DIY children's dresses for 5 years. Easy pattern and sewing of a dress for all occasions with your own hands for a five-year-old girl. A simple one-piece dress is the basis of all dresses

Pattern: fluffy dress for a girl with a pleated skirt (for 9 years)

Pattern: fluffy dress for girls with a circle skirt (for 9 years)

How to sew a fluffy dress for a girl

Step 1: For a pleated dress, start from the bottom first. Process the bottom of the product and then add bow folds; you can see how to make a skirt with pleats in this

Step 2: Sew the side and shoulder seams on the top of the dress.

Step 3. Sew the edges on the skirt. If you have chosen a model with a circle skirt (I wrote about how to sew a circle skirt), sweep the top section of the skirt and gather it to the size of the bottom section of the top of the dress. Then sew the skirt to the top.

Step 4. For convenience, sew a zipper into the back middle seam.

Step 5: Sew seams on the sleeves, if any. Baste the top edges and sew in the sleeves.

Step 6. To make the skirt even fuller, you should make a tulle petticoat identical to the main skirt. Pull it over the dress, tuck it in and sew it to the zipper, and then to the seam of the skirt.

Pattern of a fluffy dress for a girl

Download the patterns at the end of the post, open the PDF file and print at full size. Cut out the parts and transfer them onto fabric.

Dress pattern for a 2 year old girl (download below)

Download dress patterns for a 2 year old girl:

Peasant dress pattern for ages 1 to 14 years

This simple dress will suit any girl; the sleeves can be made either short or long if desired. Simple and cute dress for summer. The pattern can be used as a basis for more complex outfits.

Download dress patterns for girls from 1 year to 14:

How to sew a dress for a girl with a full skirt: pattern and master class

And another pattern with step-by-step master class on sewing. Download and print the pattern in full size (100% scale). The reference square on this pattern is in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm).

Download dress patterns for girls 4-5 years old:

What do you need:

  • 60 cm elastic fabric for the top,
  • 90 cm of knitted fabric for a skirt,
  • paper pattern.

The width of the fabric cut for the skirt is 90 cm, and the length depends on your preferences (measure from the girl’s waistline).

Finish the bottom edge of the sleeves. Cut off the excess on the small sleeves (shown by the arrow). Baste and tighten a little so that the top of the sleeve becomes 12.5 cm. Sew the sleeves to the front and back top flange. Sew side seams on the upper parts of the girl's dress.

Sew the braid to the neckline. It is better to sew with a stretch seam, such as a zigzag or stretch seam.

Process the bottom of the future skirt. Baste the top part and tighten the thread until the resulting size of the top part of the skirt matches the bottom top. Pin the skirt to the top and sew.

Another dress for a girl, made using this pattern

MK: how to quickly sew a fluffy dress with a ballet skirt

Here's another option fluffy dress for girl. It can be sewn together in a matter of minutes, since the top part will already be ready. We will take a blouse of the appropriate size for her.

What you will need:

  • Blouse (can be a T-shirt),
  • 50 cm of knitted material for the petticoat,
  • 1 m tulle,
  • elastic band.

Step 1. Cut off the excess part of the sweater so that it ends at the girl’s waist.

Step 2. Sew on a wide elastic band.

Step 3. Cut two trapezoidal pieces from knitted fabric. To do this, attach the fabric to the cut of the blouse and, starting from the waist, draw two oblique lines. Cut out the resulting A-shaped pieces and sew along the sides.

Step 4. Cut the tulle into 2 equal pieces for a two-layer skirt. Baste the cuts along the top and cut to the size of the bottom of the top of the dress (in other words, to the size of the top section of the petticoat). Sew the tulle skirt to the petticoat, and then sew it to the wide elastic band on the top of our dress.

Master class: how to sew a dress for a girl from an adult sweatshirt

Now let's see how to transform your sweater into a dress for a girl. To work, you only need the sweatshirt itself.

First you need to rip off the sleeves. Then attach the child’s T-shirt to the jacket folded in half, tucking it in at the bottom (tuck it where the waist begins). Trace and cut out the top. On the bottom, draw areas for pockets along the top of the dress. Next, draw a straight line to the bottom. Cut out the bottom of the product.

Cut pockets from the remaining fabric. To do this, attach the sections for the pockets on the skirt to the fabric, outline, and draw the remaining part.

On the sleeves of the sweatshirt, cut out the sleeves for baby dress. To do this, attach the sleeve to the top of the dress and draw a curved line from the bottom. Sew in pockets.

Jacket dresses for girls - final

Sew the top and bottom. A dress for a girl from a sweatshirt is ready!

Easy pattern and sewing a dress for a five-year-old girl will be useful to every mother. With its help, you can easily update your baby's wardrobe, make her beautiful, fashionable and unique. Exclusive handmade items will become a real pride, will delight the young princess and will save you from exhausting shopping trips and unnecessary spending. Moreover, even a novice needlewoman can cope with the work.

It's no secret that for parents their child is the most beautiful, smart and wonderful. We try to give him the best, including clothes. For girls, naturally, the question appearance especially important. That is why in their wardrobe you can find a huge assortment of a wide variety of outfits, from everyday to evening or festive. A special place is given to dresses, of which there are a great variety of models and styles today. One problem is that children grow quickly, and their clothes sometimes cost an order of magnitude more than for adults. But there is a wonderful way out - to model, cut and sew it with your own hands.

In this article we will try to figure out how to sew beautiful dresses for girls aged five. Even if you've never done this before, it's okay. An easy pattern and sewing of a dress for a five-year-old girl, which we will tell you about today, is absolutely accessible to a beginning seamstress. In the article you will find information on patterns for several outfits that will definitely come in handy for your little one for one occasion or another. There is another important point in sewing products with your own hands - this is a wonderful example for your own child. the girl will be very pleased to know that her mother is trying for her and she will gradually begin to copy your model of behavior, which will definitely be useful to her in adulthood.

A simple pattern for a dress or sundress for a girl

This pattern option is very simple and affordable. It is ideal for those mothers who are not particularly strong in sewing, but they have a great desire to please their baby with a new thing. As already mentioned, the pattern is as simple as possible, but the product sewn according to it is distinguished by its beauty and versatility. The dress will be a great summer outfit. Your inner instinct, sense of taste and imagination will help you make it special. The main thing here is to choose the right material and decorative elements.

Regarding the material, in this case it is necessary to give preference natural fabrics, in particular linen or cotton. They will not cause allergies in the child, will be pleasant to the body and aesthetically attractive. You can decorate such an outfit with embroidery, appliqué, bows, and so on.

Now let's move on to the pattern itself. It consists of two parts - front and back parts. The main requirement for such a dress is that it be free, comfortable, light, and not hinder the girl’s movements during games and walks. Based on this, the main measurement will be the measurement of hip volume. It is better to leave a reserve when cutting out the product, then the dress will be more beautiful, fluffy and comfortable. But this is only if you have a sufficient amount of fabric available. If the segment is small, then we do everything according to the measurements.

For each detail of the dress we will take half measurements. Do not forget that when drawing a pattern, you must also draw the length of the neckline. Approximately it will be from nine to twelve centimeters. But these indicators are relative, since each child has his own physique and height.

By and large, our pattern is ready. All we have to do is transfer it to a pre-selected fabric, cut it out, and be sure to leave allowances for all existing seams and stitch. Thus, we have figured out a simple everyday outfit that can be made more festive with the help of decor.

How to cut New Year's dress for girl

With the most simple option We figured out the dresses. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Now we will move on to the outfit, which will be somewhat more difficult to cut and sew. But nothing is impossible for a reasonable person, especially if this is a mother who simply needs to sew a beautiful New Year's suit for her girl. If you need to sew a dress for a snowflake, snow maiden, or fairy costume, then this option will definitely suit you. The main thing is to choose the right material. For the top of the dress, it is best to use satin. It is also necessary to take it for sewing an underskirt. The overskirt will look best if it is made of organza.

The pattern is very simple. You can make it from an ordinary T-shirt, which is found in every closet.

Patterns from a regular T-shirt

To make it easier to make a pattern for even the most elegant dress, needlewomen use a very simple method, namely old T-shirt, which every girl probably has in stock. The main thing is that this T-shirt or tank top fits the baby in size. There is no need to steam the product. It is enough to simply cut it along all the seams. You need to start with the sleeves, then along the seams of the shoulders and so on. Provided that the dress is sleeveless, they should be cut off in the T-shirt. If sleeves are still needed, then we leave them in the T-shirt.

Now you need to take all the necessary measurements from the baby. This is quite a difficult task for a beginning needlewoman.

  • First, measure the distance from the shoulder to the waist. This way we will get the length of the top of the dress.
  • The second measurement is the length of the product from the waist to the very bottom of the dress. To make it easier to take measurements, you can tie a rope or ribbon around the baby’s waist, not too tightly.
  • We will put the measurements we got on the front part of the T-shirt. We draw expressive lines connecting the measuring points. Be sure to leave room for seam allowances. Cut out the details.
  • We will apply the resulting part to the back of the T-shirt and outline it, marking the bottom edge. Now we will cut out this part according to new drawings.

The pattern for the top of the dress is ready. To sew the lower part of the product - the skirt - you do not need to make a pattern.

How to cut a dress

We will start cutting by cutting out the skirt. First, from the fabric from which we will sew the upper part of the dress (it can be satin, as we mentioned earlier), we will cut out a strip. Its length should be two and a half to three meters, and its width half a meter. These half a meter will become the width of the skirt. Now we will do a similar action from the fabric that we will take for the top layer of the skirt, it is better if it is organza.

Having prepared everything necessary for the lower part of the dress, we move on to its upper part. We take the finished patterns, apply them to the fabric, always on its wrong side, and trace them. In order to be able to sew in a zipper (fastener), we fold the back part in half along its length and cut it from the top downwards by ten centimeters.

Both parts, top and bottom, are ready. All we have to do is make a belt. From the remnants of the fabric from which we make the overskirt, in our case it is organza, we cut out a ribbon, the width of which is twenty centimeters.

It is very convenient and practical to make a belt and various decorative elements from leftover fabric. Therefore, if you still have pieces of fabric, do not throw them away, just like patterns. They will definitely come in handy for creating other outfits.

The process of sewing a dress

  • First we will process the cut that is intended for the fastener. We'll stitch him up. There are two ways - we use a double strip or edging braid.
  • Stitch and overcast the edges of the shoulders. Be sure to iron them towards the front.
  • Now we edge the armhole sections.
  • Further action - we begin to work on the lower part of the dress, the skirt. To do this, we will connect both strips of two types of fabric. Stitch, overcast and iron.
  • Now we sew one section of the skirt on one fabric and on another.
  • When stitching on a machine, we make a stitch so that the top thread loops. Now let's connect the two layers that will make up the skirt. We turn the connected strips from the wrong side to the front side. We put one of the closed sides (the first strip) into the second. We chop off the raw sections with pins and sew them together.
  • We tighten the free ends of the threads at the same time and evenly distribute the folds on the skirt. The width of the skirt must fully match the width of the top part of the dress.
  • Now we connect the top and bottom parts of the dress. The top of the dress should be away from the face. And the skirt from the inside out. When connecting the two parts, the top should fit slightly into the skirt. Decoration of the bodice of the dress is at your discretion. You can use, for example, lace.
  • All that remains is to process the belt and attach a fabric flower to it.

Dress for New Year's costume we sewed.

Now let's try cut out and sew an elegant ball gown yourself.

Chic Evening Dress The girl will definitely need it, especially since her kindergarten graduation is coming up. As in all previous cases, the pattern remains the basis in the process of its creation. It is according to this that we will sew our little princess outfit. Therefore, we need to do it as correctly and accurately as possible. To make the dress really beautiful, carefully select the fabrics from which it will be made.

The fabric should be pleasant to the touch and should not weigh down ready product, bring discomfort to the baby while wearing. It should be light and airy. The color depends solely on your wishes and the wishes of your girl.

The second point is the style. Carefully study the child’s wishes and choose the most suitable option. As decoration you can choose rhinestones, beads, bows and so on.

Now let's get to the pattern. You can greatly simplify your task and use the previous T-shirt pattern. Thus, the pattern for the upper part of the dress is already ready. The only thing left to do is the lower part - the fluffy skirt.

Cutting and sewing a full skirt, by and large, is not at all difficult. We will need to cut out a segment rectangular shape, the width of which will be four times the volume of the child’s hips. The length of the product is arbitrary. You decide what it will be like. To sew a belt, you will need a ribbon made of fabric, the width of which will be exactly one meter greater than the waist circumference, and the length will be ten centimeters.

The optimal length of the dress is considered to be the length that reaches the middle of the calf. This length is convenient when the baby moves.

Remember, sewing a dress requires fittings at all stages of work.

I hope these tips and ideas will help you realize your dreams and ideas.

Every girl at least once in her life dreams, just like the heroine of her favorite fairy tale “Cinderella,” to be at a real ball. And not only to appear, but also to look like a fairy-tale princess at this ball: in a beautiful dress, with an intricate hairstyle, elegant shoes, light makeup. And even if your fashionista can only wear this dress once, still give your child a fairy tale, and your princess will remember such a miracle transformation for a long time. Our dress pattern for girls will help you turn your beauty not only into a princess. By changing the length of the skirt, the color of the fabric and its texture, it can easily be transformed into an airy snowflake, a mysterious flower fairy, and even a Spanish gypsy beauty. Fluffy multi-layered skirts will help you create both an airy tutu and an exquisite ballet Chopin dress. This basic pattern will help you create completely different looks.

Show a little more imagination with ruffles, rhinestones, and bows. Add elbow-length gloves, a miniature clutch bag, and make a tiara.

Patterns replaced (July 2016)

You can download a dress pattern for a girl for free using the following links:

Russian size(height) Chest circumference Waist circumference Hips Age appropriate direct link
size 86 52-54 49-51 52-54 1.5 years
size 92 53-55 50-52 53-56 2 years
size 98 54-56 51-53 55-58 3 years
size 104 55-57 52-54 57-60 4 years
size 110 56-58 53-55 59-62 5 years
size 122 58-62 55-58 63-67 7 years
size 134 64-68 58-61 69-73 9 years
Size (height) Bust Waist circumference Hip girth Age appropriate
size 80 51-53 48-50 51-53 1 year

Payment for goods


size 116 57-59 54-56 61-64 6 years

Payment for goods


size 128 61-65 57-59 66-70 8 years

Payment for goods


size 140 67-71 59-62 72-76 10 years

Payment for goods


size 146 70-74 62-64 75-80 11 years

Payment for goods


size 152 74-76 64-65 79-83 12 years

Payment for goods


* As a result of payment, you will automatically be sent a file with a pattern to the email you specified. If the file did not arrive, then you need to check whether you indicated correctly mailing address upon payment. If the postal address is correct, but the file has not arrived, you must immediately contact the address [email protected]

Patterns are given without seam allowances

The composition of the pattern set:

note The skirt consists of several layers. The bottom one is fabric that holds its shape, the top ones are soft organza or chiffon.

Varied dress fabrics By affordable price can be purchased in the VITEX online store.

Below is a description of sewing an elegant christening dress from one of our readers.

Initially I planned to sew Nice dress for her niece, which she could wear to her christening and a couple of other holidays. I liked this model for its simplicity and the ability to choose a pattern for the desired size. My niece has already slightly outgrown 92, but does not reach 98 cm (the girl is 2.5 years old). I decided to sew a little longer and chose a 98 cm pattern. As it turned out later, I did the right thing, because it fit with difficulty. I printed and cut out the patterns, for sewing I chose white chintz as the main fabric and lace as the additional upper tier of the skirt. I bought 2.5 meters of lace braid, three flower bows and 2 meters of thin braid with rhinestones. Although the pattern came with sleeves and I even cut them out, I did not sew them in. I decided that this dress would look nicer without them. I made double patterns for the body up to the waist so that the chintz would not show through and would look neater. Then I sewed all the details in them, I got patterns up to the waist in two copies. I sewed the necklines, head slits and turned the product right side out. After that, I stitched from the front side of the armhole, first folding the ends and running thin lace along the seams so that they were not noticeable. The top of the product was almost ready. I would like to note that I cut exactly according to the patterns at 98 cm, and did not make additional seam allowances. And then, when the dress was ready, it fit snugly. Therefore, if you are sewing exactly to your size, then add additional allowances so that the girl fits well. You can also slightly enlarge the neckline, sew a zipper at the back, or add small buttons. In order for the child’s head to pass through without problems, it is necessary that the two halves of the back are sewn together only at the very bottom and leave a deep cut. I got a little stuck on this and had to embroider it twice, making more.
Afterwards, I started cutting out the bottom, only I decided to make the top lace layer of the skirt more fluffy and therefore did not cut it like the bottom one, but simply gathered it together and stitched it in place. I cut the bottom layer exactly according to finished pattern. It turned out very elegant and the length was just right. I trimmed the bottom of the top lace layer with rhinestone braid. So that the threads would not be conspicuous, I sharpened them with a very thin fishing line. It was transparent and unnoticeable. I trimmed the bottom layer of the dress with lace. Then I connected the top and bottom of the dress from the inside out and machined all the edges. I wanted the bottom of the dress to somehow sparkle - for this I lightly grabbed it in an accordion and lifted the ends of the skirt in front on both sides. I sewed a white flower into the gripping areas and another one on the left chest. To make the dress look even more elegant, I bought a very wide transparent mesh ribbon with large flowers embroidered with white braid. I sewed it at the waist to the outside of the dress using hand stitches with clear thin fishing line. Because of his big size it turned out that the top of the braid was under the bust, and the bottom went over the lace skirt. But it looked good. On the back of the slit I sewed a small button and made an air loop from white threads. But since, as I already wrote, the cut had to be lengthened, at least three buttons were needed. I finished them off later. This is where my work with the dress ended - it turned out very airy and beautiful.

To make a pattern for children's dresses and sundresses, you don't have to know how to sew dresses for adults or be a sewing master. Many models of dresses and sundresses are sewn very simply, and creating a pattern will take no more than 30 minutes. And a dress sized for little ladies will be special and individual, unlike one bought in a store.

Simple option

The simplest dress is a one-piece dress, which is sewn from any materials. It is suitable for ages from 1 to 3 years. For 3 years, many sew more difficult dresses, but in quality summer lung This style is also suitable for 5 years. You can easily find patterns for children's dresses for girls in our material.

The basis for the dress can be downloaded for free on the Internet, after which it can be adjusted to the desired size and added with details - ties, pockets, an additional skirt, buttons. But it’s more interesting to do it yourself, especially since it won’t take much time. Find out how to make this outfit below.

  • Prepare paper for the pattern. Find a T-shirt in your daughter’s wardrobe that is not too small for her;
  • Next, put the T-shirt on the paper and smooth it out so that there are no unnecessary folds. Trace the outline of the T-shirt, or just the outline of the neckline and armhole. Next, the lines need to be widened towards the bottom and rounded at the bottom. It’s not scary if the pattern turns out to be asymmetrical, since only half of the product will be needed for sewing.

  • Choose the length of the dress according to age. Choose the neckline of the dress. Next, measure the circumference of the child’s chest, divide it in half, obtaining a half-circumference. Determine the size of A and B. If there is no child nearby, or you are sewing as a gift for someone, you can refer to the tables that indicate sizes for small children.

  • Measure the distances for allowances so that the dress fits freely on the child;
  • Divide the pattern in half and cut it, since only one half is useful; you can choose the most successful half if they turn out different.

Summer model

Summer sundresses There are completely different models: from simple ones with ties to complex patterned multi-layered sundresses. Let's look at two sundresses. For a sundress, a child under five years old will not need difficult patterns. You can make a simple sundress with straps.

It’s even easier to sew a sundress that is tightened with a ribbon. And it looks bright and beautiful, suitable for any age of child.

For a teenage girl

It is not much more difficult to sew a sundress for 10 years, but it is unlikely to be possible to do everything by eye, so it is better to take the basic dress pattern as a basis.

It will be a sleeveless bodycon dress with a big bow on the front.

Front and back. The neckline needs to be deepened by 3-4 cm, and a new neckline must be built according to the given parameters. In order for the dress to emphasize the beauty of the figure, it needs to be fitted and widened at the bottom. On the back, at the waist line, retreat 1.5 cm, increase the bottom line by 3 cm. Since the dress has thin straps, the shoulder needs to be reduced by 2.5 cm and a new armhole made. Next, about 3 cm wide, make a facing for the neckline and an armhole facing.

Color transition. The dress will have a color transition, so horizontal lines should be used to mark the color change on the dress. You need to do it both on the front and on the back pattern.

Cut the pattern and you can start sewing.

The basis of the outfit

To sew many dresses for your child, you can make a base pattern, which will easily be used to sew any dress in the future. To do this you need to take measurements:

  • Lengths: back to waist, total length, shoulder, sleeves;
  • Half-girths: neck and chest.

Build a rectangle on graph paper ABCD, AD is the length of the dress, AB and BC are the width = Length + 4 cm for allowance.

Please note that the seam allowance can be made smaller, then the dress will fit more closely.

From A, retreat 1/3 * Pog + 6 cm and place G. From G, draw a line to BC, mark G1. From A, retreat Dc and mark the melancholy T, draw a line from it to BC and place point T1. Divide GG1 into two equal parts, mark G4 and draw a line from it to DC, mark H and H2. From G4 to the right and left, set aside ½*the width of the armhole (W=¼*Log+2 cm). Install G2 and G3. From G2 and G3, build straight lines upward to AB, place P1 and P. From B and P1, retreat 2 cm, place P2 and P3. Make a segment P2P3. PG2 is divided into two equal sections, and P1G3 is divided similarly into three sections.

From A, retreat to the right 1/3*Posh+0.5 cm, and another 1.5 cm to the right, connect the curve with A, you can use a pattern. From P, retreat 1.5 cm, draw a shoulder line using the resulting points, length = Dp. Divide angle G2 in half and retreat 2.5 cm on the resulting line, draw a line to G4.

From T2, retreat 2 cm, through G4 and the resulting point, draw a line to DC, not finishing 1 cm. Divide DH in half, connect the resulting point with 1 cm. From P3, retreat 1/3 * Posh + 1 cm down. From P3, retreat 1/3*Posh+0.5 cm to the left. Connect the resulting points with a curved concave line. From P2, retreat 3 cm and draw a shoulder line. Angle G3 is divided in half. Draw the armhole line through division P1G3 to point G4. From T2, retreat 2 cm to the left, draw a seam line from G4 to DC, not finishing 1 cm. From T1, retreat 2 cm down and connect to point 2 on the seam. From C, make segment BC 2 cm larger, connect the dots along the bottom.

The pattern is ready, it can be used as the basis for any dress for little princesses!

Video on the topic of the article

Fashion for children's clothing is as diverse and changeable as clothing for adults. Exactly at childhood the child receives his first lessons in style, so attentive parents should try to instill good taste in their children from an early age.

Modern styles of children's dresses are quite diverse. Despite the fact that designers prefer to use the simplest patterns possible, clothes look interesting thanks to the use of bright fabrics with prints and trim.

Main features of fashionable children's dresses

Photos of fashionable children's clothing make it clear that designers offer a variety of models to little fashionistas. The following features can be distinguished fashionable dresses for girls:

  • the most current styles of dresses for girls are characterized by a loose silhouette and comfort;
  • V color scheme preference is given to a combination of pastel colors and the use of contrasting finishes;

  • Lace, bows, frills and flounces are often used to decorate elegant models;
  • The use of ethnic motifs is relevant - the cut of dresses in the style of a Russian sundress, the use of folk traditional embroidery;

  • When sewing summer models, predominantly bright fabrics with prints are used - polka dots, with a floral pattern. Fashionable winter dresses can be no less bright; checkered and striped fabrics are often used;
  • natural fabrics are used for children's clothes. In summer you should choose dresses from cotton materials with a small addition of elastane, in winter preference is given to woolen fabrics. Knitted dresses are very comfortable for children.

Casual outfits

Dresses for every day for babies are sewn free silhouette on a round or square yoke. Little girls are usually very active, so you need to make sure that clothes do not restrict their movement. Fashionable casual dresses for girls over five years old are more varied.

The most popular types of dresses for girls of different ages:

  • Tunic. Dress in the form of a tunic – comfortable clothes for free time. The outfit is suitable for girls of any age. The summer version of the tunic is worn with leggings or breeches and sandals. Warm winter tunics are combined with thick leggings and boots.
  • Sweater dress. For the cold season, a knitted sweater dress is an excellent option. The model can be made in the form of a sundress or a sleeve. In the first case, the dress is worn with a turtleneck. Since the sweater dress is relatively short, thick tights or leggings must be paired with it.

  • High waist dress. This version of the dress looks cute on both babies and older girls. The big advantage of this model is its loose fit. In summer, dresses of this style are made from cotton or fine knitwear, in winter – from wool. The dress looks great with ballet flats and boots. For decoration, lace braid, ribbons, and embroidery are used.
  • A-line dress. A one-piece dress in the shape of an a-line is a great option for little girls. It has a loose fit, so it is convenient to play outdoor games. Dresses of this silhouette can be made from both light and thick fabrics.

  • Waist cut dress. Dresses of this style are made mainly for girls over five years old. The dress can have a clasp in the front or on the back. The skirt can be either in the shape of a trapezoid or in a “sun” cut.
  • Sundress. This is one of the most popular types of summer clothing for all females, regardless of age. A sundress for a girl can have wide or narrow straps, be short or reach the middle of the shin. Summer sundresses are made from bright and light fabrics; ruffles, flounces, and braid are used for decoration. But there is also a winter version of the sundress; thick wool-based fabrics are suitable for sewing such a dress. This sundress is worn over a turtleneck or blouse. It can have a trapezoidal or fitted silhouette.

  • T-shirt dress. Considering the styles of children's summer dresses, we can’t help but mention this style of dress. Its difference from a sundress is its straight silhouette; these models are sewn from thin knitwear. The models are very comfortable for everyday wear, home activities and outdoor games.

Dresses for special occasions

Life is not just about everyday life. For holidays and special occasions elegant dresses are required. Models of evening and cocktail dresses for girls are very diverse. In many ways, children's fashion imitates adult fashion, however, when choosing styles, you need to take into account the child's age.

  • tight short dresses;
  • dresses with deep cutouts on the chest or back;
  • models with tight skirt and a high slit.

It is not advisable to choose dresses of the following styles for children:

  • strapless bustier dresses(such a dress will constantly slide down, especially if the girl is mobile);
  • dresses with corset top(this option is unacceptable for babies; girls over 10 years old can easily wear a corset, you just need to make sure that the model is not too tight);
  • mermaid style, that is, a dress of a tight style with a flared skirt from the knee line or mid-hips. It is not very convenient to move in such a dress and the girl is unlikely to feel comfortable in it.

Therefore, when choosing an outfit for a graduation party in kindergarten or in primary school, pay attention not only to its beauty, but also to how comfortable it is. For example, you should not buy a dress with a floor-length skirt. This model looks very beautiful, but it is only suitable for photo shoots. It will not be too comfortable for a girl to run, take part in competitions and dance in such an outfit.

Princess cut dress

This is perhaps the most popular style of elegant dresses for girls. These are models with a fitted bodice and full skirts. The skirt can be multi-layered or have a tulle or organza petticoat.

The bodice of such a dress can be completely simple or decorated with embroidery or sequins. But skirts must be full and flowy. Wide belts with bows are often used for decoration.

Empire style

A popular option for a children's fancy dress is an empire style outfit. It is distinguished by a high waistline and a flowing, loose skirt. The dress can have wide straps or have puffed sleeves.

To sew these models, light fabrics of pastel colors are used. Bows, ribbons, and artificial flowers are used for decoration.

A-frame models

Trapezoid-shaped models can be cut at the waist or one-piece. These dresses have a laconic cut, so it is recommended to sew them from beautiful textured fabrics. For example, from guipure, jacquard, velvet, brocade. You can also use large decorative details, For example, beautiful brooches in the form of flowers.


So that the girl can feel like a real princess, to elegant dress it’s worth choosing beautiful shoes, and also making holiday hairstyle. It is advisable to use hair accessories - hoops, tiaras, beautiful hairpins. You can also use children's jewelry - beads, bracelets, clips.

You can complement your elegant look with a beautiful small handbag. It is better if it is attached to a belt or on the wrist, otherwise the baby will most likely quickly lose it.