If the ex-husband threatens with reprisal what to do. What should a woman do if her husband threatens with physical harm? Legal advice. What to do if a man does not satisfy a woman

But all of the above, rather, refers to the situation as a whole, over which you need to think with a cool head. And what to do at the very moment when your husband threatens and you feel the danger of fulfilling the threats? Advice from the site sympaty.net: if your husband is threatening and you understand that this is not a one-time outburst of emotions, but often repeated words that you should be afraid seriously, go to the police (militia) and ask the district police officer to accept the statement of threats.

The husband beats, but there is nowhere to go - what to do and where to turn?

If your husband beats you, strangles you, throws objects at you, if the tyrant raised his hand at you at least once - run!

Even if he apologizes and promises to improve - do not believe it!

And even more so if he thinks that he is hitting "for the cause", or says that it was you who provoked (brought) him.

Although they are very close from apologies to confidence in their innocence ... Do not indulge yourself with empty hopes - these are not corrected! Do not think that you can improve relations with concessions or influence him with your love, do not listen to his words about love - these are only words.

What to do if the husband threatens to kill


So she wants to endure. then you like it. If not, then echti stupid questions and situations could have been avoided. Tell me that you are against the fact that this man was at your house! Well, what are you just nuns dismissed?

I would like to - I would kick him out, any way.

Do not be afraid of him, if he beats you, then there is nothing to worry about. You will call an ambulance with the police. Then they will reprimand him, well, you beat me in the words.

I am not an advisor in such matters.

But on the right (from the course of social. Work) you need to go to the executive committee in the department of children, family and youth, or to the center for the protection of the affairs of the family and youth.

(Better, for a start, not in the executive committee, but in the center) There should be social workers who will listen and tell you what to do next, send you either to the executive committee, or to the police, initiate (confidentially) a case on social services. protection of a woman suffering from domestic violence, etc.

Former husband threatens with physical violence and murder


The procedure for dealing with threats depends primarily on the nature and content of the threats themselves from the husband.

In practice, threats of murder, grievous bodily harm and other similar actions are quite common. It should be noted that criminal liability arises only in the event of a threat of murder or infliction of grievous bodily harm, and in most cases law enforcement officers refuse to initiate such cases, since it is rather difficult to qualify the actions of the threatening person as potentially dangerous to the life and health of the victim.

Husband threatens to kill

I can’t live with my husband anymore. He doesn’t work, he doesn’t give me money for a child, he drinks and opens his hands.

As soon as I hinted that I would file for divorce, he said that he would kill me (I have known him for a very long time, I planned to do it). No exit will receive a maximum of 2 years. He is not afraid, has cancer. He will live from 5 to 7 years according to the diagnosis, so he will have time to do what he planned.

It is useless to beat him and exaggerate (he himself can attach those who try to do this). Is it possible for me to suffer with him for another 10 years, or is there a way out !?

It would be logical to write down his threats, then go to the police.

Or a more radical, but criminally punishable remedy: go out to the lawless people who will catch the husband, put a note in his pocket saying “I am incurably ill, I don’t want to suffer later, I ask you not to blame anyone for my death” and arrange “suicide” for him.

In general, what to do with a person who knows that he is already actually dead and wants to ruin the life of his loved ones with his last bit of strength so that spit does not dry up on his grave instead of flowers - this is a big question.

What to do if ex-husband threatens with violence?

You should file a complaint with the police and inform your ex-husband about it even if the threats have not yet been confirmed by real actions.

Perhaps this action will "cool the ardor" of the ex-spouse and he will abandon attempts at intimidation and other unpleasant consequences. In the event that the initial application did not frighten the ex-spouse and he continues to threaten with violence or even use them in reality, you should apply to the police again and again until the police officers react to them and call the husband for questioning.

I, a 35-year-old woman, flew abroad on personal matters, left my 4-year-old daughter with her husband and 17-year-old daughter. As soon as I flew away, threats from my husband began to arrive at me.

He promised to beat me to death (and he will do it, since

Quite often, in our modern Russian reality, women face domestic violence.

The reasons for such psychological or physical violence are, in most cases, the inability to defend oneself.

If the reasons for psychological violence on the part of a man against a woman are psychological problems of both and it is necessary to solve them, respectively, at an appointment with an appropriate specialist, then with regard to physical violence, everything is more or less simple.

In this article, we will investigate the methods of legal influence on the aggressor, we will study the tactics of resisting violence.

Important!The procedure for dealing with threats depends primarily on the nature and content of the threats themselves from the husband. In practice, threats of murder, grievous bodily harm and other similar actions are quite common.

Criminal liability for death threats

It is worth noting that criminal liability arises only in the event of a threat of murder or infliction of grievous bodily harm, and even then in most cases law enforcement officers refuse to initiate such cases, since it is rather difficult to qualify the actions of the threatening person as potentially dangerous to the life and health of the victim.

So, let's consider the amount of responsibility for such acts.

Threats of murder or grievous bodily harm may result in one of the following penalties:

  • compulsory work up to 480 hours;
  • restriction of freedom up to 2 years;
  • forced labor up to 2 years;
  • arrest up to 6 months;
  • imprisonment up to 2 years.

If the above actions are committed on the grounds of ideological, political, or, national, racial or religious hatred, or on the grounds of hatred or enmity against any social group, then the punishment may be imposed in the form of:

  • forced labor up to 5 years with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years or without it;
  • imprisonment for up to 5 years with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years or without.

Thus, we see that the responsibility for such actions is quite tough, however, as already noted, it is difficult to prove the fact of the danger of actions for a person. That is, if a person simply said “I will kill you” or other words containing a similar meaning, then a refusal to initiate a case will follow, since the words are not backed up by any actions.

  • Ask a lawyer

The danger of a threat in this case is the main qualifying feature, according to which a criminal case is possible. Most often, the reality of a threat can be taken into account by police officers when the offender was holding a weapon in his hand or performing other actions that can be regarded as the possibility of implementing the threat (for example, hitting, strangling, etc.).

What if my husband threatens with violence and murder?

If you are faced with threats against you, then it is imperative to inform the police about it by submitting an appropriate application, even if the person did not take any action aimed at fulfilling the threat.

Important!Your statement to the police will "sober up" the aggressor and make you think about the possibility of adverse consequences in the form of criminal prosecution. And perhaps the desire to perform such actions in the future will disappear.

If the statement to the police has not yielded any results and the person continues to commit similar acts, it is necessary to file a statement to the police for each fact of the threat. In the future, it is possible to submit an application on the fact of torture, that is, systematic mental or physical violence.

A statement on the fact of threats of physical harm from the husband (former or current) can be submitted in free form in writing or orally. If the application is submitted orally, then the employee who accepted the application records it in the protocol, where you must put your signature and indicate your personal data.

Important! If the application is submitted in writing, then it must indicate your personal data, the essence of the crime (date, place, time), the alleged perpetrator.

In both cases, the report of the crime must contain a note about the notification of the person who submitted the statement of responsibility for knowingly false denunciation.

Important!And remember, fear on your part increases the aggressor's desire to continue abusing you! Don't be afraid of anything!

In this publication, we have investigated the methods of legal influence on the aggressor, studied the tactics of resisting violence.

ATTENTION! Due to the latest changes in legislation, the information in the article could become out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

We hope that none of our readers will face such a situation in life! But, alas, those women who have experienced threats from a spouse (or ex-spouse), they also hardly believed that this would happen to them - after all, they, too, once married a loving man! What to do, if husband threatens (or ex-husband), who to contact and for what help, how to respond to threats - the women's site advises.

The husband threatens: what should the wife do?

First you need to understand that this is not just "Vassenka is in a bad mood, you have to endure" or "beats means he loves"!

Threats - misconduct and you are absolutely not obliged to make a "good face with a bad game", listening to all this from your husband!

So, common mistakes that should not be made if the current or ex-husband threatens:

  • Don't tell anyone about threats... Like, why would I ruin the family's reputation, it will still be good, but they will think badly of me and my husband, etc. Hope for good, of course, is worth it, but you can't stay in a situation where no one can help you, support, in the end, confirm to the police that there really were threats! Think about who can become your “safety net” - your parents, sister or brother, friends? .. In fact, publicity can become a very effective means to calm down a threatening one - a husband may be afraid to ruin his own reputation!
  • Don't go to law enforcement... Each district police officer will confirm how often neighbors, relatives and other outsiders report about “everyday life” - but not the women who have suffered! For some reason, in the Slavic mentality there is a very strong stereotype that if a husband threatens his wife, then “she is the fool is to blame” and there is nothing to be disgraced by dragging statements to her husband! But this is exactly what tyrants and blackmailers use - confidence in impunity!
  • Keep putting up with it for years... To our great regret and horror, many families (if you can call it the word “family”) have existed for years and decades - my husband drank, began to spew threats or even embody them, sobered up, looked with repentant eyes, three days passed - history repeats itself ... one must think that a threatening husband should be re-educated, “to fall in love again”, all the more so - just endure the “hard female lot”! .. It is especially worth thinking about if there are children in the family !!!

What to do when your husband is threatening and you feel in danger?

But all of the above, rather, refers to the situation as a whole, over which you need to think with a cool head. And what to do exactly in that the moment when the husband threatens and you feel the danger of fulfilling the threats?

  • Call anyone for help! If possible, call people who can come to the rescue - it is better not to a hysterically squealing girlfriend, but to a brother, dad, a friend, someone who can keep his thoughts clear and if something happens to protect you. Doesn't come out to call - shout, call the neighbors, even knock on the batteries, at least run out onto the balcony, calling for help!
  • Try not to be alone with the threatening... If the conversation takes place at home, it is better to leave home for a while. Even if your husband follows you, it is no longer so dangerous: you should go to a crowded place where he is unlikely to do something against you. The husband doesn't want you to leave? At least run out to the entrance - there you are no longer in a closed "cage": you can knock on neighbors, in the end, the threatening person will also understand that his actions can already be heard and seen by strangers!
  • Try to write down the threats... You can try to quietly turn on the camcorder or voice recorder on your phone. It will come in handy.
  • Agree with everything, if possible - fulfill the requirements threatening. Avoid tantrums by keeping your tone of voice even, soothing.

How can law and law enforcement help?

The threat of physical violence is a criminal offense... What the law implies for the one who threatens can be found in article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Even if there was no divorce between the spouses, this is not a mitigating circumstance - you cannot threaten your wife in the same way as any other, outsider, person.

However, a problem arises - how to prove that there was a threat, and what can law enforcement agencies do to ensure security?

Advice from the site site: if your husband threatens and you understand that this is not a one-time outburst of emotions, but often repeated words, that you should be afraid seriously - go to the police (police) and ask the district police officer to take threat statement.

Tell as much as possible - what was said, why are you afraid of fulfilling the threat, etc. Ask how the police can help in your particular situation, how to ensure your safety.

A statement is not yet a lawsuit. If there is no direct evidence of threats, it is likely to end up in the archives somewhere.

But! If you want to dthreaten and hold that person accountable before the law, then facts will be required - they may be testimony of witnesses of threats (preferably, not relatives, since relatives may be considered interested persons), and best of all - video recordings.

The problem is this - very many husbands threaten their wives in private, without witnesses, rightly arguing that a woman does not want to "wash dirty linen in public." And it is not always possible to make a hidden camera - how to understand where and when a situation will arise when the “house tyrant” will voice a threat ?!

Therefore, the widespread advice that representatives of law enforcement agencies give to women who come to write a statement to their spouse - wait for the moment when the husband tries to directly translate the threat into life, and quickly call the police.

If the arriving outfit finds an obviously "abnormal" situation, then, firstly, a strict suggestion will be made to the raging husband at the scene of events, and secondly, this will already be evidence of an offense and a reason to initiate a criminal case. Also, the basis for the initiation of a trial will be bodily injuries, etc.

But!!! Who would agree so risk yourself - secretly try to call the police, wait 10-20 minutes (and there are situations when these minutes are just a very long time !!!), all the more to allow bodily harm ?!

Therefore, unfortunately, in our reality, the words that “the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning ones themselves” are still true ... You yourself decide whether to build further relations with this person or who threatened you.

Anyway, no need to feel guilty - the law is on your side!

Copying of this article is prohibited!

Unfortunately, physical and psychological violence in the family is a fairly common occurrence, the cause of which lies in the inability of the female side to independently provide themselves with adequate protection.

In an attempt to assert himself and show “who is the boss”, the spouse often resorts to a variety of methods of influence - from psychological pressure (threats, raised tone, insults) to the use of physical force (from beating to attempted murder).

Faced with regular threats from your husband, you should not wait until they are implemented, and you will become another victim of domestic violence. Read about what a woman should do if her husband threatens physical violence in this article.

Corpus delicti

In accordance with article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Threats of murder and infliction of grievous bodily harm", threats of death, as well as causing grievous bodily harm, are criminally punishable.

One of the following can serve as the basis for attracting a husband under Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and initiating criminal proceedings:

  • If there were threats of physical violence or murder;
  • If the voiced threats were accompanied by real attempts to implement them.

Today, it is allowed to declare threats to the husband in oral, written (paper version) or electronic (through the official website) form.

Determining the reality of threats

In order to accuse a spouse under Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Threats of murder and infliction of grievous bodily harm", it is necessary to prove the unambiguity and unambiguity of the threats voiced by him, i.e. the potential reality of their implementation.

The reality of threats can be:

  • Subjective, when the wife is convinced that her husband really intended to kill her, but the husband tried to simply intimidate her, limiting himself to psychological influence on his wife;
  • Objective, when threats of physical violence or murder were real and the husband really wanted (or even tried) to kill his wife.

Regardless of the nature of the threats, the corpus delicti is formed already at the stage of voicing the spouse's intentions to inflict physical harm on the spouse, which can lead to death.

The implementation of threats of physical violence or murder in life is prosecuted under another article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Wife mistakes

A threat is an attempt at psychological manipulation by the person who voiced it. Thus, he wants to morally break his wife in order to subsequently get an "ideal" spouse who will unquestioningly fulfill any of his whims.

Erroneous behavior on the part of a woman in a similar situation can be:

  • Silence. Often women deliberately hide tyranny in the family, so as not to spoil the reputation of the "ideal couple", not to give rise to unnecessary rumors, ridicule, gossip from neighbors, friends and acquaintances. Among other things, wives hope to the last to correct their negligent spouse, believe that he himself will understand his mistakes, and at one point will come with flowers and apologies. However, as sad practice shows, such radical changes happen extremely rarely and if a man initially showed despotic features, it is not worth hoping that they will be replaced by Samaritan ones;
  • Reluctance to seek help from law enforcement officers. The mentality of Russian wives is such that to report their husband to the police is considered a manifestation of female cowardice and failure, as well as the apogee of the shame of the institution of the family. Therefore, gritting their teeth, women endure verbal attacks from their faithful to the last, cry at night, complain to their friends, but do not go to the police, as it should be done, until it comes to the implementation of threats;
  • Humility. Communication with friends, domestic serials and modern talk shows convince Russian women that a disrespectful and tyrannical attitude on the part of her husband is the norm, which should not be fought, but resigned and submitted to him. However, this is not true. Every woman deserves to be treated with respect, if only because she is a woman.

Therefore, you should not endure attacks and threats from your husband, gradually earning yourself a chronic neurosis or other nervous disorders.

Read about what to do and where to go in the next section.

What to do?

In a situation where, due to the announced threats of the husband, the wife begins to fear that they may come true at any time, action should be taken immediately, namely:

  • Do not stay with your husband tete-a-tete. When a conflict with a spouse threatens to get out of control and develop into a real fight or even an attempted murder, you should as soon as possible leave the space (apartment, car) in which a quarrel broke out, going out “to the people”. The presence of eyewitnesses can temper the ardor of a tyrant, thereby guaranteeing a woman some kind of protection from the realization of threats;
  • Call for help. It can be provided either by a close relative, friend or acquaintance, or by a neighbor or even a casual eyewitness of what is happening. If, at the time of a quarrel, the spouses are alone in their apartment, a woman may try to call for help by screaming inside or running out onto the balcony, hitting the battery, throwing weighty objects at the wall, and also performing other actions that can generate noise and attract attention;
  • Control yourself. Until the moment, until the woman is completely safe, she should maintain a calm spirit to the last, not panic, and in no case attempt to attack her husband, thereby resisting him. Almost always physically men are superior to the fairer sex, therefore an attempt to provide physical confrontation on the part of the latter is more likely to only inflame the despot and push him to implement his threats. Therefore, the most correct in this situation will be an imitation of conquest to a spouse, assent to everything he says, attempts to at least temporarily calm him down;
  • Call the cops. The law enforcement officer who arrived at the scene will draw up a protocol and initiate a case, if there are sufficient reasons for this, and, if necessary, disarm the hot-tempered spouse and send him to the station.

Action required: step by step instructions

  • A petition is made to the police.

It does not matter whether there were real actions or whether the husband limited himself only to threats - it is WORTHY to file a statement with the police. As a rule, upon receipt of the first appeal about threats, law enforcement officers limit themselves only to warnings and preventive conversations with a raging family man. To prosecute more radical measures of responsibility, you should report to the police after every scandal with your husband.

  • Report to the police station. On the spot, the woman will receive an application form to fill out, as well as a sample of the already completed application. It will contain the following information:
  1. The name of the instance to which the threat statement is submitted (in this case, the details of the police station on duty are indicated);
  2. Applicant's data (name, address of residence, contact information);
  3. Description of the reason for the appeal: how the quarrel began, what threats were made by the husband, how reliable and feasible they were from the point of view of the applicant, etc .;
  4. Legislative reference confirming the legitimacy and validity of the charges brought forward (Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);
  5. A separate item provides detailed information about the spouse (name, place of residence, place of work, position held, age, presence / absence of drives, etc.);
  6. If there is an evidence base, a list of materials is listed, for example: an audio or video recording on which threats, witness testimony, etc. are heard;
  7. At the very end, the date of drawing up the document is affixed, as well as the personal signature of the applicant.

Please note that the police do not review anonymously written complaints.

After the application is received, it must be registered, and then it is addressed to an authorized employee of the law enforcement structure for consideration.

The term for consideration of the application, according to the law, is from 3 to 10 days.

Evidence base

Gathering the evidence base when filing a statement of threats to the police is one of the most important stages, skipping which you should not be surprised if the appeal will remain without consideration at all.

As evidence of the unlawfulness of acts on the part of a spouse, there may be:

  • Witness's testimonies;
  • Audio and video recording;
  • Screenshots of correspondence with her husband (from the phone, from the computer);
  • Dictaphone recordings (for example, a telephone conversation);
  • Testimony of the injured party.

All available evidence should be attached to the finished statement in the form of additional documentation.

Going to court

If, upon consideration of the application, a decision is made to initiate a criminal case and start proceedings, the parties to the case will be summoned to the initial hearing, during which the wife, as the injured party, will give the necessary testimony, as well as provide evidence of her husband's criminal acts on hand.

In turn, the husband, as the accused party, has the right to provide his own evidence base, which will help to justify his actions and, ultimately, to admit his innocence.

Following the hearing, the judge may decide:

  • On the detention of the accused party;
  • On payment of material compensation to the injured party for moral damage caused.

The listed decisions can be made both individually and in aggregate - both at once.

A responsibility

For threats to his wife, an unscrupulous family man must be punished accordingly. In most cases, the Criminal Code imposes restrictions on the freedom of the offender.

As a preventive measure, a responsibility:

  • With qualifying attributes;
  • No qualifying features.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.


The definition of the concept of "qualifying signs" is given in the second part of article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. So, it means voicing threats based on racial, political, national or ideological hostility, or against the background of social inequality.

In this case, the following penalties are provided:

  • Forced labor for up to 5 years + imposing a ban on holding certain positions for up to 3 years;
  • Imprisonment for up to 5 years + similar restrictions.

Without qualifying signs

In the absence of qualifying signs, the penalties are determined by Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to her, for threats without motives, a negligent husband expects:

  • Restriction of freedom for up to six months;
  • Imprisonment for up to 24 months;
  • Forced labor for up to 24 months;
  • Mandatory work for a period of 400 to 800 hours.

Other ways to fix the problem

If a woman realizes that a critical point of no return has come in the history of her family happiness, the only right decision in this case will be to pack her things, move and file for divorce.

Also, a woman may try to seek help from her loved ones (friends, relatives, acquaintances) or to a specialized Fund for helping women who find themselves in similar life circumstances.

If you receive death threats, prosecution is allowed in the following cases:

  1. If there is evidence that it was murder threats (to break your head, throw it off the 10th floor, etc.), and not abstract intimidation, in the spirit of "Now I will hit you";
  2. Voicing the threat was accompanied by reinforcing actions. For example, a husband promised to stab his wife by holding a knife to her throat.
  • In a situation where an attacker sends threats to you, in no case should you react to them and threaten in response. The response will further anger the offender and encourage him to commit atrocities that he is still only threatening to carry out;
  • Collect as much evidence as possible that will confirm the fact of the voiced threats if you are going to go to the police with a statement about a negligent spouse;
  • When filing a request for threats, refer to Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, this will become the basis for initiating criminal proceedings;
  • If the law enforcement agencies refuse to start a criminal case, as well as provide other assistance, pack up and leave the house in which you are humiliated in every possible way, and perhaps one day they will even be killed!

How to get and formalize evidence To start a case and protect yourself, you need to get evidence of threats from your ex-husband. To do this, you can record your conversations, shoot a video, show your correspondence, etc. Such materials will allow you to initiate a case against your husband under Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If the former roommate not only threatens, but also physically injured you, you must go to the hospital and get a certificate of beatings. This help will launch a serious business that will forever save you from your husband's attention. If there is beatings, the judge will consider not only Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but also an injunction against the ex-husband's approach to his wife. Violation of such a prohibition is punishable by imprisonment, depending on the gravity of the crime committed. It will no longer be necessary to worry about the threats of the ex-husband on the phone, they are banned.

Ex-husband threatens what to do

  • restriction of freedom up to 2 years;
  • forced labor up to 2 years;
  • arrest up to 6 months;
  • imprisonment up to 2 years.

If the above actions are committed on the grounds of ideological, political, or, national, racial or religious hatred, or on the grounds of hatred or enmity against any social group, then the punishment may be imposed in the form of:

  • forced labor up to 5 years with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years or without it;
  • imprisonment for up to 5 years with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years or without.

Thus, we see that the responsibility for such actions is quite tough, however, as already noted, it is difficult to prove the fact of the danger of actions for a person.

The ex-husband is threatening. what to do?

The problem is this - many husbands threaten their wives in private, without witnesses, rightly arguing that a woman will not want to "wash dirty linen in public." And it is not always possible to make a hidden camera - how to understand where and when a situation will arise when the "house tyrant" will voice a threat ?! Therefore, the common advice given by law enforcement officials to women who come to write a statement to their spouse is to wait for the moment when the husband tries to directly implement the threat into life, and quickly call the police.

If the arriving outfit finds an obviously "abnormal" situation, then, firstly, a strict suggestion will be made to the raging husband at the scene of events, and secondly, this will already be evidence of an offense and a reason to initiate a criminal case. Also, the basis for the initiation of the trial will be bodily injuries, etc.

The husband threatens with violence, behaves aggressively, and beats. what to do?


Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - if he has already tried to cause serious harm to his health and could not only because it did not work out). Responsibility under Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation It often happens that the case was brought to court, and the judge issued a guilty verdict.

After sentencing, the guilty person is waiting for:
  • compulsory work up to 480 hours;
  • restriction of freedom up to 2 years;
  • forced labor up to 2 years;
  • arrest up to 6 months;
  • imprisonment up to 2 years.

Not all of them are applied. The arrest, although provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, can not be actually executed due to the absence of arrest houses in Russia.
But the above applies only to ordinary, “everyday” threats. If the ex-husband threatened a woman not just as an ex-wife, but as a representative of a social group, a particular race, religion, etc. - Part 2 of Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What if my husband threatens?

The best option is if the witnesses saw how the attacker voiced threats verbally or performed threatening actions (holding a knife to his throat, throwing a stranglehold around his neck, aiming with a firearm, etc.) - but they are not interested persons, and they the testimony has no reason to doubt. But even if there are no witnesses, this is no reason to despair.

Can be used:

  • Recordings of telephone conversations. A full-fledged recording suitable for a court can only be made by law enforcement agencies, however, the victim herself can record (using a dictaphone or a separate function in the phone) the content of phone calls.

Husband threatens with physical violence and murder

Crimes against life and health 0 comments Threats after divorce are a regular occurrence in Russia. Women rarely know what to do if their ex-husband threatens and insults, so they do not take any action at all.

You have the right to protection under the law of the Russian Federation, contact the law enforcement agencies and you will be provided with qualified assistance. What to do if the ex-husband threatens A broken marriage is a serious help to conflict situations that lead to human imbalance, threats, and violence.


If your ex-husband threatens you with physical harm, contact the police immediately. Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "The threat of murder and causing serious harm to health" presupposes protection from encroachments on the health of a citizen and will help protect against threats.

If the police do not want to accept the statement, contact the prosecutor's office, the problem will not be solved by itself.

What to do if your ex-husband is threatening

That is, if a person simply said "I will kill you" or other words containing a similar meaning, then a refusal to initiate a case will follow, since the words are not backed up by any actions. The danger of a threat in this case is the main qualifying feature, according to which a criminal case is possible.

Most often, the reality of a threat can be taken into account by police officers when the offender was holding a weapon in his hand or performing other actions that can be regarded as a possibility of implementing the threat (for example, hitting, strangling, etc.). What if the husband threatens with violence and murder? If you are faced with threats against you, then it is imperative to inform the police about this by submitting an appropriate application, even if the person did not take any action aimed at fulfilling the threat.

Former husband threatens with physical violence and murder

If there is still hope that the case will be resolved peacefully, the threatening person should be warned that if he does not stop his actions, a statement will be sent to the police. This measure does not always work, but sometimes it allows you to stop threats.

Collecting evidence In the pre-trial stage, it is important to collect evidence that the threats are real. Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not belong to the number of private prosecutions, therefore, the police should be engaged in collecting evidence - however, the more the victim herself has time to collect, the more likely it is that the case will be initiated and will not be terminated before the trial.
As evidence, according to Art. 74 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, any sources of information can be used on the basis of which the inquiry, investigation or court will establish the factual circumstances of the case. Usually the evidence is the testimony of witnesses.

What to do if your ex-husband threatens and insults

And what to do at the very moment when your husband threatens and you feel the danger of fulfilling the threats?

  • Call anyone for help! If possible, call people who can come to the rescue - it is better not to a hysterically squealing girlfriend, but to a brother, dad, a friend, someone who can keep his thoughts clear and if something happens to protect you. Doesn't come out to call - shout, call the neighbors, even knock on the batteries, at least run out onto the balcony, calling for help!
  • Try not to be alone with the threatening one. If the conversation takes place at home, it is better to leave home for a while. Even if your husband follows you, it is no longer so dangerous: you should go to a crowded place where he is unlikely to do something against you.

Ex-husband insults and threatens what to do