New Year in Irish style. Irish party! New Year in style

Have a party? Easily!

Monotonous parties, when a crowd of half-drunk, hungry guests gather in a small apartment or house, and the speakers of the music center burst so loudly that the neighbors’ windows shake, have long since sunk into oblivion. If you decide to hold a party, know: the evening should be such that all guests remember it for a long time, or rather, forever!

You can organize a themed party, for example, Latin American, pirate or sporty style. Parties like this are more like exciting game, because guests come in appropriate clothes, which look more like carnival costumes. And they behave as befits the intended topic.

What do you need for a party? First, you need to prepare the room for the event. That is, remove all breakable objects from the room: mother’s favorite vase, father’s collection of plaster rabbit figurines, etc., then get rid of excess furniture so that nothing gets in the way underfoot. It is better to send a pet: dog, cat, parrot (underline as appropriate) to a neighbor or acquaintance for a while, so as not to traumatize the animal’s psyche.

If the party is themed, you need to decorate the room. So, if the party takes place in oriental style, you can spread a carpet on the floor. If you remember, we took the chairs and sofa out of the room in advance. We'll throw pillows on the carpet; we don't have enough of our own, so we'll borrow from our neighbors. It's not bad if you have a hookah. Lighted aroma lamps and candles can easily replace ordinary electric lamps. Candles will take you to the world of the ancient mysterious East.

Treats (usually a buffet is served at parties) should also be chosen to suit the style of the party. Sherbet, baklava, an abundance of fruits, sweet wine, aromatic coffee, spicy liqueurs will become real decorations festive table. On average, a party for 10-12 people will cost you a pretty penny. But if the whole honest company comes together, then the costs will immediately decrease. In the end, everyone will have fun, so let everyone pay.

Organizing a party is a responsible matter. You can’t rely only on your native and favorite music center; you need to come up with some kind of program with various competitions and jokes. The most popular, albeit ridiculous, competition is still “forfeits”. Other games are also very popular: from the well-known “Understand Me” to the no less banal “Blind Man’s Bluff” and “Chess”, “Karaoke”. It all depends on the “condition” of the guests.

There are many options for hosting parties, here are some examples.

Oriental party.

Food, drinks: oriental sweets, green tea, apple tea (regular apple compote, chilled and strained), pilaf, shawarma, etc.

Dress code: girls in tops with bare bellies and a headscarf around their hips, men in turbans (prepare towels for everyone in advance or ask them to bring them with you), everyone is barefoot, in general, complete freedom.

The highlight of the program: hookah.

Entertainment: It’s good if someone knows how to belly dance, ask them to dance for you to thunderous applause. Then you can arrange a belly dancing master class for everyone, it especially looks comical for men, and at the end you can choose the best dancer. Or you can just drink wine, smoke a hookah and talk about pleasant and interesting topics.

Atmosphere: summer, beach, shore of any body of water, music in the style of ukulele and American disco.

Food, drinks: bananas and other tropical fruits, a variety of cocktails.

Dress code: wide shorts, light bright shirts, bright beads, bracelets, panama hats and light sandals.

The highlight of the program: cocktails.

Entertainment: have fun to the fullest, you can arrange an incendiary disco, a competition of cocktails or their names. As well as competitions such as Crocodile, Fanta, Associations, Salute!, Lunokhod, Whale, Puzzle, Kangaroo, Rhinoceroses, Caterpillar, Fifth-tenth, Vasya here, Potatoes, Blindfolded Throw, Fishermen, Schools of Fish, etc. .

Greek party.

Atmosphere: select photographic material with ruins, Greco-Roman symbols and decorate the room with it. White and golden candles, a meander on a curtain or rug, laurel wreaths, and sirtaki-style music will fit well into the interior.

Food and drinks: feta cheese, Greek salad, flatbread, olives, wine, herbs.

Dress code: at the entrance, all guests are given (or asked to bring with them) togas, chitons (white sheets tied over the shoulder, belted with a rope), slippers and, if desired, laurel wreaths.

Entertainment: Organize Olympic Games for any type of physical or mental activity appropriate to your temperament. You can arrange a quiz or hold a competition: who can write the most names of Greco-Roman gods on a piece of paper in three (five, ten...) minutes.

Prizes and gifts: meanders, laurel wreaths or branches.

Irish party.

Invitations: Cut out shamrocks from green paper and write invitations on them.

Atmosphere: in essence, this is an ordinary party with beer and chips, but... The interior can be decorated with everything green - tablecloths, dishes, balls, bedspreads, cut out shamrocks from paper and attach them to windows, curtains, walls, etc. For a musical background, golden Irish ballads, Irish Pub Songs, an album by Enya, Lorena McKenith or the Pogues are suitable.

Food and drinks: beer, whiskey, garlic toast, and any other suitable snack.

Dress code: everyone present must be wearing something green. Green underwear, stripes on pants, and shoe laces are not suitable.

Competitions and games: at your discretion, according to the gathered company, its mood and passion.

Invitations: Try to send out invitations in advance: you can make them yourself by cutting out “footprints” of various animals from paper and writing the text of the message on them.

Atmosphere: in order to create the right mood, it is very important to maintain the style in the festive interior. Lay a tablecloth with leopard print on the table, and place incense sticks with spicy scents around the house. It’s good if you have a disc with folk music of the tribes of the Dark Continent or with the sounds of wild nature. At the entrance, place a tray with a bottle of alcohol with the word “Firewater” written on it, and several glasses. Everyone who comes will have to take a sip of the drink, which, by the way, may turn out to be ordinary water. If you carefully consider all the details, then success is guaranteed. Exotic New Year will be remembered for a long time, your friends will probably demand a continuation of the “banquet” and will be waiting for new ideas for the next holidays.

Food and drinks: the festive table must include fruits (bananas, oranges, mangoes, etc.), a deliciously fried meat dish (leg of lamb, turkey or chicken), and several exotic snacks. If you are not afraid of experiments, you can not serve cutlery to your guests and eat like a savage, with your hands.

Dress code: warn all guests in advance that entry to your party is only allowed in African attire: these can be bright and colorful clothes or even animal costumes.

Entertainment: The cultural program of your evening can be quite extensive: when creating entertainment for your guests, just add a little African flavor to it. For example, you can hold a competition to determine how fast you can eat a banana and solemnly award the winner the title of the fastest monkey. To diversify traditional conversations at the table, offer the following game: you need to remember as many songs about winter and summer as possible and sing them one line at a time. Let the guests take turns singing, and those who can’t remember anymore are eliminated from the game. The losers must complete some simple tasks: shout three times in the voices of different African animals, drink a glass of “fire water” in one gulp, pretend to be some kind of animal. If you have a very ordinary darts at home, then you can hold a competition for the title of the best hunter. Simply tape a picture of a lion to the target and invite guests to take turns using the dart to try to “kill” the predator. The most accurate one wins.

Party in USSR style.

Atmosphere: it is very successful to organize such parties in November holidays. Red balloons, flags and bows are suitable for decoration. Music and films of Soviet times.

Food and drinks: Olivier salad, herring, pickles, sauerkraut, jacket potatoes, vodka.

Dress code: red bow on the lapel of a jacket or on a blouse. You can use red armbands.

Entertainment: re-singing to see who can remember more revolutionary songs. Ditties, jokes.

Bath party.

Atmosphere: the room is, in fact, the bathhouse or sauna itself. If among the guests there are experts in bath procedures, involve them in the entertainment program. Or collect the necessary material yourself.

Food and drinks: any light snacks that do not require cooking (crackers, chips, olives, crackers, cheese, etc.). Drinks include kvass, herbal teas, and beer.

Dress code: swimsuits, swimming trunks and sheets.

The highlight of the program: the steam room.

Entertainment: if there is a swimming pool, you can arrange team games with an inflatable ball, a competition for the best diver. And also: crocodile, associations, touching, names, kangaroo, question and answer, shave the ball. And it is very suitable for such parties - karaoke.

Lovers' party.

Atmosphere: such a party can be held anytime, not necessarily February 14th. Decorate the room in pink and red colors, candles, hearts, flower petals. Guests are invited to this party in pairs. It is best to use romantic, light music, for example, Romantic Collection.

Food and drink: romantic and light dishes, such as cakes, fruit, chocolate, wine, champagne, unusual and refined tea or coffee.

Entertainment: games and competitions involving couples, such as famous couples, touching, kisses, love statue, where to invest money, clothespins1, clothespins2, tell me about yourself, hot chair, guess your soulmate, blind coordination, guess whose photo, dancing on a leaf, word of mouth.

Atmosphere: why not have a masquerade ball fairy-tale heroes. If you choose this difficult but interesting scenario, then you will definitely need to warn your friends. After all, in order to create original costumes, they will need a sufficient amount of time.

Dress code: let everyone choose their favorite fairy tale character and dress up with it. The more varied the guests are dressed, the better. Then you will be able to look at the Snow Queen, and the fox Alice with the cat Basilio, and the Dwarves with Snow White, and Koshchei the Immortal, and many other heroes of fairy tales and cartoons in one photo.

The highlight of the program: fancy dress.

The main task of the host is to preserve the zest of the masquerade ball, to try to make sure that the guests do not leave their fairy-tale images throughout the celebration. This scenario will allow you to take a fresh look at each of your friends and will reveal the creative potential of each member of your company.

Food and drinks: It is advisable that the snacks are fairly light, otherwise no one will want or be able to take part in the further festive program.

Entertainment: as soon as everyone has gathered and calmed down, we hold the following competition: each invitee will have to make a short speech: introduce himself, tell how he got to this ball, and wish something in honor of the holiday to everyone gathered. After introductions, guests are invited to the table. After several toasts, invite those gathered to the grand opening of the masquerade ball. You need to prepare cards in advance on which the names of all the characters will be written. These leaves are folded into a hat and pulled out two at a time. In this way pairs are formed, for example The Snow Queen and the Dwarf, the cat Basilio and Thumbelina. Then each duet must show their skills: perform fast and slow dances. It is better to choose unusual music: either funny or not suitable for dancing at all. All couples perform in turns, and then the most charming and successful duet receives a prize. The further program of the festive evening and night can be arbitrary.

Prizes and gifts: be sure to prepare prizes for best suit and the best speech.

And the main rule that unites all party styles: let's do without the traditional fight! But if you can’t do without this “attribute” at all, we remind you of useful phone numbers: fire department - “01” (mobile - 011), police - “02” (from mobile - 022), ambulance - “03” (from mobile - 033).

We bring to your attention

New Year in style

Irish party!

What do you know about Ireland?

The rebellious country of Ireland, whose symbol is a three-leaf clover, with which they will beat anyone who confuses them with the British. The struggle for independence is a national hobby here.

Home of the most delicious beer and Claddagh rings. Beer, beer and more beer! And you can do it without bread! And in the old days among drinks In Irish society, honey and honey wine were preferred. At the end of the seventeenth century, people in Ireland learned about tea, which quickly became a popular, but quite expensive drink. Irish whiskey is one of the oldest spirits in Europe. The first mentions of it date back to the middle of the twelfth century.

The national cuisine of Ireland consists of fairly simple, but satisfying and tasty dishes. The climate in this country is humid and surprisingly lush grass grows on the pastures. Livestock can practically graze here all year round. Therefore, meat and dairy products form the basis of the local cuisine. It is worth noting that the products used in preparation are among the most environmentally friendly in the world. And the Irish are very fond of seasonings and generously flavor both first and second courses with them.

How will it look like?

Creating an entourage:

The holiday can be held right in the Irish Pub, or in any other room and decorated in green colors using Irish symbols, and each guest will definitely receive an Irish shamrock right at the entrance.

National Irish dishes are served on the table, for example: the famous Irish stew or stewed lamb with vegetables, and drinks - wine, whiskey, tea and of course, green beer! Have you tried green beer?


The host, who is also Saint Patrick, welcomes the guests and announces that everyone is in for unbridled fun in the Irish spirit, and this is where the fun begins! Competitions, gifts and many surprises await you. And let's not forget about the search for the magic pot of gold.

The Irish are known to love dancing! And our party will not be left without dancing. A dance performed by a professional dance group will never leave you indifferent! A master class in Irish dancing will not allow you to sit still when a musical group appears on stage.

And in conclusion, let me introduce you to the headliners of our Irish party, one of the most prominent representatives of folk music in the Urals, the Raido Folk Clan. Their music is multifaceted: from medieval ballads to fast fiery dances. The group's repertoire includes songs in 7 languages ​​(English, German, Spanish, Swedish, Polish, Ukrainian and native Russian). The bright, emotional performance of "Raido" will not leave even the most demanding listeners indifferent!

How much does it cost?

Approximate estimate for the New Year's event.

Total: ___________ rub.

Planned profit: 10% ___________ rub.

Total: ___________ rub.


The program and estimate are approximate, it is possible to write more detailed scenario, and, accordingly, a more specific estimate. It is possible to invite other artists, at your discretion. Prices are indicated on last week before the new year and are valid only within the city. Our LED screen can be installed. Installation of our: podium, light and sound. All equipment is owned by the Ural Stage Complexes company. Photos of the places where the events took place and the equipment that we have can be viewed on the website: Prices for equipment are not indicated in the estimate, since we do not know what venue your event will be held, and therefore how much equipment may be needed.


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Fairytale Scotland seems to shun strangers, hiding in the fog of legends and myths. She is surprisingly contradictory, and, as it may seem at first glance, not very friendly. But a traditional Scottish party will dispel stereotypes, showing guests how cheerful and warm-hearted people inhabit the north of Albion.


Having become accustomed to wide black streaks in the history of their country, these people literally learned at the genetic level to be economical “just in case.” When organizing a Scottish-style party, it is important to feel the line where necessity ends and excess begins. Of course, the atmosphere should be festive, but without ostentatious luxury and not due to the decor collected “on the knee”.

Homemade paraphernalia for a Scottish party is an excellent solution, because... many items for decoration are either not available or are too expensive. But it is advisable to start preparing in advance so that you have enough time for high-quality styling.

A Celtic-style pub/restaurant is suitable for this holiday: dim lighting, rough furniture, oak barrels, on the walls there are weapons, armor and hunting trophies. The ideal option is outdoor recreation according to the scenario of the Scottish Highland Games (an ancient tradition, competitions for male warriors). A Scottish party in an apartment will be no less fun if you create a themed atmosphere. We offer ideas:

  • check or tartan is a national ornament recognized all over the world. Blankets, tablecloths, pillows, curtains, ribbons on vases. The colors are any to your taste, but genuine tartan is distinguished by the harmony of natural shades. In addition to fabric, you can print pictures with a suitable texture;

  • To create home comfort, make a fake fireplace: glue wallpaper with a stone texture on top of the cardboard “frame”, cut out flames from the paper. Or a bio-fireplace in the center of the table, voluminous candles in groups. The Scots consider themselves a people of fire, not one National holiday can't do without a fire show;
  • weapons (axes, broadswords, claymores, knives, shields)– print a large photo or draw it, cut it according to the silhouette, and glue it onto a thick base. This paraphernalia will be useful for a Scottish-style photo shoot, role-playing a scenario, or as wall decoration;

  • colorful photos will help you immerse yourself in the theme of the party– castles, inaccessible cliffs, mossy forests, hills overgrown with gorse and heather (one of the national symbols). And portraits of Scots in national costumes will finally make guests believe in the reality of a small trip;

Glue the photo onto slightly larger checkered sheets of paper to create stylish “frames”. Make an inscription in the corner - the location of the shooting or poetic statements about the country.

  • iconic fauna - deer, trout and salmon, pheasants, sheep, Highland cows (shaggy charm!). It is advisable to reflect these symbols in the party design. Drawings on dishes, pictures, prints on paraphernalia, Scottish souvenirs or simply similar figures;
  • iconic flora - ferns (indoors in pots), cereals (decorative bouquets sold), heather, juniper and pine trees. Add thistle to the interior - the flower of Scotland, the emblem of an ancient order and a symbol of national character. You can write a motto: “No one will touch me with impunity”;

  • mythology – unicorns (depicted on the coat of arms), ghosts, fairies, Loch Ness monster. Also pictures and figures. Let Nessie swim in the bathtub or aquarium, and let the ghost from the sheet watch behind the curtain/in the closet;
  • Whiskey is the pride of every Scotsman! A reverent attitude can be reflected in a variety of techniques. For example, collect garlands of labels (print authentic ones), put candles in bottles, use barrels instead of chairs;
  • It’s easy to assemble garlands from any of the listed attributes: cut paper/wallpaper suitable color diamonds, fold, glue the triangles on a thread and paste them into the center of the image. You can collect paper thistle flowers, ribbons of tartan fabric, flags, coats of arms, and kilts into garlands.

Bagpipes are a must-have guest at a Scottish-style party. It’s easy to make a prop instrument from sticks and a piece of fabric. Or print the photo in life-size, cut it out along the contour, glue it to cardboard on both sides and tie cords with tassels.


For the base of a themed card, paper with a tartan pattern is ideal. On top of any attribute or chaotically several national ones. characters. Type the text in a Celtic ornate font. You can make an invitation in the shape of bagpipes, kilt, Nessie, castle, etc.

Original invitations to a Scottish party - an “antique” scroll tied with a checkered ribbon. Buy aged paper or make coffee paper (it's easy), it's better to write by hand:

Greetings, Alex Makivan (Sasha Ivanovich)! The McFeds invite you to inter-clan highlander games on the occasion of *occasion*. Your eternal ally, Igor Makfed (Igor Fedorovich).

The surname begins with the prefix “poppy”, it means belonging to the clan. Literally “descendant” + the name of the ancestor of the clan, a distant ancestor. But for stylization, this simplified version is also suitable: Masha Sergeevna - Marie Maksergus, Irina Vyacheslavovna - Irena Makslav.


The national Scottish clothing for men is recognizable all over the world thanks to the kilt. Previously, it was a woolen blanket draped around the waist for comfort. The kilt “lost weight” to a skirt relatively recently - today it is a traditional element of clothing that most people wear only on holidays.

In addition to the kilt, Scottish costumes include spats, shirt, jacket or waistcoat, tie or bow tie. On the head is a beret with a pompom and/or bow, feather, brooch (symbol of the clan). The kilt is held at the waist by a wide belt with a massive buckle, and a large pouch hangs from the front of the belt.

Women's Scottish clothing is simpler - a floor-length dress or blouse and long skirt . Wide long sleeves The shirts are gathered at the wrists with cuffs, and the figure is emphasized by a corset. Stylized women's suits Tartans are a great option for a party: comfortable, moderately revealing, bright.

Modern Scottish-style clothing models are also chic evening dresses, and T-shirts-shorts in a recognizable checkered pattern. Tartan may be the only requirement of the dress code, if the party is informal, there will be no problems with choosing such clothing.

If there is little time for preparation, sew accessories for everyone: berets, scarves, checkered brooches, bows, etc. Color determines belonging to one or another clan - this moment can be played out by dividing the guests into two clan teams according to the scenario.

For a party with humor: a Nessie costume, bottles of whiskey or a Scottish movie hero, red wigs/beards, T-shirts with a collie, a fold cat, a Scotch terrier, any thematic design.

Menu, serving

To ensure your party is perfect down to the last detail, surprise your guests with several traditional Scottish dishes. Include lamb and beef, sea fish and seafood, vegetables, and cheeses in the menu. It is better to bake the meat or cook it over coals.

Want to amaze your friends? Serve up the haggis - the famous dish of lamb lungs, heart and liver will be the main culinary experiment of the evening! Instead of gizzard, if this is not an option for you, Haggis can be cooked in a faux casing or as a casserole, without the casing at all.

Prepare several potato dishes - baked with a cheese crust, fried in slices with bacon (hundreds of recipes). Potatoes are the main vegetable in the north of Albion; experts call local varieties the best in the world. Restaurants even have an analogue of wine lists, but for choosing the type of potato!

Drinks at a Scottish-style party: whiskey, scotch-based cocktails, any beer, dark ale, national wines; non-alcoholic – tea, Irn-bru. The rest is up to the tastes of the guests.

Scotch eggs are perfect for a holiday table, “hidden” entirely inside the cutlet - a very tasty portioned dish. You can’t do without baked goods: traditional puddings, rolls, pies and pies with a variety of fillings. And the proud descendants of the Celts love sweets, from homemade cookies (don’t forget oatmeal cookies - it is believed that they were invented by the highlanders) to sweets, marmalade, and candied fruits.

Oats occupy a special place in folk cuisine; they are added to puddings and other baked goods, soups, haggis, etc. Treat your friends to the magnificent Cranachan dessert - cream or soft sweet cottage cheese, oat flakes in caramel, honey, whiskey if desired, raspberries. Served in tall glasses, the recipe is very simple.

It is advisable to set the table without any special frills, at home. Traditional checkered tablecloth, porcelain tableware or disposable stylized one. For serving, painted plates with deer, salmon, and thistles are ideal (souvenir plates, sold online). If the menu is mixed, mark national dishes with mini country flags and decorate cocktail tubes with them.


The British (who would have thought!) constantly joke about the emotional isolation of their neighbors and believe that there are only two ways to “unfreeze” them - pour them a drink or start an argument. We propose to base the scenario of a Scottish party on the main passion of the highlanders – the desire to win. The competitions below reflect the Scottish love for this or that entertainment, but are adapted to the realities of the party.


Light plastic mops without brushes or cardboard sticks, ping-pong balls, disposable cups (they should be placed on the floor against the wall). The goal is to get your ball into the “hole”, three attempts, to be eliminated for a miss or score points for a hit. With each stage the distance increases.


Mops/sticks, improvised gates (you can put 2 cups) and Balloons. Everyone plays together or 3-5 people each if the room is cramped, then winners play with winners until the best is identified. The task is to bring your ball to the goal with a stick before the opponent, the goal is shared.

Greyhound racing

Cut out dog paw prints according to the number of players, fold them in half (so that the footprint is slightly convex). The “dog” runs to the finish line due to the efforts of the “owner” who blows on it. It is better to play on a slippery floor.


This is the most obvious competition for a Scottish party - pheasant target + darts. Or deer antlers, on which you need to throw a cardboard ring.

Log throwing

Crazy fun for real mountaineers! But instead of a log, if the party is indoors, throw aqua sticks (lightweight, they cost pennies). Blindfolded, throw a stick so that it flies through a suspended ring (the same cardboard).


Children's magnetic set– catch a fish, perform the appropriate forfeit (according to the morals of the company). Another option is to hide it around the hall paper fish, at the end, calculate which clan has the most “catch” (plus a bonus point).

Scottish music will highlight the theme of the holiday, and folk dances reminiscent of wild horse races will certainly amuse your friends! Organize an impromptu master class and choose the best dancer.


Yes, yes, despite the relatively warm winters They are better at home than in some Alps! Team relay - on fake skis, go around the chairs in a figure of eight, go back and pass the props to the next one.


This is not a competition, but a game for which they even organize international tournaments! The task is to get your flea into the glass, interfering with your opponent along the way. playing big buttons or plastic chips. Very emotional! Full rules are available online.

Flower Fight (Augusta Carnival)

One of the most spectacular festivals in Scotland, which invariably attracts crowds of tourists: after a beautiful parade, cheerful audiences throw flowers at each other. Instead of flowers, lumps of multi-colored paper or balloons, an equal number per team.

In the allotted time, you need to throw all your “shells” to the opponents’ side. For convenience, mark the border dividing the “lands” of the clans. It is clear that other people's flowers/balls need to be quickly thrown back to half of the opponents - funny and very noisy!

If the party is held outdoors, organize the Highlander Games - competitions for agility, strength, accuracy, artistry (the Wiki has complete information). Invite fakirs, bagpipers or a dance group to the celebration on a grand scale. You can complete the Scottish party scenario in the style of Aphelio - a fire festival, at the end of which a huge Viking ship is burned. Make a fire pit out of a cardboard boat outdoors, and smash a piñata ship indoors!

Prizes: wallets, notebooks, scarves and other small items in traditional checkered patterns, sets of sweets, real scotch and ale.

Holiday in Irish style allows you to combine business with pleasure - have a lot of fun and plunge a little into the world of another culture.

Unusual invitations in the shape of a shamrock will give guests a hint of the desired dress code.

The hall can be decorated in green colors using Irish symbols.

The host, aka Saint Partick, welcomes the guests and announces that today everyone will have unbridled fun in the Irish spirit. And in order for the holiday to be a success, he brought a box of beer (Irish whiskey, Baileys liqueur, Irish coffee - underline as appropriate) as a gift from the Irish people. At this moment, the co-host runs out in the form of a Leprechaun, grabs the box and runs away. Then he appears again and informs those present that he hid his prey in a safe place and will return it only when the guests pass all his ingenious tests.

The first test from Leprechaun is the game "Beer Keg". Players are given coins that must be thrown into a barrel from a certain distance. The most accurate will receive a bottle from the Leprechaun's reserves. And a gift for all participants will be the performance of an incendiary bartender show.

The next test is “Collect a shamrock.” Players are given album sheets on which the outlines of trefoils are depicted. Inside each petal is a letter representing a color, such as "K" for red, "3" for green, etc. Players must collect petals of their color, which are hidden on the stage. The first person to collect all three petals for his shamrock receives a cap with a quatrefoil sewn on it for good luck. An illusionist performing on stage will gladly “fool” everyone else.

The third task is called "Shepherds". The players are divided into shepherds and sheep (in the context of the holiday, being in the role of a sheep is not at all offensive). Each shepherd chooses his own sheep. The presenter says that sheep farming is thriving in Ireland, and good shepherds are highly valued there. A good shepherd must be able to recognize the sheep from his flock with eyes closed. Now we will check whether it is worth hiring shepherds like you. Then the shepherds are blindfolded and led to a flock of sheep. The shepherd must identify his sheep by touch. The one who distinguishes himself will receive certificate of honor the best sheep herder. Those who didn't succeed with the sheep can hone their shepherding skills during the performance of funny mini-pigs.

The next tricky task from the Leprechaun is called “The Insidious Leprechaun.” As you probably know, leprechauns are dwarf shoemakers who love to trick people by the nose. The leprechaun begins to tell various tales. But in our unpredictable world, any fable can turn out to be true. The task of the guests who listen to the Leprechaun is to guess where the truth is and where it is fiction. The best in this competition will receive a whole collection of fables with a dedicatory signature from the Leprechaun.

The host says that the guests worked hard on difficult tasks and deserved a short break. During the music and smoking break, guests will be able to receive a portion of positive predictions for next year from a famous fortune teller. Cheerful artists will draw friendly caricatures for guests as souvenirs. The illusionist will demonstrate micromagic for those interested.

The next test awaits the guests who return to the hall - the brain-ring in honor of St. Patrick's Day. To participate in the quiz, guests are divided into two teams. Participants must come up with an original name for their team. The quiz questions, of course, will concern the holiday itself, Ireland and religion. The game is played on the principle of a brain ring, i.e. whose team raised its hand first, has the right to answer first. Points are awarded for correct answers. The points are then tallied and the winners receive prizes. And a gift for everyone can be a performance of a sand, neon or Ultraviolet show made in the style of the holiday.

The Irish are known to be a cheerful nation and love dancing. Therefore, Leprechaun invites guests to show what they are capable of on the dance floor. But to do this, first those present are invited to watch the performance of professionals in Irish dancing, and then show their skills during the master class.

Do you want to organize something unusual for yourself and your friends? Looking for information about the celebration various holidays? We invite you to celebrate such an interesting and special holiday as St. Patrick's Day.

This is a holiday of veneration of the Christian saint, the patron saint of Ireland, who came to us from this beautiful country.

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17th and is public holidays in many provinces. However, its celebration can also be carried out non-centrally, at one’s own request and discretion :).

But, you must agree that this will be a great reason to drink good beer and have fun with your best friends!

St. Patrick's Day: how it is celebrated in different cities

In different cities, this holiday is celebrated in different ways. So, parades are held in Moscow, and Dublin, New York, Boston and Munich join in. In the city of Chicago they paint the river in green color, because this color is considered traditional for celebration.

Of course, St. Patrick's Day is a tradition that is very interesting to observe! So, all those invited to the celebration must be dressed in green clothes, which is decorated with the symbol of St. Patrick's Day - a three-leaf clover leaf. Among other things, images of leprechauns and Irish flags can serve as attributes.

Despite the fact that in ancient times all taverns were closed on this holiday, now St. Patrick's Day can be celebrated at a musical party in a pub or any beer bar.

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day - let's have a house party!

Let's start with decorating the house. These can be simple garlands and clover-shaped decorations, always made in green.

With simple felt you can make something like this: simple decorations for your table.

As a treat, it is not necessary to offer traditional Irish dishes, focusing on the snacks and desserts that are familiar to us. However, it is worth remembering that the implementation of each product can be made in a strict holiday theme :).

Don't forget that leprechauns are also part of the holiday :).

For desserts we use classic pies and cupcakes, which can be decorated with green and chocolate icing.

When making various drinks and cocktails, carve green apple garnishes for an authentic and fresh touch!

You can also make various treats from chocolate, liquor and real Irish beer!

Don't forget that quality whiskey is also traditional for Ireland :).

For entertainment, you can have a costume party. Each of those present can come up with their own leprechaun costume. At the end of the evening, you can hold a vote for the best reincarnation!

You can also arrange a search for a real treasure, because leprechauns, according to legend, have untold riches and always hide them away from human eyes! The winning in such a game can be a package of real gold coins made of chocolate :).

Let's also not forget that St. Patrick's Day is a music and dance party! That’s why, after your next beer, don’t forget to dance the jig and reel.

And perhaps interesting and fun master class will be the highlight of your evening?

To create a unique atmosphere, use this