Why not sew the needle. The sewing machine does not stitches, does not sew. Common causes of breakdown

Cause No. 1. The machine needle is not installed by that side. If you start the seamstress and trouble with the sewing machine started with your needle change, let's see how this needle is arranged and why. The machine needle is a completely brilliant invention of U. Khanta, and it consists in the fact that two grooves go along the needle: on the one hand long, and on the other - short. When this brilliant needle pierces the fabric, then the upper thread that comes from the coil, hides in the long groove. Thanks to this, the needle with a thread is very easy to pass through the fabric. But the section of the thread, who, on the other hand, got a short groove, is experiencing great friction. While the needle goes down, she drags the thread behind him. But with the reverse movement, the thread plot successfully hidden in a long groove, freely comes out. And the threads in a short groove are not lucky: she has nowhere to hide, and she gets stuck, forming a looting cloth, which the shuttle captures. That's how simple (and at the same time, after all, it is very cunning?) Machine stitch is formed. If you did not give values \u200b\u200bor simply could not remember which side to insert the needle to the sewing machine (and see every time in the instruction, even if she was not yet lost, so boring!), Now, now, do not confuse: needle you need to insert A long groove in the direction that the thread refills. Failure to comply with this rule is a fairly common cause, why does not sew a sewing machine: and the flywheel is spinning, and the fabric under the foot moves, and the needle performs frequent blows, and instead of a line only a uniform row holes. Cause No. 2. The new needle is too thin for the filament sewing machine. The thread does not fit in a long groove, protrudes, and the holes in the tissue are too large. The thread from the side of the short hollow is no longer stuck in the tissue or stuck not every time. There are ugly skipping, and then stitches are not formed at all. Change the needle to thicker, or threads on thinner - depending on that it is easier for you. Cause # 3. Sewing machine does not sew, because the upper thread every few stitches is broken. Look, if it did not bother on the way of refueling: for the spring of the tension controller, for the pitch, for the tip of the needle. Often the turn of the thread, slipping off the coil, overlaps around the rod, on which it is installed, and it is not immediately able to notice. Modern cardboard coils behave particularly well. It is desirable to put a sleek plastic circle for them. If it is not included in the set of your sewing machine, cut it out of a plastic bottle meter, and a hole in the middle is heated on the heat of the nail.

Even the most expensive, reliable and high-quality sewing machine, like any technique, can start working incorrectly or will stop at all. Especially breakdowns are subject to a Chinese single-end machine. We'll figure it out why not sew a sewing machine and how to fix it.

Common problems

Sewing machine stopped sewing. Be it manual or motorized, you may encounter the following manifestations of this breakdown..

  1. The lower or top thread is not served. The line "Kutsaya" - in the seam lacks threads. Sewing Zigzag does not go at all.
  2. The fabric is not moving as stitches. Those, in turn, lay down on each other, instead of the seam, a tangled tangle is formed, the threads are invested.
  3. The foot does not work: it is impossible to raise it / pull it out.
  4. The motor works, the presenter shaft is scrolled, but the needle product is not moving or stopped working. Sewing stopped.
  5. The machine does not give signs of life - does not work the engine, does not shine and displays information about the display mode. Work does not begin.
  6. Crunch, crackling, failures in the work of the mechanisms, a sudden "jerking" of a smooth and smooth course of the machine. Reducing the speed of passing the fabric, which extends the time spent on themselves fast and clear actions.
  7. The machine works, but periodically stops closer to the middle of the seam or immediately after the start of its laying along the layers of the tissue.
  8. The machine is trying to develop the stated speed even with full press on the foot pedal, but moves with difficulty.

Some faults are combined into a group for the general reason for their appearance. Others, on the contrary, have a variety of reasons.

The reasons

Some reasons depend on the differences in a particular model from others - even at first glance compatible. So, the thread is not picked up from the shuttle with a needle, seam does not go due to:

  • wear of the shuttle tip, its incorrect setting (or disorder);
  • failure of the spatial progress of the shuttle;
  • the presence of jar on the bobbing cap;
  • incorrect setting of the needleofrication mechanism (overly overestimated or underestimated);
  • a bevel screw holding a bobbin;
  • synchronization of the bottom section of the machine and the needle product.

Most likely, the mechanism itself will fail. To maintain it, it is recommended to contact the Sewing Technology Repair Service Center.

Failures in the work of the node responsible for the needle are as follows:

  • needles and fabric are incompatible (thin needle for thick fabric and vice versa);
  • select the needle with a cut flask for an industrial machine with a needle holder without a cut (and on the contrary);
  • too small size of the flask (it is impossible to clamp the needle, it slips);
  • curve or stupid needle;
  • thread thicker needles, the move (the thread rusts, the needle is negle and in the end breaking).

The jerk movement of the fabric is due to the following. When the gap in the needle plate is unnaturally expanded, worn, along with the needle inside the entire prolque zone of the fabric is tightened. It does not allow the shuttle to correctly work, and the seam in the end contains not all stitches.

It is necessary to check and, if necessary, re-set the correct position of the teeth of the stapler.

When the racks and the needle is disturbed, the fabric is wrinkled, the lower thread is not pushed into the stitches - the uppermost can be excessively stretched and rushing. In some cases, the bottom thread can break and stop entering the stapler, as a result, the seam is obtained by one-sided, simplified, it is easily blossoming and does not hold the layers of fabric. The use of different threads is unacceptable. Thick thread is harder grasped, why the seam has a flaw - the skipping of the lower loops.

Ideally, the lower thread should be slightly thinner, and not thicker top and more stretching. Excessively twisted threads will also provoke the passage of stitches and loops - they are poorly captured by a shuttle.

Methods of elimination

In the case when the sewing machine does not capture the lower thread due to the imbalance - adjust the mechanism by setting the right distance between the needle and the tip of the shuttle. Make the following.

  1. Turn on direct rubbing.
  2. Remove the needle plate.
  3. Place the extreme bottom position of the needle.
  4. Gradually lift the needle, turn the drive. At the same time, the tip of the shuttle must pass by 1.5 mm above the hole in the needle. Between the edge of the needle and the tip of the shuttle, the distance should be on average 0.175 mm. These settings are exhibited using a near-skin screw.

On older devices - "PMZ", "Podolsk" and "Seagull", the same calibration is performed in a zigzag line mode. The distance between the needle hole and the shuttle tip is detected at the left and right passing of the needle through the fabric.

More precisely, it will help to navigate the following elimination technique for the same fault.


What should be done

Excessively weak or thread thread wound on the bobbin. The tension is to be checked manually or by means of a test seam.

Make sure the bobbin is inserted correctly. Redighten the tension by screwing the shuttle mechanism or within it.

The needleor gone aside when performing a line.

Check that the upper thread is not pulled over.

The shuttle is moving with a noticeable effort, some stitches are missing on the seam, the thread is not always grabbed.

Clean the shuttle from the scrapets of thread, impede its move.

The fabric is involved in the space (under the panel), driven by a shuttle to frequent jams.

Change the blunting and / or a curvy needle. She can not quickly pierce matter.

Weak, saving loops on the back of the stitch. The shuttle works odd.

Replace faulty shuttle details. He is often getting stuck due to burrs, oxidation and microcracks.

Prevention of faults

  1. Put the machine to the steady table, the console or other support, where the stability and horizontal of the plane are withstanding.
  2. Select the needle and threads corresponding to the crosslinkable matter. Insert and securely fix the needle.
  3. Fight coils with threads according to the instructions. Do not disturb the thread broach sequence. For example, at first the upper thread passes through the tensioner, and then through the bottom guide (to the needle name) - and not vice versa. Also correctly install the bobbin in the shuttle compartment.
  4. Leave the 15-centimeter "tail" of both threads, remove their sideways. It is necessary for high-quality start and continuation of the seam.
  5. Turn on the machine to the network, insert the test flap and try to make a seam. It should be smooth and without loops from the back side.
  6. Use smooth and elastic threads. Too darling and twisted over time, simply the needle needle ear, will make it more "broken", and the needle will break faster.
  7. The machine has a production (elected) of the mechanism to the next lubricant. The instructions are indicated, for example, an interval of 5000 hours. Electronic machines can be completed with a "timer" function tracking the total operation of the motor and drive. It replaces the electromechanical analogue of the moto pumps (or prototype of the tapey roller counter), which could be used in the old twisters of the 20th century. Do not ignore the specified regularity of cleaning and lubrication - pay attention to this.

Compliance with these precautionary measures - the pledge of durability and trouble-free operation of the product.

About what to do if the sewing machine misses stitches, look next.

Care and minor repairs for your sewing machine

Very often, when sewing there are malfunctions in the work of the sewing machine and many beginner seamstresses do not know how to eliminate the problem. I will write about the most frequent causes of failure in the work. For example, I take my working sewing machine (industrial, single-line). All cars are generally the same at least domestic, even industrial on their own device and at all you will find the same-similar details. Intention, I do not take modern machines with software control and breakage, associated with the electrical part of the machine. And if you still doubt the choice of sewing machine, then maybe my article will help you in this.

? If the needle is in the typewriter, when working, knocks on the fabric, as the machine line.

answer "It just got down or got a needle tip." In this case, you need to replace the needle.

For those who want to see - my video on setting the tension of the thread on my industrial Typical sewing machine.

? The lower line is ugly, there are hinges, loop (see photo 1 - sample).

answer - Too weak tension of the upper thread. You need to check the upper thread refueling. This thread should go with a slight tension. It can be changed by the tension regulator of the upper thread indicated by the arrow (see photo 1). In this case, it is necessary to increase the tension until the hinges will "leave."

? The top line is ugly, there are hinges, loop (see photo №3 - sample).

answer - Too weak tension of the lower thread. The lower thread should leave the bobbin with a small tension, which can be adjusted by small bolts (arrogant photo 3, bottom). On domestic sewing machines, one such a bolt is usually one such a bolt, and I have two of them.

? When working often breaks down the lower thread, especially at high sewing speed.

answer - To the bobbing cap, you need to make a tissue pad. To do this, it is necessary to take not a thick tissue and cut the circle with a hole with a hole of the desired size so that it can be attached to the bobbin cap (see photo 2). For better sliding, the bobbin on the fabric you need to drop 1-2 droplets of the machine oil. If the thread too tight began to stretch out of the bobbing cap, then the gasket must be made of a thinner tissue.

? When working often breaks up the upper thread.

answer - A very frequent reason in this case is shot down or a stupid needle. You need to replace it. Check the tip of the upper thread, it can be too tight from the plates. Slide the plates and see - maybe the threads were stuffed or simply loosen the tension of the upper thread. On an industrial machine, you can lose the emery paper moving edge (shuttle nose), marked in the photo, maybe there are served from the needle, for which the thread is clinging and then rushes (see photo 4). If it breaks up a thread often on all types of fabrics and nothing of what has said helps, then you need to show the machine to the master, you may need to reconfigure the shuttle device. Without certain knowledge, I do not advise this to do.

? Sometimes a thread on the bobbin is not wounded in the winder. The bobbin is spinning, and the thread is not wound.

answer - If this happens only on one bobbin, then you can put a string for the bobbing the tight on the axis. If this happens with all the bobs, then you can push the gap to the axis with the help of a screwdriver (see photo 5). Then all bobbies will be more tightly fit. I want to note that the thread of the coil from the coil should also go with a small stretch that is changed by the teller regulator.

? On the machine line there are passes of stitches.

answer - If this happens only on one specific type of fabric, it is likely that the machine is bad "takes" this tissue. This often happens on knitted fabrics. So that this should not be used to use a special needle for knitted fabrics, which rounded the tip. This needle does not puzzle fabric, but simply spreads its threads. And my advice, tested by experience. If anyway, the machine makes skipping, you can cut thin strips from paper, preferably from the tank and when sewing to put it under the machine line - there will be no longer anymore. Then remove the paper.

Stitch passages may be even if the thickness of the machine needle and thread is incorrectly selected.

Another machine can make passes due to a shot down, stupid needle. You need to replace the needle. If a round-bottom needle is used on the machine, then you can, slightly turning the needle to put it in another position (a little left or right) until it starts to sew well. Domestic machines at the base of the needle edge cut off.

If nothing helps from the foregoing and if there are skipping on all types of fabrics, then you need to show the master to the master. It may be possible to reconfigure the shuttle device.

? The machine is badly promoting the fabric.

answer - You may need to clean the teeth, for this you need to unscrew the plate. Another reason is possible to add clashes of the paws, and for a large thickness, on the contrary.

Sewing machine maintenance

In sewing machines with automatic lubricant oil, it is necessary to monitor the oil level and do not forget it in time. With everyday use, the machine must be lubricated all the necessary places, according to the instructions.

More often, you need to unscrew the plate and clean the teeth, there is often a pile.

Household sewing machine - an indispensable assistant for a household. This little assistant is all on the shoulder. Close the trousers or skirt, spend the edges of the curtain and even embroider - all this is possible for a housewife, if it can use the sewing machine. But, unlike other household appliances, the sewing machine is a very capricious unit, sometimes just turning out to sew. In order for the device to be a reliable assistant, it is useful to know why it does not sew a sewing machine. In this article, we will analyze all the main faults of such devices and give advice to eliminate them.

The main fault of sewing machines:

  • the paw mechanism does not supply or affect the material;
  • scope of the thread;
  • breaks needle;
  • not moving fabric;
  • faults of shuttle;
  • the drive belt is loosen.

Machine badly feeds fabric

Such a malfunction is very often found. With the correct operation of the machine, the fabric should move without jerks, evenly, with the same speed. If this is not the case, then, most likely, the fabric feed mechanism is faulty. It happens that the hostess itself is to blame for such a breakdown, which for quick sewing pulls fabric, helping the typewriter with his hands. As a result, there may be failed conveyors. In addition, pulling out tissue with force, you can be bent or even break the needle.

If the fabric feed mechanism is facped, you will need to adjust it. The supplying rail of the feed mechanism is not sufficiently tightly adjacent to the pressure leg, as a result of which the fabric slippers. The rack setting is a rather troublesome business, and in this case it is better to turn to a professional adjustment. It happens that after long-term operation of the teeth of the feed rail become stupid. To avoid this, the work of the sewing machine is not allowed, without fabric.

Ombol of thread

There are a number of reasons why the sewing machine does not sew the line and tear thread. One of them is the wrong adjustment of the tension of the upper thread. The thread is simply pulled and when feeding is torn, not time to follow the needle. To achieve proper work, you must first stand up to the end of the upper thread regulator, and then, gradually increasing the tension, achieve proper operation of the machine, in which the thread does not rush.

Another reason is the needle curve. In the process of work, it can be brought and touching the needle plate or behind the paw, which presses the fabric. As a result, the thread clings to the edges and rushes. Especially this is a sewing machine "Seagull". Why do not sew other machines, consider further.

Often the thread can break, oddly enough, because of its quality. Threads for sewing machines and for manual sewing or embroidery are noticeably different. For manual sewing - cotton, have an uneven structure and during work marks. If such threads put in a sewing machine, they quickly flashed and rush. It is important to choose high-quality threads for sewing machines. They are thin and elastic.

Bun as needle

This is also a serious malfunction, because of which does not sew a sewing machine. Why break the needle? The reasons can also be somewhat. The first of them is the wrong set of the needle itself into the needle product. If it is inserted not until it stops, then in the process of work can hit the shuttle and will inevitably break. The needle position must be constantly checking. If its fastening in the needleid girl loosened, then you need to pull it up, after inserting the needle upwards.

Often, the needle breakdown happens because of its improper selection. If you have decided to flash the same needle after sewing thin tissues, it will inevitably lead to a breakdown. The needle needs to be selected according to the thickness and type of fabric. For coarse tissues there are special needles that differ in thickness and sharpening. There are universal needles suitable for all types of fabrics. In addition, the needles can break due to the poor-quality material from which they are made. Do not buy cheap needles from unknown sellers, and you can avoid vain spending.

Faulty shuttle or impaired adjustment

Why not sew a manual sewing machine "Podolsk"? Most likely, this is due to the work of the shuttle. The quality work of these machines often depends on its condition. What could be fault? The dirt may be hampered in the shuttle or to get moisture, then it can turn tightly, and in some cases even jammed. Because of this, it does not sew a manual sewing machine. Why is this happening?

Long simple typewriter

If you did not use a sewing machine for a long time, the moisture can get into the shuttle, which will inevitably lead to corrosion. To avoid this, you need to periodically lubricate the machine, even if it was in a simple time for a long time. How to do it correctly, written in the instructions for your sewing machine.

Another thing, if dirt will be blocked in the shuttle. This may be, on the contrary, from long and continuous operation of the machine. Threads that you sew are not perfectly clean: they can be dirt or dust. Together with lubricant, all this forms a viscous mass, which scores a shuttle. To avoid this, periodically the shuttle must be disassembled and cleaned by adding a new lubricant.

Weakened drive belt

One more of the reasons why does not sew a sewing machine, can be a loose drive belt. This can be noted immediately after you have turned on the machine and pressed on the drive pedal. The motor can spin in good, and the machine will not sew. It is easy to fix without causing a wizard. You need to weaken a couple of bolts on the engine mount and suck it down, checking the belt tension by hand. As soon as he stretched, consolidate the engine in this position. Do not forget only to de-energize the machine before this operation.

If you have an old machine with a foot drive, then the above action will not pass. Such devices have no belt tensioner. In this case, the belt should be removed and shorten approximately one centimeter. Then copp the bracket and set back. It should be remembered that it is impossible to drag the belt too. It can cause a heavy course of the machine and lead to the pulleys breakdown.

In this article, the main answers to the question of why not sewing a sewing machine. Most of the breakdowns can be eliminated independently. But with such as accurate setting, it is best to contact the master or in a service center. No need to save where you can lose more.