New year holiday script travel across countries. Scenario of the holiday “New Year's journey across countries. Of course, traveling is more fun and easier with a song

JOURNEY OF THE NEW YEAR IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. Scenario of a New Year's party for younger students

Rudneva Tatyana Vitalievna, head of the creative workshop "Raduga" of the Center for Children and Youth Creativity named after Hero of the Soviet Union E.M. Rudnevoy, Berdyansk, Zaporozhye region, Ukraine
Description: The script of the holiday is designed for children of primary school age.
Organize meaningful leisure activities for children.
1. Create a positive emotional attitude.
2. Develop speech, thinking, creativity, teamwork.
3. To form an interest in the New Year traditions of different nations.
Registration: A festively decorated hall with a decorated Christmas tree, a small Christmas tree, two plastic plates, 18 balls, 3 snowballs, a crown.
Characters: New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.


Fanfare sounds, New Year enters.
New Year:
Last calendar sheet
I'll rip it off. Rejoice, people!
Hello Christmas tree! Hello holiday!
I came. I am New Year.
And I will walk fast across the planet
See the kids having fun.
I'll take a look at the holiday in different countries
And, of course, I will show you all this.
I'll start my journey from the east. I'll probably go to Egypt.

The dance of the Egyptian woman is being performed.

1 child:
And Egypt is a traditional country,
Though not very distant from Europe.
They have a New Year, as the river spills.
The big river is called the Nile.

New Year:
Well, I'll have to come to them later. I'd rather go to Italy.

Bells are ringing, New Year is leaving.

A boy and a girl come out of the wings and argue as they walk.

Girl: Well, how many times have I been told that for the new year it is imperative to cook pasta!
Boy: What are you! Only spaghetti!
Girl: No! Pasta!
Boy: Only spaghetti should be on the New Year's table!
Girl: Do not you understand? Pasta! They are so ...
Boy: Not! Not! Not! And no!
Girl: But understand, what a New Year's table without pasta ?!
Boy: Spaghetti! Spaghetti! Spaghetti! And only spaghetti!

Bells sound, New Year comes out.
New Year:
What are you arguing about here?

Girl (to boy): And who is it?
Boy (girl): I do not know. (New Year) Who are you?
New Year: I am New Year. Has brought you joy and happiness.
Girl: How is New Year? And we haven't had time to throw anything out of the window yet!
Boy: We run faster.


2 child:
There is an interesting custom in Italy,
And it is observed everywhere there.
3 child:
In the new year, do not stand under the windows,
To stay with a whole head.
2 child:
They fly from the window that night
Table and chairs, cups and bed
3 child:
TV, refrigerator, irons,
And computers and boots.
2 child:
So that the new hastens to move into the house,
3 child:
You need to boldly say goodbye to trash.

New Year:
Yes, an interesting custom. But this is a little risky. I'd better go to the Italians' neighbors - the French.

4 child:
And in France, celebrating the new year,

Everyone dances and sings.
Children of Santa Claus are waiting for a visit.
Peer Noel - that's his name there.
So we will now turn into French
And we will spin in a cheerful dance.

The girl sings "Dance of the Little Ducklings" in French, and all the children dance.

New Year:
Cheerful people, these French. I would have stayed with them still, but it's time to move on. Now my path lies across the ocean - to America.

5 child:
And in America, kids meet Santa Claus,
Which arrives on a reindeer in a fast sled.
6 child:
In every house there is a beautiful Christmas tree
Decorated for the holiday.
5 child:
Be sure to doves on the tree -
A symbol of peace, purity, love.
6 child:
Along the fireplace, where it is not very hot,
There are socks for gifts.
5 child:
The spirit of fun is in the air.
6 child:
New Year is celebrated here cheerfully.

Dance "Santa Claus" is being performed.

New Year:
Yes. It's fun here and incendiary, but I have to go on. I'd like to see how the New Year is celebrated in the city of Berdyansk?

7 child:
New Year's Eve is very much awaited here, they decorate the Christmas tree,
They sing a song about her and play snowballs.
8 child:
There is such a tradition, it is more than a hundred years old,
Sing a song about a Christmas tree, which is better.
9 child:
Become a round dance -
Let's celebrate the new year together.

All the children present are dancing a round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

10 child:
Having circled in a round dance, we will have a little rest
And together we will invite you to the holiday of Santa Claus.
11 child:
You come to us, grandfather,
Bring joy to all of us.
12 child:
We have been waiting for you for a whole year
We won't leave without gifts!

Santa Claus, it's time -
All the kids are waiting for you!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come out.

Santa Claus:
Hello kids,
Girls and boys!
I came to you for a masquerade
And I am very glad to see you.

Snow Maiden:
We were in a hurry to please you on a holiday,
To see the glow of many eyes
To play with you
Sing songs, dance
And even tricky riddles to make.

Snow Maiden:
Who is he - with a white beard,
Himself ruddy and gray.
He is the best and the kindest.
Have you guessed? Barmaley?

Santa Claus:
Here she is, beauty,
Everything shimmers!
They brought it from the cold.
Is this tree a birch?

Snow Maiden:
Many, many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts.
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations.
Is this holiday a birthday?

Santa Claus:
Santa Claus has come to you,
He brought a young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift.
Is this girl a mermaid?

Snow Maiden:
Who is Santa Claus's assistant?
Who's with a carrot for a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? Goblin?

Santa Claus:
Come to our ball!
So that no one recognizes you.
Let your mothers sew you
Carnival pajamas.

Snow Maiden:
Harnessed by Santa Claus
Three horses in a heavy cart.
What are their names, remember.
March, April and warm May?

Santa Claus:
Forget about whims.
Gifts for everyone, surprises for everyone!
No need to cry in the new year -
There's an old bast shoe under the tree.

Snow Maiden:
Are you my friend or not my friend?
Get into a circle rather.
Holding hands, kids
Together they lead the bear by the nose.

Santa Claus:
Well done, guys, they did the puzzles. And now…
Who was born in winter?
Come out to play with me.
I have a Christmas tree - a beautiful Christmas tree,
Only without toys I do not like it.
Break into teams
And - to hang garlands.

A game is played, during which children, divided into two teams, hang balls on the tree. Who is faster?

Snowball game

Children stand in a large circle and begin to pass three snowballs with words to each other.
We will become together in a circle,
We will play snowball.
Who the snowball will fall asleep
He will begin to dance for us.

Children who have snowballs after the end of the words dance to cheerful music for everyone. The game is played several times.

The game "Crown of the Snow Maiden"

The girls stand in a circle and, to the music, begin to pass the crown from hand to hand. When the music stops, the girl, who has the crown in her hands, puts it on her head, goes to the center of the circle and says a New Year's wish for everyone present. After that, he is eliminated from the game. The game is played several times.

New Year:
Santa Claus, please,
Where did you forget your bag?
There are also children's gifts.
You didn't bring them to us.

Santa Claus:
Santa Claus I'm modern: I have a mobile phone,
Printer, scanner and computer. Yes, you can't count everything!
I sent all the gifts for children by mail,
And the parcel was delivered here by the postman.
Take a look under the tree soon
Just be careful - tingly.
Get gifts for everyone -
We will end the holiday brightly.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden give gifts to children.

New Year's event script: "New Year in different countries of the world"

Developed by teacher: Alla Grigorievna Bandeko

Objectives: to acquaint students with New Year's celebrations in different countries. "

Objectives: to teach children to work in a team, the culture of other nations.

Develop the mind, thinking, speech, imagination, interest in the culture of different countries;

To foster tolerance, a sense of patriotism, a sense of respect, friendship with other peoples.

Equipment: projector, computer, music recordings, materials for decorating the hall, gifts ...

Event progress:

(The New Year song "We wish you a Marry Christmas!" Is played)

Host 1: Hello, dear guests of our evening, the New Year holiday is approaching soon.

On this holiday New Year

Will bring happiness to everyone in the world,

Miracles will happen

Where they are more likely to be expected.

Host 2: In Russia, the New Year is celebrated with Santa Claus and Snegurochka, the festive table is set, and an elegant Christmas tree is set up. It is customary to celebrate this holiday with the salad "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat." It is customary to give each other gifts that they put under the tree ..

Host 2: But what about the New Year in countries?

This is what we will find out today.

But first, let's see how our heroes perform the New Year's dance.

(dance "Jinglle bells")

Host 1: And we continue our concert. New Year's holidays in each country are met differently with their own customs and traditions.

Host 2: In the capital of England, for example, it is customary on New Year's Eve to wrap a large Big Ben bell in a blanket so that the sound can be heard only near the gate, and then after 12 at night it is unraveled and the ringing is heard throughout the district. The New Year's grandfather who gives gifts is called Santa Claus here.

On this night in England, the doors are also opened to release the old year and let the new in.

Presenter 1: In France, the New Year is celebrated very merrily. On this day, it is customary to eat up and have fun so that the whole year will pass merrily. Presents are given here by Père Noel. And French women observe the tradition of going to the spring to get water from which they prepare pastries and then leave them near the house.

Host 2: In Denmark, the New Year is celebrated with rice porridge, into which a nut is thrown. It is believed that the girl who gets it this year will marry.

Host 1: In Italy, on New Years, it is customary to throw old things out of windows. It is believed that the more you throw away old stuff, the more new things you get in the new year.

Host 2: It is not customary to stay at home on New Year's in Japan, you need to go outside to meet the holiday with the sunrise. On this day, it is also customary to boil long noodles and eat them to lengthen your life.

Host 1: In Canada, it is customary to celebrate the New Year on the street, where festivals and holiday concerts with celebrities are held.

Host 2: In Spain, New Year is celebrated with great joy. On that day, everyone goes to the city square to congratulate each other. And according to the New Year's tradition, at midnight, young girls and boys write their names on sheets of paper and take turns drawing them out. Thus, New Year's couples are formed, which depict lovers.

Host 1: Now let's check how well you remember this information.

New Year's quiz "In different countries".

1) In which country on New Years old things are thrown out of windows?

2) Which nation eats long noodles on New Years and greets the sunrise on this holiday on the street?

3) In which country is the bell wrapped around the New Year and celebrated by opening the door?

4) In which country is it customary to go to the source on New Year's Eve and exchange pastries?


5) In which country is it customary to cook salads "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat" for the New Year.

6) In which country is it customary to write names on pieces of paper on New Year's Eve and choose a mate for yourself?


7) In which country is it customary to eat rice porridge on New Year's Eve and toss a nut there?

Lead 2:

Now let's compete, guessing which country the New Year's song belongs to

Contest "Guess the Country by Song"

(New Year songs from different countries sound)

Host 1: Now let's compete in the knowledge of the names of New Year's Santa Claus in different countries.

Whoever calls the names of New Year's grandfather more will receive a prize.

(Hint: Santa Claus (USA, Canada, Britain, Western Europe); Joulupukki (Finland); Jyuluvana (Estonia); Yul Tomten Jolotomten (Sweden); Juletomte, or Saint Nicholas (Denmark); Site Kaas (Holland); Sho Hin (China); Saint Basil (Greece); Old lady Befana (Italy); Father Noel (France, Spain); Grandfather Mikulas (Czech Republic); Sylvester (Austria); Ayaz-Ata (Kazakhstan); Baba mine (Azerbaijan); Dzmer Papi , or Grandfather Winter (Armenia); Segatsu-san and Oji-san (Japan).

Lead 2: And to make it more fun we will draw Santa Claus with closed eyes

(students draw Santa Claus to cheerful music)

Host 1: And at the end of our holiday we will sing a song in English. "Jingle bells"

Dashing through the snow

On a one horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go,

Laughing all the way

Bells on bob tail ring,

making spirits bright

What fun it is to laugh and sing

A sleighing song tonight

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one horse open sleigh

Translation Jingle Bells - Nastya Kindness We fly in the snow

In a sleigh sled

And we shout joyfully

With a smile on our lips.

The little bells are ringing

Evil spirits are driven away.

Oh, how wonderful it is on the sleigh

To rush with a song this night!

Chorus: Tili-bom, tili-bom,

Ringing and ringing all around

How wonderful the sleigh rushes

And the snow stands like a pillar

Tili-bom, tili-bom,

Ringing and ringing around

How wonderful the sleigh rushes

Around a new circle!

Finally, we wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Lead 1:

H appy new 2018 year! We wish you many happy days, creative victories and incredible emotions!

Lead 2 (translation)

P happy 2018! We wish you many happy days, creative victories and incredible emotions!

New Year's party script for grades 6-11

"New Year's journey around the world"

Cheerful music sounds. The presenter appears.


Hello New Year's holiday.

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

All my friends today

We invited you to visit!

A guest came to us today

New Year's holiday in winter.

We dressed her up

Warmed up, revived.

And now we will stand in a circle.

Let's join hands

And in a merry round dance

Let's walk through the song.

Everyone begins to sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."


I'll tell you a secret

What is here with us today,

For fun - expanse:

There will be music and singing

Dances, games, entertainment.

Very interesting,

Just wonderful!


Oh girls and boys

Our fingers will freeze

It pinches the cheeks, pinches the nose

Apparently close ...

(Santa Claus)

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear to the music.

Santa Claus.

Happy New Year! With new happiness! A joyful holiday for everyone, Let Songs, music and laughter sound under our tree.

Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus in a big park -

I barely carried the presents.

And the gifts, they say,

He gives out to everyone.

Grandfather Frost, get presents as soon as possible and treat the guys!

(Santa Claus shakes gifts out of the bag, and a globe rolls out of the bag. He picks it up and speaks)

Santa Claus

You, Snow Maiden, look

This is how the miracle ball lay inside.

In this rush I forgot

What guys I was in a hurry.

What country do they live in and where,

How can I help my trouble?

Snow Maiden.

Do not be discouraged, grandpa,

Do not take everything to heart.

Twirl our ball

We'll be there in no time.

If we are welcome there,

Let's distribute our gifts!

Santa Claus

So we will do granddaughter

I'll spin the ball now(turns and stops the globe, national music sounds)


New Year in Scotland: (6th grade),

Santa Claus

Let's see how New Year is celebrated here(sit on chairs, watch the guys perform)

Each class shows a New Year's business card, according to accepted traditions, shows a dish and conducts a traditional New Year's game or competition

Santa Claus

(The Snow Maiden turns and stops the ball, national music sounds)


New Year in India (performance of 7th grade children ),

Santa Claus

Thank you, dear hosts, but we will try to visit some other country. Maybe she will surprise us more. Spin the Snow Maiden the globe.


New Year in Italy (performance of 8th grade children),

Santa Claus

Thank you, dear hosts, but we will try to visit some other country. Maybe she will surprise us more. Spin the Snow Maiden the globe.

(The Snow Maiden turns and stops the ball, national music sounds)


New Year in China (performance by grade 9 children),

Santa Claus

Thank you, dear hosts, but we will try to visit some other country. Maybe she will surprise us more. Spin the Snow Maiden the globe.

(The Snow Maiden turns and stops the ball, national music sounds)


Australia New Year (performance of 10th and 11th grade children).

Santa Claus

Thank you and dear owners. But it seems to me that there is one school in Russia where the Snow Maiden is waiting for you and me. Come on spin the globe and we'll find ourselves ... (national music sounds)

Snow Maiden

At the Voznesensk secondary school of the Bagansky district of the Novosibirsk region.

Come on, let's remind the guys grandpa

as the New Year is celebrated in Russia,

what games are played,

how they have fun and congratulations.


And I will help you with this. (reads information note)

You know, dear friends, that the New Year was not celebrated in Russia until 1700. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree that on January 1, 1700, a new chronology begins in Russia, on this day you need to fire cannons, burn resin, decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, and also "fix fun with dances, music and games. " Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians had sweet porridge-kutia and pancakes as a traditional New Year's dish. Porridge was cooked from whole grains, from several types of cereals. It was believed: there will be a plentiful meal for the New Year, which means that there will be a full bowl at home all year round. In Russia, at the beginning of the century, domestic animals were baked from dough for the New Year: horses, cows, bulls. And when they came to the house to carol, the guests were presented with these figures, various sweets, and nuts. It was also believed that the New Year should be celebrated in a new dress, shoes - then walk in new clothes all year round. Usually, before the New Year, they paid off all debts, forgave all offenses, those who were in a quarrel were obliged to make peace, so they asked each other for forgiveness. Father Frost and Snow Maiden were expected in Russia on this day

Henceforth and forever, this holiday was fixed in the Russian calendar.

Now play with the audience.

For the correct answer - candy:

1. How many gifts: sweets, cookies, gingerbread, books, chocolates can go into a Santa Claus bag? (Not at all. They can't walk).

2. What kind of fire is cold and they cannot burn anything? (Bengal)

3. Who is never late for us?(New Year)

4. What grows upside down? (Icicle)

5. What freezes in the house, but not on the street? (Window glass)

6. New Year's grandfather. (Frost)

7. Skating track. ( Rink)

8. Time of day when the Old and New Years meet. (Night)

9. The middle of three white knights (January)

10. Canvas for artistic exercises of Santa Claus. (Window)

11. Modern sheepskin coat. (Sheepskin coat)"

Santa Claus

On this day in Ancient Russia, it was customary to generously treat each other with the most delicious dishes - pickles, jams, smoked meats and delicious pies. So we will treat you today during the holiday with pies and tea.(pointing to pies and tea on the tables)

Snow Maiden.

Competition: "Guess what subject we are talking about."

I will read to you the statements of children about these subjects, and you guess. Whoever guesses will receive this item. First hint:

The kids really love this thing.

Adults have a lot of trouble from her.

Once she had a hare mask with an elastic band inside her.

She looks like candy.

She has a string to pull on. (Clapperboard).

They are multi-colored.

We had them all over the floor.

Once in my mother's hair they got tangled, and she could not get them.

They, like snowflakes, fall, fall.

My dad makes them with a hole punch. (Confetti).

This is something so long.

It's so colorful and shiny.

It can be torn easily.

It is made from foil or colored paper.

When thrown, it unwinds, leaving a long tail. (Serpentine).

They are large and small.

Everything in him is reflected upside down.

They hang him on the tree.

When the garlands are lit, their light is also reflected in it.

They come in a variety of colors, but are always round. (Christmas balls).


GAME "DRESS up a Christmas tree"

To play, you need 12 people willing, 5 people in each team and 2 people - these are New Year trees. 2 teams play. There is a Christmas tree near each team, on which there are no New Year's decorations. All team players must, within 10 minutes, decorate the tree with improvised means that they can find in the hall. At my signal, all the players find decorations, run to their team's Christmas tree, hang them up and come back. The first team to dress up the Christmas tree wins. (music sounds, teams play)

Santa Claus

Now I will spend game "BECAUSE NEW YEAR!"

Answer my questions in chorus with the phrase “Because New Year!”.

Why is there fun around, Laughter and jokes without worries? ..

Why are cheerful guests expected to come? ..

Why does everyone make a wish in advance? ..

Why will the path of knowledge lead you to the "five"? ..

Why will the Christmas tree playfully wink at you with the lights? ..

Why is the Snow Maiden with Grandfather Everyone is waiting here today? ..

Why do Children dance in a round dance in the elegant hall? ..

Why good luck, Santa Claus sends peace to the guys? ..

Santa Claus.

December and January

Children to live freely:

Winter holiday at the guys

All twelve days in a row.

Snow Maiden.

Songs, dances, round dances

Yes, fun hikes,

Games, jokes, laughter, fun -

Every day is like Sunday!

You can jump and dance

There is simply no time to be bored!

Santa Claus

So it's time for us to say goodbye. It is a pity that the holiday ended so quickly.

Snow Maiden

But we hope that you will be able to maintain the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year. We do not say goodbye to you, we say to you: "Until next time!"


And now the New Year's disco.

Irina Kalugina
Scenario of the holiday "New Year's trip around the countries"

« New Year's journey across countries»

Leading: Kostin Kirill (Russian)

Attention! Attention! Attention!

Notified in advance.

It is not for nothing that a calendar sheet is placed here.

Let the young remember and old:

Carnival is here at this hour!

Leading: Zotova Arina (Chinese)

Left until holiday time is short.

And let's hope everyone is ready

See friends with friends on carnival day

Without delay, in hours!

Together: Hello dear guests! Happy New Year!

Children come in with a dance.

Stand in a semicircle.

1. Different nations live in the world

For a long time.

Some like the mountains

Others steppe space.

2. Every nation has an exquisite outfit

One wears a tunic,

the other put on a robe.

3. One per field with rice,

Another reindeer herder.

4. One tofu cooks,

Another brews compote.

5. One lovelier autumn, another milder spring.


But only our planet we all have one!

6. Peoples on the planet

Fully lives full

Both adults and children

Celebrate the New Year!

Leading: Well, finally, everyone gathered - guests, guys, and presenters.

My name is Kirill, and my friend Meili, she came from China, her name in translation from Chinese is beautiful.

Leading: Thank you, Kirill. But holiday is not a holiday

Without the main guest

And who is this guest - guess now.

"What kind of master is this

And leaves, and herbs, and bushes of roses? "

Children: Frost!

Leading: Come on, all together,

Come on, everything is together

Let's call Frost and granddaughter here!

All: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden!

Fanfare sounds. A sad one appears in the hall

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys.

Leading: Snegurochka, why are you so sad? And where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: We agreed to come to you together at celebration, I waited for Grandpa, I waited, but for some reason he did not come. Please forgive us for spoiling you celebration.

Leading: What to do? So, now I will try to find it using the navigator in my tablet. I display information on the big screen.

Magic music sounds, the TV turns on.

Santa Claus speaks to screen:

Hello my dears, children and adults. I was in a hurry to see you celebration, but the evil Baba Yaga conjured, knocked me off the road. I ended up in Spain, help me guys find my way home soon!

Leading: Let's go, friends, help Santa Claus!

The lights are dimmed, music sounds, children walk around the tree, sit in their places.

Leading: Guys, we also ended up in Spain.

The Snow Maiden leaves unnoticed.

On the screen slides about Spain.

1 child:

Spain! Spain!

Wonderful country!

The sun is abundant here

We like her!

Bulls with bullfighters

Oh, just admiration!

Fun, songs, dances

Well, everyone is surprised!

2 child:

Square, palms and flamenco

Skirts, banging castanets

Such as in Spain

Nowhere, perhaps not!

Spanish dance!

Leading: Hola! In Spanish, hola - hello!

Spanish women answer: hola.

Leading: Lovely Spanish women, have you met Santa Claus?

Spanish women: Yes, he was passing by us, he gave you this.

Leading: Thank you, dear beauties! In Spain there is a tradition - for the New Year, to give all guests a special handbag, which is called "cotillion"... There are balloons, carnival masks, musical horns, streamers and confetti. Santa Claus in Spain is called Papa Noel. And the Spanish grandfather has no Snow Maiden.

Competition "One ring, two ring"

(items from the cotillion, rings)

At a distance of 2-3 meters from the participants of the competition, there are objects wrapped in paper. Each of them is given 3 rings with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters made of thick cardboard. Competitors must throw rings on these items. The object on which the ring fell becomes the property of the person who got it.

Leading: Oh, guys, where is our Snow Maiden. Listens. Music sounds. Here it is, probably.

Baba Yaga runs to the music in a snow maiden's caftan, sings "Song of Baba Yaga" Gomonova.

Leading: We, Baba Yaga, recognized you, would have greeted us!

Baba Yaga: Say hello? Well then! This is very possible! Hello to you, the tree is a thorny needle! Hello, viewers are parents! Hello, kid! Wow, my little mice!

Leading: We are not mice, we are elders in kindergarten, we will go to school soon!

Leading: why did you, Baba Yaga, knock Santa Claus out of the way, because we are on we are waiting for the holiday?

Baba Yaga: Why did he offend me? Instead of Snow Maiden, I wanted to deliver gifts to the kids with him, but he didn't take me! Look at me! What a nose, what eyes, a good figure! Confirm, guys, why am I not a Snow Maiden?

Leading: We will now test you with a song, whether you are suitable for the role of the Snow Maiden or not.

Children: (singing) Tell me, Snegurochka, where have you been, Tell me, honey, how are you?

Baba Yaga: The stupa broke by January, I flew on a broomstick. Oh, what am I saying?

Children: (singing) Where do you live, Snegurochka, tell me, Show your crystal house!

Baba Yaga: My crystal house on two legs, His voice voiced: ku-dakh-takh-takh!

Leading: Well, Baba Yaga, you could not stand the test of the song! Granny Yagulenka, what else can you do?

Baba Yaga: (bends fingers) I know how to play catch-up with the wind, make noise and squeal throughout the forest. Choose, children, me the Snow Maiden. For whole days, instead of classes, you will prepare at Babki Yozhki, wave brooms, fly on brooms. Like this! (flies around the tree)... Children, would you like to play with me?

Children play with Baba Yaga

Leading: Baba Yaga, can you dance like our guys?

Baba Yaga: I'll try.

Baba Yaga dances clumsily.

Leading: No, Baba Yaga, you are not suitable for the role of the Snow Maiden. Get out of here, and don't come back without Santa Claus!

Baba Yaga: Oh so, huh? Well, okay, you will regret it! Incidentally, I was invited to the Miss Universe contest. Change your mind, but it will be too late! (runs away)

Leading: And we, guys, now have to look for the Snow Maiden as well.

Let's sleep a song "We will find the Snow Maiden".

Song "We will find the Snow Maiden".

Snegurochka enters: Thank you guys for the song. And Grandpa didn't show up?

Leading: Not yet, Snegurochka, but don't worry. Now we will try to find it. Looks at the tablet. And in Spain he is no longer!

Santa Claus on the screen: My dears, boys and girls, thank you for your help. But for some reason I am not in Russia, but in China.

Leading: Guys, we are urgently leaving for China.

Music sounds, children go around the tree, "Chinese" stay behind the tree, the rest sit down.

China is on the screen.

The Chinese come out.

1. China is magical country

He is full of mysteries of the ancients

There is a great wall

A dragon flies over her.

2. There are so many Chinese people living there,

That in life they are countless.

They are docile people.

Used to eat with chopsticks.

Leading: NI HAO! " (says hello in Chinese) Hello guys! Welcome to China! Here, instead of a Christmas tree, each family buys a New year flowering plant.

Leading: In China, before the New Year, five long strips of paper were attached to the door, which meant "Five kinds of happiness": luck, honor, longevity, wealth and joy. According to an ancient custom, one must make some noise to drive away evil spirits. No New Year is complete without dancing!

"CHINESE DANCE" (boys with lanterns, girls with fans)

Leading: IN celebration dancing traditional dances of lions and dragons. The lion dance signifies protection in new year from troubles and misfortunes, the Dance of Dragons expresses the admiration of the Chinese before the dragon. Let's guys play a game.

Game "Catch the Dragon by the Tail!"

All are built one after another so that the right hand is placed on the right shoulder of the person in front. The one in front is the head of the dragon, the last one is its tail. The head should catch the tail. Then the children change, who was the tail, he becomes forward. The game continues until all the children are caught.

Leading: And now, dear guests from China, sit down, listen, our Russian guys have prepared poems for you.


We celebrated the New Year:

Dad, mom, me and the cat.

I drank festive compote,

Adults - champagne

A terribly important cat

He ate sour cream.

3. Alexandrova


By the silver path

As soon as the New Year comes

On a high thin leg

The miracle tree rises.

This tree is not simple

And it's not for the guys.

Flying near the Christmas tree

Birds whistle merrily.

There is a woodpecker and tits,

Bullfinches, and a sparrow -

Everybody wants to have fun

Near your Christmas tree!

Toys do not shine on it

And the star does not shine

But then there are feeders for birds

We hung there!

Bird flocks arrive

To our Christmas tree in the winter garden,

And in the garden, without stopping,

The bells are ringing.

Live, herringbone!

They bought me a tree!

They bought me a tree!

In the forest at the edge, they did not cut it.

And they made a Christmas tree at a good factory

Good uncles, funny aunts.

Come soon

Quickly take a look

On a Christmas tree made of thin silver threads:

All hairy needles,

Shiny and lush

And it will barely ring out.

And the forest tree remained alive,

Stands at the edge

Nodding with the top of his head.

Just to the wind, blizzards,

Just as beautiful

Not sawn spruce!

I. Tokmakova

Christmas tree toys

We did it ourselves:

And Santa Claus

With a big mustache

And the little Snow Maiden

In a rich fur coat.

And it's all in secret

From a younger brother.

He is in the room next

On a soft crib

Lay down comfortably

And he sleeps sweetly.

And we are slowly

Gathered today

Him to cook

Surprise new Year!

We hear from the room:

And the little red ball

Hang it higher!

Leading: Appeals to the Chinese. Guys, have you seen our Santa Claus in China?

Child: Yes Yes! Santa Claus stayed with us for several days. And yesterday he left for India.

Leading: We all get on the plane. Let's go flying.

They fly to the music

India is on the screen.

1 child:

There are flowers and monkeys

Pineapples and bananas.

This wonderful country-

It is called India.

2 child:

There is no higher place on earth

Than the summit of Everest.

Climb Everest

And you will see the whole area.

3 child:

The city of fabulous Bombay

With a dance of poisonous snakes

Yogis dancing on coals

Monkeys and tigers in the jungle.

Leading: Famous Indian new year tradition is to get rid of on the eve New years from old boring clothes.

Leading: And also from India came the tradition of flying kites on the New Year and making a wish, and then it will definitely come true.

Indian dance performed

Leading: Namaskar! In Indian, hello. Tell me, lovely Indian girls, have you seen Santa Claus?

Indian girls:

Frost was our guest, But he left the other day.

Leading: Again we did not have time, these are all the tricks of Baba Yaga. Well, wait, old one, I'll ask you!

Baba Yaga appears: Who called me, promised to give something. Wow, my yacht, have you prepared a present for me?

Leading: You will not receive any gift until you return Santa Claus to us!

Baba Yaga: Oh, don't be angry, guys, here's a magic ball, where it will roll, look for your grandfather there, but I have to go, I'm in a hurry. (leaves)

Children throw a ball, follow it.

Greeks appear.

Leading: Hello dear. And who are you, from which countries will?

1. We are called Hellenes.

Or just the Greeks.

We have mountains here and there

Both seas and rivers.

2. On Olympus high

Gods dwell

Guard our peace

And they are strict.

3. And fireworks over the temples

The new year sparkles.

And Sirtaki is our dance

The whole world knows.

Greek dance Sirtaki.

Leading: Kalimara. "Hello" in Greek.

New Year in Greece is called Saint Basil's Day. In Greece, it is customary for children to leave a shoe at the doorstep so that Saint Basil can fill it with various sweets and gifts.

Leading: We didn't find Santa Claus in Greece either.

Leading: Guys, let's sing a funny song about Santa Claus, he will hear and return to us.

Song "Santa Claus".

The children sit down. Magic music sounds, the lights are dimmed, Santa Claus comes in, greets everyone, hugs the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus: This holiday on the planet

Loved by adults and children

Let's open the door, let him come in

A magical New Year is here!

Let him walk in a circle

We are glad to him as a friend!

We are waiting for miracles and magic!

Let's shout everything to him ...

All: Hooray!

Santa Claus: Guys, how glad I am to meet you, are you glad to see me? Are you, granddaughter, glad?

Snow Maiden: I am very glad, grandfather, I will even sing you a song.

Santa Claus:

How long have we traveled!

Finally, we are in Russia! What's the beautiful!

What a real Russian winter!

1. Reb. With white snow, with a whole wagon, next to Santa Claus

In sequins of frost, there is Zimushka itself - winter,

As usual, she appeared at the gate.

At the gates of my boardwalk in a white downy cap,

In a white sheepskin coat, in white mittens with fluff,

In white, soft, slender new felt boots.

2. Reb. On her cheeks stubbornly, who does not believe - look:

The blush of a fresh morning dawn spreads.

Clear-eyed, simple, a little snub-nosed like that.

Neither add nor subtract, the whole Snow Maiden is matched.

3. Reb. What happened? What a miracle! Everything is white around!

It was at night a blizzard was rushing, pouring snow.

And the street is so clean, the sun is burning!

Sparkling snow creaks merrily underfoot.

We were looking forward to the first snow.

Finally, the Russian winter is with us again!


Santa Claus: My dear children, I did not come alone, I brought you Christmas trees, only they are sad, will you help me dress them up?

The relay-game "Dress the Christmas tree" is held with children. Children are divided into two teams. Opposite each team is a Christmas tree, next to them are toys. Each child hangs one toy on the tree.

Santa Claus: Oh, what good fellows you are - you read poems and sing songs, but you won't please your grandfather with a dance?

Leading: Sit down, grandfather, rest, look at the dancers.

Russian dance "Felt boots"


1. Why do we love the New Year? Behind holiday is the brightest.

For the fact that Santa Claus will come and bring gifts.

On the tree the rain will shine, light up with lights.

And Grandma Yozhka will come running to have fun with us.

The hut runs in, Baba Yaga

B / I: Stop, stop, catch her, catch her.

Santa Claus catches the hut.

B / I: Oh, thank you, they caught up by force.

Santa Claus: Baba Yaga, and who is this in your hut.

Baba Yaga: Unknown. Hey, who's in the hut?

Santa Claus: Ah, here they are, my gifts, they ran away from Baba Yaga. Go dear, sit under the tree.

Baba Yaga: Forgive me, I will no longer

Santa Claus: So be it, in honor we forgive the holiday.

Yes, on New Year's Eve, anything happens

but this is the first time that happens to me.

That's new Year's holiday it's time for us to finish.

I wish you children a lot of joy today.

Happy New Year, it's time for gifts!

Snow Maiden with Santa Claus are giving out gifts.

New Year's holiday scenario for grades 9-11

"New Year's journey around the world"

(representatives of different nationalities are lining up in columns in front of the gym)

Leading: Good evening, dear guests!

Come into the hall for the holiday!

Leading: Welcome guests from France

Host: England

Host: Scotland

Host: African

Host: Japan

Host: Russia

Host: Greece

Host: Spain

Leading: United Arab Emirates

Host: Mexico

Leading: Indians (America)

Host: India

(meets Santa Claus in the hall)

Santa Claus: On the doorstep - New Year,
My head is spinning.
We need to be in time
Do everything, provide
To celebrate this holiday
No worries and no hassle.
I'll use the old method:
I will write an order for a year.

(The minister appears with guests: Pharaoh, Spartacus, Greek goddesses)

Minister: Good evening, Santa Claus,
How are you, my good boss?
And we have a trouble
Guests came to us here!
Through the blizzard, blizzard and blizzards
People came to us!

Santa Claus: Who are these gentlemen?
How did you get here?

Minister: Frost numb
And they were completely numb.
See how lightly dressed
Straight, as if it’s summer.

Santa Claus to Pharaoh: Oh, handsome, well, good!
Who do you look like?

Pharaoh: I'm Egyptian Pharaoh!
My father is the god Amon!
And my name is Tutankhamun!
I suffered damage to health!

Santa Claus to Pharaoh: How did you get here
Have you returned from abroad?

Pharaoh: The trouble is all connected with the exam!
Your graduate in history is neither bae nor mee!
He messed up my life for a century,
Now I am with you a modern person!

Here it shook across Russia, vilified,
But my Egyptian strength is with me!
And to observe the law of history,
I decided to scrape together for the return.

(goes to the people with a hat)

Santa Claus to Spartak: And you, my friend, I see cool,
And the muscles are like a rod from you!

Spartacus: And I am Spartacus, from Sparta, therefore,
I raised agility in the slaves of battle.
On the timeline, your graduate
From ancient times he sent me here
And to collect some money for my journey,
And to get even with my student,
I began to spin, foot to foot
And he became almost a Tectonist!

Santa Claus: I see.

African: I am Mbu, swift-footed like a wildebeest.

Oh how cold your winter is. Green winter is still nothing, but white is


Santa Claus: I see.

Santa Claus to the goddesses: And these poor gazelles
Blue from the frost!
You too have become a victim of knowledge
For points of the highest claims?

Goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis: and we are goddesses!

Athena: I am Athena! Goddess of wisdom, war!

Aphrodite: I am Aphrodite! Goddess of beauty, love!

Artemis: My name is Artemis, I am the goddess of the hunt,

Your idiots drove us from Olympus!
It looks like you, white-bearded,
In charge here, highborn?
Deal with graduates urgently,
Otherwise, we will arrange a heavenly life for everyone!

Santa Claus to the goddesses: They raged, girls, dispersed,
But you got warm, you blushed.
We will solve your problem in a moment,
After all, you are guests, so we will not sin!

(Santa Claus sings with the goddesses)

Santa Claus: - Oh, you, my poor, Aphrodite!
Look how emaciated the tunic is!
I will take care of you!

Aphrodite: - I want nothing!

Santa Claus to Athena: Your condition is hysterical!
Eat, girl, dietary egg
Or maybe we will see a doctor?

Athena: - I want nothing!

Santa Claus to Artemis: - My unfortunate Artemis,
I'll write you a dress overseas.
Whatever you choose, I'll pay for everything!
Artemis: - I want nothing!

All goddesses: - We do not want anything! Home to Zeus!

Minister: Santa Claus, listen to me,
Eat the testicle yourself.
After all, in your frosty power
End all misfortunes at once!
You are all these strange travelers
Return them to their countries.
Freeze the graduates
So that they do not commit sins!

Santa Claus: No, I will not freeze,
I will not go under the Code.
I'd better help them!
May everyone celebrate the New Year
And then, honest people,
Will sweat day and night
So that in everything for the exam to be in time!

Santa Claus: Hey, helpers, you entertain our guests!


The sound of a car pulling up. Modern, disco music sounds. Baba Yaga comes out - a stylish businesswoman, with a broom, puts it on the alarm. Dances. Sits down at the table, opens the laptop. (Photo of B-Z is on the table.) Kikimora's secretary is behind her, talking on the phone.

Kikimora: Alla! Travel agency "YAGA".

No, there are no free tickets for New Year's Eve in the kingdom of Koshchei.

I can offer you an unforgettable excursion on a super speed

Airliner "Serpent Gorynych" to Panama ...
Baba Yaga (looking out from behind a laptop): Have you been to Panama yet?
Go, there is a tsunami.
All to Spain, to hot Madrid!
Whoever arrives will immediately burn out.

Kikimora: How wonderful food is in Greece:
Vinegar, pepper and other spices.
On the "Roofs of Paris" excursion
The roof moves with delight.
Resting in Turkish Antalya,
Don't forget to throw back your sandals.

Well, how, have you decided where to go? Not? Do you think more? ...

Kikimora: Oh, Baba Yaga, what kind of forest monster? What black!

Our Santa Claus has gone wild, froze him to blackening.

Baba Yaga: What, don't you see, the comrade went too far with the solarium, and where

You know something, the tundra is impassable.

African: (voice quivering from the cold to Baba Yaga) Ltd! Sneguroshka!

Baba Yaga: (smartening up) Well, finally, at least someone appreciated me!

African: We are there to get acquainted with your sights, a little

Get lost. Do you mind, we will meet this one, how is it? ...

Funky New Code!

Baba Yaga: Yes, boring things here with us ...

Kikimora: Yes, we sat too long in our forest, we ought to get out to people too.

Baba Yaga: Don't tell me, Kikimuroshka!