How to decorate a hall for Senior Citizens' Day. Set of festive interior decorations “Elderly People's Day. Ready-made three-dimensional paper decorations




Fanfare sounds



(Sukhanova V.Ya.)

Background music

(The presenters come out)

AT 2. Today there is a holiday in this hall, a holiday for you! I wish you happiness, health and many, many happy days! We really want you to have a good rest.

AT 3. Today we celebrate gray hair
Tired wrinkled hands
But it happened in the old days,
These hands did not know boredom.

IN 1. Your whole life is filled with work
Warmed with the warmth of the soul and joy.
Look, look around,
The planet has never seen sweeter faces.

AT 2. And let autumn walk in the yard,
And the world turned the page of the century,
How nice it is to have it on the calendar
Older Person's Day.


Background music

IN 1. In the life of every person there have always been, are and will be grandparents. And, probably, out of love and gratitude to my grandparents, one a wise man announced October 1 international day an elderly person.

AT 2. This decision was made by the UN General Assembly in 1990. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation.

AT 3. These people devoted their whole lives to work, raising children, who, having taken the baton from them, continue what they started. We will always be grateful to the elderly for everything they have done.

IN 1. Today is our holiday, and, as you know, it is customary to invite guests to the holiday.

AT 2. Today at our celebration there are:

Yuri Nikolaevich Taran – Deputy Head of the Administration of the Lipetsk Region

Elena Alekseevna Lelikova – first deputy head of Lipetsk municipal district

Olga Alekseevna Zhbanova – Chairman of the Education Committee of the Administration of the Lipetsk Municipal District

Alexander Sergeevich Milyakov – head of the rural settlement of Novoderevensky Village Council

AT 3. The floor is given:

Yuri Nikolaevich Taran

Elena Alekseevna Lelikova

Olga Alekseevna Zhbanova

Alexander Sergeevich Milyakov

Background music

IN 1. Our village is beautiful and rich, but you are the real decoration. We see you every day, you live nearby, you are hardworking and modest. You simple people, not accustomed to fame, but your life, your daily work is a source of human wisdom and dedication.

AT 2. Looking into your eyes, we understand that you are young at heart, you are so spiritual and beautiful faces that I want you to remain like this always.

AT 3. Don't let the years scare you,

And the wrinkles will go away,

And gray hairs are only from happiness

They will fall like white frost.

AT 3 Be happy, healthy,

Always cheerful

Stay young

Let the years go by.

IN 1. Our dears! Today, on this holiday, your grandchildren have come to congratulate you. They look forward to their performance.








Background music

IN 1. You worked hard

To raise your children,

The children have grown up and become stronger.

You could rest.

AT 2. But in your open hearts

The place is busy again.

Someone has a grandson or granddaughter,

Some people have as many as five.

AT 3. Everything will happen again again

Just like many years ago.

You are with a stroller, you are on a slide,

You take your grandchildren to the garden.

IN 1. Let love warm you,

God will give you health and strength!

Children don't forget you

May every day be happy!


(read by Diana Tegentseva)

Musical screensaver


(Sukhanova V.Ya.)

Background music

IN 1. Yes, our lives are running, the days are flying by. Sometimes it gets sad. But let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And a good song will help us with this.



Background music

IN 1. As long as there is a school in the village, that means living in the village! Despite the fact that our school is small, many worthy people have emerged from its walls who have become professionals in education, medicine, construction, economics, agriculture and other fields.

AT 2. Today in our hall there are teachers who, sparing no effort and time, have worked and are working in the field of education.

AT 3. In anticipation of your professional holiday I would like to sincerely congratulate you, our dear teachers.

IN 1. A teacher is never a former teacher

A teacher is forever.

And the light from the knowledge given by you,

We'll carry it through the years.

AT 2. What you laid down

It will bear fruit for us

Thanks to my teachers

We speak for their efforts!


Background music

IN 1. And we continue to congratulate all the people dear to our hearts - the older, wise generation. People without whom our existence would not be possible.

AT 2. These are the guardians of life experience and wisdom on which every family rests. These are the guardians of the hearth of every home.

AT 3. We wish the older generation respect from loved ones, health throughout the years and a long life for the joy of the whole family!



Background music

IN 1. Today at our holiday there are people who have worked at the enterprises of our village all their lives. People whose names have gone down in the history of our region.

AT 2. Our dears, today on this beautiful day we sincerely congratulate you on your holiday!

AT 3. You, seasoned, hardworking, devoted to one land. I wish you health, prosperity and attention.

IN 1. Please accept another musical gift from us.


Background music

IN 1. Where rivers can be heard overflowing
And the spreading shadow of birch trees,
The tart smell of thin willow bark
Our Russian hard worker is a weaver.

AT 2. So tell me, where does this miracle come from?
Or am I dreaming about the past?
So solemn and proud
He holds the sunflower caps.

AT 3. No, we are still here in the village
Those who love her with all their hearts,
He didn’t betray her and remained faithful to her,
Sparing no effort for her.

IN 1. Who else here sows and plows,
And raises dairy cows,
Who is for our Motherland
I am ready to serve faithfully.

AT 2. He didn’t whine that he didn’t get a job,
(I found it for myself)
That sorrows and worries are difficult here,
And sometimes there is not enough strength.

AT 3. Didn’t leave, didn’t hide, didn’t drink himself to death,
But he stayed in his homeland,
He worked selflessly and honestly.
I bow to him to the ground.

IN 1. Who is guilty, who is right? I don't know.
And I don’t presume to judge anyone.
I just believe: saving the village,
We are saving Great Rus'!



Background music

IN 1. We are grateful to you for the past years,

Because you spite everyone in bad weather,

Having overcome all storms and adversity,

You laugh so cheerfully and lightly.

AT 2. Thank you for the sparkles of fun,

They will delight anyone

And the autumn of life in one moment

Wrapped in blooming spring.

AT 3. Thank you for your concern.

You are our vanguard and reliable rear.

Your character, friends, is of such a quality,

That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

IN 1. We love you, optimistic, cheerful,

Because you don’t want to become limp.

Thank you for the wisdom of the good songs,

It’s more fun to walk through life with them.

AT 2. We bow our heads to you with respect.

We could still write poems for you.

Because you live next to us,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!



IN 1. Our dear guests, the first part of our holiday has come to an end, but we are not saying goodbye to you, we are inviting you to tea and treating you to pies!

Music is playing

Pies are brought into the hall and guests are treated to


Department of Education Administration

urban district city of Vyksa

Municipal budget educational institution

additional education children

Child Center"Gull"

Contest teaching materials

Nomination: “Methodological support of the educational process”

Scenario concert program

"In the name of spiritual joy"

dedicated to the day elderly person

Fokina Natalya Sergeevna,

additional education teacher

Vyksa, 2013


The purpose of the Day of Older People is to draw attention to the problems of older people, as well as to the possibility of improving the quality of life of older people. The holiday script “In the name of spiritual joy” was developed for the Day of the Elderly. While preparing for the holiday, children got acquainted with the history of the holiday, learned dances, songs and poems, and prepared gifts for their grandparents. Preparation for the event involves the selection of costumes and props for skits and games, thematic design hall

Target: strengthening connections between generations.


1. develop a kind, respectful attitude towards the older generation;

2. develop artistry and expressiveness in the performance of poems;

3. create positive, festive mood at the audience.

Form: concert program.

Equipment and equipment:

1.multimedia installation;;

3.presentation “Day of the Elderly”;

4. costumes for children.

Materials for decorating the hall: Balloons, flowers, posters, fabric for hall decoration, costumes for scenes, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue.

Progress of the event.

The hall is festively decorated. Grandparents enter the hall and take their seats in the hall.

Fanfare sounds. All the guys come out.

Children perform ditties (Appendix 1. Ditties)

Presenter 1: Probably someone needed it
Probably, it was God's will
To honor deserving people
Not secretly, but like this, publicly.
So that from different parts of the city
Everyone is here to gather you for a meeting -
You responsive, into the life of lovers,
You are marked in different ways by life.
And call you elderly
My tongue, believe me, refuses
You are active, you are alive,
You are all handsome and beauties!
You don't need dates in your passport,
Since the eyes are still shining.
You are just like you once were,
In spring they are able to fall in love.
And what’s the matter of winding down -
Young people can't keep up!
In general, a holiday, my heroes,
It should be called differently:
Day of the special, the wisest,
The most, most honored people,
Resisting in difficult worries,
The most loyal and most needed

Presenter 2: Good afternoon, our dear grandparents! For many years now it has become a good tradition to celebrate October 1 - the Day of the Elderly.

Who is this old man?
Is this the one who lives out his life?
Or someone who knows how to appreciate life,
Who knows how to forgive and love?
Well, maybe this is a treasure trove of wisdom -
After all, life itself was the teacher!

Presenter 1: IN explanatory dictionary it is written: “elderly – beginning to grow old”, just beginning. Therefore, live by the motto: you can grow up to a hundred years without getting old.” And today, on this wonderful day, we sincerely congratulate you on your holiday! You, seasoned, hardworking, devoted to your family, children, grandchildren, devoted to your native land. I wish you health, prosperity and attention. We bow deeply to you, live long, we need you. After all, you are our history, our joys and victories!

Please accept a musical gift from us.
The song “My Grandmother” (minus the song by Alla Pugacheva “My Daughter”) (Appendix 2.)

Presenter 2: Now, let's learn in more detail about the history of this holiday “Day of the Elderly.

View a multimedia presentation. (Appendix 7.)

Presenter 1: Today we honor people without whom our own existence would not be possible. These are the pillars of life experience and wisdom on which every family rests. These are the guardians of the hearth of every home. We wish the older generation respect from loved ones, health throughout the years and a long life for the joy of the whole family! Happy holiday!

And now just for you dance Rock and Roll

The background sounds (“Autumn Waltz” by F. Chopin). The presenter comes out.

Presenter 2: And now Ekaterina Guseva will perform for you

I'll tell you a riddle,

And you guess it.

Who puts a patch on his heel,

Who irons and mends laundry?

Who cleans the house in the morning,

Who makes the big samovar?

Who's with little sister plays

And takes her to the boulevard?

Who embroidered the fringed rug

(To my little sister - apparently)?

Who writes detailed letters?

To the soldier, my father?

Whose hair is whiter than snow,

Are your hands yellow and dry?

Whom I love and regret

Who did I write the poems about?

Presenter 1: Grandmothers not only know how to create with their hands, but also do homework with their grandchildren. The scene will tell us about this. (Appendix 3.)

The background sounds (“Autumn Waltz” by F. Chopin). The presenters come out.

Presenter 2: But this scene is, of course, a joke. And we just want to remain children longer next to our wonderful grandmothers.

Presenter 1: Dear grandparents! Today, on this holiday, our students came to congratulate you.

Reader 1:

May every day that fate has allotted,

Brings joy, with sunrise.

And a lucky star shines on you,

Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.

Good luck and sincere laughter,

I wish you health for many years to come,

We wish you, in all success,

And we are always glad to meet you.

Reader 2:

Thank you for our life and happiness,

Don't let the past years bother you.

Let troubles and misfortunes pass by,

May your health never fail you.

We wish you not to lose heart! Laugh

Despite the years and troubles!

We will admire you forever!

Dear, young old people!

The background sounds (“Autumn Waltz” by F. Chopin). The presenters come out.

Presenter 2: So, dear guests and participants of our holiday, the topic of our conversation today is “Elixir of Youth.” We will share our secrets with you, and you, dear friends, will discover the recipe for your youth.
Let's start with _________.

Guest performance.

Presenter 1: Thank you very much to our guests for their advice and secrets. And now we continue our concert. And now Alina Klimova will perform for you with song "My Grandmother"(Appendix 4.)

Presenter 2: Well, now our youngest students (Olesya and Polina) will perform for you.

Reader 3:

Old people, young at heart,

How many paths and roads have you seen?

They loved dearly and raised children,

And they lived in hope: there would be less worry!

Reader 4:

Elderly people, Mother Russia

You were not spoiled by an easy fate.

May God give you peace so that over the river

The sun illuminated the blue dome.

The background sounds (“Autumn Waltz” by F. Chopin). The presenters come out.

Presenter 1: Yes, our lives are running, the days are flying by. It makes my soul sad to think: “How long have you been young?” But let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul.

Daria Modina and Tatyana Boynova will perform for you the song “Without Grandma”. (Appendix 5.)

The background sounds (“Autumn Waltz” by F. Chopin). The presenters come out.

Presenter 1: Well, now it’s our turn to give our recipe for youth.
First, make your motto the words: “You don’t have to be sad all your life ahead.” Secondly, never tell anyone how old you are. Then there is the obligatory daily social work, farming and gardening. If you work from the heart, you will immediately become younger and not only stop a horse, but also an elephant in its tracks.

Presenter 2: And on this occasion fable “Granny Got a Pension” performed by Irina Petrova. (Appendix 6.)

Presenter1: And now the dance group “PRO Movement” will perform a cowboy dance.

The background sounds (“Autumn Waltz” by F. Chopin). The presenters come out.

Presenter 1: So our meeting has come to an end. And we were once again convinced that in order to live a full, rich life, neither age nor problems can be a hindrance. I just want to tell you many more kind words: fighting, perky, wise, experienced, cheerful, thank you very much!

Presenter 2: Everyone dreams of being younger

Let the years pass by in succession.

Now let's summarize the conversation,

The recipe here is quite simple;

Smile, health, success,

And also love and luck,

And so that there is enough for everyone -

Yourself and all your loved ones in addition.

Presentation of memorable souvenirs to guests by children.

Annex 1.


1. We live in Vyksa now,
We're munching on delicious gingerbread cookies.
We know a lot of ditties
We will sing them for you now.

2. The old woman says to her grandfather:
I'll go to America!
- Go, I'll give you money:
I'll sell your crutches.

3. Two old ladies without teeth
We talked about love:
- You and I are in love:
I’m into sour cream, you’re into pancakes!

5. Baba Vera stopped by

Through the keyhole

And it burns on her forehead

The cone is large-block.

6. Old grandfather Pakhom

Riding on a broom

It turned out he was for dinner

I accidentally ate a fly agaric.

7.Elderly people have one concern:
To eat and sleep.
And when love is in the hunt -
Go pet the cat.

8. A neighbor pesters me:
invites you to visit,
I won't go to the old man -
Grandfather is hissing!

9. Grandfather Ivan fixing an outlet

Surprised us today

He stuck his finger into the socket

And I laughed for an hour.

10. Oh, let's go, let's go dancing

Grandmother Lukerya

There is no hair on the back of my head

I put on feathers.

11. Baba Sima drank tea

Made samovar

I broke all the dishes

I was cooking.

12. We stop singing ditties
And we honestly promise you:
Always listen to you in everything
Morning, evening and afternoon

Appendix 2.

Song "My Grandmother"

(minus Alla Pugacheva’s song “My Daughter”)

There's no reason for you to be sad
You look, hiding your smile.
Your wrinkles are invisible to us,
Because we love you!

Chorus: And you sigh again,
Keeping sadness in my soul,
Where has your youth flown to?
And we wish you
On your glorious day
Beloved, dear,
Live and don't get sick.

Do you like Philip Kirkorov,
Look, you're fiddling with your handkerchief,
But once upon a time all the men in chorus
They opened their mouths and looked at you!
We congratulate and praise you
We will sing songs from our hearts to you,
Because in everyday life and in fun
It draws us back to grandma's house.

Appendix 3.

Scene, Grandmothers and grandchildren “

(The first child is the grandmother, the second is the grandfather)

Grandfather: Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

Grandmother: Why, I haven’t done my homework yet.

Grandfather: Which lessons? Have you relapsed into childhood? It’s been a hundred years since you graduated from school!

Grandmother: Yes - huh? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren.

Grandfather: Is it true? Is this how you spoil them?

Grandmother: I'm not spoiling! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always copy it out for me.

Grandfather: Oh, really strict.

Grandmother: So if you need anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience. And, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem. Hm - hm..., There is a green oak near the Lukomorye; golden chain on the oak tree..."

Grandfather: So good

Grandmother: And day and night the dog is a scientist...

Grandfather: What dog? What dog?

Grandmother: Well, I don't know what breed he is.

Grandfather: Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat!

Grandmother: Ah - ah, I understand - I understand! Then I first: “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night the cat is a scientist...”

Grandfather: Well?

Grandmother: He goes to the grocery store with a string bag...

Grandfather: With what string bag? Which grocery store? Where have you seen this?

Grandmother: Oh, grandpa! I still have so many lessons, I got everything mixed up. Do you think that if I continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named after me?

Grandfather: It's already been named.

Grandmother: How?

Grandfather: Col! It is given to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do their homework!

Appendix 4.

Song "My Grandmother"

Performed by Marie Michel

You don't sleep at night and keep my dreams,

So that he is kind and good.

In my thoughts every day and every hour,

And your love protects and warms us.


I'll tell you everything, my dear,

I know you will understand me like no one else.

You will spread the clouds above me with your hands,

If I call you, you will always come to me.

Chorus: 2 times

My grandmother is dear, beloved.

My grandmother is my gentle angel.

My grandmother - you are the most beautiful.

My grandmother - you are always with me...

My grandmother is dear, beloved.

My grandmother is my gentle angel.

My grandmother - you are the most beautiful.

My grandmother - you are always with me.

Appendix 5.

Song "Without Grandma"

1. I'm with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time

She's in everything

At the same time with me


Without grandma, without grandma you can’t bake pancakes

The cutlets will be overcooked and the milk will curdle.

And with grandma - grandma, everything will immediately become delicious

Life in the house is fun and easy to breathe

2. I don’t know boredom with her

And I love everything about her

But grandma's hands

I love you more than anything


3. How long are these hands?

The miraculous do

Now they tear, now they sew, now they knead,

They're making something

Chorus: 2 times

Appendix 6.

Fable “Grandma Got a Pension”

(dramatized by children).

Grandma received a pension.
The government says
That the pension has become big and big.
Grandfather came to collect his pension:
“Give me money for cigarettes, grandma.”
And then granddaughter Lyubka:
“Granny, buy a new skirt.”
And then Zhuchka began to whine:
“Woof, woof, I want “Pedigrippala!”
The pussy is not far behind:
"Meow meow!" - give me Whiskas!
The mouse ran and waved its tail,
She stole the last cheese.
The grandfather sits and grieves,
And the grandmother is fighting with problems:
The day is plowing in the garden,
And in the evening he knits socks for sale,
And he says: “Do you want to eat,
You need to listen to TV less often,
Don't put your little hands down,
Rely on the government, but don’t make a mistake yourself!”

Scenario of the concert program "Day of the Young Elderly"- a universal option for doing this have a wonderful holiday in any team and in any enterprise.

The scenario is built according to the classic scheme: congratulations and warm words to pensioners and veterans, concert numbers and poems on the theme of the holiday. The main goal of the program is to pay attention to the culprits and thank them for their years of work at this enterprise.

Preparing for the Day of the Elderly.

Script Notes: Since elderly people will be the focus of attention on this day, it would be wiser to invite them to the event in advance. Make sure that your special guests are greeted by people who will help them figure out where and what to be, and simply greet them in a friendly manner and show them into the hall.

We strongly advise you to decorate display windows in advance or make collages that would reflect the work activities of retirees of your enterprise. It would also be great if you could arrange a small exhibition, the theme of which would be the hobbies of the guests of this evening: embroidery, knitting, a collection of badges, etc.

As a musical background intended to entertain guests before the feast, choose hits from the 60s - 70s (songs by Kristalinskaya, Magomayev, Khil, etc.). When everyone takes their seats, the presenter and presenter enter the hall.

Script of the concert program.


Today is such a warm, bright holiday!

There is so much light, joy, goodness in him!


May your life always be wonderful!

Like a gentle sun - generous!

Leading: Expensive, Dear colleagues! Today we are proud to welcome you within the walls of our banquet hall! Yes, yes, exactly - with pride, and precisely - colleagues, because it is only through your efforts that our enterprise/institution NN today is prosperous and gives all of us, your followers, the opportunity to work with dignity and take their rightful place in modern society.

Presenter: Right! And for us it doesn’t matter at all who and when of you retired and ended your career - five, ten or fifteen years ago! We still consider you “our team”! Many of those who occupy key positions in our enterprise today owe their current success to you. You taught us without sparing your time. You shared with us professional secrets and truly invaluable experience. Therefore, allow me to invite our manager/manager/director to this microphone for a welcoming speech!

Word to the boss. It is important that the manager name at least some of the names of those present, and also recall several incidents from general work life. A ceremony of presenting small gifts or flowers to dear guests will also be a good turn.

Leading: Let me begin our congratulations with a song that, although it refers to the past Soviet era, fully reflects all the character traits characteristic of people of your generation. Meet the “March of Enthusiasts!”

Concert number.

Presenter: In my opinion, very a good choice songs, because the whole country appreciated the indispensability of people like you. No wonder in new Russia Senior Generation Day is celebrated as widely as a number of other memorable and significant dates for the state. You are valued as the moral and professional support of our country, you are respected as carriers of an absolutely amazing spirituality, the foundation of which rests on honesty, dignity, and kindness! No one will forget, and no one has ever forgotten, what fell on the shoulders of your generations, older for all of us. What overwhelming work you carried out, while raising children, getting your own education, participating in public life. And you all managed to do it! That's why you are our pride!

Leading: And I want to read a poem for you again!

May every day be successful and clear,

And the one who is important will not forget to congratulate you,

And loved ones will show their love, care,

They will listen to stories about the past and work.

Presenter: That’s right, because for all of us you are also the closest people - mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. And we love you precisely for this: for your affectionate and faithful heart, for your reliability, for the fact that you can always rely on you, and sometimes complain about life, even if you yourself are already 50! You are still our favorite moms and dads! And as proof, please accept the song “Orenburg Shawl” from us as a gift!

Concert number.

Leading: And I, as faithful and loving son my father, I announce the next issue, which is dedicated to all our guests who bear this honorary title - “father”! The poem will be read by NN ( ideally, this could be a truly adult son or grandson of someone who is among the invitees).

As a child, you opened up the world around me,

Now you can help the wise with advice.

Daddy, how are you to me? best friend -

You support, you love, you understand.

I wish you vigor and strength,

So that everything you dream about succeeds.

I really want you to be happy

And everything we planned was a success!

Presenter: By the way, looking at you, I can’t believe that retirement age It's already here! And it’s even somehow strange that you came to visit us in . Have you mixed up anything? Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? How old are you?! You are very wow! Really, really? Let's call you that: young older people! Or not! For now, we will completely do without this respected word! Do you agree? (guests are quite supportive of this proposal).

Leading: You know, you really are young, because your continuation - your grandchildren and granddaughters - is your third youth! Look how talented they are!

Presenter: Still, I think that you, dear guests, have your own recipes for youth. Tell us about them!

What's worse for you - bad weather or a repeat of the movie episode you've already seen?

What qualities, in your opinion, should modern young people choose a husband or wife for?

Name your main advantage!

What did you love most as a child that your mother cooked for you?

Who is easier for you to treat, in the sense of pleasing: children or grandchildren?

Do you remember what you spent your first paycheck on?!

Remember the happiest moment of your life!

What do you enjoy in your free time from retirement? (it’s best to ask this question to the guest whose works are presented at the impromptu exhibition)

Leading: Of course, with such a positive attitude you can live up to 150 years and remain young at heart!

During this part of the evening, it is worth inviting older people to treat themselves and dance a little to forgotten hits or just chat.

Leading: Personally, I really like to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! It's like once again wishing you health and prosperity! Allow me to give you one more small gift: a performance of the song “Old Maple”. Sing along with us!

It is appropriate after “Old Maple” to offer to sing in chorus several of everyone’s favorite songs, for example, “I look into the blue lakes” or what the guests themselves suggest.

Presenter: We have already asked one of you about the hobby that took possession of him during his retirement. But we'd love to hear from everyone else too! After all, you are truly talented people! And, by the way, it seems to me that such abilities are also a kind of path to youth, to the unfading of the soul. Do you agree with me?

The presenters approach those guests who show a desire to talk about their handicrafts.

Leading: I really want to read Petrus Brovko’s poem “Your love is my reward” on this occasion.

The presenter reads a poem

You can also include in the program Igor Tatyanin’s poem “In Memory”,

" And I once thought that gray hairs
They don’t love, they don’t yearn, they don’t feel sad...."

Presenter: We wish you strength, both moral and spiritual! Don’t let gray hair oppress you, because it only makes you more beautiful! We love you and always want to meet your expectations!

Leading: We continue our evening, but I would like to say how our heart aches when we return to your home - to our home! Live long, long life! We need you so much!

The banquet continues, with dancing for those who wish and toasts.


Organization of leisure time for retired education workers;

Formation of a friendly atmosphere and positive emotions.

Progress of the program

Music is playing. The presenters appear in the hall.

Ved. 1:- They say the years are fleeting

Don't stop them, don't slow them down,

But over the years the enthusiasm does not go away,

If a person is young at heart.

Ved. 2:- And today the country celebrates

And so it will be from century to century

The day is special, but by no means random -

Elderly Day!

Ved. 1:- Today we glorify gray hair,

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened, in the old days,

These hands did not know boredom.

Ved. 2:- Your whole life is filled with work,

Warmed with the warmth of the soul and joy,

And let your home become cozy,

And let not only this day be joyful!

Ved. 1:- Dear, dear guests! Accept a musical gift from us!

SONG “Nature Has No Bad Weather”

Ved. 2:- The floor is given.......

Ved. 1 (toast):- We invite you to raise your glasses to

So that life is always in full swing,

So that it’s time for fatigue to never come,

So that any matter can always be argued,

And tomorrow was better than yesterday!

The sound is cheerful “village” folk music. The presenter throws a colorful scarf over her shoulders. The presenter puts a cap with a flower on his head.

Ved. 2:- On the heap, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

Old and young.

Ved. 1:- Were you sitting by a torch?

Or under the bright sky -

They talked and sang songs

And they danced in a round dance!

Ved. 2:- Our leisure time is sometimes shallow,

And, what can I say,

It's boring to live without gatherings -

They should be revived!

Ved. 1:- And that’s why we decided to arrange real Russian gatherings today. We, honored guests, will be pleased to sit next to you and talk well. And where people live well, people say, they sing well.

Ved. 2:- So let’s open our gatherings kind words, and a good song! The floor is given.....

COMMON SONG “Dream of Retirement”

Ved. 1:- They sang a kind (and cheerful) song. But it still wouldn’t hurt to get to know each other!

Ved. 2:- So, we ask you questions, and we invite you to choose answers to them from a bag (questions are asked to each guest).

Comic test "Acquaintance"

Props: a bag with answers to questions printed on pieces of paper.

1. Do you like to visit?

2. Do you like to dance?

3. Do you like to interfere in other people's family affairs?

4. Do you always eat so much?

5. Do you have the habit of meeting people on the street?

6. Do you love children?

7. Do you want to win a million?

8. Do you like to solve crosswords?

9. Do you like to swear?

11. Do you often borrow money?

12. Do you often climb into someone else’s garden?

13. Do you snore in your sleep?

14. Do you hide your age?

15. Do you often fall out of bed?

16. Do you like to cook?

17. Do you use obscene words in conversation?

18. Do you like to laugh at others?

19. Do you like sweets?

20. Do you like washing dishes?

21. Do you have any shortcomings?

22. Do you often stay out at night?


And I won’t tell you under torture!

Every day and more than once.

Only sleepy and in slippers!

When there are guests in the house.

When no one sees me.

Otherwise life is boring!

It is so sweet!

This is my hobby!

It happens, but only at night.

Every second day.

They don't talk about this out loud!

It wouldn't bother me!

Only in the bathhouse!

Only on the verge of despair.

Only in moments of weakness.

Well, who doesn’t it happen to?!

When you really feel like it.

Is it unnoticeable?

Well, something needs to be done?!

I resist!

Sometimes you can take risks!

Don't poke your nose into someone else's question!

Ved. 1:- It’s not without reason that the proverb is said. All folk wisdom is expressed in proverbs. How many of them do we know? Try finishing a few of them.

Competition “Continue the proverb”

Props: prizes for correct answers

1. You can’t be without a penny ...(ruble)

2. Don’t covet someone else’s, but your own …(do not lose it)

3. What we ask for in childhood, in old age ...(let's quit)

4. Sleep long - live ...(with debt)

5. Teach your wife without children, but children …(without people)

6. If you knew how to give birth to a child, you can also ... (teach)

7. My son, and he has a mind …(mine)

8. Eat bread and salt, good people… (Listen)

Ved. 2:- Autumn has come - it's time to collect the harvest and put it in the cellar. Have you made the jam? (Guests answer) With it, the tea tastes better, and any illness is cured. Can you, dear housewives, guess by taste what the jam is made from? If you wish, we ask you to come to us (1 person leaves from the table, 5 people in total).

"Sweet" competition

Props: 3-4 jars of jam made from different berries/fruits,

5 spoons, blindfolds, prizes

Ved. 1:- We made provisions for the winter, but didn’t we forget about warm things - socks and mittens? Our guests certainly know how to do handicrafts: sewing and knitting. Are there anyone who wants to show off their skill in winding threads? (5 people are selected).

Competition "Winders"

Props: 5 unwound balls of thread, prizes

Ved. 2:- What village holiday would be complete without songs and dances!

Even the dishes on the tables are ringing and jumping! He really dances!

It turns out that glasses and plates can perform different dances.

We will now make sure of this.

Game "Dance at the table"

Props: dishes located on the guests' tables

To the accompaniment of musical excerpts of different melodies, guests perform a dance on the table: lezginka, square dance, tango, lambada, folk dance, etc.

Ved. 1:- Thanks to our dancers! And now it’s time for you and me to stretch our bones! We invite you to dance!


Possible competitions during dancing:

Agricultural dances

Ved. 2:- Dancing has always been associated with labor activity person. And even now many people like to work to music. Let's perform agricultural dances, especially since they are familiar to us!

We dig the beds... hill up the potatoes... weed the radishes... water the carrots... loosen the beds...

Dance in a circle “Give to your neighbor”

Ved. 1:- Probably, there is no need to say how much neighbors play in the life of a rural person! Sometimes they are like family members. Nothing is a pity for them! Even your own body parts! Don't be scared! We will give them to the neighbor on the right only for the duration of the dance! So...Give to your neighbor:

Hand to neighbor;

Elbow to neighbor;

Nose to a neighbor;

Neighbor's ear.

Dance in pairs with newspapers

Props: newspapers (9-10 pcs.)

Ved. 2:- We announce couples dances! Guests are divided into pairs.

Each couple holds a sheet of newspaper between their foreheads. In this position you need to dance (the leader shows the movements).

Dance in pairs “Musical islands”

Props: newspapers (9 - 10 pcs.)

Ved. 1:- The next dance is called “Musical Islands”!

The role of islands will be played by the same newspapers. Each couple gets their own “island”. The participants' task is to perform a dance different ways(at the leader’s command):

On one leg;


Ved. 2:- We want to continue the feast, friends,

Please take a seat at the tables!

The guests sit at the tables.

Ved. 1: - You can’t live without music,

Let's sing merrily, friends!

The “Re-Perevka” competition is announced!

Competition "Re-Perevka"

Ved. 2:- Based on the musical excerpts, try to guess the song itself. And then we all perform it together.

Excerpts of songs known to guests are played

Ved. 1: - How are we going to drink tea?

Without gingerbread - cheesecakes?

What about our gatherings?

Yes, without catchy ditties?

Ved. 2: - Prick up your ears -

Let's sing ditties!


Props: ditty words printed on postcards

1. We invite you, friends,

For our gatherings

We promise to show

All our tricks!

2. For the stove to light up,

We need to turn up the heat.

So that the ditty can be sung better,

We need to help by dancing!

3. We sing ditties for you,

We never get tired.

Grandmothers and great-grandmothers sang,

And now we will sing too!

4. They taught me everywhere

But I will still be a weaver,

And from threads, like a miracle,

I'm woven with canvas!

5. Everything around has already turned yellow

And the mushrooms grew.

The soul began to sing with joy,

Eh, if only they could take out the accordion!

6. My grandson, although small,

But he knitted mittens for me.

I didn’t have time to praise -

He abandoned them and ran away!

7. I never lose heart -

Neither today nor yesterday.

I'll buy threads at the market,

I will do miracles!

8. I dance and sing

I always sew great

And besides, look

Very pretty!

9. Frank girls

We don't know how to push!

Without ditties - jokes,

We can't live even a day!

Ved. 1:- And again we invite you to dance! We continue the “Russian Dance”!

DANCE BLOCK. Folk songs are playing

Ved. 2:- We always wonder what awaits us tomorrow? No wonder people love to guess so much.

Ved. 1:- For a long time in Rus' there were many different fortune-telling: fortune-telling for the harvest, for marriage... there were even so-called “under-the-radar” fortune-telling.

Ved. 2:- And you and I will tell fortunes on the pie! Whoever pulls out which piece - with which pattern - will be waiting for him in the near future!

Pie fortune telling

Props: drawn, cut out of paper, pie, cut into pieces (according to the number of guests). On back side Each “piece of the pie” has pictures. Tray.

- heart- Love;

- book- knowledge;

- 1 ruble- money;

- Sun- success;

- letter- news;

- man's face- new acquaintance;

- arrow- achieving the goal;

- watch- changes in life;

- road- drive;

- present- surprise;

- lightning- tests;

- wineglass - holiday;

- bell- happy event;

- broom- troubles;

- smile- fun;

- child - meeting with children and grandchildren;

- wallet- purchase;

- magnifying glass- find;

- rainbow- astonishment;

- Magic wand- fulfillment of desires;

- handshake- won the dispute

Ved. 1:- And now, before your eyes, we will hold the first and last prize draw - don’t worry - a FREE-WIN lottery!


Props: box with “barrels”, prizes

1. Although not a poet, not a winner,

And I want to wear laurels

You will weave that wreath yourself

Then put it in the soup! (Bay leaf)

2. Don’t think of being angry with us -

But a soap dish comes in handy around the house! (soap box)

3. To prevent teeth from hurting,

Clean them at least once a week! (Toothbrush)

4. You got a flower - a rose,

She doesn't wither from the cold (flower)

5. You wanted to win a flashlight,

But I just got a ball (balloon)

6. You got this soap,

To wash your hands more often (soap)

7. To find out your income,

A notepad will be useful for you (notebook)

8. Pour this into a glass

And slowly sip (wineglass)

9. After a glass, have a snack -

The matter is very important.

Here's a sleeve for you

Paper napkins (napkins)

10. Don’t be angry, my friend,

A box will come in handy (box)

11. Don’t be sad, don’t grieve,

And kiss your neighbor! (pomade)

12. And for dessert we have

Chocolate for you! (chocolate)

13. Would you like an apartment,

And I got the picture (postcard)

14. In life you have to hope for the best,

Take glue if something doesn’t stick (glue)

15. Get the main prize,

Here's a couple of eggs for you! (eggs)

16. Not good for health

If you don't drink juice (juice)

17. We give you toothpaste,

So that you have teeth (toothpaste)

18. Hurray! - shout to the whole world,

Your car is a souvenir (toy car)

19. When you go for a walk,

So that the tights don't fall off,

You have with you

A pin made of steel! (box of pins)

20. Sweet life winter and summer

It will come with delicious candy (candy)

Lyrical music sounds

Ved. 1:- Unfortunately, our gatherings are coming to an end. We hope you liked them. Thank you for participating in our competition program!

Ved. 2:- We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

So that your affairs are good,

So that trouble never knocks on the house,

And so that you never have to be sad!

Ved. 1:- We wish you warm, bright days,

Health, which is most important!

Together:- See you again!

To download material or!

People grow old, but only the shell ages, the soul remains young, 18 years old. Elderly people don’t want to feel like they are old, help them, organize a holiday, the scenario “we are a year old - it doesn’t matter if the soul is young!” concert - entertainment program dedicated to Elderly Day, will help you qualitatively play out all the actions proposed in the plan.

Elderly Person's Day - beginning

1.10. 2009 District House of Culture

Performance by the folklore ensemble “Donets.

The work of methodologist Kolesnikova I.D. according to the photo stands “Keeping the Memory of the Young”, “Our History”, “The Best Compound”, according to the exhibition of photo landscapes “Cossack” by A. Chebotarev.
Inviting those present to the hall.

Leader exit.

VED: Good afternoon, dear guests! Dear guests! The closest people! This wonderful day is filled with special solemnity!
It has become a tradition on October 1, Older People's Day, to congratulate you on Wisdom Day!

May the autumn of your life
It will be a long, long time!
Happy holiday, our dear ones,
We love you very much!

We open our concert with a song that is familiar and loved by many, and it will be performed by RDK soloist Natalya Tselyutina.

SONG “A Stream Flows” Natalya Tselyutina

VED: Life, like the seasons, is divided into its periods: spring, summer, autumn, winter. The most wonderful time of life has now come for you - autumn. Remember how it was sung in the song: “The autumn of life, like the autumn of the year, must be accepted with gratitude... Therefore, with all my heart I would like to tell you: “Accept the years you have lived with gratitude, let them leave only bright memories in your soul.”

Much has changed in our lives in recent years. We began to live in a different Russia, the people and material values ​​became different. But one thing has remained unchanged - caring for the older generation.

Our dears, please accept congratulations from Tatyana Valentinovna Mitina, Deputy Director of the MU Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens of the Kamensky District

VED: How life has decorated your weights with silver! How many wrinkles fate has hung like a cobweb around your eyes. But today your years seem to return for an encore. It’s so good that we have you, how good it is that there is still someone to cuddle with in a sad moment! Ask for forgiveness for the pain and tears that we, your children and grandchildren, once caused you. Believe me, we love you very much and feel sorry for you. Live longer, don’t get sick, and know that your loved ones need you so much

Older people often say: “You love your grandchildren more than your children.” The grandchildren respond in kind, with love.

On behalf of all the children, student of the Glubokino School of Arts Sasha Tkacheva congratulates you.

SONG “Give a smile to the world” Tkacheva Sasha

VED: The destinies of people... they are like a road... for some it is wide and smooth... and for others it is narrow, with potholes. There is probably no person here who has not been affected by the war... many of you fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

Almost all the women sitting here forged victory in the rear... But in general...what house was not touched by the black wing of trials, but survived, endured terrible hardships...In addition, they preserved the earth for a peaceful life. They built factories, rebuilt houses and schools, filled the Motherland's bins with harvests, and raised children. Every year there are fewer and fewer participants in that terrible war. But the memory of them is alive... the memory of their military exploits in the name of the lives of their children and grandchildren.

Dear veterans! I bow to you for your courage, for your enormous work, for your faith and love of life.

Songs performed by the Veteran choir will be played for you.

SONG “Oh, over the Quiet Don” ensemble RDK “Veteran”
“The birch tree gave me earrings”

VED: The age of wisdom, for some reason it seems to me that this is the same as the wisdom of nature. What exact wise customs and rituals were preserved by our grandparents. Since ancient times, people have known when to throw grain into the ground, when to harvest bread, when to weave canvas, when to play weddings. Autumn is harvest time...if September smells like apples, then October smells like cabbage.

It’s not in vain that the Exaltation begins on September 27, and with it cabbage parties with songs and dances.

They are a thing of the past, but let's remember them at least on this stage.
Now the children's folk song ensemble “Poteshki”, led by Larisa Efremova, will appear on this stage.

SONGS “Woe is enough for us to grieve” Ensemble “Poteshki”
“Oh, flax, you are my flax”

VED: Where does a person’s life journey begin? From the cradle... And the mother’s hands rocked this cradle. From the parental home, where each of us left with the name given by our parents, parting words into the coming life and an eternal feeling of warmth, fidelity, kindness and love. Every. sitting in this room is mom and dad, grandparents. We bow deeply to you and wish you filial and filial love!

SONG “MAMO” Irina Algazina

VED: Love for folk music comes naturally. She lives in the heart of every person, regardless of age and occupation.

Our fellow countrymen especially love the song. Everyone, young and old, sings, regardless of social affiliation, occupation, place of residence... After all, where else if not in song is the soul of a person, and therefore of a people, revealed.

The folk ensemble “Dontsy” RDK congratulates you with its best songs:

SONG: “One Green Garden” Ensemble “Donets”

VED: Life... How to measure it? Of course, you will say – for years. Yes... and for years too. But more by deeds...what is done in life is not done for oneself - for others. More memories...