Beautiful New Year's stencils for cutting out windows. New Year's paper balls templates for cutting. Vytynanki: New Year's bells

New Year is a holiday that is loved by both adults and children, especially children. They like everything - the process of preparing for the holiday, the process of waiting for a gift, and the goodies on the table. Preparations for the New Year begin long before the holiday begins. Ideas for gifts, home decoration, outfits, and a festive table are being explored.

What is the first thing Santa Claus sees when he comes to visit you? Of course, your windows. Therefore, one cannot help but pay attention to their decorations.

Beautifully decorated windows will not only decorate your home from the inside, but also make it beautiful from the outside.

There are several ways to decorate - using stencils and templates, toys, garlands. Which stencil or template is most suitable for you - decide for yourself, and we will tell you below how this can be brought to life.

The simplest and most affordable way to decorate windows is to use stencils. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself. The latter is preferable. Why? Yes, because when drawing a picture, cutting it out and gluing it, you put your energy, love and kindness into the process.

Don’t discount the fact that making window decorations and decorating the process itself is a creative process, and if you do it together with your loved ones and children, then you will not only decorate the house, but also spend many pleasant moments together.

What stencils can be used to decorate windows? Here you can give free rein to your family fantasy. These could be Christmas trees, snowflakes (you will find stencils for snowflakes just below), Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Mistress of the Year Dog..... there is no limit to your imagination in this matter.

On the Internet you can find many stencil templates for decorating windows, but sometimes the question is how to transfer them to paper. This can be done in two ways.

First way. Make a drawing of yourself on the monitor screen big size, attach a transparent piece of paper to the screen and redraw the stencil.

Second way. Save the picture and print it on your printer. Only the drawing can be printed in small size.

How can you increase it? This can be done using Microsoft Word. Create a document on your desktop, copy the picture you like there and, pointing the cursor at the corner of the picture, simply stretch it to the desired size.

And long-awaited stencils for decorating windows.

Snowflakes on paper windows for the New Year. Print stencils:

Light airy snowflakes give a wonderful mood when they whirl and fall to the ground and cover it with a white snow carpet, but also when they decorate our home, especially the windows. They can be different - smooth, openwork, made of paper or cut out of cardboard. You can even cut out a snowflake from a newspaper, and it will have an original, slightly creative look. The simplest and most accessible material for making snowflakes is, of course, paper.

They can be made using several methods.

The way they were taught to do it back in kindergarten.

— Fold a square piece of paper diagonally several times and cut out the patterns that came to our minds.

— Draw or print a snowflake template.

- Buy ready stencil or a template in the store.

How to glue a snowflake to a window? It couldn’t be easier to do this - just make a saturated soap solution, coat one side of the snowflake with it and stick it to the window. It can even do this Small child. Watch a video on how to glue a snowflake to a window.

There is another way to use a stencil to draw a design on the window glass.

Attach a snowflake (or some other design or composition) to the glass and apply the coloring agent using a sponge.

The coloring agent in our case can be ordinary toothpaste.

Below are interesting snowflake patterns that can decorate your windows.

But how beautiful the windows will be.

Window decorations in the year of the dog (stencils in the shape of dogs and animals).

The mistress of this year, as mentioned above, will be the Yellow Earth Dog. And, although she begins to rule only in February, we can already begin to achieve her favor. And a great way to do this would be to decorate the windows of your home as a family.

You can give free rein to your children's imagination and let them decorate their windows with dogs and other animal images, or use ready-made templates and stencils.

Charming, sweet and serious representatives of the dog fraternity will become a worthy decoration of your windows, and other animals will be their friends.

And now templates of adorable dogs and other animals that are eager to decorate your windows.

New Year's balls for cutting out of paper for windows (clippings).

In addition to snowflakes, various balls can also be called a favorite attribute for decorating a Christmas tree and home. If we decorate the Christmas tree with shiny glass balls, then you can use paper stencils and balloon templates to decorate windows. Windows decorated with carved paper balls, look very festive and elegant.

In order to cut out a ball and stick it on the window you need:

  • Print or redraw the version you like.
  • Using a sharp knife or small nail scissors, carefully cut out the inner parts.
  • Glue the ball to the window in any way (it’s best to use a concentrated soap solution - then it’s very easy to remove the stencil from the window).

After you glue the ball to the window, you can use toothpaste, a sponge or a toothbrush and make a stencil design.

And now we invite you to choose your own version of a template or stencil of balls for cutting out and decorating windows.

How else can you decorate your windows for the New Year 2020? Original ideas

Most likely, ideas on how to decorate a window in an original and unusual way New Year your family members have a great many. But there are times when nothing original comes to mind. In order for our imagination and fantasies to begin to work in full force, we need a little push.

The design options proposed below may be such an impetus. You can take them as a basis and, adding your creative thoughts to them, turn your windows into a work of art.

Or you can give free rein to your children's imagination. They have problems with original decoration there will never be! But there will be a lot of joy from the process of inventing, decorating and being proud of yourself!

An unusual decoration for the windows would be a ballerina snowflake.

Making such a snowflake is not very difficult. Cut from thick beautiful paper figurine of a ballerina and dress it in a snowflake. Moreover, snowflakes can be different in color, complexity, texture. Hang such a snowflake in the window opening and when you open the window for ventilation, it will spin beautifully under the flow of incoming air.

How to make such a snowflake is shown in the video.

Nobody canceled New Year's glowing garlands. By decorating a window with them, you can create a fabulous atmosphere in the room.

No less impressive is a window decorated with pom-poms made of wool (and not only wool). These cheerful pompoms are very easy to make, and they look just great, adding to the joyful mood.

In addition, by decorating windows, you can arrange entire thematic compositions. Such compositions are shown in the collage. And, who knows, maybe their mesmerizing beauty will inspire you to create your own wonderful composition.

New Year has always been a family holiday. And 2019 suggests an even greater emphasis on family, comfort and kindness. Because the Dog is a symbol of devotion, kindness and love. She loves warmth and comfort. Therefore, the Mistress will really like your joint family work on decorating the house. These chores will not be a burden; they will be joyful and happy for the whole family.

How to make a stencil of a bird on a branch for cutting paper, bullfinch, beautiful butterflies for windows.

Butterflies are such gentle and amazing creatures that, observing them in nature, a person invariably feels incredible delight and admiration.

These beautiful insects are credited with magical and magical properties, making them mysterious characters of fairy tales, legends, and myths. Wonderful creatures do not leave anyone indifferent.

If you are in love with these fabulous, beautiful insects and decide to “settle” them in your home, then you have several simple and affordable methods at your disposal. Decor using the image of a beautiful butterfly is done using a stencil.

In this article you will find a selection of spectacular butterfly stencils that are perfect for decorating interiors and windows. Read the article and choose the option that suits you best.

Cutting paper butterflies for windows: stencils and templates

Today you can often see beautiful drawings on windows. Such images are applied using a stencil or the contours are drawn directly on the glass.

Using butterfly stencils, you can create amazingly fabulous pictures that will be appropriate not only during the holiday, but also on weekdays.

  • Using stencils you can decorate not only windows. Butterflies floating in the air will decorate the walls and ceiling in the bedroom and nursery.
  • The background can be discreet, different pastel shades or painted in a contrasting color.
  • You can apply images of butterflies in one color or create a real riot of colors and shades.
  • Paints with various effects are also suitable (paint with luminous particles, with glitter, to age the image).
  • If desired, you can also use fashionable way decorating with three-dimensional figures. Flocks of butterflies will look beautiful and original on the window glass, giving a special zest to the room. It is better to cut such butterflies from thick paper.

The background can be discreet, in various pastel shades or painted in a contrasting color

The volumetric butterfly is performed in several stages:

  • select a stencil and paper of the desired color (you can also use thick felt fabric)
  • mark the place where the butterflies will be glued
  • the image of a butterfly is transferred to paper using a stencil
  • butterfly cut out
  • A small square of double-sided tape is glued to the abdomen
  • butterfly sticks to window glass

A bright ornament on a window or wall can be a vytynanka - an openwork or silhouette figure cut out of paper. To make the vytynanka, paper of a suitable color is selected.

  • The figures are cut out and glued directly onto the window glass. This decor will ideally complement festive atmosphere room, making it elegant and cozy. A positive mood from contemplating such beauty is guaranteed!
  • Each butterfly can be made unique by cutting out an original pattern on the wings. You can approach this process creatively and cut out patterns like snowflakes.
  • The vytynankas made in this way will be a wonderful home decoration during the New Year holidays or the birthday of a child or an adult.
  • By decorating your windows with butterflies, you can easily change general form interior With the onset of the new season, the issue of adding bright accents becomes relevant. Using our tips, you can do this in just one evening, because the decor is simple and does not require large financial investments.

Wall design options

By choosing the most suitable templates presented in our article, you can print them and create real masterpieces for handmade windows.

Butterfly vytynanki on windows: templates

Simple silhouettes of butterflies can be cut out of colored double-sided cardboard. Thick will do colored paper. With butterflies glued to the windows, the room will simply shine with new colors!

To cut out butterflies you can use corrugated paper. From this material, butterflies are voluminous and look original.

How to make winged beauties? Making decorations in the form of butterflies for windows includes several stages:

  • prepare materials for cutting out butterflies (cardboard from which we will cut a stencil, base material from which we will cut out insects and glue them to the window, a sharp utility knife or thin scissors)
  • cut out the stencil printed on cardboard
  • transfer the image onto any material using a stencil
  • at the beginning we pay attention to small details and only after that we cut the butterfly along the contour

Butterfly patterns:

Butterfly pattern No. 1

Butterfly pattern No. 2

Butterfly pattern No. 3

Butterfly pattern no. 4

Butterfly pattern no. 5

Butterfly pattern no. 6

Butterfly pattern No. 7

Butterfly pattern no. 8

Butterfly pattern no. 9

To cut out butterflies you can also use:

  • thin cans from drinks (butterflies made of such material will look interesting if you turn on a night light or table lamp next to them)
  • sheets of cardboard
  • pages of glossy bright magazines
  • colorful pages from old printed publications (they will look artificially aged)

Butterfly pattern no. 10

Butterfly pattern no. 11

Butterfly pattern no. 12

If you decide to decorate your windows with protrusions in winter, it is better to use paper for this. white, since the figures will look good against a contrasting background. In summer and spring, figures cut out of dark paper will look good on light-colored windows.


Every home has a particularly cozy place where the whole family sits in the evenings. Paper decor will help calm your nerves and relax.

  • Openwork butterfly patterns are suitable not only for a nursery or for a room in which a young girl lives.
  • A similar decor will transform the parents’ bedroom if the flocks of winged insects are few in number and chosen tastefully.
  • A small panel with a flock of winged insects on it will fit well into any interior.

Below are patterns of protrusions that can be used to decorate the interior:

Vytynanka butterfly

You will learn how to cut a stencil by watching the video.

Video: How to make a stencil with your own hands quickly and easily!

Cutting out paper birds for windows: stencils and templates

  • Designers also often use beautiful bird silhouettes as decoration for walls and ceilings. We suggest you cut out birds from paper to stick them on your windows.
  • Birds will become an inexhaustible source Have a good mood and add positivity. Your household will love such decorations, especially if you make them with luminous paint or apply sparkles to bird figures.

Stencils and patterns of birds for windows:

Birds: cutting stencil

Cutting a bullfinch out of paper for windows: stencils and templates

  • When we hear the word winter, our imagination pictures snow-covered streets outside the window, children on sleds, bird feeders filled with grain and bread.
  • Near the feeders, the bird brethren chirp and swear. Among the tits and sparrows there is always one or more bullfinches.
  • When you want to bring the onset of the merry New Year holidays closer, you can decorate your room with an image of bullfinches.
  • Cut them out of paper and stick them on the windows - what could be simpler? Holiday mood guaranteed not only to you, but also to everyone who will contemplate the result of your labors with you.

Bullfinch stencils for cutting:

Cut out a bird on a branch from paper for windows: stencils and templates

Bird figures cut out of paper and glued to the windows will help bring the onset of spring closer, at least in your own apartment.

  • Multi-colored paper birds will lift your spirits and bring a feeling of spring lightness and freshness, as if the first flowers have bloomed outside the window, and fluffy lumps of “seals” have blossomed on the willow tree.
  • The tradition of decorating windows with protrusions has long roots. In addition, such decor was popular not only in our country.
  • Many peoples still decorate windows and walls today. openwork patterns cut from paper different colors. Wait New Year's holidays this is not necessary.

Stencils and patterns of birds on branches:

Bird on a branch: stencil

How to make window decor? The process of making “feathered birds” for window decoration is no different from that described above.

  • We print or transfer the drawing onto paper in another accessible way
  • Carefully cut out the birds
  • Glue it to the window glass using a piece of double-sided tape
  • If you want to attach the birds to the curtains, then use small safety pins for this.
  • You can come up with it together with your children interesting story from birds and place them on the branches of a paper tree.

Sticking birds on windows: templates

How to beautifully decorate windows with butterflies and birds for the New Year: photo

  • If you are a creative person, then from time to time you just need to change something in your environment. There is not always enough money to make drastic changes.
  • However, there is a way out: you can create interesting decor with your own hands, or try to do something with your children.
  • Such joint creativity will not only please the baby. He will be very proud of the creation he made with his mother.
  • Birds can be cut out of paper of the same color or a “feathered” masquerade can be arranged on the windows.
  • Carved birds will look great as wall decor. They can decorate interior doors and curtains. Above the door you can hang a kind of mobile phone made of paper birds or hang figurines of birds on a string in the form of a garland.

On the eve of the New Year, I would like to touch upon such a topic as holiday decorations on the windows. Any decorations bring a festive atmosphere to our home, and elegant windows bring a holiday to our streets, to our cities. They attract the attention of passers-by and invite New Year to come into our home.

DIY glass stencils

The most common material for both New Year's crafts, so paper is used for crafts for other holidays. This is such a good and convenient material that for centuries there have been various schools of making paper crafts. Take, for example, the same origami.

But today we are interested New Year's stencils. The making of such crafts came to us from ancient times from China and, as you can see, it has taken root. Although in Ancient Rus' were interested in such creativity.

First, about the necessary tools.

To make stencils we will need:

  • scissors,
  • stationery knife,
  • a flat place - a table or board,
  • and, of course, paper. (The paper can be colored or even wrapping.)

The simplest thing you can do is traditional snowflakes. It’s not difficult to make them, the main thing is to fold them so that you get an interesting shape. There are two ways to go here. Take a paper square or rectangle and bend it six to seven times.

You can put a piece of paper on the table and draw a large circle either with a compass or using a plate. After that we fold it in the same way.

By the way, the paper folding technique is a classic example from origami.

After we have folded the paper and got a triangle, we take a pencil and draw patterns along the edges of the triangle. Then we carefully cut out the drawn areas with scissors and unfold the snowflake. We will get the following products:

In more detail each:

You can just take these templates,

print or draw it yourself and cut it out

Patterns can be different - it all depends on your imagination. These same snowflakes can not only be hung individually, but also entire compositions can be made from them.

It looks quite interesting and impressive. This is, of course, a fairly simple option that is available to everyone. However, there are more artistic works that not everyone can do.

Therefore it is better to copy them

download to your computer and print.

If you are an artist, then draw your own idea It won't be difficult for you. What should the rest of us do?

But nothing is impossible, and the Internet comes to the rescue. Find the template you like best, download it and print it. After this, carefully cut it out using a stationery knife for small parts.

The template is ready. All that remains is to stick it on the glass. You can, of course, “stick” it with glue, but then it will be difficult for you to tear off your craft.

To make everything easy to clean after the holiday, we use laundry soap, apply the solution to the product and then stick it on the windows.

How to make stencils for the New Year 2020 (video)

In the description under the video, and also in the next part of the article, you will find templates for downloading, but for now, watch and choose:

By the way, in the era of plastic windows, hardly anyone remembers that in the not-so-distant times, when window frames were entirely wooden, they were sealed for the winter with rolls of special paper or simply with newspaper strips, using the same soap.

Paper templates in the shape of a rat

The coming new year 2020 is the year of the rat. All preparations, both in clothing and in the interior and holiday menu, are associated with this symbol. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to decorate our windows with stencils of this wonderful animal.

Below are some great stencils.

You can safely download them:

Print and use for decoration:

Cutting with your child will be both easy and fun!

Use to decorate windows or mirrors.

You can decorate the pillows))

These templates are also suitable for cabinets.

Cut and decorate doors!

If the walls are painted, you can also use it for walls. We do not recommend it for wallpaper.

The first method of applying a design using a stencil: You can not only glue the cut out stencils, but also use them to apply a design on the glass. To do this, cut out a stencil from cardboard so that it does not wrinkle and apply it to the glass. After this we take the squeezed out on a saucer toothpaste, diluted in a small amount of water and rolled into a tube of foam rubber. Dipping foam rubber into a toothpaste solution, we stencil the design onto the glass.

If the design is complex and needs to be blotted for a long time, you can glue the template (made of thin paper) to the window with soapy water, and when all the work has dried, remove it from the glass.

Small details can be scratched with a thin stick.

Second method: attach the stencil to the window and use a toothbrush dipped in toothpaste or paint to spray the mixture onto the glass around it. Remove the template, but the drawing will remain on the window.

It will look as if it were covered in snow

Watch the video for more details:

Stencils for windows for the New Year - can be printed for cutting

Here are some more stencils you can print out and use to decorate your Christmas windows.

Santa Claus and bells

Decorated Christmas trees

Angels, bells, deer

More options for fir trees

Snowman and Santa Claus on a sleigh

Christmas tree, boots with gifts and happy Santa Claus

Snowman, deer and house

Angel and Santa Claus with gifts

Another version of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus

Window decorations


Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Holiday house on glass

House option with candles

And such a composition

There are many stencils to suit every taste. So choose, print and use to decorate your home, school, kindergarten or work. I guarantee a festive mood :)

How to decorate glass and cabinets (video)

Unusual and original window decoration ideas

There are so many ideas for window decorations that it is quite difficult to identify them all. Everyone has more or less creative person I have my own approach. But often, even when looking for inspiration, we look for ready-made original ideas. We may not use them, but they will give us a reason for our own equally interesting finds.

Tree decorated with toys

For example, snowflakes not glued to a window, but hanging like blinds, look quite interesting.

Can be used for decoration and natural material- cones

And here, look, a whole composition of paper crafts

What do you think of this composition? After the holiday you won’t even want to take it apart.

So there are no limits to creativity!

DIY 3-D snowflakes (video)

And finally short video about how to make not flat, but volumetric snowflakes. Also interesting and unusual.

Happy New Year and Christmas holidays!

Hi all! It's winter and cold outside, and we are in full swing preparing for the New Year holidays. I would like to decorate the house as colorfully as possible so that I can feel the upcoming events not only by looking at the calendar, but also internally. After all, it is during this period that some invisible onset of an upcoming miracle is felt!

Soon the children will be given tasks to bring some decoration to the class or group. For this case, you can do a lot, or cut out a stencil for the windows. It is the latter that we will talk about today.

You know, lately you’ve been walking down the street and you’ve been surprised. There are so many elegant windows around! I used to always think that only people who could draw could do this. And now I understand that with a computer and the Internet, everyone can become a little artist. After all, you don’t have to have any talents to decorate your home. Now it is enough to print out the finished drawing, cut out any fairy-tale plot from it using scissors and a stationery knife. Then we simply glue it onto the glass using water, milk or soap solution and that’s ALL!

I have selected wonderful stencils that can be printed by copying from the article. You can do this by simply right-clicking on the image and then “save image as” or “copy as”. Save it in Microsoft Word. Next, enlarge if necessary and print. It's so simple!

New Year's stencils of snowflakes for windows for cutting out paper (diagrams, templates)

What is there no New Year without? Of course, without snowflakes. How not to decorate the windows with such beauty? Of course, you can get creative and cut it yourself. But there are no less beautiful stencils. You can make the same ones or try all of the ones suggested below. The main thing is that your windows or classrooms will immediately be transformed!

Did you know that the art of paper cutting (vytynanka) originated back in the 9th century in China. That's when paper appeared.

You can also print out these snowflakes. They have some character or object inside.

The level of complexity of the drawings is different. From easy to complex. Where to start is up to you!

You will get some interesting snowflakes. Now let's see what other samples there are.

Stencils of New Year's baby rats for windows in A4 format to print

The coming year is the White Metal Rat. Therefore, how can we do without a New Year's symbol? No way, so you definitely need to decorate the windows with such little animals. They can be both small and large. Or maybe the window will be made entirely of them? The most important thing is that they are funny and very cute.

As you can see, baby rats are very cute animals. Not at all like in life. But even these can be in the form of cartoon characters that you certainly recognize. They will bring happiness and love to your home. Now let's look at other stencils for windows.

Window decoration for the New Year 2020 in the form of New Year's houses

I can’t imagine a window that doesn’t have a house on it. They are so cozy that they immediately bring us closer to it family holiday. Looking at these, you immediately imagine how the whole family will gather for festive table near the New Year tree. So be sure to choose and print the one you like best. Or maybe this is the home of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden? Or some fairy tale hero?

You see, even a bird's house can be cut out along with the birds. The most important thing is how warm and cozy these pictures exude.

How to decorate windows for the New Year

From what you saw above it is quite possible to create some kind of plot. But how to do this without the main characters of the holiday. Of course, we also need Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Or forest animals. Let's not forget about them either. In addition, children are always waiting for them in kindergarten, schools, and home is no exception.

And here is a snowman with bunnies. Their joy will soon certainly spread to us.

New Year's decorations for windows - templates, pictures for cutting

You definitely need to add some balls or bells to the windows. You can use a month or candles. After all, the more colorful the window, the more passers-by will glance at it. It's always nice to hear praise addressed to you. And the children’s joy will be simply enormous.

Let's not forget about the New Year's beauty.

Now you can safely print out everything and decorate the windows. Imagine how beautiful it will be. All that remains is to decorate the Christmas tree, live or artificial. Be sure to do this all together with your children. Of course, you don’t have to trust them with a knife, but they can easily stick them on the windows. And now I say goodbye to you, see you soon!