A conspiracy for a successful outcome. A conspiracy to ensure that the work started ends in success. Conspiracies for any matter

All about religion and faith - “plot prayer for successful deeds” with detailed description and photographs.

He stabs with pitchforks, he stabs with knives,

He speaks all my words, all my deeds,

Deeds with desire are cemented,

To make it happen, he blesses it himself.

From Michael the Archangel of my conspiracy.

I, the servant of God (name), have a holy magician,

Everything I said will be so.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Prayer for good luck in finishing things

Many people know the feeling when at the beginning of an important task everything goes like clockwork. And suddenly, at one fine moment, the situation changes and goes out of your control. A special prayer for good luck will help you bring your plans to completion and get the desired result.

We all learn from mistakes, and more often than not they are ours, not other people's. Each of us has many plans that are just waiting to be implemented, and now, after lengthy calculations and preparation, we begin to act. But the next stage comes and everything does not go as planned. In such cases, you need a quick reaction, decisive action and a positive attitude. But even if you did everything possible, the most ambitious project may not end as originally planned.

It is at such moments that prayer for the successful completion of affairs helps. Knowing that you have, for example, a major deal ahead of you, it is enough to read the prayer text once for everything to work out and go according to plan.

It also happens that even magic phrases do not have the desired effect. This does not mean that nothing worked: in this way, the Higher Powers can protect you from larger losses and disappointments. After all, it is impossible to predict in advance all possible developments. Therefore, you should not be upset and curse Fate; it is better to calm down and look at things from the outside without prejudice.

In order not to start a deliberately losing business, first contact your Guardian Angel with a request to give a sign if you should abandon your plan. If nothing new or negative happens within three days, you can safely begin to realize your goal.

Prayer for successful completion of affairs

Once you get down to business, be prepared to see it through to completion. It’s not in vain that you ask Heaven for protection and help. The text of the prayer is very short, so it is better to learn it by heart. But as a last resort, you can read from a sheet of paper, having first copied the prayer in your own hand.

Hear me, Heavenly Powers. I bow to your power and justice. Protect me from obstacles in my work, guide me along the True Path, which gives joy. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.

It should be remembered that prayer alone is not enough to achieve the final result. She supports only those who are truly moving towards their goal. Sometimes the Universe helps us in the most unexpected ways, so trust yourself and the whole world, look at things with optimism and don't forget to press the buttons and

Magazine about stars and astrology

every day fresh articles about astrology and esotericism

Prayers for good luck before leaving home

Every Orthodox Christian knows that any work and action should begin with God's help and blessing. Coming out.

Birthday prayer

Birth is a very important moment in the fate of each of us. After all, it is then that we gain the life given by our mother and the Lord. .

How to correctly ask your Guardian Angel for help

If you find it difficult to cope with difficulties on your own, turn to your Guardian Angel for help. He will definitely hear you if you do.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for every day

From childhood, any believer knows that his guardian angel is constantly watching over him. It is the angel who protects.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel for all occasions

Guardian angels are invisibly present in the life of every person. In difficult life situations, when we need support, we can turn to them.

A conspiracy to successfully complete the case.

There are conspiracies that are read so that any business that you start will be successfully completed. Today I will share with you such a conspiracy. Light a church candle in front of the icon of the Archangel Michael and say the words of the conspiracy for the successful completion of the matter. You will see how well events will turn out for you, and you will quickly and with maximum benefit for yourself complete your plan.

So, the words of the conspiracy for the successful completion of the matter.

“In an open field, Michael the Archangel.

I will bow to Him, servant of God (name),

I will pray to (name) Him.

I ask for intercession and help.

He will become pitchforks and knives my words

Stab and talk about all my affairs.

Things with desires to consolidate

Help to complete them successfully and quickly.

So that my business is successful

He will bless him himself.

My talented hour, it’s a matter of urgency

From Michael the Archangel of my conspiracy.

I have (name) a patron saint.

Everything I say will be so.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Many of our readers ask us to talk about Natalia Stepanova’s conspiracy, which.

Do you feel like luck and luck have left you? I will tell you one simple prayer, which...

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  • A strong love spell for a girl's love. (69846)
  • A plot to make my husband find a job. (66636)
  • A plot to reconcile with a loved one. (65292)
  • A plot to make a child start talking. (57065)
  • Prayer to get hired after the interview. (51713)

Friday | 06/02/2017 | No comments.

Wednesday | 05/06/2015 | No comments.

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The love and respect of others can be achieved through spells. .

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Everyone knows how much depends on mercy and goodwill.

Probably, many have noticed that a few days before your birthday, various minor troubles begin to fall on you. This is no accident! .

If you are waiting for a decision that is important for you and want it to be in your favor, then it is advisable to enlist magical support.

Who among us has not dreamed of happiness? Didn't want to start a new, happy life? There is one prayer that will help you with this. If you follow through.

Each of us has desires. Some people patiently wait for their desire to come true, while others strive to achieve what they want at all costs. .

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Sometimes we are haunted by terrible pain. Medicines and pills provide only short-term relief. Of course, in such cases you need to do it.

Whispers for a good job and good earnings

Conspiracy for success in business

Whisper the conspiracy at the beginning of each work week - and then things at work will improve and income will increase. Whisper a spell onto the collar of the clothes you wear to work (dress, shirt, etc.).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, all reverend fathers and martyrs, save, bless, save from every evil eye: from the envious, from your own evil thoughts, from the simple-haired girl, from the rolling woman, from the little guys, from the thirty winds, from the twelve weather, from twelve whirlwinds. And whoever knows this prayer and reads it every day, his illness disappears, poverty leaves him, and wealth comes. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A light comes down to me from the heavens of the Archangel Michael, encloses me on all four sides with an iron fence, opens it with damask steel from above and sleeps for them in a castle far away, a single castle given with nine keys, and puts those keys behind the Mother of God, behind the throne of the Lord, and those keys there is no one to get it, and there is no one to open those locks, and they cannot ask for me, the servant of God (name). I am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on the angel with the cross, I drive away the evil one with the cross. Amen.

For the ritual, you need to skim the cream from the milk yourself. Buy a bucket of freshly milked milk (preferably morning milking), cool it so that the cream floats to the surface, and carefully skim it off with a wooden spoon. While filming, whisper:

I, the servant of God, will go out, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, I will stand, praying, at the Holy Trinity, at the Ascension of Christ. Christ God ascended to heaven, and commanded all creatures: and whoever is holy and pure, he ascends above, and whoever is sinful, must be below. The milk stood, divided in two, the pure and holy cream on top, the sinful skimmed off on the bottom. I drink cream, I take the sacred. And so that I, the servant of God (name), may receive the holy and the upper in my hands, and not get the sinful and the lower. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This cream must be drunk before midnight, alone. It is advisable not to drink or eat anything else on this day.

You, O my Lord God, who in the beginning created the Heavens and the Earth and all things out of nothing. Who transformed and created all things by His own Spirit; fill, fulfill, restore and send down true understanding into me so that I can glorify You and all Your works in my thoughts, words and deeds. O Lord, Father, You rule the world infinitely - confirm and fulfill my prayer, and improve my mind and memory, and also give strength to study science and improve memory, eloquence and perseverance in all ways of learning. Amen.

It’s not I who pray to God, Solomon himself prays. I don’t do things, Solomon himself does things. Blessed Solomon, wise Solomon, give me your wisdom, send me a quick mind, controversial deeds. To get things done, money was born. Just as this silk is smooth and clear, so would my affairs be smooth and clear. Just as this silk is expensive, so would my affairs be worth a lot. Amen.

After this, extinguish the candle. Do the same with the rest of the candles. Don't do anything on this day, and start work the next day. You will see: you will understand everything, and everything will work out for you.

Merciful Christ and Most Pure Mother of God, indicate whether it is from God, whether it is from a demon, or from a person, that anyone thought, touched by water. As said, so it will be. Amen.

At dawn, return to that place and see what happened to the wheat. If birds pecked it, the business would be unprofitable. If you left it as is, the business will succeed, but don’t count on big profits. If the grain is wet by rain, covered with snow, sand or leaves - this is a good sign, the business will be very profitable.

Lord Jesus Christ, Your divine help is with me. Most Holy Theotokos, without you nothing happens, nothing is born. Help me, bless my work.

Raise the rope up and continue whispering:

The right hand is the right thing. Left hand, bold deed. The Lord is my defense, I will defend myself with the Lord, I will tie myself with the holy robe. Amen.

When going to the authorities, tie yourself with this rope under your clothes, like a belt.

In addition, you can whisper a handkerchief - be sure to be new and clean. The following slander is whispered:

Queen Helena, Tsar Constantine, you affirmed the faith of Christ and drove away demons. And just as people listened to you but could not disobey, so they would listen to me, but could not disobey. And just as they gave you praise and honor, so they would have given me. And just as everyone worked for you, everyone paid tribute, so there would be rewards for me too. You, Lord, are the true King, I am Your insignificant servant, I trust in Your strength and help, I glorify the true Christ. Amen.

And take it with you too. During a conversation, you need to wipe yourself with this handkerchief, for example, blot beads of sweat on your forehead, and look at your boss.

When entering the boss’s office, you need to grab the door bracket and whisper:

You stick out, you are a brace, you are silent, you are a brace, so my opponent would remain silent against me. Amen.

In order for your superiors to favor you and encourage you financially, whisper the following conspiracy on a handkerchief:

Lord God, bless, Father. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Just as kings and princes, and boyars, and patriarchs, and metropolitans, and all Orthodox peasants cannot live without bread and without salt and without drink, so they could not live without me, the servant of God (name), in every place, in every way. day and every hour. And that prayer is the key and the lock. Amen, amen, amen.

Use this handkerchief to wipe your right hand every time before greeting your superiors. Do this even if you don't shake hands with your boss.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Just as princes, and boyars, and all sorts of people rejoice over pure silver, so would I, the servant of God (name), the servant of God (the name of the one with whom you are going to negotiate) rejoice at the dear father and mother and the love of the family all the days and all the time. times forever. Amen.

If you are facing important negotiations related to signing a money contract or receiving money work(and any profit in general), carry out this ritual - and the negotiations will be successful. For the ritual, take a pinch of salt, dissolve it in a spoonful of melt water, bring this spoon to your lips and whisper:

Lord, I, your servant, Lord, (name), against cunning cunning and wise sages On the way and on the road I stop and, in vain, at the rise of the red sun, sign of the cross I protect myself and in the name of your Lord from those cunning cunning and wise sages from the hands of three golden merchants, I drink from them all the cunning and wisdom of God; and over him, my servant (name), my name of the Lord will be blessed from now on and forever on the road and on the road, and in every place, at all times. Amen.

How princes and boyars, and princesses, and boyars, and guests, and living room wives, monks and nuns, boys and girls cannot resist the Lord God and Savior and Jesus Christ, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and against the Mother of the Lord, the Most Pure Theotokos Ever-Virgin Mary. Amen.

Sew this ball into the lining of the bag or briefcase you carry to work. You need to keep it there for exactly 12 months. This year you will make many useful contacts. After a year, the ball must be taken out and thrown into the river.

Lord, bless, Father. Just as Orthodox peasants would not think of the image of the Lord of the Savior through malice, jealousy, villainy, fever, or anger, and so would not all Orthodox Christians, faithful to me, the servant of God, think about me, neither through malice, nor through rebellion, nor through fighting, nor through robbery, neither with the mind, nor with me, nor with my wealth. Amen. Place this branch in your pocket or briefcase. Before negotiations, discreetly touch this branch and repeat the plot for yourself. If during negotiations you feel that your partner wants to deceive you, then touch this thread again. If your suspicions are correct, then your partner will cough, and will continue to cough until he begins to tell the truth.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, forbid his misfortune and need from the face of the servant of the saints. Six-winged Archangel Michael, great demon-driver, Lord Jesus Christ, pour peace of blessings upon your servant of God. Holy and honorable cross of the Lord, be my helper to Thy servant of God in the deserts, on the road and at sea, and on battlefields, and in the precincts, and in every place with princes, and with boyars, and with all authorities, along the way and on the road , and at bedtime, every day and every hour, every night, old and young, in winter and in summer. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. The key and lock of this prayer, ten angelic seals. Amen.

Eat this fish yourself and bury the bones in the ground.

Lord, bless, Father! I, servant of God (name), will get up early in the morning, I, servant of God (name), will go into the open field along the road. Three cunning cunning men, three wise sages are coming towards me, carrying three golden merchants in their hands, in those golden merchants are God’s cunning and wisdom. And I, the servant of God (name), take away the three golden merchants from the hands of those three cunning and wise sages and drink from those golden merchants all the cunning and wisdom. Amen, amen, amen.

Lord, Lord, great Archangel of God Michael, when you hear me, your servant of God, calling you for help. Hear me, your servant, speed up, fly to the aid of me, the servant of God, defeat those who oppose me by the power of the Holy Spirit and the holy life-giving Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Holy Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, and the holy heavenly powers, the archangel and the angel, prophet and apostle, and martyr, and martyrs, and luminaries, and reverend fathers, and women, and great saints. Michael the Archangel, my assistant, always be your servant of God, deliver me from the charms of the devil and wicked people. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Rub this powder on the laces of the shoes you wear to work. If the shoes have a zipper or leather straps, rub them on the zipper or leather straps.

Holy four evangelists Marco, Luke, Matthew, John, come down from heaven, and take down the silver locks with golden keys, and lock on me, the servant of God (name), these words of mine from all four countries, from the north and until noon, from the east and to the west, you will see the springs in the Okiyan Sea. Just as a great whale cannot fly through the air from the ocean-sea, and so no one can take the keys out of the sea, and on me, the servant of God (name), this word of mine cannot be unlocked. Not by my word, but by yours, Lord, by the mercy and prayers of the holy four evangelists and all your saints. From now on and forever. Amen, amen, amen.

Zlaty castle stone alataren is approved and covered with mountains. Az, God's (name), is closed and enchanted, and secured by heavenly invisible power. Just as the alatoren cannot be reached from under the white stone, so I, the servant of God, cannot be reached by unfaithful people from now on and forever. Amen.

Then put this handkerchief in your pocket and go to the meeting

Lord our God, who walked with his servant Jacob, and was strange with his servant (name). Master, deliver your servant of God (name) from adversity and from all labor in the world, and travel in health, and make him worthy of all the righteousness of his actions according to Your commandments, and make his life worthy of heavenly and earthly blessings, having been on the way and returning to health himself, praising Your holy name. For Thine is the kingdom and power of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

I will go out, good fellow, honest merchant, truthful businessman, baptized servant of God, named (name), I will go out, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, at seventy roads, at seventy-seven crossroads. Nikolai Ugodnik walked along those roads, carrying three copper keys and one gold. With three copper keys he locks three evil roads: one bad, another dashing, the third grave. Amen.

This spell is done at midnight using lump sugar. You need to take a piece of sugar, drop vodka or fortified wine on it and say:

The Lord gave us a vine, the vine bore sugar fruit, vine fruit, for the heart to be glad, for the soul to be glad, and for the body to be sweet. My work has reached the middle, so it will reach the end and bear fruit. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then the sugar is left on the windowsill until the morning. The window must be open.

Money, I’m not letting you go out, I’m sending you with an order: find your sisters, and tell them to come live with me, and not leave me anywhere. My house is good, warm and light. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After that, put one coin in each corner of each room (if you have a three-room apartment, just 12 coins should be enough. If there are more rooms, add coins from your money). Let them lie there for three days. After this, give a few coins to your family members - both they and you will have money.

Angels-Archangels descended from heaven, they demolished iron walls and steel fences, around me the servants of God (name) from the east to the west, from earth to heaven, they erected iron walls and steel fences. They locked them with locks, locked them with keys, and took the keys to Mother the Most Holy Theotokos. Earth, sky - key and lock. Amen, amen, amen.

New money lies, enchanted, enchanted with a strong word, sealed with wax, smeared with honey, and whatever money happens to be nearby, each one sticks to it. Money to money, money in the wallet, as long as the money is there, the money will come to us. Money, money, you have a lot of sisters and brothers, bring them all into my wallet for housing! My wallet is large, and my chests are even larger, lead everyone to their wallets, chests, and barns. Key, tongue, lock. Amen.

Place this coin in your wallet or in the place in the house where you keep money.

The Most Pure Mother of God receives the distant springs and gives them to the distant apostles, and punishes my guardian angel, commands me to keep from every enemy and adversary, and from evil parables, from water and from earth, and from underground, and from forests, and from windy, and from sent; My guardian angel takes the distant keys and lowers them into the ocean sea. In these words, a key and a lock. Amen.

What love will there be for the servant of God (name), heavenly power with heavenly power, earthly power with earthly power, help me, water power with water power, be helpful, parents on the fourth side, be helpful. I will raise Saint Elijah with heavenly power to help me, earthly power with earthly power, water power with water power, parents on the fourth side, stand to the rescue, protect me, the servant of God (name), from a dashing man and from his thoughts, and from its meaning.

Lord, bless, Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a blue sea and there is a white stone, and there is a white pike fish, it stands from east to west, and the pike comes out into the blue sea. Just as the servant of God (name) would experience and overeat my troubles and losses and damages, and a white stone fits under it. Forever and ever. Amen.

The old man closes the gates from the east and to the west, distributing his gold coins and silver money at my pleasure, servant of God (name). Give you, gold coins and silver money, according to the pleasure of the servant of God (name). Do not be afraid of us, quickly walk through the grass and under the twigs, and under the sai, and under the gags. So come so quickly to please me, the horses have been set to please. He has neither spirit nor stench. Forever. Amen.

After this, you need to take the spoken bill in your hands, fold it in half lengthwise, put it in your wallet and say it again, this time on the wallet. Take out the bill again and fold it in half widthwise. Put it in your wallet and talk again.

Then read the “Our Father” nine times, put the wallet in your bag and always carry it with you. Don’t spend that treasured banknote for a year.

After a calendar six months have passed from the start of collecting coins, wait until the full moon and in the morning pour all the coins from the pot onto a clean linen scarf. Cross yourself, read the Lord's Prayer, tie a knot and go to the service. After the service, light three candles for the repose of all deceased relatives, friends and acquaintances; for the health of all your relatives, friends and acquaintances and to your saint, whose name you bear. Drop a drop from each candle onto the scarf in which the money is wrapped.

When you get home, untie the money knot. Cross the coins again, and then say over them:

Our Lord Jesus Christ sealed them with the seventh seal, and set their image upon image upon the seven hundred, and three hundred, and eight hundred people. Servant of God (name), with your prayers, like iron fences, from the east to the west, make my body strong stones and blue damask steel; keep my dress strong, strong armor and damask chain mail. The way the castle has strong dreams, such would be strong for me, the servant of God (name), my strong prayers and words to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

After three days, collect the coins, but leave one on the floor in each room, give each household a coin too, so that they put it in their wallets and carry it with them all the time. Wrap the rest in the same scarf you wore to church, tie them in a knot and put them out of sight.

It requires two small mirrors and several large coins (fives, tens). Place mirrors opposite each other and place coins in the center. They will be reflected repeatedly in numerous mirrors reflecting each other. Light two candles on both sides of the mirrors and turn off the lights. Look at the reflections of the coins and say:

The sands are yellow on the blue sea, and there are frequent stars in the sky at night. Just as you can’t count the sands in the blue sea, just as you can’t count the stars in the black sky, just as you can’t count the coins in the mirror, so I, God’s servant (name), would have countless money. I secure it with a lock, close it with a key, the key is in the sea, and the money is in my wallet. Amen.

Stare at the coins until the candles go out. You should dream about the reflections of the coins all night long. If this does not happen, the ritual must be repeated, but not earlier than in a month.

Flow, money, flow, but don’t flow away, sparkle, money, sparkle, but don’t sparkle. Come to me, live with me, grow for my joy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I’m coming, young, from Nova Gorod, dragging my money from Bela Lake. The purse is great, from earth to heaven, preserved by the power of the Holy Trinity. Amen.

Money goes from the head to the throat, from the throat through the tongue, from the tongue to the ears, from the ears to the eyes, to the keys and golden caskets. May you, my words, be spoken and unspoken, strong and molded, stick word by word, word by word, my word is a strength, and my lips are a lock, and my tongue I close with keys with my lips, and I lock with my tongue. Amen.

After this, cover the trunk covered with coins with fallen leaves. yellow color.

Whisper to the honey pot

Pick up a lot of small things, a whole pot. At dawn, when no one is around, dip your hands in liquid honey, let it flow around, and then lower it into the pot of money. Say:

Like flies to honey, money comes to me. Just as everything sticks to honey, so would money stick to my hands. Amen.

Lord God, bless, Father. There is a golden sea, and in that golden sea there is a golden bed, and on that golden bed sits a golden seamstress, and in her golden hands she holds a golden needle and a silk thread, and sews this servant of God (name) body to body, blood to blood, money with money.

A spell on a wallet and new money

This mantra is read for every new piece of money - that is, for the one that looks new, for a shiny coin or for a smooth, crisp bill.

Lord God, bless, Father. A woman sits on a golden chair, spins gold, sews with a golden needle and golden thread new money for the servant of God (name), gold and silver, copper and paper, bread and stone, silk and sackcloth. Amen. Amen. Amen.

You, Lord, have appointed the righteous sun in heaven to conceal and warm the sea and the rivers, the lake, and the whole earth, so also this servant of God (name) warm the wallet with the righteous sun and speak, Lord, from your lips the words of God, on the money and a purse, and all sorts of goods. Key, lock, amen.

There is a black sea, from that black sea a black man will come out under the back window and under the back wall and hit the wall with his heel, and the window will open and the doors will be thrown out. And you, wheat, straighten out, take it out; It is necessary for me not to be bothered by any need, neither a portage, nor a banishment, nor a commotion; but it would be suitable for himself and for the people. Amen.

When the sprouts appear, you need to carefully dig them up, wash them off the soil, knead the bread and bake these sprouts in the bread. Give this bread to everyone in the family to eat.

The guardian cross of the Christian, the cross of the whole universe's hope, the glory of the angel's cross, the plague of the demon's cross, the cross on the servant of God (name), on his head and on his eyes, and on the heart, and in the hearts, and on the lips, and on the hands, and on the feet, and on the ears, and on the chest, and in the lungs, and in the livers, and on the soul, and in the womb, and in the brains, and in all the seventy and two veins, and in all the seventy and two joints of the servant of God ( name) The Cross of Christ is with the servant of God (name) both in mansions and in all quadrangular buildings, in the hut and in the yard, and in the good. Amen.

After this, leave the coins on the window until the water dries. Then collect the coins, put them in a linen bag, go to church and put the bag of money on the eve. Soon after the ritual, your income will multiply many times over.

There is a white stone latar on that holy sea-okiyan, on that white stone latar there is a golden throne, on that golden throne the Most Pure Mother of God sits, in her right hand she holds a gold sprinkler. And I worship the servant of God, the Most Pure Mother of God, and the sovereign The Most Pure Mother of God sprinkles from her right hands of gold the mercy of God and the Life-giving Cross, with her incorruptible robe, on the servant of God (name). Amen.

Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos, pray to your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver me from vain death, from eternal torment, be my helper and intercessor in the present world and in the future, always help me, your sinful servant (name), at work this. I am a cursed man, I cannot tolerate the unmercifulness of my Creator, you endure a lot, you wait for conversion, you wait, you endure, our God, and you call all sinners to salvation.

Then open your eyes, take the bill with both hands, shake it, blow on it from above and say: “If there is money in the house, it will not be transferred, enemies and envious people will not be choked.” Cross the money and put it in a secret place. And read the “Our Father” nine times. That's it, now for six months the money will not be lost and will not go out of your hands to nowhere. After six months, you can spend the money you talked about and talk about a new one.

Wrap a large bill into a piece natural fur, put it in your bosom and whisper three times:

The affirmation of our God Jesus Christ with all the holy fathers, the servant of God (name) and his money is his affirmation and protection forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Mother of God, I pray to you: Madam, save me from all enemies, visible and invisible, I have no help from anyone except you. I will take my Lord to the battle. Lord, the cross is on my enemies, look down, save me, a sinner, Lord, in this battle of your servant imrk, cover me, Lord, keep me in peace on the water, Lord, keep me, Lord, give me the truth in my heart, which cannot be preserved from all evils, you are the silence in the whole universe, you are the light in darkness for those who sit. Be a helper to your sinful servant.

After each utterance, you need to take a bag of money in your right hand and shake it slightly so that the coins jingle. After the third time, shake out any seven coins from your pouch and bury them under the roots of the tree, and instead of them, put seven freshly picked leaves in the bag with the words: “Moneychanger, exchanger for exchange.” And go home without looking back. Don’t touch the money in the bag unless absolutely necessary, just let it stay there. And put the bag itself away.

God, our Father, through your Mother of God, grant us peace, for the only one who generously put the shooting keys under the white stone of Alatyr, is locked with that lock, the prayer is on the servant of God (name), and that lock should not be unlocked either by Beltsy, or by Chernets, or by Chernitsa, or sorcerer, nor sorceress, neither small, nor old, nor heartfelt, include me, the servant of God (name), with all baptized and unbaptized people. Always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen, amen, amen.

Once all the grains have sprouted, plant them in a brown clay pot and place them on the window. And put the money in your wallets and pockets so that it grows there.

Spray it in the morning bed sheets tincture of green leaves (birch or aspen leaves are suitable; you can infuse water with burdock or field clover) and leave the bed to ventilate during the day. In the meantime, you must take one yellow coin from each of your household. When evening comes, place these coins on the pillow of your chosen bed and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Light of the Spirit. Holy Trinity, blessing the servant of God (name) who is going to serve the Orthodox Christian family. I have clothed myself with the clouds and covered myself with the heavens, I protect myself with the cross, praying to the holy Georgei in the city of Bethlehem. And be with me, Lord, to help the servant of God (name) and with the intercession of the heavenly forces of the Archangel Michael and Gabriel, and with the other heavenly forces. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cover the coins with a blanket and go to sleep. Before going to bed, read the “Our Father” nine times. In the morning, when you wake up, collect the coins, put them in a clay pot and put them away. Money will constantly come to you.

Take a handful of regular ones sunflower seeds and clean them. Place in a small bag, add a pinch of salt and shake well. After this, pour the seeds onto a white saucer without golden patterns, take it in left hand a pinch of salt and say:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. And on the eastern side there is a staircase of golden steps, and from that staircase the Mother of God herself, the Most Holy Theotokos, descends to me, the servant of God, for help and assistance, and clothes me, the servant of God (name), with her incorruptible robe and lights the oven and bread bakes, and gives the profit. Amen.

You need to cast the spell on the seeds for three days in a row, and do not sweep the salt from the floor; you can sweep it only after the spell has been made for the last time. Each time, the seeds should be left in the saucer, covered with a scarf on top. Households should be warned not to touch these seeds. On the fourth day, you should add the seeds to the dough from which you bake bread (it is important that they do not harden in a heap, but are distributed throughout the bread, and there are seeds in every piece, because they are what give the bread special power and help people). Keep in mind that if you simply eat even the entire handful of charmed seeds, there will be no benefit. They only work in bread.

Before you start eating porridge for the first time, you need to eat nothing for the whole day, but only drink water. You will be hungry enough to eat a lot of porridge in the morning, and this is very important, it directly determines how much wealth the plot will bring you.

Pearl barley or buckwheat porridge is suitable for charming; the rest should not be used. First, you need to sort the pearl barley or buckwheat thoroughly with your hands so that there are no black grains, then rinse it with water three times, and then say something about the grains:

How much sun shone in the summer, How much rain it rained in the summer, Let there be so much money in the house, Let there be so much prosperity. Porridge will not stand on the table for a long time, And I will not know grief and poverty. The mouth is a lock, silent about everything. Amen.

Then you need to throw a pinch of salt on the cereal. Cook the porridge in milk for exactly twenty minutes. If the grains turn out to be hard, another twenty. Maybe twenty more. The porridge is eaten to the last crumb. To be sure, it is best to cook such a spoken porridge and eat it for breakfast the whole week before Christmas. During this week, in addition to porridge, you can eat two eggs a day, drink four mugs of milk and eat four slices of freshly baked bread. You can drink plenty of water.

There is a sea-ocean in this world, on it is the island of Buyan, on it is the Latyr stone. Moreover, in this world, on the sea-Okiyan on the island of Buyan, from under the Latyr stone the river Laska flows, on that river Laska a tree grew, the top of the retinue instead, so the servant of God (name) would grow up with all the income and profit and profit , in the old month, and in its fullness, and in its fullness, always with your affection and love. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then cut in half. Remove the centers from both halves and replace them with banknotes and write your name on them in green ink. Fold the pear, cover it with fresh aspen leaves, wrap it ten times with green thread and bake it in the oven. Eat it for dinner, saying: “I eat the money pear, I want to get money.”

Just as the great Saint Nicholas delivered three men from the naked sword and from vain death in the hands of the world, so deliver your servant of God (name) from all evil, protect me and my good from the bloodsucker devil, and from my enemies visible and invisible, from the eyes of the evil ones Human.

After the conspiracy, remove the spoons, forks and knives from the beer and dry them. Can't wash! These devices should be used by the three oldest family members at the next dinner. The whole family should drink beer. Give children a teaspoon.

Lord God, bless, Father! Its foundation is on the holy mountains, the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the villages of Jacob, and in the same way they would love me, the servant of God (name), kings and princes, and boyars, and all sorts of commanding people, and all Orthodox peasants, male and female, and they would pity me, the servant of God (name), with a mother’s heart, and look at me, the servant of God, with a pure eye at every time and at every hour. Always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Fry the fish, and put a scale on each piece so that it is not noticeable. Give each of your family members a piece. They will, of course, spit out the scale, but it must be in the mouth. The remaining scales should be buried to the east of the house, where people do not walk (for example, at the roots of a tree).

If you earn good money, but still there is not enough money in the house, it seems to slip through your fingers, maybe it’s because of someone’s malicious intent? If you have such a suspicion, perform a garlic ritual. People who do not wish you anything bad will not suffer, and those who decide to interfere in your life will lose this desire for a long time.

You need to take a head of garlic, peel each clove and take an odd number of cloves (if there is an odd number of cloves in the head, take all of them; if there is an even number, do not use one). They need to be finely chopped with a knife (do not mash them in a garlic press), while saying:

We are moved by the mercy of God, we are delivered from evil by the mercy of God, we are moved by the mercy of God, Abba, we are delivered by the mercy of God, we are glorified by the mercy of God and, finally, we will be glorified by the mercy of God today, today, today.

All garlic must be eaten within three days. After this, you need to sit on a hard fast for a week: only bread and water. At night every day - nine times Our Father.

After this, your ill-wishers will quiet down for a long time, and your material problems will become a thing of the past.

Thread behind the needle, money behind me. The thread is with the needle, the money is with me. Thread for the needle, needle for the thread, and money for me. Just as a thread follows a needle and does not separate from the needle, so if the money followed me, it would not pass me by. Amen. Amen. Amen.

You need to hem until the thread runs out. After this, make several knots and cut the thread. Bury the needle with the remnants of the thread in the ground where people do not walk, or throw it into the river.

Take a red thread made of natural silk and tie it in a knot, saying three times:

As the end meets the end, so things would come together for me.

After this, light a red candle, hide the thread in your fist, and, holding your fist over the candle (so that it doesn’t get too hot), whisper the spell:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, bless, Father. I will get up, servant of God (name), blessing myself, wash myself with fresh water, dry myself with a spun cloth; and how all the Orthodox peasants rejoiced at the morning dawn and the rising sun in soul and body, and so all the Orthodox peasants would rejoice at me, the servant of God (name), at my coming at marriage, and conversation, and at feasts, and at battle. So that my business comes together and burns out, like this candle burns out. Amen, amen, amen.

Then, when leaving home on this matter, place the thread on the threshold, step over it and again pronounce the first short spell. Leave the thread on the doorstep.

I don’t throw and sweep around hems, I sweep money towards me, small and medium and large, old and new, copper and gold, silver and paper. Amen.

Spell on silk threads

This conspiracy is read so that God will send successful, profitable days. Take silk threads of 12 colors. You can take any colors except black. Wind these threads into a ball, spool by spool, and say:

Lord, bless, Father. A black river will fall into the Khvalynskoe Sea, a black spruce stands above the river, a black man sits under the spruce, his hair is black, the horse under him is a raven, a golden whip is in his hands; that man learns every lesson from the youth of the month, from the wildness of the wind, from the dashing of a person, from his thoughts and meaning, and from himself, and from me, there will be urknetse (name), and from my belly, all sorts of lessons and from providence. The violent wind blows on the filthy Germans, on the resinous singing. Amen.

As this light shines and Christ dresses up, the light has come and Christ is born, and as the morning and evening dews fall on the earth and on the water, so would a small and large amount of money fall on me. Amen.

Give the money from your bag to the church - with the exception of one coin of the smallest denomination. It must be left in the bag. Pin the piece of paper with the spell to the bottom of the bag. Place the bag under the place in the house where you keep money and valuables.

Now start hemming the hem of your shirt (directly on yourself) and say the following spell:

Thread behind the needle, money behind me. The thread is with the needle, the money is with me. Thread for the needle, needle for the thread, and money for me. Just as a thread follows a needle and does not separate from the needle, so if the money followed me, it would not pass me by. Copper, silver, gold, paper, for which to buy, for which to sell, to take for yourself, to give to another, for God's grace. Amen. Amen. Amen.

You need to hem until the thread runs out. After this, make 12 knots and cut the thread. Bury the needle with the remnants of the thread in the ground where people do not walk, or throw it into the river.

Take a pinch of earth from your own footprint, mix it with salt and poppy seeds, cross yourself and whisper a spell over what you have created:

The mountain stands strong, the mountain of the Lord stands. The old man walked through that mountain, and placed the Cross on that mountain. And whoever bows to that Cross does not know the age of trouble. And just as people come to you, the Cross of the Lord, so money would come to me, continuously, endlessly, from the end of the earth, from the edge of God’s world. I’m not asking for myself, I’m asking for goodness, for good people, for poor orphans. Amen.

Wrap this earth in a small bag and put it in your wallet.

Envious eyes, word-hearing ears, lying lips, retreat, turn away, get off the servant of God (name), go back to where you came from. For every time, day and hour from the black eye, from the hated eye, from the envious eye. Amen.

Put on a new nightgown, take a white candle, light it at midnight, stand barefoot on the threshold of the house and whisper the spell:

You are thieves, adversaries, robbers, stealers of other people's property, stand still, don't move, so that your hands become petrified, your legs become dumb, your mind freezes, so that you don't wander around other people's yards, don't touch other people's property. My word is as strong as a stone pillar, my word stands and will stand like the Kingdom of God. From now on, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After this, put the candle outside the door and leave it there to burn out. No one should see the candle! If you live in a private house, this will not be a problem. But it’s not easy for a city apartment resident to carry out such a ritual: you never know which neighbor will return home after midnight? Therefore, you will need to watch how the candle burns. If you hear someone's steps, immediately extinguish the candle and take it into the house.

If you enter the house, you will find your death, you will not return back, you will remain forever. I will burn you, I will chop you up, I will sweep you away. Protected my handwritten amulet, my words are cut down forever. Stay at home, don't attack the enemy. Amen.

Not a single thief, not a single envious person will be able to enter the door after this.

January - Baptist, February - Saint, March - Faster, April - Sunday, May - Ascension, June - Trinity, July - Peter and Paul, August - Assumption, September - Ascension, October - Patron, November - Archangel, December - Nativity. Whoever comes to my house in those twelve months will step on his own heart, crush him, break him, and take his soul to hell. Amen.

At noon of the same day, wrap your valuables along with the amulet in this scarf and hide them.

A dead bird, a thief will not get close to him, he should live in a swamp, gnaw at a rotten log, steal water from himself. I close this conspiracy, not with words, not with fingers, but with seven iron locks. Castles are strong, words are sculpted, the house is a fortress, and I, God’s servant (name), live by God’s grace. The mercy of the Lord is on this house and on everyone who is in it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Keep this branch with a feather with you whenever you need to bow to an official. You will see: your affairs will be resolved quickly and without problems, and no one will even mention bribes and gifts.

Protect me, Lord, at every time, at every minute, for all twelve months, from the thief, from the scoundrel, from the robber, from the murderer and destroyer. I didn’t say so, the Lord said so, I didn’t write it, the Lord controlled my hand. Whoever comes to my house will step on his own heart, crush him, break him, and take his soul to hell. By the power of the Lord my word is strong and molded. Amen.

Keep a calendar with you, and whenever you need to sign any papers, take it out and look at today's date.

Just as the city of Jerusalem is holy, so would my work be holy, inaccessible, inaccessible to any fanatic. Just as the holiness of the holy city of Jerusalem cannot be taken away, so my profit cannot be taken away from me. I don’t believe in evil, I will hurry with good. I share the good with the good, I drive out the evil forever. Amen.

After that, without getting up from the threshold, take off your shoes and throw them away from the house. In the morning, pick up these shoes without touching them with your hands (you can use plastic bag), and take it to the trash.

From under the mountain of God, from under the mountain of paradise, four rivers flow: the Gihon, the Pishon, the Siyan, and the main river Jordan. Mother River of Jordan, you flow quickly and furiously, you wash away the gold of the banks, you wash the grass, you tear off the roots, you undermine the holes, you wash up the gold. Wash me some gold!

After all the candles are lit, the water is poured and the spells are read, carefully watch how the candles burn and go out. The best thing is if the candles burn out and go out in order - in this case the plot is a success, you will receive a large financial benefit. If the order is as follows: second-first-third-fourth, then the conspiracy is half a success. If third-first-second-fourth, then by third. If the fourth-first-second-third - the plot failed, everything must be repeated all over again.

There is a golden pine on the moss, and a golden squirrel on the golden pine. And the copper man shoots a golden squirrel and takes out its damask heart, splits it into three, slanders and speaks three whispered words: kalym, samakh, tanakh. Forever and ever.

After the slander, pour the water into a bottle and every day slightly moisten your fingertips with that water - then the money will go straight into your hands.

Just as water pours and rolls from the sky, so will I, God’s servant (name), have money. Young moon, go, bring me wealth You, copper coin, you, silver coin, you, gold coin, I respect you all, I welcome you all, I notice you all. Money, come to me, bring me luck.

After the spell, take the coins out of the water, put them separately from other money, carry them with you, but do not spend them until the next full moon comes.

This plot is read in the field. You need to light a fire and wait until there are burning coals left. These coals must be poured into a bucket of water - spring or melt water. Then strain the water into another bucket and whisper into it:

In the white world there is the Okiyan Sea, on that sea there is a golden island, on that island lies the Zlatyr Stone. A golden girl sits on that stone, scratches her golden braid, and golden lice jump from that golden braid. Whoever catches one golden louse knows no trouble. Always, now and forever. Amen.

You need to wash your face, chest, hands and feet with the spoken water. Do all this in the same place where you burned the fire. Pour the rest of the water onto the ashes. When you return home, do not greet anyone. If you come across an acquaintance, try not to talk to him, and if he starts the conversation first, you cannot say a word of greeting (but you can shake his hand).

Just as my hair grows thickly, so would my money, the servant of God (name), grow thickly. Amen.

Do this until the candles are half burned. Then you need to extinguish the candles in this water. You need to wash the threshold at the entrance to the house and all thresholds between rooms with water.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Grant me, Lord, the servant of God (name), so that every traveler and passer-by I meet will bow with joy and a zealous heart, and receive him, and look at me, the servant of God (name), as if at a red sun and at heaven light. Amen.

Money, money, run along the road, in an open field, there are oak tables, there are broken tablecloths on the tables. You eat, you feast, you give. To this day; to this hour, according to my verdict.

Before entering the room where the people you are going to ask are located, you need to grab the door bracket and whisper three times:

You stick out, a bracket, you are silent, a bracket, so the servants of God would be silent here at me!

And when you go inside, look at the person who must satisfy your request, turn away from him and whisper:

I am the month, you are the star, the month orders the stars, and I order you: do what I tell you, and not what you want. Amen.

A conspiracy to quickly pay off debts

Every day, put aside as much as you can afford to pay off your debt. this moment(at least 10 kopecks). Small money can then be exchanged for large bills. Whisper a conspiracy with this set aside money:

Give me, Lord, a good hour, bring me, Lord, into the rank of angels, into the hands of the Most Pure Mother of God, into the mother’s heart. And how many ceilings there are in this temple, that’s how much money I have today; and how in this hut the two mothers are strong, and so strong are my profits; Just as those mothers keep the ceilings, so my profits keep my money. Amen.

You'll see - in just a short time, the debt money will begin to grow by leaps and bounds, and you will quickly pay off all your debts. Just remember: you can’t spend this debt money on anything other than paying off the debt!

Sometimes, in order to achieve success in any business, you can resort to good magic. Exists a large number of various spells for good luck, luck, getting what you want in any professional activity. These include a conspiracy to make things work out, rituals for success in an important project, rituals for business.

Conspiracies will help you successfully conclude a deal

The benefits of reading conspiracies before starting a business

When we call on the Higher Powers, we let them into our lives with the hope that they will help us cope with difficulties and bless us with success. When starting a new business, we usually think through every step that will lead us to a certain result. But our expectations are not always met, so it is advisable to use practical magic in the form of prayers and spells.

“Lord, instruct the Angel, the Guardian given to me, so that he does not forget my sinful soul and lead me along the easy path to the success I have planned!

The source of my gratitude will not dry up, for I am your servant with all my soul and heart.

Angel, Mentor, give me hints in an unknown matter.

Take away human anger and worldly envy.

Make the road smooth, remove the stones from my feet, so that the path is smooth and the fruits rich for the good of the Creator. Reward me for my labors according to my zeal. I trust only in your mercy, help me in my endeavors. Instruct with your tips and show the path of truth. Amen!".

To make any of your business crowned with success, you can additionally light a candle in the church for your health and the health of your enemies, or order a prayer of thanks for yourself. This will give you strength, strengthen your nerves, and improve your overall health. You can also light a lamp near the Guardian Angel icon to give praise and show respect and gratitude to the Lord for help and guidance. Do not skimp on donations to the church: giving from pure heart, you will get a hundred times more.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for success and good luck

Conspiracies for any matter

A conspiracy for a successful business is read on the eve of it - the day before or before bedtime. You can ask the Lord for luck in absolutely any activity that is important to you, be it professional activity, starting a business, or economic work, hobby, etc. The main thing is that it is carried out with pure thoughts. But you must understand that the Almighty will not do all the work for you and will not fulfill all your desires overnight, but will only help you, endowing you with insight, luck and fortune. Before relying on God’s will, you must work hard yourself: draw up a business plan, carry out the necessary calculations, analysis, foresee risks, do everything possible to achieve success.

We usually call on the Lord only when we need something, and more often than not our prayers go unheard. And all because we do it for selfish purposes. In order for our affairs to improve, it is necessary to pray to the Lord of Heaven every day, thanking Him for everything that exists, devoting our souls to Him, working in His name and for the good of people. Only in this case will you receive the blessing of the Lord.

Here are the words of the sacred text with which you need to cry out to God every morning:

“Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me.

Let me completely surrender to Your Holy will.

At every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that everything is Your Holy will.

In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings.

In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone.

Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love everyone unfeignedly. Amen".

Remember that you need to ask the Lord to act not as you yourself want, but as He pleases. God has his own will for everything, and you cannot predict how you will get what you want. It is not necessary to fast to fulfill this prayer. The main thing is to try to suppress earthly sins and cleanse your soul. Such strong conspiracy You can read it for any purpose, even in the most difficult situations you will see the power of sacred words.

Hex “Knot of Luck”

This conspiracy is said when they want to get good luck in an important matter. It is very simple, but effective, and does not require serious rituals or fasting. Suitable for any person and business. All you need is silk thread. Tie a knot in the center of it and while doing this, say the spell three times:

“As the end meets the end, so things would come together for me. Amen".

After this, you must place the charmed thread on the threshold. When you leave home to do your business, step over the thread and say the spell again. You can’t throw it away; leave it until you return.

There is another version of the spell:

“Just as this knot is tied, so for us, the servants of God (name), the matter (such and such) soon came together. Amen".

These sacred words are just as effective. The ritual rules and props remain the same.

Magic for starting a business

The text of the prayer goes like this:

“Lord, God, bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak forest, I, the servant of God (name), will wash myself with water and dew; I will rub myself with woven, spun cloth, and I, the servant of God (name), will stand between heaven and earth; I will become frequent stars; I will gird myself with white light; I, servant of God (name), will close myself in the bright young month. And I, servant of God (name), will pray to the Most Pure Mother of God: Most Pure Mother of God, close and protect from all trouble, all sin and poverty. And what will I pray to you for, and what will I worship you for, Most Pure Mother of God: pray for me, the servant of God (name), and for my providence Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King, created heaven and earth, and all the saints of Christ, and all the disciples of Christ, and us sinners, and have mercy on all. Amen"

We must remember that selfishness and greed are vices, so we cannot alone enjoy the results of our work, given to us by the Lord. When we share the fruits of our labor with other people, our business improves.

Prayer for a successful business start

Appeals to the Saints

In order for your business to start successfully, progress effectively and be successfully completed, you can pray for help not only to the Almighty Lord, but also to other Holy Powers. They help both in business and you personally: they relieve anxiety, remove fear, add confidence and inner strength. You can turn to the Guardian Angel, Jesus Christ and your Patron Saint, who is designated in the calendar for your birthday.

Usually, prayers to the Saints do not require rituals, but only sacred words, which are important to be pronounced sincerely a certain number of times with the required intonation.

It is also not necessary to fast. You can read prayers at home or in church in front of icons with images of specific Saints to whom you are addressing. If Higher help is needed immediately in a difficult situation, then simply mentally or whisperly turn to the Lord or His assistants, saying a prayer, after which be sure to thank them.

Jesus Christ

To make your affairs come together, light a candle, place it in front of the image of Jesus Christ and while doing this, mentally imagine the progress of your affairs and their successful completion. These are the words of the prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Bless me for my plan and bestow patience and good luck. May all efforts turn out to be successful, and may your endeavors not end in failure. Thy will be done. Amen". Pronounce the words clearly, slowly, repeat the entire text three times. Better conspiracy

perform in the morning so that the entire coming day is successful and productive. After this, put out the candle and kiss the icon.

A candle should be lit in front of the icon of Jesus

Nicholas the Wonderworker

It also helps to achieve success in your endeavors. You need to pronounce the sacred text in front of the icon with his appearance. But if you don’t have such an icon, it doesn’t matter, you can simply mentally imagine the image of the Saint. In this case, it is important not to be distracted, not to lose sight of your thoughts and imagine how you are talking to God’s helper. If you think about business or anything else, your prayer will not be heard.

Words of prayer:

“Pleasant Nicholas, Protector and Savior. Grant me peace in vain matters and do not be angry at a sinful request. Endow me with diligent hard work and protect me from hefty failures. Thy will be done. Amen".

It is also better to pronounce the spell in the morning. Like all prayers, it requires repetition three times.

Matrona of Moscow

It also helps to achieve success in your endeavors. You need to pronounce the sacred text in front of the icon with his appearance. But if you don’t have such an icon, it doesn’t matter, you can simply mentally imagine the image of the Saint. In this case, it is important not to be distracted, not to lose sight of your thoughts and imagine how you are talking to God’s helper. If you think about business or anything else, your prayer will not be heard.

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Before starting a difficult task, I turn to you with a righteous prayer. Protect me from risks, breakdowns, bruises and breaks. Save my body from mutilation and injury, and my soul from every temptation. Thy will be done. Amen".

You can contact the Holy Matrona of Moscow anywhere, not necessarily in a church or at home in front of an icon with her image. In difficult situations, you can turn to her mentally or say a prayer in a whisper. You will receive an answer to your prayers immediately.

There are prayers addressed to the blessed Matrona, which will help you heal your soul and business from the evil eye or damage. There are also prayers for work that remove troubles such as low wages, conflicts in the team, failure to find a new job, etc.

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow


There is success in business. You can turn to God or His holy helpers for help. Some conspiracies require fasting or performing certain rituals, but most of them are simple prayers that must be said every day or on the eve of important events. It is important to sincerely turn to the Higher Powers and believe in their ability to influence your life.

Are you not sure about the successful outcome of your planned business? Don't lose hope. Powerful conspiracies that will help you achieve success in any endeavor will be your help.

Luck and destiny can be controlled. Esotericists say that luck follows on the heels of each of us. Most people already know how to control their destiny in such a way as to achieve happiness and avoid problems. You just need to know the right conspiracies with which you can achieve a successful outcome in every case. With the help of effective luck spells, you can make any life circumstances work for you.

A spell for good luck in any business

With the help of this spell, you can turn absolutely any object into a powerful amulet, which will help you easily receive good luck in any plans. You can turn an item into a good luck talisman on the New Moon. To do this, wait until midnight, pick up the thing you want to turn into an amulet, and say the following plot clearly and clearly:

“The moon was born, gained power, and shared its power with me. Just as the Moon and the sky are inseparable, so I will never miss luck - it will bother me and follow me in my footsteps.”

After reading the plot, it is advisable to place the future talisman where the rays of moonlight will fall on it. Practitioners recommend leaving the item charged with the energy of the moon all night. After that, it can be used by anyone who needs instant luck when achieving a certain goal. In order for the power of the talisman to strengthen and not disappear, it is recommended to read the plot every New Moon. Otherwise, after two or three months, your luck will dissipate.

Spell for financial success

For a joyful and problem-free life, we all need money luck. To neutralize problems with money and attract long-awaited happiness, a very powerful ancient conspiracy is used. It contains enormous power that will definitely help you get rid of financial troubles and achieve your goals at work or in business.

The spell for money luck is read on coins. Coins of any denomination are considered conductors of monetary energy and catalysts of luck. After reading the plot, the newly created talismans need to be put in a wallet, bag, pocket outerwear, in the doorway of your own home, as well as in the places where all your savings lie. The plot goes like this:

“Money leads to money, coins to coins, luck to luck. My house is a full cup, I am no longer afraid of losing money. Money and luck are now always on my heels.”

A powerful spell for good luck

Cast a spell over any ring that you wear more often than others. You can talk and wedding ring. With the help of an ancient spell that our ancestors used, you can make an effective amulet that will become an indispensable assistant in your plans. Before you begin the spell, place the ring in a container of salt water for three days. The salt will take away all the negativity and prepare the item for the ritual. After the allotted time, take out the ring, rinse it with cold running water and begin the ritual.

You will need 12 church candles, 1 glass of holy water and a ring. Place candles around the glass. Dip the ring into holy water and read the spell from a piece of paper:

“There are 12 church candles burning on my table, I call on twelve saints for help (say the names of the 12 apostles or saints to whom you most often pray). I pray for help in a good cause. Forgive my sins and call for luck in their place. Amen".

The powerful energy of the ring will help you fulfill your plans. Be sure to wear a ring so that good luck will accompany you in everything. You cannot transfer your ring into the wrong hands, otherwise the conspiracy will lose its power.

A simple spell for good luck

Before you go on an important matter, whisper a spell over the water:

“I drink my luck, I talk myself into success. Let your plans be fulfilled."

Conspiracy to return good luck

Luck can turn away from you at any moment, especially if you allow yourself 10 bad thoughts and actions. If suddenly for some reason your luck has left you, you definitely need to attract it back. One proven conspiracy will help with this:

“I have put (put) everything in order, I will order you to return the lost luck to me, I will give you your failure in return.”

When reading the plot, think about the good. Positive thoughts attract good luck.

Don't be afraid that luck will leave you, because you can always get it back. There is no such thing as absolute luck. It is important to remember this if you decide to make friends with luck. Joining in new job, realizing new plans and your dreams, act: happiness and success will follow. We wish you success in everything, endless good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.06.2018 05:10

Many conspiracies are most effective to carry out at the beginning of the month. They can not only enhance the flow of life...

White magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zechariah! Zachary

A conspiracy to ensure that the business you started ends in success

Lord, God, bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak forest, I, the servant of God (name), will wash myself with water and dew; I will rub myself with woven, spun cloth, and I, the servant of God (name), will stand between heaven and earth; I will become frequent stars; I will gird myself with white light; I, servant of God (name), will close myself in the bright young month. And I, servant of God (name), will pray to the Most Pure Mother of God: Most Pure Mother of God, close and protect from all trouble, all sin and poverty. And what will I pray to you for, and what will I worship you for, Most Pure Mother of God: pray for me, the servant of God (name), and for my providence Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King, created heaven and earth, and all the saints of Christ, and all the disciples of Christ, and us sinners, and have mercy on all. Amen.

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To do the job well I - good man, and everything I do is good! I love what I do! I like the way I work. I'm doing great. I am worthy of approval. I am worthy of praise. And I praise myself and approve. I'm happy when I receive good result. I

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A conspiracy so that the work begun will end in success. Lord, God, bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak forest, I, the servant of God (name), will wash myself with water and dew; I will wipe myself with woven, spun cloth, and I, servant of God (name), will stand between

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A conspiracy for every good deed and honest providence Glory to Thee, our God, Glory to Thee! I will go at sunset, at the dawn of the bright month. Give, Lord, new moon for good deeds and honest work, golden horns, and for me, Thy servant (name), Thy God's blessing on

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In order for the matter to come together During the conspiracy, tie a thread in a knot, put it across the threshold, whisper three more times and go about the matter for which the conspiracy was made: As this knot is tied, so it would be for us, the servants of God (names or name) thing (such and such) soon

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To win the case in court, I will get up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go out into an open field, in this open field there are iron bars and damask gates. I will stand, slave (name), between iron bars, damask gates and on my own head

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A conspiracy if your case is being considered by officials You will need: water, a cup, a candle, a silver coin Place of the ritual: premises Time: before going to the institution What to do: On the eve of the consideration of the case, you need to go to church and buy three candles there. Put

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So that the matter will come together. As this knot is tied, so for us, the servants of God, the matter (specify what) will come together soon. Tie the thread in a knot and say it three times

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To win the case in court From the letter: “For several months now we have been suing the people who occupied part of our site. I know that according to the law, the truth should be on our side, but we still walk in a vicious circle. Do those with whom we are suing know some word,

There are times when fortune turns away from us - to return its protection we need to use conspiracies for success.

It often happens that at the last moment things break down and luck slips out of your hands. It would seem that some little thing was missing to achieve the goal.

Some start all over again, some nervously give up what they started. But there is a way out that will help you return everything to its place and become more successful. These are ancient spells that were used by our distant ancestors.

There is both a general conspiracy to attract good luck, and those that are aimed at solving individual problems - work, personal, love.

In progress

Each of us dreams of a carefree and happy life. We spend a lot of time at work, and our financial success depends on it.

We often have conflict situations in the workplace. These include quarrels with colleagues, reprimands from superiors, and unsuccessful deals with partners.

Is there a way to help change the current situation? Which one will bring good luck? Of course have!

But remember once and for all: all rituals and ceremonies are carried out in a clean room and with pure thoughts. The preparatory stage is an important part of success. Clean the apartment, take a bath, put on clean clothes. And only after all this can you safely turn to the Higher Powers for help.

Take a pen from work that you have used many times before. And, placing it on the table, say:

“Serve my pen faithfully, be friends with my pen, live without bothering me, write letters together and solve problems. How much ink there is in a pen, so much strength I have! I can write and write with my pen, and I can find the job I need! To be paid, to be cared for; They appreciated that it was not boring, that it was handy. As said, so be it. Forever and ever. Amen"

Now tie a thread over the cap white and put the pen in your bag or pocket for a day. The main thing is that no one pulls her out or sees her at all.

Carry the charmed pen to work for three months. After this period, you will experience significant changes for the better. Your talisman will completely change the attitude towards you: your bosses and colleagues will begin to value and respect you.

In business

A real businessman should start every day with a special spell:

“The sun is shining in the sky, giving its warmth to everyone. Give me success, good luck, may my business succeed. The sun is a source of life, a stream of bright light. Give me luck so that everyone can be luckier"

When you wake up (and it’s better to do this at sunrise), turn your gaze outside the window. Look at the sky, at the trees, feel how the wind sways their leaves. Smile at the new day and say the words of a conspiracy for success in business.

After that, get ready for work with calm thoughts. And rest assured that luck is in your pocket today. You are under the reliable protection of a guardian angel. Use your full potential to your advantage, and what you want will definitely come true.


If you decide to ask the Higher Powers to help you in your studies, first go to the temple of God. This will clear your thoughts of unnecessary things. You will be ready for new knowledge.

When you return home, read the plot for personal success in front of a burning candle:

“I’m sitting on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads, about three remarkable minds. Everyone sees, everyone knows, they sound in my ear. Messengers will show me the truth, they will tell me the right answers. I will boast of my knowledge and seek universal recognition.”

When will you achieve desired results(successfully pass the exams, defend your diploma), go to church again and light a candle.

In business

Many people believe that achieving success in financial matters is an unrealistic task. Constant problems with money lead to a loss of self-confidence. You stop feeling like you are part of society.

If you want to correct the situation, and do not have evil intent in your soul, feel free to turn to the power of magic spells.

A special ritual to attract money and success in business matters will help you cope with an unsuccessful period in life. It is held on Wednesday during the new moon phase. Ideally, if there are no clouds in the sky at this time, the ritual will give the best result.

You will also need to have on hand:

  • a cup of water;
  • gold ring;
  • yellow coins.

Tune in maximum effect and begin the sacred procedure. Remember that a lot depends on your faith. Imagine how much your life will change when you become more successful in material terms.

Prepare all the necessary things and perform the ritual at exactly twelve o’clock at night:

  • sit comfortably at the table, put water in front of you, lay out coins and a ring;
  • throw them into the cup and hold it firmly in front of you;
  • think about money, about the desired changes;
  • and now say the words:

“Merciful God, I need your help, protect me! Your immense power and grace, touch my destiny and life with your hand that brings light. Give me light, luck and prosperity. Do not give up in all endeavors and problems. Bless me for good luck in my labors, for all my deeds are for good. Amen!"

You can go to bed. Don't be afraid of anything and don't think about anything. If all actions were performed correctly, then soon you will feel positive results ritual. If nothing has changed, repeat the ritual again - perhaps you did something wrong.

In a court

Proceedings in court are a long and not always pleasant process. And the results of meetings do not always bring joy.

It turns out that you can influence a judge's decision with a little magic. But remember that the Universe will only help you if you are really right. Otherwise, all the negativity will turn against you. Never try to use magic to harm another person.

So, in the morning before the court hearing, sit comfortably and read the following plot for a successful outcome of the case:

“The Lord came down from the seven heavens; the Lord brought seventy-seven castles from seventy-seven languages. Close, Lord, all people, secret and open enemies, envious people, tormentors, zealots who are planning evil against me, unrighteous judges, eyes and mouths, so that the servant of God (the servant of God (her name)) will not have trouble and misfortune. Throw the key into the ocean - sea. Whoever can get God’s key will be able to condemn me.”

For good luck (video)

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site
