How to get a wife and child back if she doesn't want a relationship? How to return a wife - advice from psychologists How to return a wife with children to the family

We are all used to the fact that a spouse, as a rule, holds on to marriage with a man to the last. But it happens differently. She slammed the door, left, took the child, and now, you are already alone, looking for an answer to the question: "How to return a wife with a child if she does not want a relationship?" You are terrified, the situation seems to you stalemate and hopeless, but in fact, this is just an everyday problem that, like all other problems, is solved. It is not easy, of course, but it can be solved.

We have already discussed the possible reasons why the wife could make this decision in another. Now, it's time for you to gather your strength and act, strictly according to our instructions, so as not to break the wood.
What do psychologists recommend to a man who wants to restore his marriage?

"Return at any cost?"
In fact, it is not difficult to simply return the spouse back after a quarrel. Call her to a meeting, give flowers, repent, then arrange for her an unforgettable date and a night of love ... but, and then what? The problem has not disappeared anywhere!
It was just another pleasant date between you and everything that definitely did not cross out all the negativity in her soul that made her make a cardinal decision. Therefore, it is necessary to return to your spouse gradually and you will have to revive sincere positive emotions towards you in her again.

Most often, men try to come to an agreement with their ex: they say, let's not quarrel, we have a way of life, a common child and, in general, life without problems. Do you know how she will take it? Like the fact that you, all this time, lived next to a comfortable "cook" who took care of you, took care of your child, and suddenly once - the comfort was gone. Therefore, there is no point in persuading her to return logically, and it will not give any effect.

You need to focus on your emotions. Your goal is to revive in her all those old feelings that she experienced when she first met you.

"Tricks of Life"
There are several professional studies that psychologists have done. They will help you learn how to properly communicate with your wife, so as not to lose an emotional connection with her:

- learn to look each other in the eyes. It has been officially proven that a direct look at a person and an open attitude bring people closer. If you live together, study this with your spouse, and the number of scandals in your family will be halved, or completely disappear;

- do not lie to her, and you will not hear lies in return. Trust only generates trust on the part of a woman;

- give the woman nice gifts, deeds and all sorts of little things. This is how a person is arranged that when his soul is filled with gratitude, he wants to give his partner even more in return. And disinterestedly. Sooner or later, your spouse will also begin to take steps towards you.

And never remember, then, about your gifts. Otherwise, all your efforts to create harmony in the relationship and all your actions will be in vain.

"Friendly conversation"
Change the way you communicate with your wife. If he used to be authoritarian in your family, make him friendlier and more open. Let her breathe deeply in her own home, and understand that you are her friend who will always come to her aid, and not the owner, and even more so, the dictator.

Learn to accept both your wife's strengths and her shortcomings. this is when the spouses know and accept both the pros and cons of each other, and even more so, do not point a finger at them.

"New image"
It is very important to understand: she left the old you. From the image of a man who made her experience negative emotions. That is why it is time to create a new self.
Work on your new image, change your appearance, update your wardrobe, go for a massage. Spend some time exercising and eating well. All this is necessary for you not only for health, but also in order to feel needed and necessary.

Work your inner male core. Be sure to find yourself new interesting hobbies, fill your life with bright events, make it interesting both for yourself and attractive for the people around you, and first of all for your wife.

Let her see that you are a new person. Externally handsome, internally interesting, the same strong man with whom she once fell in love.

"The main thing in a man is ..."
The sense of security he provides to his entire family. And this is, in fact, one of the main reasons why your wife wanted to marry you. You keep her and your offspring safe. Therefore, it is necessary to become a person who is able to ensure this safety.

Learn to make decisions for yourself. Learn to deal with emotions and problems. Learn to keep your promises, and don't make them if you know in advance that you won't. In one word, learn to be a reliable support for your whole family. Then, your wife will never dare to leave you again. Where else can she find such a strong and strong-willed man?
So let's summarize the preliminary results. Today we answered the question: "How to return a wife with a child if she does not want a relationship?"

The reasons for divorce are varied. There are many problems that need to be addressed, but spouses cannot always cope with them.

  • economic problems;
  • sexual problems;
  • constant conflict situations;
  • negative influence of the parents of one of the parties.
  • positive memories of the time spent with a loved one;
  • after a divorce, everything bad is forgotten. This condition causes pain and annoyance, leads to depression, the way out of which people look for in a bottle of alcohol or a wrong lifestyle.

The question of how to return a wife after a divorce interests men. It is not surprising, because the departure of the spouse and the breakdown of the family have a negative impact on all spheres of life, especially if the family was created through mutual feelings, and not cold calculation.

While the ex-wife forgets the boyfriend, the man dreams of her return. Think about the situation, analyze the factors and reasons that led to the divorce. At this point, decide if you want your wife back. Feelings are a deceiving joke, and therefore longing for an ex-wife can turn out to be a fictitious feeling caused by changes in life, loneliness, and a lack of desire to be alone. Seriously weigh the pros and cons that are important in the process.

How to Become the Perfect Spouse?

The basis for the creation and formation of a prosperous and strong family is the woman's awareness that her chosen one is an ideal man. There are no ideal people - everyone has advantages and disadvantages, but women strive to find a man whose shortcomings are compensated by positive qualities.

Excessive persistence is considered the mistake of men seeking to get their wife back. Give her the opportunity to be alone, so that she thinks over everything, tries to live without you. In no case do you achieve results by:

  • manipulation;
  • threats;
  • striving to evoke pity.

To get your wife back, give her the opportunity to see you as a man and a spouse, and not the ex-husband she knew. You will have to try, work on character, become better, change or get rid of bad habits. The mere realization that you are changing for the better for her sake will make you seriously think about the prospect of returning.

How to optimistically set up and support yourself?

Lack of support is the reason why men fail to get their wife back. An abandoned woman is supported in every possible way, calmed, distracted and overwhelmed with advice by family and friends, and an abandoned man is rarely helped. Therefore, remember three rules that will help you return your beloved woman or go through the breakup of a marital connection more calmly and less painfully:

  1. Think reasonably and soberly ... Feelings of resentment, despair, jealousy will play a cruel joke and push you to unnecessary, meaningless or harmful actions. Make contact with your beloved only after you suppress the remnants of emotions and do it sincerely, and not trying to hide behind a mask of sober reason.
  2. There are several models of human behaviorthat characterize him as a weak personality... In matters related to the breakdown of the family, weak behavior is manifested in tantrums and scandals, threats and reproaches, attempts to evoke pity. Know your worth and remember that a woman will not return to her husband - a whiner or her husband - a hysterical woman.
  3. Have value your wife's desireeven if it is directed against you and does not correspond to your life goals... Perhaps the last piece of advice is paradoxical, but accept the fact that she dumped you and may be trying to find a husband. The absence of selfish inclinations will allow you to quickly get rid of the burden of negative emotions, and at the same time, the ex-wife will understand that you gave her the independence she wanted. In the future, she will consider the prospect of returning.

After giving yourself time and getting rid of the negative influence of emotions, weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision.

10 most common mistakes abandoned husbands make

If you want to get your wife back, tune in to solve the problem. If you love her and seriously intend to return, you will need a lot of work on yourself, which is necessary in order for you to become not the person from whom your spouse left. To make the process effective, learn how best not to act. Men make mistakes that reduce their chances of success.

1. Finding logical reasons for the return of the wife

Returning your wife using logical arguments is pointless. Women and men act according to different logical principles. Additionally, while looking for logical reasons, you pass them through the prism of emotions and experiences that are aimed at saving you from suffering. The woman will understand selfish intentions, which will exacerbate the problem, even if you are trying to re-create a family.

2. Behavior of the henpecked

The reasons for divorce are different. It often happens that a divorce is provoked by a man's act. A man feels guilty about doing something wrong, and that's okay. However, trying to make amends by pampering your wife is wrong, especially if she decided to divorce. The woman wants to be carried in her arms. She will not return to the henpecked, realizing that a good relationship will end at any moment after returning to the family.

3. Pleading for forgiveness

The problem is related to the error described above. Sometimes the departure of a wife and divorce unsettles even strong and persistent men. Many are trying to rectify the situation with entreaties and requests. So you will lose respect and become an object for manipulation. For a while, this will return her disposition, but if a strong candidate appears on the horizon, she will leave, and pleading with requests will not help.

4. A large number of presentations

Women love gifts, especially if they are beautiful or original. Some husbands use this to their advantage. Constant gifts, daily bouquets of flowers, and expressions of affection often have negative effects. Showering with gifts, be sure that she will take it as an attempt to buy feelings. It will not please you and will alienate you.

5. Declarations of love

A mistake in which it is easy to draw analogies with the previous one. A woman wants to hear from her husband that she is loved by him, however, if a man is already an ex and repeats about feelings continuously, this causes negative emotions. A woman should see love in deeds, in deeds and behavior, and not in words.

6. The law of mutual attraction

I think you have noticed that you are attracted to what a loved one is. This is what you use in your attempts to return your beloved woman. Think about what attracted you in her place, and try to match the result of reflection. This will achieve an effect and bring you closer to her, even if you are at a distance. The problem in the question is the lack of knowledge about the preferences and tastes of the wife, especially if they were hiding during the married life. In this case, the advice of her relatives will help if she is not opposed to you.

7. Control

Some men think that by allowing themselves to be controlled and manipulated, they will give their wife what she needs. To a certain extent, this is so, because there is a certain type of women who seek to subjugate their husbands. Remember, transferring control over yourself will not last long. Constant control will depress that you yourself want to leave it. Control is often not harmless. If you do not want scandals, quarrels, reproaches and insults in your address - do not allow yourself to be controlled, even if you love. Mutual understanding and finding optimal solutions for both parties is the best way to resolve a conflict situation.

8. Material blackmail

Modern men do not realize that the role and function of the breadwinner and breadwinner of the family is within the power of a woman, especially if she lives alone after a divorce. Attempts to keep his wife, explaining this by the fact that she will not be able to support herself, is a common mistake of those who want to return their beloved. This behavior causes the desire to retire or prove that she does not depend on material resources. In addition, it is foolish to admit the idea that a wife will not build a career and earn a living. If the spouse has found the courage and determination to break off the relationship, be sure that she can make money.

9. Intransigence

When a woman leaves, she strives for independence. Men do not realize the need to give what she needs. Representatives of the strong half of humanity do not understand female hints. You will have to work hard to learn how to see hints, since often women themselves give signals.

10. Refusing help

Support during divorce is important, but abandoned men are rarely supported by friends and family, believing that husbands should keep loved ones. A common male mistake is the refusal to help relatives and friends. The intense stress caused by the problem causes the person to snap and argue with loved ones when they offer help. Enjoy help and listen to advice from loved ones and friends.

If you seriously intend to return your beloved, take into account the likelihood of the listed mistakes and do everything to avoid them.

Modern society is accustomed to the fact that most often a man leaves the family and the safety of a marriage depends to a large extent on a woman, therefore, when in the opposite situation, a representative of the stronger sex is most often lost, not knowing how to behave , in order to save your own family.

According to psychologists, this issue should be approached comprehensively, breaking it down into several steps:

  1. Determining the cause.
  2. Situation type: feelings cooled down, left to live with a child separately, or ran away to another man.
  3. And the main thing is that the husband (even the former) must decide for himself to understand whether he is ready to fight, since a relationship, and even more so marriage, is hard work that requires 100% return.

Top 6 reasons to decide to leave your family

Which of them have a chance to restore the marriage ?!

Acquaintance with the above reasons and the chances of returning your beloved wife to the family is only the first step that a man needs to take.

Sometimes it happens that after realizing the reason and decisive actions on the part of her husband, a woman decides to return to the family. Unfortunately, such phenomena are rare and most often situations close to divorce are not resolved so easily, psychologists refer to problem cases: the appearance of a lover or the extinction of feelings on the part of the spouse, leaving the family with the child.

The wife went to another, what can be done

The main advice of a psychologist, when a spouse goes to her lover, is to figure out if the game is worth the candle. Changing a woman does not play, but carefully weighs the pros and cons. That is why it is almost impossible to return the old feeling, but you can still try.

The reason why the family fell apart, or rather its "culprit".

  1. Option one - treason was a consequence of your behavior. In this case, the main thing is that it is necessary to convey to the spouse sincere repentance and recognition of responsibility for what happened, which in fact should not happen again.
  2. The second option is when the woman is to blame. Such a case is more difficult and requires more in-depth consideration, but is it worth returning such a woman if she left on her own initiative. To make a decision, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto understand self-esteem, determine feelings, analyze family relationships and the situation that has occurred, only then decide whether to act or not.

Tips from the best psychologists:

  • Start chatting with your wife's family, friends, and girlfriends. As a rule, these are the very people who can unobtrusively help change a woman's decision.
  • If you have children, pay more attention to them, thus, even if attempts to return your spouse are unsuccessful, the children will be happy and not so much hurt because of your separation.
  • Help your beloved to recognize in you the person with whom she once fell in love, show her signs of attention.
  • In no case do not come into conflict with your lover, try to get better.

If the wife left with the child, what to do?

The situation of separation is even more complicated if a child is involved in it, who during this time experiences tremendous stress, affecting mental and physical health. Therefore, it is worth acting in this situation as carefully as possible, showing and proving your love not only to your wife, but also to your child.

  • In no case do not sort things out with the child, try not to quarrel with him.
  • Remind your wife why you started a family is a great way to write a love story, focusing on pleasant moments: wedding, discharge from the hospital, baby's first steps, etc.
  • Spend more time together, diversify your leisure time, bringing in more new unexplored entertainment that will help re-unite your family.

The wife says she no longer wants a relationship, is there a chance?

As a rule, men begin to solve this problem after the extreme point, that is, return their wife after a divorce or in a situation close to it, suddenly remembering that not just a woman is leaving, but a beloved.

Based on the statistics of psychologists, when a woman's feelings have cooled down in 7 out of 10 cases, the marriage cannot be restored.

But if you don’t try, you won’t find out, because it is your case that can be included in the coveted three statistics. Oddly enough, extreme sports, various dangerous quests in reality, which help to get to know each other again and add some poignant moments to the relationship, serve as effective ways to return a woman's love. Also, a romance, which probably ended in a relationship, will help to find a way to the heart of your beloved again, you can again feel like newlyweds by arranging another honeymoon. And only after trying all the methods, and not seeing the result, you can give up.

Thus, having considered and familiarized with all the reasons, chances, situations that arise in the case when a woman wants to leave the family, we can draw a short conclusion about how to behave in such a situation: cool down,analyze the situation, find the cause of its occurrence and try to resolve it.

Watch these videos on how you can get your wife back:

Big and intelligent webinar:

Maybe you have already managed to return your beloved? Then we are waiting for your comments!

But sometimes men turn to me, from whom my wife left. For example, a wife fell in love with another and filed for divorce. Everything would be fine, but the family has children, and the husband's feelings for his wife have not cooled down. What to do in this case? How to get a wife and child back after a divorce?

First, try to get your soul mate back with your energy. If after 2 weeks there is no result, it's time to move on to heavy artillery. Namely: to white magic. Let me remind you once again: only conspiracies are posted on our website. No love spells, "attachments at the psychological level" and other black rituals.

How to get a wife and child back? Instructions

  1. Start with an apology. Yes, and you shouldn't skip this point. Even if it's not your fault, try to just apologize. It's all about psychology. Perhaps your spouse once harbored a grudge against you. And after a while, the usual misunderstanding. How to apologize correctly? Make an appointment under your favorite pretext, for example, to donate money for a child. And then briefly but firmly say: "Dear (beloved, bunny, etc.), forgive me for everything if I offended you in something." That's it, these words are enough. Do not delay the conversation for hours. Otherwise, the apology can turn into a quarrel.
  2. Present flowers and a card with gentle words. Is it trite? Yes, but how it works! In 8 cases out of 10, flowers and a chocolate bar work wonders. How to get a wife and child back? Sign the card sincerely, putting the maximum of your energy into the words. You can add this feature: open a package of chocolate and put your joint photo between the foil and the chocolate. Then simply glue the package with Pencil glue. Trust me, it will definitely impress!
  3. Have a serious talk - without quarrels, shouts and recriminations.If nice words and flowers didn't work, it's time for your family to talk. The main thing is that at this moment there are no children nearby. Briefly ask: “Honey, why do you want to divorce me? What is our problem? ”.At the same time, your voice should not tremble and you should not show that you are very nervous and terribly upset. If a conversation has begun, consider that reconciliation is in your pocket!
  4. Talk to your mother-in-law / father-in-law / best friend. This should be a person who knows your spouse like the back of his hand. Again, you need to speak confidently and briefly. Ask why your wife filed for divorce? Sometimes a mother-in-law knows a lot more than her best friend.... Therefore, I recommend starting with her. In conversation, be sure to emphasize how much you love your spouse. And that you are ready to give everything in the world for your reunion. Important: this nuance only works with women.It's better not to say such words to your wife's father-in-law or brother!
  5. Read a strong conspiracy to return your beloved. need only as a last resort. Only when the other options did not help. How to get a wife and child back? Place a printed photo of your beloved in front of you. The photo should only show your wife, preferably a close-up. Take a photo in your left hand (it is believed that the left hand is the conductor of heart affairs), look at the face of your beloved and at your wedding ring (mentally imagining the ring of your beloved) and say the words of the conspiracy 3 times. The conspiracy can be read both from memory and from a piece of paper. It is best to pronounce the words in a whisper. The main thing is that at this moment there is no one in the room and there is complete silence.

A very strong conspiracy to return a beloved wife with a child (with children)

Two sacred rings, you cannot be without each other, and a wife cannot be without a husband, the other cannot be amused, not caressed. I call and command by the gravity of the wedding rings, appear (name of the wife) in order to reunite our eternal and indestructible union. Let it be so. (three times).

The wife left with the child: how to get it back? This will take a lot of effort, but the result is worth it. To return the wife and child, money and gifts are not required. It is necessary to have a great desire and strong affection for the family. The wife may allow you to see the child, but do you want to be happy as a threesome again? Learn all the important aspects, "pitfalls" and remember the advice of psychologists in order to start life from scratch, this article will help.

Why did the wife leave with the child? Possible and visible causes

After the breakup of the family, you should not immediately think about how to return your wife and child. You must go through a stage of your moral recovery, during which you can realize guilt, understand mistakes and understand the cause of the conflict. According to statistics, 70% of couples break up at the initiative of a woman who did not like some of the features of family life:

  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, soft drugs;
  • physical violence;
  • early marriage;
  • moral violence, conflicts and quarrels, disagreements;
  • frequent everyday problems without a solution;
  • jealousy and distrust of a partner.

A woman is prone to quick conclusions and false decisions, perceives situations emotionally. Therefore, if you do not know how to return your beloved wife and child, then ask yourself the question: "Am I able to change, not make past mistakes and again take responsibility for the family?"

Is it realistic to get your wife back in this situation?

You appreciated the reasons for the conflict and mistakes made by both spouses. The next step is to find out if it is worth trying to get your wife and children back? To do this, refer to the statistics:

  1. With domestic violence, the chance of getting your wife back is 18%. The spouse is depressed psychologically and physically, and gradually lowers her self-esteem.
  2. If you changed once, then the chance of returning your spouse is 45%. For repeated cheating, lower your statistics by 15%. If you have a child, it will be easier to return your ex-wife after a divorce or before him.
  3. Moral suppression has a 13% chance. If the husband humiliated the woman, did not respect and married for some benefit, then the question of how to return the ex-wife with the child will remain unanswered.
  4. A man is not independent - 28%. You can change by proving and demonstrating to your wife your self-discipline, perseverance.

Think about why you want your wife back? The reason may lie in fear of being alone or losing a child.

And if you are not to blame for the divorce and the departure of your wife? What if she cheated, abused moral violence and bad habits? Think, do you need such a wife? You can sue the child and create a new family.

Where to begin? Step 1. Understand yourself

How to get your wife and child back if you love and don't want to destroy your family? This question first arises for a man if he does not want the breakdown of the relationship. But before you take decisive action, you must understand yourself, understand what you want from your wife and family life.

Give the woman time to take a break from everyday problems, do not return her beloved instantly. If the spouse is guilty, then during the days spent in thought, she will be able to understand the mistake and herself will become the initiator of reconciliation.

Become self-reliant. Set up household chores, find a job and a hobby. Stability and trust in a partner are some of the qualities that spouses value.

Eliminate all the shortcomings, behaviors and bad habits, because of which you are now thinking about how to get your wife and child back.

Step 2. Consider the child's attitude towards you

To understand why the wife left with the baby, evaluate your relationship with the baby. It is more difficult for the male sex to understand what is going on in the soul of a little man, in contrast to women, who by nature have a maternal instinct. If you want to know how you feel about your child, then mentally go back to childhood and analyze the following points:

  1. How did you react to your parents' inhibitions and quarrels? Perhaps emotionally (tears, screaming) or withdrawn (silence, resentment). And also ask yourself: "Did I do it my own way or did I listen to the words of my elders?"
  2. Directions and humiliation from parents. Have you been insulted by your father or mother, lowered your self-esteem and said that nothing will come of it?
  3. Removal of accumulated negative emotions on the family. After a hard day at work, do you take out your anger on your children and your wife?
  4. Did your father leave your family? If this happens, then it will be quite difficult for you to properly raise your son. After leaving, the wife rebuilds the child for herself and loses interest in raising. This is especially bad for boys.

You are a full-fledged copy of the behavior of your parents and partially treat the child as they once did to you. How to get your wife and child back if you love them? It is almost impossible if communication with the baby is broken. To do this, analyze how he reacts to meeting you. Is he running, hugging and smiling, or standing, looking timidly? If you manage to overcome the emotional tightness of the child, then you can win him over to bring the family back.

The main mistakes a man makes after his wife leaves

Before moving on to action, remember what not to do during reconciliation with your wife:

  • Behave too accommodating. If you agree with your spouse in everything, she will soon get tired of it. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion unless it leads to a lot of conflict. Find a middle ground, try to stick to it.
  • Cold logic is your enemy. If the mistake was made by the wife and this is obvious, then the woman will understand. Do not provide arguments and proofs, forget about lectures. Better be romantic.
  • Give your beloved a lot of souvenirs. Pay child support regularly, but love cannot be bought.
  • Don't look after yourself. Your appearance should be attractive and tidy. Show that you can take care of yourself and your clothes.
  • Do not listen to the advice of family members. A common mistake that men make, not knowing how to get their wife and child back. Family advice can be helpful, but it's up to you to decide. Listen and give your opinion.

Don't make these mistakes, and your chances of successfully getting your wife back will be increased.

  1. Show your spouse that you feel bad too.
  2. Don't use your child to promote the relationship.
  3. If your wife forbids you to communicate with the child immediately after leaving, wait a while. She is morally depressed, and she simply does not want to see you.
  4. Show your spouse that you are ready for a serious relationship, that you have become an independent and stable person. The changes should be noticeable.
  5. Think about what your wife lacked in marriage or before she left.

After the recovery period, begin practical steps to bring your wife and child back. Act according to the plan, you can deviate from it by 1 point, if the wife can be returned faster:

  1. After 1-2 months, schedule a friendly meeting with your spouse. If you get a refusal, justify your desire by saying that you want to see the child. If you received a positive answer and the wife came with the baby, then the child misses his father madly! You should not make hasty conclusions, but know: the wife understands how the child wants to go home, and she herself is already thinking about returning.
  2. You can make a "forgivable" gift. Be sure to present it to both your child and your wife. Apologize, promise to improve.
  3. Help your wife. How to get a wife and child back? Offer to pick up your child from kindergarten or school, take him to the rides. Do good deeds not when your wife asks you, but on your own, anticipating the situation.
  4. Show that you have started to change. Remember what your wife didn’t love about you, and fix the problem. If you did not earn much, then find a part-time job. If you are addicted to alcoholic beverages, eliminate the bad habit. While walking, you can inadvertently tell your wife about this. Develop dialogue as she is interested.
  5. Take all the blame. If you have a child, then returning your ex-wife after a divorce is much easier. During the next dialogue on a walk with the baby, take all the blame for the conflict on yourself. Apologize, but don't be humiliated. The woman should feel that you value her.
  6. Renew your relationship by bringing romance to life. Make a one-on-one meeting at the cafe. Visit the place of the first kiss, acquaintance or remember the funniest and kindest moments of life together.

Make all the wishes and dreams of your beloved come true. You can figure out how to make the evening unforgettable, because you know your wife better.

A ready-made action template: how to proceed?

You can use a sample list of actions to help return a wife with both two children and one child:

  1. Go out for a walk with your child in the late afternoon. Take your little ones to the park or other fun attractions. Get a toy or flowers for your wife, as if by accident.
  2. Be a peaceful person. Do not be aggressive, but do not become too accommodating in the presence of your wife.
  3. Put the child to bed and talk to your wife if she offers tea or dinner.
  4. Then start the dialogue with the basic words: “How are you? What's new?" You can ask about the child's condition. In the first such conversations, do not touch feelings and love. To start, just be curious and watch your voice and words. If a question is addressed to you, don't brag, but don't press on pity either. Option "Not bad, but I'm tired" or "Normal. Hold on, though ... it's pretty difficult. I didn't even think it was so difficult. "
  5. Do not impose on your wife, start small. If a woman hints that you have to go, then leave. Such her reaction can be long.

Pay attention to your child's mental health and the environment in which they are raised.

After the return of the wife

Do not make the same mistakes that led to the divorce or the departure of the wife from the family. Many women tolerate their husband's attitude towards them, because they do not want to deprive their children of their father. If the wife took the child and decided to leave, then there were good reasons for this.

If you feel like you are starting a big conflict again, discuss it in a more secluded place or visit a family counselor.