the eastern countries of Asia, there is no fixed date for celebrating the New Year: the holiday is celebrated on the first New Moon after the Winter Solstice. Rest lasts an average of 15 days.

The common leitmotif of the New Year on the Eastern calendar is the mandatory presence of red, fireworks, firecrackers and loud laughter: it is believed that with their help it is possible to expel evil spirits that bring trouble in the coming year.

Red is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so it is present not only in street and house decorations, but also in gift wrapping, clothing and interiors. Money is given in red envelopes everywhere: it is believed that the color of the packaging will increase the wealth of the person being gifted. But white and blue colors are strictly prohibited and can be perceived as extremely inappropriate, because these two colors in Asian countries are mourning.

New Years celebration traditions

Each of the 15 holidays has a peculiar schedule that allows you to cover all areas of life at the very beginning of the year and not spend this time mediocre. Residents of Asian countries treat this holiday in the same way as we do: it is considered a family holiday, and even distant relatives come to the common hearth to celebrate the New Year together.

Day 1: New Year is celebrated with the family, symbolically burning bamboo chopsticks. After - a long family dinner filled with laughter and fun, fireworks, firecrackers and mass celebrations. On this day, it is customary to come to the cemetery and honor the memory of deceased relatives.

Day 2: On the morning of the second day, the whole family gets up for a common prayer, in which it asks for well-being for the whole year, prudence, wisdom and health. After that, a visit to close people begins with the obligatory delivery of a cash gift in a red envelope. Also on this day, it is customary to greet the poor and give alms.

Days 3 and 4: This period of celebration of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar is dedicated to friends and acquaintances: communication with friends strengthens ties and contributes to the continuation of communication in the New Year. Not coming to visit someone, if invited, is considered a rejection of further friendship.

Days 5 and 6: At this time, business organizations begin to resume their work, but the day necessarily begins with fireworks. In terms of energy, the 5th and 6th days of the New Year are considered a time of wealth and material values, so many conduct traditional rituals for wealth and money.

Day 7: The morning of the seventh day also begins with prayer, but unlike the second day, it is more often spent alone. Prayer for the well-being of relatives, the health of older relatives and the right path for children is considered an obligatory start of the holiday: this time is dedicated to the soul.

Days 8, 9 and 10: As a rule, by this time all people have already returned to work, but they must spend three evenings at a family dinner with their family. This is the time for traditional New Year's cuisine, heartfelt conversations and plans for the coming year.

Day 11: This day is dedicated to family ties between father-in-law and son-in-law. Each father-in-law arranges a personal holiday for his son-in-law and spends time with his daughter's husband, paying tribute to him.

Days 12, 13 and 14:The holidays are nearing their finale - the lantern festival. At this time, people buy paraphernalia, try not to eat meat and get ready for the most beautiful spectacle of the year - the transition to a new round of time.

Day 15: Finale of the celebration. The traditions of celebrating the New Year according to the Eastern calendar include a large-scale festival of lanterns - an unusually beautiful and stunning sight. The cities host a host of entertainment events, fireworks, and an incredible number of lanterns of all shapes, colors and sizes. This day marks the end of the holidays and the return to normal work rhythm.

During the celebration, great importance is attached to the symbol of the New Year: it is believed that it is he who determines how the period will go until the next holiday, and can give anyone good luck and happiness. Each year one of the animals of the eastern calendar is patronized. Knowing more about its features, you can attract wealth, luck and health into your life. We wish you a happy year and good luck in all your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

In our country, the New Year tops the list of the most beloved holidays. No wonder, some even celebrate it twice: on January 1 and 14. When the New Year's holidays are over, you can sadly remove the tree and other holiday attributes until next December. Or you can leave nothing and celebrate the New Year again - according to oriental traditions. The start date of the holiday is determined by the lunisolar calendar. According to him, the Chinese New Year in 2018 starts on February 16.

A bit of history

The history of New Year's celebration in the Celestial Empire is shrouded in legends. According to one of them, the holiday is associated with a terrible monster named Chun (Nan). This monster once a year attacked a small village, the inhabitants of which were forced to hide from him in the mountains. Once a beggar old man came to the village and asked permission of one of the residents to stay in her house during the attack of the monster. The woman tried to dissuade the old man, but in the end she allowed him to stay. The next day, returning to their village, instead of devastation, local residents saw unharmed houses and the same old man in red clothes. The old man laughed, and around him lights shone and crackers rattled.

It turned out that Nan was afraid of the bright red color and could not stand loud sounds. Now the villagers no longer hid in the mountains, and once a year they organized noisy merry celebrations so that the evil monster never again came to their lands.

When the New Year begins in China

It is not in vain that New Year is considered the largest holiday in China. Preparation for it takes several weeks. It is considered very important during this period to finish all business, pay off debts and throw away unnecessary things in order to start the year from a new clean page. Before the celebration begins, the house is thoroughly cleaned.

Instead of a New Year tree, the Chinese decorate the Tree of Light by hanging numerous decorations, garlands and lanterns on it.

The day the new year begins is also known as the Spring Festival. According to local beliefs, this day leaves the old year, and with it the winter. The awakening of nature is noisily welcomed by numerous fireworks, festivities and fairs. The celebration lasts 15 days.

The Chinese spend the eve of the holiday of the year in a circle of close people. The family table is served with a variety of treats, fish, chicken, seafood, sweets. Dumplings are a traditional dish for New Year's table in China. It is believed that the richer and tastier the New Year's table is, the more satisfying life will be in the coming year. At midnight, all doors and windows are opened in the house, clearing the way for the passing old year.

In the first days of the year, the Chinese meet with friends and family, go to visit to congratulate each other and celebrate the beginning of the new year together.

The Spring Festival date is set after the winter solstice on the first new moon, hence the Chinese New Year falls between January 21st and February 21st of each year.

Symbols of the coming year

The cycle of the eastern calendar includes 12 animals, which are the patrons of each coming year. In addition to animals, the calendar includes five elements (water, earth, metal, fire and wood), which also alternate. Thus, each year in China is symbolized by a combination that is repeated only once every 60 years.

Eastern symbols have firmly entered the tradition of celebrating our country, setting the mood for New Year's decorations and gift souvenirs.

Chinese New Year 2018 will symbolize the animal Dog and the elements of the Earth. The main color of the year is yellow. By the way, the chronology in China is different from ours. The coming year of the Dog will be 4716 according to the eastern calendar.

In China, it is not customary to give expensive gifts. However, congratulations are rarely complete without a gift. Traditional New Year gifts in China are:

  1. Banknotes. It is customary in China to give money to children. They are packed in red envelopes and given to every child who is on the doorstep of the house in the first 15 days of the new year. It is believed that this tradition brings good luck in the coming year.
  2. Symbols of the year. A popular gift is souvenirs featuring an animal that is the patron saint of the year. In the coming year, these are figures of dogs and various objects with their image.
  3. Paired gifts. It is customary in China to give small two-piece gifts for the New Year. These can be glasses, paired figurines and other gizmos. The two parts of one whole symbolize harmony and well-being in the family.

Gifts (except for envelopes with money for children) are usually given before leaving. Guests often do it secretly, almost unnoticed by the hosts.

Also in China there is an ancient tradition of handing two tangerines to the owners at the entrance. When guests leave, they receive two other tangerines in return. This gesture is to wish each other good luck and wealth, as tangerines symbolize gold.

How to properly celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

In order for the coming year to be prosperous and successful, you can use some tips from Chinese traditions in the New Year's celebration:

  1. Celebrating the coming year should start with preparation. It will not be superfluous, according to oriental customs, to get rid of all the excess trash that has accumulated in the house. It is worth reconsidering your grievances, dealing with debts and unresolved issues. If the New Year in your family begins in 2018 in a friendly and warm atmosphere, rest assured that the Yellow Dog will help support her throughout the year.
  2. Home decoration is best done in yellow, gold, light brown and pale greenish tones. They correspond to the color of the elements of the Earth, patronizing the coming year.
  3. Don't celebrate alone. The Chinese on New Year's Eve necessarily surround themselves with loved ones. In addition, the dog symbolizing the coming year is a herd animal, so it is better not to contradict her and celebrate the holiday in a pleasant company.
  4. The festive table must necessarily include meat or poultry dishes. The dog prefers meat food, and in the celebration of the coming year, it is better to try to please her.
  5. Clothes and accessories should also be chosen from a yellowish shade. The dog is a conservative, so do not overdo it with extremely short dresses and bright shiny accessories.

New Year's celebrations can be extended over two months. They can begin according to the traditions of our country on the night of January 1 and continue until the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, which starts on February 16 and is celebrated for 2 more weeks. For those who consider the New Year's holiday their most beloved, this is a wonderful opportunity to prolong the New Year's mood and recharge with a positive attitude for the whole coming year.

In 2020, according to the Eastern calendar, the Year of the Rat begins, which begins a new twelve-year cycle. Many are interested in when this will happen: with the first strikes of the chimes or in the East do people celebrate the New Year in a different way?

Chinese New Year

When 2020 officially comes around the world, the Celestial Empire will only prepare for this holiday. In the East, it is called Chun Jie, which means "Spring Festival" and symbolizes the awakening of nature. Most of the inhabitants of China still live by agricultural labor, so the lunar calendar is very important for them.

Each year according to the Eastern calendar is associated with some kind of animal. There are 12 of them. The date of the change of the year depends on the phase of the moon: Chun Jie comes on the second new moon after the winter solstice (January 21 - February 21).

Eastern zodiac

Time reckoning in the Chinese tradition is based on dividing the entire universe into five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and identifying 12 sacred animals (rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and a pig). 2020 is the year of the Rat, the most cunning animal, according to the legend of the ancient Chinese. According to such a zodiac, they live not only in the Celestial Empire, but also in the Land of the Rising Sun, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam.

The complete cycle of the eastern zodiac is 60 years. Every 12 years, the owner of the year changes, which passes from one element to another. 2020 will continue the cycle started in 1984, which was headed by the Wood Rat. The elements change every two years. The era of metal begins in 2020.

There are three versions of how the animals were chosen:

  • The Jade Emperor reigning in heaven once wished to meet 12 of the most interesting animals living on earth. His assistant chose a rat, which he instructed to send an invitation to heaven to a cat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster and a dog. The rat fulfilled the assignment, but deceived the cat, considering him a contender for his place. The emperor, seeing 11 animals, got angry and ordered to bring another one, which will be the first to come across to his servant on the ground. It turned out to be a Pig.
  • Buddha called 12 animals to the Chun Jie festival. As the guests appeared, the Buddha granted each of them a year of reign. There was also a cat among the animals, but there was no rabbit.
  • All animals living on earth were to come to parting with the Buddha. Only 12 of them came, and they were appointed guardians.

Comparing these legends, the Eastern sages came to the conclusion that it is necessary to combine the year of the cat and the rabbit.

When is 2020 in the Chinese calendar?

The new twelve-year cycle will begin on January 25th. It is on this day that the year 4718 will be met in the East. The White Metal Rat will become its symbol. To find out what 12 months will be, it is important to take into account the color of the year, its element and patron saint.

The element and color are determined by the last digits of the year, but not the eastern, but the Gregorian:

  • 4 and 5 - element Wood, color blue and green;
  • 6 and 7 - element Fire, color pink and red;
  • 8 and 9 - element Earth, yellow and ocher;
  • 0 and 1 - element Metal, white;
  • 2 and 3 - element Water, color black and blue.

2020 will begin in the East on January 25, and the celebrations will last 15 days. And before that, there will be a thorough preparation. It is especially important in the days after the winter solstice. Until the second new moon, the monster Nian (literally, Year) reigns, which does not want to let go of the leaving owner and seeks to destroy everything around. But Nian does not like beauty, so the more elegant the house is, the more the monster will be afraid of it.

The 2020 Mistress, the White Metal Rat, is an ambitious animal with a sense of purpose. The year promises to be eventful, you won't have to relax. With an effort, you can expect good results from the Rat.

Traditions and rites

Whatever the color of the year, in the Celestial Empire all jewelry is traditionally red. According to legend, once Nian was very scared of a child in red clothes, so he immediately left the inhabitants alone. The second tradition is the cleansing of the home and the soul. The third is a festive table. Among the treats, there must be jiaozi (outwardly reminiscent of dumplings) as a wish for the birth and well-being of sons. To always have enough in the house, they put a dish with tangerines and oranges on the table.

Each day has its own traditions:

  • On the night of the celebration, the whole family gets together. It is good when several generations sit at the same table. There should be a lot of light and decorations in the house at night. When the year 2020 arrives according to the Eastern calendar, thousands of fireworks will fly into the sky like a greeting to the Rat.
  • The second day is the day of the son-in-law. It is customary to visit each other and visit distant relatives.
  • The third day is the day of sacrifices. It is customary to make figures out of paper and then burn them.
  • From the fourth to the sixth day, they meet Chun Jie with friends.
  • The seventh and eighth days are spent in a quiet family circle, without noise and fun.
  • The ninth day is the day of memory of the ancestors. The number 9 is symbolic here, which in the Christian tradition is also associated with remembrance.
  • After the 10th day, they are preparing for the holiday of lanterns, which concludes the celebration of the New Year. Lanterns illuminate the path of the departing symbol and the souls of the dead to heaven.

How New Year is celebrated in China: video