Violet color in clothes. Good mood blog

To obtain a harmonious and complete picture or picture, artists use many colors and shades, which are often obtained after combining a certain number of colors. This also applies to the violet color, it is quite possible to do it yourself, mixing in equal quantities, red and blue. In more detail we will consider mixing options in the article.

What colors of paints need to be mixed to get violet from gouache, paints: step by step instructions

There are three main options for the color scheme, when mixed, you can get one or another shade that you need:

  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Red

Accordingly, to brighten the color, you need to use white paint. Well, for darkening - black or dark paint should be added to the mixture of primary colors, depending on what color you need.

  • The main thing is to use clean paints to get the right color, without various contaminants. This is especially true for light shades, which are quite difficult to fix if the color is not quite the same.
  • To obtain a saturated violet color, it is better to use a bright red color, and preferably a bright ultramarine, without green or yellow shades, because the result may be brown.
  • Checking extra shades or pigments is very simple, for this you need to add a few drops of white to the paint.
  • You can mix the hue both on the canvas and on the palette, the main thing is to use the palette only with white colors or the color of the main background, because on wooden or dark palettes, the resulting color may be distorted.
  • For mixing gouache, it is best to use a ceramic or disposable plate. It is better to change the water that you use as often as possible, so that the colors are clean and the pictures are clear.

In order to highlight certain details, use a minimum amount of water when mixing. Before applying gouache on the drawing, it is better to draw a sketch with a simple pencil, and in the process wash it with an eraser.

How to make light purple, pale purple from paints, gouache when mixing?

Many artists are quite familiar with the situation when the necessary color or shade is over. This problem is quite easy to solve, and you should not immediately go to the store for a new tube, you should mix several colors, mainly 2-3 and you can get the color you need. It is, of course, worth considering the presence of those colorings, due to which the missing paint can be. And to be sure of this, just look at the color mixing table.

Since school times, everyone knows that purple is a secondary color that can be obtained only through a mixture of red and blue, but difficulties arise if you need a different shade of this color, for example, soft purple, or light purple. In this situation, not everyone, even professionals, manages to bring the desired shade to the ideal. Therefore, it is best to gradually introduce additional ones to the main color, and it is advisable not to do this immediately on the canvas, especially if you use gouache.

  Mix gouache, paint

To obtain such shades, you need to mix the pink color of the paint or gouache with blue. If such marching colors are also absent, then white must be added to the mixture of red and blue colors. It is better to do this on the palette to reliably make sure that this is exactly the color that you need. For such manipulations, it is best to use red kolbat or ultramarine, and from the blue palette, shades of azure or phthalocyanine are more suitable.

If you add cool red to black, you can get a muted purple hue as a result. For such manipulations, it is better to use shades of red such as alizarin or phthalocyanine. And for clarification, use pure white paint or special white.

Of course, the purple color, as well as its shades, is quite beautiful and is used not only in art, but also for painting walls, creating a new interior design, even for hair coloring. Colors have an important role, and are used in many fields of activity, it is worth knowing how to get this or that shade correctly.

How to get a dark purple color when mixing paints, gouache?

As a result of combining red and blue in a variety of proportions, you can get a whole range of violet shades. In order for your new color to be accurate and consistent with your plan, you need to thoroughly mix the paints with each other, because as a result of improper mixing on the canvas during the process, unwanted streaks or spots may form. For such manipulations, artists most often use a palette knife - this is a special thin spatula for mixing colors.

  • Of course, the violet color, as described above, can be obtained by mixing red and blue, but if you choose the wrong shades of these colors, you can get an undesirable result, for example, with a gray or brown tint.
  • When combining cold shades of red and blue, you can definitely get a saturated color, from which a dark shade of purple will turn out perfectly. Of course, to get what you want, you need to add black or dark gray color, this is at your discretion, because dark shades of purple, there are many.

  • When adding black, it is advisable to use a deep, saturated color, similar to black resin. The amount of black color depends on the desired result that you need, it is best to add it gradually, while thoroughly mixing the colors, because black often absorbs red and its marching colors, so it will not turn purple with a red or fiery tint.
  • To obtain a bright purple color, experienced artists often use a combination of blue or cyan with a manger. This combination of 100% will give the desired result, while from the resulting color, you can easily make various shades, both light and dark.
  • The color of the client can be compared with the ink from the printer, and in order not to be mistaken when buying, you just need to print an example and choose the desired shade by comparison.

It is worth remembering that dark shades absorb red, and therefore often get an “eggplant” shade of purple when mixed with black. This is worth considering if you need a purple or red-violet color. A similar shade can only be obtained by mixing dark purple with a small amount of pure white, and a grayish shade can also be observed.

How to get lilac when mixing paints, gouache?

To achieve the desired effect in the process of combining paints seems simple only at first glance, including, this applies to purple hues. Most colors can “absorb” others, while dominating the resulting hue, therefore, it is worth gradually introducing new colors, and mix very well, as described above. Professionals perform this work directly on the catfish canvas, but if in doubt, it is best to do this on a ceramic plate or a special palette.

  • Despite the fact that the violet color is not considered basic, it has a lot of pop-up colors, and as a result of introducing additional colors to the main paints or directly to violet, you can get almost 200 different hiking colors of this color, ranging from white-lilac, ending in deep purple. Guessing the correct proportions of the desired colors is the main problem, because the transition from one shade to another has a very fine line.

  • Traditionally, the lilac hue, like the main violet, is considered cold colors, and, of course, the initial stage of production is the mixing of blue and red colors.
  • It is easy to get a lilac color, for this, add white to the “usual” violet color, which is made from cold blue and cold red.
  • Lilac color belongs to the third group, because it can be obtained by combining 2, or even 3 or more colors.

If, as a result of manipulating tones, you get a lilac color that shades red or pink, while you need a cold shade of lilac, this problem is easy to fix, just add a small amount of black to the resulting mixture, which after mixing to absorb redness.

How to get purple when mixing paints, gouache?

Of course, the lilac shade is very beautiful, and paints of similar colors are often taken for the design of walls in the interior of a house. But, of course, in nature you can find a large number of plants that have a purple color. Among them, a huge number are vegetables, berries, flowers. But this color does not apply to the primary, original colors.

  • Purple, as well as lilac and other marching from purple, is considered a secondary color, because obtained by combining other colors.
  • If you use gouache, then you should pay attention to what name is purple. There are 2 categories of this color - K and C. In the first case, the red tint is dominant, and in the color scheme, it is between red and purple. But in the second case, purple has a predominantly blue color, and is between blue and purple in the color scheme.

  • Of course, there are also a large number of shades of lilac, and therefore you need to add whitewash gently. The classic "recipe" of the lilac hue is considered to be a combination in equal proportions of red, blue and white.
  • You can go the other way, in the presence of pink and blue, they also need to be mixed thoroughly and this will turn out the desired purple color. If you do not have such shades, then you can separately bleach the red color to get pink, and blue - to get blue.

If you use watercolors, then you won’t need whitewash, and the role of clarifier is played by ordinary water, the main thing is to change it more often for clarity and clarity of the picture.

Shades of purple: palette, color names

Violet color, today, is very popular among interior and clothing designers. Also, it’s hard to imagine different paintings without using at least one shade of such a color. As you know, purple is produced by combining red and blue, whitening is needed to brighten, and black or simply dark color will help saturate the colors with a darker shade.

In the Panton palette, almost 200 shades of this color are charged, in which you can find not only bright, light, dull shades, but also dark, deep, with a blue or pink tint.

The most popular colors of the violet gamut are:

  1. Deep, dark and saturated:
  • Plum
  • Mulberry
  • Eggplant

This group contains those colors that have no redness, and blue or gray are dominant.

  1. Light:
  • Lilac
  • Violet
  • Orchid color
  • Amethyst
  • Pearl
  • Fuchsia (has a brighter color)

These shades overlap with delicate scarlet tones, have a red halftone, it is thanks to this characteristic that these colors belong to warm shades.

  1. Cold shades:
  • Dark magenta
  • Indigo
  • Saturated, dark silky
  • Purple electric
  • Blackcurrant color

Here are those colors that mainly have a deep blue halftone. Classic violet is considered the sixth main color, it has a huge number of shades, while having various shades, the main ones, as mentioned above - red and blue, gray, pink, blue and even orange are also found.

Today it is considered fashionable to use non-standard colors not only in clothes, but also for creating modern paintings and drawings. Using various shades, you can convey the depth and accuracy of the image, and most often many artists can get the desired result only by mixing other colors.

There are chromatic shades that are placed next to each other in a circle of color combinations, as well as achromatic - located far from each other or vice versa, when mixed, a shade with a predominance of gray tint is obtained. Of course, to get the expected result, you need to understand the color scheme, and the correct proportion when mixing, but it is also important to use materials that have a similar chemical composition. This can radically change the result, or it will turn out completely wrong color that you need.

In order for the result to be as accurate as possible, it is better to mix a small amount of paints, as with large volumes you can not guess with accuracy in proportions. The table that we offer can significantly simplify the task in finding the right shade, it is used in various areas of life.

Thanks to the knowledge of the correct mixing of colors, you can create real masterpieces. Good luck in your work.

Video: Mix colors and get purple

Recently, I began to notice that in the profile of some magazine owners (or rather, mostly owners), interest in purple is indicated. It became interesting what the craving for this color means.

Here is what that means
The violet color has a huge variety of meanings, such as intelligence, knowledge, religious passion, sobriety, humility or moderation. In addition, this color means grief, nostalgia, mourning and old age. Violet is optimally combined with such colors as yellow, white, pink and orange; it is an intermediate between blue and red. Light tones of violet are called lilac. They blend perfectly with white, yellow, gray and orange colors.

Symbols of violet color
The violet color serves as a symbol of dignity, grandeur, luxury, melancholy, spirituality and tranquility, humanism and modesty. It can cause a person to desire to be filled with the feelings and thoughts of a loved one. In addition, the violet color can soothe anger, relax, relieve anxiety and irritation.

Psychology of Purple

Violet color speaks of emotionality, great sensitivity, spirituality and delicacy of the individual. In the case when a person is opposed to this color - this serves as a sure sign that this person has a very developed sense of duty and desire to live exclusively real. Violet is the color of very harmoniously developed people (the upper seventh chakra corresponds to it). However, an excess of this color can cause apathy and melancholy. He is associated with great ideas and artistry, due to the fact that the purple color contributes not only to inspiration, but also to compassion and sensitivity. This color can help with a variety of negative mental conditions, such as neurosis, despair, loss of faith and self-esteem. It is not recommended for severe mental illness, as well as for people suffering from alcoholism.

Purple clothes

Clothing, designed in such a range, is most often preferred by people who want to achieve inner peace. It helps to find a state of peace of mind, maximum peace, peace and silence. In addition, the purple robes prevent selfishness and the desire to satisfy only their own desires and thoughts. This color indicates that the person who preferred it is spiritually open and tries to listen to his intuition. However, an overabundance of purple in clothes can lead to a desire to retire and communicate as little as possible with others. According to psychologists, the choice of purple in dresses and accessories may indicate some infantility and lack of control on the part of consciousness. A light shade of purple - lavender, can create a feeling of coolness and estrangement. Clothes of this color are chosen by dreamers.

If you are feminine and dreamy, without any fears choose an outfit or a stone of purple color, it will give you self-confidence and give you strength. In order to make the created image as elegant as possible, use a combination of gray and violet colors, an outfit with a mix of purple and yellow can help open the way to what you want, and a combination of it with brown can serve as a signal of your need for luxury.

Violet color in the interior

Violet color is considered somewhat heavy, but its lighter shades can fit perfectly into the interior of any room. In the kitchen you can use brighter shades of this color, grape tones are better for the dining room. And for dining rooms in the southern orientation, cold wine tones are optimal. To design a living room, you can choose the colors of eggplant or grapes. However, if you are afraid that the room will be too dark, choose a shade of lavender, combining it with darker, plum tones. This combination will give your living room more sophistication and style. For the bedroom, purple color with a light blue tint is perfect, it will give you serenity and inner peace. And in the design of the bathroom it is best to use floral tones: lilac or lavender. Thanks to them, the room will be filled with warmth, comfort and aroma. In the toilet room, deep and luxurious eggplant tones are quite appropriate, and the darker the color, the better the room will look. The eggplant hue and the design of your personal account are appropriate, and all wine tones will fit perfectly into the design of this room, creating a comfortable atmosphere that is conducive to creativity and helping you focus. Since the violet color is very multifaceted, its use in the interior should be approached with extreme caution. If you like this color, it is quite possible to use it as a refreshing accent spot, differing in small size or contour lines. You can also soften the purple color in the interior by connecting a gray color of equal lightness ..


The emotional component of purple

This color can not be called simple and clear, it either plays with all shades of amethyst, it becomes deep and velvet, like the darkest night - we are talking about purple. It is in this color that the calm of blue and the passion of red are mixed, the violet gamut is very extensive and has many shades. This noble and intelligent color is not at all simple, it does not obey everyone, so you need to choose images in such a color scheme very carefully.

On the one hand, violet color can be depressing, and on the other, it is recognized as creative, developing imagination and intuition. Such colors in clothes are often chosen by nature, creative, artistic and sentimental. Introducing the most successful combinations of purple with various shades.

The combination of purple and white

This combination is bright and contrasting, but at the same time calm and restrained. This variation is well suited for a business wardrobe. You can always complement the purple skirt with a white blouse or jacket. In the summer, such an outfit will help to look great even in the most intense heat, and in the cold season the image can be supplemented with accessories of some warm shade - for example, creamy or coral. Nowadays, such a fresh and fashionable combination is often chosen by brides for their outfits.

The combination of purple and black

Purple complemented by black is an office-style classic. And you can choose the classics - a black narrow skirt with a lilac or violet blouse, or vice versa, complement the black top with ink trousers. If you are afraid to look too gloomy, you can dilute the image with golden or silver accessories or wear bright shoes - for example, blue or yellow. This combination is perfect for evening wear and special occasions.

Purple and gray

A neutral accent of gray-colored purple accent will add piquancy and riddles. These cold shades perfectly complement each other, so they can be used in any proportions and options. In order for the image to appear not too “even”, you can choose a shade brighter - for example, closer to fuchsia (pink-purple) or purple. Always in such combinations, preference should be given to light gray shades without a yellowish or greenish tint. Glitter gray and silver are perfect for creating luxurious evening dresses.

Purple and beige

This combination is for those who consider the violet color too gloomy and dull. Adding a sand or cream color will help make the image lighter and lighter. Purple shades with a reddish undertone look very good with beige flowers - cherry-violet, purple, crimson, burgundy, etc. Very well, such outfits look in the autumn season, when everything around has a similar color scheme.

Purple and yellow

An unexpected and daring combination of purple and yellow “catches” and attracts attention. Moreover, the brighter the yellow, the more saturated the shade of purple should be. In fact, such a combination was suggested to us by nature itself - it is worth recalling the delicate flowers of “pansies” with their velvet burgundy petals and a bright yellow middle. Violet-yellow gamma is well suited for both summer and cold pores.

Purple and pink

These related shades complement each other pretty well, but you should be careful not to overload the image. It will be interesting to look paired with a light purple pink-orange or coral color - this fresh combination will suit blondes with a mild skin tone. Hot pink will more easily combine with ink and amethyst shades.

Purple and blue

Shades of purple will look more harmonious with blue in a similar color tone: mulberry, indigo, electrician, etc. Since the colors are similar, there is a high probability of creating something dull and dull. It is imperative to dilute such things with something light or bright. For example, you can add a white or beige blouse, a yellow or golden belt, or a blue clutch to a purple skirt and a blue jacket. Light such tones are well suited for everyday ensembles.

Purple and green

One of the most harmonious combinations is purple and green. Emerald and aquamarine will suit any shade, but grassy green and lettuce will be most appropriate for purple and burgundy. An elegant silk scarf or kerchief of light green color will well refresh even the most strict suit of ink or amethyst color. One of the best companions for violet is turquoise, which gives any shade of this gamut a completely new mood.

Purple and brown

Light violet shades are best combined with brown - amethyst, violet, lilac, heliotrope and others. Brown will complement medium-intensity burgundy and crimson, but dark shades of the chocolate type will be decorated with purple-pink and purple. The more red undertones in purple, the better they will be combined with brown-red tones like brick or ocher.

Violet and Blue (Lilac)

Light shades always ennoble purple, especially for violet and blue variations that are close in tone. They are next to each other in the color wheel, so any intensity and tones can be combined. Such outfits come out gentle and romantic and are suitable for celebrations and for everyday life.

Purple and Orange (Red)

This combination is akin to the tandem with yellow - the same unexpected and bright. It’s worth saying right away that such a duet harmonizes according to the principle of related-contrasting colors. He is appropriate in different clothes. And in winter and summer, you can use this joyful color combination.

What does not go with violet?

In the color wheel opposite the violet there is a yellow-orange gamut, therefore such combinations are not always successful. Cool dark shades of this color do not fit bright colors very well, but the light gamut is universal and successfully complements any shade.

The versatility of the violet color provides ample opportunities for creating extraordinary outfits for different occasions and expressing your personality.

This color beckons and enchants. It can be sophisticated, mysterious, feminine and romantic. It attracts and calms some, repels others, excites. The combination of colors in clothes is purple. Depending on the shade that is next to it, it can take on completely different meanings.

Psychologists say that deep saturated color produces a depressing and suppressing effect, and light shades of violet, on the contrary, soothe and put thoughts in order.

People who love this color are sensitive, prefer loneliness to noisy companies, are vulnerable and more than others need support. Among them are often found creatively gifted natures.

It symbolizes mysticism, mystery and inspiration.

Shades of purple

Violet is a mixture of two opposites - red (fire) and blue (water). Depending on what color is present in it more, as well as on the amount of white, we can get the following shades.

  1. Dark purple - the deepest and most saturated shade in our selection, this color looks luxurious, expensive and aristocratic. Most suitable for girls of a contrasting color type "Winter" or "Summer".
  2. Dark magenta   - a couple lighter. Beautiful combinations with it form warm shades of orange, yellow, as well as pink and turquoise.
  3. Amethyst   - in this shade there is a greater amount of blue, so its characteristics are more consistent with the amethyst. Stylists advise not to combine amethyst with anything, since it is self-sufficient and looks good on its own. But, if you want to experiment with it, try combining it with: gold, silver, yellow, beige, green.
  4. Purple   - This is a classic version. This shade is suitable for girls of all types of appearance. It goes well with many colors.

  1. Bright purple - very dynamic and bold, so it is well balanced by more calm colors, for example, black or dark blue. Especially good clothes in this color will suit brunettes, and in composition with darker ones - blondes.
  2. Orchid   - the shade looks catchy, but at the same time unobtrusive. Perfect for everyday exits, in small quantities it will be appropriate in an office outfit (blouse, accessories). For evening dresses, it also works great.
  3. Eggplant   - It looks feminine, elegant and noble.
  4. Plum   - Suitable for all types of appearance, except spring. Combine this shade best with shades of beige and brown. With the other colors shown below, this shade will also look good.

What is the best combination of purple in clothes? Let's look at the basic options for combinations, which are the most common:

  • Monochrome colors  - White, Black, Gray;
  • Warm shades  - Yellow, Orange, Red, Gold, Brown;
  • Cool colors  - Blue, Turquoise, Silver;
  • Pastel shades  - light pink, blue, beige, pale yellow, coral;
  • All shades of green;
  • Total look.

  + White

Next to white, any color looks lighter and more elegant, and purple is no exception. This is a universal combination for any occasion.

Black, Gray or Brown  can be used as complementary colors. The combination is basic and you can add any other shades from our list to it.

+ Black

This couple together looks very elegant and stylish. This option is suitable for dinner in a restaurant and for a business meeting, and just for every day. Properly selected accessories can play an important role here, which will help to complete the look and add a “twist” to it.

It is best to combine brighter and more saturated shades of purple. This will help to make the outfit visually not so “heavy” and add dynamism to the image. Silver accessories will look very stylish in this outfit.

+ Gray

The classic office combination, which may seem boring at first glance, “comes to life if you add a few bright accessories to it. This pair of colors can also be attributed to the base, which allows you to experiment by adding other tones from this collection to the kit.

Light shades look great paired with deeper and darker shades of purple.

+ Blue (Blue, Turquoise)

These are related shades as they stand side by side on the color scale. Therefore, the color combination is quite calm and balanced, they are in perfect harmony with each other. You can “dilute” the kit in these colors using white or beige.

Blue  in combination with violet it can be quite bright and catchy and suitable not only for everyday sets, but also for special occasions. If the colors are not too bright, then this combination option is perfect for an interview or business negotiations.

It is best to combine in one outfit with a brighter shade of purple, both benefit from this and the kit looks much more interesting.

Turquoise  perfectly emphasizes the depth and richness of our color. Your kit in these shades will look bright and expressive. But such a solution is suitable only for girls of winter or summer color type.

+ Green

And purple is an original and interesting combination of colors in clothes. Being nearby, they further enhance their qualities, look brighter and richer. We can often find this combination in nature.

If you have an appearance type "Spring" or Autumn ", then in pair with our color you better choose warmer shades of green, for example, shades of “green apple” or “young foliage”.

For colder color types “Winter” and “Summer”  colder tones of green -, jade, dark green will do.

With more delicate shades of purple, combine the same soft and delicate shades of green.

+ Yellow

Saturated emphasizes the depth and richness of the shade of purple. This combination can often be found in nature, therefore it is very harmonious and natural for our perception.

You can combine things of these colors, as well as accessories and a plain outfit, for example, a yellow handbag and shoes with a purple dress.

+ Red (Orange)

Visually, such a pair seems heavy and tense, so you need to carefully select the proportional color ratios. can enhance the oppressive effect of purple, so it is advisable to dilute this combination with another shade (beige, white), which will make your outfit visually easier.

Violet look very cheerful and youthful together. The bright saturated orange shade next to our color seems even brighter and goes well with both deep saturated shades of purple and softer pastel, lilac.

+ Pink

Bright and catchy color scheme, certainly not suitable for business clothes, but the summer set will be quite appropriate for walking with friends. For women of middle age and older it is better not to use this combination, it is rather a youth option.

+ Brown

Basically, it has the same colors as purple, only with the addition of yellow, so this option is perceived very harmoniously. The combination of blueberry shades looks especially successful. It looks very elegant and aristocratic. The option is suitable for girls with any type of appearance.

Any shade of purple goes well with any shade of brown.

+ Beige

Able to make our color visually lighter and not so dark. Paired with beige, any of the shades of purple will become more tender and warm. This cozy combination is suitable for work, because it looks quite restrained, and for relaxation.

+ Golden, Silver

Clothing in golden hues looks great with the dark tones of our color. Accessories of gold or silver colors will further emphasize the color of the purple dress, add elegance to it.

  + Purple, Lilac

It looks very original combination of things of the same color, but different shades or even consisting entirely of things of the same shade, the so-called total look. It looks stylish and unique.

This color can be one of your favorites, because it allows you to create unusual, bright and catchy sets that will help you reveal your personality and sense of style.

Violet is the most alluring and mysterious color, in which the fiery fire of red and the cool surface of blue shades merged together. Such a combination of warm and cold tones makes violet a very spectacular and incredibly attractive color, not without reason in ancient times it was this color that many rulers and clergymen paid special attention to. So, if you believe the legends, then purple was one of the most beloved colors of the recognized beauty of the ancient world - Cleopatra, at a later time purple, kings, dukes and other noble people very often chose purple for their outfits to emphasize their position in society, as well as create an aura of mystery and selectivity around you. In traditional Chinese painting, purple is the personification of the harmony of the entire Universe, so outfits of this shade often look very stylish, feminine and incredibly attractive.

In nature, such flowers of violet shades as lavender, orchid and violet are considered one of the most beautiful and elegant, but at the same time capricious plants that require certain conditions for successful flowering. So, in order for the violet hue to fit harmoniously into any outfit, you should also follow some rules for combining it with other tones, which directly depend on which particular group of violet colors a particular violet hue belongs to.

So, let's take a closer look at what purple color combines with, depending on the specific shade of this amazing color.

Varieties of violet shades and their compatibility with other colors

All shades related to purple can be divided into four main groups:

  • : plum, dark purple, violet-eggplant and dark mulberry shades. In principle, any dark violet shades without a pronounced red undertone can be attributed to deep tones.
  • Light translucent purple shades: violet, lilac, orchid, heliotrope, amethyst, thistle and pearl violet tones.
  • : lilac, red-violet, fuchsia, purple and fandango hue.
  • Violet shades with a bluish undertone: indigo, dark purple, mulberry, the color of black currant and purple "electric".

Deep dark purple hues  are rightfully considered the most attractive and mystical colors that are perfect for any holiday outfits, and bring a touch of luxury and aristocracy to everyday outfits.

Similar shades are combined with traditional black and white, dark gray, classic blue and any bluish-violet shades. To create unusual, vibrant and eye-catching combinations, dark purple, plum and other deep purple shades should be combined with golden, wheat, dark lemon, neon pink, raspberry, emerald, bright green, grassy, \u200b\u200borange and coral shades. When combining deep purple hues with each other, you should be very careful not to overdo it with the overall color saturation of the outfit. Also, such shades do not tolerate combinations with various prints of other tones, with the exception of geometric combinations of black and white. In any case, you should not combine dark purple shades with several tones, it is enough to limit yourself to one neutral or, conversely, bright color.

One of the easiest in both perception and in combination with any other colors are   light translucent violet shadeswhich are most suitable for spring and summer dresses. The most feminine and sophisticated combinations are obtained with a combination of violet, lilac and pearl-violet shades with light gray, gray, silver, pink, peach, light green and other gentle pastel tones. All light purple shades are perfectly combined with each other, with a classic white color, as well as beige, milk, cream, lemon and brown shades of medium intensity.

What translucent pastel purple shades are combined with: photo

Purple shades with a reddish tint  are one of the most moody and combined with a very limited number of colors. Such shades are perfectly combined with any white, milky and light beige neutral tones, as well as not too dark shades of gray, brown and burgundy. Red-violet, purple and fuchsia do not tolerate combinations with any other bright colors. An exception are deep violet and blue-violet shades, which in tandem with red-violet tones form very bold spectacular outfits that only very brave girls can decide to wear. Calmer red-violet shades such as fandango and lilac can be combined with classic blue and deep violet tones, as well as muted green and pink shades.

To create harmonious images based on purple shades with a bluish undertone they should be combined with any neutral, dark green and purple tones, or used in pure form. Indigo, dark purple and violet “electrics” look most impressive in combination with classic white, as well as very light milky, beige and cream tones, but the combination with black is not entirely successful, since it significantly dampens all the charm of violet shades with blue undertones and makes them more than ordinary. However, to create everyday images, it is quite acceptable to combine bluish-violet shades with black, which should dominate the outfit. Without exception, all violet shades with a blue undertone are perfectly combined with dark green, malachite, grassy, \u200b\u200bemerald and other not too light green shades. The most harmonious, but at the same time very effective combinations are obtained by combining blue-violet shades with any other violet tones, with the exception of light translucent violet shades.