What is European manicure and how to do it? What is European manicure

You can't feel confident with unkempt hands. European manicure allows you to shape your nails and put them in order without cutting the cuticle, so it can easily be done at home.


European or French unedged manicure is the safest and most practical type of cosmetic “operation” that exists. It was invented in France at the beginning of the 20th century, but only came into fashion a couple of decades ago.

After a classic manicure with cuticle trimming, even if performed very carefully, the girl will experience discomfort for some time. The nail plate may hurt near the base, and the cuticle may bleed. The European one is completely devoid of these shortcomings. It is completely painless and does not involve the use of scissors, cuticle tweezers or trimmers. This is what distinguishes a classic manicure from a European one.

Benefits of European manicure:

At the same time, the technique has some flaws. Firstly, a combined manicure is performed for the first time. This procedure combines edged and unedged techniques. Secondly, the real effect after the session will be noticeable only after several months of regular implementation of the procedure. Thirdly, it is a little more expensive than a regular edged one.

Types of European manicure

There are several types of European manicure:

Video lesson: European manicure at home

Execution technology

Any nice salon Beauty provides its clients with the opportunity to choose hardware or unedged manicure or pedicure as an alternative to edged technologies. This technique in professional offices is often complemented by paraffin therapy for the hands, oil massages and other procedures to nourish the plate and epidermis. Procedure in salons:

  1. The skin of the hands is cleansed with scrubs and oil compositions, at the same time, the varnish is removed from the nails;
  2. You may be offered a spa massage or paraffin therapy before your manicure. They will relax their hands, the procedure will not only bring more pleasure, but will also become much more useful;
  3. After this, depending on the chosen technique, they will begin to process the nails and cuticles. A gel is applied to the skin, which within a few minutes dissolves it or makes it much softer. After this, moving from the top of the nail to the bed, the cuticle moves to the very edge. Next, another stick moves along the skin growth line, which completely removes the cuticle;
  4. Remains of the gel are removed with a napkin, as it can harm nail growth. Afterwards, all that remains is to trim your nails using a nail file or a manicure machine. At the end of the session on the cuticle and plate (if it is not planned to work shellac coated or regular varnish) applies cocoa or shea butter - which quickly restore the skin;
  5. You need to repeat the European technique on average 1-2 times a month, but this depends on the speed of nail growth.

But you can save a lot of money if you do the procedure at home. First you need to buy tools for the European trim manicure: this is pumice, bamboo or orange sticks, a file and cuticle remover gel.

Photo – Manicure tools

And if you need to do a pedicure at home for yourself, then follow the link and find here comprehensive information on this issue.

Instructions with photos on how to perform a female procedure step by step European manicure at home:

Well-groomed hands are an integral part of the image of a successful and attractive woman. In order to always look irresistible, it is not at all necessary to regularly visit beauty salons. It is enough to learn the technology of performing European unedged manicure, which will allow you to get your hands in order very quickly.

Features of European manicure

French or European unedged manicure is the safest type of nail treatment from a hygiene point of view. When performing a classic manicure, it is customary to trim the cuticle, which can cause discomfort and even pain. After such a procedure, the skin around the nail plate may be inflamed for several days.

European unedged manicure is completely free of this drawback. When performing it, no cutting objects are used that can injure the delicate skin of the hands. Instead, they apply to the cuticle special gels and solutions, which allows you to remove dead skin using a wooden stick.

European manicure technology

Types of European manicure

There are several types of French or European unedged manicure:

  • Dry. With this type of manicure, the cuticle is applied special remedy to dissolve the cuticle. This method is considered the fastest and is suitable for home use.
  • Wet or hot. It involves treating your hands in a bath with a special solution that softens the cuticle. After this, it is enough to remove excess skin particles with a wooden stick.
  • SPA manicure. To perform this type of manicure, you will need special gloves soaked in a nutrient solution. After this procedure, the skin of your hands becomes incredibly smooth, and the cuticle does not grow back for a long time.
  • Combined manicure is a mixed technique. In this case, elements of both edged and unedged manicure are used. As a rule, nail artists use this method with a hard cuticle that is not amenable to solvents.
  • Hardware manicure performed using a special grinding machine. With its help, you can painlessly remove the cuticle and prepare the nail plate for further painting.

European unedged manicure

Technology for performing European manicure at home

It is not at all necessary to visit a beauty salon to get an unedged manicure if you have the opportunity to purchase professional products on one's own. The technology of European manicure is quite simple:

  1. First you need to remove the old coating and treat the skin of your hands with a scrub.
  2. A special solvent in the form of oil or gel is applied to the cuticle. Processing time depends on the manufacturer's instructions. As a rule, this is 10-15 minutes.
  3. After the cuticle has softened, you should carefully remove it with a wooden stick in the direction from the top of the nail to the bed. Then all remnants of dead skin are removed along the cuticle growth line.
  4. Remains of gel or oil must be carefully removed from the skin, as the product can corrode the nail plate. Then use a nail file or a milling cutter to give the nails the desired shape and cover them.

The time has come when manicure has become an integral procedure for everyone to care for the skin of their hands and nails. European manicure is done precisely in order to give our nails a well-groomed and neat appearance. appearance, because hands are a person’s calling card.

Unfortunately, not all girls pay close attention when carrying out such a procedure, which would seem to be not complicated at first glance. Any girl or woman simply must remember about hygiene when performing a manicure, because it would seem that with such an aesthetic operation as a manicure, you can contract many different diseases and even AIDS or other equally serious diseases. Infection occurs through infected cuticle trimmers.

For a long time in Western countries, unedged European manicure has been very popular, which does not involve cutting the cuticle, and is generally much safer and takes much less time.

What is a European manicure, which is carried out using an orange wooden stick? This stick pushes back the cuticle and treats it with a special anti-cuticle agent and an emollient cream. But let me disappoint you a little; you will achieve the ideal effect only after seven or eight such European manicure procedures. By the way, this particular type of manicure is ideal for home use.

A fairly universal type of manicure will suit absolutely everyone, both adults and children, those with soft and thin or elastic and dense skin.

The European type of manicure is divided into several types:

  • dry;
  • wet.

This manicure also uses fortified compounds and compounds with a peeling effect.
European manicure is completely safe and has a high sanitary environment, since it does not use cutting objects that can cause infection, and there is minimal risk of skin injury.

European manicure - how to do it at home

When performing a dry type of European manicure, the nail technician applies a special softening agent to the cuticle, then pushes back the cuticle and treats the skin with a solution to slow down the growth of the cuticle. Using a soft file, trims the nail and gives it a shape and a smooth edge. You won’t need much time for this manicure. This is perhaps one of its main advantages over other types of manicure.

The process of a wet European manicure is initially similar to a regular edged one.

What is good about European manicure, features?

One of the main disadvantages of a conventional trimmed manicure is the frequent damage to the nail growth zone. But, for example, with a European manicure, the growth of the nail root (matrix) is not disrupted, and the procedure is gentle.

If you decide to save on periodic trips to a beauty salon for a European manicure procedure, you should study the stages of this procedure. This manicure consists of several stages.
If you choose the dry type, then you do not need a bath and you do not need to wet your hands. If you are afraid of skin irritation, you can use a wet type of Euro manicure.

European manicure is chosen by the most famous personalities of Hollywood and Russian show business. If you are passionate about not only the beauty, but also the health of your hands and nails, then this manicure is simply created for you. Men will kiss your hands and admire your beauty and well-groomed nails.

European manicure appeared at the beginning of the last century in France. It is still popular today due to the peculiarities of its execution technique. The main difference between European manicure and other types of this procedure is that metal tongs are not used to remove the cuticle. European manicure involves gently pushing back the skin around the nail with an orange stick.

The second name for European manicure is “dry”. It follows that nails and cuticles are not soaked, but only treated with special compounds.

A European unedged manicure can be done at a salon, but for most women it will not be difficult to do it at home.

Tools for performing European manicure at home

  1. Paper napkin or terry towel.
  2. Diaseptic or any other disinfectant.
  3. Orange or rosewood stick.
  4. Files different shapes and roughness.
  5. Cream or nourishing oil to slow down cuticle growth.
  6. Base or restorative nail coat.

How to properly do a European manicure? A photo of each stage of implementation will help with this.

Stages of performing a European manicure at home. Removing old decorative varnish or medicinal coating

For correct removal polish, a cotton swab moistened with a special liquid should be pressed firmly onto the nail surface for a few seconds. During this time, the coating will dissolve and can be easily removed in one motion.

Giving your nails the desired shape using files

Manicure experts do not recommend cutting your nails with scissors. They recommend carefully filing the free edge of the nail with different files.

Today you can find many files in specialized stores and departments. To perform a European manicure, it is enough to buy only three: medium roughness, soft and very soft.

The coarsest file will be designed to give the nails shape and regulate their length, a soft file will remove clinging areas, and a very soft file will prepare the nails for polishing.

It is not necessary to buy all types of files separately; you can always buy one universal one, combining three or four different surfaces. The roughest surface, unsuitable for filing nails, can be used to sharpen an orange stick.

How to file your nails correctly

You should always file your nails in one direction - from the edge to the middle of the plate. In this case, they will flake less. To make this manipulation easier, it is better to choose files 15-20 cm long, then it will be easier to make one long stroke from the corner to the center.

It is believed that pointed nails are more brittle than half-square and oval shape. In order to reduce brittleness, it is better not to touch the nails where they begin to grow on the sides; this will also help to avoid small cracks and breaks.

Removing cuticles using a special tool

In order to soften and moisturize the cuticle, a product containing special natural substances is applied to it. fruit acids. The latter make the cuticle soft.

Various supplements provide additional nutrition to the skin around the nails. For example, avocado oil nourishes the skin, tea tree oil prevents nail fungus, and sesame oil has an antibacterial effect. Some manufacturers add vitamins A and E to their products to strengthen nails.

On average, the cuticle remover should be kept on the skin for 1-2 minutes. This time is indicated on the packaging. After this, the skin around the nail is carefully pushed back with an orange stick and rolled into a ball using a napkin. Excess product should be removed paper napkin or warm terry towel. Then you need to wash your hands with warm water.

If desired, you can use a nail bath. Added to water sea ​​salt or a professional concentrated product for manicure baths. After a few minutes of being in water, the cuticle will become even softer and easier to remove.

Coating the nail with decorative varnish

The varnish will stay on the nails longer if you degrease the surface of the plate before applying it. You need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with nail polish remover and wipe all your nails.

Applying nail polish every day can prevent sufficient oxygen from reaching the nail plate. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically give them days off from varnish.

Additional cuticle nutrition

After the decorative coating has dried, a nutritional composition or oil with vitamins is distributed along the edge of the nail, preventing the growth of the cuticle. A European manicure will look better if you massage it at this stage. pad thumb should make circular movements along the edge of the nail plate. This will allow the oil to be absorbed deeper.

After the procedure, all files and instruments must be treated with a disinfectant.

Thus, a European manicure at home is not only enjoyable, but also a very useful activity for any woman. It will help give your hands a well-groomed look.

Men who care about their appearance often choose a European manicure, since this procedure does not take much time.

Benefits of European manicure

  • Firstly, treating the cuticle with a wooden stick significantly reduces the risk of infection compared to the method of cutting the skin with metal nippers.
  • Secondly, after a European manicure there are no cuts left on the cuticle.
  • Thirdly, this manicure is done painlessly.
  • Fourthly, this procedure is suitable for people with very delicate skin around the nails. Even after carefully cutting the cuticle, they still have cuts, so gently peeling back the skin lubricated with a special product works great for them.

Unfortunately, almost all procedures have disadvantages. The European type of manicure is no exception.

Disadvantages of European manicure

  • Firstly, it is not suitable for people with very rough cuticles.
  • Secondly, visible results can be achieved only after 5-7 procedures. This is explained by the fact that regular classic trimmed manicure turns the skin around the nail into a rough roller, which is difficult to remove in one treatment procedure with a special product.

In the first few weeks after switching to an unedged manicure, you may need to use tweezers to cut off burrs. But after a while the need for this will disappear, since the side ridges around the nail will become very soft and elastic.

Before getting a European manicure, you need to carefully examine the condition of your nails and the skin around them. Only after this will it be possible to decide exactly which manicure at home is best to perform today. For urgent resuscitation of rough cuticles before going on a date, only the classic cut option is suitable.

Women tend to take care of the beauty and health of their nails, because as the great Coco Chanel believed, hands are a woman’s calling card. Over the course of the existence of mankind, many ways have been invented to care for the skin of the hands and nail plates, one of which is European manicure. We’ll talk about the path that unedged manicure has taken and what technology it involves.

Unedged manicure, which became popular among European women, began its development in Ancient Egypt, where women painted their nails with henna to give them an outlandish hue. The unnatural color of nails was an attribute of royalty, about which simple girls could only dream.

European unedged manicure developed unexpectedly in France. The starting point can be considered the distant year 1830, when a hangnail accidentally became inflamed on the finger of King Louis Philippe. One of the court doctors was asked to perform an operation, which he performed quite successfully. For the beloved king, the court doctor developed a whole range of hand care products. Gradually, year after year, the arsenal of funds was replenished, and the technology was improved. This is how the European unedged manicure appeared in the 20s of the last century. A native of France, Juliette Marlene, played a significant role in its spread. What exactly did she do?

Mrs. Juliette Marlene was the personal stylist of Marlene Dietrich, who had problematic, brittle nails. Juliet taught Hollywood divas to professional hand care, introduced the fashion for bright red nail polish, and invented the technology for modern nail extensions.

European unedged manicure is also called dry, because unlike the traditional classic way for caring for the skin of your hands and the health of your nail plates, it does not involve soaking in a special bath. In addition, when performing the procedure of European unedged manicure, you do not need to use scissors, which can lead to wounds and cuts. Surely you are familiar with the situation when, when using a classic edged manicure, you do not have problems with your left hand, but on your right hand you probably develop wounds that hurt and bleed, which can also lead to infection if the damaged area is not treated in a timely manner.

When choosing a European manicure, you will not have such a problem, since the cuticle will not be removed with scissors. Instead of a cutting tool, a special solution is used to soften the cuticle skin, which after exposure is simply removed with an orange stick, which does not cause harm to the plates and skin, unless, of course, you press it hard on the nails. The side rollers also cannot be cut; it is enough to file them with a laser or other file, which can be purchased in one set of tools for European manicure.

The untrimmed method of treating skin and nails has gained wide popularity among women, since it is practically safe due to the fact that it does not involve the formation of injuries. We should not forget that with a classic manicure, the cuticle is trimmed, which means it grows faster, which forces young ladies to repeat the procedure again and again. With a European manicure, the nail polish lasts longer and after 5-7 procedures, cuticle treatment can be done less frequently. After an unedged manicure, hangnails do not form on the cuticle, which means the risk of infection with various “fungi” and diseases is reduced.

Every girl can take care of her nails and the skin around them, but those with thin, brittle, fragile nails have special instructions for unedged manicure. If your cuticle grows slowly, you will be able to appreciate the benefits of this method after the first two procedures. However, if the skin is rough and capable of rapid growth, then 5-7 procedures will be required to evaluate the effect.

To carry out a full-fledged European unedged manicure procedure at home, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Hand towel. Although the handles do not need to be pre-soaked, a towel will be useful for drying your nail plates after removing the cuticles.
  • Rough or glass nail file. It will be useful to you in order to eliminate rough skin on the sides of the plates.
  • Polishing file. With its help you can add shine to your nails. Do not forget that you should not get carried away with the polishing procedure, since it can harm the condition of the nails, but 1-2 times a month is quite enough for this procedure.
  • Orange stick. With its help you will push back the cuticle and remove it. Such a stick has one sharp tip, and the other end is shaped like a spatula. If an orange stick is accidentally lost or unexpectedly breaks, it is permissible to use a stick with a rubber end, but in no case should you use a metal spatula!
  • Cuticle remover and softener. The best option will be a composition created on the basis of fruit acids.
  • Special cuticle oil. Its use will help get rid of rough, problematic cuticles. As an alternative to oil, you can use oil vitamin E, which will help make the cuticle soft and elastic.
  • Oil for nourishing nails.
  • Nail polish remover. Allows you to quickly get rid of the boring old varnish coating.
  • Cotton swabs or disks.
  • Varnish base. Will protect the nail plate from the harmful effects of varnish. The base for the varnish is harmless to the condition of the nails.
  • Decorative varnish.
  • Nourishing hand cream.
  • Top coating. It will extend the life of the decorative varnish and protect it from cracking and peeling.

To get an unedged European manicure, you don’t have to spend time visiting beauty salon. The procedure is quite simple and can be done by every woman who loves herself and her hands.

The procedure for an unedged European manicure involves going through the following stages.

  • Removing old coating. Everything is as usual, just apply nail polish remover to a cotton pad and wipe your nails with it.
  • Shaping the nail plates. Using a glass nail file, file down the nails while removing their length. A good glass file requires working in several directions, but you can use it in the traditional way, filing your nails in only one direction - from the side ridges to the center of the plates, so that once again protect yourself from splitting and breaking your nails. After correcting the shape, take a rough nail file in your hands and run it along the sides of your nails to get rid of rough skin.
  • Polishing nails. You can do this now or after removing the cuticle. Use a special nail file to polish your nails. There is also a special product for polishing nails.
  • Applying a cuticle remover and softener. This medication is applied to the skin near the nails. Its duration of action is indicated on the packaging. On average, 45-60 seconds are enough for the composition to take effect.
  • Cuticle removal. Take an orange stick in your hands and, using its sharp end, prying from the inside, remove excess skin along the nails. Wipe the stick on a towel or napkin. After this, use the end of a spatula stick to get rid of the built-up softened skin. You should not put pressure on the nail, as this will lead to nail plate as it grows it will form tubercles. Wipe cleaned nails with a towel.
  • Hand cleansing. Dry your hands with a towel or rinse them in soapy water to prepare them for the final steps.
  • Applying oil to the cuticle. Apply special oil to the cuticle using circular massage movements. Lubricate your hands with cream. Rest for 10-15 minutes and degrease the nail plates with a cotton swab lightly dipped in nail polish remover.
  • Applying varnish. Apply basecoat, then decorative varnish and topcoat. Perfect manicure ready!

When performing a European unedged manicure procedure at home, you can save from 600 to 1,500 rubles, because this is exactly the amount a nail technician will ask you for his services.

European manicure attracts women because it can be done at any convenient time and nails can be corrected even at work, if there is harmony in the team and the number of women who prefer to take care of themselves predominates. All that is required from you is time and desire!