Chapter x vi causes of death of a child after childbirth c. m. Smolyaninov. “When the baby died, his mother screamed forever.” How do doctors feel when they inform parents about the death of their children? Where to go if a child dies after childbirth

- Mom checked out. What condition is she in? What kind of help and information should she seek?

- The condition can be very different. At first it is usually a shock, then a search for those to blame. Psychologists distinguish several stages in the experience, but in reality they do not always pass gradually, as in the book - sometimes everything comes at once.

This can be anger and rage, very often a feeling of guilt, it can be a desire to protect oneself, or a feeling of helplessness. There may be physical symptoms - a feeling that everything is compressed in the chest and you are suffocating, loss of sleep. For example, after the incident, my husband and I did not sleep for three nights, and when on the fourth night I began to fall asleep, I woke up, discovered that it was not a dream, and seemed to be confronted with reality all over again. And a stream of tears and disbelief in what had happened began.

And the worst thing is what both a woman and her husband often get stuck in - a feeling of guilt. This is the most terrible trap that people fall into, because it corrodes their soul and body.

In order to cope with this, we need psychologists or spirituality, faith.

That is, a woman after childbirth needs to take care of her emotions. Some women, after what happened, have a desire to constantly talk about what happened. Some people don't have this desire. And the most important support that others can provide in this situation is to let the woman and her husband understand that they are not alone, that there are people around them who care.

If you suddenly find yourself a relative of such a family, just let them know in any way that they can count on your help.

Because the worst thing that people do in our country who really don’t like to deal with the topic of grief and loss is simply ignore such a family because they don’t know how to react to it. As a result, parents find themselves isolated - this is terrible.

If mom wants to talk about what happened, she needs to find someone she can talk to. This allows you to relieve internal tension. In this situation, I want to talk about the same thing over and over again. Therefore, one of the primary tasks of our foundation is to create « parent groups» in different cities, so that parents can talk about what happened, what they feel, be accepted completely, along with all their experiences, and see that they are not the only ones who find themselves in such a situation, experience such feelings.

Our psychologists help remotely

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- By the way, about help. We have very few psychologists who specialize in the topic of loss. It turns out that some women will be far from the specialist simply geographically. What to do in this situation?

— Women from different corners Russia, and our psychologists help remotely. So, despite the remoteness, help is possible. It is important to note that there are indeed very few psychologists who know how to work with the topic of perinatal loss.

And if you decide to contact a specialist yourself, be sure to inquire about his education and experience in this particular area.

It is very important that after a perinatal loss, the members of such a family (because in fact, not only the woman suffers, the father is also very worried about the death of the child) have a desire to live. Sometimes there is either a desire to withdraw into oneself and into an endless search for someone to blame, and this destroys both the physical body and the feeling of joy in life. Or the thought still arises: “I want to live,” and then it is possible to take care of your physical body, work with your psychological mood, with emotions.

If a woman, her husband or one of the other relatives who are acutely experiencing the situation of perinatal loss (grandparents) decide to live, even if it is still very difficult to do, they can always call our foundation, and we will always find a specialist , who will try to work with them, support and help.

That is, the best thing in this situation is to look for a psychologist, or at least a parental support group, but there are still very few of them. We have already begun work to ensure that every maternity hospital in our country has a psychologist specially trained in how to work in such situations. But this is a perspective. In the meantime, a universal solution for any corner of the country is to contact our fund.

Allow yourself to grieve and ask for help

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—Where does the desire to live come from?

Good question. It's probably different for everyone. It seems to me that there is no single answer. For me it was my family and love for my husband and children.

When, ten days after giving birth, I was admitted to the hospital with bleeding, I realized that I had taken a wrong turn; it felt like I didn’t choose to “live.” And then I realized that something was wrong, there was a feeling that I was completely destroyed - physically, emotionally, and mentally. And I gradually began to tune myself into a positive mood - doing exercises, going for walks. Of course, it was difficult to be happy; I tried to find reasons for positive emotions.

At this moment it is very important to feel your needs and ask for help.

For example, my husband and I realized that it is difficult for our children to be around us because I cry a lot. And we asked our friend to go to the cinema with them.

As a result, we had time to talk, realizing that the children do not see all this and continue to live normally. This is already a small but positive emotion.

We decided to go to short trip in Saint-Petersburg. Yes, now, a year later, we don’t remember what happened on this trip, but it pulled us out of the place where it all happened, from the emotions that accompanied it. My sister lived with us for two months, she looked after the children, cooked and cleaned - this also supported us very much, because we had no strength. daily life not enough.

That is, the main thing is to allow yourself to grieve - to release the emotions that you are experiencing, to allow yourself isolation or communication. And asking, asking, asking for help is okay. When they know how to help, people, as a rule, willingly respond and leave such a family in isolation simply because they do not know how to help. The best thing parents can do for themselves in such a situation is to directly say what help they need now.

Choose people to communicate with

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— How to build relationships with relatives at this moment so as not to hurt them, get help and not come across a lesson on how to live or a stream of someone’s own, difficult, but probably not very appropriate memories in this situation?

“You have to allow yourself to be uncomfortable and choose people to communicate with.” And remember that people often say phrases that hurt us very much in order to support us; they just don't know how to do it any other way. If he says so close person, you can try to simply explain to him: “This hurts me, let’s better keep quiet.” Or: “Now I would like to tell you more about how it was for me.” That is, be honest.

If a person does not hear or continues his song, I would recommend stopping communicating with him for now.

Because the most important thing now is not to try to calm everyone around and be good for them, but to take care of yourself. This is the best thing you can do for yourself, for your husband, present and future children.

— How to build a relationship with your husband? How can we get out of the situation and enter into a future relationship without associating each other with this grief?

— A situation like this is a reason to either gain even greater intimacy with your husband, or to understand that there really is no intimacy. And then you can either continue to work and create it, or admit that nothing is working out.

My husband and I are very lucky: we always talk through our emotions and feelings to each other, and do not each silently dwell on our own experiences. It is important that a man and a woman, firstly, be willing to be sincere with each other. That is, you tell your husband “what’s happening to me, what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling, what I’m afraid of.” And your partner is ready to listen to all this without criticism, without judgment, without discerning whether these feelings are “right” or “wrong.” This was the case in our situation.

I know that many men prefer to close the story of the death of a child like a closet door and move on with their lives, pretending that nothing happened. I know many women who, in this situation, found support from their mother, friend, or psychologist, with whom they could ventilate their emotions, this also helps to maintain relationships. Because the husband may have a different stage, a different form of experience. And maybe a little time will pass, or maybe a lot, when he himself will be ready to get in touch with his pain and release it. The most important thing here is not to blame each other, not to make claims, but to be honest with your partner, talking about what is happening to me.

At the same time, you need to take it as an axiom: “Don’t look for the guilty, because there are none!” Guilt is the biggest trap you can fall into here.

I also spent a long time looking for mistakes that led me to the result I got.

And in the end I learned to admit that at every moment I accepted the most The best decision, using all your knowledge, all your experience for the benefit of this child. And I know the same about my husband. Now, based on current experience, our decisions might have been different, but then they were exactly like that.

Our mind really wants to get the illusion that it is the ruler of the world, and that if it knows a lot, or better yet, everything, then we will probably be immortal.

But this is precisely a huge trap for the mind, because people want to be, I would call it, gods, to rule this world entirely. But that's not true. Life is a process, and we are people and we gain experiences. When we decide to give birth to a child for the first time, it is a discovery for us because we have not had such an experience. And the same thing happens with every action in our life: going into the past, it becomes an experience on the basis of which we, perhaps, would have decided something differently.

But at that moment, when something happened, any responsible decision we made was the best one we could make. And when it passes, it’s just an experience. So what's the point of blaming yourself? And we can choose - to be angry at this experience or to take into later life the valuable things that it brought us.

The fund helps the whole family

— After how long and how to contact the outside world?

- This will also be individual for each person. It is important for a woman, first of all, to recover physically after childbirth, and in no case take on emotional and physical stress before recovery, because this will have a bad effect on her future.

If we talk about contacts, many saw that you were expecting a child, preparing for childbirth, and they will ask: “When did you give birth, and what was your name?” You need to be prepared to answer such questions.

It was easier for me to answer the truth: “I gave birth to a boy. They named him Yegor. And he died in childbirth."

I just memorized these few phrases, it hurt me to say them every time, but this way I released the sadness that lived in me.

For some, it may be easier to remain silent or postpone this conversation. For example, I say that now I have three children, but one has died, and I’m not afraid of hurting those around me. Everything is individual.

— How will the foundation’s materials help with all this?

— Fund materials are intended for different people. For parents, we have instructions on how to create a child’s history, legal advice related to funerals, including, among other things, receiving compensation for the funeral.

There is a brochure for friends, family and grandparents about how parents feel in this situation and how to support them.

There is even a brochure for employers and a brochure on how to return to work as a survivor of perinatal death.

There is a brochure that helps in supporting older children - what to say about the death of a baby, how to behave with them.

Children, after all, also very subtly feel the state of their parents, and there are tips on what and how to talk to them by age.

There is a brochure dedicated to intrauterine death.

That is, we see ourselves in this case as a source of information and powerful psychological support, which each person who contacts us receives individually. We are continuing to produce more resources to support people through perinatal loss. We are preparing materials for maternity hospital staff that can help them when faced with the situation of perinatal loss of their patient and protecting them from emotional burnout.

In the future, we would also like to influence the development of the healthcare system so that the three words that a midwife says to a mother whose child has died in childbirth will warm her heart, rather than destroy what remains of it.

We plan to organize international conferences to exchange experience between specialists and conduct research to reduce the number of stillborn children. At the moment, research of this kind is not being conducted in our country. I think this is important.

In their house, right at the entrance you see a photograph: a smiling family in an embrace - Peter, Yulia and their daughter Vika, and the inscription: “Love like this only happens once...” He is a 34-year-old truck driver engaged in cargo transportation, she is a history teacher. He comes from the Novoskolsky district, from large family, she is a native Belgorod resident. They lived in perfect harmony for more than 10 years, built a two-story house, raised a daughter and really wanted more children. In August of this year, Yulia Mozhaitseva would have turned 32 years old. Now she is gone, and her husband is left with three daughters in his arms, two of whom are twin babies. At the end of May this year, Yulia died during childbirth at the regional Perinatal Center.

A month and a half has already passed since the death of his wife, and Peter still cannot find a place for himself and cannot work normally. I wrote a letter to AiF in order to somehow relieve my soul, and told in detail everything that happened when meeting with the AiF-Belgorod correspondent.

We really wanted a second child, but Julia couldn’t get pregnant for a long time,” he recalls. – We even wanted to go to Moscow for IVF. Then, in November 2007, when they found out that Yulia was expecting a child, they were incredibly happy. And when they told us at the ultrasound that there would be twins, we were simply delighted.

They met Svetlana Raikova, a doctor at the Perinatal Center, in March 2008 and decided that she would monitor Yulia and provide assistance during childbirth. Twice in April and May, Yulia was kept in the Perinatal Center. By the end of May, the woman began to experience swelling.

Since she gave birth to her first daughter through C-section, and given that twins were expected, the doctor recommended going to the hospital in advance. On May 30, Yulia became ill and was placed in intensive care. The next day, Peter talked to her on the phone and heard that she was feeling better. But that same evening, May 31, at about 6 p.m., she told her husband that she was feeling worse again. This was their last conversation. At about 9 p.m., Raikova called him and congratulated him on the birth of two girls, whose weight is 2380 kg and 2090 kg - normal for twins. When asked about his wife’s condition, the doctor replied that Yulia was in intensive care, and told him to come the next day at about 11 o’clock, bring mineral water without gas and lemon.

At 6 am on June 1, I called the maternity hospital, asked about my wife, and they told me: “You better come,” recalls Peter. “My mother-in-law and I left immediately.” None of the doctors met us, and the guard at the gate said: “Are you relatives of the woman who was taken to the morgue?” Then some unknown doctor came out and said that his wife’s heart couldn’t stand it.

But Svetlana Raikova never spoke to her relatives.
- Everyone explained to us what happened, everyone offered condolences and apologies, except her! - Pyotr Mozhaitsev is indignant. “They told me that she was scared, confused, that when she realized that it was too late to change something, she called all the doctors, and they rushed to the maternity hospital at night in whatever way they could. I don't blame the doctors who performed the second operation and tried to revive her. There is so much talk everywhere about the Perinatal Center, but not a word about our tragedy!

Vika’s 9-year-old daughter is now support and consolation for her father. She somehow immediately matured, but before she was so carefree. Petra’s sister, 36-year-old Natalya, is caring for the babies and has taken out maternity leave for children up to one and a half years old. Other relatives also help. So it is impossible to say that Peter was left alone with his misfortune. But he himself does not know how to live further.

At the funeral they told me, don’t give away Yulina’s things until forty days,” he says. “They don’t understand, for me it’s like a museum: you open the closet, there are her dresses, perfume, her smell, and it seems as if she is nearby.

When leaving on a business trip, Peter takes with him a photograph of his wife instead of an icon.

“She followed me like a little child,” he recalls. “When I left, she wrote me letters about love and gave them to me when I returned. She never raised her voice, not once with me or with my parents - not a single conflict, they lived in such love that everyone was jealous.

What about now?

“No one is immune from death in childbirth”

Mortality cases associated with pregnancy and childbirth are very rare, but have a special social significance, this is grief for the family and loved ones, children are often left orphans, says Natalya ZERNAEVA, head of the department of medical problems of family, motherhood, childhood and demographic policy. - The death of Yulia Vyacheslavovna Mozhaitseva in the perinatal center of the regional clinical hospital, which is the leading obstetrics institution in the region and where highly qualified medical care is provided to women with complicated childbirth and serious illnesses, is deeply experienced by all medical workers involved in the management of pregnancy and childbirth.

The Department of Health and social protection population of the region, a commission was created to determine the reasons that led to the tragedy. During the internal audit, all stages of providing medical care. The course of Yulia's pregnancy was complicated by gestosis in the second half of pregnancy, for which reason she was hospitalized and received treatment not in the usual pregnancy pathology department, but in the intensive care unit of the perinatal center.

The therapy allowed to stabilize the course of the disease, however, due to the onset of uterine rupture along the scar (a “caesarean section” was performed in the first birth), amniotic fluid entered the vascular bed. Embolism amniotic fluid, confirmed by histological examination, is an unpreventable cause of death. Brigade the best specialists from 11 p.m. on May 31 to 6 a.m. on June 1, she tried to save Yulia’s life; everything possible was done.

Maternal mortality with this pathology is 85 percent, these are global indicators, says Lydia VASILCENKO, deputy chief physician of the regional hospital of St. Joasaph for obstetrics. – Over the past 10 years, we have not had a single similar case at the Perinatal Center, and we are all, of course, very worried and sympathize with this family.

According to Lidia Sergeevna, Svetlana Raikova is a doctor with 10 years of experience, she came from Kursk and has been working in the perinatal center since 2004. IN this moment, since that very incident, she has been on vacation, and possibly outside the region.

I don’t want to make excuses, I understand relatives blaming the doctor, but doctors are not omnipotent,” says Lidiya Sergeevna.

Babies are monitored directly by specialists from the perinatal center. Special meals are provided for infants. Disciplinary measures were taken against the staff of the perinatal center.

Members of the commission talked with Yulia’s relatives, all the reasons that led to the tragedy were explained, says Natalya Zernaeva. “However, the family’s grief is incommensurate with any of our explanations.” Once again I want to offer my apologies and deep condolences to the family of Yulia Vyacheslavovna Mozhaitseva on my own behalf, to everyone medical workers. Forgive us!

... Yulia’s mother Lyubov Alekseevna, remembering with tears how white, without a single blood, her daughter was in the coffin, says:

For doctors, this is just a case. How should we live? For all of us, this is a lifelong grief.

Features of obtaining and exercising parents' rights to maternity capital upon the death of one or more children have been the subject of lively debate for a long time. First of all, because additional measures to support families with children within the framework of the maternity capital program are formally intended for ensuring a decent standard of living for a family even if there are several children!

However, the death of children does not negate the fact of their birth - but the right to swear. capital is established precisely in connection with birth (or adoption) second or subsequent child!

Therefore, in the first years of implementation, which started in 2007, when certain private cases had not yet been regulated by law, many parents were forced go to court after employees of the Pension Fund unlawfully refused to issue them a certificate for maternity capital if the first or second child from the same mother died at the time of application.

Let us recall the following main points:

In the absence of a birth certificate for at least one of the children born, the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia will be forced to refuse mothers who have applied for a certificate!

In this case, the question arises about the fundamental possibility of obtaining a document(or its duplicate), confirming the fact of the birth of a child, in the registry office, which is most difficult:

  • at the birth of a stillborn child;
  • in the event of the death of a child in the first week of his life.

Maternal capital for a stillborn child

Unfortunately, a woman who gave birth to a second or subsequent child since January 1, 2007, if at least one of them was stillborn (due to perinatal death), has no legal right for receipt maternity capital!

The fact is that in accordance with the provisions of Art. 20 of the law of November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ “On acts of civil status” for a child born stillborn, a birth certificate in general not issued.

In this case also:

  • state registration of the death of a child and the corresponding certificate is also not issued (at the time of birth the fetus is already dead - a case of perinatal death).
  • at the request of parents, the registry office can only issue document confirming state registration of the birth of a still child.

The right to maternity capital in the event of the death of a child in the first week of life

Until August 2, 2010, by law “On acts of civil status” the possibility of obtaining a birth certificate for a child who died during the first week of life, also was not provided.

What a list necessary documents to pay benefits for a stillborn child? Can you please tell me the list of required documents for payment of benefits for a stillborn child? What benefits are paid? Only maternity benefits and funeral benefits are paid. Details in the materials of the Personnel System: Attention: if the child died after birth, including in the first days of life, then the parents, subject to certain conditions, will be able to claim benefits. What benefits are due at birth? For the expectant mother You should take care in advance about benefits, the appointment and accrual of which are made during the period of maternity leave (as well as immediately after childbirth and during the period of caring for a newborn).

It is paid regardless of whether the woman works, is unemployed, or is registered with the employment service as unemployed.

Hello, I offer you my condolences.

Regarding the question, I can answer that in this case, benefits are provided to a woman who is registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy and sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

Funeral benefit (financial assistance) - in the event of a stillbirth of a child after 196 days of pregnancy, it is paid to one of the parents.

Once again please accept my condolences

you can count on maternity benefits;

for burial, in the event of a stillbirth after 196 days of pregnancy;

Women whose child died in the first week of life are entitled to maternity capital

Currently, the exact amount for this type of compensation has been established. The benefit today is 6,332 rubles. This amount should cover the expenses of the parents of the dead child strictly for the burial procedure.

In certain regions of the country, additional surcharges may be added to the above amount. For example, in Moscow, taking into account the regional salary coefficient, young parents can receive an amount for the burial of a child that is almost twice the standard amount - about 11,000 rubles.

Therefore, citizens should check with the representative offices of social protection authorities for a more accurate amount of this compensation. Also in these institutions you can find out more detailed and detailed information about the progress of applying for a subsidy.

At the same time, every citizen should understand that the subsidy can be issued only in an amount that will not exceed the list of established services. In addition, the amount of funds for assistance should not be more than ten times the amount of wages.

The size of the benefit is usually determined according to the minimum wage that exists on the day a person applies for payment.

At the request of the insured person, the specified years must be replaced by previous calendar years with a higher amount of earnings. For working women, the amount of maternity benefits is equal to 100% of her average earnings for the previous pay period. For unemployed women (or with less than six months of insurance coverage), the amount of benefits is equal to the minimum wage (minimum wage). - if any of this was: [link-1] 51.

For births occurring between 28 and 30 weeks of pregnancy, a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth is issued by the medical organization where the birth took place for a period of 156 calendar days.

Then, to obtain a medical certificate of death, you must go to the pathology department (in Tallinn, at the morgue of the Ida-Tallinn Central Hospital on Ravi 18, 2nd floor). To register births and deaths, as well as obtain a death certificate, you must contact the county government of the county center or the rural municipality or city government of the local government.

In Tallinn - to the county government of Harju County or the Tallinn Civil Registry Office.

The conditions, amounts and procedure for providing working women with maternity benefits are regulated by Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 255-FZ). 2 tbsp. 20 of the Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status”, in the case of state registration of the birth of a child who died in the first week of life, state registration of the birth and death of such a child is carried out simultaneously.

The documents required for payment of this benefit are: To assign a funeral benefit from an employee (relative of a deceased employee), obtain the original death certificate.

Good afternoon. Please tell me whether a lump sum birth benefit is paid if the child died in the hospital on his birthday? We are interested in the question of the legality of paying a lump sum birth benefit, whether we have the right to pay it on the basis of a certificate from the maternity hospital or not.

We have the following information: A one-time compensation payment at the birth of a child is not assigned in the case of a dead child, as well as in the case of the death of a child that occurs before applying for a one-time compensation payment.

A father or mother can receive benefits for the birth of a child in 2019 through the accounting department of their employer; if the father and mother are not employed, payments are made by the social security authorities at the place of registration.

Federal one-time payments for a child 2019 Amount of one-time benefit at the birth of a child: Regional one-time payments for a child 2019 Moscow Each region has its own additional social payments, their size depends on the region.

It is worth noting that in those regions Russian Federation, where the regional coefficient applies, the amount of the benefit increases proportionally. For example, in the Republic of Bashkortostan the regional coefficient is 15%, so the payment will be in the amount of 6556 rubles. And in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - 100%, therefore, the amount will be 11,402 rubles.

Operates in St. Petersburg one-time assistance for a person who performed the funeral at his own expense. Its size is determined by establishing the difference between the cost of services provided according to the list guaranteed by the Funeral Law (Article 9) and the amount of the benefit received. The condition for receiving additional benefits is low living wage applicant.

  1. The citizen who submitted the application does not have the documents necessary to receive state financial assistance.
  2. Providing knowingly incorrect or incomplete information to social security authorities.
  3. Full or incomplete compliance of the package of documents provided to the social protection authorities with the samples established by current legislation.
  4. If a person applies for this type of state support after more than six months have passed since the death of the child.
  1. In the Pension Fund. Citizens who have incurred the costs associated with the burial should apply there.
  2. To the Social Security Administration. Citizens who have undertaken obligations and incurred expenses for the burial of a dead child after the expiration of 196 days of pregnancy.

At the same time, Russians must comply with all deadlines set aside by current legislation. When burying a stillborn child, a person has 6 months from the date of death to receive a subsidy.

If death occurred in the first days after birth (in the first week), the parents have every right submit an application to the registry office to obtain a death certificate in the manner established by Federal Law No. 241 of July 28, 2010. In addition, mandatory state registration of a child who has already died is carried out.

According to Federal Law No. 8 of January 12, 1996, the state must necessarily pay funeral benefits in the event of death after birth in the first week of life or in the event of a stillbirth. You should apply for payment to the authorities involved in social protection of the population. In addition, compensation will be transferred to parents in case of premature death of the fetus after 154 days of gestation.

I haven’t found any judicial practice in a similar case to yours, but regarding maternity capital, the judicial practice is as follows: if the child has lived at least a few hours or days after birth, then the right to swearing is recognized. capital, and if the child was immediately born dead, then they refuse.

My first child is stillborn! Now I’m on maternity leave! Is this child considered the second? The Social Insurance Fund said yes! And benefits are supposed to be paid as for a second child! They told me what documents to provide for work! I’ve done everything! Now there’s some kind of check at work! And they They said that they were paying me benefits illegally! And they suspended the payment of benefits! What should I do? second child, and check says no!

During inspections, employees of the FSS of Russia will require this document in exactly this form (subparagraph “b”, clause 84 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by Resolution of the FSS of Russia dated April 7, 2008 No. 81). Issue the funeral benefit to the employee (relative of the deceased employee) on the day of application (para.

52. In case of termination of pregnancy up to 27 full weeks of pregnancy, the birth of a stillborn fetus or a live fetus that did not survive the first 6 full days (168 hours), a certificate of incapacity for work is issued in accordance with Chapter II of this Procedure for the entire period of incapacity for work, but for a period not less than three days.

Maternity leave for the birth of a stillborn child raises many questions: how long does it last, whether benefits need to be recalculated, and others. Before giving answers to them, it is worth understanding what is meant by “maternity leave”. Many believe that this is the period of a woman’s absence from work from the moment she was issued a certificate of incapacity for work until she returns to her place after maternity leave. But this is not so, only vacation under the B&R falls under this concept.

  • 140 - the minimum number of days issued during a normal pregnancy;
  • 156 - recommended for difficult childbirth. In this case, two ballots are issued. Primary sick leave issued for the usual duration at 7 months of pregnancy. The second bulletin is issued as a continuation of the first, after the birth for an additional 16 days;
  • 194 is the maximum number of days issued for multiple pregnancies.

What is the amount of funeral benefit for a stillbirth in 2019?

Is maternity capital due if you die? Let us recall the following main points: general rule right to swear

capital is confirmed by a state certificate, which is issued by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation according to the established procedure at the birth or adoption of a second, third or subsequent child, starting from January 1, 2007.

Recipients of maternity capital can be Russian citizens - women, men (sole adoptive parents) or minor children (children under 23 years of age while studying full-time at an educational organization) in the event of the death of their parents or deprivation of their parental rights.

Registration of documentation and social benefits in case of stillbirth Your issue is regulated by the following regulatory documents: 1) Order of the Ministry of Justice dated October 18, 2000.

No. 52/5 “On approval of the Rules for civil registration in Ukraine”

First of all, because additional measures to support families with children within the framework of the maternity capital program are formally designed to ensure a decent standard of living for a family precisely if there are several children! However, the death of children does not negate the fact of their birth - and in fact the federal law is the right to swear.

This Law establishes a monthly cash payment at the birth after December 31, 2012 of the third child or subsequent children (hereinafter referred to as the cash payment) in order to improve demographic situation and stimulating the birth rate in the Kaluga region, and also determines the categories of recipients, the size and conditions for the appointment and implementation of cash payments.

the social protection body at the place of residence in cases where the deceased was not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death and was not a pensioner, as well as in the case of a stillbirth after 154 days of pregnancy;

Payments of this kind of compensation are carried out by different bodies, which can be determined in direct dependence on the rank of the deceased. You must apply for benefits no later than six months after the death of the citizen. It is necessary to take into account such an important point that benefits and cash payments in the form of compensation on the basis of current legislation in our country are divided into several specific groups and types.

TO general group benefits it is possible to include those that will be paid in all possible cases associated with the occurrence of death close relative. In order for the person who applied to be able to receive a certain monetary compensation for the expenses provided for by the current legislation of our country for the burial of a child who was born dead or died almost immediately after his birth, it will be necessary to submit a number of established documents and certificates prescribed in the current legislation.

  • Work book or service ID of the deceased.
  • Extract from the personal account Pension Fund RF.
  • Extract of registration at the place of residence of the deceased until the moment of his death.
  • Certificate from the FSS. She confirms that the deceased was insured. Relevant if the deceased was a lawyer, individual entrepreneur, notary, or belonged to the small peoples of the North.
  • Medical certificate and passport of the mother in case of benefits for a stillborn child.
  • A document that confirms that the deceased was registered for unemployment. Issued by the Employment Center.
  • Incorrect execution of the application (absence of the applicant’s signature, the name and surname of the applicant or the deceased do not match those indicated in the passport).
  • Not all required documents were provided. The authorized body has the right not to count an unreadable, laminated, worn-out document.
  • The applicant has no legal right to receive benefits. That is, the burial was organized at the expense of another person.

All conditions under which the appointment is made and the payment of benefits are stipulated in federal law“On burial and funeral business.” The same law establishes the amount of funeral benefits in 2019; from February 1 it is 7,740.24 rubles. An alternative to this compensation, in accordance with the law, is the provision, free of charge, by the relevant organization of all services necessary for burial to the person who is involved in the funeral of the deceased.

This payment, which compensates for part of the material costs of the funeral, will be paid to relatives or other persons who paid for the funeral. If a citizen has used a free service from the guaranteed list, then he will not be given a funeral payment.

  • 5701 rub. – funeral benefit for a deceased employee at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund or Pension Fund. Additional payments amounting to another 11 thousand rubles are provided for Moscow residents.
  • RUB 15,484 – at the expense of the military registration and enlistment office for military pensioners or WWII participants. For residents of the capital, the payment has also been increased and amounts to 38.4 thousand rubles. In addition, relatives of the deceased can count on receiving a military personnel salary or 3 times the pension.
  • preparation of necessary documents and certificates;
  • purchase and transportation of a coffin and other items required for burial;
  • transportation of the body of the deceased to a cemetery or crematorium (by decision of relatives);
  • burial of the remains or their cremation (providing for the release of an urn with ashes).
  • Payments are indexed every year. For example, in 2019, the funeral benefit was 5,562.25 rubles. Taking into account indexation, the federal benefit in 2019 is equal to 5,701.31 rubles. In any region of Russia, citizens can choose either a funeral according to a guaranteed list of funeral services, or receiving compensation in cash.

    To receive payment of social benefits for funerals, you must contact the Pension Fund of Russia. You must bring with you a document confirming the person’s death. If desired, the applicant can request that the money be transferred to his personal account, which is opened with a credit institution. In this case, you must also have account details.

    You must apply for a job where the deceased was officially employed only if the legal relationship has been officially registered. There are also situations when a minor family member has died. Then one of the parents can come to their employer and request financial support from him.

    In order to determine the amount of the required benefit in the corresponding subject, it is necessary to multiply the fixed benefit base by the coefficient of the corresponding region. For example, for Novosibirsk the regional coefficient is 25% in accordance with regional legislation. It follows from this that the amount of compensation for burial established in Novosibirsk for 2019 is 6841 rubles 57 kopecks.

    Payment of assistance comes from the budget of the relevant body in which the deceased served. The amount to be paid is 18,250 rubles. In addition to payment of compensation for burial, for these persons the costs of making monuments and their installation are provided, which, depending on the category to which the deceased person belonged, range from 25,269 rubles to 31,541 rubles.

  • Sberbank. Pays social benefits if the deceased person had a bank deposit opened before June 20, 1991. Funds for the payment of social benefits are allocated from the federal budget and for 2019 amount to: 6000 rubles.
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    Is compensation or assistance entitled for the burial of a child (born dead or died immediately after birth)

    First of all, you need to understand what is meant by maternity leave. As a rule, pregnant women understand maternity leave to be the period while they are absent from work from the moment they receive a certificate of incapacity for work until they return to work after caring for a child up to 1.5, up to 3 years or earlier. In fact, this is not what we are talking about, and maternity leave is usually understood as maternity leave (B&P).

    If the pregnancy is normal, the woman will be sent on leave at the 30th week of pregnancy, but if she is expecting two children at once, she will be sent on leave already at the 28th week. As a basis for maternity leave serves as sick leave. It is also issued for different periods of time:

    • For 140 days - the minimum number of days that a woman is entitled to in case of normal pregnancy and childbirth.
    • For 156 days - if childbirth is difficult. In this case, two sick leaves will be issued. The first will be issued for the usual duration at the 7th month of pregnancy, and the second will be issued as a continuation of the first, but for 16 days.
    • 194 days is the maximum duration of maternity leave that a woman is entitled to in case of multiple pregnancy.

    The calculation method we have considered is carried out in general situations, but in life everything is possible and cases may be different. Therefore, faced with such a terrible situation when an employee’s child dies after birth, the accountant is faced with the problem of calculating maternity payments.

    If the B&R benefit has already been transferred in full to the employee before the birth, then it can no longer be withheld. The withholding of this payment is not provided for by law. This means that the woman will be on vacation until her sick leave ends. It is also impossible to reduce a woman’s leave under the BiR, since such an opportunity, in accordance with Russian legislation, is provided only for maternity leave.

    The opposite situation is also possible. A woman may not want to go on leave on her own, but it is also impossible to force her to go on such leave. An employee may go on vacation later than expected (30 weeks), or independently reduce her leave under the B&R.

    If a woman gives birth before taking maternity leave, then sick leave can be issued in two ways:

    • For the period of incapacity for work, it must be at least 3 days - in the event that the child was stillborn or died in the first 6 days of life;
    • For 156 days - if the child was born alive, but died more than 6 days from the moment of birth.

    Maternity capital for the deceased Maternity capital program Decision enshrined in the Federal Law, registration number 256.

    The government program was supposed to operate until 2019. Despite the difficult economic situation, it was decided to extend it until December 31, 2019.

    Taking into account indexation, the amount of maternity capital in 2019 is 453.26 thousand rubles.

    After receiving the child's death certificate, the employee can provide it to her employer. Based on this document, the employer must pay the employee a funeral benefit. It is prescribed if childbirth occurs after the 196th day of pregnancy. The amount of the funeral benefit in 2018 is 5,562.25 rubles.

    • Preparation of various documents.
    • Providing the required items needed for the funeral.
    • Transportation of the body to the immediate burial area.
    • Questions about cremation or burial.
    • Other services that are not included in this list are paid for using the money of relatives who take charge of the funeral.
    • There are two main options for purchasing assistance from government agencies for the burial of the deceased:
    • Payment of money (to husband, relatives or other citizens who directly organize these actions).
    • Providing services and providing a variety of items needed for funerals.
    • Procedure for purchasing compensation for a funeral

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    Benefit for a stillborn child

    The funeral benefit for deceased pensioners who at the time of death were officially registered employees according to the Labor Code is paid at their last place of work. Currently, the amount of social benefits for funerals in Moscow is 16,562.25 rubles.

    A certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation stating that the public service was not provided at the applicant’s place of residence. Regional payments for children to Muscovites Some types of payments can be issued exclusively via the Internet, in a citizen’s personal account.