Caring for artificial marble, how to clean and wash. Caring for artificial flowers How to refresh artificial flowers

Artificial trees allow you to bring a bit of nature into areas of your home that are not suitable for living plants. Most modern trees are made from materials that replicate all the details of a living tree so that only a thorough examination will reveal that this is an artificial plant. Artificial trees do not require regular watering and fertilization or any special maintenance. But dust and dirt settling on leaves and branches can indicate that the tree is artificial, so regular cleaning is very important if you have an artificial ornamental plant in your home! How to care for artificial plants?

In fact, cleaning the plant will not take much time and effort. You will need the following:

A damp, soft, lint-free cloth

Dust remover

Baking soda

To begin, spread some newspapers on the floor so as not to spoil the floor covering. Bet on them artificial tree. If the flowerpot is very large and you cannot easily move it, let it stand still, just put newspapers around it. This will save you from additional cleaning.

Take a dusting broom and, starting from the top, remove any dust from the wood. Special attention Look at the top of the tree and where the branches connect to the trunk. These places usually gather the most a large number of dust.

Dilute half a glass baking soda in three liters of warm water. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and shake to mix well.

Spray the leaves with baking soda solution, then wipe dry soft cloth without lint.

Now you need to clean the decorative material with which the flowerpot is decorated. It can be natural or artificial moss, sea or river pebbles, ordinary pebbles or colored sand - the material that suits your interior. Remove all this material. If these are stones, collect them in a colander and rinse under the tap; the sand can be washed in a basin, drained and dried on paper. The moss just needs to be dusted off, but it is better to replace it with something else. It's inexpensive. And is sold in any florist store. In our store you can buy natural moss. Of course, it is more difficult to care for than pebbles, for example. But an artificial tree decorated with moss looks much more interesting and fits almost any interior.

Artificial trees should be cleaned of dust at least once a month to prevent the accumulation of heavy dirt. If the tree is in your kitchen, you need to do this more often.

Avoid placing trees directly in front of windows that receive direct sunlight. From sunlight the leaves fade over time. And, of course, if on one side your tree becomes lighter, it will be clearly visible that it is artificial.

Our trees are very High Quality, they can also be used for landscape design. But please note that many of them have a natural trunk - it is advisable not to put such plants outside when it rains. All other plants (especially palm trees) are not afraid of any precipitation, but, of course, they will need to be washed more often than the plants that are in your room.

If you follow these simple tips, your artificial tree will delight you for a long time! But if you wish, you can always replace it with another one from the section

Washing and cleaning a new - purchased aquarium

Routine cleaning and washing of the aquarium

Washing and cleaning the aquarium in emergency situations - after illness and treatment of fish

Weekly washing and cleaning of the aquarium

When cleaning your aquarium weekly, you should strictly follow the following procedure:

1. You get the equipment: filter, aeration, thermostat. Everything is washed and put aside.

2. If necessary, care and trimming of plants is carried out.

3. Clean the walls of the aquarium. Use a sponge or special scrapers and glass cleaners.

4. If necessary, siphon the soil. There is no need to clean the soil weekly, especially if there are live plants in the aquarium.

5. Only after this is the water changed: the old water is drained and freshly settled water is added.

6. The cleaned equipment is installed back.

Do not forget to wipe the aquarium lid and lamps from the inside at least once a month.

After all manipulations, the aquarium is wiped with a dry cloth; stains can be removed using a window cleaner.

By following the above simple rules, the process of washing an aquarium will not be difficult and tedious, and the result will be as effective as possible.

Useful video on how to clean and wash an aquarium

How to clean an aquarium:: large or small aquarium is easier to clean:: Household:: Other

Turbid water and the walls of the aquarium, covered with greenish mucus, are a very unsightly sight that has a negative effect on the fish living in it. The water must always be clean; for this you should learn how to properly and promptly clean the aquarium.

The question “How can you breed geese correctly?” - 1 answer

You will need

  • - scraper or sponge;
  • - scissors;
  • - hose with funnel;
  • - bucket.


1. Start cleaning the aquarium by cleaning the glass. This manipulation can be performed using a special scraper, sponge, nylon sponge or a simple razor blade. An excellent effect is obtained by cleaning the walls of the aquarium with a kitchen sponge made of fiberglass (under no circumstances use a sponge that was intended for other purposes). It is advisable to turn off all electrical appliances in the aquarium. If the vessel consists of plexiglass, then it is better to use a nylon sponge or sponge for cleaning; harder materials will leave scratches.

2. Once the glass is cleaned, remove any yellowed or rotten leaves on the plants using scissors. Plants are replanted if necessary. The plants forming the bush should not be touched for four to six months after planting. When carrying out these manipulations, turbidity forms in the water; wait about ten minutes for it to completely settle to the bottom. Gently scrape any suspended organic matter from the plant leaves with your fingers.

3. Now you can safely begin cleaning the soil; for this, use a hose with a funnel at the end. By the way, there are a large number of special devices on sale that are used for these purposes. If you save money, you can create it yourself at home. You will need a flexible hose, attach a watering can to its end. Lower the end of the hose with a watering can to the bottom, press it to the ground and suck in water through the other end (as some drivers do to drain gasoline), direct the stream of water into the prepared bucket. Dirty water will rush there with current. Move the funnel around the plants, removing excess organic matter, and drain some of the water.

4. During the cleaning procedure, monitor the volume of water drained; it should not exceed a fifth of the total volume of the aquarium. Make a mark on the side of the aquarium. Then add fresh water, which is recommended to stand in advance (the experience of the aquarium club shows that you can pour water directly from the tap). With partial replacement of water, the concentration of substances that are not processed by plants and do not decompose decreases. It should also be noted that for normal development, fish must receive microelements dissolved in water; in natural reservoirs they are washed out of the ground rocks, and can only get into the aquarium with fresh water.

5. Cleaning the aquarium with partial water changes should be done regularly - about once a week. If the volume of the aquarium exceeds two hundred liters - then once every two weeks. Small aquariums with twenty to thirty liters of water will have to be cleaned twice a week.

It is almost impossible to create an ideal environment in a home artificial pond in which the aquarium would not have to be washed and cleaned at all. Of course, snails and some other inhabitants partially cope with the resulting pollution, but there comes a time when it is impossible to do without the help of the owner. And here it is important to determine the optimal frequency of cleaning the water house.


1. The cleanliness of an aquarium largely depends on its volume, because if your reservoir is less than 60 liters, then you will have to clean it quite often. On initial stage The cause of severe contamination may be the lack of normal microflora in the aquarium, this indicates that it was not started correctly. In this case, you can use special preparations that allow you to quickly populate beneficial bacteria into your home pond. If your aquarium is small, then you need to clean it as needed; it all depends on the specific conditions and well-being of the aquatic inhabitants. Very small aquariums with a volume of 10-15 liters are usually cleaned once a week.

2. Cleaning an aquarium involves bleaching decorations, washing artificial plants and, of course, removing plaque from the walls. As for water, regardless of the timing of general cleaning, it must be partially replaced approximately once every one to two weeks. If you feel like you have to clean your aquarium too often, try reducing the amount of food you feed. It is possible that the aquarium filter cannot cope with the number of inhabitants and the volume of water, in which case it is worth replacing it or installing an additional one.

3. Please note that the more inhabitants there are per volume of your aquarium, the more often it will have to be cleaned, so it is not recommended to densely populate your home pond. In addition, you risk losing your pets. Not all types of aquarium fish are able to adapt to frequent water changes and cleaning of the aquarium. Remember that with the right microflora, no more than one third of the total volume of water is usually replaced per month.

4. In general, if the volume of the aquarium is more than 100 liters, then it is necessary to clean it quite rarely. If a large aquarium is equipped with all the necessary equipment, then it needs general cleaning no more than once a month. Typically, this procedure is limited to removing plaque from the walls using a special magnetic sponge. Sometimes, during a partial water change, aquarists remove contaminants from the bottom using a small hose with a bulb at the end, but often the filters and the aquatic inhabitants themselves can cope with this problem.

5. If you have to frequently clean a large aquarium, then this indicates errors in its maintenance. Today there are special services and consultants on issues related to aquariums. By contacting a specialist, you can find out the causes of contamination. Remember that the condition of your fish and plants directly depends on the state of the microflora in the aquarium.


Remember that changing water too often is stressful for fish and plants, and if you have to completely change it, then there is no question of stabilizing the microflora in the aquarium.

If you notice a brown, fuzzy coating on the walls and plants, this indicates an invasion of brown algae; cleaning the aquarium is practically useless; it is necessary to combat the cause of the problem.

How to remove black deposits from aquarium plants

Black beard

Black plaque on plants can appear as a result of infection with the so-called “black beard”. This is a dark brown algae that covers plant leaves, soil, glass and decorations. Thin threads of a dark shade on plants do not look aesthetically pleasing. Blackbeard can damage the plant, causing it to quickly wilt.

The algae spreads rapidly and is difficult to combat. Some chemicals and reducing the brightness of the lighting may give partial results, but do not eliminate the root of the problem. To destroy a beard, you need to include comprehensive measures. The first thing to do is to regularly update the water, from 10 to 25% of the total volume of the aquarium. The water should be free of nitrates and phosphates; before adding it to the aquarium, take measurements with indicators.

The second procedure that will help eliminate black deposits in an aquarium is cleaning the soil from food residues and removing dead plant leaves. Next, you should increase the lighting power to 1 W per liter of water, and turn on the light for 12 hours. Additional help will be provided by some types of snails and fish, which can clean the aquarium of algae and their metabolic products.

It is important to control the proportions of food: if you give the fish more food, the uneaten remains will dissolve and the level of ammonia in the water will increase. You can plant fast-growing plant species in the soil that absorb nutrients well. The first sign that the algae is dying is its color changing to faded. Over time, the affected beard will fall off.

A universal remedy for aquarium black beard is sold - this is JBL Algol. It will destroy fouling that has formed on surfaces in a matter of days. The drug must be added to the tank according to the instructions.

Additional control methods

It is generally accepted that it is impossible to completely remove dark plaque in the form of a black beard from an aquarium, but there are a number of additional measures that will help reduce its growth. The main thing is not to put too many fish in a cramped tank. To suppress the beard, you can use the supply of CO2 (carbon dioxide). To avoid infestation by this pest, when purchasing a plant, carefully inspect its stems and leaves. The slightest swaying of the hairs and tassels of a black beard when moving or immersed in water signals that the plant should not be purchased.

If conservative methods of combating black plaque do not help, then serious measures must be taken:

  1. Transfer the fish to another, previously prepared aquarium.
  2. Pull out all the plants along with the soil.
  3. Rinse the soil thoroughly under water, then boil it or bake it in the oven at 300 degrees Celsius.
  4. The aquarium walls need to be washed and wiped with cotton wool soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse the glass several times.
  5. Start the aquarium again after inspecting all the plants. Affected areas of the plant can be removed. Or take their uninfected shoots, replant them in a separate container and grow them.
  6. It is better to plant new and healthy plants in a newly launched aquarium.

See how to get rid of a black beard.

There are so-called “biological” ways to combat harmful algae.

Aquarium plants all for beginners with photos and videos

About the benefits of aquarium plants

Caring for aquarium plants

How many plants do you need in an aquarium?

It is impossible to go too far in this matter. I don’t think anyone will plant an aquarium with plants “to the best of my ability.” However, there is a certain limit on the number of plants in an aquarium. They need to be seated so that 2/3 of the free space remains for fish and other inhabitants. In addition, you need to proceed from the number of fish. The more there are, the more plants you can plant. Or in other words, the more CO2 is produced, the more plants can be planted and the more oxygen they will produce.

Types and list of aquarium plants for beginners

Unpretentious aquarium plants

In fact, there are a lot of such unpretentious plants and, in fact, you can make an endless list, because if you give any plant a minimum of care, it will survive in any aquarium.
However, the following aquarium plants for beginners can be recommended:


I have already spoken about her. Will be a great addition to the aquarium. All aquarium inhabitants love her, she creates very beautiful view. Its only drawback, like all floating plants, is that it very quickly covers the water cover, preventing light from entering the aquarium. It needs to be thinned out more often, especially before holidays, leaving only a few leaves on the surface.

In fact, it is not a whimsical, fast-growing, inexpensive plant.

Regular and classic, thin, fast growing upwards.

Fir-tree-like plant. Grows quickly. A huge number of small leaves are excellent protection for all the small inhabitants of the aquarium.

A floating plant similar to the leaves of lake lilies of small size. Sends long roots. It grows very quickly. Limnobium, and especially its roots, love to eat fish and shrimp.

A wonderful fast-growing, floating, colorful plant. Gaining weight with growth, it can sink to the bottom and cover entire spaces. You can tie it with a fishing line to a piece of driftwood or a pebble, creating a wonderful green island. In addition, she is very loved and has aquarium inhabitants.
Java moss

A very beautiful plant. The truth is that it does not grow very quickly and is more demanding of light. You can easily wrap it around a piece of driftwood or something else.
Diseases of aquarium plants
Plants, like fish, can get sick. Like all living things, plants die due to improper or poor maintenance. But I assure you that if you follow the recommendations given above, your aquarium plants will never get sick.
Without any demagoguery. Here are the signs of the disease, causes and treatment for aquarium plants.
THE PLANT LOOKS CUTE: the leaves are stunted, thin, the plant stretches upward, pale, shedding young leaves! All these are sure signs of a lack of lighting.
- increase daylight hours for plants;
- if there are a lot of plants, thin them out so that some do not interfere with each other;
- reduce the water temperature. The higher the temperature of the aquarium water, the more light the plants need.
PLANT LEAVES ARE COVERED WITH HOLES: uneven edges, curling of the plant, pale, puffy appearance, etc. These are signs of a lack of feeding and fertilizers.
- applying fertilizers to the roots of plants (the above-mentioned tablets).
- make sure that the soil does not press or deform the roots of the plants.
LEAVES FALL PREMATURELY: yellowing of leaf edges, slow growth. These are signs of a lack of CO2 - carbon dioxide.
- lower the temperature. At low temperatures the CO2 content in the aquarium increases.
- get more fish.
- as an option, turn off the aeration at night, but this will not have a very good effect on the fish.
- build a CO2 installation with your own hands.

And finally, a few words about artificial aquarium plants. Since they are sold, since I buy them, it means they also have a place in our reservoirs. There is no hassle with them at all - you bury a plastic bush and admire it! The benefits of such plants are zero; moreover, harmful algae grow well on them. And over time, the plastic breaks down and becomes brittle! They cost more than living plants. Nevertheless, such plastic aquarium plants, as a decorative element, look very good in a pond.

Video webinar "All the secrets of growing aquarium plants"
Video starts at 54:43 minutes
and further,

useful video about keeping aquarium plants

Plants are the lungs of the aquarium

During the life of plants in an aquarium, under the influence of light, the well-known photosynthesis occurs. As a result, plants consume carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen. Thus, your aquarium will never have excessively accumulated CO2, which is emitted by fish and other aquarium inhabitants, and the aquarium water will be naturally saturated with oxygen.
Some experienced aquarists, with the help of plants, achieve such biological balance in the aquarium that they no longer need mechanical aeration and water filtration. Just imagine - the aquarium does not buzz, no electricity is consumed - beauty!!! True, in order to accomplish this, you need to gain a lot of experience and know aquariums thoroughly.

Plants are an established biosystem of the aquarium, the absence of harmful substances in the water, the absence of algae

Plants are a sensor for the condition of the aquarium

Everything is simple here! Aquarium plants are the primary indicator of the condition of your aquarium. If the plants “wither”, turn yellow and rot, this is a sure sign of the poor condition of the aquarium, and on the contrary, lush, beautiful growths are a 100% indicator of the excellent condition of the aquarium world.

Flowers, even artificial ones, require periodic care, which allows them to maintain their original colors and shape.

Removing dust

Dust accumulates on artificial flowers, which can be removed using several methods. Such products are taken out into the open air and the dust is carefully swept away from the surface with a feather brush. You can use a hairdryer to blow away dirt particles on low air setting. You can wipe the flower fabric with a clean rag soaked in cool water, and it should be periodically rinsed under running water.

Cleaning with Vinegar

Freshening artificial flowers is quite simple and requires only white vinegar. This is a gentle way to clean and deodorize the fabric from which the flowers are made. Pour water and table vinegar into the sprayer in equal proportions. The flowers are laid out on newspaper and sprayed with the solution along the entire length.

Home dry cleaning

Instead of detergents and water, natural cleaners can be used to clean artificial flowers. IN paper bag pour half a glass of salt or replace it with cornmeal. Next, artificial flowers are placed in it and shaken for a few seconds. Grains of salt or flour effectively clean the surface of the fabric from dust particles. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Wet cleaning

The entire arrangement of artificial flowers can be cleaned in one go and quickly. To do this, fill the sink cold water, add a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent to it. Flowers are dipped into the solution and the most contaminated areas are wiped with a clean cloth. After cleaning, the flowers are washed with clean cold water and blotted with a dry towel. If the composition large sizes, it can be washed outside with a watering hose, setting the pressure to minimum.

Some people believe that artificial flowers and other decorations of this kind have absolutely no place in the home. Fortunately, there is a larger portion of people who have a radically opposite opinion. Artificial flowers are becoming more and more popular every year due to improvements in the technology for their creation. Today, an artificial plant is incredibly difficult to distinguish from a real one.

Artificial flowers of excellent quality can boast many advantages.

Durability. Capable of delighting with beauty for an infinitely long time.

Diversity. Some fresh flowers cannot be found in certain regions. But you can easily buy the rarest varieties of artificial flowers and even fantastic ones.

Easy to use. Growing a range of plants is not easy. Plus, living specimens require their own specific care, while artificial ones are almost completely free from these difficulties.

However, in order for artificial flowers to please with their beauty for a really long time, it is important to follow a certain care, fortunately, not complicated.

So, how to properly care for artificial flowers?

It won't take much time. The key problem is that artificial plants collect quite a lot of dust and dirt on their surface. Usually it is enough to just wipe artificial flowers, but there are other, more rare cases.

The care process itself is divided into 2 types:

  1. Frequent. Easy dust removal. Usually can be done once a week during wet cleaning of premises. You can use a feather brush or use a low-heat hair dryer to blow away the dust. A clean, lint-free cloth soaked in water will also help.
  2. Rare. Thorough cleaning. In this case, cleaning with white vinegar can be used. Vinegar will perfectly refresh, clean and deodorize flowers without the use of harsh chemicals. Simply fill a spray bottle with water and vinegar in a 50:50 ratio and generously spray all elements of the artificial flower.
  3. Dry cleaning. You can use not only cleaning solutions, but also natural cleaners. For example, fill a bag/bag with half a glass of salt or cornmeal. Then place the flowers in this bag and close it as tightly as possible. Shake the bag vigorously for a short time. Thanks to the grains of salt/corn flour, the surface of the flower will be thoroughly cleaned without the use of moisture.
  4. Wet cleaning. Fill any container with cold water, add a couple of drops of any dishwashing detergent. Dip each flower in soapy water. Wipe the dirtiest areas with a soft cloth, then rinse well with clean water and blot dry. Large artificial flowers can be taken outside and washed with a low-pressure hose.

Yes, you will still need care! But a couple of minutes a week to care for artificially created plants is still not commensurate with the difficulties and time costs of caring for natural analogues.

The correct, painstaking selection of artificially created plants will help make care easier. In their manufacture, cotton, silk, as well as polyurethane or latex are usually used. Professionals recommend sticking with the first two options; they withstand active use much longer, burn out much less, and do not lose their original appearance after any cleaning. On our website you can order high-quality artificial flowers that will last a really long time.

Please note that on the manufacturer's sticker, the artificial plant has a category assigned to it. So, the highest quality ones are categories 4, 5, 6. They will last as long as possible. While the first 3 categories are mainly used only for funeral services.

Observe simple tips, then artificially created flowers will not only diversify and add a touch of freshness to the interior, but will also delight you for a long time with their magnificent and natural appearance.

An easy way to wash a bouquet of artificial silk flowers. We clean the petals from dust and give the bouquet a new look.

You bought a gorgeous bouquet for all seasons and times. Of course, these are your favorite flowers, and they are simply amazing in their similarity to their living counterparts. Your home seems to be filled with fresh breath natural beauty. The bouquet simply breathes freshness...

But after a certain period of time, the flowers fade and seem to wither. Changes over time cannot be ignored. The bouquet loses color, brightness, freshness and attractiveness. More and more often I want to put it away or throw it away. But how is this possible, it’s artificial...?

The reason for this annoying change is simple: layers of dust that accumulate on the surface of the buds and leaves.

Of course, we periodically shake off dust when cleaning, but not all dust is shaken off this way. The remaining one eats away tightly and gives such an unpleasant, dull appearance to our bouquet. How to care for such flowers?

Let's try to cope with this problem.

We will talk about flowers made of silk fabric. ( Never paper). In our case, these are flowers from a reputable manufacturer, of high quality with good impregnation and stable shape. As a rule, they can be seen in the store; they compare favorably with their shoddy copies.

So, first we detach the head (bud) of one of the flowers from the stem.

This is usually done easily without much effort. . We will first test our method on one instance(in case something goes wrong).

Then, in a container (in a basin) we dilute a small amount of detergent for washing delicate fabrics (for silk).

If you don’t have such a product on hand, use the simplest shampoo. Preferably without any additives or conditioners, etc.

We foam our product in a small amount of slightly warm water. The more foam, the better our flower washes.

Then carefully immerse our bud in the product and rinse it with light movements

If nothing unusual happens to the bud (and petals) (it doesn’t lose its shape or shed), we can start washing the rest.

No soaking or prolonged soaking in water is required here.

You yourself will notice how the water gradually becomes gray, and your flowers regain their former freshness.

Immediately after washing in foam, rinse the bud with light movements in cold clean water until the water stops foaming.

After rinsing, lightly shake off the remaining water and hang them in the sun.

If there is nothing to catch on with the clothespin, then carefully lay them out on a towel.

Leaves and stems remain. We do the same with them.

First, wash in a foam solution, and then rinse with cold, clean water.

It is advisable to carry out all the manipulation on a sunny day.

It’s just best to dry our bouquet in the sun (not with a hairdryer, not on a radiator). Still, flowers are a delicate and delicate issue.

They dry quickly and therefore you should not burn them until exhaustion under the sun's rays.

We collect our buds back into the bouquet and admire the achieved result.

We hope he will please you.

The method is simple and can be done at home.

The only drawback of this method is its selectivity.

Unfortunately, not all flowers can be subjected to this treatment.

If you know of other unique cleaning and washing methods, write to us in the comments. Let's share our experience with readers together.