Is it possible to stop loving a person during separation. How to stop loving a person who does not love you. Maintain social connections

An article about why a man no longer loves. Having learned the 9 main reasons, you will understand what to do if a man no longer loves, or how to prevent this from happening.

What if a man doesn't love anymore? You can give up, blame yourself, your parents, the state, everyone around and himself, suffer and engage in self-digging and self-flagellation. And you can diagnose the disease that has appeared, find out its causes and try to eliminate them. Moreover, now almost everything is being treated.

Are you ready to find out what reasons can lead to the fact that a man no longer loves you? Then read on! You will find nine compelling reasons that are slowly and surely killing your chosen one's love for you. Do not make these mistakes too often, from now on and forever and ever. Amen!


You probably know how strong a feeling like fear is. When we are afraid, we cannot focus on anything other than the feeling that worries us. Fear definitely has no place in a relationship, but if it appears, you can expect trouble.

So let's look at the first three reasons why a man may stop loving. They are all based on fear. Fear nourishes and sustains them, taking the place allotted in a man's heart for love. When can this be your story? If you are very assertive, overly down to earth and like to speak the truth to your face. And now for more details.

  • Frequent display of initiative... What's wrong with that, you think, knowing, for example, about this feature of yours. A man doesn't like to be led. When they try to actively lead, incline them to any actions, deeds and decisions - strong resistance arises in him. You cross over to the other side and eventually cease to be a friend to him. With you, he cannot relax, because you need to be always on the alert and defend your right to do as he sees fit. Over time, this struggle is too exhausting and boring.
  • Inability to believe in a change for the better... If things aren't going well, it can be difficult to maintain a cheerful and optimistic attitude. But this is necessary. In moments of crises that happen to everyone, men feel doubly depressed, as they assume great responsibility. Such periods are accompanied by a bad mood, low vitality, and self-doubt. This is a test for you. Resist the temptation to also hang your nose or, even worse, broadcast negative, let's call it that, - you will become even better in his eyes. Give in - you will go over to the side of the enemy.
  • Speak everything as if in spirit... A dubious quality in a relationship, which will often bring trouble, both instant and long-term, rather than benefit. It also dislikes men, because it makes them tense and take a defensive position, as in the first case with pressure and the desire to control and command. You must have a good filter. Sometimes you need to say something directly, and sometimes keep silent. Otherwise, you can turn from a wise companion into a strict overseer who notes every mistake and certainly does not forget to express his opinion on this matter.

If you thought that men are afraid of women with such qualities, then this is not entirely true. Rather, they are afraid to find themselves in a difficult life situation next to such a woman who does not support, but, on the contrary, increases fears and tension. And women know how to darken any good life situation with such behavior, because always, if there is a place for good, then there is a place for bad. This topic was touched upon in this recent article, which I am pleased to offer you for reading at this link.


Well, none of us likes irritants! We heartily disapprove of our neighbors when they suddenly start a loud renovation at the wrong time, screaming cats and cats who have March in their hearts, a slow computer. In fact, there are so many irritants in our life that only a sincerely happy and enthusiastic person can ignore them. But happiness is not happiness without harmony in relationships, whatever one may say.

How to determine if you are at risk or not? It's simple. If you strive to spend as much time as possible together to the detriment of all other male interests, you are often dissatisfied with something and do not have common interests with your chosen one... Ready to learn more about three reasons why a man doesn't love anymore based on irritation? They are in front of you!

  • The desire to always be together... It is believed that introverts are more likely to spend time alone with themselves than extroverts. But even the latter, with their great love for company and communication, need personal space and time to be alone with themselves when no one is touching. This is the first thing. And the second is that the more a man pays attention to you, the less attention remains to his affairs. At first, this may cause subtle anxiety and discontent, but then turn into outright irritation with you.
  • The habit of being unhappy with everything... Such women can initially make a good impression on men, since you need to try twice with them. It means more interesting. But this is only at the beginning. Over time, an overestimated bar of your expectations will be seen as an object that takes too much energy and attention. If you are really very difficult to please, but you can be indignant for almost any reason, then it's time to think about correcting behavior.
  • Conversation in different languages... Opposites do attract, but do they linger together? For the successful existence of a union, either the initial presence of a common language and understanding, or the desire to create them, is important. Women and men are very different, as are their interests. But a sincere desire to better understand each other, to have common interests - works wonders. It is worth noting that you need to be open to new things and be able to be genuinely interested in what the chosen one likes.

These reasons really lead to disastrous results, because they all cause and accumulate irritation in your man. In the first case, due to the lack of personal space and the difficulty of performing their affairs and duties. In the second, the price is too high for a woman to be happy, and that is exhausting. And third - due to the lack of common interests and topics for conversation that make communication strained and unpleasant, as well as the unwillingness to correct the situation.


Life changes everything, and especially the intensity of feelings. It is higher and lower, and this is natural, because our life is cyclical. But how to prevent an unnatural decrease in interest in oneself, fading of feelings? Indeed, in this case, there are no guarantees that everything will return to normal. In order not to become uninteresting for your man, you must also avoid three mistakes. They are found in women who do not feel what support and role a man needs most, behave very predictably, and also stop caring for themselves, believing that the man is already completely in her power..

  • Inability to adapt to a man... Is it possible to imagine a couple better than one who not only looks in one direction, but also feels what kind of support the other may need at the moment? The mixed feelings that cause misunderstanding and even resentment are definitely not good for the union. It is important to be able to read the state of other people in order to understand which behavior and words would be appropriate now, and which are not at all. Trust your heart and intuition more: they will lead you to the right conclusions.
  • Lack of novelty... You shouldn't try to make every day together special: it is very energy intensive. But you can add your own spices, seasonings every day: then you definitely won't be bored! Moreover, a beloved woman whom you know well, but not 100%, will always be more interesting than the one who has been studied from a to z. Men are conquerors. That is why it is important to leave room for maneuvers in order to be more interesting to yourself, to those around you, and to your loved one. Surprise and reveal different facets of your personality, within reason, of course.
  • Neglecting self-care... This is a very common female mistake, caused by the desire to relax, often causes the feelings to cool down. Taking care of yourself when you are in a relationship with a sweetheart is especially important. Be that as it may, any man is not only pleased to see his companion blooming, beautiful and well-groomed, but also to understand that this is partly done for him. All this cheers up and energizes. The man receives an unspoken compliment and enjoys your attractiveness.

It is these three mistakes that drag your relationship down like weights. Therefore, periodically try to reason and analyze less, listen to yourself more. It will become easier for you to understand the people you know, you will feel that it is better to invest the energy of today, you will be happy to maintain the temple of your soul in order and purity.

It is important to know all these mistakes, as well as enemies, by sight, because it is they that become an ever-increasing portion of tar in a relationship with a man. I hope this article has helped you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Now you know what you can and should direct energy to. You always have to start with yourself. We can change the world around us by our behavior and thinking. So let's start with self-love, respect and greater disclosure of intuition: then many of these mistakes will disappear by themselves :)

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Reading time: 2 minutes

How to stop loving a person - this is a frequent question that is addressed to psychologists. Relationships are a dynamic process and at a certain stage it happens that the best for these relationships will be their termination. It's not only about real relationships, but the principle of unrequited love is the same. When a person does not receive reciprocal emotions in reality, he tends to fantasize about how good it will be or how it would be. The slightest signals that I would like to interpret, as positive in their direction, also feed illusions. And a person falls in love with the image of a person and relations with him, created in his fantasy.

If there was communication or relationships, then by the time the question "how to stop loving a loved one" arose, they came to naught and the partner feels emptiness and disappointment. Often there is a feeling of one's own powerlessness in front of the feeling that the personality should feed.

In the first, acute period of rupture, one wants to close and be distracted, which is a healthy desire of the psyche to experience excessive pain. To be alone, to be distracted and forgotten when any contact with the theme of love is painful and traumatic for the person. But the acute period passes, the first pain subsides, and further actions will be the basis for the personality's ability in the future to form relationships and experience feelings of mutual love. Although after parting it seems that there is no more strength for the relationship, the heart has given the last piece, and this will not happen again, we must remember what it is. After going through the path of restoration, you can restore the ability to love, it is important not to limit yourself in this opportunity, ignoring this need, depriving it of the sources of development and denying the ability for spiritual regeneration.

How to stop loving a person you love very much?

After parting, when it comes to the understanding that the relationship is at an impasse or there is absolutely no reciprocity, a person seeks help and advice. When discussing with relatives, friends and a psychologist, a person wants to find peace of mind and get an answer to the question - how to quickly stop loving a person?

Often a person does not want to renounce love, since it refers to those feelings that are of great value in life. And sometimes the only thing for rejecting it can be precisely the presence of its sincere basis. It is love for the other that can push you to get rid of feelings for him, since there is an understanding that your feelings can only bring negative emotions to your beloved.

Love is a reciprocal process and involves exchange between people. Unilaterally, feelings of such power have a destructive effect on all participants, flooding one with excessive pressure, depriving the other of strength and leading him to emotional, psychological exhaustion. This is well reflected in the creative heritage, so watching good romantic films, listening to music can improve perception and give an understanding of the general investment in love and the need to leave, so as not to apply emotional torture to a loved one when you demand feelings from someone who does not want them mutually.

Communication with people should not be avoided, especially with those in relationships, in love, with those with whom you can have a relationship or treat you well. This is often perceived painfully and makes you want to abandon this format. Here it may initially be necessary to translate into practical necessity, as an important element of rehabilitation is a feasible load. For the cure, it is necessary to provide building elements, oxygen, activity. Just as avoiding stress on the injured leg will lead to muscle atrophy and problems with further functioning, so avoiding communication associated with experiencing the trauma of losing love can lead to further failure to form healthy romantic relationships.

Perceiving someone who has fallen out of love as the only couple, half is not a productive strategy. Anyone who has formed a relationship after completing previous ones knows that a new partner also becomes valuable. Even the subjective strength of the feeling is not indicative, since many experienced highly emotional feelings during the period, but remained quite capable of creating a permanent and long-term pair with another person. This should not devalue a love relationship in general, which would be the opposite extreme, since simply having the potential does not make the process of building love relationships easy or burdensome. But the perception of insurmountable difficulties in relationships, which lead a person to the conclusion that relationships are not needed, control over emotions is equivalent to suppressing any manifestations of experiences, which blocks an important aspect of a person's mental life, since emotions are a kind of fuel for, especially for the creative part. At the same time, we are talking not only about literal creative manifestation, but also about creative transformation and personality change in the process of obtaining a new unique experience.

Each person is whole in their own right and has the potential to form healthy and reciprocal relationships with a wide range of people. Each person has the potential to form a wide range of relatives (including we have no limit on how many children we can love), friendships, therefore it is rather illogical to limit our vision of romantic relationships. The partner seems subjectively unique, since we reward him with this value, and in the case of a healthy relationship, he mutually rewards us with such importance and this mutual feeling creates the uniqueness of the couple.

How to stop loving a person who does not love you?

When an understanding of the non-reciprocity of feelings comes to a person, there is a desire to stop loving in return. And the person asks the question - how to quickly stop loving a person who does not love you? Whether we are talking about existing relationships or about falling in love initially not mutual, that if a person is not loving, it means that for a certain period he demonstrated this dislike, behaved like a person who does not love. If the person has a good level of self-esteem, then the feeling will decrease.

How to stop loving a loved one? If a person loves someone who is not mutual, then the main problem is in the first and there is a way to stop loving. By analogy, you can imagine that a person to whom you are indifferent will come up and hit or insult. Undoubtedly, no one will tolerate this, and even without a mutual answer, there is hardly a desire to hug him. Moreover, it will reinforce a bad attitude. So with love - you are love, you dislike, love decreases (as in the example, from a neutral attitude to a negative one, here from a positive to a neutral one). But for this you need to feel your value in your eyes, and not give the opportunity to a feeling that should bring joy to life to destroy.

How to quickly stop loving a loved one if there is an understanding that feelings are not mutual? By the same analogy, you can stop yourself for further manifestation of love without reciprocity. Love is a strong feeling, it is not for nothing that it is opposed to hatred and aggression. They are equivalent, but with different signs. How sweet and salty. And it seems that if love is a positive feeling, then they cannot be badly done. You can, as you can overeat sweet. So it is for a person who does not love to demonstrate their love, how to force-feed. How to pour boiling water, because the water temperature is above zero. Despite the names positive, positive and negative, negative, in psychology these words do not mean that the first one needs more, and the second less. Everything strives for homeostasis, balance. The meaning is in the strength and context of the application, not in the particular perception of the sign. So out of the indifferent, you can make a hater.

Do not succumb to the desire to compare everyone with the object of love, creating mental dialogues, scenes, real or imagined communication. This creates, psychologically, an illusory reality unattainable for creation. A person does not perceive the other objectively, but more as a projection of his own world, as well as in the dynamics of relationships, which change as the personalities involved in communication change. The image of the lost always, especially initially, takes large-scale, sometimes grotesque forms in fantasy, therefore what is happening is perceived fatally and uncompromisingly. The value of the lost devalues \u200b\u200bthe rest of the spheres and the people around, drawing all attention to oneself, speaking in terms of gestalt psychology - a figure grows in the field, which does not allow closing the gestalt of relations.

The other will never be able to give the opportunity to experience an experience similar to that which was lost, because he is different, a person who is looking for a semblance of an old partner, is different, since he received a new experience, the relationship between them should also be formed without attracting old communication. This is also one of the reasons why sometimes love relationships end - not seeing changes in the partner and holding on to the image in illusions, moments of cooling and discontent are ignored, which gradually lead to the destruction of the relationship.

Faced with disappointment in a relationship, a person wants to understand how to quickly stop loving a loved one. Switch. To say is not to do, but so with any undertaking. In psychoneurology there is the concept of "dominant" - the center of brain activity, the nerve paths to which are trodden and it absorbs thoughts. Love (or rather, the projection of a person in the psyche) can become such a dominant and it seems that it is impossible to think about anything else. In order to reduce the attractiveness of the dominant for the nervous system, another must be created. How to transfer the pressure of a river to another place with the help of locks, to distribute energy. But in the case of the river - put a mechanical obstacle and the job is done, then the nervous system takes time to switch, and the impulse habitually tends to the old place. Therefore, at the first stages, you need to remind yourself and, by volitional effort, perform actions to switch to something else. Work, sports, creativity - the list is trivial, but the most effective ways are usually the most predictable.

That is why people who have several “centers of activity” are least likely to ask such a question: “how to stop loving a person?”, Because they are initially divided into different spheres. Therefore, the principle “to go to work with your head” plays into the hands of a person. Or prepare for a marathon. Or study the work of a graphics program in order to upload beautiful photos to a social network. For the same reason - alcohol is not an option in the long term; addiction can be formed according to the same principle.

This, of course, is not about a one-time action. One-time (or several times) suffering, crying and so on is quite acceptable, to seek help and support from relatives and friends. But this should also not be turned into a habit. By constantly discussing the situation and emotionally reinforcing it, the dominant only increases. If you want to cry, you have to cry, but purposefully put yourself in a situation where tears will appear, for example, in the next discussion, this is some mockery of yourself. For the same reason, it is good and useful to be alone for a while, especially if there is a general tendency to experience some processes on their own. But making a constant choice in his favor is a bad strategy for one's further development and will only take away the source of vivid emotions and paralyze an important part of human life.

How to stop loving a person? Psychologists advise dating. Initially, for switching, shifting thoughts from one partner dominating in fantasy to other potential partners. When a person is faced with disappointment in love, his self-worth for partnership in his subjective perception decreases, there is a doubt about the ability to effective love communication. And if isolation is chosen during such a traumatic situation, then such a perception will be strengthened (since it is deprived of the possibility of a positive experience) and in the future, fear of communication or devaluation of relationships may form when they talk about the "habit of loneliness." There can also be certain pitfalls here, but from the point of view of switching communication, isolation is a priority.

Yesterday you were inseparable, and it seemed that this would last forever. But life is an unpredictable thing, so a loved one may leave or the relationship simply exhausts itself. How to stop loving a person whom you love very much is incomprehensible and seems impossible. But thanks to the advice from psychologists, time and desire, any sadness passes, and there is an opportunity to find new happiness.

How to stop loving a person whom you love very much and do not want to let go?

Psychologist's advice on how to stop loving a person you love very much will help you come to terms with the departure of your beloved and find a stimulus to life:

  • Find all the clues that connect you with your beloved, that is, get rid of all memories, actions and things, then attachment to him will decrease. Try to understand what you especially liked about your partner, what he did for you, what caused the most emotions. You can even write it down so that there is no more of this in life;
  • Understand that you are most attached to feelings and emotions, and not to your partner. It's about touch, sex, voice or energy. Is it possible to stop loving a person without letting go of the sensation? No! This is the key point;
  • Remove from home and from life all things that remind you of your loved one;
  • Try not to pay attention to the internal commands to suffer, kill yourself and think about breaking up. Think about how long you want to live with these oppressive feelings.

It is recommended to describe all the exciting issues and grievances on paper in order to rationally look at the situation and quickly find solutions. How to stop loving a man, not suffer and let go? First of all, let go of him from your heart and realize that this is only for the best, that your soul mate is waiting for you ahead and the departure of this person will make you stronger internally.

  • Understand if you were manipulated in a relationship, at what moments and what emotions it caused. Then you will understand some of the reasons for parting and realize that everything happened for the good;
  • Stop thinking that this person was the only one for you and light love will no longer be in your life. You don't need to live in the image of a victim constantly, love yourself and then you will understand how to quickly stop loving a person and move on;
  • Understand that you loved the person's image, not himself. This is especially true of women who attribute non-existent features to their partner and live in pink glasses. It is enough to stop loving the image, and you can let go of the former;
  • Find new goals in life, try to bring new emotions into it. Don't make a person the raison d'être;
  • Think if you like the feeling that you still love someone? Sometimes we ourselves do not want to let go and move on, admit that our feelings have cooled down. And then no one will say how to stop loving a loved one, because this has already happened, and you are living in an illusion;
  • Change your attitude towards love and don't project the past into new relationships;
  • Don't start a new relationship right away, but give yourself the opportunity to be happy, don't be afraid to try again;
  • Realize the difference between healthy and problem relationships, identify your mistakes, work on yourself;
  • Accept the harsh truth - there is nothing eternal in this world;
  • How to stop loving the person you love? Find pluses in the gap, define for yourself new goals and motivation to go forward;
  • Don't compare new acquaintances to your ex;
  • Identify the difference between love and affection.

Is it possible to stop loving the person you love? Sure! Time, busyness, and new people will gradually erase past images and you will feel free. The main thing is not to see the object of passion for the first time.

How to stop loving a person who does not love you?

Also, there are situations when the object of your passion does not have mutual feelings for you. And how to stop loving a person who does not love you? Find out further:

  • The pain you feel is a normal sensation, you should not be ashamed of it;
  • Give yourself time to go through the situation, grieve and come to terms;
  • Understand that you cannot expect reciprocity from the other person and control feelings;
  • Move a distance, do not communicate and exclude a person from life at least for a while;
  • Find a way to express emotions - cry, exercise, work harder, paint, or just lie in bed.
  • Get rid of reminders, because the question of how to stop loving a husband who does not love you is the key moment;
  • Don't make mistakes - you don't need to blame or chase your ex, get drunk and go all out, or make short-term relationships. This does not relieve the pain, but gives even more trouble.

How to stop loving a man, not suffer and let go? And most importantly, when will everything pass?

In psychology, how to stop loving a guy will be explained in almost any manual or from a specialist. But the main question remains - when will this happen? When will it not hurt, when will the desire and the expectation of the return of the beloved go away? Nobody will answer these questions, everything depends on you. For some, six months is enough, some come to their senses after two years, others live with unhappy love in their hearts for eight years. On average, it takes about two years to recover from a rupture and try again. The question is when to break the vicious circle and free yourself? As they say: "The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves."

How to stop loving a loved one - let's summarize

There is no universal answer to how to stop loving a loved one, since we are all special, we feel differently and situations are different. The only thing that is known is to stop loving - perhaps, if you want to, fill your life with new emotions, find new goals and get rid of past mistakes. Find a new love object, like yourself!

How to stop loving a person who does not love you, methods of getting rid of love addiction.

Love is the most tender and beautiful feeling of all that a person can experience, but is it so? This feeling is really great in all aspects, because it brings a lot of positive emotions into a person's life. But, this statement is true only if love is mutual.

Unrequited love usually brings suffering, pain and other negative emotions to a person. And it's not so scary when this feeling remains unresponsive to the person with whom you just talked.

It is much more scary to come to the understanding that your feelings are unrequited when you and this person have already become a couple, or even a family. After all, it is very difficult to be with a person who simply allows himself to be loved.

As a result, the one who loves, realizing that he needs reciprocal love and understanding, can make a rather difficult decision for himself and leave his beloved.

A situation may also occur when the initiator of the separation will be the one who allowed himself to be loved. It should be understood that regardless of the situation, the one who loved will suffer the most, especially at first.

In order not to take the path of self-destruction, psychologists advise trying to stop loving someone who does not love you. But how to do that? This is what will be discussed in this article.

Step 1. Understanding your feelings

To begin with, you should decide whether it makes sense to fight for your love, or, nevertheless, it is worth trying to stop loving a person who does not reciprocate:

  1. Think about the positive and negative qualities of your lover. Just do it with your rose-colored glasses off. Check all the pros and cons;
  2. Think carefully about your own feelings. Perhaps the feelings that you have towards your partner are far from love, but just a habit? Think about how much you are appreciated and respected. Do words of gratitude speak;
  3. It is worth determining for yourself whether you can continue to endure your partner's shortcomings and continue to forgive barbs and other manifestations of indifference.

Of course, it is not always necessary to cut "in the heat of the moment", in some cases you just need to sit down with your soul mate at the "negotiating table" and find out frankly why you no longer feel the old feelings from your partner.

And if the partner makes it clear that he is not interested in such a conversation or declares the absence of reciprocal feelings, it is better to let go of the beloved. No need to humiliate yourself and ask to stay. Having played on the feeling of pity, you will not return his love.

Yes, the first time after breaking up will be painful, lonely and difficult. Yes, it's a tough choice. But who said it would be easy? Most importantly, never lose your self-esteem. You just need to be able to get over this situation and let go. You need to firmly believe that you will still meet “your soul mate”.

Step 2. Learning to value yourself and your time

Often, we do not value ourselves for the sake of our loved ones, we are even ready to step on the throat of our own pride, compromise our principles and make other sacrifices. Very often, such a manifestation of attention and respect is not appreciated by those who are the object of love.

Many are afraid of being alone. In this regard, as a rule, a situation is obtained when one person loves, and the second allows it to be done. After all, he is so comfortable and happy with everything.

And often the “cup of patience” of the one who loves is overflowing, and he may even begin to ask the question “how to stop loving a person who does not love you?”.

  • Learn to value yourself and your personal time.
  • Don't be afraid to end your relationship with someone who doesn't value or appreciate you.
  • Don't impose your love on another person.
  • If you are not loved, you better let the person go.

Step 3. What to do after breaking up?

Here we come to the most difficult part - the moment when you decided to part with someone who does not reciprocate. No matter how long the relationship lasted a month, a year or longer, the pain of parting with a loved one will be quite strong.

Time, in this case, is the best medicine. It may take a month or a year before you forget your lover. But if you just sit with folded hands, without taking any action and measures in order to quickly let go of your feelings, then, accordingly, you should not expect progress.

Therefore, you need to strive to quickly let go of your feelings and step over this life stage in order to move on to a new one. The most important thing at this moment is not to indulge in all the "serious".

Remember, promiscuous intercourse will not help you get rid of pain, and alcohol abuse can be detrimental to your health. So try using the tips below.

Having decided on a breakup, you can try to adhere to the following tips:

  • Stop clinging to your former lover and try to get rid of the things of your loved one and do not visit the places where you have been with him for a while. This will make it easier to get used to the idea that your paths diverged.
  • Avoid self-criticism and become a more confident person.
  • Don't idealize your lover. Often, a person in love believes that exactly the one he loves is the most ideal couple for him. Believe me, for a certain period of time, many people even think that parting with their beloved was the best solution. This is where creating a list of just the good things about breaking up will help you. For example, the absence of gratuitous scandals, free time that you can spend on yourself and other pluses.
  • Try to remember all the negative qualities of the beloved, such as rudeness towards you, laziness, and so on.
  • Give up thinking “I still love” and the like. Sometimes, some people get pleasure from such thoughts or they have no desire to part with them. It is not right. So a person closes, and does not give an opportunity to start a new relationship.
  • Switch your attention, for example, to work, engage in self-development by enrolling in foreign language courses, start attending dance studios and other classes. Make sure you don't have time to think about your ex.
  • Do not be afraid to make new acquaintances with the opposite sex, believe that your happiness lies ahead. Don't compare your partners to your lover. Try to see their positive qualities.
  • Be open to new things and do not close yourself in your world. You can do charity work, help those who are in dire straits.
  • If you need to speak about painful things, then you can entrust this to your friends or contact a psychologist. The main thing is not to keep everything to yourself.

The biggest mistake is constantly comparing new relationships with old ones. The past must remain in the past. He has no place in the present. Therefore, never compare your new lover to your ex. So you run the risk of not only offending him greatly, but also losing him.

Summing up

Asking the question of how to stop loving a person who does not love you, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself. Learn to respect yourself and your personal time.

You must admit that it is much more pleasant when you not only give yourself to your soul mate, but also get the same return in return. And to your ex-lover, if you really love him and want happiness for him, wish in your soul great love.