How to dress for a New Year's party. How to choose an outfit for the New Year for a man What to wear for the New Year

2017 has come to an end Fire Rooster- a cocky bully who knows how to clean up the house, fight back against all difficulties and always be on the alert. This fiery symbol managed to combine in its image the most variegated and rich shades, shimmering gilding and pathetic shine. And now the emotional and eccentric Cockerel is replaced by the Yellow Earth Dog, with its pedantry, patience, devotion and completely balanced character. Such a patron is the complete opposite of the previous one, which means that when choosing home decor, a holiday menu, and a New Year’s outfit, you should also go “from the opposite direction.” To ensure that good luck accompanies you at every step over the next 12 months, try to spend the night from December 31 to January 1 in an image that fully corresponds to the preferences of the Earth Dog. Let's figure out together what to celebrate the New Year of the Dog 2018 and what to wear for each zodiac sign, taking into account the element of the symbol of the next year.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Earth Dog 2018: choosing an outfit according to your zodiac sign

Thousands of fashionistas are already wondering what to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Earth Dog 2018: choosing an outfit according to your zodiac sign is not the easiest task, especially if you are not very competent in fashion matters. It is for such cases that we have compiled a complete textbook for the entire “zodiac circle”. But creative girls with a keen sense of new fashion trends can handle it on their own using our simple tips.

  • Firstly, next year’s patroness likes shades that are close to the most natural color palette and that generate associations with natural phenomena;
  • Secondly, the combination of black and white will never be a losing option;
  • Third, To the Earth Dog shocking is alien, which means the style of the New Year's outfit should be restrained and laconic;
  • Fourthly, a lover of everything living and natural will not like cheap synthetics. Suitable materials for a festive outfit are silk, linen, chiffon, organza, cotton, taffeta, lace, satin. The 2017-2018 trend will look expensive and tasteful - a dress made of velvet in muted colors.

The Yellow Dog is very democratic, therefore it is loyal to any style and style of New Year's outfit. But you shouldn’t overdo it with exclusivity. Clothing should be comfortable, simple and in no way vulgar. Optimal choice:

  • knee-length and full-length skirts in styles: “tulip”, “barrel”, “semi-sun”, “sun”, “bell”, “tutu”;
  • floor-length dresses, plain or with a trendy print ( geometric figures, large flowers, elements of nature);

  • casual skirt and trouser suits;
  • stylish jackets;
  • knee-length dresses (with the exception of revealing minis and overly tight options);

  • blouses made of cotton, silk, linen, satin;
  • Loose, full-length, high-waisted trousers and 7/8 slim fits;

What color to celebrate the New Year 2018 in - photos of trendy outfits

In addition to the “main” colors of the New Year 2018 - yellow and brown - there are others that are suitable in temperament for the Earth Dog. By combining them in your holiday party outfit, you will achieve the attention and favor of the symbol of the year. So, the most trendy shades of a magical New Year's Eve:

  • burgundy
  • scarlet and dark red
  • golden
  • beige
  • cream
  • coral
  • mustard
  • orange
  • chocolate
  • olive
  • muted green
  • blue
  • violet
  • pink
  • mint
  • lilac
  • classic black and white

As you can see, the color palette of next year’s patroness contains many colors and shades. The dog, as a character, is supportive of any manifestations of individuality, so all the fashionistas at the party won’t have to flaunt the same outfits.

Choosing the right tones New Year's image, do not forget about the completely unacceptable. So, a failed option is miniskirts and too revealing dresses in acid colors. Also, the Yellow Dog is not a friend to cats, so on New Year's Eve it is strongly recommended to avoid any prints that hint at the presence of the feline family. Avoid:

  • fluffy fur vests;
  • leopard print;
  • hats and headbands with cat ears;
  • skirts, trousers and blouses with images of cats or their symbols;
  • decorative fur trim on dresses and shoes;
  • long arrows and variations of makeup with the effect of “cat eyes”;

What to wear for New Year 2018 for each zodiac sign: photos of suitable looks for a New Year's party

A dog is not only a friendly entertainer, but also a lover of comfort in all its forms. This does not mean that new year party you can wear a wool sweater and faded jeans. But picking up fashionable vespers look, you should opt for a light and comfortable outfit. Put aside the fluffy multi-layered dresses, super-tight minis or terribly uncomfortable platforms - such wardrobe items are sure to interfere with the fun and have a lot of fun. Choose which of the suitable bows to wear for the New Year 2018, taking into account the characteristics of the symbol of the year and each zodiac sign.

  1. Capricorns- true workaholics. But on New Year's Eve, it is better for representatives of this sign to give up the elements work clothes and give preference light dresses from geometric, floral or abstract print. This choice will certainly please the patron of 2018.
  2. Aquarius It’s better to curb the desire to shock and shock all guests with high slits and deep necklines. Courage and determination are a clear trait of the Dog, but not best principle in choosing an outfit for a New Year's party. An excellent alternative to flashy suits are modest clothes made from natural fabrics in sand, peach, and lilac colors in a duet with earrings and necklaces made of natural stones.
  3. Pisces- for complex dual natures - it is better to choose an elegant outfit in golden sand tones for the New Year 2018. Orange, coffee, chocolate colors with bright accessories, emphasizing the created image.
  4. Aries, with their inherent romanticism and sensuality, it is worth paying attention to the soft natural fabrics and images that combine White color with burgundy or cherry. You can experiment with long dresses and skirts, but it is better to leave the neckline mysteriously hidden. If the chosen outfit is luxurious and extravagant, accessories should be discreet and modest.
  5. Taurus- one of the most graceful and sophisticated representatives of the fair sex. When choosing an outfit for a New Year's party, they should take a closer look at light and spacious dresses in green, blue or purple. And voluminous earrings, bracelets and pendants made of gold or silver will help to highlight them properly.
  6. On a wonderful New Year's Eve Twins will look equally good in any image. But in order to please the symbol of the year - the Yellow Earth Dog - you will have to wear a stylish pantsuit brown, mustard, sand or straw color with additional nuances in the form of a leather clutch, amber hairpin or beads made of small wooden elements.
  7. The best type of clothes for a girl- Cancer on New Year's Eve - a bright and stylish jumpsuit made of light flowing fabric in yellow, terracotta, coral, amber, red, brown or golden color. Ideal choice accessory - mysterious Carnival mask with rhinestones, precious stones, feathers or artificial flowers. This ensemble is atypical, but quite suitable for the most magical night of the year.
  8. To Lionesses In 2018, success and good luck accompanied them; their festive image should “breathe” with wealth, luxury and real chic. Silk, satin, velor and velvet in golden, chocolate, scarlet and burgundy color combined with elegant shoes and expensive jewelry will create an unrivaled image for any representative of the “royal” sign.
  9. Pedantic and self-confident Virgo always know a lot about fashion and have an excellent sense of style. But when choosing an outfit to celebrate the New Year 2018, they will have to forget about all the fashionable excesses. Representatives of such a feminine zodiac sign will look impressive in clothes of classic styles made of simple natural fabrics. The optimal color scheme for this occasion is gray-blue or yellow-green.
  10. Libra For the New Year, you should get luxurious fur wardrobe items or minimal accessories with a lush edge. Such elements can be successfully combined with a trendy trouser suit or a floor-length skirt in red, beige or Brown. And you can complement your New Year's look with a light touch in the form of amethyst or chrysolite earrings.
  11. Scorpios- Most are purposeful, assertive and very determined people. They shouldn't hide their essence from Yellow Dog on New Year's Eve. Representatives of this zodiac sign can opt for a sexy outfit in garnet, crimson or yellow with a deep cutout on the back or a high slit on the side. The passionate and attractive image of the “scorpio woman” can be complemented with elegant stockings and high-heeled shoes.
  12. Sociable Sagittarius who prefer to always be in the spotlight, for New Year's celebration can choose bright outfit With spectacular decorations. The symbol of next year will definitely like linen or cotton dresses in sea green or bright turquoise. Especially in a duet with pendants, bracelets and rings made of sapphire, emerald and garnet.

How to complement a bright outfit for the New Year 2018 for all zodiac signs

Having decided on your holiday wardrobe, do not forget to choose shoes, hairstyle and fashionable accessories. It is these details that can make the image unique, inimitable and completely complete. Taking into account taste preferences Yellow Dog, you can enlist her support and favor for the whole next year. And also, boldly attract the attention of all guests at the long-awaited New Year's party.

In Chinese culture, the rat was considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity and wealth. The White Metal Rat completes the twelve-year cycle of the Chinese calendar, bestowing generous gifts on everyone. That is why the new year, 2020, should be one of the most successful for those who want to improve their financial situation, start a family and find people close in spirit and interests.

The element of the coming year is earth. This means that the main successes await you in strengthening your home, improving relationships between loved ones, and accumulating income.

Yellow (golden) color, on the one hand, symbolizes wealth and prosperity, on the other - a certain danger and anxiety. Even minor difficulties and problems may seem too important and fatal, but family and friends will help you overcome them.

To attract good luck and prosperity, you need to choose the right outfit and decorations for the New Year 2020. this issue Both color and shape of clothing are important.

What colors to use in clothes

The symbolism of color plays a very important role in the Chinese horoscope. With its help, you can even convey a message, try to attract positive emotions, luck and wealth.

The palette of the outfit should correspond to the governing element - earth. You can use both “autumn” colors (red, burgundy, all shades of green, yellow and brown) and “festive and solemn” (gold, bright red, pink).

Neutral and cool colors help complement and balance the image well. Add a grey, white, purple or blue element to your outfit! This will make the image lighter and brighter. However, you should not choose black clothes, as they symbolize evil and misfortune.

To help create an image for the New Year of the White Rat, the following color table will help:

ColorColor meaningMain/additional in the imageCompatibility
YellowThe color of the earth. Since ancient times, it has been associated in China with life, wealth, fertility, success, centrality and nobility.BasicRed, brown, blue.
Gold (metallic)The color of wealth, divinity, stability.AdditionalRed, brown, gold, burgundy.
GreenThe color of birth, new life and renewal, youth and hope.BasicGold, white, dark yellow.
RedThe color of joy, good luck, success and celebration.BasicYellow, gold.
WhiteThe color is ambiguous and contradictory: on the one hand, it symbolizes purity and tranquility, on the other – coldness and treachery.Additional to highlight the main color.With any color.
BlackA color that symbolizes both the collective concept of “evil” and darkness, as well as learning, passivity and the unknown.AdditionalWith any color.
BlueThe color of nobility, clear skies (calmness) and tenderness.Additional, because relates more to the elements of water and air.White, yellow, gold.
GreyThe color of nobility and silence.Optional to tone down loud bright colors.With any color.
BrownThe color of the earth and tree bark symbolizes stability and stability.Additional or main.Green, white, gray, yellow.
OrangeA symbol of joy, determination and activity.BasicBlue, green, yellow, white, gray, black.
PinkThe color of innocence, tenderness, romance and kindness.Main or additional.Grey, white, brown, blue, yellow, gold, red and orange.

Don't be afraid to experiment with combinations! Both bright and muted (pastel) colors of clothing look equally good.

What to wear to a corporate event

Stand out among your colleagues in a bright and positive way! Combine bright colors to keep the holiday spirit going.

Girls can wear dresses with wide, full skirts and long trains. Suits will also look new: skirts with wide legs or blouses with flared sleeves. There is no need to worry about the fabric: both dense and airy fabric look equally good (bold and original solution there will be a harmonious combination different types fabrics).

Shoes can be absolutely anything. This season, shoes, sneakers, and sandals made of shiny leather, decorated with rhinestones or sequins, will look great. Make your fantasies about accessories and jewelry come true. By adding a bright image, you will definitely attract good luck in financial matters!

ADVICE! A good option would be to hold a themed New Year's corporate party. Chinese style is one of the most popular.

For men, I also advise you to choose something colorful and fun. For example, a bright jacket and trousers of the same color or similar tones - the image is not too formal, but solemn and festive. You can try adding some flair with an interesting tie or bow tie - this way you will definitely attract attention! Another option is a shirt with a vest, or a sweater or a bright jacket. Shoes are also any, but harmoniously combined with the image.

Video tips

Selecting a bow for celebrating the New Year at home

The right image is the key to success. As they say: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.”

A homemade look should be as formal as it is comfortable. Do not overdo it with makeup, complexity of outfit and jewelry. Choose something simple, but still sweet, positive and festive. You can agree with the guests and dress up in the same color palette or style. Next, I will analyze in detail what you can wear for the New Year 2020.

Fashionable evening dresses for the New Year 2020

The coming year promises to be cheerful, and therefore you need to meet it with dignity. Ladies can choose the best and brightest outfit:

  • dresses with full skirts;
  • draped Long Dresses or sundresses;
  • silk straight dresses;
  • bright overalls or suits;
  • blouses or jackets with wide sleeves.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year for different zodiac signs

The table will help you choose the right outfit according to your zodiac sign. This way you will definitely attract good luck next year.

ElementZodiac signMain colorOutfit
FireAriesRed, burgundy, red.Long draped or straight dress;
Bright suede or leather jackets and matching trousers.
a lion
EarthTaurusBrown, green, orange, yellow.Dresses with wide sleeves or airy skirts;
A colorful vest or sweater and trousers.
AirTwinsGreen, white.Long overalls, dresses made of light fabric;
Light, casual men's style, bright scarf.
WaterCancerBlue, gold, yellow.Straight silk or long straight dresses;
Jacket with an elongated back, shirts in delicate colors.

New Year's wardrobe for men

Men can create a wonderful and memorable image too! You can choose a more solemn and classic version, and more homely and sweet:

  • clothes with bright prints, checkered or striped;
  • luxurious velvet set;
  • retro look (hat, old-fashioned jacket, shirt and trousers);
  • bright vintage sweaters;
  • colored formal jackets and trousers.

What not to wear for the New Year of the Metal Rat

Here are some tips on what not to wear on New Year's Eve.

  • Clothes with floral prints and appliqués look strange in winter.
  • Suits with fur inserts look too old-fashioned.
  • Do not wear something too revealing - such clothes will not emphasize attractiveness, but will look vulgar.
  • Avoid clothing in acid colors - such an outfit looks cheap and does not decorate.
  • Dress for the season - summer dresses They don't look good in winter.
  • Choose accessories in moderation - similarities with Christmas tree doesn't make anyone look good.

The New Year should be celebrated in such a way that only positive emotions remain about the celebration. The following tips will help you avoid missing out festive mood and save the desired image.

  • Think about your style in advance so you have time to choose the right outfit. Loading...

It’s not an easy task to do everything in time for the New Year. So that you don’t have problems choosing an outfit, we will tell you what to wear for New Year 2018. By following these tips, you will look great.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

What jewelry to wear on

Libra: what to wear

How to choose the right outfit for the New Year 2018?

By the way, not only women worry about what to wear for the New Year. Men also want to look decent, so it’s better for them to choose a win-win- stylish suit. When asked what color is best this year, we can confidently answer that any shades of gray, because the Dog will be Earthy. The same color scheme is perfect for a teenager.

As for shoes, there are no specific recommendations this year. But in order to properly celebrate the Year of the Dog, we advise you to go out for a walk down the street at least for a short time or to celebrate the holiday in a large and noisy company. Therefore, it is best to choose comfortable shoes so that nothing interferes with having fun. Or take a change of shoes with you when visiting, which will suit every occasion.

What should you wear for New Year 2018?

From recommendations on what is best to wear in new Year's Eve, we'll move on to what you absolutely need to wear, of course, if you want the next year to be a success. So, it is best if you wear gold jewelry. There shouldn't be a lot of them, but one of them won't hurt.

You can combine gold with black, which is also recommended this year as one of the main earth colors. You must constantly ensure that the quantity different colors you were wearing no more than three. A dog is not a very colorful animal, so a combination of two or three shades would be appropriate.

What should girls wear for New Year 2018?

The dog is a friendly animal, however, it always maintains discipline. There is no need to celebrate the New Year in clothes that will hinder your movements and make you feel unnatural. Every woman wants to attract attention, and this New Year the best decoration will be your smile. Fat girls A long dress with a belt at the waist will do, and a pregnant woman will look very beautiful in a dark brown outfit without a lot of jewelry. Designers recommend opening your back or shoulders, which attracts the eyes of men. This dress would look great on a blonde. Best combination images:

  • black dress floor-length with gold decorations;
  • beige or dark brown with an open back;
  • airy dress from yellow to terracotta color;
  • blouses with revealing necklines;
  • trouser suits.

The main thing is not to try to combine everything in one image; just one thing is enough to be unique this New Year.

What dress to wear for New Year 2018?

Since we are talking about dresses on New Year's Eve, it is worth remembering that the most important thing is an outfit that is suitable for your figure. It is much worse to follow fashion and look ridiculous at the same time. Do you remember what dress Nadezhda wore from the movie “The Irony of Fate”? Now the same shades of yellow and mustard are relevant again.

Besides dresses, there are hundreds of options that are perfect for you. The choice of outfit will also depend on the environment in which the holiday itself will take place. If you find yourself in a restaurant, then trouser suits will become popular here. Stylists even insist on overalls in red and grenadine colors. It is not at all necessary to dress in a business style, but if the nature of the party is more corporate, then pay attention to a blouse or shirt. Complementing these clothes stylish accessories, you will never get lost in the crowd of guests.

What to wear to New Year's Eve 2018?

Everyone knows that how we celebrate the New Year is how we will spend it, so we need to celebrate it fully armed, but with comfort. These are the requirements of the Dog, which loves comfort, warmth, prosperity and, as a reward, serves with loyalty to its owners. The same Nadenka from “Irony” almost forgot to wear holiday dress for a party at home. And it’s right that you put it on, because for the New Year’s celebration you need to prepare the best you have.

When going to meet your loved one, remember that you are a luxurious woman who knows how to dress with taste. It will even do knitted dress, if the situation is favorable. A country house, a fireplace and a Christmas tree are the best attributes for informal but stylish clothing.

If you are going to a corporate event, it is better to know the style of the party in advance. Perhaps a carnival awaits you! Then there is no need to give up masks and bright images. The same recommendations apply if you go to a club with friends. It is important that you are comfortable dancing all night.

As another hero said New Year's story: “The main thing is that the suit fits!” We completely agree with him, especially if a New Year's trip to a restaurant is planned. Nobody talks about a strict, formal atmosphere, but etiquette still obliges.

What jewelry to wear for New Year 2018?

As mentioned above, excessive jewelry on a dress for this New Year is undesirable. But high-quality and tastefully selected jewelry will be relevant. The main favorite is gold earrings, bracelets and rings. Just remember that you don’t have to put it all on at the same time. You can choose one thing, and this will be quite enough to meet the requirements of the symbol of 2018. Men are also advised to wear some discreet jewelry. Even if they won’t be visible, you will already have the attribute with which you need to celebrate this year. It is believed that it is then that luck and prosperity will also accompany you throughout the entire time.

Libra: what to wear for New Year 2018?

Libra, like the symbol of the year, is a very balanced sign, so let's start with it. A Libra in the Year of the Yellow Dog can be amazing and be seen in a cocktail-style dress with a rich shade of red or marsala.

In order not to get lost on New Year's Eve, Pisces better pay attention to the following colors:

  • blue;
  • indigo;
  • green;
  • grassy;
  • dark green.

Aries can also be bright, because they are always in the center of the company. Red suits and floor-length dresses are your option. Complete your look with an original manicure.

Massive gold jewelry is what suits Taurus best. They should not be afraid of being overloaded; on New Year's Eve, Taurus and accessories will be more harmonious than ever.

Geminis better listen to their duality and submit to it next evening. Choose symmetrical patterns for your outfit, repeating prints and mirrored patterns.

Stars advise Cancer to wear iridescent outfits. A wide belt on your dress will highlight your beauty on this day. This is the option when you can safely pay attention to a cocktail dress with sequins.

Leos should not limit themselves in anything on December 31st. They can come up with any image, even the most amazing one. Either way, Leos will be great. You can add a crown or tiara as a finishing touch.

But for Virgos, it is advisable to stick to dark, discreet shades. This will highlight their natural grace and calmness. Pay attention to matte outfits or velvet.

Scorpio, as the most seductive sign of the zodiac, can safely bare their back or open their cleavage. A dress that opens the leg to the thigh will also be an excellent option, the main thing is to decide on one thing.

For Sagittarius, who is always protected by Jupiter in everything, it is best to choose an outfit in blue or emerald color.

Capricorn is hidden sexuality. Choose an outfit with long sleeves, but with an open shoulder line. Play with contrast with a minimum of decorations.

Elegance always suits Aquarius, even on New Year's Eve. Fluffy dresses and skirts suit them. Tulle is welcome.

If you believe the forecasts, the Year of the Dog will be successful for everyone; it is only important to adhere to some rules:

  1. Don't get angry over little things and don't get annoyed.
  2. Trust your loved ones and work partners.
  3. Resolve issues in diplomatic ways.
  4. Take a creative approach to assigned tasks.
  5. Don't give up prematurely, but keep trying.

You should always try to improve your life. Horoscopes and predictions can only show you the right direction, but the main work is still on you, don’t forget about it. So that you don’t have to think about “how boring we live, we’ve stopped climbing into the windows of the women we love,” do the things that you think are right. After all, regretting something you did is always better than regretting something you never decided to do.

In addition to the fact that the chosen clothing should be stylish, it should also stand out in the right way. color scheme.

It is worth considering which shades will be fashionable in the coming year:

  • The first thing worth noting is that the coming Year of the Rat simply loves light and silver tones. This applies not only to the standard color of the noble metal, but also to its main shades. Perhaps it is yellow or orange; mustard is considered the hit of this season.
  • Also, it is worth paying attention to grey colour, because it is optimally popular in the coming year. It will also look good on metallic fabric, with stones of the same shade.
  • You can also use the Pantone color palette. Here you can find the most Various types shades such as red, olive, green, warm and cool tones of blue.

Fashionable stylish images for celebrating the New Year 2020 in a dress

Every year girls are tormented by the question of what to wear for the New Year. Of course, the optimal and standard option would be a long floor-length dress, since this is a win-win type of New Year's outfit.

In the coming year, it could be a fitted silhouette that will go well with a full skirt.

It is also worth noting the relevance Greek style.

A cocktail dress will look good.

You can opt for minimalism; the outfit will be strict, but at the same time expressive.

If possible, if the format of the event allows, you should choose trousers or overalls, preferably yellow or mustard color.

Those options that fit your figure well will look especially good.

Fashionable looks for the New Year 2020 in trousers and overalls

If we talk about how appropriate it is to use trouser suits and overalls this year, then the answer is clear: yes. They are quite relevant this year and therefore will help make you the star of the evening. This year, they replaced the popular stylish, long dresses and massive jewelry. Now minimalism has occupied a popular niche. Solid colors that do not stand out with various stripes, lines, and patterns look good.

That is why you should choose the most optimal and simplest option for yourself. Then, you will be the most fashionable at the New Year's social event. I hope the question of what to wear for the New Year, original and fashionable, has disappeared from your mind. But clothes are only the beginning of your look.

Jewelry selection

It is worth noting that the rat loves wealth and luxury. Therefore, you need to choose expensive, high-quality jewelry that will highlight your chosen image. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds will look best.

As an economical option, you should choose high-quality costume jewelry, which is perfect for cocktail dresses. They sit tightly on the figure, emphasizing it, thereby allowing such jewelry to stand out in the best possible way.

Many people believe that it is necessary to select according to zodiac signs. In their opinion, this is a guarantee that next year will be successful for just such a representative. This is a fairly comprehensive concept that has become firmly entrenched in the lives of fashionistas. It is unknown whether this is right or wrong, but situations confirming the benefits of this have been made public several times. It is worth considering in more detail which clothes are most suitable for which sign.


This zodiac sign is quite different strong energy drinks, character and additional leadership qualities. This year, these representatives should abandon the fiery red color. And replace it with more delicate, warm colors. For example, yellow or gold. The best fabric to choose is silk; it will look beautiful in light, flowy suits.


The following colors are perfect for this sign. These can be green, brown, orange and yellow. It is worth paying attention to fluffy skirts, vests, and sleeveless vests. The outfit should be as simple as possible, but diluted with high-quality, original jewelry, and in large quantities.


This is a fairly versatile sign that prefers harmony in everything. Delicate white and green will suit them. For clothes, you should choose light overalls, you can add some male elements into your image. On New Year's Eve, you can combine discreet colors with bright scarves.


This is a very attentive zodiac sign that pays attention to a large number of little things and details. They should choose blue, yellow, different shades of gold. Also, you need to pay attention to hats and hairstyles. Here you can add additional accessories that need to be selected with high quality. The dress should be extremely light.

a lion

This is another one fire sign, which also requires attention at all events. Here you should pay attention to red, gold and yellow.

You also need to add certain attributes to the hair. It is advisable that it be a small diadem; it will perfectly emphasize the greatness of this sign and thereby make it a star on New Year's corporate party.


This is a very pedantic sign that pays attention to all the details and little things, which is why their outfits are carefully thought out. On this New Year's Eve, they need to choose delicate, creamy colors that will create an extraordinary girlish look. Therefore, fabrics should be natural and light.


Another optimally critical sign, which is distinguished by additional selection of the best for itself. That is why a representative of this sign can try on a large number of outfits, but after that, choose the very first one. On this New Year's Eve they need to play in contrast, choose, for example, fur and silk, black and white, massive decoration and easy hairstyle. In terms of the main color, it is better to give preference to light tones.


This is a fairly strong and charismatic zodiac sign. In addition, he is also considered the sexiest among the rest. Therefore, they choose appropriate outfits. It will be fashionable to focus your attention on short dresses, bright color, for example electrician, or gold. Also, it is worth choosing high heel, which will emphasize the length of the legs. You can use fur.


This is another fire sign that chooses bright, original colors for itself. This New Year, they should pay attention to hairstyles, which should be done at the highest level. Also, you need to choose bright colors, red, yellow, gold. Because they are the ones who will perfectly emphasize the previously created image.


This is one of the most reserved signs, who chooses only the neatest images for themselves. They need to choose light makeup, which can be emphasized by additional accessories. There should be an optimal number of them. In order to stand out, you need to focus on the eyes and lips. In terms of clothing, you should choose brown, dark green, orange.


The color of clothing should be light. It can be green and white. It is also worth choosing transparent jewelry. Just not a massive size, so that they don’t look extremely clunky.


Pisces will look good in white, blue and gold. Also, they are recommended to use a combination of gold and silver, since it should bring some luck to this sign. It is worth paying attention to manicure. It can be done in steel tones, which will be perfectly emphasized by a clutch made in the same style.

New Year's wardrobe for men

Our men also want to look great on New Year's Eve. That is why, it is necessary to consider which image is right for them, and what to wear for the New 2020 Year of the Rat. After all, not only girls need to be beautiful.

  • The first thing you should choose is things with bright colors, maybe stripes or diamonds.
  • the second is the possible use of velvet clothing.
  • The third factor can be considered vintage suits.
  • They also use cozy things, these can be sweaters and jackets.
  • will always be in fashion festive costume, official style.

What not to wear for the New Year of the Rat

There are several options that you need to remember in order not to use them in your New Year's outfit.

Do not under any circumstances wear this:

  • floral appliques should be excluded.
  • suits that have fur trim.
  • overly revealing outfits.
  • It’s better to leave summer dresses in another closet, even if it’s not a warm outfit, but not a sundress either.
  • accessories should be selected in moderation so as not to overdo it. Otherwise, you and your decorations will be compared to a Christmas tree.
  • You should avoid acidic shades, they look quite vulgar and thereby spoil the previously created image.

In addition to the fact that you need to select high-quality accessories for your dress in order to look good not only in your memory, but also in the photo, you need to clarify a few good advice.
New Year is a positive event that requires maximum fun, but this is not always possible when a girl spends the entire evening in uncomfortable heels and thereby ruins her mood.

Also, it is worth choosing comfortable clothes, so that it does not hinder movement. It will be a shame to sit through the entire holiday because your corset or trousers are tight.

There is another, another important aspect: if you start doing makeup, you don’t need to do it to the maximum. After all, there is a whole New Year's Eve ahead, during which time the powder may fall off, the mascara may run, and all the excesses on the face will not look very good, to put it mildly. Focus on your eyes and lips. Then you will look expressive, but not vulgar.

In addition, try to avoid massive jewelry, especially if they are earrings. After all, they can cause heaviness to your ears, thereby giving them additional discomfort. And this is not very prudent. If a girl wants to look like a queen, let her greet the chimes in full dress, but after that there is always the opportunity to switch to a lighter option.

Also, you shouldn’t do too voluminous hairstyles, they look great only for the first few hours, then they tend to fall and take on a terrible shape. Therefore, it would be more logical to do something simpler.

New Year holidays- this is an unforgettable time, so you need to think through your image in advance in order to be as confident as possible at this celebration. This means that you need to pay attention not only to appearance, but also to your inner mood. So it’s not in vain that girls worry a few months before the holiday and look for what to wear for the New Year, because this event needs to be celebrated in all its glory.

Be beautiful and healthy!

Festive attire is an important attribute of the New Year's Eve, regardless of the format of the party. Even at a quiet family meeting, you want to be irresistible and memorable.

When choosing what to wear for the New Year, many focus on the patron saint of 2019. eastern calendar. In the coming year, this is the Yellow Earth Pig - a connoisseur of intelligence, beauty, and luxury. There are also girls who pay more attention to fashion trends the coming year.

The general rule is that you should not limit the flight of your imagination. New year's night- a reason to implement bold ideas and experiments.

Current colors of evening dresses for New Year's Eve

If, when choosing an outfit for a New Year's party, you are guided by the patron saint of the year, then wear a dress in yellow, brown or gold tones in the year of the boar. All shades will do. It can be green, red, blue, orange and pink.

The most trendy yellow shade of winter is “spicy mustard”. This is a rich, charismatic, exotic color. You can stop at any other. The main thing is that the color suits the owner of the outfit. A great alternative to yellow is gold.

Another shade that a pig will like is ash gray. This is the color of stability, home. You can choose an outfit made of metallic fabric, decorated with lurex, sequins or crystals of the desired color.

When asked what to wear for the New Year, you can focus on the fashionable Pantone 2019 palette and choose a red outfit in fashionable shades of dark: “Red Pear” and bright “Heroic Poppy” (Valiant Poppy), bright red-orange “Red” orange” (Russet Orange), light cool purple shade “Crocus Petal” (Crocus Petal) or bright purple - Ultra Violet.

From the blue range, the trend is foggy blue Nebulas Blue, from the yellow range - spicy Ceylon yellow Ceylon Yellow and light yellow with a barely noticeable green tint Limelight.

From the green range, Pantone offers Martini Olive (“Olive”) and Quetzal Green (“Quetzal Green”). Choosing fashionable shade, it is important to focus on age and type of appearance. A trendy color can only be used as an accent piece or accessory.

Fashion trends

The main fashion trends will help you decide what to wear to a New Year's party.

Traditional choice - Evening Dress to the floor This year it may have a tight-fitting silhouette, full skirt New Look style or Greek style.

For a home or noisy club party, a cocktail dress of a length that matches the girl’s figure is more suitable. It could be a babydoll dress, bustier, A-line, sheath, slip dress or any other. The skirt of this outfit can be straight or fluffy, multi-layered.

For New Year 2019, choose a futuristic outfit with an interesting cut or strict minimalism. If there is a need to keep warm or hide your hands, it is recommended to choose a bolero or jacket in men's style. Perhaps oversized, which will emphasize fragility and femininity.

The trend is an asymmetrical cut, and in particular one bare shoulder, an uneven hem or asymmetrical draperies.

As for fabrics, in addition to traditional silk, chiffon and satin, exquisite velvet in warm amber, deep blue and noble red and green shades is still in fashion. The classic black color will also work. Maxi and midi length velvet outfits with interesting draperies, wraps and other solutions that allow the fabric to play in the light look best.

Choose a little black dress made of velvet or lace, embroidered with gold thread.

If the party format allows, you can choose a jumpsuit or pantsuit. In this case, monochrome yellow, orange, and red will look great. You can choose wide silk or chiffon trousers - palazzo with a matching or white blouse.

Rhinestones, crystals, sparkles, lurex, shiny coating, embroidery, frills, flounces, lace, fur and feathers are suitable as decoration.

What to wear for the New Year of the Pig: 7 fashionable looks for 2019

  • Dress with sequins. It can be any length. Sequins cover the fabric completely, are arranged with a degraded effect, and decorate only the bodice or skirt. They can be small, like pollen, or large, sewn randomly, in parallel stripes, or form an ornament. In addition to traditional gold and silver sequins, designers offer dresses in different shades of pink. This outfit is best combined with open sandals or shoes that match the outfit.
  • Dresses in linen style are still relevant. For a New Year's party, choose a bright outfit in one of the trendy colors or traditional pastels, decorated with lace, embroidery, rhinestones or crystals. You can choose a satin or matte silk dress. This outfit is worn with a transparent T-shirt or thin knee socks. Designers suggest wearing dresses with metallic leather sandals. It can be combined with shiny socks to match or deliberately rough, high ones, made of black leather.
  • Metallic dresses. The most trendy for the New Year 2019 were golden dresses - long and short, tight-fitting and voluminous, strict and decorated with fringe and draperies. You can choose an outfit of a different color. Metallic can be glossy or just slightly shimmery, dense and translucent. Shoes are selected that are discreet, match the skin tone or are transparent. You can choose sandals or shoes made of the same material as the dress.
  • Asymmetrical model with one bare shoulder, with or without sleeves, made of thin flowing fabric, with a multi-layer effect. A formal outfit, or one decorated with flounces, pleating, sequins, and lace, is suitable. The combination of different fabrics is one of best options for the 2019 meeting
  • Sheer fabrics are a great choice for a New Year's party. In this goal, the designers offer fluffy dresses in the New Look style from multi-layered plain tulle and with a bodice decorated with embroidery or lace. Short dresses with an asymmetrical neckline and hem, complemented by diagonally placed flounces, are also suitable. Knitted microdresses with a long transparent skirt are also in trend.
  • A feathered dress, long or short, fully covered or only partially covered, will make its wearer the star of the party. Long feathers to match the fabric can decorate the bodice and cut of a short satin dress pastel color or long skirt light outfit. They can be sewn on short model bright color or complement translucent flesh-colored fabric.
  • For an informal party, it is better to wear a New Year's jumpsuit made of silk, chiffon, brocade, or velvet. It can be plain or printed. A jumpsuit made of thin, flowing fabric in yellow or orange with open arms or a bustier top with beige, white or black heels looks great. A plant or floral print would be suitable. The jumpsuit is especially good for a New Year's corporate party.

Jewelry selection

The pig loves luxury and wealth. Therefore, those who want to tame next year’s patron should choose expensive and original jewelry. Gold will do gems. Best to wear for New Years jewelry with ruby, garnet, sapphire, emerald and diamonds. Such decorations go well with evening dresses made of silk, satin, velvet. The stones are matched to the dress.

High-quality jewelry is also suitable, which is recommended for girls with cocktail dresses. The pig will like warm amber and yellow citrine.

A clutch made of genuine leather: lacquered, morocco or metallized, decorated with gold embroidery, sequins, crystals, rhinestones.