How to clean a drape coat at home. The Internet advises: to clean a drape coat at home by washing it, and then periodically stretch it while drying, and also make sure that the coat does not dry very quickly. How to clean the light

Before putting away a winter or demi-season coat in the closet, summer period, you need to prepare it carefully. Unfortunately, even the most careful wearing of clothes cannot guarantee the impeccable cleanliness of your things. Oil stains, traces of reagents, road dirt - we very often see all this and much more on our outerwear. Taking your coat to the dry cleaner every season is quite expensive. Is it possible to clean outerwear at home, without fear that after such a procedure the coat will have to be taken to the trash heap? Of course you can, and we will tell you how easy it is to do it!

Regular coat care at home
You want to ensure that when you switch to a new set of clothes, you don’t have to look with regret at the hopelessly damaged items from the previous collection. Then try to take care of your coat regularly! So, first of all, you need to:
  1. Check the item every day for any contamination. Special attention worth paying attention to the coat light shades or products made of wool and cashmere that require special delicate care. Remember that cleaning stains and other dirt the day they appear will have a much greater effect than washing your coat several months later. Stubborn stains are quite difficult to remove, and you simply cannot do without chemical cleaning.
  2. Regularly groom your coat with a dry brush. This item can be purchased at any hardware store. A clothes cleaning brush will help remove dust, lint, and hair from all types of fabrics. Do not forget to periodically wash the product in running water (you can use soap) so that dust does not accumulate between the fibers. Remember that even if you do not notice the smallest dirt on your clothes, this does not mean that they are not there. Those who have furry pets at home should be especially careful!
  3. Before putting the coat away for storage, you need to iron it thoroughly. It is necessary to start processing the product from the wrong side. It is not recommended to use a damp cloth. Start ironing from the pockets (if there are any). Move slowly throughout the fabric, carefully ironing each section of the product. Particular care should be taken when you start ironing the hems, sleeves and collar. When processing these clothing items, it is necessary to pre-moisten them. Steam the item until completely dry. To avoid the “salting” effect, you can use regular gauze. Modern steam generators are an excellent alternative to conventional irons. To iron the front of the coat, use a thin cloth. Start processing the product from the sleeves. If the fabric is not fleecy, then the sleeve can be ironed from bottom to top, otherwise, in the direction of the pile. After you tidy up the sleeves, you need to carefully iron the shoulders, back and front apron. The lapels and collar are processed last. Please note that after ironing, the coat should hang on the hanger for at least two hours.
  4. Don’t forget about proper coat care, even when visiting. Usually, when friends and relatives arrive, the owners of the house take all their outerwear and put it in a “common pile” on the sofa or armchair. The result of such “careful” handling may be a wrinkled coat with traces of dust or dirt. Therefore, when visiting, ask your friends to hang their coats on hangers in the closet. In this case, you will not have to worry about the safety of your item. Also take precautions when traveling to public transport. This way you can avoid the formation of holes, stains and other contaminants on your clothes.
Basic ways to clean a coat at home
Cleaning a coat at home should begin with studying the composition of the fabric. It is the material from which the clothes are made that directly affects how exactly we will process the coat.
  1. Leather product. If you have to clean a leather coat at home, don’t rush. To care for such clothes, it is necessary to observe the principle of regularity. For example, it is worth treating the cuffs and collar of the product with orange zest weekly. This will give the skin a special shine. Also for regular processing skin will suit glycerol. You can wipe away dirt stains from the surface using a soap solution. Take ammonia in equal proportions, liquid soap and water, mix all the ingredients, and then thoroughly treat the contaminated area. After the leather is dry, treat it castor oil.
  2. Cashmere outerwear. You can trust a cashmere coat washing machine. As a rule, for such products the “hand wash” mode is used at a minimum temperature. However, you need to be careful and always read the label on your clothing before washing.
  3. Product made of suede. Suede coats are quite difficult to clean at home. If you find a stain on this type of outerwear, dry cleaning is preferable. For a suede coat, you can use a special elastic band, which is sold in shoe stores. If this is not possible, a regular school eraser will do. sandpaper or hard foam. Treat dirty or slightly shiny areas of a suede coat (usually cuffs, pockets and sleeves) with an eraser or paper. So that your coat does not lose its pristine appearance, do not forget to regularly rub the suede with regular finely ground kitchen salt.
    Washing a suede coat is quite difficult. If you still decide to do this, then under no circumstances use a washing machine for this purpose. Carefully wash the product in a basin at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees Celsius. Do not twist or squeeze the item under any circumstances. After washing, wrap your coat in a towel and wait until all the water is absorbed. Then carefully hang the clothes on hangers.
  4. Bologna outerwear. If you want to wash a so-called down coat, be very careful. Such things are quite capricious to all types of washing, and have the peculiarity of irreversibly losing their original appearance. Before washing such a product, be sure to read all the care instructions on the tag. If machine washing is allowed, it would be preferable to select the “hand wash” mode without spinning.

Still a dry cleaner!
If you still don’t risk washing or ironing your coat at home, take the item to the dry cleaner. The main thing is to choose a proven and well-established company that works in compliance with all European standards quality.

You will find information on whether the coat can be washed at home and taken to dry cleaning on the product label. It is worth remembering that even dry cleaning according to the generally accepted Euro standard is not absolutely safe for coats. When treated with special means, the service life of outerwear is reduced by an average of a year (the average wear life of a coat is five years). Therefore, wear the item carefully and do not forget to take care of your wardrobe every day, and then you will not experience any problems!

A coat is a must-have item in every wardrobe. It requires special and careful care. Proper cleaning can prolong the life of this outerwear and maintain its decent appearance.

Cleaning a coat is sometimes simply necessary because this outerwear becomes unusable very quickly. The reason for this is either too sensitive material, weather conditions or incorrect wear. During the existence of this clothing, savvy housewives have come up with many ways to clean it: from chemical treatment to traditional methods.

Spools - This is a kind of piece of a coat that has become unusable and remains on the surface of the clothing. It’s not uncommon for the pellets to be called “pilia,” a professional name for those involved in making and cleaning clothes. Taking your coat to the dry cleaner is a sure way to get rid of external imperfections, but it is not the cheapest and not everyone can afford it.

There are several interesting ways get rid of pellets on your coat using traditional methods and they will be no less effective than cleaning with chemicals.

One of the surest and simplest ways is Clean the coat with a special machine to remove pellets. It is not difficult to purchase; it is often sold in stores. You need to look for it in departments where you buy brushes for shoes, dishes and household items. It is not uncommon for such stores to be called “A Thousand Little Things”. It is not at all expensive, but it is capable of dealing with unsightly pellets in any area of ​​the coat. It runs on batteries and is quite small in size.

  • As practice shows, the most susceptible fabric is wool. Synthetic fiber is often added to such fabric. Knitwear is also very susceptible and often forms pills on the surface. Natural fabrics are not prone to pilling and this is their main advantage.
  • Pills most often occur due to frequent friction of fabric with other surfaces: fabric on fabric, on a bag, on the body. Therefore, the most frequent. susceptible areas are: sleeves, pockets, collars, cuffs, belt area, shoulders.
  • Often the cause of pilling is the washing itself. Not every coat owner knows that coats cannot be washed in a washing machine. During washing, fabric rubs against fabric and forms piliae. The coat should be cleaned either by hand or by dry cleaning.
  • Pellets are formed due to incorrect selection of powder, non-compliance temperature regime during washing and non-compliance with coat care standards.

traditional methods removing pellets from coats
  • You can try cleaning your coat using pumice, its uneven surface with numerous holes and slightly sharp surfaces can effectively “catch” pieces of pellets and fold into a larger lump that is easy to remove by hand.
  • You can also clean your coat using a razor. machine To do this, you need to lay out your coat and use a new razor to walk with gentle pressure over the “shaggy” places. Anything that the razor collects must be put away from the coat by hand. This cleaning is very effective, but unfortunately the effect is not long-term and you will have to clean it again soon.
  • Another unusual way to collect pellets is rye bread crumbs. To do this, crumble the dried rye bread onto the area with the pellets and rotate it in a circular motion over the surface. Along with sharp and coarse crumbs, pellets also fall off, and it becomes very easy to remove them manually.

Video: “5 ways to get rid of pills from clothes”

Outerwear such as coats is extremely sensitive to the adhesion of hair and wool. Because of this, clothes look extremely unattractive and create the feeling of an old “shaggy thing”. Not a single owner of even the most expensive coat can avoid hair. Owners of dogs and cats suffer from a greater problem, as they leave “a piece of themselves” on any surface at home.

how to clean hair from a coat?

Fortunately, cleaning and removing hair from a coat is not difficult. There are at least four main ways to do this:

  • By using damp cloth: the hair clings to the wet material and lags behind the surface of the coat. This method is only suitable for clothes that are not heavily loaded with hair.
  • By using special coat brush: it is created from soft bristles that carefully clean the material and do not damage it. You can buy such a brush in any store; it is always in stock and always in demand.
  • By using roller with replaceable adhesive tape: this is one of the most effective ways cleansing the coat not only of hair and wool, but also of all debris, dust and pellets. To do this, run a roller over the surface of the coat and all unwanted particles will stick to the tape.
  • By using stationery tape: If you don’t have a roller with adhesive tape, you can use regular stationery tape, which works on the same principle. Tear off small pieces and stick it to the material several times, all the debris and hair will remain on the adhesive side of the tape.

Video: “Coat cleaning brush”

How to clean a coat from dust?

  • Modern living conditions in a big city, the saturation of vehicles and a huge number of roads make clothes look very unattractive. Those clothes that have light colors. You should clean your coat from dust and dirt twice a year: before the start of the spring season and the fall. Even if you don’t visually notice dirt on your clothes, cleaning them from dust will keep your clothes in attractive condition for as long as possible.
  • Any coat should be cleaned with a special velor brush, which can be purchased at the store. If this cleaning is not enough, try more modern method. In a container, mix water with table vinegar in a ratio of one to one. Use a clean kitchen sponge (soft side) to go over the coat, dipping it into the solution and squeezing thoroughly.
  • Be sure to move the washcloth in the direction of the villi and not wet the coat too much. After this, if the coat remains very wet, wipe it carefully with a clean cloth in the direction of the lint. For dark colors: black, dark blue, brown, you can use tea leaves rather than vinegar solution.

How to properly clean a coat from dust at home?

How to clean a white coat?

A white coat is a spectacular outerwear, but along with its beautiful appearance, it has one unpleasant property - it gets dirty quickly. Any factors can stain it: dust from the roadway, dirt from hand luggage, travel on public transport, food and hot drinks on the street, careless passers-by.

It is possible to clean a white coat. For this there are a number useful tips, invented by those who were looking for a way to properly care for their outerwear:

  • Try cleaning dirt from a white coat with hydrogen peroxide. Do not pour the bottles onto the stain or contaminated area first. First, try it on that part of the coat that is hidden from view and check the reaction of your material to peroxide. If you don’t notice any negative effects, pour a little peroxide onto the dirty area, let it dry and clean it with a brush.
  • A dirty collar or stains that appear on pockets can be easily removed using table salt and ammonia. These components are mixed in a container in a ratio of four to one and applied to the contaminated area with a cotton pad. Use small circular movements to clean the coat, then air it out and let it dry.
  • Fresh contrast stains on a white coat from food and drinks can be removed with a mixture of vinegar with table salt in a one to one ratio. The stain is rubbed and then cleaned with a solution. The coat must be removed from the pungent odor and the remaining solution must be washed off with water.

How to properly clean a white coat from stains and dirt?

How to clean a black coat?

A black coat does not require such careful care as white and light colors. However, along with the purchase of a black coat, you should immediately purchase a brush or glue roller for caring for outerwear. These devices do an excellent job of removing lint, debris, hair and dirt. Removing small lumps from a black coat is not difficult using nail scissors or a sharp blade.

You can clean a black coat using a sponge and a mild soap solution. You should ensure that the solution does not leave strong stains on the material, so carefully wash off every suspicious spot. After you clean your coat, be sure to comb it with a coat brush so that when it dries it has a decent, well-groomed appearance.

How to properly care for a black coat?

How to clean a leather coat?

A leather coat requires special careful care, because Genuine Leather- special material. It can look perfect for a long time if you put effort into its preservation. A leather coat requires frequent maintenance, at least twice a year after the spring and autumn seasons. A leather coat should be washed with a special solution:

  • in water, mix liquid soap with ammonia in equal proportions
  • use a sponge to thoroughly wash the coat and rinse off the solution with clean water
  • dry the coat and rub it with castor oil using a cotton swab

Keep your coat in its case while you are not wearing it. Periodically, while wearing, lubricate particularly “active” parts of the coat with glycerin:

  • gate
  • cuffs
  • elbow bends
  • elbows
  • belt area

It is also effective to regularly lubricate a leather coat with orange zest.

leather coat, care and cleaning of leather coat

How to clean a drape coat?

  • The drape coat is made of dense, heavy material. It warms perfectly not only in autumn, but also in winter time. However, before you think about cleaning such a coat, you should carefully read the manufacturer's label. Often it is simply impossible to wash a drape coat. Therefore, you should learn about ways to clean it.
  • First of all, try cleaning your drape coat with rye bread crumbs. Crumble a piece of bread onto the coat and roll into balls. Bread crumbs will absorb all the debris and collect lint. After bread crumbs, the coat should be thoroughly brushed.
  • Lather shampoo with water in a bucket or basin. Apply the foam from the solution to the coat and wait until it dries completely. Use a damp cloth to remove any remaining shampoo, then dry the coat with a dry cloth. Brush the coat with a coat brush and let it dry at room temperature.
  • It is very good to clean your coat with a steam cleaner, which is often present in modern irons. Set the iron temperature to no more than two hundred degrees and run the steam over the entire coat. After this, comb the coat with a brush and leave it to dry.

How to properly clean and care for a drape coat?

How to clean a wool coat at home?

A wool coat is very demanding and difficult to care for. It is not washable, so you need to clean it very carefully. It is advisable to clean a dark coat with a sponge dipped in strong tea leaves. It will add shine and color to your clothes. A light coat can be cleaned with a special solution:

  • mix a little liquid soap in water
  • add ammonia bottles to the solution
  • soak the sponge in the solution and wipe the coat with it
  • After washing, comb the coat with a brush and let it dry at room temperature

It would not be superfluous to purchase for such a coat not only a brush, but a glue roller. These are essential tools for caring for such outerwear.

proper care and cleaning a wool coat

How to clean a cashmere coat at home?

  • A cashmere coat is not only very beautiful, pleasant and practical to wear, it is also easy to clean. As a rule, manufacturers indicate recommendations for washing coats in washing machines. They can be washed in automatic machines, but only at a minimum temperature not exceeding thirty degrees.
  • The detergent compartment does not contain ordinary powder, but a liquid gel or a product for cleaning and washing outerwear. Dry cashmere coat should only be served at room temperature on a hanger or by laying it flat and neat on a terry towel.
  • If you don't find any information on the label about washing the product, try cleaning it with a steam cleaner. Grease stains, only if they are fresh, will help remove soda, which has adsorbing properties. Along with the coat, purchase a special velor care brush and a glue roller.

Video: " How to care for your coat? How to clean a coat? How to store a coat?

Cleaning is an important part of clothing care. However, there are things that either cannot be subjected to such processing too often, or are completely prohibited. This category includes a coat. And yet, there are a number of options for returning this stylish and elegant wardrobe item to its former purity and attractiveness. To do this, you need to know the features of cleaning the fabric from which the coat is made, as well as the characteristic features of stains, if any.

How often to clean your coat

A coat is a thing that never goes out of style. However, many simply do not dare to buy expensive classic outerwear because of the prospect of difficult care for them. In reality, there is nothing difficult here: coats can be cleaned (often even at home), some fabrics can be washed, and stains can be easily removed (even with fairly strong ingredients) - and all this with a high chance of success. As for the regularity of such procedures, outerwear sewing experts say: this must be done at the end of the wearing season, as well as when heavy soiling appears.

Experts in cleaning and caring for outerwear advise, if possible, not to wear the same coat for two days in a row: the item should “rest” so that the fibers natural fabric straightened up.

Methods for cleaning outerwear

There are three ways to clean a coat:

For washing outerwear, it is better to use liquid detergents - they rinse better

In what cases should you contact professionals?

All three methods described above are available both for use at home and in dry cleaning. To avoid serious mistakes in caring for your coat, it is better to immediately turn to professionals. This is necessary in cases in which:

  1. The product label indicates that the item can only be cleaned by dry cleaning.

    Before cleaning, determine the procedures acceptable for the product.

  2. Your coat is snow blue, beige or white. The fact is that when washed at home, things of such shades can fade.

    To play it safe, coats of white and other light shades are best dry cleaned

  3. The product has stains from fuel oil or machine oil. It will not be possible to remove them without the help of professionals.
  4. You are the owner of a leather coat. It is dangerous to clean such things yourself. Especially if there are greasy stains on the product. The fact is that it is very difficult to deal with them at home “without loss”: solvents can damage the skin, and degreasers will damage the protective film of the coating, and it will be impossible to return the product to its marketable condition.
  5. You are not completely confident in your abilities regarding washing or you have had an unsuccessful attempt to cope with cleaning at home. True, there is one more nuance regarding the last argument. The dry cleaner may simply not accept an item that you have unsuccessfully tried to wash or clean at home. So it’s still better not to take risks and not take on something that you’re not at least 90% sure of.

Modern technologies used in dry cleaning make it possible to clean items made of wool, drape, etc. Moreover, the cleaning methods are so progressive that you don’t even need to cut buttons off things, as our mothers and grandmothers did.

Dry cleaning guarantees results in a few days

Table: method of processing coats depending on fabric

Dry cleaningWet cleaningWash
CashmerePossiblePossibleFor some types of cashmere (for example, eco-cashmere), both hand and machine washable
DrapePreferredFor stain removal onlyProhibited
TweedRecommendedFor stain removal onlyManual is allowed
WoolThe best optionPossibleBoth machine washing (in the appropriate mode) and hand washing in a liquid detergent suitable for this type of textile are allowed.
LeatherIneffectiveRecommendedProhibited, only possible for lining
SuedeRecommended cleaning optionAn effective method if used according to the rulesProhibited for artificial fabric, acceptable for natural fabric
PolyesterTo remove dustTo remove stains“Non-capricious fabric” allows you to use delicate washing (but the result is difficult to predict)
NeopreneIneffective methodsYou can machine it, but twice to clean both sides.

Preparing the product for cleaning

The success of the operation to return the coat to marketable condition depends not only on the type of fabric, but also on the timeliness and correctness of preparing the item for processing. To do this, use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. We remove all contents from the pockets (external and internal).
  2. We shake out our coats on the balcony or outside.
  3. We inspect the item in the light for stains or any dirt.
  4. Use a dry brush to remove debris and dust that has settled on the fabric. Instead of this device, you can use a piece of tape that is wrapped around your hand, sticky side out. You can also take a damp cloth (for example, for cashmere) to remove dust and wipe the surface of the product.
  5. We decide on the cleaning method.

The most effective ways to clean coats made from different materials

So, you need to choose how and with what to clean your coat. Despite the fact that experts are quite skeptical about traditional methods returning this type of outerwear to its former freshness, these are the techniques that often prove effective. True, it all depends on the material from which the item is made.

Drape coat

Drape is a type of woolen fabric, dense and heavy. Coats made of such material do not fade, do not wrinkle and do not fade in the sun.

Drape coats - classic version outerwear

It is forbidden to wash drape products: they can greatly decrease in size. If you still decide to resort to this method, then do it only manually and at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

Craftsmen who sew clothes from drape believe that any experiments with washing can be disastrous for things.

Rye bread from dust

Does an excellent job of removing dust from the surface of rye bread. The method of using this tool is simple:

  1. We spread the product on the floor.
  2. Sprinkle with bread crumb.
  3. Roll the crumbs so that, mixing with the dust, they form balls.
  4. We brush off the remnants of the “cleaning agent” from the coat.
  5. We go over the product once or twice with a brush to clean clothes.

Stain remover

For stains on a drape coat, you can use a regular detergent. The way to use it is simple:

Any stains should be removed from the edges towards the center to avoid the spread of contamination.

How to dry a coat

It is very important to let a drape coat dry the right conditions. To do this, you must follow the following steps:

  1. We hang the product on hangers to drain the water.
  2. Lay it out on a horizontal surface, straightening out all the creases. You can use a large terry towel as a backing.
  3. Leave the coat in a well-ventilated area and allow time to dry completely.

If the item is not dried completely, it will lose its shape.

Video: how to clean drape outerwear

Tweed coat

Tweed is wool with a small pile. Dirt does not stick to this fabric, it does not wrinkle and lasts for quite a long time.

A distinctive feature of tweed is the twill weave of threads.

There are several ways to clean tweed products.

Vacuum cleaner for removing dust

You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the product. For this:

  1. We treat the coat with the device by placing a special nozzle for cleaning furniture on the hose.
  2. After all the parts of the product have been carefully processed, shake it well.
  3. We hang the coat in the fresh air for 1–2 hours.

Before using this method, it is very important to make sure that everything decorative details and the buttons are firmly sewn to the product.

Dishwashing liquid for stains

A universal way to remove grease stains using detergent It will also help when cleaning a tweed coat. For this:

Methods for washing, drying and ironing tweed products

As indicated in the table above, tweed can only be washed by hand at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. In this case, the product cannot be kept in water for a long time.

You need to dry your coat between two towels so that the silhouette does not become deformed.

It is necessary to iron a tweed item from the inside out through a damp cotton cloth.

Cashmere coat

Delicate and soft cashmere is the undercoat from the barrels of mountain goats. This material is quite capricious, as it is very sensitive to environmental conditions.

Cashmere is a very cozy fabric: soft and pleasant to the touch.

How to remove stains

For effective removal stains on a cashmere coat, you need to know their origin.

From fat

Oily stains are removed from dark fabrics using gasoline. For this:

  1. Place a white cotton cloth over the stain from the front side.
  2. From the inside out, wipe the contaminated area with gasoline.
  3. Wash the stain in cold water with the addition of hair conditioner (it will remove the smell of gasoline and make it soft).

Grease stains are removed from light cashmere with talcum powder. For this:

The following method is suitable for both dark and light cashmere, but it requires washing. Its use is only possible if the item can be cleaned in this way. This method allows you to defeat even severe pollution. To use it successfully, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. We dilute soda in cold water (about 1 tbsp per 2 liters of water).
  2. Leave the coat in the solution for at least 5 hours.
  3. Rinse it well in running water.

The most harmless option from the point of view of influencing the color and texture of the fabric is to use dishwashing gel. For this:

  1. Dilute dishwashing liquid in cold water (1 tbsp per 1 glass of water).
  2. Using a soft cloth, carefully treat the stain, moving from the edges to the center.
  3. Wipe off the soapy residue with clean water.

From paint

On a cashmere coat dark color from stains of paint (acrylic, oil) or ink ballpoint pen You can also get rid of it with gasoline.

But from fabrics of light shades, traces of paint are removed with nail polish remover. To do this, place a cotton pad moistened with the product from the inside out, and lightly press on the stain from the face. This way the coloring pigments will be absorbed into the cotton wool.

Use the nail polish remover method with caution, as the fabric may change color (for example, light-colored fabrics will turn yellow). Therefore, a preliminary test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product is mandatory.

From sweat

To rid a cashmere coat of traces of sweat, use the following algorithm:

From stains of unknown origin The method for removing stains of unknown origin from a product is also effective against traces of foundation

  1. , low-fat foods and other things. For this:
  2. Mix glycerin and 10% ammonia in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Wipe the stain several times.

Remove any remaining product with a cotton cloth moistened with water.

Professional stain removers can also be used (for example, Vanish, Antipyatnin soap, etc.), but the recommendations for their use should indicate that they are safe for a particular fabric.

Washing method This approach is only possible with certain types of cashmere. Before processing, you need to study the recommendations for caring for the fabric from which your coat is made. If this cleaning method is acceptable, it is only when using hand wash

  1. . For this:
  2. Fill the bath with water at about 30 degrees (no more).
  3. Leave for 30–40 minutes (no longer than 2 hours). You should not rub or make other intense movements towards the fabric.
  4. Rinse with running water.

If you can wash a cashmere coat, do so only by hand.

Drying and ironing the product

Cashmere quickly loses its shape, so it should not be rubbed or twisted.

Place the washed item on a hanger for just a couple of minutes to let the water drain out. Then we lay it out on a towel in a horizontal position so that the sun does not hit the coat and the heating devices are at a safe distance (this way the fabric will not dry out). We change the substrate as it gets wet.

Ironing a cashmere coat that has a lot of decorative elements, it is better to use steam without touching the sole of the iron to the fabric. It is also convenient to use a steam generator for this.

Cashmere coats are steamed rather than ironed.

Wool coat

For fabrics whose exact origin cannot be determined, but are known to be wool, effective means It’s easy to choose care products.

If woolen items can be washed, then only in a special mode and with the addition of special products for such cleaning

Gasoline for removing stains

Grease stains can be easily removed with purified gasoline (using the method described above). Traces of alcohol are removed with alcohol and vinegar. To do this, you need to use the following algorithm:

  1. Mix the liquids in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Apply the composition to the stain with a cotton pad.
  3. We change the tampon several times.
  4. Wipe the treated area with a damp cotton cloth.
  5. We hang the item in the fresh air so that the smell of vinegar disappears.

For wool, a mixture of ammonia and liquid soap can be considered a universal stain remover. For this:

  1. Add 1 tbsp to ½ cup of water. l. liquid soap and ammonia.
  2. Apply to the stain with a cotton swab.
  3. Wash off the residue with water.

Dry cleaning to remove scuff marks

Fraying is a fairly common problem with wool coats and can be eliminated by dry cleaning. To do this, you should perform the following sequence of actions:

To restore a black wool coat to its former shine, you need to wipe the fabric with a cotton pad soaked in strong black tea.

Washing, drying and ironing coats

If the product can be washed (that is, this option is indicated on the label), then only in the appropriate mode and at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees with the addition of special means for wool (these are available in the Perwoll, Vorsinka, etc. product lines).

You cannot twist or rub the coat - creases will appear.

Like all woolen products, coats are dried horizontally and ironed with steaming in the appropriate mode.

Horizontal drying will prevent wool fabric from stretching

Video: how to clean and care for drape, cashmere and wool items

Leather coat

A leather coat is always in fashion, and it doesn't get dirty very easily.

Leather coats are very practical to wear

To get rid of dust on such a product, simply wipe it with a soft, damp cloth.

From dirt and plaque

Alcohol and liquid soap will help get rid of dirt and plaque on leather items. For this:

In this way you can refresh the appearance of a leather coat.

From grease and salt stains

To remove greasy areas on a leather coat, they need to be treated in a certain sequence:

  1. Wipe problem areas with alcohol.
  2. Treat them with lemon juice.
  3. Wipe with glycerin.

Vinegar helps with salt stains. It is enough to wipe the traces with it to not only forget about the stains, but also restore the shine to your leather coat.

Washing and drying the product

The coat cannot be washed. But the lining needs such cleaning periodically. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Turn the coat inside out.
  2. We wet and soap the lining fabric.
  3. We wash problem areas with our hands (collar area, armpits, cuffs).
  4. We wash off the soap, being careful not to immerse the product too much in water, or wipe it with a damp cloth.

Video: how to clean leather clothes

Suede coat

Velvety tanned leather requires a delicate approach when cleaning. Therefore, for its processing it is best to use professional products, which are universal for various products made from natural and artificial suede.

A suede coat adds unique elegance and luxury to your look.

Table: features of cleaning suede with special care products

Product nameCleaning Features
Lotions (eg Omnidaim)Cleans only dry surfaces. To do this, rub the product in with a soft brush. Thanks to its composition, the lotion gives suede water-repellent properties.
Foam cleaner (for example, Dividic)Removes stains and softens rough suede.
Shampoos (eg Cocciné)Perfectly cleans colored suede.
Salt stain removers (e.g. De Salter)Apply to problem areas, which after 10 minutes are wiped with a sponge moistened with water. After drying, the pile is lifted with a suede brush.
Eraser (for example, Olvist)Helps restore shiny areas. After using it, you need to go over the suede with a clothes brush to lift the fibers.
Sponges for cleaning suede and nubuck (for example, Fuchs, Salton)They remove dry dirt well and restore the velvety surface.

Dust ammonia

Traditional methods, although sometimes risky to use, are also considered effective. So, you can remove dust from natural suede using a cotton pad soaked in ammonia. You should only make light movements in the direction of the pile.

Baking soda and starch to remove stains

For the dry method of removing stains from suede, you will need starch. For this:

  1. Sprinkle the stains with starch.
  2. Leave for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Brush off any remaining residue.

A solution of baking soda and milk will help remove greasy stains and get rid of shiny areas. For this:

  1. For 100 ml of milk take 1 tsp. baking soda.
  2. Apply the solution to the coat.
  3. We remove the remains with a brush (special for suede).
  4. Washing, drying and ironing the product

    Products made from natural suede cannot be washed, but must be rinsed in soapy water at 30 degrees. After this, the coat should be washed in clean water and rinse in a glycerin solution (1/2 tsp per 1 liter of water) to make it soft.

    Suede products are dried in a horizontal position. The coat must first be blotted with a dry towel.

    Creases are removed with steam, and the product can be completely ironed from the inside out at a minimum temperature.

    Faux suede

    These coats cannot be washed. The only option left is the “foam” cleaning method. For this:

    1. Beat the foam with liquid laundry detergent.
    2. We apply it to dirt.
    3. We wait 3–4 minutes.
    4. Remove any remaining soap with a napkin.

    Video: how to make suede clothes look beautiful again

    Polyester coat

    Synthetic products are distinguished by the fact that they retain their shape well and hardly wrinkle.

    Polyester is quite unpretentious to wear

    Salt and borax for stains

    The most in a simple way When cleaning a polyester coat, you will need to use a stain remover. True, with the condition of testing the effectiveness in an inconspicuous area.

    In addition, you can try to remove stains with salt, which is a homemade equivalent of a stain remover. For this:

    1. Cover the contamination with salt.
    2. After 30 minutes, wash off the residue with a soap solution (3-4 tablespoons of liquid powder per 2 liters of water).

    If the stains are very persistent and cannot be treated by other methods, you can use a 10% solution of borax and lemon juice. To do this, use the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Apply the product to the stains.
    2. Wipe them with lemon juice.
    3. We remove the residue with a damp cloth and let the coat dry at room temperature or in the fresh air.

    Borax - chemical substance, compounds of boron and sodium

    Washing, drying and ironing polyester products

    You can machine wash a polyester coat at 30 degrees on a delicate cycle. Manual processing assumes that we will not twist or crumple the fabric. However, it is worth noting that the washing result depends on the quality of the product: sometimes the item (even if all recommendations are followed) is greatly deformed.

    This is the case when dry cleaning is the safest way to “save” a coat.

    Neoprene coat

    Artificial rubber, on which fabric is applied on both sides, protects the product from moisture, stains and bacterial growth. At the same time, it does not wrinkle or wear out.

    Coats with a voluminous silhouette are usually made from neoprene.

    Washing the product

    1. Neoprene coats are washable. For this:
    2. Load the product into the washing machine.
    3. We set the delicate mode (temperature maximum 30 degrees) and add soft powder (liquid).

    Turn it inside out and run the wash cycle again.

Neoprene products should not be worn for more than 3-4 hours at a time, as the fabric does not breathe.

An automatic washing machine can handle washing any items, including outerwear. But some types of fabrics are extremely undesirable to wash in automatic machines. And it’s easier to remove small stains using other methods than washing entire clothes. In this review we will look at how to clean a coat at home without washing and what you need for this. And in order to make the review as complete as possible, we will touch on the topic of cleaning coats made from a wide variety of fabrics.

Removing dust

  • If the coat has been hanging on the hanger for a long time and there is no need to clean it of dirt, then you just need to clean it of dust - it could have accumulated during the period while the clothes were hanging in the closet or on a hook in the hallway, waiting for the next season. And here we can easily do without any washing, using a regular clothes brush:
  • We hang the coat in a ventilated place (in our own yard, on the balcony);
  • Let it air a little to remove odors;

We arm ourselves with a clothes brush and carefully remove all the dust. If necessary, you can let the clothes hang in the air for several hours. If a breeze blows outside, then this is very good - it will ventilate the coat, cope with and remove dust. But remember that exposing clothes to direct sunlight is highly discouraged - this applies most of all to coats made of expensive and delicate fabrics.

Before cleaning your coat, you should place a piece of cloth under it. It will be able to absorb excess moisture and will not allow everything around to get dirty.

There is another way to clean a coat of dust at home without washing - to do this, you need to arm yourself with a sponge dipped in a soap solution (it is advisable to use specialized products sold in hardware stores). Gently run the sponge over the fabric, applying foam, then rinse it off with water and leave the clothes to dry. To avoid damage to the coat, this procedure should be carried out in a ventilated place, but not in the sun.

Another not-so-obvious way to clean a coat of dust without washing is to go over it with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Steam removal of dust and light contaminants

The most ordinary steamer will help you clean your coat without washing - it can be used to remove dust and refresh any type of clothing after a long stay in the closet. Steamers are sold in hardware stores and use clean water. The steam they generate straightens the fabric fibers, eliminates extraneous odors, and effectively removes dust contaminants.

Steamers are suitable for working with any type of fabric, including delicate ones. But before use, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the label on your coat.


Removing the smell of sweat from a coat without washing is as easy as shelling pears – the simplest ventilation will help. To do this, outerwear must be hung on hangers on a balcony or loggia, making sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Some people advise taking advantage of the frosty winter air by hanging the item out in the bitter cold for several days - this will help get rid of the smell of sweat.

If your coat starts to smell like sweat, use special conditioners for outerwear - they will help clean your coat without washing. Apply the selected product to problem areas of the lining and wait a couple of hours. After the conditioner has dried, you can use the item. More detailed instructions information on the use of a particular product can be found on its label.

The following will help you clean your coat from the persistent smell of sweat:

  • Apple vinegar;
  • Dry citric acid;
  • Potato starch;
  • A weak solution of ordinary vinegar;
  • Ammonia.

Apply the selected product to the lining and leave until the morning. Overnight the odors should completely disappear.

If you suffer from excessive sweating, which is why your outerwear is suffering, try to choose a better antiperspirant deodorant or consult a doctor - sometimes persistent sweating is a sign of certain diseases.

Let's go to the dry cleaners

The easiest way to clean a coat without washing it is to take it to the dry cleaner. Firstly, dry cleaning specialists have a better understanding of how to remove contaminants from certain materials. And secondly, chemical cleaning is as gentle as possible on all types of fabrics. Its undoubted advantage will be the ability to quickly deal with the most persistent stains. The downside is the high cost of services and the possible lack of good dry cleaning nearby.

Some types of stains, such as those left by fuel oil or machine oil, are extremely difficult to remove. In some cases, even high-quality dry cleaning may not be able to solve this problem.

If you are planning to clean your coat without washing, use the following tools, means and devices:

  • A machine for removing pellets - it will return outerwear to its normal appearance and effectively remove surface dirt;
  • Manual razor - carefully “shave” your coat with it, which will help cope with dust, pellets and small spots;
  • A tape roller is an ingenious tool for removing dust and surface contaminants. At the same time, the tape will rid clothes of small hairs;
  • Dry carpet cleaner is ideal for cleaning coats without washing them. Use it according to the instructions;
  • Special clothing brushes - suitable for coats made of suede and wool;
  • Dry stain removers will help deal with old stains, including stubborn ones.

Before you clean the entire coat, experiment on some invisible area - this will help you avoid ruining the item.

Cleaning products

If your coat has any stains, we recommend cleaning it without washing, using special stain removers. They are sold in supermarkets and household chemical stores. Some people manage to clean their coats using car interior cleaners - an excellent and inexpensive solution.

It is very convenient to remove grease stains using potato starch - you will find it in any grocery store. Apply it to the stain and leave for several hours, then remove with a brush or sponge. The most common table salt will help remove wine stains, but this must be done immediately, and not after a few days.

A mixture of denatured alcohol, soapy water and soda (20 g of soda and 15 ml of alcohol should be diluted in 500 g of water) will help remove old wine and fruit stains.

A soap solution is the ideal way to clean a drape coat without washing. To do this, you can use not only soap, but also a liquid product that replaces regular powder. Simply dilute it in water and apply it to the surface of your clothing with a brush. After half an hour, remove the remaining solution with the same brush dipped in clean water - this will refresh the surface of the fabric and remove light stains.

How to clean coats made from different fabrics We have already talked about general recommendations for cleaning outerwear and found out how to dry wash a coat at home. Let us now give recommendations on different tissues

– they need to be cleaned differently to achieve optimal results.

A regular brush or roller with a sticky pad will help you clean a woolen coat without washing it at home from surface dirt. If you have neither one nor the other, use adhesive tape - a great thing to get rid of dust, gray deposits and small hairs. You can also treat your outerwear with a soap solution or a special cleaner, working with it according to the instructions.

A simple mixture of ammonia and table salt will help you clean a wool coat - you need to prepare a paste from these components and apply it to the fabric. After 20-30 minutes, the pulp is removed, the surface of the clothing is treated with a brush. If all else fails, use a wet wash in the washing machine on the “Wool” program (available in many automatic machines).

If your coat is made of dark cashmere, you can try cleaning it with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline - this will effectively remove grease stains. It is recommended to use gasoline to refill lighters, as it has a very mild odor and evaporates quickly.

It is very easy to clean a drape coat without washing - for this we will need any washing powder. Cover the stain with a small amount of powder and a damp sponge. After some time, repeat the rubbing with a sponge and remove the remaining product with a brush. After this, hang the clothes in a ventilated place and wait for the wet spot to dry completely. If contamination remains, perform the procedure again.

The easiest way to clean a tweed coat is without washing it. For this we don’t even need any auxiliary tools. The thing is that this fabric is impervious to dirt. And even if they appear (for example, after walking along dirty streets after rain), they can be easily removed with a regular brush. Stubborn stains can be easily removed with soapy water (or a solution of gel laundry detergent).

If there are no problems with tweed, then cleaning a suede coat is more difficult - it all depends on the nature of the dirt. Ordinary potato starch works best with greasy stains - pour it over the greasy stain, wait 2-3 hours, and then remove with a brush. Since suede is soft skin, nothing bad will happen from such processing. Milk and soda (two teaspoons per glass), cotton pads with gasoline and table salt also help remove greasy stains.

Shiny areas of a suede coat can be cleaned using bread crumbs - crumble fresh bread onto the cloth, then rub it with rubbing movements. Bread crumb effectively removes many contaminants. But abrasions are best removed by steaming - hold the desired area over the spout of the kettle or treat the coat with a steamer.

If all else fails, you will have to use the laundry. But remember that washing should be carried out in water with a temperature no higher than +30 degrees. Also, suede cannot be twisted. Drying after washing is done in a horizontal position. Faux suede cannot be washed - take it to the dry cleaner.

There will not be any particular difficulties in this matter. The skin is easily wiped off from various contaminants, including with plain soapy water. If the stains are more serious, add a spoonful of ammonia to a glass of soap solution - this mixture effectively copes with many stains. If salt stains (often appear after rains or water from roads), then ordinary vinegar will help to deal with them.

Professional work is not cheap, sometimes the amount of the check exceeds the cost of the product itself. How to clean a coat at home without washing? An alternative and cheaper method of caring for outerwear made from wool than going to dry cleaning is to dry-clean coats at home.

Good to know!

Symbols on the label attached to side seam, in the form of a letter in a circle, will help you choose a specialized chemical product for dry cleaning of outerwear. Explanation: A – any generally accepted solvents;F– freons and white spirit; P – perchlorethylene. If there is one strip under the circle, the product requires gentle cleaning, if there are two, a more gentle, delicate cleaning.

Rules for removing stains from a wool coat

Before thorough dry cleaning of the coat, it is necessary to examine the product for the presence of pronounced stains and remove them. The process of removing contaminants begins with a thorough inspection of outerwear under fluorescent lamps. Mark the problem areas on your clothes and follow the rules below on how to clean a wool coat from stains at home:

  • To eliminate a stain, it is necessary to treat the contaminated area, starting not from the middle, but from its borders. This will prevent uneven cleansing, which often results in small residual marks at the edges of the stained area or messy streaks.
  • If you remove the stain from the wrong side, the work will take much less time. The applied chemical reagent or other product will gradually push the deeply seated stain from the inside out of the weave of the fibers.
  • Pay great attention to the choice of stain remover; it is best to use alternative methods of removing stains.
  • Before treating a stained area of ​​material, check the durability of the dye by testing the selected product on the wrong side of the product.

Note to the housewife: When wearing woolen coats with a pile, local areas of clothing, such as the elbow bend, cuffs, pocket area and the inside of the collar, are often rubbed to an untidy shine. Shine is removed by steaming and treating the fabric with table salt using a stiff brush.

Instructions for dry cleaning coarse wool fabrics

Complete cleaning of products made from coarse fibers, such as two-layer drape, gabardine, all varieties of coat tweed, Boston, boiled wool (another name is “Loden”), ratine and flacome, is carried out in several stages:

  • Hang the outerwear to be treated vertically on hangers and use a thick brush to clean the most problematic areas of the coat (collar, pockets, cuffs) with a mixture of salt and ammonia 10%. To do this you will need 40 g of salt and 10 ml of ammonia. Homemade powder actively affects the material for 10 minutes. After treatment, shake the coat and remove any remaining powder with a soft brush.
  • At the second stage of cleaning, you can use any of the proposed methods:

Method No. 1. Processing material with pile

This method is more suitable than any other for cleaning a drape coat at home. Since a two-layer drape coat is reversible, both the front and back sides are processed. Use a dry brush with thick, medium-hard bristles to thoroughly clean the product in the direction of the fibers. This removes small particles of dirt from the material. After thorough combing, the procedure should be repeated with a moistened brush.

Method number 2. Foam cleaning

According to the instructions on the package, dilute the carpet cleaner in water. Apply the foam to the material until it dries (takes 10-15 minutes), then clean the composition from the fabric with a thick brush.

Method number 3. Processing of textured material

An unusual cleaning method using bread crumbs. Lay the coat horizontally and crumble the bread thickly, then rub the bread crumbs with your hands until clumps form. Remove bread lumps and thoroughly clean the material from any remaining crumbs with a brush.

Method number 4. Wet cleaning with fabric softener

The tool for wet processing will be a microfiber brush. Brush dirt off the coat with a brush moistened in a solution with chemical agent, after 10 minutes, clean the product with a clean damp brush.

Method No. 5. Semi-professional dry cleaning

For high-quality processing of the material, you will need a drying machine. Semi-professional cleaning requires appropriate conditions and equipment. As a result, the product will look as clean as after dry cleaning. To clean a coat made of coarse wool at home at a professional level, you need specialized chemical reagents: perchlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene, hydrocarbon or white spirit. Drop the liquid chemical onto a napkin and place it with the item in a fine-mesh polyester laundry bag. Place the filled bag in the dryer for 30 minutes.

Coats made from dense materials, after thorough cleaning, can be treated with an aerosol that increases resistance to moisture. Aerosol impregnation is applied to the front side by spraying. This additional treatment will improve the waterproofness of the coat and you will have to wash it much less often.

Gentle cleaning methods for soft fabric coats

Outerwear made from elite materials, the basis of which is down or downy undercoat, is processed using gentle cleaning methods. Such capricious fabrics made from very thin threads include cashmere, angora, alpaca, camel and merino wool, mohair and llama wool.

Before you clean a cashmere coat or other soft down fabric at home, you need to get rid of the smell of sweat in the armpits. For this purpose, dissolve the grated mixture in warm water (up to 30 degrees). laundry soap and wet the sponge or cloth. It is necessary to blot the problem area several times. It is proposed to use 10% ammonia as an equally effective alternative to a soap solution.


When using professional chemicals (white spirit, perchlorethylene, freons, hydrocarbons), you should protect yourself from their direct exposure. Always wear a respirator, gloves and work in a well-ventilated area. Such chemicals are unsafe for health!

To clean elite material, you can use a semi-professional dry cleaning method using a gentle chemical reagent. The most gentle dry cleaning products include hydrocarbon solvents.

  • Wet treatment. Coat of soft fabric Clean with a circular motion using a brush with thick, soft bristles. The best option is a long-bristle microfiber brush. Since the cleaning will be wet, before you begin, remove dust particles and other small particles that have settled on the fabric with a special clothes roller. A microfiber brush must be soaked in a soapy solution and thoroughly clean the front side of the coat. It will be more convenient to work with clothes hung vertically. Repeat the action using clean, damp fiber.
  • Dry cleaning. A gentle way to refresh the appearance of a product made of soft material: sprinkle the powder composition on the fabric and wipe the coat with a damp sponge in a gentle, circular motion. After treatment, shake the clothes and remove any remaining powder with a microfiber brush.

Coats made of woolen materials will last for more than one season, maintaining a fresh, neat, well-groomed appearance, if dry cleaning of clothes becomes your priority method of care.