New Year's scenario for children of the senior group of kindergarten "Journey through fairy tales" material (senior group) on the topic. Scenarios for New Year's holidays in a doe, methodological development on the topic New New Year's scenarios for doe

Who do you think is looking forward to the attack the most? New Year's holidays? Of course, children! They make wishes and write letters to Santa Claus, expect gifts, a decorated Christmas tree and fabulous surprises. And I really want to meet their expectations! Therefore, it is very important to choose interesting scenario New Year's party in kindergarten and have a real holiday.

When choosing a script, remember that it is better to take into account the desires and hobbies of children. Some people like the adventures of Emelya and Baba Yaga, while others dream of seeing Superman or Batman as their guest. You may spend a little more time preparing the New Year's party in kindergarten, but can this compare with the delighted eyes of a child during the performance? Your favorite hero can become both a part of a fairy tale and a presenter who will play, read poems and call the Snow Maiden and Father Frost along with the kids. The script for the New Year's party should not only entertain, but also involve children in magic game.

When reworking the script for kids, don’t forget about the funny ones, beautiful decoration hall and parade of costumes. And let this holiday become unforgettable!

A universal scenario for a New Year's party in kindergarten: "New Year's Tale."


That's New Year coming!
It's snowing outside the window!
People celebrate this holiday
And they buy gifts!
We are with you today
Let's make the gifts ourselves!
We will sing, we will dance,
Let's decorate the Christmas tree!
So let the New Year come,
After all, the people are waiting for him!
The presenter calls all the children to the center of the hall.
What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance!
Children hold hands
The Christmas trees are curling around,
Driving away the evil blizzard,
Dispelling sadness and boredom,
Inviting jokes, laughter,
Round dance is now for everyone!

Children dance around the Christmas tree, singing the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “An elegant Christmas tree - lots of lights” and other songs learned in advance.


The round dance is just lovely!
Do you hear the rustle of needles?
This Christmas tree is tired
She told us all to rest!
Come on, kids, let's sit in a circle,
And let's look around!
Our Christmas tree is shining
Why is she sad?
She doesn't have enough toys
And she knows about it!
We will help her now -
We have an idea too!

Presenter: Guys, let's dress up our Green Beauty! Oh, where are our balls? Where did you go?

The light flickers and the Villain appears.

The villain: That's it, little ones, your songs are over! I stole your balls! The Christmas tree will stand very, very sad! And I’ll take the colored lights for my collection! (The lights on the tree go out.) I'm tired, I'll go take a nap.

The villain leaves.

Presenter: What should we do, what should we do? Has our holiday really disappeared? Who can help us?

The children shout out the names of various heroes, knights and heroes, but everyone has flown away somewhere and cannot help. Here the Hero appears.

Hero: Heyyy! Have you forgotten about me? They left me in charge here, now I keep order.
Presenter: You're not following well, my dear. Look, the Villain stole our holiday!
Hero: This cannot be! Well, I'll show him, the prankster! Only I need your help! Will you help me, children? We will find the lights, cheer up our Christmas tree and bring back the holiday!

Maybe paints
Hidden in fairy tales?
In the thicket of the forest
And wild flowers?
In old huts,
With red freckles
Those who are on the stars
Looks like he's not sleeping?
In warm windows,
In elegant nesting dolls
A brush and palette will help you along the way.
Find paints for the holiday tree.
Lisa appears:
I'm a kind fox -
Simplicity itself...
Orange paint
At the tip of the tail.

The fox leaves an orange circle for the Hero and runs away, wagging its tail.
Snowflakes appear, dance and give the Hero a blue circle.

Hero: It was getting dark for us. Hey, sister Luna, show yourself and light the way for us!

The Moon appears, dances and gives the children a yellow circle.


Thank you Luna
You know alone
Where should we go?
Where to find paints.


There is a light in the distance.
Your path is not far
Will help you along the way
Lunar horse for you.
The horse leads everyone to the fire.


Red cheeks burn in the cold.
Red poppies and red roses.
Red sparkles sparkle in the field,
A red fire warms a traveler
I will give you this sparkle.
Its color can color the dawn,
Red feathers of bullfinches...
A holiday is always more fun with me!

Fire gives the Hero a multi-colored spark that shimmers in several colors.


Look, guys, how many colors are on the palette. I think we are no longer afraid of the Villain’s machinations. It's time to disenchant the sad Christmas tree! (They shout “The Christmas tree is burning”). The lights don't come on! Let's call the Snow Maiden! (Name).
The Snow Maiden comes and sings:
With your magic wand
I will light thousands of lights.
My wand, spin around,
Christmas tree, light up quickly.
The lights on the Christmas tree light up.


May every light on this tree
Will fulfill your best dreams.
You will become friends with a fairy tale for a long time,
When you know how to believe in miracles!

The Villain Appears: Come on! The lights are back! They sing songs and don’t let the old man sleep! Take your balls, the Blizzard swept them white, I don’t need them anymore!
Presenter: What should we do with the balls?
Hero: Are there any colors? Eat! Snow Maiden, bring a shiny snowball! We need to make decorations! We will paint the Christmas tree balls ourselves!

The presenter herself shows what can be drawn on the ball, and then invites the children to try their hand at drawing. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children paint balloons and decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Oh yes Christmas tree, oh beauty! The holiday has arrived! Time to call my grandfather! Father Frost, Father Frost!

Santa Claus appears. The children read poems to him.

Every home has a lot of light
New Year is coming!
Snow-white carriage
Santa Claus will bring you.
Exactly at midnight they will flash brightly
There are garlands of stars in the sky.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday is Santa Claus!
Will gather near the Christmas tree

Merry round dance:

Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone is celebrating the New Year.

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands and firecrackers.
Nice gifts
The holiday will be bright!

Walking the street
Santa Claus,
Frost is scattering
Along the branches of birch trees;
Walks with a beard
White is shaking,
Stomping his foot
There is only a crash.

Father Frost: Thank you, you made grandpa happy! And your tree is so beautiful, elegant, and cheerful!

I wanted to give you gifts,
But I can’t lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to hire helpers.
The hero and the animals help bring a bag of gifts. Santa Claus congratulates the children.

Father Frost:

Well, now I'll tell you
See you again, my friends!
We'll come to you again in a year
Both Snow Maiden and me.

Together: Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Music plays, the holiday ends.

This scenario children's matinee Your kids will definitely like it, because they will not only watch the performance, but also take part in it themselves. You yourself can choose a name for the Hero and the Villain, figure out who will be the host and what other colors the kids can find at the holiday. And even more New Year's tips, fun competitions, pranks and ideas for relaxing your children and friends can be found in our section!


(senior group)


Adults: Leader Santa Claus Snowstorm Snowman Children: hares, squirrels, foxes, blizzard, snowflakes, fire Snow Maiden

Children run into the hall to cheerful music and dance around the Christmas tree. Leading:

A wonderful day is coming

New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and inventions, a fairy tale holiday for children!Happy New Year, May joy come to you. We wish you happiness and joy to all the children and guests. Child : Our cozy, bright hall sparkles with golden rain. The Christmas tree invited you to visit, the hour for the holiday has come!


How beautiful it is in our hall,

We called our friends

Our people are having fun.

All. We are celebrating the New Year!


Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, firecrackers,

With new toys!


Congratulations to everyone in the world,

We sincerely wish everyone:

So that your hands clap,

For your feet to stomp,

To make children smile

We had fun and laughed.

Child. Hold your hands tighter,

Stand in a wide circle,

We will sing and dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Children perform a round dance "The New Year is Coming to Us", music. V. Gerchik, lyrics. 3. Petrova.

Leading: New Year, New Year,

But Santa Claus still doesn’t come.

He was delayed on the way...

Child. Maybe we should go to the forest to see him?

Leading: It's just a long way, friends,

What should we do, kids? Leading: I propose to send the Snowman-postman for Santa Claus and give him Christmas tree toy from our Christmas tree so that he can hurry up to the children’s holiday. Guys, let’s call the Snowman loudly. Children: Snowman! Snowman! (The Snowman enters to the music. There is a mail bag with newspapers on his shoulder) Snowman: Hello guys, did you call me? Leading: Hello, Snowman. Yes, we called you. Snowman: Did something happen to you? Leading: Happened, Snowman. Our New Year's holiday has begun, but Grandfather Frost is still not there. Could you go to him and give him a Christmas tree toy from our decorated Christmas tree with an invitation to the New Year's party? After all, our guys have been waiting for this meeting for a whole year! Snowman: Yes... The task is not easy... The road to the forest is far, Well, oh well, little by little I will find the way. That's just... Leading: Just what, Snowman? Snowman: But Metelitsa was so angry this winter that she was sweeping up all the paths and paths, she forbade the delivery of New Year’s letters and parcels, she ordered that holidays not be held, that no one should have fun, she ordered silence to be observed, her peace not to be disturbed... She said that she sees everything from above, no matter where I am didn't go... Leading: What do we do? Snowman: Don’t worry, I’ll still tell Santa Claus that you’ve been waiting for him. Come what may, I’m not afraid of the Blizzard. You will have Santa Claus! You will have a fun holiday! Leading: How brave you are, Snowman! Have a nice trip. We will look forward to Grandfather Frost! (The snowman leaves to the music)Presenter: Guys, to make the road seem easy to the Snowman, let’s have a fun dance near our New Year’s tree.

NEW YEAR'S ROUND DANCE “It’s good that every year”

(The Snowman enters to the music and shakes off the snow)

Snowman: Well, I finally got there. The blizzard covered the paths so much that it was impossible to pass through. Leading: We were so worried about you, Snowman. Well, did you pass it on? Snowman: Certainly. He even wrote you an answer...Now, where is his letter? (searches) (Snowstorm enters majestically to the music) Blizzard: Snowman! Snowman: Huh? (scared) Blizzard: How dare you disobey me? I forbade you from delivering New Year's letters and parcels! Snowman: But the guys have a New Year's holiday. And they are really looking forward to Santa Claus. Metelitsa: Do you still dare to argue with me?! Have you forgotten why I blinded you, your snowy head? Snowman: I’ll remember right now...Suppress the silence...I’m sorry, keep the silence. Metelitsa: That's it, what are you doing? Snowman: Guilty, gape, playing snowballs. Metelitsa: You've been gaping, then? Snowman: Yeah. Metelitsa: You're playing too hard, then? Snowman: Yeah. Blizzard : Well, watch out. Your holiday will not happen! I can destroy everyone and turn them into an icicle. No fun, no laughter, only silence... Snowman, spin, spin, And turn into an icicle! (The snowman spins and freezes in place. The blizzard, laughing coldly, leaves) Snowman: (sad) I want to make all the girls and boys happy - there will be no New Year, you can leave. Leading: Well, no, that won’t happen! Guys, we need to come up with something quickly! Child: Maybe we can call the Snow Maiden?

Children call Snow Maiden. (sit on chairs) The scenery changes.New Year's scene.

Fire (comes out): In a big icy hut,
On a snowy edge,
Where does the Snow Maiden live?
There is a mystery which year.
I want to know the secret
I'll hide here and keep quiet.
(The Snow Maiden comes out of the house, sings and dances to the music.)
Snow Maiden: Winter has come again,
Snow and Blizzard called,
My house is in the clearing
He grew up again on his own.
Only there is no stove at home -
The heat causes me a lot of trouble.
Fire (angrily): Now I know the secret -
The Snow Maiden melts from the fire! (hides)
Snow Maiden: I have many friends,
I'll call them soon!
Hares, squirrels and foxes
Come running and have fun!
(Animals run in and dance to the music.)
Fire (angrily): I don’t like fun,
I’ll disperse everyone with heat in an instant.
(Waves a red cloak at the animals and immediately hides.)
Hare 1: Oh, how painful it is!
Hare 2: Help!
Fox: Save my fluffy tail!
Squirrel 1: Who stopped us from dancing?
Squirrel 2: Who offended us now?
Hare 2: I didn't see anyone!
Fox: I didn’t see anything!
Snow Maiden: Something This is not the case here, friends!
Someone wants to interfere
It's fun to celebrate the holiday!
Fox: We need to call the snowflakes,
Light white fluff.
Squirrel 2: The wind carries them everywhere.
Squirrel 1: Maybe I met one of them
A stranger on the way.
Hare 1: Well, Snow Maiden, call me!
Snow Maiden: Hey, snowflake friends,
Fly here quickly
Please give us some advice.
(Snowflakes fly in and dance.)

Dance of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes.
Snowflakes (in chorus): We came to your call,
What did you want to know?
Lisa: Someone wants to interfere
The children and I are celebrating the holiday.
On the way to us here
Have you seen a stranger?
Snowflakes 1: We flew along the roads,
Snowflakes 2: We didn’t see anyone,
Snowflakes (in unison): After all, it’s a cold snowstorm
All the roads are covered!
Hare 2: But someone was stopping us,
Hare 1: I didn’t let you have fun!
Snowflakes 1: Invite the blizzard to visit,
Snowflakes 2: Our old friend.
Snowflakes 3: Maybe she knows something
Snowflakes (in unison): He will solve this mystery!
Snow Maiden: Blizzard! Snowstorm! Come!
Find out what happened!
(Blizzard flies in to the music and dances.)
Blizzard: Why were you screaming in the forest?
Squirrel 1: We called you for help!
Hare 2: Someone wants to interfere
Let's celebrate the holiday with the children!
Blizzard: I flew over the fields,
Coppices, meadows.
There are no traces of anyone anywhere!
Apparently, you imagined everything!
Fire (joyfully): The blizzard didn’t find out either,
Who is causing the trouble?
Blizzard: Feel free to come and visit!
Fire (angrily): I’m about to burst from anger!
(The animals carry out to the music gifts from under the tree).
Squirrel 1: We are gifts for kids
We collect slowly.
Squirrel 2: Here are the nuts. (shows)
Hare 2: Here's a carrot. (shows)
Hare 1: We arrange everything cleverly.
Fox: I caught a mouse under the snow!
Snow Maiden: What did you say, little fox?
No no no! No mice needed!
Lisa: Sorry! I thought everyone was happy
They will be my gift.
Fire (angrily): Oh, that's it! Now everyone will be hot.
(Fire throws off the black blanket and begins to wave a red cloak at the Snow Maiden to the music, the animals scatter.)
Snow Maiden: I'm afraid of fire, I'm afraid!
I will melt, I will melt.
Squirrel 2: We will protect the Snow Maiden,
And we won’t give you any offense!
Squirrel 1: Hey, snowflakes, fly
And put out the fire instantly.
(Snowflakes fly to the fire to the music, the fire waves its arms, the snowflakes run away and sit down.)
Snowflakes (in chorus): We can’t cope with the fire,
We will melt, we will die.
Fire: You won’t destroy me,
You can't extinguish me!
I will melt the Snow Maiden,
I'll quickly turn it into water.
You won't be able to attend the holiday!
(A Blizzard with a white blanket, a Squirrel, a Hare and a Fox with snow creep up on the Fire from behind.)
Fire (turning around): What other misfortune is here?
(The blizzard throws a white blanket over the Fire and blows, spinning around, the animals throw snow at it.)
Fire: What's happening to me?
I go out and the smoke comes out! (runs away)
Blizzard: We defeated the fire together,
The Snow Maiden was released.
Snow Maiden: Thank you, dear friends!
Now I'm in a hurry for the holiday
And you better get ready,
Go to the children's Christmas tree.
(Artists bow + applause.)
It's time to celebrate the New Year
Light up the Christmas tree in the hall!
Grandfather Frost is waiting for us
He brings the New Year with him.
HEY! Grandfather Frost, where are you?
Santa Claus (due to doors): Snow Maiden, I hasten to you!
(Santa Claus sings a song and goes out into the hall, addressing the characters of the fairy tale.)
Father Frost: It's time for us to go to the children's Christmas tree
The kids are waiting impatiently
All of us. Let's hurry up.
Animals (in unison): How to get there?
Santa Claus: Let's decide!
Now I will wave my staff,
Everything will be plunged into darkness.
(Santa Claus knocks with his staff, the lights in the hall go out and come back on).
Father Frost: We are now in a spacious hall
I see that the guys were waiting.Hello, kids!Girls and boys. We were delayed a bit.The road was so difficult Beyond the mountains, beyond the forestsI kept dreaming about meeting you.I remembered you every day.Yes, I collected gifts. Snow Maiden: Last year we were with you,
We haven't forgotten anyone.
They grew up and became big.
I see that you recognize us.
Leading: We were really waiting for you, Santa Claus, but trouble happened, a snowstorm flew by, and the Snowman was bewitched. He stands frozen, silent, not even moving the carrot. Father Frost: But this grief is not a problem, the Snow Maiden can handle it. Granddaughter, take out your magic handkerchief and help the Snowman! Snow Maiden: My grandfather gave me a magic handkerchief
And this is what he told me in confidence:
“Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave your handkerchief
And whatever you want, you can bring it to life!”

One, two, three Snowman dance!

Snowman dance.

Father Frost: The snowman returns to the forest, and the children’s holiday continues. (The snowman says goodbye and leaves). Snow Maiden: Santa Claus: It's no problem!
1,2,3 - smile,
And our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Father Frost
(The tree lights up).
Child: Burning on the New Year's tree
There are countless lights.

Snow Maiden: The lights are burning, blinking,
We are invited to a round dance.
Round dance "Santa Claus" Presenter: Father Frost: The presenter says: Father Frost: Hey people, move aside
Turn the circle wider!
And Snegurochka don’t be timid,
Dancing with Grandfather is more fun!
Father Frost: Legs are shaking
They don't stand still.
Hey, come on, friends,
Let's dance together!

Father Frost : Oh, I'm tired, oh, I'll sit,
I'll tell everyone a secret:
I really love poetry.
Well, whoever is brave, come out,
Tell me your poem.
Reading poetry.

Santa Claus left the house,
Frost hurried to the river
With a white cloud in hand.
On the paths, on the paths,
Where there were puddles,
Santa Claus throws ice cubes
And spinning on the ice floes,
It glides along the river, freezes,
In the willows he breathes from behind,
Snow throws under the runners
With an icy mitten,
And then, grabbing with an armful,
Pours it on the porch,

Mischievously dusty in the face.
How about catching up? Go! Try!
Frost will lead into the snowdrifts,
And in the snowdrifts there is a tower.
Winter itself lives there.
G. Lagzdyn

Father Frost Now in the fields, now in the forests,
Between birch trunks
To us on the troika with bells
Santa Claus is coming.
Trots and gallops
Knowing what's coming
Straight along the secret paths
New Year to the people.
Snow enveloped in soft cotton wool
Birch branches...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Santa Claus is coming.
G. Tukai

The most important of the guests

With a long white beard,

Both ruddy and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
I. Chernitskaya

If the frost ends,
The snow will melt white,
What about Grandfather Frost?
Will the poor person do it?
Water will run off it
Streams to the floor,
From his beard then
Will it start to drip too?
Dear Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Grandfather Frost,
In our refrigerator! E. Tarakhovskaya

About Santa Claus Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Everything you want will be brought.
Make a wish -

I drew on the sheets of paper,
I put them under the tree,
Carefully covered it with cotton wool,
I didn’t tell my mom and dad

I brought everything I wanted.
It's a pity, it's only once a year
He cares about us.
Tatiana Gusarova

Snow Maiden She's wearing white boots
And in a blue fur coat
Bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings it to you and me.
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.
Mittens in transparent pieces of ice
And she's wearing a hat.
You give us light and joy,
Children's favorite.
Tatiana Gusarova

An alarm clock that will wake up the bear in the spring. N. Stozhkova

Snow Maiden At the entrance, on the site
I collected the snow with a shovel.
There was at least a little snow
I made a Snow Maiden.
I put it in the corridor,
And she... melted!
Yu. Shigaev

Walking the street
Santa Claus,
Frost is scattering
Along the branches of birch trees;
Walks with a beard
White is shaking,
Stomping his foot

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Both girls and boys were very good!

Snow Maiden .: You guys are very funny! Do you also want to play with Santa Claus?

Attractions “Move the snowballs with a shovel”, “Find identical snowflakes”

Presenter: It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.

"Clap dance" or dance

Snow Maiden.

Father Frost . I love children very much. And I give gifts to those I love.At this time, Santa Claus unties the belt from his fur coat and sentences him. Father Frost:
You fly, twisted cord,
My assistant is golden
Lengthen, blossom,
Try to find gifts!
He throws one end of the belt into the open door leading from the hall, and then slowly, so that everyone can clearly see, pulls the belt towards himself and says: “I found a bag, I’m pulling it, now there will be gifts.” He pulls out the entire lace, and instead of a bag, a shoe is tied to it. He frowns at the belt and grumbles...
Father Frost:
What are you doing, prankster?
Do you want to ruin everyone's holiday?
Come on, don't be lazy, come on,
Give us back our gifts. Santa Claus again throws the belt at the open door, turning to the belt, and again pulls it towards himself, pretending that it is difficult for him. At this time he says: “Now, it’s already harder, probably like gifts. Wow, I can barely stand it.” But at the other end of the belt there was a tied dad.
Santa Claus (cursing his belt):
Are you kidding me again?
Having fun behind your back?
Don't anger Frost
And return the gifts to us. He throws the belt again, calls several boys with a request to help him, and together they pull out a bag of gifts.

Father Frost (addresses his assistant - the belt):
Now I praise you,
And I'll tie it on my belt.
Thank you for the bag
Once again I say.
Santa Claus pulls out a bag of gifts into the middle of the hall. The children approach Santa Claus one by one, and he gives them gifts.
Father Frost:
We give you gifts
And we give you an order:
May you all be healthy
Getting better every day!
Snow Maiden: To have in your life
And fun and laughter!
Together. Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!
Father Frost: See you in next year.
Wait for me, I'll come!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving.

At the end, everyone stands around the Christmas tree and sings the New Year’s song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”


New Year's holiday scenario for 2nd junior group

"Magic Egg"

Prepared by:

senior teacher of the 1st qualification category A.V. Lukashova


Presenter Snegurochka Grandfather Frost Grandfather Baba Winter Hen Ryaba (child from

Children: bunny boys, snowflake girls

To the music of “Yolochka”, children enter the hall and dance in a circle. Ved. : Tell me, guys, what kind of holiday awaits us all? Answer amicably, loudly, We are celebrating... Children: New Year!

Ved. : The cheerful hall shines today with many sparkling lights. On a noisy New Year's holiday He warmly invites guests. 1 child : Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance, With beads, firecrackers, With new toys. 2 reb. : Christmas tree, we have been waiting for you for many, many days and nights. We counted the minutes, To see quickly, 3rd child. : How the needles sparkle with a winter miracle - silver, How Grandfather Frost wrapped your branches in snow. 4th child: Winter brought us a wonderful holiday, the green tree came to the children. She was dressed up, toys were hung up, everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree! Ved: Let's hold hands together, Let's walk around the Christmas tree, We'll smile at our dear guest, We'll sing a song joyfully. Round dance

Music sounds and Winter waltzes into the hall. Winter:Hello guys. I am Zimushka-winter. I came with the cold and brought snow. She made ice on the river and carried everyone’s fur coats. She covered the paths and houses with a blanket, But the children still love Winter, of course.

Ved: Why do we love winter?...
5th child: For skis and skates,
For the white fluffy snow,
For the Christmas tree lights...
6th child: For having fun
Children in winter.
Us every day on the street
A new game is waiting.
7th child: We throw snowballs
We're racing down the mountain on a sled,
We hung up the feeders:
Fly, bullfinches!
Song about winter Winter: Attraction "Collect snowballs" Winter: Ved. : Who is missing from the holiday? Children: Snow Maidens and Father Frost. Ved. : Let's call Father Frost and Snow Maiden. (Sounds magical music, the Snow Maiden enters, sings a song, waltzes) Sn. : Hello guys, hello guests! My name is Snegurochka. I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus, my friends came to your holiday to have fun with you. How many are there? elegant girls and boys! Ved. : We are celebrating the Snow Maiden’s holiday, but our Christmas tree is sad and doesn’t light up with lights.

Snow Maiden:( mysteriously). There is a New Year tree in the hall and, shining with toys, speaks to us. (magic music plays)

But the winds began to howl, blew away the blanket, It became cold for me, the Christmas tree, in the clearing! Only you saved me - you took me to kindergarten, gave me a festive, fabulous outfit. You sang songs to me, and I grew up, I became taller than my dad, taller than my mother for the holiday! Isn't she a beauty? Children: We all like the Christmas tree!

5th child: What a Christmas tree, it’s just amazing
How elegant, how beautiful.
The branches rustle faintly,
The beads shine brightly
6 kids: And the toys swing -
Flags, stars, firecrackers.
Here the lights are lit on her,
So many tiny lights!
7th child: And, decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
Five-winged star.

Ved: Our Christmas tree is fluffy, and slender, and green, but for some reason it doesn’t light up with lights! We will correct the mess and make the lights burn! Let's say loudly: “One, two, three - come on, Christmas tree, burn! Children repeat, the lights do not light up. Ved: Nothing works - the lights don’t light up! Come on, girls and boys, we’ll shake our fingers at the Christmas tree (threaten) And now we’ll all clap (clap our hands) And stomp our feet (stomp)The lights don't come on.Ved: Nothing works - the lights don’t light up.Magic music sounds. The presenter draws attention to the Christmas tree. He listens to the tree, pretends that the tree is saying something.Ved: Guys, we did everything wrong. Now the Christmas tree told me in confidence that there is no need to stomp and there is no need to clap, and there is no need to wag your finger, but you just need to quietly ask for our tree.

Beautiful Christmas tree, come play with us,Beautiful Christmas tree, light up!Let's say together: “One, two, three! Our Christmas tree, burn!”Children repeat. The lights come on.Ved: It worked, it worked: our Christmas tree lit up!

(everyone claps their hands). Let's go around the Christmas tree and sing a song to the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden :Where is Grandfather Frost, bearded and red-nosed? It's time for him to come. maybe he has lost his way? (The presenter and Snow Maiden try to distract the children, asking where Father Frost might be and why he is late, because he promised to be on time and knows the address well. Everyone begins to “search” around the hall, follow the Snow Maiden in a flock, look outside the door, look at the audience. then the Snow Maiden leads the children to the window, when all their attention is occupied with the search for Father Frost on the street, he quietly enters the hall, sits down in a chair and, leaning on his staff, “falls asleep.”) Sn. (turning around): Oh, guys, look! Santa Claus is sleeping in the hall, Grandpa is sleeping sweetly - It’s New Year, and he’s snoring! (approaches grandpa, taps him lightly on the shoulder.) Grandpa, wake up, get up, congratulate the kids on the Christmas tree! (Children repeat the words of the Snow Maiden.) No, it doesn’t work, he just won’t wake up! Maybe a song will help, Wake up Frost? Children and Snow Maiden (singing): Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost, why are you sleeping so long? Santa Claus, Santa Claus, why are you snoring so much? Santa Claus, Santa Claus, get up quickly, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, play with us! Sn. : He doesn’t wake up, let’s wake him up by dancing.

General dance

Santa Claus (stretching, waking up). Oh, sorry, I dozed off, I was on a long path. I rested near the Christmas tree,

It turned out that he had fallen asleep. Girls and boys! I congratulate everyone on the New Year and invite you to a merry round dance.

Round dance "Santa Claus"

Sn. (slyly): Oh, how Santa Claus loves to pinch children’s noses! D.M.: Yes, I’ll pinch your nose - it will turn beautiful, or bright red, or blue-blue!

Game “We are not afraid of frost” Father Frost . take care of your ears, nose, frost will freeze you! “freezes” children: grabs them by the arms, legs, “snub noses”, “watermelon bellies”, “ears on top of the head”, etc.) (2-3 times) (Sit on chairs) D.M.: Oh, I haven’t played like that for a long time! And not so much tired! For my dear children I would be glad to dance! Sn.: Well, grandpa, dance, make all the guys happy!

Dance of Santa Claus.

D.M.: Oh, I haven’t danced like that for a long time! Grandpa is tired! Sn. : Sit down, grandpa, relax, look at the kids. And the kids will have a rest, they will read poetry for you!

Free reading.

Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest one
The fluffiest one
The most fragrant...
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom will gasp immediately!
(A. Usachev)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Did you bring us gifts?
I've been waiting for you for so long
I don't go out anywhere.

Soon, soon New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
There's a Christmas tree behind me,
Fluffy needles.
He brings us gifts
And he asks us to read poetry.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

V. Petrova
Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!

Mom decorated the Christmas tree

V. Petrova
Mom decorated the Christmas tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
And then the guests were invited
And they danced at the Christmas tree!

What grows on the Christmas tree?

Samuel Marshak
What grows on the Christmas tree?
Cones and needles.
Multi-colored balls
They don't grow on the Christmas tree.
They don't grow on the Christmas tree
Gingerbread cookies and flags.
Nuts don't grow
In gold paper.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -
Green needle!
Light up with different lights -
Green and red!
The Christmas tree came for the holiday,
Dressed up,
And on the top of the head there is a star
Sparkles and shines.

Ved. : They read poems well, sang songs, and danced. And our kids love to play!D.M.: I brought with me a magical cold, cold breeze. Now I will call the breeze and blow on you very, very strongly.

Musical game "Children and the breeze."

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds. Children easily run around the hall in different directions. At the end of the music, they squat down. Father Frost: Oh, there's so much snow. Let me collect this snowball. To the dance melody, Santa Claus takes a shovel and “rakes up a snowball” - gathers children in the center of the hall (children run across and gather in a group) Santa Claus: Oh, what a wonderful lump, I’ll sit on it. The soundtrack of the blizzard sounds again. The children run away. The game is played 3-4 times. Sn. : Grandfather Frost, these are not snowflakes, but our children. Take a closer look - they are playing with you. Santa Claus, putting away the shovel, says that he has become old and has mixed up everything. Sn: Snowflake friends, come out and show your dance.

Dance of snowflakes

Ved.: Grandfather Frost And our children love riddles.D.M.: We know a lot of riddles and now we’ll solve them, Sn. : But the riddles are not simple, they are fabulous! D.M.: Grandfather went out into the garden: what kind of miracle is growing there? Settled firmly into the ground, very large. (turnip) Sn. : He is not low, not high, He is not narrow, not wide,

Did you guess it, kids? What is this?. (teremok.) D.M.: He’s mixed with sour cream, He’s cold at the window, Round side, ruddy side, Who is it? (bun.) Sn. : In this fairy tale, an old grandfather and a woman lived together together with a pied hen. They called her. (ripples). D.M.: (mysteriously). Do you want the fairy tale to come to life? So that she can come to our Christmas tree for the holiday? Children: (Yes) D.M.: Fairy tale, fairy tale, tell me, appear here at the Christmas tree! (Fairy-tale music sounds, Santa Claus begins to tell a fairy tale.) Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, so they are coming here! They lived amicably, did not grieve, were always cheerful. Why should they grieve? Why should they be sad? The hazel grouse is with them - grandfather and grandmother are happy! K.R.: Ko-ko-ko yes ko-ko-ko, am I not a beauty? The whole village likes my perky voice! Ko-ko-ko! Grandfather: Naughty girl, are you still singing? When will you lay the egg? K.R.: Did you feed the chicken? Have you given the chicken water? (Grandfather and Baba, alarmed, carry food and feed the chicken.) Baba: Here's a drink and crumbs for you. Grandfather: Eat some grains! (The chicken “pecks”; the grandfather and woman admire it.) Baba. : Oh, you are our dear! Grandfather: Oh, you are our golden one! K.R.: Thank you, grandfather and woman, the pockmarked egg will lay you an egg, But this is not a joke - wait a minute! (leaves.) Grandfather: Well, guys, let’s wait and sing a song. Baba: Well, guys, dance, show off your prowess! And we’ll sit on the sidelines and look at the kids!Dance "Dance in couples".

Sn. : How the kids danced merrily, right, Grandfather? D.M.: Aren’t you tired? (No) Do you still want to play with me? Game “Oh, what kind of people are coming beyond the frost? "(to the melody of the Ukrainian folk song “Oh, the hoop broke.”) (Together with the Snow Maiden, the children stand in a flock behind Santa Claus. The presenter, the Snow Maiden and the children agree on who they will “turn into”: bunnies, bear cubs, horses, etc. they go on their toes behind Santa Claus and say: “Oh, what kind of people are following the frost? Oh, what kind of people are following the frost?” (surprised) Who is walking behind me, singing songs? : And I’ll catch up with you now! The children are jumping away, Santa Claus is chasing them, but not having caught up with anyone, he is “surprised” at how clever the “kittens” are: Well, let’s play again, now I’ll definitely catch up with you! , and the children “turn” into other animals, in the latter they turn into little hares, the presenter puts hats on the boys.) Ved. : Well, Santa Claus, you haven’t caught up with the kittens, foxes, or hares, it’s better to look at how the hares are dancing under the elegant Christmas tree. Dance with the words “The bunnies came out to dance” (Sit on chairs) K.R.: Where, where! Where-where! Grandfather, grandmother, here! Here is an egg, but not an ordinary one - look, it’s golden! Grandfather: Oh, it’s burning, it’s burning like heat - if there hadn’t been a fire! Baba: Oh, it glitters, it blinds the eyes! miracles, ah, miracles! D.M.: Just suddenly from the mink dark mouse deftly and quickly, past the grandfather, past the woman, ran past the pockmarked fish, just waved its tail, and the egg disappeared! Baba: What a problem, what a nuisance! What a disaster! This is necessary! Grandfather: What should we do, hazel grouse? What should I treat the kids with? K.R.: Wipe away your tears! Let's go to Santa Claus! The fairy tale will end well, we will sing with you again! D.M.: You were upset in vain, Everything will be fine with us. Magic will help us. There will be gifts for the kids! Come out quickly and follow me.

Father Frost.

(Children and all holiday participants follow Santa Claus.)

Where are the gifts? Here's the secret.

There is no right and no left! (addresses the children)

Isn’t it on the Christmas tree? (No!)

Isn't it under the tree? (No!)

Not on the stump? (No!)

Isn’t it behind the stump? (No!)

Isn't it on the window? (No!)

Isn't it under the window? (No!)

Isn't it on the chair? (No!)

Isn't it under the chair? (No!)

Doesn't mom have one? (No!) Ask?

Doesn't dad have one? (No!) Find out?

(approach the snowdrift) Isn’t it in the snowdrift? (no!) Let's see! (Find a large kinder surprise egg)

D.M.: Ryabushka, look here! What's in the snowdrift? That's it (takes out an egg - kinder surprise). K.R.: Egg! Not golden - kinder surprise - that's what it is! Sn. : (admiringly) Not an egg, but just a treasure! D.M: Here are gifts for the guys! (Snow Maiden, Santa Claus hand out gifts.) Sn. : Good for you guys, D.M. : But it’s time for us to leave. Children: We will never forget this New Year's holiday.


Scenario new one holiday for the speech therapy group.


Winter Santa Claus Grandfather Baba - adults
Children: Snegurochka
Kolobok Wolf Hare Fox Bear Girl Dasha

Entrance: “New Year's Polka”

I wish you happiness, friends!

Fun, undisguised joy.
1 child: How beautiful the New Year tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Bright beads sparkle in front.
2nd child: Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening it will all sparkle

3rd child: Christmas tree in your gold pockets

4th child: We came to the decorated Christmas tree,
We've been waiting so long to meet her
Let's join hands

5th child: New Year! New Year!
Music calls you to dance!
Let him spin around the Christmas tree
New Year's round dance!
Round dance at the Christmas tree

Winter: Hello my friends, I'm Zimushka-winter. I looked in the mirror and saw your holiday: laughter, enthusiasm, fun, songs. I hurried to see you for the holiday, I put everything off. Leading. We are very glad, Winter, for your arrival, we invite you to our cheerful holiday.Why do we love winter?...
6th child: For skis and skates,
For the white fluffy snow,
For the Christmas tree lights...
7th child: For having fun
Children in winter.
Us every day on the street
A new game is waiting.
8th child: We throw snowballs
We're racing down the mountain on a sled,
We hung up the feeders:
Fly, bullfinches!

(children sit on chairs) Winter: I'm very happy, guys, How did you greet me? I know a lot of games in winter, Let's play, kids?Attraction "Collect snowballs" Winter: Well done kids, you helped me a lot, clearing all the paths. But I say goodbye to my friends, business awaits me in the forest. (Winter is leaving)
Leading. The holiday continues, but the Christmas tree is not lit. I'll ring the bell and call Santa Claus. And you guys, help Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden to the holiday. Children: Father Frost! Snow Maiden! The music sounds and the voice of Santa Claus is heard: “Ay! Ay! I’m coming, I’m coming!” Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall. Father Frost. Happy New Year to you, friends, Happy rich holiday! Santa Claus wishes happiness and joy to the children. I see that you have all gathered at the bright hour of the New Year. We haven't met for a whole year, I miss you. Hello my dears! Children. Hello Dedushka Moroz!Snow Maiden: Hello children, girls and boys! The Snow Maiden sings the Snow Maiden's song. Snow Maiden: Grandfather, look how beautiful the children’s Christmas tree is. But for some reason the lights don’t light up on it.
Father Frost: It's no problem!
We light up the Christmas tree with the New Year's smiles of children.
1,2,3 - smile,
And our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Father Frost : This girl didn’t smile, and this snowflake is sad... (Repeats): 1,2,3 - smile, Our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree lights up).
Child: Burning on the New Year's tree
There are countless lights.
How good, how fun today,
How joyful and light it is on the tree!
Snow Maiden: The lights are burning, blinking,
We are invited to a round dance.
Santa Claus, we won’t let you out of the circle. Father Frost: How can you not let me out? I'll go out right away. (Santa Claus moves from one place to another, loses his mitten, the children pick it up, pass it to each other, and Santa Claus runs after it.)The presenter says:Santa Claus, dance for us, then we will let you out. Father Frost: Hey people, move aside
Turn the circle wider!
And Snegurochka don’t be timid,
Dancing with Grandfather is more fun!
Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden Father Frost: Legs are shaking
They don't stand still.
Hey, come on, friends,
Let's dance together!
General dance with Santa Claus.(based on the show of Santa Claus)
Father Frost : Oh, I'm tired, oh, I'll sit,
I'll take a look at the guys. (Sits down).
I'll tell everyone a secret:
I really love poetry.
Well, whoever is brave, come out,
Tell me your poem.
Leading: Santa Claus, do you like fairy tales? Father Frost: Oh, I love fairy tales, children. Very much! Leading: Look at Grandfather's New Year's fairy tale.
GRANDFATHER: New Year is coming. If only your grandmother would have baked some pies, or some kind of loaf, or at least a bun. It's kind of boring to celebrate the New Year without something sweet...
BABA: Pies, buns, cheesecakes... If only our granddaughter, Dasha, came to stay. That would be real fun, that would be a holiday!
GRANDFATHER: We should send her a telegram or letter, invite her to us. We would decorate a Christmas tree in the yard, you would bake pies - we would have a fun New Year!
BABA: Yes, that would be great! But there is snow, all the paths are snowed in, who will deliver the letter to her, the post office is not working?
GRANDFATHER (thoughtfully): And you, woman, bake a bun. All sorts of miracles happen on New Year's Eve, maybe he will help us deliver a letter to Dashenka.
BABA: And that’s the point. Why not try?!
Voice-over: “The woman began to bake a bun, and in the meantime Grandfather wrote a letter to his granddaughter...”
GRANDFATHER (writes a letter): Dear Dashenka! We miss you very much. Come to us for the New Year and take your friends - everything will be more fun. We're looking forward to seeing you. Your grandmother and grandfather. And Kolobok will deliver the letter to you. Don't hurt him. He is good.
GRANDFATHER: Come on, Grandma, we’ll tie the letter to Kolobok and leave it on the window. Now let's go to bed - it's getting late. Maybe that’s what will happen for us.
Voice-over: “Kolobok was lying there, but suddenly he opened his eyes...”
KOLOBOK: Here’s a task, a task
My grandmother and grandfather asked me
I must deliver quickly
Warm greetings to my granddaughter.
Invite her to a party
And invite her friends
Well, let's go, I won't hesitate.
We need to find our granddaughter!
Forest. Polyanka. A bunny is jumping near the Christmas tree.
KOLOBOK: Hello, Bunny! How are you?
Why are you freezing here?
On the Christmas tree, New Year's holiday
Grandfather and grandmother's names!
HARE: Really?! How?! Wow!
I will be very happy!
Now I'll grab a carrot
To make them a salad!
KOLOBOK: You run to them quickly,
It will be more fun for them.
Hey, wait, tell me,
How can I find Dashenka?
HARE: Dasha? Granddaughter? I know I know,
I love her very much
She's so kind
I'll give her cabbages.
The road to her is through the forest,
An evil wolf lives there, like a demon,
You take care of him
Hurry up to Dashenka!
The hare runs away. The bun rolls on to the music. A song from behind the tree.
WOLF: At least I look menacing,
But in my heart I'm not angry.
Alone in a huge forest,
I love pasta.
Not bunnies, and not birds.
I wish I could eat a cup of pasta.
But where in the forest can you get them?
I'm ready to cry from grief. Oooh!..
KOLOBOK: Don't cry, what's the point?
Hurry up to the Christmas tree!
Grandfather and grandmother, maybe
They can cook pasta.
WOLF: Really?! Great! I'm running!
I'll help grandma and grandpa.
I’ll take the Christmas tree with me -
Without it there will be no point.
We'll dress her up
And wait for all the guests.
KOLOBOK: And I’m rolling towards Dashenka,
I'm afraid of getting lost
Show me the way
How to find her, tell me?
WOLF: The path to Dasha is still long,
You may not make it on time.
Run along the path
But don't wake the bear.
He will wake up - he will be angry,
He'll get even with you.
Bear's den. Kolobok looks into the “window”.
BEAR: Sleep, little peephole, sleep, other one...
It does not work...
Why am I in a dream
I'm celebrating the New Year, huh?
I'm so offended, to the point of tears,
Santa Claus gifts me
Doesn't bring... Well, friends
Can't I have fun?
KOLOBOK (knocking): Come on, Misha, don’t cry.
Get some honey quickly.
Grandfather and grandmother invite
Everyone is gathered for the Christmas tree,
We'll sing and dance
Let's congratulate Dasha!
BEAR: Dasha? I know and love
I'll grab her some raspberries.
So as not to get sick in winter,
You should eat raspberries with tea.
KOLOBOK: That's great! Take it!
Show me the way.
I’m in a hurry to see Dasha,
I'm afraid of getting lost.
BEAR: Yes, there was a blizzard in the forest,
All the roads were covered with snow.
Boldly along this path
Go to Dashino village.
But watch out for the fox -
There is no one more cunning in the forest.
The bun rolls between the fir trees along the path.
FOX: Stop! Don `t move! Beware!
Step aside, step aside!
Everyone thinks I'm bad
They call it a redhead cheat.
But what is my fault?
Am I rich in intelligence?!
I can’t help but be cunning -
Life will be very boring.
Here we go, in order,
Guess my riddles.
The fox makes a wish New Year's riddles . Children help Kolobok guess.
* * *
He is kind, he is also strict,
He's got a beard up to his eyes,
Red-nosed, red-cheeked,
Our favorite...
(Father Frost)
We made a snowball
They made a hat on him,
The nose was attached, and in an instant
It turned out...
He came unexpectedly
Surprised us all
Desirable for guys
If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday? ...
(New Year)
FOX: Did you guess it?! Wow!
Well, go for it then.
(turns away offended)
KOLOBOK: You are a cunning fox, of course,
But I'm in a hurry.
I liked the riddles
I will invite you to the holiday.
FOX: Me? For the Christmas tree? Great!
I am very very happy.
I will decorate the Christmas tree
This is my reward.
Dasha, I’ll grab some gifts -
The beads are beautiful, long, bright.
KOLOBOK: Tell me the way to Dasha,
I'm in a big hurry
And on New Year's Day
Now I'm afraid of being late!
FOX: There's nowhere to rush now,
Dasha's house is here.
Here in the forest she lives alone,
She is a forester's daughter.
KOLOBOK (approaches the house): I walked through the whole forest,
I found you, Dashenka.
Here, I brought you a letter.
I almost froze my nose.
DASH: Hello, hello, Kolobok!
How could you find me?!
Thank you for the letter,
I'll give you some sweet tea.
KOLOBOK: We need to hurry already,
To be on time for the Christmas tree.
Friends are waiting at the holiday -
I invited all the animals.
We will lead a round dance,
Drink tea with sweet raspberries,
Decorate the Christmas tree with beads,
Let's celebrate the New Year!
Grandma and Grandpa's house. You can hear New Year's music and the noise of fun. Round dance at the Christmas tree . In the foreground is Kolobok.
KOLOBOK: How tired I am, friends!
I have gathered all the guests here.
The bunny and the bear are dancing,
The fox is spinning
The wolf ate pasta -
Having fun too.
Grandfather and grandmother are very happy -
Dasha came to visit them.
And with it a noisy holiday
I brought it for the animals.
That's how great I am!
This is where the fairy tale ends!

Father Frost: Your story is good. Shall we play, kids?Attraction “Dress up the Christmas tree” Presenter: It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.

Dance "Couples"

Snow Maiden. Grandfather! All the guys made us laugh today and new Year gifts deserve it. Father Frost .
You deserve your gifts
But it’s not easy for us to find them -
It's a long way to go!
Snow Maiden: What a joker you are, grandpa! Father Frost: Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

If you let me off the leash,
Father Frost: You have found all the balls, Well, be in the hall with gifts! (D.M. addressing one of the dads). Dad, look at your feet and take out the gifts! (Dad brings out a bag of gifts). Ded Moroz and Snegurochkagive gifts to children. Snow Maiden: So the gifts are over,
And it's time for us to say goodbye.
Tomorrow we'll be on the road again
We need to go in the morning.
Father Frost:
Because they're all kids
They are waiting for gifts in the New Year,
Both girls and boys
They believe that Santa Claus will come.
Let your Christmas tree sparkle
Laughter and songs never stop,
It will be joyful all year
Happiness will come to your family!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye!
The heroes leave.

More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone around you laughs together!
And so that you are not afraid of the frost,
We did more skiing and sledding!

(congratulations to parents, general dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)


Scenario for the New Year's holiday for the preparatory group.

Lead Dwarf or child at the teacher's choice Blizzard Santa Claus - adults
Children: Snow Maiden
Snowflakes girls
Skaters – 3 pairs
Forest animals (Squirrel, Bunny, Fox, Wolf,)
Bears are boys Gnomes are boys

Entrance: “New Year's Polka”

Leading: Happy New Year to everyone!
I wish you happiness, friends!
We will celebrate the holiday with a round dance,
Fun, undisguised joy.
1 child: How beautiful the New Year tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Dress on the Christmas tree Green colour,
Bright beads sparkle in front.
2nd child: Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening it will all sparkle
The sparkle of lights and snowflakes and stars,
Like a peacock's tail opening!
3rd child: Christmas tree in your gold pockets
I hid a lot of different sweets,
And she extended thick branches towards us,
It’s like a hostess welcoming guests!
4th child: We came to the decorated Christmas tree,
We've been waiting so long to meet her
Let's join hands
Let's start our holiday quickly!

5th child: New Year! New Year!
Music calls you to dance!
Let him spin around the Christmas tree
New Year's round dance!
Round dance at the Christmas tree
Music sounds and Winter enters the hall, dancing.

– Were you expecting me for the holiday?
Here I am myself
With blizzard, snow, cold weather -
Russian Winter!
I covered the field with snow, the snow lay on the branches,
I encased the pond and river under strong ice.
-Aren't you scared of me?
Didn't you snuggle up to the warm stove?
Didn't you complain to mom?
Can I live with you?
Come on, listen to me, answer me, kids!

Winter. - I am a cold, blizzard winter,
friendly with icy winds!
Guys. - And we’ll go out for a walk with the sled,
take a walk around the yard with the daredevils!
Winter. - How can I get you into the rooms?
I’ll drive you into the bright ones and into the warm ones!
Guys. - How will you drive us, Zimushka,
from the yard and into the rooms, fierce!
Winter. - I’ll be raging with a powder blizzard,
I'll start a good snowstorm!
Guys .- And we will go out in fur coats and felt boots,
In fur ear flaps and mittens!
Winter .– I will cover all the paths with snow,
I will fill all the paths with white!
Guys. - And we will shovel the snow,
And we will sweep away the white with brooms!
Winter. - And I will raise the north wind,
I'll catch you with my naughty frost!
Guys. - And we will all clap our hands,
Let's stomp along the paths!
Winter: I see the kids are happy that winter has come Presenter: Why do we love winter?...
6th child: For skis and skates,
For the white fluffy snow,
For the Christmas tree lights...
7th child: For having fun
Children in winter.
Us every day on the street
A new game is waiting.
8th child: We throw snowballs
We're racing down the mountain on a sled,
We hung up the feeders:
Fly, bullfinches!
Song-dance: “What we like in winter”
(children sit on chairs) Winter: I'm very happy, guys, How did you greet me? I know a lot of games in winter, Let's play, kids?Attraction "Collect snowballs"(2-3 children play, whoever collects snowballs with a shovel into a basket, they are allowed to take one snowball at a time, they do not help with their hands) Winter: Well done kids, you helped me a lot, clearing all the paths. But I say goodbye to my friends, business awaits me in the forest. (Winter is leaving)
Disturbing music
What's happened? For some reason it got dark
It smelled cold
Like Zimushka-winter
She waved her sleeve.
The lights go out, a gnome quietly sneaks under the tree and squats down.
The music continues to play.
Purga flies in.
I'm the queen of the cold
I am the queen of ice
I love frost and cold,
My name is Purga!
I want to freeze
All birds and all animals!
I'm rushing along the road -
Save yourself quickly!
He circles the hall, notices the Gnome, and says to him:
And who is here in front of me?
Is he standing with his head raised?
Ah, this is the rebellious Dwarf!
You will turn into a snowball!
I'm not afraid of you, Purga
And I will not submit to you!
So, apparently, you forgot who I am
I'll have to teach you a lesson!
You are the queen of the cold
You are the queen of ice
Daughter of Grandfather Frost
Named Purga.
And you forgot to tell me,
I am the keeper of the crystal pipe.
Not true, mistress of the crystal pipe
The Snow Maiden is ours, not you!
Even though she is the youngest daughter of Santa Claus,
But both oak and birch trees love her,
And the hares are cheerful, and the bear cubs,
And all the other forest animals.
(takes out a pipe from under the skirt of his suit);
Did you see this? Here comes the pipe!
Shines and sparkles like it's made of ice!
After all, you don't know how to play the trumpet,
That's why the snow doesn't obey you.
While the crystal trumpet is silent,
Not a single snowflake will arrive.
And if the fluffy snow doesn’t fall,
The New Year won't come either!
I can easily play it now
And I will always be her mistress.
Blizzard diligently blows into the pipe, but nothing works.
At this time the Snow Maiden comes in with the gnomes.
At first she does not notice Purga, who is trying to play the trumpet.
Snow Maiden:
Friends, I am called Snow Maiden -
I'm not afraid of the cold.
I'm not afraid of the winter blizzard,
I'm even friends with her
Frost is my dear grandfather,
Snowflakes are my relatives.
In the wilderness, the silence of the forest
I live all the time.
My gnomes came with me to the holiday.
Dwarves perform a dance to music
Turn to the blizzard
1st gnome: You're trying in vain
No force needed here
What is needed here is skill,
Yes, and love is important.
2nd gnomeAfter all, if you love
All the birds and animals,
Then you can blow the trumpet
And it will snow everywhere.
3 gnomeNew Year will come with snow,
And the forest people will be happy.
I won't give you the pipe
I'll rush along the rivers, through the forests,
I'll find myself teachers
To be taught quickly
Now I can play on it
And cause snow to fall on the ground.
The blizzard “flies away”.
Snow Maiden
(to the gnomes):
That's grief, that's trouble,
After all, there’s nowhere without snow!
We need to catch up with our sister,
Take away the crystal pipe,
And bring snow to the ground,
May he please everyone!
The Snow Maiden and the gnomes leave.
Bears come out from behind the Christmas tree and perform the dance “Somewhere in the White World”
Towards the end of the dance, Purga “flies in”.

That's who is strong, that's who's brave,
And probably skillful!
Come on, Mishki, help me -
You will teach me to play!
The Bears:
What are you, terrible Purga,
We never played
Not like on such a pipe,
And even on a simple pipe.
The bears are running away. Purga gets angry, tries to catch up with them, waves her hand. She blows into the pipe again, but nothing happens and she “flies away” behind the tree.
An artificial Christmas tree and a box with paper and plastic toys are placed in front of the tree. Forest animals - Squirrel, Bunny, Fox, Wolf
SquirrelWhat is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,
These are jokes, laughter and dancing,
These are songs, games, fairy tales!
BunnyThis is Santa Claus
Our cheeks and nose are freezing!
Chanterelle:These are skis and skates,
It's slides and snowballs!
Wolf:This is the laughter of cheerful children,
This is dancing near the Christmas trees!
- perform the first verse of the song “Little Christmas Tree...” and dance around it.
Suddenly Purga flies in, everyone gets scared and hides from her. Seeing that there is no one left, Purga knocks over the Christmas tree and “flies away.”
(pronouncing on the go):
Everyone ran away somewhere,
Apparently they were very scared.
Okay, I’ll fly further and look elsewhere.
The blizzard “flies” behind the tree, the skaters come out
Figure skater:
Wonderful day
The snow is falling quietly
We go into the yard with skates
And we go to the skating rink
perform figure skaters dance
At the end of the dance, Purga appears.
This is who can help me
And overcome all difficulties,
They will teach you to play the trumpet,
But we must not scare them...
Blizzard(affectionately to the skaters):
Come on, kids, help me,
Look at the pipe
And answer me quickly -
Who can play it?
Figure skater:
Oh yes, a wonderful pipe,
Made as if from ice.
So this is crystal -
I've never seen anything like this!
So hurry up and come with me!
There, behind the forest, is a snowy house,
I live in this house
I send an evil frost to the earth,
Will you live with me
And teach me how to play!
Figure skater(partner):
No, Seryozha, run away!
This is a furious Blizzard.
Skaters (together):
We need to run quickly
Call all your friends for help!
The blizzard grabs the boy and takes him away. The skaters run towards the Snow Maiden, who comes out from behind the Christmas tree.
Snow Maiden:

What happened, tell me?
Skaters (together):
Help us urgently!
Suddenly a blizzard came
And she took Seryozha,
I took it with me
The house is cold and icy.
Snow Maiden:
We urgently need to escape
And help Seryozha out.
After all, in this icy house
It will freeze very quickly!
But. The blizzard is very strong,
I don’t know what the strength is.
I, friends, will help you -
I'll run with you.
And we will save Seryozha,
And we will take the pipe.
Snow Maiden, Skaters, Dwarf go to Purga's Ice House.

Hey Purga, open the door
And give it to Seryozha!
We found your snowy house
And everyone came for their friend.
Snow Maiden:
Yes, sister, come out
And take Seryozha out,
We came for him with friends,
We'll take him to his mother.
And give it back, please,
We need a crystal trumpet!
Then we can blow the trumpet
And invite snow to the ground.
Ha ha ha! They came in droves!
You can't handle me -
I am the strongest in the world!
I will play on it!
Saying these words, Purga waves her arms, and the Dwarf, sneaking up to her unnoticed, tears off the cape. Exhausted, Purga falls.

Oh, give it up, give it up, give it away!
Wait, don't tear it away!
That's it, I can't take it anymore -
I'll give you the pipe.
And take the boy,
But don't send me away
Hey Seryozha, come out,
Look at your friends.
Purga hands the “crystal” trumpet to the Snow Maiden. Seryozha comes out, his friends greet him. Purga leaves.
Snow Maiden
(hugging Seryozha):
Now, to the sound of singing
of my crystal trumpet
Will spin around with impatience
Snowflakes are my friends.
They will cover you with white snow
Plains, forests and fields,
They'll spin you around in a snow waltz
And they will immediately warm you up.
Fly, spin, magical snow!
Let there be happiness on Earth!
The Snow Maiden “plays” the “crystal” trumpet (phonogram).
Snowflakes dance to musicThe rest of the children sit on the chairs.
Snow Maiden:

Everything ended wonderfully -
There is harmony and peace in our house,
But where Santa Claus is is unknown,
Apparently he forgot about us.
Let's loudly, for the whole house,
We'll call Santa Claus!
Dear Grandfather Frost,
You are our best guest!
Come quickly
And bring gifts!
The children repeat after the Snow Maiden:
Dear Grandfather Frost,
You are our best guest!
Come quickly and bring gifts!
Santa Claus enters.
Father Frost:

Hello, dear children! Hello, dear guests!
I am very happy to congratulate all the guests and all the guys!
Happy New Year, I wish you health and happiness to everyone!
I visited you a year ago, I’m glad to see everyone again!
You've grown up and become big, but do you recognize me? (YES)
I came to you from afar,
Wow, the road is not easy.
I have overcome the difficult path,
But healthy, rejuvenated!
Tell me quickly
What worries you, friends,
I can help you!
Leading:Santa Claus, guys have been waiting for you, it’s time to start the holiday.Snow Maiden:Grandfather, look how beautiful the children’s Christmas tree is. But for some reason the lights don’t light up on it.
Father Frost:It's no problem!
We light up the Christmas tree with the New Year's smiles of children.
1,2,3 - smile,
And our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Father Frost: This girl didn’t smile, and this snowflake is sad... (Repeats): 1,2,3 - smile, Our Christmas tree - light up!
(The tree lights up).
Child:Burning on the New Year's tree
There are countless lights.
How good, how fun today,
How joyful and light it is on the tree!
Snow Maiden:The lights are burning, blinking,
We are invited to a round dance.
Song “Russian Santa Claus” Presenter:Santa Claus, we won’t let you out of the circle.Father Frost:How can you not let me out? I'll go out right away. (Santa Claus moves from one place to another, loses his mitten, the children pick it up, pass it to each other, and Santa Claus runs after it.)The presenter says:Santa Claus, dance for us, then we will let you out.Father Frost:Hey people, move aside
Turn the circle wider!
And Snegurochka don’t be timid,
Dancing with Grandfather is more fun!
Dance of Father Frost and Snow MaidenFather Frost:Legs are shaking
They don't stand still.
Hey, come on, friends,
Let's dance together!
General dance with Santa Claus.(based on the show of Santa Claus)
Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, oh, I'll sit,
I'll take a look at the guys. (Sits down).
I'll tell everyone a secret:
I really love poetry.
Well, whoever is brave, come out,
Tell me your poem.
Reading poetry.

FreezingThe sun just touched the roof, -
Santa Claus left the house,
Frost hurried to the river
With a white cloud in hand.
On the paths, on the paths,
Where there were puddles,
Santa Claus throws ice cubes
And spinning on the ice floes,
It glides along the river, freezes,
In the willows he breathes from behind,
Snow throws under the runners
With an icy mitten,
And then, grabbing with an armful,
Pours it on the porch,
Hit the glass with a frozen cap,
Mischievously dusty in the face.
How about catching up? Go! Try!
Frost will lead into the snowdrifts,
And in the snowdrifts there is a tower.
Winter itself lives there.
G. Lagzdyn

Father FrostNow in the fields, now in the forests,
Between birch trunks
To us on the troika with bells
Santa Claus is coming.
Trots and gallops
Knowing what's coming
Straight along the secret paths
New Year to the people.
Snow enveloped in soft cotton wool
Birch branches...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Santa Claus is coming.
G. Tukai

The most important of the guests
- Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
I. Chernitskaya


If the frost ends,
The snow will melt white,
What about Grandfather Frost?
Will the poor person do it?
Water will run off it
Streams to the floor,
From his beard then
Will it start to drip too?
Dear Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Grandfather Frost,
In our refrigerator!
E. Tarakhovskaya

About Santa ClausSanta Claus on New Year's Eve
Everything you want will be brought.
Make a wish -
And dreams will come true. I didn't just make a wish -
I drew on the sheets of paper,
I put them under the tree,
Carefully covered it with cotton wool,
I didn’t tell my mom and dad
What I wished for myself. And so it happened. Father Frost,
I brought everything I wanted.
It's a pity, it's only once a year
He cares about us.
Tatiana Gusarova

Snow MaidenShe's wearing white boots
And in a blue fur coat
Bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings it to you and me.
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.
Mittens in transparent pieces of ice
And she's wearing a hat.
You give us light and joy,
Children's favorite.
Tatiana Gusarova

Santa Claus puts all the bunnies under the Christmas tree...

Santa Claus puts all the bunnies under the Christmas tree
By soft toy- fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play the one
Who brings terror to him in the forest.
And each fox gets a new comb
For fashionable, shiny and red hairstyles.
So that there is no time for the bunnies to offend -
You have to keep your hair in order.
What did Santa Claus have in store for the bear cub?
A basket of raspberries? Honey from a barrel?
Left under a huge forest spruce
An alarm clock that will wake up the bear in the spring. N. Stozhkova

Snow MaidenAt the entrance, on the site
I collected the snow with a shovel.
There was at least a little snow
I made a Snow Maiden.
I put it in the corridor,
And she... melted!
Yu. Shigaev


Walking the street
Santa Claus,
Frost is scattering
Along the branches of birch trees;
Walks with a beard
White is shaking,
Stomping his foot
There is only a crash. S. Drozhzhin

Father Frost:And now after the poems
Who is ready to sing for me?
Solo song“The Christmas tree is not cold in winter”
Santa Claus praises the children for their song.
Snow Maiden.: Grandfather, what do you think? Who is more fun in our hall - girls or boys?

Father Frost:Now let’s check it, and to do this we’ll divide it like this:

The guys will be freezing! They will laugh: ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden.: And the girls are snow cubs! - hee-hee-hee!

Father Frost:Come on, frosties, let's try it! (laugh)

Snow Maiden.: And now the snow babies! (laugh)

Father Frost:And the naughty boys - Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden.: And the fun girls - Hee-hee-hee! Hee hee hee!

Father Frost:You all made a noise and laughed, really, from the heart.

Both girls and boys were very good! Sing your heart out, children!Round dance “What is New Year”

Father Frost:
There are a lot of games in the world
Do you want to play, children?
Father Frost and Snow Maiden are playing with the children.
Musical game "Cap"

Presenter:It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.

Dance "Troika"

Snow Maiden.Grandfather! All the guys made us laugh today and deserved New Year's gifts.

Father Frost. Well, you won here too,
You deserve your gifts
But it’s not easy for us to find them -
It's a long way to go!
Snow Maiden:What a joker you are, grandpa!Father Frost:Find my gifts, be smart. Listen to the riddle:Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
Any color, for different tastes.
If you let me off the leash,
It will fly away beyond the clouds. (balloon) Gifts are hidden in the balloon. The first ball is not simple, it is beautiful blue, the other ball is silver, the third ball is simple, simple pure white snow.If you collect lacy snowflakes, silver rain and fluffy snow, then there will be a holiday for everyone. Go ahead, friends, find gifts. The children, together with the teacher and the Snow Maiden, agree on which ball to look for first (blue), when they find it they burst it, find snowflakes in it and collect it; Then they conspire and look for a silver ball - there is silver rain in it, they go to look for the third ball, it turns out to be above the heads of the parents. The teacher bursts the balloon and white confetti pours out onto the parents’ heads.Father Frost:You have found all the balls, Well, be in the hall with gifts! (D.M. addressing one of the dads). Dad, look at your feet and take out the gifts! (Dad brings out a bag of gifts). Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children.Snegurochka:So the gifts are over,
And it's time for us to say goodbye.
Tomorrow we'll be on the road again
We need to go in the morning.
Father Frost:
Because they're all kids
They are waiting for gifts in the New Year,
Both girls and boys
They believe that Santa Claus will come.
Let your Christmas tree sparkle
Laughter and songs never stop,
It will be joyful all year
Happiness will come to your family!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye!
The heroes leave.
Guys, our New Year's holiday has come to an end.
I wish you success in the New Year!
More cheerful, loud laughter!


Winter brought us a joyful holiday, the green tree came to visit us. They dressed her up, hung up her toys, and the Christmas tree will be a lot of fun for us! - Come closer to the tree...
Look higher, higher!
How beautiful and slender!
She came to you from the forest!
Come on, children, one after another
Be bolder around the Christmas tree,
And look at all the toys
What they show off on it!

Children together with the presenter to the music " New Year's toys"look at the Christmas tree.1st Child:We invited an elegant Christmas tree to visit, How elegant the Christmas tree is in our hall!2nd Child:How beautiful she is with the silver star! We have a good Christmas tree, have fun with you! Children perform a musical greeting"Song about the Christmas tree."(sit on chairs)Presenter:
What kind of house is it by the path?
He is somewhat unfamiliar to me.
Well, I'm out the window now
I'll take a look with one eye. (Looks out the window).
This house is interesting
This house is not simple.
I'll call once
Whose voice will I hear? (Rings the bell).
Snow Maiden(leaves the house):
In this little house
We live together with my grandfather,
And we are not afraid of the cold.
We are glad for frosty days.
There is no stove in our house.
Grandfather is afraid of the fire.
I'm afraid of the fire too
After all, my name is Snegurochka.
I, Snow Maiden, will sing my song to the bell,
And, hearing my voice, a swarm of snowflakes will fly.
(Snow Maiden sings a song).

Snow Maiden:Hello children! Hello adults! I am the Snow Maiden, all the children have been friends with me for a long time. I love frost and wind and snowstorms in winter! I know all the animals in the forest, I make friends with them! I sing songs loudly and glide easily on the ice!Leading:Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you at our holiday.Snow Maiden:Our Christmas tree is fluffy, and slender, and green, but for some reason it doesn’t light up with lights! We will correct the mess and make the lights burn! Let's say loudly: “One, two, three - come on, Christmas tree, burn! Children repeat, the lights do not light up.Leading:Nothing works - the lights don’t light up! Come on, girls and boys, we will shake our fingers at the Christmas tree (they threaten) And now we will all clap (clap our hands) And we will all stamp our feet (stomp) The lights do not light up.Leading:Nothing happens - the lights don’t light up. Magic music sounds. The Snow Maiden pays attention to the Christmas tree. He listens to the tree, pretends that the tree is saying something.Snow Maiden:Guys, we did everything wrong. Now the Christmas tree told me in confidence that there is no need to stomp and there is no need to clap, and there is no need to wag your finger, but you just need to quietly ask for our tree. Beautiful Christmas tree, come play with us, Beautiful Christmas tree, light up with lights! Let's say together: “One, two, three! Our Christmas tree, burn!” Children repeat. The lights come on.Leading:It worked, it worked: our Christmas tree lit up! (everyone claps their hands). Let's go around the Christmas tree and sing a song to the Christmas tree!Round dance “Herringbone” (Music and lyrics by Kartushina).After the round dance they go to the chairs and sit down.Snow Maiden:
This house is interesting
This house is not simple,
I'll call once
Whose voice will I hear?
(Rings the bell. A bunny song is heard from the house).
Cold for the bunny, cold for the white one.
What should I do in winter?
My tail is freezing.
(Jumps out of the house).
Oh, I'm cold, I need to warm up.
It's worth raising my paw,
The hares will dance.
Bunny dance
(Raises his paw, bunnies run out and dance. Music sounds, a bear appears, all the bunnies run away).
I'm shaggy, club-footed,
I slept sweetly in the forest in winter,
But I heard fun
And he got up quickly.
Tired of sleeping in a den,
I want to walk my legs!
The bear wants to dance
The bear wants to play.
Game "Hares and Bear"
(The bear dances, somersaults, approaches the house).
True, the house is interesting,
True, the house is not simple.
I'll call once
Whose voice will I hear? (Rings).
Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
I’m hurrying to your Christmas tree.
The fox is chasing me
He wants to take me with him.
Snow Maiden:
Don't be afraid, cockerel,
I'll save you, buddy.
Get here quickly
Trouble will not find you.
(The cockerel climbs into a box made of cardboard. There is no bottom in the box, the box lies on the side. The fox runs out).
Children, you should have told me
Have you seen a cockerel here?
No! No! (Fox looks into the box).
I see a red comb
This is Petya the Cockerel.
Snow Maiden:
Try it, catch it!
Cockerel, run like a bunny!
(The Fox chases the Cockerel, they climb through the box several times. The Cockerel runs away. The Fox approaches the house).
This house is interesting.
This house is not simple,
I'll call once
Whose voice will I hear?
(The bell rings. The lights go out. Music sounds, the song of Santa Claus is heard. The Christmas tree lights up brightly, Santa Claus appears behind the screen with a greeting and an invitation to a merry round dance around the tree)
Father Frost:Hello guys, hello dear guests! I heard your song and immediately came! And, Snegurochka, my granddaughter, is here with you! How elegant and beautiful you all are. And the Christmas tree is the same one that I brought to you in kindergarten. Do you like to dance? Then hold hands and let's dance around the Christmas tree.Dance of Santa Claus:Oh, what great fellows! Do you like to play? I brought magic snowballs with me.Snowball game(children and Santa Claus throw snowballs at each other)Leading:Grandfather Frost, haven’t you brought us anything?Father Frost:I brought toys for you, ringing bells.Rather, you take them and dance merrily with them.Dance with bells Santa Claus:They were tired, tired, and oh, how merrily they danced.Relax by the Christmas tree and read poetry to grandpa.Reading poetry. Child:On New Year's Eve, kind Grandfather Frost comes knocking on our doorIt sparkles with snowflakes, it is overgrown with icicles.He has a bright complexion, a beard like white fur, Interesting gifts he prepared for everyone.Child:Santa Claus painted our windows with a white brush, he dressed the pole with snow, and covered the garden with snow.Song "Santa Claus"Father Frost(praises the children for their poems): And now it’s time for us kids to play! Snow Maiden, let's see if there are clever guys among the children? The Snow Maiden explains the rules of the game and shows Santa Claus one time how to play.Game "Run around the Christmas tree and ring the bell."

Father Frost:How much fun you have, but it’s time for me to get ready to hit the road!Snow Maiden:Grandfather Frost, you forgot about something!Father Frost:How did you forget? Santa Claus played with the children! He danced near the Christmas tree! He sang songs! Did you make the kids laugh? What else have I forgotten? All in chorus “Gifts”.Father Frost:No! I am a cheerful Santa Claus - I brought all the gifts! (takes out a bell)Snow Maiden:What kind of bell is this, grandfather?Father Frost:The bell is not simple, very ringing, golden. You walk around with him, call all the snowdrifts and find gifts. The presenter and the Snow Maiden, together with the children, walk through the hall, ring the bell behind the chairs, near the windows, near the house, at the edge of the forest, near the snowdrift (at this time a bag of gifts is displayed near the screen), go up to the screen, ring it, and find gifts.Snow Maiden:And here are the gifts for all the guys! Distribution of gifts. Children thank Santa Claus for gifts.Father Frost:Good Grandfather Frost brought you all gifts! It’s a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye, it’s time for everyone to go home!Ded Moroz and Snegurochka(together): Happy journey, goodbye to you guys, kids! Santa Claus says goodbye to the children, Snegurochka escorts the children to the group.Leading:That's it, guys, our holiday is over. Let's say goodbye to our Christmas tree. The children say “Goodbye”, the Christmas tree flashes with lights. Goodbye, Santa Claus, Goodbye, Christmas tree, We won’t forget the merry New Year for a long time! To the sound of cheerful music, children leave the hall in a chain.

Children run into the hall to the sound of cheerful music and dance around the Christmas tree.


Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday,

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently.

We invite everyone today

We are on New Year's holiday.

There will be games, there will be dancing,

It will be fun with us!


Here is our slender Christmas tree,

The red star glows and lights up.


Golden rain falls from the Christmas tree,

Oh, how much fun we have, Christmas tree, with you!


We will sing you a lot of songs,

We will celebrate the holiday with joy,

May it remain in our memory

All children. Beautiful green Christmas tree!

Round dance near the Christmas tree - song "Christmas tree", music. T. Popatenko, lyrics. I. Chernitskaya.

Presenter. What is New Year?


This is a friendly round dance,

These are jokes, laughter and dancing,

These are songs, games, fairy tales!


This is Santa Claus

Our cheeks and nose are freezing!


These are skis and skates,

It's slides and snowballs!


This is the laughter of cheerful children,

This is dancing near the Christmas trees!

"New Year's round dance", music. T. Popatenko, lyrics. N. Naydenova.


What a merry dance

That's how much fun we have!

But is there anyone among us?

Come on, give me the answer:

Who is cheerful and big,

With a long white beard?

Children. Father Frost!

Presenter. For Grandfather to appear here -

All the guys need to sit down...

Children sit on chairs.


Let's stomp our feet

Now let's clap our hands,

How Frost will hear us -

It will appear now!

Children stomp and clap.


Somehow my cheeks and nose are freezing,

Apparently, Santa Claus is coming!

Hears: "Aw-Aw!" Father Frost enters to the accompaniment of Russian folk music.

Father Frost.

Hello, here I am,

Hello everyone, friends!

May it bring joy to everyone

Good, glorious New Year!

Let laughter ring everywhere!

Happy New Year - everyone, everyone, everyone!

May health, happiness, joy

The New Year will bring you

Let the Christmas tree be decorated

Everyone dances and sings!


Grandfather, there are no lights on the tree,

What's this strange secret?

Father Frost.

We need to hold hands

Shout: “Christmas tree, burn!”

And the tree will light up

New Year's lights.

All. Shine Christmas tree!

After the third time, the Christmas tree lights up its lights.


In our hall, as if in a fairy tale:

We continue singing and dancing.

The round dance polka "Mass Dance" is performed, music. N. Sizova.

Father Frost. And now I will blow a magic breeze on you, and you will quickly run to your places.

The game is being played.

Snow Maiden. Ay... Grandpa!

Father Frost. Oh, what do I hear, a familiar voice!

Snow Maiden(because of the Christmas tree). Grandpa, I'm here!

They run after each other around the Christmas tree, finally meet and hug.

Father Frost. Hello, granddaughter!

Snow Maiden.

Hello, grandpa!

Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year

And I wish everyone joy.

Santa Claus, let's play

And amuse the kids!

Father Frost.

Come on, show me your hands,

Show me, children, right away.

Wow! Now hide it quickly

I'll freeze them now.

The game repeats itself.

Presenter. Grandfather Frost, play some more with the guys.

Father Frost.

I have been living in the world for many years,

I forgot something, children,

What do you play in winter?

And what games do you know?


We love skiing and skating

We love to play snowballs

We're sledding

From the hill in the yard.

We're not cold at all -

It's hot kids!

The dance game “Wow, how hot” is played to the Russian folk music “The Moon is Shining.”

Father Frost. It really got a little hot.

Snow Maiden. Oh, I'm afraid I'll melt!


Hey, mischievous snowflakes,

You are masters of cooling,

Fly to us as soon as possible,

Have a fun dance.

Girls perform the dance of snowflakes, music. D. Lasta (at the end they form a snowdrift).

Father Frost.

Oh, what a snowdrift, I’ll sit and sit,

I'll take a look at the guys!

He sits down. Snowflakes run away.


And now at this festive hour

Let's dance for Santa Claus now!

Children perform the dance "Cheburashka", music. V. Shainsky.

Father Frost.

Nice, you have fun,

The legs themselves are eager to dance.

I’ll dance “Gypsy” for you,

I will make everyone in the hall laugh!

Father Frost dances and falls at the end.

Father Frost.

Did I dance well?

I'm very tired, children!

IN winter forest I'll go

I'll rest there for a while!

Presenter. Guys, can we just let Santa Claus go?

Snow Maiden.

Get up in a circle quickly

Don't let grandpa out!

The game "We won't let you out" is being played.

Father Frost.

And if I show you a surprise in the middle of a holiday -

Then, friends, let me go?

Come on, run up quickly to your places,

And give me my magic bag here!

They carry a bag without a bottom.

Father Frost.

Here is my magic bag,

It's heavy and big.

Attention! Fairy tales appear

And the bag opens!

Krible, krible, boom!


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

And a chicken egg

It was taken down under the Christmas tree!

A girl appears from the bag - Chicken Ryaba.

Chicken Ryaba.

Where, where, where, where!

Happy New Year, kids!

Chicken Ryaba is dancing.


And what is this, Chicken Ryaba, in your egg,

Let's show the kids!

There is a scroll with riddles in the egg.

Father Frost.

There are riddles in the golden egg,

Guess them guys!

They have three chairs, three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

At the edge of the forest

They live in the same hut!

Children. Three Bears.

Two bears come out from behind the tree.

Father Frost. Where's the third one?

The smallest one emerges from the bag.

1st Bear. I am Mikhail Ivanovich.

2nd Bear. I am Nastasya Petrovna.

3rd Bear.

And I, Mishka the bear cub,

Merry fellow and playful!

Bears dance to Russian folk music "Barynya".

Father Frost.

The fun never ends

The tale continues.


Christmas tree big

Right up to the ceiling.

Roasting under the Christmas tree

Rosy... ironing,

no, boot.

Presenter. Children, tell me.

All. Kolobok!

Kolobok appears from the bag.

Kolobok I, Kolobok-Kolobok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side!

Happy New Year,

I wish happiness to all my friends!

Runs around the hall, performs the “Kolobok” dance, music. V. Gerchik. The music is playing - the phonogram "What a Blue Sky" from the movie "Pinocchio", music. A. Rybnikova. Basilio the cat and Alice the fox come out. They dance.

Alice. Hee hee hee!

Basilio. Ha ha ha!

Together. Happy New Year, kids!


I am the famous cat Basilio

From a fairy tale, a very interesting one!


And I am beautiful to the whole world -

Fashionista Alice - red fox!


What kind of fairy tales are we from, friends?

Well, tell me without prompting?!

Children. "Pinocchio".

Father Frost.

Pinocchio, appear,

Show yourself to our children!

Pinocchio appears.


I am a cheerful Pinocchio,

My nose is sharp, my nose is long,

And today at this hour

I'll dance for you now.

Performs a dance.

Alice. We'll catch Pinocchio.

Basilio. Hey, let's catch up with the boy!

Pinocchio runs away, hides behind the Christmas tree, then behind Santa Claus.

Father Frost.

No, it won't work that way

Today is a holiday, New Year!

Come on, friends, don't be angry,

Better make peace with Pinocchio!

They hold hands, jump around the tree, and clap their hands.


Well, everyone is fine now,

Let's continue the fun in the New Year's hour!


Now can I tell you a riddle?

Guess it, dear guys!

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

I gave her a red cap,

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me, what was her name?

Children. Little Red Riding Hood!

Little Red Riding Hood appears from the bag. Suddenly a Wolf in a tailcoat runs out from behind the tree and shakes himself off.


The suit is a little dusty

So I was in a hurry to get to the Christmas tree.

Little Red Riding Hood hugs the Wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Know that I am friends with the Wolf,

I love the wolf very much

Because we are artists

We are skaters at the skating rink!

They perform "Waltz of Skaters", music. Yu. Slonova.


And now my riddle,

Guess it, guys!

Three brothers are so similar

Everyone can guess them

The nose is round, with a snout,

The tail is small, crocheted!

Three little pigs run out.

1st pig. I, Nif-nif!

2nd pig. I, Nuf-nuf!

3rd little pig. I, Naf-naf!

Dance of the Piglets "We are not afraid of the gray wolf", an English folk song from the film "The Three Little Pigs".

1st pig. Hey friends, let's play in the snow!

2nd pig.

Great, that's it!

I, friends, found the cap!

Under the tree there is a large cap containing gifts.

3rd little pig.

Little pigs, aim like this

To get a snowball into the cap

They play, throw snowballs, Santa Claus helps, they knock off the cap, the music of M. Chulaki “Merry Walk” sounds.

Snow Maiden.

Yes, the cap is not easy,

And guys, it's not empty!

Father Frost.

There are sweets and cookies here,

A treat for all the guys!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are distributing gifts.

Father Frost.

Received all the gifts

Have we forgotten anyone?

Children say: "Thank you!"

Father Frost.

Be healthy,

Goodbye guys!

wishes you happiness

Bearded Frost!

Snow Maiden.

You sang and danced well,

Grandfather and I are happy with you!


Goodbye everyone

We will say:

All. Goodbye!

At the end they perform the song “Goodbye”, music. E. Zharkovsky, lyrics. M. Lapisova.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden wave to the children, the children say goodbye to the Christmas tree, to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

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(Children enter the hall with the “three horses” in turn, first No. 1, No. 2 and sit on the chairs)
Presenter: Our dear guests!
We hasten to congratulate everyone!
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
May it be good for all people,
Not afraid of worries,
It won't just be new,
And happy New Year!
So, let's say it together
All: Hello, hello New Year!

1 child: We were waiting for this holiday, Lisa. C
When will he come
Our glorious, our elegant,
Happy New Year!
2nd child:
The Christmas tree came to visit us, St. Nastya
And it shines on us with lights.
May our guests New Year,
Meet with us!
Presenter: The Christmas tree is glowing with lights!
Let's continue the celebration!
We need, children, Santa Claus
Come and visit us!

All the children call: Grandfather Frost! Santa Claus!

Presenter: Grandfather Frost does not hear us. Let our parents and guests help us and call Santa Claus with our children.

Children, parents, guests shout: “Grandfather Frost!”

Music is playing. The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Hello! I flew to you through a blizzard and through blizzards,
She ran through the snowdrifts and on the ice,
To wish you joy and fun
And happiness in the coming year.

Presenter: Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden: We went out on the road together,
We walked through forests and through snowdrifts.
Santa Claus was a little behind.
He's old and tired.
Maybe he sat down to rest
And have you already fallen asleep?

Presenter: Guys, where is Grandfather Frost, while he is looking for his way to us, let's remember the winter fun.

Snow Maiden: It’s a cheerful and frosty day,
The snow sparkles like stars
Santa Claus pinches your nose,
But no children's tears are visible.
We have no time to cry, brothers,
There is plenty to do in the yard.
Snow must be applied
And make a Snowman.

Presenter: hey guys! Together, we boldly get down to business!

Let's stand in a circle
Game "Making a Snowman"
One hand, two hands,
We are making a snowman
Three-four, three-four
Let's draw a wider mouth
Five - let's find a carrot for the nose,
Let's find coals for the eyes
Seven and eight, seven and eight
We'll ask him to dance.

The Snowman appears - to the tune of.....
Presenter: who is this and where did he come from?

That's it: we have a living Snowman!

Snow Maiden: well, we’ll celebrate the New Year with him.

Snowman: look how big the carrot is!

Child: what are you talking about, I’m a boy – Slava A.
My name is Vovka!

Approaches the leader.

Snowman: is this a shiny big coal?

Presenter: again you are very far from the truth.

He approaches the tree and is surprised.

Snowman: oh, brothers, such a big broom.

Child: yes, this is our beautiful Christmas tree! Dasha P

Presenter: The Snowman won’t understand anything,
That the New Year will come to us very soon.

Boy - snowman (reads a poem): Dima B
We are funny guys.
Our name is Snowmen!
We love fun very much
On New Year's Day!
And so for you
Let's dance now!

"Dance of the Snowmen" After the dance, the children sit down in their seats.

Snowman: why did you sit down suddenly?
Well, come with me to the circle! (drags the child).
This is how I celebrate the New Year
I really like it.
Look how it glitters
The Christmas tree is beautiful!
Now I understand everything in the world.

Presenter: How do children celebrate the New Year?

Snowman: they are under the tree on New Year's Day
The cheerful ones lead a round dance.

Round dance "Round dance" (good thing, every year...) sat on the chairs

Presenter: In the New Year, not only round dances are held,
They dance and sing
And to all the children under this tree
Then gifts are handed out!

Snowman: gifts! What is this? (I ask the children)

Children's answers. The snowman is looking for gifts under the tree and does not find them.

Presenter: Santa Claus carries the gifts.

Snowman: why didn’t he bring them to us?

Presenter: because Santa Claus is not there yet.

Snowman: Well, I can't wait any longer.
I'll run to meet him.

Presenter: well, run quickly, my friend (shouts after) -
He has a beard and is holding a bag.
Santa Claus is not easy to find.
He lives in the forest, far, far away.

Snow Maiden: oh, I remembered! I have a magic wand! Let's try it!
Let's say the words together: One! Two! Three! Santa Claus wake up! Come here to us!

Baba Yaga appears to the music.

Snow Maiden: the magic didn’t work!
Instead of Grandfather, he came to us
Something strange!
Either a grandma or a hummock,
In a word – a hassle!

Baba Yaga (preening, adjusting her “outfit”):
Grandma! Bump! Trouble!
Call me names right away.
We need to figure it out first.
They called you here themselves,
And here you go - they called you names!

Snow Maiden: Grandma, pray tell,
Where did you come from?
We called Santa Claus,
They weren't expecting you!

Baba Yaga: what do you need Santa Claus for?!
Borodishcha! Red nose!
I'm a beauty no matter what:
And slim and young!
Oh, how many kids!
I love kids!
So you ask them -
Who am I? (to the children) Tell me!
Tell me, kids, who am I? (children answer).

Oh, how rude - Baba Yaga.
Better kindly - Grandma.
Beloved Yagusya.
What, do you need Santa Claus?
Why do you care about him?!
He's old, this Grandfather!
And there's no point in it.
I'm better! And yet
The holiday will be one hundred percent!
I promise you this! (takes a broom and “casts a spell” near the Christmas tree).

Presenter: no, leave your mischief
And don’t spoil the children’s holiday!

Snow Maiden: we came here to dance,
Have fun and play.

Baba Yaga: I can do this too.
Here, if you want, I'll show you.

The game “Outrun B.Ya” is played.
Baba Yaga: well, how do you like the holiday?

Snow Maiden (ironically): top class!
Where is Santa Claus now?

Baba Yaga: here we go! Father Frost and Father Frost!

Snow Maiden (interrupting her): by the way, without Santa Claus there will be no gifts.

Baba Yaga:
How is it that there will be no gifts?
How can this not happen?!!
So what are you worth?
Call Santa Claus!

(I put Kristina Rozmanova under the tree)
Snow Maiden: let's try again (waves her magic wand) -
Santa Claus, wake up!
Come here to us!

(Baba Yaga slowly sits down with the children).

The Gnome comes out to the music with a homemade ax and walks around the Christmas tree...

Snow Maiden: like that, like that, who are you? What are you doing here?

Gnome: I'm a Gnome. Here I am going into the forest for (points to the Christmas tree) Christmas tree. I chose one for myself (depicts swinging an ax)

A bunny jumped out from behind the Christmas tree!
Bunny: Christina R
“Don’t cut this Christmas tree,
Save it for us.
I love this tree
I’ve been living under it for a long time.”
Okay, I say, I won’t touch your Christmas tree. The bunny was happy and ran away.
Gnome gnome grabs his head) where can we get a Christmas tree,
A pine needle?
Who can tell me (points to the children)
How should I celebrate the New Year?

Chanterelle comes out. Dasha P

Fox: hello, Dwarf, don’t be sad,
Go further into the forest quickly.
There you will find a Christmas tree - a pine needle.
This tree is the cutest of all,
And we will show the way to it.
Stand in a circle with us
Look around quickly.
Hey little animals come out
Show the gnome the way.

Dwarf: thank you, Fox. (stands in a circle with the animals)

Children - animals "Animals play noise instruments."

The bunny shows the way to the gnome.

Presenter: Well, no DM, no snowman, Snow Maiden, let’s have some fun with the guys and our guests, let’s dance a “Polka” dance around the Christmas tree

Children dance the polka around the Christmas tree. After the polka, the Snowman runs in and drags the Dwarf by the beard.

Snowman: oh, fathers, I found it. He pulled it out from under the tree.
Well, Grandfather Frost - did you bring us gifts?

Presenter: Snowman, what kind of snowman is this, this is a Dwarf. Gnome, did you find the Christmas tree?

Dwarf: found it, just wanted to cut it down, when suddenly he swooped in (points to the Snowman) and brought it here. How can I find my Christmas tree now?

Presenter: don’t worry, Dwarf, we will give you more gnomes to help you.

Children dance "Dance of the Dwarfs". After the dance, the Dwarf leaves.
A child, a gnome, comes out and reads a poem.
I am a good New Year's gnome, Andrey B
I bring good luck to the house!
I give you happiness
After all, I love you all!
At the little gnome's
There are jokes

Presenter: Snowman, be careful. We will explain to you better what Santa Claus looks like.
He has a long white beard Lisa K
Brings happiness to our home.
Dear Grandfather Frost,
Sequined fur coat, red nose,
He brings a holiday to the children,
He is our joker and prankster!

Snowman: ahhh now I understand..... the melody is playing, the snowman is dragging X along with him

The snowman runs off to look for Santa Claus.

The snowman returns and drags Hottabych along with him.

Snowman: here is the venerable Santa Claus,
He brought you gifts!

Presenter: Snowman, you were wrong again, this is the kindest of the kindest, the smartest of the smartest - this is old man Hottabych.

Presenter (addressing Hottabych): well, since you are already here, please the guys with your miracles.

Hottabych: thank you, oh wisest one!
I'll wave my hand now
The snow will fall thick.

"Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes."

Hottabych: oh, most beautiful, why are all children so beautiful and cheerful?

Presenter: because the holiday is New Year.

Hottabych: what is New Year?
Snow Maiden: Now we’ll tell you what happens in winter and what happens in New York, let’s guys sing the song “Sleigh” to Hottabych.

Song "Sleigh"
Presenter: Guys, let’s explain once again to X and Snow who DM is

A child reads a poem about Santa Claus. Ulyana.

Child: this grandfather has many grandchildren,
The grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather pesters them,
He grabs your fingers and pulls your ears.
But a happy evening comes every year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
He brings gifts and is kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun, no one is grumbling.

Snow Maiden: dear Hottabych, maybe you can use your magic beard to help us summon Santa Claus?

Hottabych: oh, kindest of the kindest, now I understand who DM is! I am ready to do anything for these dear boys.

Hottabych says a spell. A melody sounds and Santa Claus enters.

Snowman: his eyes are cunning,
Laughs, smiles,
And give it to all the guys
Gifts are being collected...
And the fur coat is red, and the nose...
Exactly! Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: oh, and you have fun,
I want to start dancing.
You don't sit still
And help me sing a song.

Song “Fly, snowball” (music and lyrics by Veresokina).

Santa Claus: oh, I’m tired, oh, I can’t.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, come on, I’ll sit you on a chair.

He brings a chair and sits on it.

Santa Claus: like this, my granddaughter sat down on her own, how do you understand this?

Snow Maiden: let's play. Whoever comes running first sits down.

Game "Take a Chair". The Snow Maiden wins twice, and the third time Father Frost runs with a chair in his hand and wins.

Santa Claus: OOOOHHHH, I trampled my heels, ran for a long time without looking back.

Snow Maiden: D.M., sit down on a chair, relax, let the guys tell you poems.

Children read poems to Santa Claus. Santa Claus applauds the children.

The game "I'll freeze" is played. (freezes hands, ears, nose, knees, notices that he has lost his mitten) The game moves on to the next game “Mitten”.

Santa Claus: oh, I love to play with the guys, test the powerhouse, scare them with frost.

Presenter: Santa Claus, how are you going to freeze, you only have one mitten!

The game “Catch up with the mitten” is played (any cheerful melody).

Santa Claus: well, dexterous, you can’t say anything!

Presenter: Yes, D.M., our guys are smart and cheerful.
Snowman: Grandfather Frost, it’s good with you, it’s fun, and let’s take a photo together.
Have you forgotten about the gifts?

Santa Claus: gifts? We will now cook the gifts ourselves.

They cook gifts and distribute them
Santa Claus: goodbye, guys! Gifts are waiting in another garden.

Snowman: can I go with you?

Santa Claus: I will gladly take you.

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Snowman leave.
Presenter: And we, guys, will say goodbye to our Christmas tree. Let's say: Goodbye, New Year, goodbye, Christmas tree, we will remember a merry New Year for a long time!

New Year's party in kindergarten

(senior group kindergarten)

Ved.: Good afternoon, happy hour!

How many guests do we have?

Moms, dads, kids,

It's time to start the holiday!

/A winter song sounds, children walk by in pairs

to the chairs (except for the bun)/

1. We were dressed up today,

Moms and dads were invited to join us.

2. Children's the garden is decorated,

The hall is decorated with snowballs!

3. Frequent forest, blizzard field

Winter holiday coming towards us.

Ved.: So let's say it together:

All: (in chorus) Hello, hello New Year!

/Song “It’s good that every year...”/

/The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays/

Ved.: Stars are flying from the sky, playing merrily,

They descended straight into the garden, covering the ground,

The houses and faces became white,

The winter fairy tale itself is knocking on our door.

On New Year's Eve

The tale doesn't end.

Near the Christmas tree today

The fairy tale begins.

Adult children know

Once upon a time he lived in this world

Kolobok - ruddy side

Here he comes, my friend!

/Music, the bun comes out/

Kolobok: I am a cheerful bun,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

I'm drunk on sour cream,

I'm cold at the window.

And today in the garden for the Christmas tree

I'm invited to the guys!

/Music, the bun dances around the tree/

Ved.: He rolled along the path,

I was in a hurry to go to the garden for the Christmas tree,

Suddenly, old Christmas tree

Met the Wolf.


Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten,

Today the boys have a Christmas tree!

Wolf: I haven't eaten at all since morning,

Now I'll eat you!

Kolobok: What are you, gray, don't rush!

The kids are waiting for us to visit.

Come see the children today

Wolf: Oh, thanks! I am glad!

I'm not coming to the garden for a Christmas tree!


Ved.: The bun rolled along the road again,

And Mishka came out of the den to meet him!

Bear: Hello, glorious bun!

Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten,

Today the boys have a Christmas tree!

Bear: I haven't eaten at all since morning,

Now I'll eat you!

Kolobok: Misha, you can’t eat me!

My friends are waiting for me to visit.

Come see the children today

We will celebrate the New Year together!

Bear: I'll definitely come!

And I will bring friends!


Ved.: The bun rolled on without looking back

He sees white bunnies jumping in the forest!

Hare 1: Hello, glorious bun!

Hare 2: Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten,

Today the boys have a Christmas tree!

Come, hares, to the children,

We will celebrate the New Year together!

All:(in unison) HURRAY!!!

Hare 3: We bunnies have not been forgotten

And they invited me to the Christmas tree!

Come on, bunnies, don't yawn!

Start dancing!

/Dance “Hares” 3 pairs/

Fox : (comes out from behind the tree)

Oh, how many hares there are here!

I can eat anyone!

(takes one hare by the ear)

Here I am, scythe,

And I’ll take it home!

(The hares hide, the Bear, the Wolf and the Gingerbread Man come out)

Bear: (shakes a finger)

Better let the hare go!

We must go visit!

Wolf: We are all going to kindergarten,

Today the boys have a Christmas tree!

Fox: Forgive me, friends,

Here he is Zainka, take it!

Kolobok: How can we forgive her, friends?

Hare: You can't quarrel these days!

Wolf: Well, you can forgive...

Fox: (asks for forgiveness)

I will be friends with you!

Ved.: I advise everyone to be friends,

Don't you dare quarrel!

All heroes:(in unison)

We can't live without friends

No way!

Kolobok: And now, friends, go ahead!

The Christmas tree is waiting for us all to visit!

/Merry music, all the animals walk around the tree/

Ved.: With songs and laughter

We all came to the hall!

And the forest guest

Everyone saw it.

Isn't she a beauty?

Children: We all like the Christmas tree!

Ved.: Let's go around the Christmas tree,

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree!

/Song “Little Christmas Tree”/

Ved.: Everyone gathered for the Christmas tree:

Foxes, hares, wolves.

But everyone has one question:

Where is Grandfather Frost?

I need to call grandpa

Celebrate the New Year with us!

Children: Father Frost! Snow Maiden!

/Music, Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out/

D.M.: Hello guys!

Hello, little animals!

Hello, dear guests!

We haven't met for a whole year,

I miss you

Time flew by quickly,

It's fun time!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy holiday to the rich.

Wishes you happiness and joy

Santa Claus for the guys!

D.M.: Come on, together, come on together

Join the round dance

Snow Maiden: Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year holiday!

/Song-dance “White in December”/

D.M. (looks at the tree): Ay-ay-ay! Disorder!

The Christmas tree is not happy with us,

Doesn't glow with bright lights!

Ved.: Do us such a favor,

Let the tree light up!

It lit up, started playing,

It sparkled with lights!

D.M.: Well, for this we need,

So that we all are very friendly

They told her: “1, 2, 3,

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!”

Children repeat after D.M. and Snow Maiden,

The lights on the tree come on

Ved.: Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of radiant lights

We are all dancing for joy

On New Year's Day under it!

Dance "Modern"

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! I wish I could come up with a game!

Amused the kids!

D.M.: There are a lot of games in the world (thinks)

Do you want to play, children?

(Children answer together)

/Game “I’ll Freeze”,

“frozen” children tell D.M. poems/

D.M.: I trampled my heels!

Well, I’ll sit down and sit! (sits down)

I'll tell you some riddles:

I'll see who's smart.

    D.M.: Near the Christmas tree in every house

Children dance in circles

What is the name of this holiday?

Guess it?

Children: New Year!

2. D.M.: Moves his ears

Jumping under the bushes

Little gray coward

Call him...

Children: Bunny!

3.D.M .: Clubfoot, clumsy,

Loves honey, doesn't like cold

Until spring I got used to snoring

What kind of animal is this?

Children: Bear!

D.M.: These are smart people!

Granddaughter, it’s your turn now!

1. Snow Maiden: The needles glow softly,

The coniferous spirit is coming…..

Children: From the Christmas tree!

2. Snow Maiden: And the toys swing

Beads, balls,...

Children: Firecrackers!

3. Snow Maiden: Who are the guys for the New Year?

Don't you get tired of entertaining?

Who gives gifts to children?

Who to the guys in the world

Did you bring a Christmas tree for the holiday?

Guess it?

Children: Father Frost!

Snow Maiden: Celebrate the New Year with a song!

Celebrate the New Year with dancing!

Well then, go ahead friends!

/Children tell D.M. and poems to the Snow Maiden, music sounds /


1. There is silence in the clearing

The yellow moon is shining

All the trees are silver

Hares are dancing on the mountain!

The ice sparkles on the pond,

New Year is coming!

2. On New Year’s Eve he’s knocking on our door

Good Grandfather Frost.

It sparkles with snowflakes

And overgrown with icicles.

He has a bright blush,

Beard. Like white fur.

Interesting gifts

He cooked for everyone!

3. A green Christmas tree grew in the forest

And under each branch there are cones in weight.

We invited a Christmas tree for the New Year

And she told us she would come in the evening.

And she came dressed in a sparkle of silver

We are happy to dance under the Christmas tree until the morning.

4. The Christmas tree came to visit us,

It brought joy to the children.

Santa Claus is dancing with us,

Makes everyone happy today.

And under the tree they sound

Jokes, jokes, laughter!

5. Hello, hello Christmas tree!

Hello New Year!

Around the green Christmas tree

We got into a round dance!


1. Snow, snow, snow, snow falls on the branches

There are snow candies on the birch and pine trees,

And on our Christmas tree the snow is not real,

But the same. Like in the forest, white and crispy.

2. For my holiday, Santa Claus

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest,

In the meantime, I went to the garden

Mom decorated the Christmas tree.

3. There are a lot of toys on our Christmas tree,

Various balls, paper crackers!

Bunnies, bears and even... hedgehogs!

The elegant dolls are so cute!

4. It’s winter again, it’s white again,

There are snowdrifts all around,

Like white fur

The houses are covered with snow.

The tops of the Christmas trees

In a silver edge.

And the frost on the birch trees,

Like holiday sparkles.

5. There's a blizzard blowing outside the window,

New Year is coming.

We dance, we have fun,

Blizzards, we are not afraid of snow:

It's warm in our kindergarten

And the Christmas tree is bright!

(forest animals)

1. If only the Christmas tree had legs,

She would run along the path.

She would dance with us

She would have clicked her heels.

The toys would spin on the Christmas tree

Multi-colored lanterns, firecrackers.

The nesting dolls on the Christmas tree would laugh

And they clapped their hands with joy.

2. Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently.

3. Somewhere there is a Christmas tree on the edge

I grew up lonely

And now she's wearing toys

And glass icicles!

All candies and nuts

Santa Claus hung it himself

And under the tree for fun.

He danced for our joy!

4. Our tree is big

Our tree is tall, -

Taller than dad, taller than mom,

Reaches to the ceiling.

5. Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

I brought a Christmas tree for the children.

And there are lanterns on it,

Golden balls!

6. Mishka, Mishka, what's wrong with you?

Why do you sleep in winter?

Because snow and ice

Not raspberries, and not honey!

D.M.:Well, it's time for me to get ready,

Hit the road.

Snow Maiden: All that remains is to give gifts to all the children.

D.M.: I, cheerful Santa Claus,

I brought gifts for everyone! (searches)

Where are the gifts? Here's the secret...

No on the right... and no on the left...

Isn’t it on the tree?

Children: No!

D.M.: And not under the tree?

Children: No!

D.M.: Isn't it on the window?

Children: No!

D.M.: And not on the chair?

Children: No!

D.M.: And mom doesn't?

Children: No!

D.M.: And dad doesn't?

Children: No!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus! Hooray!

I remembered everything!

You sent the Snowman

So that he delivers gifts.

But he still hasn't shown up

He must have gotten lost in the forest!

D.M.: Snow Maiden! Call your girlfriends, Snowflakes, for help! Let them dance for us and blow away all the snowdrifts. Then the Snowman will easily find his way!

Snow Maiden: Well, Snowflakes are girlfriends,

Get into the circle quickly.

Straighten your dresses

And dance more fun!

/Dance of Snowflakes/

/Music, Snowman comes out with a package in his hands/

Snowman: Hello guys!

Hello, dear guests!

I barely made it to you - the snowdrifts in the forest are too big! Thanks to the Snowflakes - the fluffs - they showed me the way!

I didn't just come here

I came here for a reason -

Happy New Year to you

I really want to. Friends.

Here's the package, Santa Claus!

I brought gifts for everyone!

D.M.: Well, guys! In places!

I will give you gifts!

(Children sit on chairs, heroes give them gifts)

Snowman: Old year finished.

Hello New Year!

Many happy days

It's waiting for you guys!

D.M.: The time has come, we need to say goodbye,

Congratulations to everyone!

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Both adults and kids!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, friends, goodbye!

May all your wishes come true!

(music, heroes leave)

Ved.: Everything ended wonderfully

I couldn't wish for anything better.

It was very interesting

Celebrate this New Year!