After 15 years of marriage. How to survive a divorce after many years of marriage - advice from psychologists. After seven years of marriage

Liana Raimanova

There is nothing more beautiful than a happy life together, when love and understanding flourish in the family for many years, and the spouses, despite the number of years they have lived together, still value and love each other.

What kind of wedding is called a crystal wedding? In our country, it is customary to celebrate wedding anniversaries, etc. Depending on the number of years lived, they have different names, for example, the first year after the wedding is called chintz, the second anniversary - paper, and so on. How many years is the crystal (glass) wedding celebrated? The crystal anniversary of marriage is 15 years of marriage. It got its name not so long ago, most often it was called glass. The anniversary got its name due to the special properties of crystal and its natural purity. Crystal is a fragile kind of glass, any careless movement, and it will break into many fragments. So the family, despite the 15 years lived together, still remains very fragile.

Let's understand the title in more detail. So why is the 15th wedding anniversary called crystal or glass? People called it a glass wedding, the modern name is more romantic and harmonious. Everyone can understand the name of the anniversary in their own way, but nevertheless, it has a symbolic connotation:

  1. It is the crystal that reminds of the 15th anniversary. Family life, like this fragile material, over the years has become cleaner, more transparent, more beautiful, like crystal figurines. There are no secrets between spouses, they know everything about each other.
  2. However, the anniversary makes a married couple think that their life together is not quite perfect yet, and they have something to strive for.

Crystal is very fragile, so you need to protect your family from troubles and conflicts that can destroy a marriage, even despite the fifteen years of family life lived

The crystal wedding is an important date for any family. This day should be truly memorable.

How to celebrate your fifteenth wedding anniversary?

Helpful Tips for Couples Who Have a Crystal Wedding Celebration: 15th Wedding Anniversary Ideas:

  • need in the relevant topic. So the holiday will be interesting and will be remembered by guests for a long time. Do not forget about style when decorating. Best when decorating add crystal items to the interior,put a beautiful crystal vase on the festive table. It is only necessary to decorate the hall in a gentle light color scheme. The appearance of the hall should indicate that this is a crystal wedding. The festive table should be appropriately set and express the status of the glass wedding. Use crystal dishes for guests, and also decorate the table with interesting glass or crystal figures. A light-colored tablecloth will look good on the table.

  • Pay special attention to the menu: hot meals, snacks, drinks. Don't forget and.
  • Anniversary required must be scripted... It is very bad if the spouses do not attach importance to the organization of the holiday and turn the crystal wedding into an ordinary family get-together. Surprising guests is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough to make a dress code for the guests, and then the holiday will no longer be banal. Costume parties are very popular now, but do not forget to warn your guests about this when inviting them to celebrate 15 years of married life.
  • You can create a video about your family for your anniversary. One of the spouses can prepare such a surprise. If this is not possible, then contact the professionals who will cut you an interesting film based on your family archive exactly by the date.

Traditions and customs that are customary to observe for a crystal wedding

A crystal wedding is not only an occasion to organize a holiday for yourself and your guests, but also a special day on which spouses need to analyze their life together and understand important truths. On this day, each of the spouses should think about their behavior in the family, pay attention to the mistakes that he may make and make sure that they do not repeat themselves. In addition, on the glass anniversary, you can fulfill your cherished dreams and forgotten family plans... The most important thing is that it is the time you spend together.

How to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary, each couple decides for themselves. It can be a romantic evening or a big celebration with many guests.

On this day, it is customary to invite friends and relatives who were at the wedding ceremony and who entered life during the marriage.

According to a long tradition, at their crystal wedding, the spouses break one old mirror, which belonged to the generation of the family and which has seen many tears and disappointments. According to this tradition, spouses in this way save their lives from problems and difficulties, and also let happiness and mutual understanding into their family.

What should a married couple do on their 15th wedding anniversary?

After fifteen years of living together, you can draw a certain line by analyzing the achievements of the family, your relationships. And it is imperative to set new goals, to think about the implementation of still unfulfilled plans.

  • Any couple has joint dream, think about what you did to make it come true, and how happy you will be if you achieve what you want. There is one simple trick: take a piece of paper and write together on it a list of everything you want to do in a year. You can describe any, even minor events, such as replacing a tap. Once everything is ready, hide the list until the next wedding day.
  • Buy new dishes to the house... That's why it is a crystal (glass) wedding, in order to purchase at least one brand new set. Replacing old dishes with new ones is a mandatory tradition for a crystal wedding, you should not ignore it. This tradition came to us a long time ago, on this day it is also necessary to check your old dishes for cracks, and if there are any, throw them away. Do not feel sorry for old dishes, any even the smallest crack will get rid of it.

  • Buy a beautiful crystal or glass item together with your spouse. It should be a big and beautiful item. Replace the old boring chandelier with a new crystal one. Buy a beautiful glass piece of furnituresuch as a coffee table. There are many options for joint purchase, think about what you are missing in the house or what you would like to replace. The purchase symbolizes the beginning of a new life together and will only bring you joy. It would also not hurt to purchase a small crystal or glass figurine. She will become a symbol of your family and will decorate your home.
  • In the early morning, the couple must wash your face with cool spring water... This tradition symbolizes the cleansing of spouses from bad thoughts and thoughts, it is also a symbol of a new life together. If you don't have spring water, then pour plain water into any container and add ice there. The spouses need to wash together, this is very important for the ceremony.
  • Don't forget about gifts for each other. Think about a present in advance to surprise and delight your soul mate. There are many original and. For example, cute decorations or accessories.

What to wear for spouses for a crystal wedding

The crystal wedding is a festive day for a couple, so they should look that day accordingly. The choice of outfits should be taken very carefully,after all, on this memorable day, the spouses will be in the spotlight throughout the holiday.

  • The spouse should pick up beautiful festive costume... You can choose a suit that matches the one he wore on the first wedding day. For celebration in the summer, it is best to choose a suit made from natural fabrics. It will be very comfortable and not as hot as usual. It is important that the suit is light and in the same style as the spouse's dress.
  • The spouse needs to choose a beautiful dress in delicate shades. If you don't like dresses or feel uncomfortable wearing them, put on a pantsuit... A beautiful blouse with a skirt is also suitable for a crystal wedding. The most important thing is that you like the outfit and feel comfortable in it. Don't forget that the right outfit will hide any imperfections in your figure.

Who to invite to the crystal wedding

The Crystal Wedding is, first of all, a family celebration. Traditionally, it is customary to celebrate it with close friends and relatives. The presence of the parents of the spouses is mandatory at the holiday. This is a kind of symbol of respect for the older generation. Also, children must be present at the celebration.

Good friends are the mainstay for any married couple. They help in difficult times, support and give valuable advice, so they should definitely be at a crystal wedding. And don't forget to arrange a photo session for your 15th wedding anniversary. Memorable photos will delight you and your guests for a long time . And remember that good company is the key to a fun holidayand an unforgettable experience.

February 28, 2018 12:19 pm

I am a potential ex-husband. 9 years of marriage, 10 years from the date of meeting. Two children, girls. This year the oldest is 9 years old, the youngest is 5 years old. She wants a divorce. On my part, there is no betrayal, alcoholism and other "strong" vices also do not. There is a regular smoking during working hours, did not smoke at home, my wife never saw me with a cigarette, only smelled a smell after working day. There are still disagreements about taking out significant amounts of credit. He believes that you need to build EVERYTHING in a year or two or three, buy EVERYTHING, and then give it away. At one time I worked as a loan officer, I had seen a lot, I have a negative attitude to loans of significant amounts. This is the disagreement. After the second child, sex became rare, on the strength of 2-3 times a week, and then sometimes as needed, either on my part or on her. This is not enough for her and for me. But at the same time, we are both silent and angry at each other. You won't get a smile from her for several years, you just demand. The other day I found old pictures of the past, even when the eldest daughter was born and then until about the age of 2 years of the youngest daughter. In these pictures we are still happy. They quarreled, of course, from time to time on various occasions. But I have always considered it important that we put up because we love. Everyone quarrels, but only those who love are reconciled. But just like that, for no reason, for no reason, she declares two months ago that she wants a divorce. That all nine years she suffered. And that he wants to start a new life. With children and without me. And I!? She single-handedly made the decision to destroy my family and leaves me alone. No children next to me! Of course I was shocked at first. Of course, I took it emotionally. But what do you wives expect from men when you say you want to destroy the family? That they will happily jump around you, thanks for the devastation ?! She says that for her this is the beginning of a new life. But we perceive divorce differently. For me, this is destruction. Imagine the picture after the explosion of the atomic bomb in the city, these are ruins.
And you do not think that perhaps you cannot "keep the hearth". Often you won't get a kind word from you, but you demand and demand everything.
The more I think about the consequences of divorce, the more painful it gets. A person has consciousness, these are thoughts at the current moment in time, memories of the past and thoughts about the future. Perhaps this is the very soul that is spoken about in religions. So from the gap is the deepest wound in the mind and it heals with terrible pain. She crushes. It is even more painful to represent Her with another mzhkm, rage rolls over. I don’t know how I’ll behave if I suddenly meet with a potential future M. And to realize that the children will be raised by some kind of “left dad”, which the mother needs for consolation - weakness, pain and anger rolls over at the same time; man, and sob hunting ska at another moment.
And yet, why should husbands always give in, even when they are right, and wives do not even want to accept the idea that they should give in to their husband in some matter.
This state "she wants a divorce" has been going on for two and a half months already. It's hard, it hurts, it's inevitable ... because SHE wants it. Feeling like this is the end.
And yet ... I want an official war, so that the law would give the right to shed someone else's blood, so that not only you feel bad, to let out all the anger for everything at all. And at some point, let there be peace and quiet. 02/20/2015 08:33:57, Sergey198206

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Divorce is always a psychological trauma. Whether it is a divorce after 10 years of marriage or a divorce after 35 years of marriage, it is always very painful and difficult. Let's try to figure out how to survive a divorce after long years of marriage.

Divorce after 20 years of marriage - what could be the reason? The most common "disagreeable" is not applicable in this case. It is more suitable for couples who have not lived together for ten years. Divorce after 20 years of marriage mainly occurs for two reasons: betrayal of one of the spouses or loss of trust for some other reason.

If we talk about betrayal, then there are two options: either it happened due to a sudden attraction and does not imply any continuation, or it was the result of a long, previously existing, family discord.

Divorce after 15 years of marriage is a hard blow for any couple, which will not be easy to cope with.

Divorce after 30 years of marriage

So, a divorce happened for one reason or another. What to do next? How to get over a divorce after 40 years? At first glance, it seems that this is impossible. There are several stages in experiencing a breakup.

Not accepting the situation, refusing to believe in what happened, emptiness and the hope that the culprit of the divorce will return - this is what happens in the first time after the breakup. It is especially hard to come to terms with what happened if the children have already grown up, they have their own lives, and you feel lonely and useless.

At this stage, interest in everything disappears, and it is very difficult to get out of this state on your own. Life after divorce at 50 - does it make sense to start over? This question does not find an answer, and here you cannot do without the help of relatives and friends. At 50, both sexes are still young and full of energy. The surest way to distract yourself from self-destruction is to take on a new activity that will distract from painful memories.

Meeting new people is also a powerful method. And the best cure for depression is sports. You can sign up for a pool, any section, which will allow not only to put in order the nervous system, but also the body.

If you are not afraid and give yourself a chance, then the third stage is not far off.

Falling in love with yourself
Throughout the years of married life, both husband and wife often forget about how it is to love yourself. Everyday life, work, children, all sorts of problems absorb, and you don't have to think too much about yourself. And now is the time to remember your attractiveness, your desires, to love yourself and give others the opportunity to pay attention to you. The main thing is not to close.

Start over

This is the final stage of divorce experiences. Sooner or later, everyone comes to her. And no matter how hard it was at the beginning of the journey, over time the pain fades away. Start life first is worth trying at any age. And this is quite real.

There is one more feature of this period. Most often, it is at this moment that the spouse guilty of the divorce is trying to go back. And here it is up to you to decide - what the divorce after 25 years of marriage has become for you - a chance to start all over again with a new person or the opportunity to give a second life to an old relationship.

Hello, Ilya Dmitrievich!

Joint family life can be represented in the form of a marathon distance, where not all married couples reach the finish line: they live together their whole life to a ripe old age, while others leave it for various reasons. But it should be noted that any more or less long-term relationship between two partners, as a rule, does not go without crises.

Divorce is the easiest way to solve interpersonal problems that have accumulated in a marriage for a long time. But what if a divorce situation has arisen in the family?

In the beginning, it is important to understand what you really want: change the relationship and take it to the next level or do it "as before."

If you are more attracted to the first option, then get ready for the fact that you may have to work alone and not wait for your wife to immediately meet you. It is a slow and difficult process, but always productive.

If you are attracted by the second option, then think, why do you need "as before"? This relationship has already led you to a divorce situation once. To do as before is to provide yourself with a life from quarrel to quarrel.

I suggest that you focus all your efforts on the first option and try to do your best. And "as always" can work out without effort. If you are ready for the recovery process, then here are a few steps to get your couple's relationship working. In this case, it doesn't matter what exactly caused the crisis in the relationship: betrayal, early marriage, an obvious lack of one of the partners (alcoholism), a crisis year, or something else (add yourself).

Sequence of steps:

  1. Make an informed decision to keep your family together.
    Formulate a clear goal for yourself: why would you want to keep the marriage? Many couples get divorced, even making some attempts to save the marriage, because they do not fully understand why they need it. The most important motivation is often the fear of starting life anew, that there will be no more family. In other words, fear of what will be worse. Not the most positive motivation for keeping a marriage, right?
    Think if you have such fears? Or, more precisely, is this fear underlying the desire to preserve the marriage? Or do you want to restore family relationships because you remember how you were at the beginning of your marriage and admit that both are to blame for the fact that everything went wrong? Do you want to live happily and for a long time with this particular person, whatever he may be?
    Create positive motivation - from your heart, speak it to yourself. Make sure that you have a mental attitude that you want to save the marriage and you know why. After all, a lot depends on this. In moments when you want to leave forever, your will will show the right path.
  2. Talk to your wife.
    Talk honestly and frankly about what you both don't like, about how you want your family to be. You can even write lists so you don't get confused and personal. Make a commitment to each other to work on what your partner says. Be sure to use the aquarium principle.
    "The principle of the aquarium": while the other partner speaks, you are silent, no matter how much you want to say something, ask, clarify. You can take notes or write down questions (ask them later when the partner is finished speaking). Ask questions only in order to understand what to do for you.
  3. Try to find your fault in what's going on.
    When we don't get what we want in a relationship, the first thing we usually do is try to change the other. A relationship crisis when it comes to divorce, it's time to realize that this method isn't working. It is either impossible to change forcibly, or it is possible, but for a short time.
    If you think that only you are right (and everything, of course, points exactly to this!), Try - at least as an experiment - to take what your wife tells you to be correct and do as she asks. Try to be the first to make concessions and do it sincerely, with a desire to help your wife improve and restore harmony in the family. Try to hear and understand what is behind your wife's behavior?
    Yes, for many this method will be radical, but maintaining a marriage when divorce is just around the corner requires just such methods. If you try to change yourself, you will see that your wife will begin to change, realizing your desire to preserve the marriage and your sincere desire to give her love, no matter what happens. And if all your attempts are not heard, then you can leave with a clear conscience, without guilt and heaviness on your soul. You will learn your lessons in this relationship.

Respectfully yours, V. V. Pleshkova