Is it possible to bring time back in life. How to bring time back in life. What could be a time machine in physics

This article describes the concept of time travel. The concept of time, as well as electricity, is unknown, but we know how to use it, we understand its laws and principles. Time is an illusion, as is life. However, it cannot be said completely that this is an illusion, time refers to life perceived on the lower planes of existence. Time is everything for a person. It governs our lives, dealing with our past, present and future that has not yet been manifested to us. Unlike the human race, there are those that are not affected by time at all, those entities that rule the worlds of Yetzirah, Briya and Atzilut. Unlike humans, the principles of time do not affect these beings under any circumstances.
We will restrict ourselves to the following definitions:
- "This is the present, which models and shapes the future";
- "Our real life, which is based on the foundations built in the past." For us, every contact with anything else and every action has its own consequences.
If we take the concept of time and represent it in the form of a ruler, then we can divide it into three parts: left side, middle and right side. We can associate this with the past, present and future. We look at time as these are three separate concepts. In fact, time is constant and unchanging, and all three concepts are combined into one whole. Just like the ruler, although we have divided it into three sections, it remains intact. This is one of the basic principles of the time.
Another principle that we could add is the concept of duration. In other words, two hundred years in Earth time are not even comparable to a fraction of a second for God. God is the source of life, Dao. All things and even time flow from Him, therefore He is the one who rules the universe and time. Thus, the boundaries of time are also endless. We must keep in mind that time is constant. There is no past, present or future, and only so. The Time Return Ritual is designed to move your consciousness into the realm of time that is familiar to you. You are able to make an attempt to return to the past using the described methods and return to the present something specific for yourself directly in this personal time.
You may have been able to play music when you were young, but as you got older, your senses slowly cooled down so that you wouldn't even touch the piano. Using the method below, you will be able to go back to the time when you had a passion for music and, using magic, you can bring this trait back into your life.
One of the reasons for wanting to perform this ritual is that it can help in the present to improve your life by restoring your former abilities. Another reason may be to help accelerate the development of astral powers. Some keys to getting the most out of this ritual are to dive as deeply as possible. Also remember that you have a body, but you are not only your body. Your mind is as free as the wind, and once you firmly grasp this concept, you can effectively overcome the barriers of time. There is only one tool you will need and that is the sigil. A sigil is a symbol representing an idea, thought, power, or whatever you choose. If necessary, come up with a sigil or take it from books. The only thing that matters is to remember that the sigil must have some meaning in order to go back in time. The way to do it is a little research in itself. On the other hand, you can make the sigil simple or choose one - for example, your zodiac sign. The sigil is used to obtain the magical power of the plan to which it corresponds.


First, define a goal. Keep in mind those traits or abilities that you have or could have that can be enhanced or changed in real life. It could be magical traits, an aspect of your personality, perhaps a forgotten talent, or something specific. Once this has been carefully determined, choose a sigil that represents your magical power. Create it, then draw it on paper to increase its power in your mind. The sigil is supposed to have a sympathetic or magical connection with you.



Find a comfortable position while sitting or lying down. Do Four Breaths.

When you have reached the ultimate stage of relaxation, visualize yourself in a dark room.

Imagine a small light a few yards in front of you, approach it. Imagine how it gets bigger and bigger. When you finally reach the light, it will become a shining calendar. Stop in front of him.

Visualize calendar pages starting to flip backward - in reverse time at an ever-increasing speed. Imagine that the calendar flips at such a speed that only blurry light can be seen. Go back in time at least ten years. Imagine that the calendar slowly starts to stop until page after page stops. Remember the day, month and year of the page that stopped in front of you.

Now visualize the disappearance of the calendar, the scene of the past begins to emerge. Pay attention to all the actions taking place in this place, inhale through your nose. As you exhale, step forward in the Sign of the Enterer, in the desire to penetrate the membrane of time.

Place your second self in this time, keeping in mind that you are not here to meet history, but rather that you have to complete a task.

As soon as you find your second self, approach him face to face. As soon as you can, form your chosen sigil between you and your second self. Place the sigil mentally, fulfilling the Sign of the Enterer, on the forehead of your second self, and you yourself see it shining brightly. Once the sigil has become stable on your doppelganger, begin to feel like your own self is absorbing the traits or skills that you planned to recover. Do this until you feel that you have collected enough essence or magical energy. Then rebuild the sigil and allow it to soak into you, preferably through your forehead.

Return to the place from where you entered this plane in time. Get out of there using the Sign of the Enterer. See yourself returning to a dark room.

Find yourself in front of the calendar. Visualize it again as it flips forward. Keep seeing the page-flipping until you reach the current day and year. When the pages stop, confirm to yourself the present month, day and year, keeping the knowledge of what kind of essence you have brought in yourself to the present from the past.

Perform Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

You can perform this ritual once a week to reinforce the same intention, or you can choose a different goal and return at a different time.


Choosing the right sigil is vital. It is important to understand how the sigil is used. Otherwise, she can awaken any negative feelings or thoughts. If this is possible, take care to choose a different sigil that better suits the mood and meaning.

© Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
© Translation - Fr. Laiveril Laems, edited by Fr. Absurd, 2008.

Good people, advice is really needed. I don't know how to be at all. I'm tired of crying and regretting that it is impossible to return the past.

I remember how it all began, as if it were yesterday. 7 years ago I met my future husband. We had such a stormy love that I have never had. We were just inseparable. They parted only for the time of night, when they had to go home to spend the night. I remember how I deceived my parents that I was going to spend the night with a friend, and I myself ran to him, and we spent such crazy nights that you will never forget. No, no, not in terms of sex. And crazy nights for a pastime. I remember how we spent the whole night on the beach. Swimming naked, staring at the stars. I remember there was still a star shower, and it was so beautiful.

After 2 years we graduated from the university, got a job and began to live together. The love between us never faded. On the contrary, it only became stronger. Another year passed, and I finally became his legal wife. We were in seventh heaven. It seemed that such love was playing in us, as if we had just met yesterday. I felt good with him, and he felt good with me. We arranged each other in bed. We traveled a lot and always and everywhere went together. A couple more years passed, and my husband was lucky - he was offered to take a leadership position. The salary there, of course, was several times higher than all our previous salaries taken together for a month. We were incredibly happy. Another year passed. We furnished our apartment, bought ourselves a new car, went on a tour of Europe, but all good things come to an end sooner or later.

Time passed, and he began to sit up for a long time at work, come home tired, not show the same attention that he had shown before. At the time, I thought that the low attention was due to the fact that he worked a lot. Another year has passed, and it has changed completely. Has become completely different. He and his colleagues go to billiards and restaurants. He often travels on business trips to other cities. And I found out that he does not ride alone, but with some girl. When asked who she was, he told me, they say, his assistant. But why is a young, beautiful, slender girl at once ?!

I came to work for him somehow completely spontaneously. I go into the office, and there my husband is sitting on an armchair, and his assistant is sitting on his table. Moreover, she was in a short skirt and a blouse with a deep neckline. Everything would be fine, but she was sitting on the table, her legs spread so wide that there were simply no words. I turned around and left. My husband ran after me, said that I had thought of everything, etc. etc. But I feel that this assistant is not only fulfilling her work duties.

What should I do? The husband has changed completely. He became cold to me, indulged in money. He rarely goes anywhere with me. We have nothing to talk about. In bed, he does not show any initiative at all. Earlier, before he was promoted, he wanted children, and we were going to have them in a year, but at that moment he got a new position, and our plans with children shifted. Now, when asked about children, he says that it is too early for us to have them. It seems to me that his money completely ruined him, and his feelings for me passed away. And I still love him very much and am ready to forgive him all the betrayal, if only he was there. And it's not about money and his social status at all. I would give anything so that he was never given this position. And let us not live in luxury, but we would love each other.

How can I get everything back? Help with advice.

Do you believe in history?

True 0 Not true 0

    2013-01-20T13: 39: 18 + 00: 00

    In your case, an individual approach is required. See it necessary - I will help.

    2012-01-16T21: 29: 01 + 00: 00

    I agree with SMM, I believe that you need to devote time not only to your family, but also to yourself, make time for sports, entertainment, take a break from it, just not to overwork))).

    If you find yourself in a position do not try to have an abortion, otherwise life will be more difficult to establish later.

    2011-12-21T18: 07: 42 + 00: 00

    Yes, you just became a burden to him, he is on horseback, and you get confused at your feet ... take care of yourself, spa ... pool, shaping, new friends, interests, work and then let him grunt ...

    and so only whining .. the thing must be done and not wait when the foot is in the ass .....

    Good luck in the fight against laziness and cowardice !!!

    2011-12-21T11: 22: 15 + 00: 00

    You should not read the article, but write there, in this column, about your problems - there is a high probability that a woman psychologist will answer you and help you with advice. And to change, try, if you don't succeed, even though there will be an attempt, it certainly won't get any worse.

    2011-12-20T19: 23: 17 + 00: 00

    Yuri, I read this article. But as I said, nothing happens. As if he's bored with me. I try my best to talk to him, but he answers dryly and goes about his business. I think he can fundamentally try to change his image, as you said above? Maybe this will help ... But I don’t decide yet.

    2011-12-16T21: 30: 58 + 00: 00

    Yes, this article is located next to yours, just below one after another, and is called "A good article of a good psychologist", there the woman answered me, as I understand it, she has to do with the psychology of family life. For some reason, no one turns to her, but you write your questions in that article, maybe she will advise something sensible.

    2011-12-16T21: 19: 30 + 00: 00

    But you said that you have a problem and even at his work saw the source of this problem, and why they have arisen ask yourself a question, it means that something does not suit him. And even the matter may not be in your appearance, often wives are prettier than mistresses, it's just that your husband's eyes are blurred on you, that's why it is necessary for him to appear in a new light (blur his eyes), flirt with him once again, offer to go somewhere to relax together, but this is if you want to fight. I personally have not forgiven the cheating, but this is just my opinion. I understand that you want him not to leave you. Then you need to become better than this girl and once again emphasize your dignity. Although most likely he does not think about leaving you, just the guy has fun , so to speak, bathes in the rays of glory, but it can also come out sideways, and suddenly she "flies" from him, then this will be an excuse to leave you. It depends on what this "person" wants from him. Also, men often go to the left if there is anything at home then it does not suit and there is a chance without it is dangerous to change, then in the first place they are attracted simply by the easy availability of a woman (a casual partner) and he does not even try to compare her with his wife, let alone leave his wife. There are so many sites on the Internet related to psychology, there is even a real psychologist in this column (the name of a good psychologist is on the nickname), I talked to him, but for some reason no one turns to him, hesitate or something. I can this "nickname "look and then tell you exactly where this article is located. Talk to him again, maybe he will advise good things.

    2011-12-16T15: 48: 47 + 00: 00

    So the fact of the matter is that I do everything for him. I cook deliciously, the house is clean and I maintain a warm atmosphere in the family. But what he lacks, I don't know. Regarding your words, "I wonder if my husband loved you before," I will say with one hundred percent certainty that he loved me, because he sometimes made such surprises that I had never heard of. As for changing my appearance - if it helps, then I'm ready for anything. But why? I have a good figure, my appearance is also pleasant, at least so it seems to me, and I'm not so old as to blame my appearance. With regard to sex, we always suited each other. We have never had monotony. And I always did what he wanted, and he did what I wanted. Why was the money spoiled so? After all, he was a completely different person.

    2011-12-15T21: 00: 12 + 00: 00

    Yes, success has turned a peasant's head. It's bad when he avoids any kind of communication, which means he is faced with a choice, since that kikimora at work wagged his tail, so the guy thought about it. I wonder if your husband loved you before, and did you agree with your characters and horoscopes? to return him, you need to fight. Just do not cry, thread, be depressed and show your concern about this issue and not start conversations whether he has a mistress - this usually strains and scares men (gentle creatures) and makes you break up with your partner. itself to change in character and appearance. We watched the film "French Kiss", I recommend the tax situation there and how the heroine came out of it, that her husband saw her in a different light and started running after her, and then she herself realized that she did not need him, watch a good, kind film. Become a caring wife, cook what your husband likes, flatter him more often - men are susceptible to flattery, for some reason I am sure that that kikimora first drew attention to herself with his flattery, and then kicks. Find your image that suits you more and emphasizes your dignity your figure (if you need to go on a diet, sign up for the gym, if you need to change your hair color, be sure to use women's perfume with pheromones - in any pharmacy you can buy 20 types of them, different aromas, I think you can pick up). something is boring, if you behaved passively, then become aggressive, read the relevant literature on the Internet. And so that it comes to bed and he pays attention, flirt with him, as I said above, change outwardly and turn Have a caring wife with a flirtation, or maybe he sees you at home in one dressing gown, put on something sexy, blur his eyes. And in the end, whether he wants or not, he needs a child from him (as if by chance, it turned out so !!! Usually in such a situation, the husband does not leave his pregnant wife. The main thing is not to lose heart, more self-confidence and a little female cunning, and I think you will succeed, well, at least you can try, we are the blacksmiths of our happiness. Good luck to you.

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In any period of the life of mankind, people have always made various mistakes, through which in the future they very much regretted. Many of them cried at night, and some even died.

In this regard, both before and today, people ask the same question: is it possible to turn back time? Such dreams, at least sometimes, but still, probably, visit every person. Although, unfortunately, no one has yet succeeded in solving this problem, or mankind simply does not know about it.

Probably, in our time it is not worth talking about whether it is realistic to move in time? It is enough just to think about what would happen if a solution to this problem was possible. So, what happens if you turn back time? For example, there is such a situation: in front of a child's eyes, parents are being killed, he wants to return them by any means and not by real methods.

In this regard, for example, when a son grows up, he becomes a scientist and, with the help of actions incomprehensible to mankind, invents an amazing time machine. Further, he goes into the past to kill the main culprit of the death of his parents, even before the terrible event happened. Thus, it is probably not worth answering the question of how to return the time further, because in the future even more unpredictable situations may occur.

Yes, of course, a time machine for many seems to be really one of the most useful things. But, as it turns out, all this is absolutely not the case. For example, after the killer is dead, it may seem that in the future everyone will be happy and the parents will remain alive, because no one else can harm them. A person who is no longer alive will not be able to go anywhere in the future, and will not be able to harm anyone.

In other words, talking about how to turn back time, people can really understand the moment that this should not be done. After all, since the main killer is dead, then the child will not have to endure grief and, therefore, there will be no need for him to engage in the creation of such an amazing time machine. And since it will not exist, then, accordingly, he will not return anywhere. This is where the main problem arises, if the guy does not return, then the killer will remain alive, and, therefore, everything will happen again.

This all means a certain cycle that can never stop, except that over time, certain details may change slightly. Therefore, you should not think about how you can go back in time, it is better to think about what will happen in the future. Some people believe that other events are capable of creating a slightly different branch in time, and the modern world seems to be divided into several parts. In this regard, in one part there is one story, but in the second, it is completely different.

So, this is just one of the situations, but what if there are more than one thousand of them? Probably no universe will be able to withstand such a number of simultaneous overloads that the fastest will lead humanity to some unpredictable and unpleasant consequences. In other words, if people start thinking about how to rewind time, then they can, first of all, harm themselves. Naturally, this is just an ordinary theory, which probably every person thought about. Although at the moment it is not realistic either to realize or refute it.

Many modern scientists even today spend a huge amount of their time on the creation of this amazing machine. Unfortunately, some of them really do not think about further possible consequences, which, accordingly, is the main problem of most of such specialists. In this regard, many people need to think about whether it makes sense to return to the past, because it is quite possible that nothing can be changed with this? The life of each person should only be such that everyone who is nearby at least sometimes envies, and does not regret.

Thus, if at least a little each person thinks about returning to the past, it is quite possible that humanity will understand that this in no case should be done, since huge problems can arise.

Wisdom comes over the years, over the years and comes the realization of real values \u200b\u200bin life, a different vision of the world and a different attitude to things. It is good to admit your past mistakes, but then there is a great temptation of deep self-disappointment, self-reflection and self-flagellation. Thoughts are spinning in my head: why didn't I do it differently, why didn't I listen to my parents, how to turn back time and fix everything. And if, to the difficult question of why a person did this and not in another way, there is a more or less clear explanation, then no one has yet been able to answer how to return time back.

Time concept in physics

Can anyone say for sure what is time? The value of time is used in all exact sciences. But physics itself is concerned with the concept.

In classical physics, time is represented as a continuous, undefined quantity, which uses a periodic sequence of events as a unit of measurement.

Newton, Galileo and Einstein studied time more deeply; the latter put forward his own version of time. He suggested that time is interconnected with the speed of light and therefore relative. In a vacuum, the speed of light is absolute, which means that time is measured differently.
This assumption is illustrated gemini paradox.

If you take two twin brothers, of the same age, for example 10 years, leave one of them on earth, and send the other to some star at the speed of light, then by the time of return, the twin who remained on earth will be much older than the one who returned from the trip brother. This suggests that in outer space, where light moves at the slowest speed, time slows down.

The light spreads over a certain period of time, the human eye will also perceive it for a certain interval, and during this time the surrounding situation, albeit insignificantly, will change, and we will see what has already happened. It turns out that looking at the sky we see not the clouds themselves, but what they were in the past tense, a fraction of a second ago. Likewise, the whole world around us can see what it was like hundredths of a second ago.

What could be a time machine in physics?

In classical physics and mathematics, space is considered flat, it is on this that the axiom of geometry is based that two parallel lines cannot intersect... But Albert Einstein refuted this in his theory of relativity. He suggested that our space is curved and deformed.

Where space is strongly curved, it can connect two points that have no spatio-temporal connection, that is, in one place there will be a border between two completely different moments in time. And it turns out that in the place of these connections there will be a corridor of time. Such corridors in physics were called black holes. What comes out of this: black holes are able to teleport an object from one time period to another?

Can you go back in time?

If we trust the theory of relativity, namely that our space is curved, and we see only those events that have already occurred, then we can say with all confidence that you can return time back. Only for this, a greater knowledge of the universe is needed, a completely different level of technology development, other possibilities of science and technology.

And today, humanity is not even able to conduct any experiments on time.

Philosophers and religion

Under the close attention of the mother of all sciences - philosophy, the study of all concepts and phenomena of our world falls, philosophers did not bypass time.

The first thinker who tried to know time was Plato. However, only Aristotle gave the concept of time as a measure of movement, which later began to be used by all natural sciences.

In philosophical science, time has the following properties:

  • It is absolute;
  • Time is perceived by a person subjectively as past, future and present;
  • Time is irreversible and passes without a trace;
  • It has a direction towards the future;
  • Time does not depend on anyone or anything.

If we put together the philosophical reasoning about time, then on their basis we can say for sure that it's impossible to turn back time.

If you read the Bible carefully, your attention stops at the idea of \u200b\u200bGod as infinite and omnipresent. It turns out that there is neither time nor space for the Almighty. God knows the past, future and present. That is, time, in the religious sense, is only measurecreated by man.

How to bring time back in life?

A kind of dilemma arises: physics says that time can be returned, while philosophy, on the contrary, considers such an assumption to be absurd. Religion asserts that time is only a human measure, but it does not exist for the Almighty.

No matter how contradictory views on the passage of time are, man has not yet managed to turn back time.

Can you go back in time?

    I'm afraid that only mentally, virtually, but I really want a miracle and a time machine. Time can be returned by returning some events from the past.

    No, our civilization has not yet reached this point and the time machine has not been invented. And how much could have been altered if we had come back. If I could go back to the past even for an hour and change something now, I would be a millionaire.

    The question of refund has already been heard on the site ...

    Let's take a look at what this time is in general and is it possible to return it back, or physically go into the past?

    Many scientists, both physicists - mathematicians, and others are worried about this problem at all times ...

    On the part of physicists, many claim that this is possible by drawing inconceivable figures in time space and points of contact in time. One of the simple theories is Einstein's theory, where he painted time as an hourglass, where the top is the future, and the bottom is the past, but the point of contact between the past and the future is the present time, where we live ... Looking at such a watch, which one immediately disappears then the possibility of travel in time, unless some particle breaks away from the center of contact and flies up or down ...

    But physicists are thinking about it, and now let's look at everything through the eyes of chemists - biologists: the process of time travel for a material particle should take place along with the reversibility of processes. and this is not possible in practice, a born cell cannot die by birth, and therefore time travel is practically impossible !!!

    But scientists do not give up and come up with all new quantum theories of space-time separation ...

    Well, what can it be in the non-material world and is it possible ...

    As far as I know, the time machine has not yet been invented, and therefore it is not possible to return to the past, but in my opinion, this is not bad, as it makes people think more often about making important decisions in their lives.

    At the moment, you can only return time back in your memories, no more. Time machines have not yet been invented. You can also mentally visit the past if you look at old photographs or video materials. But some yogis claim that you can be transported in time and space - that's just how to do it in practice - they speak very vaguely.

Time concept in physics

Can anyone say for sure what is time? The value of time is used in all exact sciences. But physics itself is concerned with the concept.

Newton, Galileo and Einstein studied time more deeply; the latter put forward his own version of time. He suggested that time is interconnected with the speed of light and therefore relative. In a vacuum, the speed of light is absolute, which means that time is measured differently.
This assumption is illustrated gemini paradox.

If you take two twin brothers, of the same age, for example 10 years, leave one of them on earth, and send the other to some star at the speed of light, then by the time of return, the twin who remained on earth will be much older than the one who returned from the trip brother. This suggests that in outer space, where light moves at the slowest speed, time slows down.

The light spreads over a certain period of time, the human eye will also perceive it for a certain interval, and during this time the surrounding situation, albeit insignificantly, will change, and we will see what has already happened. It turns out that looking at the sky we see not the clouds themselves, but what they were in the past tense, a fraction of a second ago. Likewise, the whole world around us can see what it was like hundredths of a second ago.

What could be a time machine in physics?

In classical physics and mathematics, space is considered flat, it is on this that the axiom of geometry is based that two parallel lines cannot intersect... But Albert Einstein refuted this in his theory of relativity. He suggested that our space is curved and deformed.

Where space is strongly curved, it can connect two points that do not have a space-time connection, that is, in one place there will be a border between two completely different moments in time. And it turns out that in the place of these connections there will be a corridor of time. Such corridors in physics were called black holes. So what comes out of this: black holes are able to teleport an object from one time period to another?

Can you go back in time?

If we trust the theory of relativity, namely that our space is curved, and we see only those events that have already occurred, then we can say with all confidence that you can return time back. Only for this, a greater knowledge of the universe is needed, a completely different level of technology development, other possibilities of science and technology.

Philosophers and religion

Under the close attention of the mother of all sciences - philosophy, the study of all concepts and phenomena of our world falls, philosophers did not bypass time.

The first thinker who tried to know time was Plato. However, only Aristotle gave the concept of time as a measure of movement, which later began to be used by all natural sciences.

In philosophical science, time has the following properties:

  • It is absolute;
  • Time is perceived by a person subjectively as past, future and present;
  • Time is irreversible and passes without a trace;
  • It has a direction towards the future;
  • Time does not depend on anyone or anything.

If you read the Bible carefully, your attention stops at the idea of \u200b\u200bGod as infinite and omnipresent. It turns out that there is neither time nor space for the Almighty. God knows the past, future and present. That is, time, in the religious sense, is only measurecreated by man.

How to bring time back in life?

A kind of dilemma arises: physics says that time can be returned, while philosophy, on the contrary, considers such an assumption to be absurd. Religion asserts that time is only a human measure, but it does not exist for the Almighty.

No matter how contradictory views on the passage of time are, man has not yet managed to turn back time.

Although there are some attempts at going back in time:

  1. You can go back to the past in the subconscious. Psychoanalysis is able to lead a person into a kind of trance, in which a person will be able to recall even the moments of early childhood to the smallest detail;
  2. Sleep can take a person back several years and relive the newly passed events;
  3. Magic has always encroached on the accomplishment of the impossible. Sorcerers offer people to return to the past, it is true whether a person will be an actor in it or an outside observer is unknown.

Today, no one knows how to turn back time, but many are struggling to find ways to control it. Inquisitiveness of mind has always been commendable. Only do we need to change the past? Perhaps it is the irreversibility of time that is a kind of method of educational influence of higher forces on people.

Such a time traveler could search the Internet for information about events that had not yet happened. In this case, the search dates would be ahead of the event dates, which means they would stand out from the crowd. With a sufficient number of queries belonging to a single user, there is a chance of accessing a sample of the most advanced knowledge.

Even after all the means and possibilities were exhausted, the results of the study remained inconclusive. However, I am willing to believe that time travel has most likely already taken place. I do not know if we can talk about real time travel of people, but the exchange of information, at least with the help of computers, certainly exists.

According to physicists, today it is theoretically feasible. Perhaps, with the help of quantum computers and artificial intelligence, the thinkers of the future will be able not only to improve the known theories, but also to apply them in practice.

Research by Dr. Ronald Mallett, a theoretical physicist at the University of Connecticut, has shown that ring lasers can mimic the effect that black holes have on gravity. Thus, it is possible to reverse space and time and send simple messages back in time using binary code. True, no one has ever tested this theory experimentally.

Physicists recognize that wormhole tunnels can also create time loops. However, according to Stephen Hawking, the process of creating such a time loop could be disastrous. In this case, the side effect will be vacuum fluctuations, which will severely damage the particles and destroy the performer. An attempt to communicate with the past risks leading to the emergence of the so-called Hawking Bomb.

Despite the possible shortcomings of existing theories, it is obvious that modern scientists are much closer to unraveling the principles of transmission of messages in time. There is every reason to believe that this trend will not disappear, and new knowledge will help to understand the patterns of time travel.

Physicist John Kramer of the University of Washington has suggested that quantum entanglement can travel in time.

Two electrons of one molecule are entangled, that is, they remain interconnected, even if they are far apart from each other. This connection is obvious when we measure one electron and observe an instantaneous effect on another, because in quantum physics, the measurement of a particle has a physical effect on the particle.

Albert Einstein called this phenomenon "supernatural impact at a distance" and it became a real problem for Einstein, because it contradicted his theory that nothing can move faster than the speed of light. It turns out that electrons can "communicate" with each other, that is, transmit messages faster than the speed of light.

John Kramer thought that this entanglement could be used to communicate with the past.

Abstract illustration depicting the concept of atom and quantum waves

He tried to send half of the entangled pair through a fiber optic cable. The moment half reaches the end of the cable, it will be measured with a device that will affect the other half left behind.

A causal relationship is that the half that reaches the end of the cable affects the half that is left behind. However, if the remaining half shows an effect before being measured at the other end, the effect will precede the cause.

Kramer's experiments have not yet confirmed that this is possible, and the scientist himself has always been skeptical of this theory. But quantum physics has long tempted scientists with the ability to circumvent time and cause and effect.

The law of causation simply means that any event must have a cause, and the cause must precede the event.

Communication through time would break this causal relationship.

I often use the following example with a glass of milk: I drop the glass on the floor, the glass shatters into pieces, the milk splashes. You see and hear how the glass falls for the simple reason that before that I dropped it on the floor. You won't see it break before I drop it, because we are living time from the past to the future.

This is called the arrow of time or "Eddington's arrow" after the author of this definition, British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Eddington. The glass falls, hits the floor, and you see it break. All this is one straight line from the past to the future.

However, a large number of paranormal phenomena, such as supernatural abilities, of which history knows many examples, are precisely based on the violation of these laws: telekinesis, the gift of foresight, extrasensory perception and much more.

The famous medium and healer Edgar Cayce claimed that he leaves his body in order to gain access to the Akashic Chronicles, a repository of information that also has other names: the astral plane, the subtle world, the book of life, universal mind, collective consciousness, and so on. For some people, this is what makes supernatural powers real.

According to Akashic theory, information has no time or distance barriers. Non-local or universal information is outside of the mind, where it is always available and can be tuned like a radio.

Many scholars mistake these claims for fabrications, coincidences, or pseudoscience. In any case, people like Casey or Nostradamus are no strangers to being confronted with suspicions, doubts and accusations of fraud.

But as we continue to explore the possibilities of moving in time and going beyond our space-time dimension, as is probably the case with quantum entanglement, we can conclude that psychic phenomena have much more to do with science than this. introduced earlier.

Such research not only leads to improved communication capabilities, but also opens up new horizons for quantum computing. This means that computers in the future will be able to exchange messages both over the Internet and over time.

It is possible that the studies of Michigan Technological University were ahead of their time, or remained behind their time, and someday we will be able to understand this, or have already understood, but do not know about it yet, or something else like that. published by

Translation: Anna Golovanova