Folk remedies to combat freckles. Fighting freckles - all reliable ways How to fight freckles on the face

How to get rid of freckles? This question interests many people with fair skin who, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, develop small “sun spots” on their face and body. And although some people believe that freckles add a special charm, they a large number of Still, it significantly spoils the appearance. How to get rid of freckles forever?

Freckles occur in people whose skin contains an increased number of melanocytes, which are responsible for pigmentation. As a rule, their appearance is promoted by exposure to sunlight.

Provoking factors include the following:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • skin diseases;
  • depressive states;
  • liver pathologies;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • long-term use of antibiotic drugs.

Getting rid of freckles should begin with identifying the cause of their appearance. If excessive skin pigmentation was caused by certain health problems, then first of all, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Modern cosmetology and ethnoscience They offer the following ways to combat freckles:

In addition, it is important proper care for the skin.

Cosmetic procedures

If you are interested in how to get rid of freckles on your face forever, then it is best to consult a professional cosmetologist. For effective solution problems with freckles, modern cosmetology offers the following techniques:

It will help you choose the most effective and safe procedure for your skin type. individual consultation with a qualified cosmetologist!

Folk remedies to combat freckles

How to get rid of freckles at home? Recipes from the field of alternative medicine will come to the rescue. Folk remedies will help whiten the skin, making “sun spots” almost invisible, and, in addition, unlike salon procedures, they act more gently and do not damage the skin. The most popular and effective means to combat freckles are:

Whitening cosmetics

The modern cosmetic market offers a huge variety of whitening creams designed for different types leather and have different prices. When choosing a cosmetic product to get rid of freckles, you need to carefully study its composition.

The most effective and gentle on the skin are creams that include natural ingredients such as vitamins, herbal extracts, lime, papaya and coconut milk.

The principle of operation of such cosmetics is the ability of its active ingredients to reduce the concentration of melanin in freckles, making them less noticeable. Whitening cosmetics that contain a substance such as hydroquinone have a stronger effect.

Such creams intensively lighten the skin and give faster, noticeable results. However, in order to avoid drying out the skin, it should be intensively moisturized and nourished.

Skin care rules

Bleaching procedures aimed at combating freckles and age spots are recommended by cosmetologists to be carried out in evening hours, shortly before going to bed. Since after such care the skin becomes susceptible to ultraviolet rays, it is strictly forbidden to expose your face to the sun for several hours after using bleaching products.

During the entire treatment, before going outside, you need to use cosmetics with sun filters (this, by the way, will also help prevent the appearance of new freckles). Remember that whitening masks can be done a maximum of once every 7 days. But wiping your face with lightening lotions, herbal infusions, and smearing yourself with whitening creams is allowed every day, throughout the planned course.

Most whitening products (even those prepared independently according to folk recipes) still dry out the skin, so be sure to apply a layer of moisturizer to your face after each mask. It is recommended to make intensely moisturizing masks once a week.

If your skin tends to develop freckles during the spring-summer period, when the sun is especially active, use protective creams, wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses.

Be sure to include home peelings and scrubs in your mandatory skin care program. By doing such procedures once a week, you will remove the surface layer of skin where melanocytes tend to accumulate. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to your diet, excluding coffee drinks, as well as strong brewed tea.

Don't expect too quick results. Only powerful cosmetic procedures can get rid of freckles instantly. In general, the process of getting rid of freckles can take from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

How to quickly get rid of freckles? To solve this problem, an integrated approach is most suitable. Weekly use of scrubs and whitening masks, the use of lightening creams, proper skin care and protection from sun rays will definitely give excellent results, making your face clean and porcelain.

When choosing a method to combat freckles, it is best to seek advice from a professional cosmetologist who will select the optimal program that best suits the individual characteristics of your skin.

Freckles are pigment spots, not very big size. They can be of different colors: from light shades of yellow to dark shades Brown. Freckles are usually located symmetrically on the arms, shoulders and face. In general, freckles are most noticeable in the summer, and in winter they become almost invisible.

Most often, freckles are present in natural blondes, especially in at a young age. In more mature age Freckles appear less and less often. If the freckles are not very bright, then they give the girl a certain charm. But too bright, large freckles spoil the beauty of a girl.

To avoid having to get rid of freckles later, you need to take preventative measures. At the beginning of spring, you need to start protecting your face from spring sun rays.

If freckles nevertheless begin to appear brightly on the skin, you need to apply a variety of ointments, creams and masks made from natural ingredients to them.

In order to whiten freckles, you can use viburnum or radish juice, as well as the juice of cranberries, calendula flowers, strawberries, parsley leaves, and sauerkraut. Any of these juices should be used to wipe the skin of the face and other places where freckles appear in the morning and evening. For the best effect, the juice should be diluted in boiled water.

Very effective means against freckles is curdled milk. Every morning you need to wash your skin with a cotton swab soaked in yogurt (you can also use two- or three-day kefir).

You can also prepare the following decoction. Take a glass of dandelion roots (chopped) and pour a liter of boiling water. Then boil for 15 minutes and leave for literally an hour for the broth to infuse. You need to wipe your face with the resulting liquid twice a day for one month.

The following mask will be useful in the fight against freckles. It is very easy to prepare. You need to take one tomato and cut it into slices. Then these circles should be evenly applied to the face with freckles and kept for at least 20 minutes. After this, you need to wipe your face with tonic.

You can get rid of freckles using the following mixture. You need to beat one egg white until a fairly strong foam forms, then add a teaspoon of squeezed lemon juice and beat again. Using a thin brush, apply the mixture to the skin where freckles appear. Allow the foam to dry, then apply another layer. Do this three times. Then rinse off the mask, always with cold water.

Withdraw dark spots, and accordingly, you can get rid of freckles with the help of melon pulp. It needs to be boiled and lotions applied to areas of the body with freckles.

There is nothing better in the fight against freckles than regular lemon. Its juice works wonders. It is enough in the morning to wipe your face, as well as other areas of the skin on which freckles have appeared, with the juice of fresh lemon (diluted boiled water). Moreover, you can do lemon mask, which is as follows. You need to cut the lemon into thin slices and apply to the skin, leave for 20 minutes or a little more. It is better to pre-lubricate the skin with a very rich cream.

Thus, there are a lot of ways to get rid of freckles or at least disguise them. You can choose the most suitable and affordable one for you.

They are called freckles benign neoplasms on the skin, which are pigmented round spots of various sizes. Freckles can appear on various parts of the body, but freckles are most common on the face.

Freckles do not cause any unpleasant sensations in their owner, except for psychological discomfort (and even then, not for everyone). It is difficult to completely get rid of freckles, but you can lighten them using special cosmetics or traditional methods. Freckles can appear in anyone, but most often they affect people with fair skin, blondes and red-haired, people with blue and green eyes.

Causes of freckles

Why do freckles appear on the face and other areas of the skin? The most likely causes of freckles include:

  • exposure to sunlight;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • genetic predisposition.

The initial causes of freckles are a violation of skin pigmentation, in which melanin begins to accumulate only in some places, causing round or oval brown spots to form on the skin.

Freckles on the nose, cheeks, arms and other open parts of the body appear for the first time in childhood. If freckles suddenly appear in adulthood, you should consult a dermatologist. After all, pigment spots on the skin may not be harmless freckles at all, but signals from the body about the presence of a serious disease of the liver or biliary tract, or hormonal imbalance. In this case, you need to cure the disease itself first, and then remove the spots. Also, spots on the skin that resemble freckles can appear during pregnancy or after severe stress.

If freckles appear on your lips, you should not ignore this fact (such spots can be a symptom of melanoma). Pigmented spots (chloasma) on the lips may indicate problems with the ovaries, liver, or adrenal glands. Chloasma can occur due to helminthic infestation and the appearance of polyps in the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes spots on the lips that look like freckles appear during pregnancy. If after childbirth the freckles on your lips do not disappear, you should undergo a full medical examination. Remove stains from lips using special whitening ointments and taking vitamins.

Cosmetics for lightening freckles

A large number of whitening creams are sold in stores and pharmacies to help cope with the problem of freckles. Some preparations contain natural bleaching agents, since they contain aloe juice and licorice root. Such creams are weak and do not help everyone get rid of freckles.

More effective whitening creams contain substances such as oxybenzone and hydroquinone, which have a powerful effect on the skin, but are also unsafe for human health. In addition, lightening emulsions and creams are not recommended for use for longer than two months.

Traditional methods

How to remove freckles from your face using folk remedies:

With regular use of folk remedies, freckles gradually fade and may disappear altogether. The secret of folk remedies for freckles is that the substances used to combat freckles contain natural bleaching agents. The content of such substances in products is small, so folk remedies have a mild whitening effect, and the results become visible only after several weeks or even months of use.

Treatments to combat freckles

If traditional methods and whitening creams do not help, the following procedures will help get rid of freckles:

  • microdermabrasion;
  • laser therapy;
  • chemical peeling.

To noticeably lighten freckles, you need to undergo several microdermabrasion procedures. The essence of this method is to expose the skin to a stream of very fine solid particles, under the influence of which the top layer of skin is torn off and freckles become lighter.

The effect of laser therapy for freckles is the destruction of melanin under the influence of a laser beam. This method is safe and allows you to quickly achieve desired results. In addition to getting rid of freckles, the laser evens out your complexion.

Chemical peeling involves removing the top layer of skin using chemicals. At the same time, the number of freckles decreases, and the intensity of their color decreases. Take advantage chemical peeling Worth it for a person prone to acne.

Freckle prevention

If freckles appear on the body in the summer, then in the fall they will begin to noticeably fade, and in the winter months they will practically disappear. But as soon as the first rays of the spring sun appear, the freckles will become brighter and their number will increase. To protect your skin from the spring and summer sun, before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen to the exposed skin area, wear clothes that protect your body as much as possible from exposure to rays and wide-brimmed hats.

Excessive skin pigmentation is prevented by vitamin C, which should be consumed to prevent freckles in large quantities. This vitamin is found not only in citrus fruits, but also in apples, cabbage, kiwi and many other products.

Freckles (ephelides) touch only in childhood. They add age to an adult and give rise to aesthetic complexes. Fortunately, today numerous advances in cosmetology easily solve this problem. In addition, there are many home recipes to eliminate excess pigmentation. In this publication we will talk about how to get rid of freckles on the face, we will consider both home and salon methods.

Causes of freckles

To deal with annoying spots, it is important to understand the reasons for their appearance. Freckles usually appear on the face by the age of five. Increasing over time, they darken, but decrease again after 30 years. After 40 years they may disappear altogether.

Their color range is wide: brown, copper, yellow spots. They can settle not only on the face, but also on the chest, shoulders, legs, and back. Unevenly distributed throughout the body. Their accumulations are observed in open areas. To protect against UV rays, melanin is produced in the skin. Violation of the process of its synthesis leads to excess pigmentation.

The spots appear in spring and summer against the background of solar activity. In the cold, pigments lose their brightness.

The reasons may be various factors:

More often, such pigmentation appears in red-haired, fair-haired people. Brunettes are less susceptible to this phenomenon.

In the case of hereditary deformation, you should not experience any special anxiety. Freckles are not a skin defect. This is a natural pigment, a kind of protection against sunburn with slow melanin production.

Getting rid of freckles at home

At home, you can safely use numerous folk recipes, because their effectiveness has long been time-tested and is beyond doubt. In addition, these methods are very simple and do not require large expenses or complex ingredients.

Lightening freckles: masks, lotions, compresses

You can lighten your skin using numerous folk remedies prepared at home. According to reviews, many people got rid of the problem by using masks, here are the compositions of the most effective ones:

  1. Mix parsley and sour cream in any proportions.
  2. Mix lemon juice, parsley and honey in equal parts.
  3. Available at the pharmacy white clay Bring to the consistency of sour cream, diluting with water.
  4. By adding 3 tablespoons of tomato juice and 1 spoon of yogurt to white clay (1 spoon), you will get a more effective mask that will further soften the skin.
  5. A mixture of kefir and mashed strawberries not only has a pleasant taste, but also...
  6. When preparing a summer salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, leave a few rings for your skin, it will thank you. Apply moisturizer before use.

All of the listed mask compositions (except for the last one) are applied to cleansed facial skin for 15-25 minutes, after which they are washed off with water. It is not recommended to expose the skin to direct sunlight for 3-4 hours after using the mask.

Lightening masks can also be made from various fresh berries: strawberries, currants, watermelon, wild strawberries.

Rubbing and washing using the following ingredients are effective:

Using parsley, you can lighten freckles in the following two ways:

DIY sunscreen

To make a protective product, you will need the following components: coconut oil, cocoa oil, olive oil, coffee grounds. Also take zinc ointment and one of the vegetable oils (grape, jojoba, peach, almond) in equal parts. Mix everything and apply to the skin 15-20 minutes before going out into the sun. The cream will reliably protect the skin from sunlight and pigmentation will not appear.

When using, you should follow simple rules:

  • Be careful with sensitive thin skin;
  • When using folk remedies, do not forget about the presence of individual manifestations of allergies;
  • after the procedures, take into account that the skin has become more vulnerable, avoid exposure to the sun;
  • at the end of each procedure, the skin must be moisturized with cream;
  • do not expect immediate results, be patient for 2-3 weeks.

By performing procedures to remove freckles, we not only get rid of pigmentation, but also at the same time moisturize the skin, reduce the number of wrinkles, and fight small pimples.

Getting rid of freckles with cosmetics

If you have no desire or lack of time to make home remedies for freckles, you can resort to special cosmetic products: serums, creams, gels, lotions.

Popular whitening creams:

  • "Spring";
  • "Metamorphosis";
  • "Celandine".

Applying skin whitening creams at night is effective.

You can also find the White Linen mask at the pharmacy. It contains white clay, horseradish, cucumber, flaxseed oil, parsley, vitamin C. Similar to homemade masks, it is applied to the skin for half an hour, then washed off. If the question arises - how to quickly get rid of freckles, this remedy is optimal. After 1-2 procedures you will see the result.

Cosmetic procedures for hyperpigmentation

All of the above remedies can solve the problem of increased pigmentation only temporarily. If the question is how to get rid of freckles on your face forever, you should contact a cosmetologist. Salons offer a number of procedures to help lighten skin tone:

  1. Quartzization. It stimulates the exfoliation of the top layer of skin, along with which freckles disappear. This reduces the ultraviolet vulnerability of the skin. The procedure ends with the application of cream.
  2. to destroy melanin (hardware peeling). The procedure is local and safe. There are 2 types of peeling: CO 2 laser and erbium laser.
  3. using various compositions. By whitening the skin, it removes dead epithelial cells. It can be superficial, medium, deep.
  4. Phototherapy. Its effectiveness is particularly high. Exposure to pulsed light reduces melanin (IPL technology).

If you are interested in knowing what doctors think about freckles and how to remove them, watch the video:

Skin massage against freckles

Although it sounds surprising, facial massage can also be effective in getting rid of freckles. To prepare a massage cream, mix two components in a 1:1 ratio - any vegetable oil and tomato, lemon, apple, cucumber, pomegranate or onion juice. Apply the mixture to the skin using smoothing and tapping movements. 10-14 sessions are required. A light massage using ice made from herbal decoctions, fruit and berry juices, and dairy products is also effective.

Prevention of age spots

The appearance of freckles in the sunny season can be prevented. It is important to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation by using creams with a high protection factor.

Prevention rules:

  • use sunscreen before walking in the sun;
  • Take sunbathing starting from a minimum time interval, increasing it gradually, carefully observing the body’s reactions;
  • Be sure to have a hat or umbrella when the sun is active;
  • consume the required amount of vitamin C (apples, cabbage, kiwi, other fruits or vegetables) to prevent pigmentation, as well as buckwheat, liver, poultry;
  • use kefir-based masks;
  • wash your face with diluted lemon juice;
  • eliminate factors that contribute to the occurrence of pigmentation;
  • exclude strong coffee (tea) from the menu.


According to numerous reviews, special procedures in beauty salons, and traditional methods Increased pigmentation is reliably eliminated from freckles. There is no reason to panic if spots suddenly appear on your face. You have enough tools in your arsenal to forget about this trouble in the shortest possible time.

Freckles are imprinted on the face like a scattering of sunbeams. In childhood, these charming spots are perceived calmly and naturally. But young girls increasingly want to whiten their skin, getting an even, beautiful tone. After thirty, an active fight against age spots on the face begins, which add age to their owners. You can cure your skin from spots that have already appeared using both achievements modern cosmetology, and proven recipes from nature.

Why do freckles appear on the face?

Round light yellow, brown and copper spots usually appear, if at all, by the age of five. But even after reaching adulthood, you can receive such a gift from nature. They can be located not only on the face, but also on the shoulders, chest, back, there are different sizes both large freckles and very small, pinpoint ones.

Causes of freckles:

  1. Hereditary factor, even if this phenomenon was observed in a great-uncle, you can easily get gold coins on your face;
  2. Most often they tend to appear on fair-haired and red-haired people with blue and green eyes, but natural brown-haired/brunette women often develop brown and almost black freckles;
  3. They appear or become more saturated in color in the spring-summer period, as soon as the first rays of the sun warm up, this is a signal of an insufficient amount of melanin, which turns an even tan into separate spots;
  4. Stress, chronic diseases cause a decrease in the protective properties of the skin, slow renewal processes and lead to the inability to repel the attack of aggressive ultraviolet radiation;
  5. Improper cosmetic care, abuse of peelings, scrubs, facial cleansing, lack of hydration and nutrition prevent the restoration of the immune properties of the dermis;
  6. Diets and unbalanced menus lead to hypovitaminosis, a deficiency of minerals and vitamins vital for the health of the epidermis.

How to prevent the appearance of freckles

Facial skin care begins not only with cosmetic jars. First, you need to exclude factors that stimulate the appearance of freckles, especially for genetically predisposed girls with wheat and fiery curls.

For prevention, you need:

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • enrich your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, also pay attention to buckwheat porridge, poultry and liver;
  • use all year round creams and emulsions with various SPF factors; for late autumn and winter, an indicator of 15 is sufficient, starting in spring, gradually increase to a maximum of 50 (in summer);
  • with the first rays of the sun, purchase a wide-brimmed hat that creates a life-saving shade for the face;
  • you can prepare your own sunscreens, the main components should be olive, cocoa, coconut, shea butter, coffee grounds, but you should avoid products with esters, otherwise you can, on the contrary, provoke pigmentation;
  • use cosmetics with a whitening effect, night creams are especially effective.

Skin care with freckles

Face cream

You can cook it yourself home remedy. Combine zinc ointment in equal proportions with any of the vegetable oils - jojoba, almond, peach, grape or rice germ. Long-term use of bleaching products is not recommended, especially for dry and loose skin. It is enough to use for a month, then take a break, or apply not daily, but two/three times a week, combined with a moisturizing emulsion.

To lighten the skin, it is recommended to use various pharmaceutical products with effective natural extracts. Whitening cream with milkweed helps reduce the intensity of the color of freckles; regular use makes the complexion even.

Facial skin massage

Traditional manipulations aimed at maintaining elasticity and youth should be used to remove freckles on the face. Only instead of the usual massage cream you will need to prepare a special composition. Cucumber, lemon, pomegranate, tomato, apple or onion juice are mixed with your favorite vegetable oil in equal parts. The resulting product is distributed first with smoothing, then driving movements into problem areas with increased pigmentation. After five minutes, you can cleanse with thermal water. Carry out a course of ten/fifteen sessions, then apply nutritious cream, otherwise peeling and dryness, and the appearance of premature wrinkles are possible.

Rubbing ice along massage lines is very effective. For the base, use the same dairy products, fruit juices, berry fruit drinks and decoctions of medicinal herbs.


Should be used for daily cleansing natural remedies, combining the properties of whitening and moisturizing. There is no need to focus on one thing, the skin requires a complex of minerals and vitamins, so each product, decoction or lotion has its own turn.

You can remove freckles thanks to:

  1. Kefir, yogurt, milk, they are useful for both dry and problem skin, refresh well and even out tone;
  2. Infusions of lemon and ginger peels - tone and lighten spots, allow you to quickly get the desired effect;
  3. Decoctions of celandine, milkweed, parsley and parsnip do an excellent job with age-related pigmentation, saturating the dermis with minerals and acids.

Washing your face must be completed with the subsequent application of a nourishing product with a protective factor against sun rays.

Folk remedies for freckles

If nature has generously bestowed the sun's rays, you shouldn't be upset. You can whiten your skin by making the spots less noticeable or completely removing them. Folk remedies against freckles work effectively and make the skin light and soft.

Video: Ways to get rid of freckles at home

Potato mask

Result: A natural home remedy can easily help clear your face of freckles. Healthy, glowing skin without pigmentation is available to everyone.


  • 5 drops essential oil chamomile;
  • 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 5 ml peach oil.
  • potato.

Preparation and method of application: in oily plant based add a composition of esters, chop the root vegetable in a kitchen machine. Having combined the components, distribute on the steamed epidermis. Wait half an hour and remove the residue with a damp disc.

Cucumber mask

Result: you can remove age spots, as well as refresh and moisturize the epidermis by resorting to proven effective recipes.


  • 15 ml cucumber juice;
  • 5 ml cream;
  • 1 gr. ginger

Preparation and method of application: squeeze cucumber juice using a press or gauze, add chilled cream and spices. Distribute the liquid mass with a flat brush, covering the entire surface covered with freckles. After resting for about thirty-five minutes, you can wash your face.

Kefir mask

Result: lighten freckles by two/three tones, improve skin tone, saturate with organic acids easily with home procedures.


  • 15 ml kefir;
  • 10 gr. rice flour;
  • 5 drops lemon essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: add rice powder and citrus oil to warm sour milk. Distribute on the face after cleansing, in a thin continuous layer, leave for fifteen/eighteen minutes. After the expiration date, wash your face.

Tomato mask

Result: a tomato mask helps whiten the face, remove dead epithelial cells, and clears away pigmentation after sunbathing. Carry out the procedure in combination with moisturizing masks, no more than once a week.


  • tomato;
  • 15 gr. yeast;
  • 4 drops rosewood essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: having made incisions on the vegetable, pour boiling water over it, carefully remove the hard skin. Then grate the scarlet pulp on a fine grater, add yeast granules and wood oil. Distribute the resulting mass on the face, avoiding the eyelids and nasolabial triangle, and leave for about twenty minutes. After washing, apply restorative cream.

Onion mask

Result: natural recipes against freckles remove pigment from tissues, restore uniform color, and accelerate the process of cell renewal.


  • bulb;
  • 10 ml yogurt;
  • 6 drops bergamot essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: to reduce the tear-producing ability of the onion, peel and cut into halves and place in the freezer. After ten minutes, remove, chop, add warm kefir and aromatic oil. Spread the prepared pulp on the covers, leave for about fifteen minutes, then remove with a damp cotton swab.

Video recipe: Get rid of freckles on your face with bodyagi

Whitening mask made from sour cream

Result: it is worth using face masks for freckles and for age-related, flabby dermis. They will not only lighten the surface, but improve elasticity and firmness, and correct the contour of the oval.


  • 25 gr. sour cream;
  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 ml dandelion juice.

Preparation and method of application: grind the flakes into powder, combine with sour cream and juice. Distribute on cleansed skin using a cosmetic spatula, leave the product for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse with cold water.

Lemon Brightening Mask

Result: freckles after sunbathing will quickly disappear thanks to an effective recipe.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of yogurt.

Preparation and method of application: combine fresh citrus juice with sodium bicarbonate and yogurt without additives or flavorings. Wipe the skin with thermal water and apply the prepared mass along the lines of lymph movement. Leave for no more than ten minutes. To increase blood flow and improve complexion, wash with cold water.

Video recipe: Homemade mask from freckles and pigmentation on the face

Dandelion lotion

Result: it will not be difficult to prepare a cosmetic product for freckles that deeply cleanses and tones the skin. It is good to use after a summer vacation, when you urgently need to even out your complexion.


  • 4 plants;
  • 150 ml vodka/alcohol;
  • 90 ml mineral water;
  • 1 tangerine peel.

Preparation and method of application: dandelions need to be dug up with roots, choosing only flowering plants. Washing and drying paper towel, chop with a knife, you can simply tear the peels with your hands. Place the resulting mass in a tightly closed bottle and fill it with a high-proof drink or alcohol. Leave for about nine days, shaking daily. After preparation, dilute ten ml of infusion with mineral water and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Wipe your face twice a day every day.

Parsley decoction

Result: you can lighten the sun's glare on your face using a proven product.


  • 50 gr. parsley root;
  • 250 ml water.

Preparation and method of application: chop the root into slices, fill with water, put on the stove, after boiling, reduce the pressure and cook for another ten minutes. Strain the cooled liquid and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Wipe skin three/four times a day.

Video recipe: Parsley and lemon lotion for freckles and age spots

How to get rid of freckles forever

Sun spots show their maximum brightness until the age of twenty-five, and after that they gradually become dim, and by the age of forty they can completely disappear. But by that age, you will need to direct efforts to maintain firmness and elasticity, and whiten age-related pigmentation. Having decided to get rid of freckles forever and not wait for the effect of homemade masks and procedures, you should turn to the achievements of modern cosmetology.

You can quickly get rid of freckles in the salon using the following methods.

To remove freckles permanently using these methods, it is possible that it is only necessary to take into account a long rehabilitation period, and complications, the likelihood of which cannot be excluded.

Preventing the occurrence of freckles on the face

To keep your skin healthy and beautiful, you can use the following rules:

  • gradually accustom your face to tanning, from March to October - half an hour of sunbathing will be enough, but from June to August, it is better to abandon aggressive ultraviolet radiation;
  • be sure to use protective emulsions and sprays, decorative cosmetics also choose one with SPF factor;
  • Introduce orange-colored vegetables and fruits into your diet; they help distribute melanin evenly, and don’t forget about cereals, protein and dairy products.
Video: How to quickly get rid of freckles at home

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in