How to propose in Skyrim. Skyrim candidates for marriage. How to propose for marriage in Skyrim

Skyrim is a harsh place, but even there is a wedding ceremony. Where to find a wife in Skyrim, why should the character get married, because the Dovahkin has no time to look after his wife, right? However, in Skyrim, things are not the same as everywhere else. Life is very short, therefore, according to the priest Mara (goddess of love), there is no time to look after the girl, therefore, you can simply buy Mara's amulet and get married with the one who also wears the same amulet and who likes the character.

People in Skyrim usually like good heroes, like our Dragonborn, therefore, the character's choice of bride / groom is quite large. However, the developers left out one thing. Male character can propose and marry other menand the same bug works with girls.

How and where to find a wife in Skyrim - how to get married, how to choose a wife / husband

The amulet can be bought at temple of Mary (located in Riften), as well as buy from random merchants or find in chests during adventures. After the character has put on the amulet, some people whom the main character has helped will have a new dialogue window. Having selected the desired dialogue, you can make an offer and start wedding ceremony... If both parties agree, then you need to go to the temple of the goddess of love Mara and talk to the priest and start the wedding.

However, during the wedding, you can refuse a partner, after which the main character will be despised by the guests of the wedding, the bride and the priests and by all kinds of methods they will insult him / her. And if everything goes smoothly, then you can already discuss with your beloved where you will live. It can be done in any of the houses of the protagonist, and if not, then you can live with your husband / wife. However, you can move at any time, just by talking about it with your “soul mate”.

How to get married in Skyrim - pros and cons

After the wedding, when there is already a place to live, the husband / wife opens a shop that brings benefits, and the spouses will share the benefits among themselves. And also every day you can pick up homemade food from your spouse, which is a great help during adventures. Some companions the character has married may still follow and help in battle... After all, what could be better than being together all the time and covering each other's backs.


1. Daily homemade food which is not bad heals and will come in handy when traveling through rugged lands.
2. The spouses share among themselves a share from the store, and sometimes it is very much even a lot of money if the character has not visited his half for a long time.
3. If you have Dlc Hearthfire, then after the wedding the player will have a full-fledged family. New dialogs will appear.
4. If you sleep next to your spouse at night, the character will receive an effect that lasts 8 hours. All skills grow 15% faster and stack with any guardian stone.


1. If undo a wedding and then not take a second chance and not marry the same person, then this person will begin to despise the player, like the priests.

Video walkthrough - Where to find a wife in Skyrim

After a while, you can take your share from the store save up for the whole house, buy or build this very house and move there. Also, if the character is a vampire, then through the task you can turn your spouse into a vampire and live together forever and even death will not part you.

Sometimes bandits kidnap a spouse, vampires too, and the protagonist has to save him / her. Consequently, marriage is not only an interesting experience in Skyrim, but also interesting quests and huge benefits. With representatives of some races, marriage is impossible at all, even with the help of a console. Namely with the Khajiit and Bosmer... If the spouse dies, then, unfortunately, you will not be able to marry again. Unless using console commands. If you turn your spouse / spouse into a blade, then the opportunity to move everything will remain exactly. Now you know how and where you can find yourself a husband / wife in the amazing Skyrim game!

In Skyrim, in addition to dragons, vampires and other enemies, you can find the love of a lifetime. This article will tell you about all the aspects and intricacies of marriage.

Initial requirements

First of all, you need to get the Amulet of Mary.

By wearing this accessory, you show the people of Skyrim that you are in search of a second half. When the amulet is on you, you can offer your hand and heart to the challengers or challengers you are interested in.

You may accidentally find him among the trophies, but the easiest and surest way to get an accessory is to go to the Temple of Mary in Riften or to the Bee and Sting tavern.

Next, you must "go through" all the dialogues with the priest, so that it does not turn out that you missed something. Find someone with whom you want to start a family. You must have a friendly relationship that has developed as a result of completing quests, or maybe you just showed each other some kind of courtesy. But, unfortunately or fortunately, there is no way to get a divorce, except, of course, by killing your spouse or using the console code.

Note: The developers explained the absence of the need to look after the future (them) wife / husband by the fact that there is no time for them: life in Skyrim is dangerous and short. Maramal says this if the hero decides to buy Mara's amulet from him.

How to make an offer

It is important that there are many brides and grooms in Skyrim: they are women and men of different types of appearance and professions, races and ages. You will understand that they are ready to change their marital status if in the dialogue you have the opportunity to ask the question: "Do you like me?" If you are answered in the affirmative, you need to return to the Temple of Mary again and talk to Maramal again. He will inform you that the wedding ceremony will take place in 24 hours.

If you change your mind at the last moment and don’t come, then the opportunity to start a family with this NPC will no longer be presented to you (or it will be presented, but after a short haul from the rejected half; after the phrase "It was a mistake, let's start all over again" she can change her anger to mercy. Works only once). Well, if you do decide, the wedding will take place, and after the ceremony you will receive an enchanted wedding ring. Talk with your spouse about your future place of residence before she leaves the temple. If you have a house, he will move to you, if not, you can live with him.

Your spouse will get to your house on their own; the next time you appear there, the NPC will already be waiting for you. There is no polygamy in the game, and divorce will also be impossible. Attention! Do not leave your belongings at your spouse's house, otherwise you risk losing them irretrievably.

Same-sex marriages can also be contracted. However, you cannot get a Bosmer and a Khajiit as a spouse.

Marriage bonuses

§ In order not to be bored at home, your spouse will decide to open a shop selling all sorts of things. This way, you can sell your stuff and sometimes find the right items on sale.

§ To the question: "Well, has the store brought profit today / is our store profitable?" you can get 100 gold every day. Money is accumulating; so you can apply for them even once a month and get everything together.

§ Once a day, upon request, your spouse will cook you homemade food (looks like a pie), which speeds up the restoration of health, magic and stamina.

§ Sleeping in a matrimonial bed gives you a bonus: within 8 hours after it, the restoration of health, magic and stamina is 15% faster.


If your half does not belong to the Companions category, then it cannot be taken with you on wanderings, and it does not have companion capabilities.

If you are not satisfied with the current list of spouses, you can use the code. To begin with, of course, click ~ (tilde), then press the lion. click on the woman / man you like (no need to write the NPC code!), and enter addfac 19809 1, and if this did not work, then we also introduce setrelationshiprank player 4, and it should work. Useless to: Khajiit, Daedric Princes, Cicero and Tullius with Ulfric. Probably not going to work on foreign housecarls and army officers. It works on almost all Jarls (Balgruf is good in this role, besides, a whole Dragon's Reach is attached to it).

And don't forget to wear Amulet of Mary!

Possible problems

If you have at least one deceased companion on your account (for example, during the Call of Boethiah quest), then an unpleasant incident may happen during the wedding. Together with the guests, the corpse of your former companion will appear at the door of the temple, the wedding quest will fail, and none of the living guests will want to talk to you, dissuading you to "Leave", and your chosen one / chosen one will assure that she does not want to see you anymore. It is treated in three ways:

1. Get rid of the corpse (console), apologize to Maramal and make peace with the escaped groom / bride. Schedule the wedding again.

2. Wait exactly 24 hours, then return to your significant other with a second offer. The corpse usually does not rip off the second wedding. But there is a chance that your chosen one / chosen one will not speak to you.

3. Install all the latest patches (1.2-1.5), then repeat the marriage procedure with most start. If you download the game after the moment of marriage proposal, the corpse will reappear.

If you have lost a companion, sacrificing it to Boethiah, you can return to her sanctuary and resurrect him using the resurrect command.

The problem is most often observed precisely on unpatched versions of the game, but it may appear in the most recent patch.


§ It often happens that a newly made spouse leaves the ceremony at a time when you cannot move, i.e. waiting for the end of the celebration and escapes in an unknown direction. It also very often happens that the other half, in theory, goes to you or to your home (as you decided), but never comes and disappears altogether. After a while, he or she may appear at the Temple of Mara, but such luck does not happen often. You can return a fugitive only through the console: player.moveto Ref ID, where Ref ID is actually, ref id of your escaped spouse

§ The spouse after the wedding goes to their home, or if you invited them to your home, they will walk there. This is a very long process in time. The further away your home is, the longer it will take her "journey"

§ After lycanthropy is cured, marriage is impossible.

§ If you take as your spouse a companion who can teach a skill and issue a quest (for example, Farkas), then the companion's branch will disappear from the dialogues with him (i.e. it will not be possible to exchange things with him, ask him to wait / follow you, ask him to do something ). If you gave such an NPC items before marriage, then they can no longer be taken back.

1. Despite the fact that Lydia is mentioned in the game data as a candidate for marriage, it is not possible in the game to marry her without using the console command (with an aim pointing at Lydia). Perhaps this is a bug that will be fixed.

In the official Bethesda 1.5 update, the Lydia bug has been fixed! Now you can marry her on condition of the dwelling bought in Whiterun: "House of Warm Winds" and, of course, in the presence of the Amulet of Mary.

In the case when the spouse leaves without waiting for the end of the ceremony, you can simply "skip" the end of the ceremony itself (by quickly pressing Enter or the left Mouse Button) and chase the spouse to the door to find out where you will live, then he / they will not be lost, but will be immediately at home.

How to marry any character

In general, in order to marry almost any character you need to do:

  1. Create a text document in notepad and call it "a" (English only) and throw it into the root of the folder, for example, in the license - D: SteamSteamAppscommonskyrim
  2. We write in it:

addtofaction 19809 1

addtofaction 5C84D 1

setrelationshiprank player 4
  2. We go into the game, find out the character ID (silk on the NPC with the left mouse button)
  3. Enter the cheat - "bat a"
Everything! You can now marry or marry that character. If the cheat does not work try wearing the Amulet xD
P.S. By the way, by the same actions, you can make almost any NPC a party member) IDEA GIVEN Corrected by: GWINBLEYDD

Marries - Marries a second time.

First, we need to get rid of the spouse (s), sell or throw away the attributes of the previous wedding (Mary's Amulet and the Ring of the Sanctity of Marriage) After that, we need the restorer of the quest itself, for this we write the following lines in the console "~":

ResetQuest RelationShipMarriage

SetStage RelationShipMarriage 10

If you cannot find your old wife, husband, then the character can be teleported to the GG with the following command, thanks to the Tiny Killer

prid id character
moveto player

The character will appear near you, and you can kill him. You can reshut it, he will be obschitsya as before, but I think it's worth doing it after the wedding. To reshut we type in the console Resurrect clicking in front of the etin on the corpse.

Wedding and divorce

Belatedly, but "wedding fashion" made it to The Elder Scrolls series. You can create a happy social unit with many characters. As a rule, before that, you should do them a little favor in order to gain favor. Then you will hear from them something like "you are always more fun." There are about half a hundred such characters. You can even marry with individuals of the same sex, but unlike any Dragon age, they are not imposed at all; it is the player's prerogative to enter into a dialogue about the wedding.

So, here you have found the love of your life for your character, but what to do next ?! First, you need to visit Riften and talk to a priest named Maramal. You will most likely find him either at the Bee and Sting Tavern, where he preaches on marriage, or at the Temple of Mary. Talk to him about the temple and marriage. Now you need Mara's amulet, which can be bought from Maramal himself.

Go back to the selected character, put on the amulet and start the dialogue with the words "Do you like me?" After a positive answer, the task will appear "to talk with Maramal about the arrangement of the wedding." He agrees and will appoint a wedding time - tomorrow evening (6 pm) in the temple.

The approach to the altar in wedding dresses, a bunch of invited relatives, the taking of vows, golden "rings of the sanctity of marriage" - are included! It remains to talk with your wife or husband about where you will live. It may be one of your homes, or you will be asked to live in the "love of a lifetime" home. "With a lovely paradise and in a hut," so to speak. If anything, after that you can always choose another house for living together.

The note. The first time it turned out that immediately after taking the oath, the character took and left the temple without waiting for the end of Maramal's speech! And after that, it simply disappears from the game - it was not possible to find it either at home or in the city. I had to reboot and skip the dialogues to catch up with my betrothed at the door of the temple.
So, the wedding was successful, a new character appeared in your house. What's next? First, a wife or husband is a new store right at your home. You also own half of the income from it - 100 gold per day. They can also prepare homemade meals. And if you sleep in a matrimonial bed, you can get a "good rest" bonus. Effect: All skills grow faster for 8 hours. Contrary to some news from the development camp at the time, children cannot be brought in.

Marrying a priestess of Dibella is a fun night for your character.
Unfortunately, behind the scenes.


In the game itself, you cannot divorce. Marriage is for life.
But! You can get a divorce using the console!
Download this file, copy from the Data folder divorce.txt to the game folder. During the game, type in the console (key Ё (~)) bat divorce - and you're done! You can have a wedding again in a day! The amulet, by the way, will need a new one.
P.S. do not pay attention to the description of the file - it is incorrect. Follow the instructions I gave above.

How to marry any character?
Not all are available in an honest way. But dishonest, almost everything!

Choose the object with which you want to be married. Call the console (key Ё (~)), click on the character so that his number is displayed. Enter addfac 19809 1 - and you can get married! True, apparently, you first need to win the favor of this character.

"Skyrim" has become the very game in which there is where to roam. You can devote most of your time to completing the main story or side quests, you can turn into a vampire, become an artisan, and even get married. Today we will share with our readers important secrets on how to find a wife in Skyrim.

To marry or not to marry?

Getting married in Skyrim was a wonderful ritual. It will not be difficult to execute, therefore, if you want to diversify your usual gameplay, we strongly recommend that you take a closer look at the local beauties.

If the question of how to find a wife in "Skyrim" haunts, you should visit the tavern in Riften. Inside will sit the priest Marmala, who devoted his whole life to serving the goddess Mara. If you complete his task, then you will be rewarded with a love amulet designed for those who are interested in marriage. It is also worth noting that if this is not the first passage and it lasts for a fairly long time, then there is an opportunity to find the amulet in other locations.

Below is a list of wives in Skyrim. For the convenience of readers, all candidates are divided according to the principle of origin and race. If none of the standard heroines was able to attract your attention, then there is an opportunity to install a mod in Skyrim on your wife. Thanks to him, the list is noticeably expanding, additional options for interaction with the chosen ones appear. Cheats for "Skyrim" for the wife can be found on any thematic sites, in the relevant discussions.

How does this happen?

In order to propose to your chosen one, you must put on the very amulet of Mary. So how do you find a wife in Skyrim? As a reminder, many of the heroines available for marriage are listed on our list. If you still fail to make them an offer, then it is worth checking whether all the quests related to them have been completed.

In the case when the chosen one has given her consent, the next step will be a 24-hour wait. When the deadline expires, you need to go to the temple of Mary, where a romantic wedding ceremony will be held. After that, the newlyweds must make a choice in favor of the future place of residence. If Dovahkiin already has housing, then you can immediately transport your spouse there (with a few exceptions).

So, you managed to get married in Skyrim (as indicated by the instructions above). After marriage, the second half becomes the head of a small retail store with a fairly modest income. If you go to sleep in the same bed with your new wife, then the growth of all available skills will increase by fifteen percent. Another nice bonus will be homemade food that your spouse will prepare every day.

Wives and husbands in Skyrim are associated with various interesting quests. For example, if the decision is made to become a vampire, then you can turn your soul mate into the creation of darkness. Also, a wife or husband can be kidnapped by bandits or by the same vampires - with this development of events, you need to immediately go in search.

By the way, it is very important to really make your choice before finding a wife in Skyrim. The fact is that the game world does not provide for divorce, which means that even death cannot separate you from your soul mate. If the wife dies, then it simply will not work to marry a new chosen one.

How to marry the Nords in Skyrim?

  • Eila... Her place of residence is Whiterun. To propose to her, you must complete the Companions quest storyline. Eila can be taken as a companion, as she is an excellent archer.
  • Airy... Lives in the village of Anga. Can get married immediately after delivery of her message. By the way, Airy is much older than Dovahkiin.
  • And she... Appears when you achieve the title of Riften's tan. In the role of a combat partner, she serves as a tank.
  • Mjol the Lioness... After her you should go to Riften. For a wedding, it is very important to pump Dovahkiin to the fifteenth level, as well as to master the lost fierce blade. In battle, Mjol shows himself from the best side. You can learn many interesting stories from her, as well as meet her brother Eirin, who will follow you on your heels. Sometimes he starts fights.
  • Nyada... Like Ayla, she can be found with the Companions. The conditions remain the same - you must complete the entire quest chain. Nyada can be made a companion, but in battle she is very bad.
  • Temba... She should be followed to the sawmill in Ivested. To make an offer, you need to complete one quest.

  • Utgerd... For this bride you need to go to Whiterun, to the "Prancing Mare". Will agree to the marriage if he can defeat her in a fair fight. She can play the role of an archer, but during close battles, due to the low level, she should stay away from danger.

Beautiful wives in Skyrim: Bretons and Empires

  • Muiri: lives in Markarth, in the "Witch's Liqueur". Agrees to marry after completing all her quests. Outwardly beautiful, but absolutely useless as a combat companion.
  • Senna: is a priestess. To marry her, you need to go to the temple of Dibella, which is located in the city of Markarth. She marries Dovahkiin only after her quest is completed. Senna can be taken to her home, after which she will open a trading store.
  • Camilla: lives at the Riverwood Merchant. To win the girl's heart, you must first complete her task, and then take two suitors away from her, accusing each of them of lying.
  • Viola: lives in the city of Windhelm, in her own home. It is necessary to complete her personal quest. In the role of a combat partner, she is useless.

Marry Dunmer

  • she can be found in Winterhold, next to the college. We carry out her quest and boldly take her as a wife. Thanks to its abilities, it helps a lot in battle.
  • Jenassa: Resides in The Drunken Hunter in Whiterun. Before you propose to her, you need to buy her warrior services for five hundred gold coins.
  • Avruza: follow her to the Sareti farm. Agrees to marry after completing her quests. As a companion, she is rather weak.

We marry an orc

  • Borgak: lives in Mor Kazgur. She will agree to marry only if Dovahkiin convinces her to leave her native place for him. It shows itself perfectly during close combat.
  • Gorza: Lives near the smelter in Markarth. Complete her quest and get the Orc Bride.

Tying the knot with an Argonian and an Altmer

Shavi: all lizard lovers should go to Windhelm. There, somewhere on the territory of the Argonian block, a rather exotic bride is waiting for her chosen one, for the sake of which you will have to go through a small quest.

Tari: Dwells in the city of Solitude, in the "Shining Clothes" shop. For her, like most heroines in Skyrim, you need to complete a personal quest. As a fighting partner, she is nothing special.

Good day to you.

My experiments with the console continue. The first part can be found by following the link Dressing up partners

Ever wondered why you can't marry / marry any character you like? With the help of the console, it became possible. I'll talk about this below.

A couple of examples:

Can I marry Jarl Whiterun and move in with him?)

About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands)

About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands)

About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands)

About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands)

So does everyone remember Isolde? After the wedding, there is no opportunity to take her with you on a hike.

About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands)

About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands)

This is fixable with a command that will make almost any character a "partner".

About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands)

About weddings, partners and divorces (Console commands)

How to do it?

Weddings with everyone:

Create a text document in the game folder, not in Data, under any name convenient for you, for example "marry", write in the document:

setrelationshiprank player 4

We are saved.

Then, in the game, go to the character (with whom you want to have a wedding), open the console (~), select the character (in the console) and enter "bat marry" without quotes.

We take any character to the party (it does not work for everyone, alas):

Create a text document in the game folder, not in Data, under any name convenient for you, for example "party", write in the document:

setrelationshiprank player 4

addfac 0005c84d 1


Create a text document in the game folder, not in Data, under any name convenient for you, for example "divorce", write in the document:

player.removefac c6472

resetquest 74793

resetquest 21382

setstage 74793 10

In the game, open the console, click on the wife / husband and write "bat divorce". After that, you should wait 24 hours.

Note that if you marry a character, then you will have the opportunity to move to his house where he lives.

It doesn't work for everyone, of course, so try and experiment!

How to make an offer?

How to make an offer?
There are several ways to get Mara's amulet. The easiest one is to go to the Mara Riften temple and buy one from Maramal for 200 septims. However, these amulets can be found accidentally while traveling or sold by merchants. One of the amulets can be obtained during the quest "The Book of Love", and the main character will get it at the end of the quest.

The protagonist will not be able to propose marriage to anyone without talking to Maramal before, even if he already has Mara's amulet. Maramal can be found in the temple of Mary, but the first meeting with him will take place in the tavern "The Bee and the Sting".

When the main character speaks to a character available for marriage, he may notice the amulet. In order for this to become possible, it is necessary to complete any assignment of this character. If a character is available for marriage, the Radiant AI system may not allow marriage to be made to him, even if his order has been completed. Therefore, just in case, it is better to choose a “reserve” candidate.

You can ask a candidate: "Do you like me?" He / she will answer, but also ask the opinion of the main character. If the protagonist agrees, you can start preparing for the marriage. To do this, you will have to return to the temple of Mary and organize the ceremony, having once again talked with Maramal. After waiting 24 hours, you can leave the temple, and then wait until the entry "Show up to your own wedding" appears in the quest log. Now you can return to the temple and the wedding will begin.

Marriage ceremony

Marriage ceremony
Maramal opens the wedding ceremony with the words: “And here is our beautiful bride / our happy groom. Let's start the ceremony. Mara gave life to all that exists and since then she has looked after us as her children. Her love for us taught us to love each other. Her love showed us that a life lived alone is not life at all. We are gathered here today, under the loving gaze of Mara, to witness the eternal union of two souls. Let them be inseparable in this life and in the next, in wealth and in poverty, in joy and in sorrow. Do you agree to tie your lives together for love - now and forever? "

The potential spouse of the protagonist will answer: “Yes. Now and Forever". Maramal will ask the same question to the protagonist, to which you can choose one of two answer options:

"Yes. Now and forever "- Maramal will continue the ceremony with the words:" By the power given to me by Mara, the goddess of love, I declare you spouses. I present to you both these rings, blessed by the grace of Mara. May they keep you in your life together. "
Stop the wedding! I don't want to get married! " - Maramal will be surprised and say: “Do you want to throw your pair? Get out of the temple. " If you try to talk to an outcast candidate, he or she will only say, "Get out of my sight," or another line in the same spirit. Temple priests and guests of the ceremony will be much more concise, simply saying "Get out of here" or "Go away."
If the ceremony is completed as expected, the guests will congratulate the newlyweds. Before leaving the temple, the hero must talk to his spouse, discussing the conditions for living together. The other half will talk about it herself, saying something like: “Finally we are married. Perhaps we should decide where to live? If you want, we can live with me. " You have to make a choice between the house of the protagonist and the home of the newly-made spouse. This is not important, because in the future it will be possible to move to another house.

After the wedding, the protagonist's spouse opens a shop. Now the main character can ask the other half about the amount that he managed to help out by trading. The next day, you can already get a daily income of 100 septims. In addition, if the spouse has moved to the house of the protagonist, then there will always be a merchant at hand with whom you can trade various goods. However, trading with your own soul mate does not affect your daily income - it will still be 100 coins.

If the main character left a potential spouse at the altar, then you can talk to him or her later in their usual place of residence. When meeting, he / she will express extreme indignation at the behavior of the protagonist, saying a phrase like “What do you want? There is nothing to talk about!" There are two options for answering this line:

“It was a mistake. Maybe let's start all over again? " - the abandoned candidate will forgive the hero, giving a second chance to marry. After that, you need to talk to Maramal again, who will forgive the main character and agree to a second ceremony. You can repeat the whole process several times until you are sure of the correctness of the choice made, or you can choose the option presented below.
"Why did it occur to you that I love you?" - after these words, the protagonist will no longer be able to marry this character. Also, the abandoned candidate will begin to despise the main character. However, there remains the possibility of marrying another suitable character.

The benefits of marriage

The benefits of marriage
Once a day, the spouse will cook homemade food, the use of which speeds up the restoration of health, stamina and magic by 25% for 600 seconds.
Spouses who are companions can still follow the main character at his request, with them you can exchange equipment and other items. Plus, as spouses, they will cook homemade food even when far from home.
The spouse can sometimes give something.
The spouse will open a store generating income of 100 septims per day.
If the spouse accompanies the protagonist as a companion, then you can trade right on the way.
If the character was a merchant before marriage, then he or she will have the same goods for sale that were in stock before the marriage. If the character was not a trader, then he or she will trade all sorts of things and some of the things that are in their inventory.
Do not worry that your spouse will sell the items given to them for safekeeping. Like other merchants in the game, they actually only trade with the player's character.
The spouse's product range is random and seems to be updated once a day (along with the daily income that can be claimed from the other half).
The spouse will not give any discounts to the protagonist - the price level still depends on the skill of the protagonist's eloquence.
Sleeping (even for just one hour) next to the other half gives the temporary ability "Embrace Love" - \u200b\u200ball skills grow 15% faster for 8 hours. It is worth noting that this bonus can be obtained even when using a bed that does not belong to the main character, including in dungeons and other locations, provided that there are no enemies nearby. Thus, this ability becomes especially valuable if the spouse is a companion.
This effect stacks with the effects of the signs of the Mage, Warrior and Thief.
This effect will not work if the character is under the influence of the Lover sign. To maintain the effect of the sign of the Lover, you can use the DG ethereal crown. If you remove the crown before the character goes to bed, and then put it back on, then any effect on it will be added to the “Embrace of Love” effect.
This effect will not work if the main character is a werewolf.


The Dawnguard add-on has the ability to turn a spouse into a vampire. This is part of the Volkihar clan quest titled "Gift".

Technically, this will not make the other half a vampire - he / she can still be detected with the Detect Life spell and he / she will not use Vampire Drain. The eyes will not emit an orange glow, and no other signs of vampirism will appear.


At the beginning of the game, there may not be enough money to buy a home, so it makes sense to marry a character who owns decent property and live in his house until the hero can afford to buy his own.

If the spouse has his own home, then you can move there. Items that will be left in this location will not disappear. If the main character owns his own real estate, then you can choose one of these houses for living together. However, it is impossible to settle in nobody's empty houses, houses that are a reward for completing quests or belong to the factions that the main character belongs to. You can live together only in those houses that the protagonist bought for money. If the Hearthfire add-on is installed, then you can settle in one of the built estates, if they have a bed for a spouse.

Real estate owned by a spouse can be both residential and commercial, or it can perform both functions at the same time. Ownership can include both the whole house and one room in it, or even a room in a tavern (which does not actually belong to the other half). If the spouse lives in their home, their daily routine will be the same as before the wedding. He / she will go to the same places and do the same things. If the spouse settles in the house of the protagonist, they will never leave there, unless, of course, they are companions. It is worth noting that the spouse's move will take some time, and he / she will not immediately appear in the protagonist's house, since in fact he will go through the entire transition from one house to another.

If the main character is a friend of a character, then, as a rule, he has the opportunity to sleep in his house and take some cheap things from there, and this will not be considered theft. Nevertheless, expensive items cannot be taken - this will already be considered a crime. After marriage, you can freely take even rather expensive things from your spouse's home. The main thing is that the item is worth less than 500 septims. If the spouse lives in the main character's house, then his / her own home is usually closed. To get there, you need to move there and get a key.

The spouse's property may be only one bed. For example, Dravinia the Carver's home will be the Wooden Lace Tavern, where she only owns a bed in a small room, which she shares with the other characters who live there, even after she gets married. None of the chests and other containers in the room and other areas of the tavern belong to her. Considering that you can sleep in her bed without marrying her, but just by doing her a favor, a wedding with her may not be so profitable for a prudent groom.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if other characters lived in the spouse's home before the wedding, after moving there they will not go anywhere and will live there. If the spouse is a merchant, but another character lived in his / her shop, which can be substituted for the time of absence or death, then the spouse will not be able to trade there as long as this character is alive.

Features of marriage in Hearthfire fashion

Features of marriage in The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire
If the hero has children, then he will not be able to live with them at his second half, if there is no children's room in his / her house.
After marriage, the children will move to the place where the hero's spouse will settle, even if they lived in different houses before.
When a wife / husband relocates to a new place, the children will move with her / him.
In the conversation dialogue with the wife / husband, a line will appear with a question about the health of the children.
If the hero has children in a city other than the city of residence of the spouse, he / she will move to the children.

Characters available for marriage


Shavi - can be found at the docks near Windhelm.

Muiri - "Witch's Tincture", Markart. It is necessary to complete her task from the Dark Brotherhood.

High elves
Tari - "Shining Garments", Solitude

Viola Giordano - Windhelm.
Gilfrey - Pie Sawmill.
Camilla Valeria - Riverwood. You must complete the quest to find the golden claw.
Carlotta Valentia - Whiterun.
Riya - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Senna - Temple of Dibella, Markarth.

Grelha - Riften.
Isolde - Whiterun. You need to bring her a mammoth tusk.
Jonah is your home Medovik, Riften.
Jordis Sword Maiden is your home "High Spire", Solitude.
Lydia is your home "House of Warm Winds", Whiterun.
Mjol the Lioness - Riften. It is necessary to find her weapon.
Nyada Stone Hand - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Eagle - Temple of Dibella, Markarth.
Sulga - Shor's Stone, Rift. It is necessary to complete her task.
Temba Wide Hand - Ivarsted, Rift.
Utgerd the Unbroken is a tavern in Whiterun. You must defeat her in a fist fight.
Eila the Huntress - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Airy - Anga Village.

Borgak Heart of Steel - Mor Kazgur. It is necessary to provide a dowry or persuade.
Gorza gra-Bagol - Markarth.

Anwen - Temple of Dibella, Markar.

Dark elves
Avruza Sareti - Sareti Farm, Rift.
Brelina Marion - College of Winterhold.
Jenassa - The Drunken Hunter, Whiterun. You need to hire her.
Dravinia the Carver - Keene Grove.


Derkitus is a mine in Black Brod.
Well-Knows-Marshes - at the docks near Windhelm.

Kosnakh - "Anthill", Markart.
Octave San - home of Yvette San, Solitude.
Omlag - "Anthill", Markart.
Perth - Lair of Solyund.
Enitah - Kartvasten.

Quint Naval - "White Bottle", Windhelm.
Marcurio - Bee and Sting Tavern, Riften. You need to hire him.
Pavon Attiy - Kolskeggr Mine.
Sorex Viney - Laughing Rat, Solitude.

Angrenor the Awarded - Hearth and Candle tavern, Windhelm.
Argis Bastion is your Vlindrel Hall home in Markarth.
Balimund - Scorched Hammer, Riften.
Belrand - Laughing Rat, Solitude. You need to hire him.
Benor - Morphal.
Vilkas - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. It is necessary to complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Wilhelm - Wilmere Tavern, Ivarsted.
Vorstag - Silver Blood tavern, Markarth.
Igrod the Younger - Morthal.
Calder is your Hjerim home in Windhelm.
Onmund - College of Winterhold.
Roggy Beard Knot - Keene Grove.
Stenvar - Hearth and Candle Tavern, Windhelm. You need to hire him.
Torvar - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Farkas - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Filnyar - Shor's Stone.
Eric the Terrible Assassin - Rorikstead.

Ghat gro-Shargak - Kolskeggr Mine.
Gorbash Iron Hand - Dushnik-Yal.
Mot gro-Bagol - Podkamennaya fortress, Markarth.

Dark elves
Hatis - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Revin Sadri - Sadri Used Wares, Windhelm.
Romlyn Dreth - Riften.
Sondas Drenim - Black Brod.

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