DIY topiary fruit tree. How to make topiary from fruits. Making fruit topiary

Fruit Topiary. Master class with step by step photos and description

The work was performed in the technique of bonsai, topiary.

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, school age, teachers and parents.

Appointment: interior decoration, a good gift idea.

To beautifully decorate your home with various fashionable decorative elements, it is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money. Much of what is sold in stores, we can do with our own hands from various means at hand or from what we previously purchased for other works. For example, it could be TOPIARIUM.

I bring to your attention a master class on the production of topiary from foam (finished) dummies, although, in this work, dummies made from salt dough can be used.

For work it is necessary: newspaper, foil, masking tape, awl, any stick (will serve as a tree trunk), twine or any thick thread, wooden skewers or toothpicks, hot-melt adhesive (you can use the moment), silicate glue, mounting foam or floral foam, imitations and decorations optional.

Work process

1. Here is a topiary in the end.

2. First, we need a newspaper, foil and masking tape.

3. We crumple the newspaper, giving it the shape of a ball, and wrap the ball with foil.

4. Then we wrap the ball tightly with masking tape.

5. Insert the stick into the ball, which later serves as the barrel.

6. Wrap the ball with twine ...

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Today I want to tell how quickly and with pleasure I can build a topiary with my own hands for beginners - as always, I will give a few master classes and explain in detail how even a beginner in needlework can create a topiary with his own hands. Topiary is a gorgeous gift, they are also used for decoration and aromatization of premises, and even such an artificial tree can be a wonderful gift - for example, a topiary will attract wealth into the house from money.

Satin ribbons

Let's try to make a topiary from satin ribbons. If you know how to do, then it will be very easy for you, but even if you first took up the topiary from ribbons, you will succeed. So, I’ll tell you about the experience of making topiary from satin ribbons with your own hands.


  • about six meters of satin ribbon (not already 5 cm, it is better to take several colors);
  • threads, beads, as well as a ribbon for decoration;
  • glue gun or regular superglue;
  • stick or scrap of plastic tube for the barrel;
  • a pot or bucket;
  • material for the middle - a fabric bag, a crumpled newspaper or a foil ball;
  • earth, pebbles, rubble (I used colorful glass for the aquarium).
To make this topiary a master class in making flowers is also useful - look at the video on how to make a simple rose from a satin ribbon.

We make 12-15 roses from a satin ribbon. You can use several shades of ribbon (for example, three or four), or you can get by with one shade - when I made the topiary for my younger sister to decorate the wedding photo booth, I used a beautiful ivory satin ribbon.

We make the middle - for example, crumple the foil or the old newspaper, wrap the strings to get a dense shape. You can wrap it with ribbon, but there is no need - roses from satin are obtained quite lush.

The trunk can be made from a branch, a plastic pipe or any suitable stick. In extreme cases, a dense wire folded in several layers and wrapped in tape will do. Wrap your trunk with tape, and then glue the trunk on one side to the crown of the tree, and on the other to the pot or bucket.

On a string we string a pair of beads and “sew” the beads and a satin rose to the topiary. Sew on or stick tightly. When the whole ball is covered with roses, you need to prepare the barrel and pot.

In the bucket you need to pour a weighting agent, straighten all the flowers, if necessary, decorate with a decorative ribbon.

From coffee

We will also make a coffee tree with our own hands. To make a topiary of coffee beans you will need:

  • base (plastic ball, foam ball - sold in stores for creativity);
  • trunk (branch, stick, tube);
  • a pot or something instead of it (I had a beautiful clay jar last time, and now I have a regular glass);
  • coffee beans (do not save - good coffee has an indescribable bright aroma);
  • fixation solution (I use ordinary putty, gypsum, alabaster, and at least cement are also suitable);
  • brown acrylic paint;
  • glue gun and glue sticks;
  • newspaper or unnecessary paper;
  • burlap or other characteristic fabric;
  • decor in order to decorate the topiary of coffee with your own hands.
How to make a coffee tree:


By the way, by the same logic as with coffee, you can make a topiary of coins with your own hands. Look at the photo, how beautiful it is to make part of the topiary from coins, and you will get a topiary money tree. You can use ordinary coins by painting them with gold paint, or you can buy special decorative coins (they will shine brightly).

The manufacturing principle is the same as that of a coffee tree - you need to take the base, cover it with paint, first partly glue it with coins (you can make it with a lock, as if coins are shining from an open wallet), and then glue the coffee and fix it in a pot. Unbleached linen and burlap are well suited for such a tree as a decoration.

The topiary from banknotes looks very interesting, but I won’t lie - I haven’t gotten a beautiful topiary from banknotes yet, I’m still working on a tree from banknotes with my own hands, so if you want to make a money tree from coins or a tree of money that attracts wealth, then look at the master class on how to make a money tree with your own hands.

It turns out interesting and a tree in the style of kusudama - see how to make topiary with your own hands according to step-by-step instructions.

Video bonus: two master classes, how else can you originally make a money tree from banknotes:

From napkins

A chic topiary of do-it-yourself napkins is literally made from nothing, you will need:
  • several bright napkins;
  • ball-base (plastic or foam);
  • branch or stick;
  • gypsum (any mixture for fixing);
  • glue titanium or any polymer glue;
  • a pot or glass;
  • stapler and scissors;
  • different ribbons and lace, decor and paper for a pot (can be replaced with a cloth).

So, how to make a tree with your own hands from ordinary napkins:
  1. First, we make ordinary flowers out of napkins and paper clips - a napkin folded several times, fixed with a stapler, cut out in a circle, wrinkled in the form of petals.
  2. 15-20 flowers will be needed, if it is not enough, you will do it again, but usually this amount is enough for a lush and beautiful topiary tree of happiness.
  3. We cover the ball with a napkin, wrap the barrel with a ribbon, dry it;
  4. We glue the ball with flowers from napkins, skillfully weaving the decor into your tree from napkins with our own hands - it can be laces, beads, bows and even plastic figures, small wooden letters or words on topiary look very attractive;
  5. We plant gypsum and “plant” our tree - we immerse the finished topiary with the trunk in a pot and fill it with gypsum, hold until it grasps.
We decorate the pot outside, decorate the plaster.

Now you know how to make a tree of happiness with your own hands and can decorate such products to your taste.


By the way, you can make a very beautiful topiary of cones, especially since it is quite easy to do it. What is needed in order to make topiary from cones:
  • a pot or glass;
  • stick, branch, tube - trunk;
  • a round base for a topiary - you can take a ball of foam, you can cut it out of polyurethane foam, a crumpled and wrapped newspaper is suitable in extreme cases;
  • bumps (preferably larger);
  • brown acrylic (preferably glossy, dark);
  • fabric for glass decoration;
  • decor to decorate your topiary with cones - beads, strings, buttons and so on;
  • gypsum or any mortar for fixing;
  • glue gun and rods to it;
  • scissors, brushes.
Our craft should be neat, only then it will not be a children's product, but a chic craft decor.

We start making the topiary from cones with the decor of the glass - we cut the fabric diagonally (so it is better to drape it), and we tighten it by gluing it with a gun. By the way, do you want to avoid ugly traces of glue? Glue where it will not be visible (on the bottom and inside the glass, and the walls should simply be covered).

We prepare the base - fix the stick to the ball, paint everything with acrylic (it is better to glue it with a newspaper first).

We glue the ball with cones, let it dry and fix it in a pot - for this we plant plaster, dip the trunk of our tree and hold it until the plaster sets.

You can decorate the topiary from cones in different ways, I prefer beads of natural shades.

You can decorate your topiary with cones with ribbons, hang artificial berries or even small figures on the cones.

Beads and beads

You can also make a charming bead topiary. How to make a tree from beads is easier to understand with your hands, so see the video below on how to make topiary from beads. By the way, the master can do absolutely everything from beads - including decor, for example, berries can also be used to decorate a money tree from beads.

Now you know how to make an artificial tree with your own hands step by step. I admit honestly, each do-it-yourself topiary is something special, and you will understand what it will be like only when you start decorating it. Try to make holiday trees and ordinary modest trees for the interior - those that are laid out with cones and coffee grains can not only decorate the room, but also aromatize it (you can add a couple of drops of essential oil).

And my sister makes do-it-yourself money topiaries with her own hands, which attract money into the house, I will publish the guide the next time - so far I can only show from photographs what such products look like. Try to make your own topiary, and surprise your loved ones with unusual gifts!

A few more original master classes + Video bonus

DIY shell tree:

From tapes:

And one more lesson of creating a tree from petals with scorched edges:

Ideas for inspiration:

Today it has become fashionable to decorate the room with small unusual trees called topiary. The masterpieces created are similar to real trees only in appearance: they also have a crown and a trunk. As for the crown of the topiary, it can consist of anything.

It can be coffee beans, nuts, pebbles, flowers made of fabric or polymer clay, ribbons, beads, and many other floral attributes. Everything will depend on the imagination of the creator of this marvelous interior item. The creation of topiary from various fruits was also widespread.
  Making topiary from fruits with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to collect a set of simple household tools that are available in every home. Fruit topiary will look good both in the kitchen and on a large table in the hall. This beautiful and simple product can serve as a decoration for a long time, delighting with its own look not only the owners, but also the guests.

Fruit topiary is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. To make topiary with fruits, you can use fresh fruits or dummies of various fruits. Doing such an unusual tree with your own hands is not difficult at all. In understanding the whole process, the master class described in the article will help you.

Using the recommendations, you can complete the task. You will certainly succeed in making a wonderful home accessory or a great gift item. For example, you can make a topiary on March 8 and pleasantly surprise your loved one or friends.
  Such a gift will certainly be appreciated.

Fruit topiary

With your own hands you can do a lot of useful and beautiful things. Let’s try and make a bright and memorable topiary. For manufacturing, you should prepare the following accessories, materials and tools:

  • finished ball made of plastic or foam;
  • decorative fruits;
  • glue and glue gun;
  • smooth branches for the trunk;
  • flowers, greens and sisal;
  • styrofoam;
  • skewer;
  • gypsum;
  • twine;
  • plastic cup or flower pot.
  1. Use a foam ball as the base. Glue it with decorative fruit using a glue gun.
  2. For the tree of "happiness" you need two curved trunks. Weave them together and fix in the crown.
  3. Then you can add flowers and greenery to your composition.
  4. Be sure to fill in the gaps between the fruits.
  5. For better fastening of the branches, first make a recess with a skewer in the foam. Then apply the “Moment” glue to the artificial greens and fix it well.
  6. In a plastic container, dilute the gypsum with water. Then fix the tree and give time to harden the solution.
  7. If necessary, the height of the plastic planter can be reduced to the size you need.
  8. Then wrap the pot with twine and fix it with glue. If you wish, decorate your pot with sisal and cover with a green cover inside.
  9. For decoration, you can use decorative figures, rattan balls and grass blades.

As you can see, the work was simple and interesting. The topiary you created (on March 8 or any other holiday) is delightful and beautiful.

Preliminary stage

Topiary is a small part of the interior in a home environment. Also, a similar tree of happiness can be presented to someone as a gift. A variety of materials are used to form such crafts. The workshop offered below will tell you how to make a tree of artificial fruits with your own hands.

Necessary tools and materials

Before you start the creation process and find out what to make a topiary from, you will need to prepare the following:

  • newspapers
  • pot;
  • threads
  • foil;
  • floristic sponge;
  • artificial vegetables, fruits;
  • wooden skewers;
  • wooden stick;
  • scotch.

As an alternative, you can use a ready-made ball - for the base of a topiary, made of plastic or foam. Having prepared all the necessary materials, you can begin to manufacture.

We create fruit topiary together: a master class

Your fruit topiary is almost ready, you just have to decorate it.

To decorate the topiary, you need to prepare the right amount of fruits, vegetables and flowers. In order for the creative process to be more fun and allow your imagination to take a little walk, you can cut them in half. You can also decorate the tree: rhinestones, birds, butterflies, leaves and ribbons.   For a good brightness of the masterpiece, it is worth adding a few flowers and berries.

  • For a good fit of the twine to the trunk, it is necessary to apply glue and wait until it dries completely.
  • For topiary, you can use both artificial and real fruits.
  • You can combine any details and fruits, making them a bright highlight of the tree.
  • Try to make topiary in bright colors, using various accessories and details of colorful shades.
  • The beauty of the topiary lurks in a combination of bright fruits and delicate flowers.
  • You may need weighting agents in order for the fruit topiary to remain stable.

Making fruit models

To create fruit models, you will need:

To give the desired shape to the dummy fruit, gently crush the newspaper. Then it is necessary to fix the newspaper form with foil and fix it with tape.
  Next, apply layers of newspaper and glue. Then leave to dry. For convenience in the work in the process of applying layers of newspaper and glue, you can pierce the dummy with a wooden skewer.

Glue the finished form with colored paper: covering with layers until the desired color is obtained.

The provided variation on the creation of dummies may imply the drying of natural fruits.
  To do this, wash the fruit well and dry in the sun. Turn fruit once a day. Such a natural dummy will be ready in two weeks.

Pot preparation and decoration

Want but don’t know how to decorate a pot? If you do not have a pot, then you can make it yourself from thick cardboard, gluing the shape well. Then the pot should be wrapped with twine or thread and cover the entire surface with transparent glue.

Then at the bottom of the pot you can put a floral sponge and stick a tree trunk into it. It remains to fill the pot with gypsum or polyurethane foam.

If you prefer to use mounting foam, then after complete drying, it is necessary to cut off excess fragments.


The master class presented in the article will provide indispensable assistance in creating a magnificent fruit tree. A self-made fruit topiary will harmoniously fit into the interior of your room. And in the winter evenings you will be reminded of the warm summer.

Among other things, this is an excellent opportunity to occupy not only yourself, but also children by making this skillful craft. Fruit topiary is durable and can please for a long time, recalling the moments of creativity and warm memories.


Fruit Topiary: DIY Tree of Happiness

Outwardly magnificent topiary is a symbol of luxury and well-being. It is the fruit topiary that is a symbol of well-being and wealth. For the manufacture of topiary with artificial fruits, you can apply not only dummy fruits, but also fresh vegetables and fruits. Doing such an unusual tree with your own hands is not difficult at all, to help you set out the master class below. You will get a great accessory for your home or a wonderful gift for your loved ones.

DIY fruit topiary: preparatory phase

Topiary made of fruits and vegetables is a small piece of comfort in the home. Also, such a tree of happiness can be presented to someone as a gift. To create such crafts using various materials. Our master class will tell you how to make a tree of artificial fruits and vegetables with your own hands.

  Topiary can bring celebration to everyday life

  By adding sweets to the fruit, you will get a real jewel

For manufacturing, we need:

  • Pot;
  • Newspapers
  • Threads;
  • Floral sponge;
  • Foil;
  • Scotch;
  • Wooden stick;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Artificial Fruits, Vegetables

DIY fruit topiary: master class, preparation of the basics

The necessary materials are ready, now we are starting to make topiary from fruits and vegetables, which the next master class will talk about.

  Topiary can be presented as a gift, giving a piece of beauty and comfort

Master class making the basics of fruit and vegetable topiary:

  1. We begin the master class with how to make your own foundation for a topiary made from decorative fruits and vegetables. To do this, crumple several pairs of newspapers and wrap them with foil.
  2. Now tightly wrap this newspaper ball with masking tape. It is better to make one or two layers more, so that the base does not lose shape.
  3. A wooden stick will serve us as a barrel, which we will attach to the resulting ball.
  4. Next, wrap the ball with thread or twine, constantly changing direction so that the turns intersect. After wrapping the ball, start wrapping the trunk of the future tree, moving in a direction from top to bottom.

  Topiary will decorate any celebration

To twine tightly to the trunk, you need to apply a thin layer of glue on it and wait for it to dry completely.

DIY fruit topiary (video)

DIY fruit topiary: preparing a pot

Next, the master class will tell you how to decorate the pot. If you do not have a pot, then you can make it from thick cardboard by gluing the shape. Then wrap the pot with twine or twine and cover its surface with transparent glue. Next, put the floral sponge on the bottom of the pot and stick a tree trunk into it.

  For topiary, you can use both real and artificial fruits.   You can combine any fruit and details, making them a “highlight”

You may need weighting agents to make the topiary of vegetables more stable.

Fill the pot with mounting foam or gypsum. If you chose a mounting foam, then after drying, be sure to cut off the excess.

Do-it-yourself fruit topiary

Now the master class will show how to decorate the topiary with your own hands. It is necessary to prepare the necessary amount of vegetables, fruits, flowers. To make it more interesting, you can cut them in half.

  Making a topiary with your own hands is simple, if you treat it with creativity and even a bit of humor

  • Using an awl, we make a small hole in the ball. Then we pierce the fruit with a stick pointed at the ends and fix it on the ball.
  • In the same way, place the remaining fruits and vegetables over the entire surface of the bowl.

Our fruit and vegetable topiary is almost ready. It remains to make further decor.

Decorate the tree with ribbons, leaflets, just add a few berries and flowers for brightness.

  Topiary can be made in bright colors, using accessories and various details of juicy shades.

We hope that our master class with your own hands will be very useful for you in creating an unusual fruit tree. Such a topiary will harmoniously fit into any interior. And even in the coldest frosts it will remind you of a warm summer.

DIY models of fruits and vegetables with your own hands: master class

We present to your attention 4 ways to create dummies.

Models of fruit: method 1

You will need foil, newspaper, scotch tape, colored paper and glue.

Crumple the newspaper and create the shape of the item you want to do. Next, fix the newspaper form with foil, securing it with tape. Then apply layers of newspaper and glue, then leave the finished form to dry.

  The true beauty of the topiary lies in the combination of juicy fruits of saturated and delicate shades.

For your convenience, pierce the dummy with a thin wooden stick and, while holding it in your hands, continue to apply layers of newspaper and glue.

As soon as the form is ready, start gluing colored paper to it in layers until the desired color is obtained.

The second method of manufacturing artificial fruits

You will need a model of fruit or vegetables, glue, brushes and paints (gouache).

  You can make topiary from any fruit at hand

This method repeats the course of work of the first option, only we will use the vegetable or fruit itself for the accuracy of the desired shape. For example, to make a banana, you need to take a real banana and put a newspaper and glue on it. After drying, cut a figure with a sharp knife and remove the fruit from the middle, and glue the edges. It remains to color the resulting dummy at will.

As a basis, take a foam frame and apply layers of colored paper and glue, leaving after until completely dry.

  Topiary is a flight of fantasy

Method 4

A great opportunity to entertain yourself and your children with the creation of artificial vegetables and fruits, which then you can just play or make them various crafts. Such fruits will never fade and will always delight you. This option to create dummy involves drying in the literal sense. Better suited to vegetables such as pumpkin, squash and others. To do this, wash the vegetables thoroughly and place in the sun. Be sure to flip vegetables once a day. Such a dummy will be ready in two weeks.

If the question arises of where to get or buy beautiful artificial fruits or vegetables for crafts, there is a solution - make them yourself! In the future, you can use decorative figures to decorate any of the rooms or games with children.

Fruit Topiary (photo)


Making fruit topiary

Fruit topiary is considered a symbol of prosperity, wealth, good luck and success. The history of the art of creating such trees has about four centuries. But the century of scientific and technological progress has allowed a fresh stream to be introduced into this direction of creativity.

Making DIY topiary with fruits is quite simple. For this, household tools that are in every apartment are enough. Fruit topiary will look great in the kitchen or on a huge table in the hall. This simple and beautiful product can serve as an apartment decoration for many years, delighting its owners and guests with its appearance.

In order to make fruit trees, there is no need to invest large sums of money to purchase materials. As a rule, everything you need is at home. Since it is interesting to assemble the topiary on your own, you can attract all the inhabitants of the apartment to the process, starting from the smallest and ending with grandparents. A product made by joint labor acquires simply incredible value.

What is necessary for work

Topiary is made from a variety of materials at hand. Since such souvenirs have a standard structure, there should be no problems with the selection of material. First of all, you need to think about what you can create a tree of happiness from.

Manufacturing options for the components of an artificial tree can be as follows:

  1. Vase. It should be stable enough. This determines its size. The style of the outer walls does not play a special role, as they will be painted and decorated additionally. For a flowerpot, you can use an old pan, flower pot, wicker basket or wooden box. Any container that you can donate to make a topiary with your own hands will do.
  2. Trunk. This is an integral part of any topiary. The trunk should be strong, beautiful and interesting. You can make it from a thick, well-dried branch, wire, piece of reinforcement or a wooden bar. It is necessary to consider the issue of protecting trunk material from moisture, mechanical damage and pests.
  3. The basis of the crown. Its shape can be any - cubic, spherical, triangular or in the form of a heart. But the ball is considered a classic of the genre. As a basis, you can use a rubber ball, a foam blank or a self-made figure from improvised materials.
  4. Fruits. You can use fresh fruits, their imitations, souvenirs or children's toys. You can make fruits yourself by dazzling them from plasticine or casting from plaster. Topiary made of artificial fruits are good because, unlike natural counterparts, they can stand for years.
  5. Additional decorations. Fruit trees look great with beads, glass balls and stones.

See also: Making spectacular coin topiaries

After collecting the necessary materials, you need to prepare tools and fixtures. For work you will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • glue corresponding to the selected material;
  • gypsum plaster;
  • tape, cord, harness, rope.

Tinkering is best on a wide table. Previously, it is recommended to cover it with oilcloth or cellophane.

Topiary assembly sequence

Consider a master class on making fruit topiary. It is advisable to start work from below, so that the product first regains support.  For this, building gypsum is being prepared. To make the container more stable, various metal products (nuts, bolts, even pieces of metal) can be put on its bottom. After that, gypsum mortar or starting putty is poured into the pot. An artificial tree trunk is lowered into the solution. Previously, several screws should be screwed into the base of the barrel. This will prevent it from spinning in the cast or accidentally pulling it out. The lowered trunk should be fixed in a level position and held until the gypsum is completely frozen. When the solution hardens, you can proceed to the manufacture of the ball.

See also: Cotton topiary - a new word in the world of needlework

If there is no suitable blank for the base, you can do it yourself. The material may be polystyrene foam or old newspapers. A cube is glued from the foam plates, which is turned to the desired shape. Old newspapers are impregnated with PVA glue and roll into a ball. The product gains the necessary strength after 10-12 hours.

In order to maintain a significant weight of natural or artificial fruits, the base of the topiary must be strong enough. It can be strengthened with epoxy glue. To do this, the rope or cord is wetted in diluted epoxy adhesive and wrapped around the base. You can continue to work in a day.

So that there is no gap between the fruits, which will spoil the appearance of the fruit tree, you need to create a common background. To do this, the ball can be pasted over with ground coffee or small tea. This will give the product a refined aroma. When the ball is ready, it is mounted on the barrel. A hole is made at the base, which is filled with glue. With this hole, the crown is mounted on the trunk. When the glue dries, fruits are strung on the ball.

See also: Do-it-yourself laundry basket from newspaper tubes

It runs like this:

  1. Fresh fruits are planted on toothpicks. Apricots, lemons, green apples and pears can be used in the decoration.
  2. Models of fruit are glued to the base with glue. To fix them firmly and reliably, it is allowed to wind up dummies with tape or masking tape.
  3. The gaps between the fruits are filled with natural or artificial objects of small size. Candies, nuts, berries and flowers are used.

Fastening is carried out from top to bottom in strips or vertical lines.

Fruit Topiary for Beginners (video)

Decoration of the finished topiary

Finishing should begin with the trunk. You can decorate it in this way:

  • wrap with ribbons of different colors;
  • wrap with a cord;
  • paint with acrylic paint;
  • paste over with glitter, tinsel or beads.

Do not use short-lived coatings for decoration. Scotch and paper very quickly become unusable.

Artificial moss, sawdust or yarn for knitting is applied over the flowerpot. Granite screenings, sea or glass pebbles give a good visual effect. The container itself can be painted with various colors, tied with ribbons or pasted over with a beautiful cloth.

Topiary “Orchard” (video)

Gallery: fruit topiary (15 photos)

And a little about secrets.

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Create Fruit Topiary

Working hours

A little bit about quantity. On fruit topiary left:
  - pear - 10 pcs.;
  - pomegranate - 8 pcs.;
  - apple - 6 pcs.;
  - Mandarin - 6 pcs.;
  - grapes - 3 pcs.;
  - cherry - 8 pcs.;
  - mango - 2 pcs.;
  - lime - 1 pc.;
  - trunk - 35 cm;
  - cache-pot - 10.5 cm (0.4 l);
  - butterfly - 1 pc.;
  - 5 glue sticks of 30 cm each;
  - ladder (4 wooden sticks);
  - figurine;

- greens;
  - clip 3.5 cm - 6 pcs.;
  - ball 8 cm;
  - sisal - 30 gr.
  - Alabaster.

1. I advise you to get faithful helpers:

- a set of acrylic paint (you can purchase individually defined colors). You get paints at will, they help to get the desired color to the trunk;

- glossy acrylic or matte varnish (required);

- brush No. 5-6 nylon (required).

Why do we need all this? We are not artists! But for what: before you start creating a topiary, for a day you will need to paint the trunk in the color you need, for example, brown (if the trunk is the right color, omit this procedure), then varnish the trunk necessarily and let the varnish dry for a day! What will it give us, you ask? And it will give the fact that when you fill in the pots with alabaster and insert the unfinished trunk, the wood will react with water and with time there will be a high probability of mold! But we don’t need it!

2. The ball can be decorated with sisal, or you can paint it with green acrylic paint! After drying, apply glossy varnish to fix it!

3. You need to work with alabaster quickly, mixed according to the instructions and immediately pour it into the pot, it dries very quickly!

4. After the pots were filled with alabaster, attention, do not glue sisal immediately! And do not start decorating immediately! Let the alabaster dry very well. Not more than 24 hours, I always stand 2-3 days (this will help prevent the appearance of mold).

5. Always take transparent glue! If you overdo it somewhere, it will not be so noticeable!

So, my combat set: fruit, sisal, ball, planter, tools, alabaster, figurine, greens.

We insert the corelius (trunk) into the ball and be sure to fix it with hot glue.

We take sisal, I prefer dark green, in my opinion as an imitation of foliage, and level it into a flat cake.

Now we partially apply glue to the ball, very hot

And on that site glue a sisal cake, hold it!

So glue the ball completely!

At the barrel, we fix everything well with hot glue.

And as if by twisting movements we fix everything

That sisal, which "did not lie down", but sticks out strongly, is trimmed slightly.

Here is something that should work out:

Be sure to make holes with a screwdriver or awl so that the clip with grapes fits well into the ball.

Like this! Holds tight!

You need to fasten not only the base, but also the tip!

So push the clip with all the force

I took 3 bunches of grapes, I think it’s enough, because we still have so many “tasty” fruits!

I glue fruit on very hot glue, instantly everything sets, but still holding it for 5 seconds will not hurt to be sure!

So fill the crown with yummy

Let's admire :) In my opinion it turned out well

Note that we have gaps! It would be necessary to close them! We make a hole.

Close with large berries on a twig. Beauty!

Do not forget to drink a cup of delicious tea or coffee

We insert the barrel. And literally in a couple of minutes everything was dry!

Do not forget the important rule - at least for a day or two, we remove to the far corner and let it dry!

After drying, we get our topiary and on the road, road with renewed vigor!

And again, our favorite sisal. Now we are preparing a flat cake for the bottom!

We fix everything on glue!

A small digression! We make a short flight of stairs ourselves!

Our tools: wooden skewers, glue gun, nail file (for rounding the edges in sticks and scissors).

Outlined and cut the desired size. Honed edges with a nail file

Well, something like a ladder appears

Decorate the bottom! We plant our girl with a watering can on a lot of glue!

Admire! How? Did you do it? Well done!

It is fruit topiary that is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. For the manufacture of topiary with artificial fruits, you can apply not only dummy fruits, but also fresh vegetables and fruits. Doing such an unusual tree with your own hands is not difficult at all, to help you set out the master class below. You will get a great accessory for your home or a wonderful gift for your loved ones.

DIY fruit topiary: preparatory phase

Topiary made of fruits and vegetables is a small piece of comfort in the home. Also, such a tree of happiness can be presented to someone as a gift. To create such crafts using various materials. Our master class will tell you how to make a tree of artificial fruits and vegetables with your own hands.

For manufacturing, we need:

  • Pot;
  • Newspapers
  • Threads;
  • Floral sponge;
  • Foil;
  • Scotch;
  • Wooden stick;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Artificial Fruits, Vegetables

DIY fruit topiary: master class, preparation of the basics

The necessary materials are ready, now we are starting to make topiary from fruits and vegetables, which the next master class will talk about.

Master class making the basics of fruit and vegetable topiary:

  1. We begin the master class with how to make your own foundation for a topiary made from decorative fruits and vegetables. To do this, crumple several pairs of newspapers and wrap them with foil.
  2. Now tightly wrap this newspaper ball with masking tape. It is better to make one or two layers more, so that the base does not lose shape.
  3. A wooden stick will serve us as a barrel, which we will attach to the resulting ball.
  4. Next, wrap the ball with thread or twine, constantly changing direction so that the turns intersect. After wrapping the ball, start wrapping the trunk of the future tree, moving in a direction from top to bottom.

To twine tightly to the trunk, you need to apply a thin layer of glue on it and wait for it to dry completely.

DIY fruit topiary: preparing a pot

Next, the master class will tell you how to decorate the pot. If you do not have a pot, then you can make it from thick cardboard by gluing the shape. Then wrap the pot with twine or twine and cover its surface with transparent glue. Next, put the floral sponge on the bottom of the pot and stick a tree trunk into it.

You can combine any fruit and details, making them a "highlight"

You may need weighting agents to make the topiary of vegetables more stable.

Fill the pot with mounting foam or gypsum. If you chose a mounting foam, then after drying, be sure to cut off the excess.

Do-it-yourself fruit topiary

Now the master class will show how to decorate the topiary with your own hands. It is necessary to prepare the necessary amount of vegetables, fruits, flowers. To make it more interesting, you can cut them in half.

We hope that our master class with your own hands will be very useful for you in creating an unusual fruit tree. Such a topiary will harmoniously fit into any interior. And even in the coldest frosts it will remind you of a warm summer.

DIY models of fruits and vegetables with your own hands: master class

We present to your attention 4 ways to create dummies.

Models of fruit: method 1

You will need foil, newspaper, scotch tape, colored paper and glue.

Crumple the newspaper and create the shape of the item you want to do. Next, fix the newspaper form with foil, securing it with tape. Then apply layers of newspaper and glue, then leave the finished form to dry.

For your convenience, pierce the dummy with a thin wooden stick and, while holding it in your hands, continue to apply layers of newspaper and glue.

As soon as the form is ready, start gluing colored paper to it in layers until the desired color is obtained.

The second method of manufacturing artificial fruits

You will need a model of fruit or vegetables, glue, brushes and paints (gouache).

This method repeats the course of work of the first option, only we will use the vegetable or fruit itself for the accuracy of the desired shape. For example, to make a banana, you need to take a real banana and put a newspaper and glue on it. After drying, cut a figure with a sharp knife and remove the fruit from the middle, and glue the edges. It remains to color the resulting dummy at will.

Method 3

As a basis, take a foam frame and apply layers of colored paper and glue, leaving after until completely dry.

Method 4

A great opportunity to entertain yourself and your children with the creation of artificial vegetables and fruits, which then you can just play or make them various crafts. Such fruits will never fade and will always delight you. This option to create dummy involves drying in the literal sense. Better suited to vegetables such as pumpkin, squash and others. To do this, wash the vegetables thoroughly and place in the sun. Be sure to flip vegetables once a day. Such a dummy will be ready in two weeks.

If the question arises of where to get or buy beautiful artificial fruits or vegetables for crafts, there is a solution - make them yourself! In the future, you can use decorative figures to decorate any of the rooms or games with children.

The tree of happiness can be created from the most unpretentious materials. Fruit topiary is another manifestation of the extraordinary imagination of people seeking to decorate and ennoble their life. After all, this is not a simple superstition, but a way to improve and decorate the home interior, to make a wonderful gift with your own hands. This is a way to add a bright note to the daily expectation of beauty and to simply fulfill oneself, satisfying the eternal desire for creativity for a person.

Fruit topiary is a wonderful talisman, the presence of which in the house can attract good luck, happiness and prosperity, according to some religions and traditions. Even if it’s a simple superstition, such a tree can decorate and make an original design, if made with fantasy and love.

Materials traditional and non-traditional

You can make from any materials at hand. Traditionally used paper and beads, cones and coffee beans, beads and artificial flowers, banknotes and coins, pebbles and shells.

Fruit tree is one of the relatively new types of topiary, which appeared after fruit from papier-mâché, used as a decorative element of the interior, replaced by brighter, more durable and lighter fruits made of plastic. You can decorate fruit topiary, like any other tree of happiness, with anything. You can start the decoration by giving the tree unique smells (using sachets or aromatic oils for sprinkling), you can finish the decoration with ribbons and beads.

Minimum equipment - maximum pleasure

To make a topiary of fruits with your own hands is a fairly simple matter and does not require almost any material costs. For this process, you only need:

  • artificial fruits;
  • pot;
  • threads and glue;
  • wooden skewers;
  • floristic sponge;
  • stick of wood;
  • scotch tape and foil.

Making and decorating fruit topiary, you can use any materials available, in addition to artificial fruits, which are their distinctive feature. Fantasy in the use of decorative elements is an indispensable condition for creating an original and unique composition.

Fruit Topiary for Beginners (video)

Elements of technology and unlimited creativity

Now directly on how to make a topiary. First, you need to crumple several newspapers and make a dense ball of size corresponding to the dimensions of the planned composition. The size of the ball depends on the capacity of the pot and the thickness of the stick on which it will be placed.

Next, the ball is tightly wrapped with foil, which is carefully and firmly fixed with adhesive tape, uniformly winding it over the entire surface. Due to its perfect ductility and maximum crease, the foil in this case is an ideal material for keeping the shape of crumpled newspapers.

If the foil was not at hand, you can use colored paper or wrapping paper with a beautiful pattern in good condition.

The next step is wrapping the ball with thread or twine. It is advisable to use twine not thick, but threads, on the contrary, more dense. Bechev can be neatly painted with acrylics suitable for the composition of the color. Fruit topiary is good in that the gamut of their execution can be very diverse, because it repeats the whimsical game of natural colors.

After the thread or string is covered with a thick layer of transparent glue, the ball is firmly fixed on a stick and no less firmly in the pot with a floral sponge.

Pot as a separate decorative element

When creating fruit topiaries, it should be remembered that any detail in the tree of happiness should harmoniously correspond to the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition. You can buy a simple flower pot in bright colors and stop there, but this will be significant damage to the overall plan.

The pot needs the same careful decoration as the work of artificial fruit itself. It can be decorated with colored foil, layers of wound twine, followed by sticker beads or beads and painted with acrylics. You can decorate with a layer of small artificial fruits, inferior in diameter to those used in the main color scheme.

Depending on the size of the ball and the number of fruits, you may need a gypsum solution or polyurethane foam with wire spacers to keep the composition in balance. They fill the pot, using it as an additional element of decor, and then align or cut it for accuracy.

Happiness tree master class (video)

Year-round bright colors of summer

Creating topiaries from artificial elements, people usually confine them to a certain holiday or solemn date. New Year, wedding, Christmas or financial occasions for the topiary to a large extent determine the specifics of the material used.

The reason for the topiary of fruits may be just a good mood, a thirst for creativity or the desire to decorate your home. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in decorating with fruits - pierce with a toothpick, the second end of which is smeared with glue, and stick into a cooked bowl.

But the topiary, made with your own hands in the summer, can please the eye all year round, recalling the time of creation.

Flight of fantasy is unlimited

All the charm of summer lies in the bright colors of fruits, and the topiary, assembled with your own hands taking into account pleasant associations and preferences from a wide variety of components, will be a positive touch in any interior if you make them taking into account the color scheme of the room.

The color scheme can be solved in warm colors, using the color features of fruit shades. Red apples or pears with a red barrel, oranges and pomegranates, figs and dogwood, strawberries and cranberries.

It can be green with grapes, apples, lime, kiwi and feijoa or purple with grapes, plums, blackberries and honeysuckle. A variant of a multi-colored composition with green leaves is possible, smoothly turning from shade to shade, it can also be sunny yellow - all in the hands of the creator and visionary who is working on creating a topiary.

After all, the choice of the form of composition and its decorative elements for your own tree of happiness, or topiary, prepared as an unforgettable and wonderful gift, always remains a personal choice of the master. The variety of beautiful things around is just an additional incentive to use them in creating perfect and pleasing to the soul works of art.

And if this is your own work made by yourself, and also a talisman for yourself or as a gift, the pleasure of making it will be especially pleasant.