Scenario of the anniversary to the son of 30 years from the mother. Competition "Winter Party"

The 30th anniversary is, perhaps, the most long-awaited and memorable anniversary in everyone's life. If you, your husband, son, father or other loved one will soon have such a holiday, you just need a competent script for the 30th anniversary of a man. Such an event should be epic for the hero of the day. Only an enchanting mood, pleasant memories, the best treats and the most interesting entertainment!

We create a festive atmosphere

First of all, you should pay attention to the birthday boy's hobby. For example, if he collects something (medals, coins, photos, stamps, etc.), then why not put his trophies under glass. Let the guests admire and sigh with delight. Buy helium balloons and hang them from the ceiling, and on ribbons attach photos of the hero of the day, where he is at different ages. You can also install a wish board by decorating it with gold glitter. Everyone can come up and leave a few lines with warm wishes.

Let the number "30" flaunt everywhere. Order a personalized birthday cake, decorate the walls with posters with the "30" depicted on them, and you can also give the birthday boy a soccer jersey with this number.

Do not forget to make a good selection of music to set the best mood. It has long become a tradition to include the famous song of the "Gas Sector" group on the 30th anniversary. Let it be present in the playlist. Take care of the festive table, invitations and outfits. And don't miss the program key - the script is ready to run. Everything should be carefully thought out, contests are selected taking into account the wishes of the guests and the hero of the day. Much depends on the nature of the participants. Someone loves outdoor games, someone is more interested in quizzes, and for someone, serve it hot. If in your case everyone has different moods, try to organically combine the necessary entertainment into one scenario.

Where to spend a man's 30th birthday?

  • Outdoors. Many men are very close to this way of celebration. They are literally attracted by the harsh natural realities! Go away into the forest, breathe freshness, get firewood, fry juicy meat, set up a tent and disassemble a backpack. And there, to each his own. Some go to the river with fishing rods, some for a guitar, and some just have a hearty chat and laugh around the fire! True, if your anniversary is in winter, you will have to postpone this idea.
  • Bars, clubs. If you are a child of the city and demanding of amenities, and also do not want to celebrate, burdening yourself with festive chores, your option is an entertainment institution. Loud music, delicacies, incendiary shows, dancing and full service.
  • Karaoke. This option is ideal for those who were born musically gifted with a sonorous voice. Why not celebrate 30 years in a karaoke bar ?! The main thing is to make sure that there is really high-quality sound equipment.
  • Big party. To conduct it, you will have to rent a room or go to a country house. Firstly, in order to celebrate in a big way and not crowded, and secondly, so as not to bother the neighbors. And already there, arrange an enchanting show, invite your favorite performers, invite dozens of guests and take a walk from the full breadth of the Russian soul!
  • Frosty anniversary. If your birthday is in winter, we suggest you get a special holiday experience. Skating, skiing, snowboarding - have fun! Well, if the winter is not snowy, forward to the ice arena!

Scenario for the 30th anniversary of the man. Battle for the prizes!

To make it easier to prepare for the holiday, we have developed for you a neutral scenario for the birthday of a 30 years old man, which should be perfect for celebrating such an anniversary. It is designed for 6 or more guests. Ideal if you will be celebrating in the largest space possible.


Hello, guests and our dear birthday boy! I congratulate you all on this significant event and invite you to raise your glasses to our hero of the day! Today he is 30 years old! And this is a great excuse to have some fun! And now I urge the bravest to start our program!

Competition "Lion - the king of beasts"

The king of beasts, or lion, is chosen from among those present, but, of course, most often the hero of the day becomes him. He takes a place of honor - an impromptu throne. After that, the lion chooses one of the guests and without a word tries to explain to him the role of which animal he should play. The guest's task is to understand the king of beasts and approach him so that you can see what kind of animal he is. So, the hare has to gallop, the snake has to crawl, and so on. After all the players gather at the feet of the lion, the most intelligent and artistic of them receives a prize.


While our "tsar" is happy with his entourage, I suggest not to stop and continue in the same spirit to maintain a cheerful mood. Do we already have the following applicants?

Game-nomination "Who is the best?"

The essence of the competition is to highlight some bright and original feature of each of the guests. Usually young and interesting people are invited for 30 years, and each of them is pleased to emphasize their merits. Examples of nominations: "Most original hairstyle", "Shortest skirt", "Highest heel", "Most chic beard" and so on.

Contest "Find thirty!"

For this competition, you will need to prepare several types of items (usually 3-4), each in the amount of 30 pieces. The facilitator should arrange them in the room in such a way that several objects are in full view, and the rest are hidden. Players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal of the start of the competition, each of them takes for themselves those items that are in sight. The task of each team is to find the same hidden objects. The one that collects 30 of the same items faster gets a prize.


Let's take a break and raise our glasses to the birthday boy again! And let's all say a few warm words to the hero of the occasion! Just look at what kind of guy the parents brought up! Solid advantages! And then we will continue!

Game "What is thirty?"

The players sit in a circle and begin to say the composition of the number 30. The first says: 30 is 1 + 29, the second: 30 is 2 + 28, the third: 30 is 3 + 27 and so on. For each guest, the host assigns an action to the largest of their numbers. They can be as follows: 29 jumps, 28 squats, 27 compliments to the birthday boy, 10 associations with him, and so on, depending on the presenter's fantasy.


Have you heard the tale of the princess and the pea? Remember how the poor girl stayed up all night? But we are not princesses here, but real men! Let's see which of you can get rid of peas quickly. The smartest will receive a medal "For saving the dreams of all princesses"! Are there any nominees?

Competition "Catch a Pea"

Each of the contestants will receive a small saucer and fork. Each saucer is filled with 30 pieces of green canned peas. After the “start” command, the participants begin to eat them. Only 1 pea can be chopped onto a fork at a time. The winner is the one who can empty his saucer the fastest.


How can I look at those heroes! Shall we take a break? I'll prepare some more interesting entertainment for now.

Competition "Cinderella's Share"

This competition is attended by 2 people. They must arrange piles of different objects on 2 sides. The composition of the piles can be different: glasses and mugs, pencils and pens, and so on. The difficulty is that sorting is done with your eyes closed. The prize goes to the one who completes the task faster.

Contest "Guess the Artist"

This competition requires preparation. The host must have printed reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Painters must be famous and well-recognized: Van Gogh, Aivazovsky, Dali, Shishkin, Levitan, and so on. The reproductions are shown to the guests in turn. The one who was able to correctly name the painting and the author gets a prize. But in case of a mistake, the participant must fulfill the birthday boy's wish.

Game "A scent like a dog ..."

The presenter prepares several jars of substances that have a pronounced smell in advance. It can be shampoo, perfume, ammonia, valerian, mint, laurel and others. The task of each participant is blindfolded to guess the substance by smell. The one who succeeds, receives a prize, and whoever fails, performs a number for the hero of the day: reads a poem, sings a song, and so on.


Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye, but I have one more competition in store for last. Let's fight for the last prize!

Contest "Getting rid of knots"

The participants of the holiday are divided into teams. Each of them is given a rope or rope with the same number of knots. At the command of the leader, the participants of the competition must untangle the knots on the rope as quickly as possible. Each player only unties one knot. If there are fewer participants than there are knots, the remaining knot is untied by the first free guest. The team that first freed the rope from the knots wins and receives a prize.

A little about organizing a birthday celebration

A large number of future heroes of the day are trying to shift all the troubles onto the shoulders of companies that organize such actions. It also happens that the scenario of the anniversary of 30 years for a man in its grandeur is not inferior even to the celebration of a wedding. This is due to the fact that mainly at such holidays there are a large number of guests, a fairly wide cultural program, professional presenters and a competently composed entertainment part. Therefore, such a moment should remain in the memory for a long time. No mistakes can be made in the organization. In advance, you need to think over the number of toasts, which will alternate with wishes for the hero of the day and some interesting stories or memories. Such a holiday cannot do without fun and interesting contests, where you can please guests and plunge them into a carefree atmosphere. Without them, the anniversary will turn into a boring and banal feast.

What you need to do to make the holiday a success

An interesting and well-organized celebration will be remembered by guests for a long time. For everything to go at a high level, a good script must be prepared in advance. The main thing to consider is the number of years of the birthday person, his gender and preferences. For example, a jubilee scenario, when a man turns 30 or more, it does not matter, will differ from the scenario intended for a woman. But for people over 60 years old, such a development of events is categorically not suitable.

An example script for an anniversary

Good evening to dear guests! We have gathered here for a very pleasant occasion, because:

Today is not an easy day

Jubilee, golden,

Very festive in everything

This holiday is in full swing!

For three dozen, dear,

And what were they?

And with joy, and with grief,

With passivity and surprise!

In general, they lived them with dignity,

They deserve a round of applause!

The guests applaud, after which the meal begins. During the feast, there is a casual conversation. You can recall some of the merits and achievements of the birthday man. But all this should be in moderation. It is categorically not necessary to recall in detail and meticulously the whole life from childhood itself.

Details that won't let guests get bored

Take seriously your anniversary scenario. A 30-year-old man is considered to be that turning point when a person stands at half of his life. There is something to look back at, from which to draw conclusions, but there are still many years ahead. This is the heyday of strength, inspiration and energy. Therefore, the celebration should have wishes for the future, and a certain solemnity, and a lot of optimism. Therefore, the scenario for the 30th anniversary of a man should be thought out to the smallest detail and nuance, taking into account the specifics of this event. Everything should go according to plan, without any deviations. So that the guests and the hero of the day after the celebration will have only positive impressions. To do this, you need to come up with various contests that would amuse both the hero of the day and the guests.

Competition "Winter Party"

The terms of the competition are as follows. Everyone is invited to participate, then two teams are formed from the participants. At a distance of a couple of meters from them there are two chairs, on which lie: a jacket, a hat, a flask, vodka or mineral water (at the request of the guests and the hero of the day). Each team member must take turns running up to the chair, put on a jacket and hat, pour a glass of drink and drink. Which team will empty the tank faster, that one won. The prizes may vary depending on the choice of the drink that will be on the chair. If it is alcoholic, then the prize can be mineral water with the inscription "For tomorrow".

Take care of the location of the celebration

There are many options for celebrating the anniversary. A scenario for a man's 30th birthday might involve a visit to a nightclub or a restaurant, or an ordinary picnic in nature. All this depends only on the thoughts and desires of the hero of the day, as well as his financial capabilities. The main thing in the organization is to avoid punctures and not to miss any important details. For example, if you are planning to have a celebration outdoors, then you need to think about how your guests will get there. If this nuance is missed, the overall impression will be ruined, and the whole upcoming holiday will not be held in such a carefree mood. If you adhere to all these tips, then it will not be difficult for a man to compose a scenario for a 30-year anniversary.

ideas for the script

Scenario of a 30th anniversary for a man

To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends
Let me take the floor today!
We gathered for the anniversary
You dear person!
So we wish you many years
Love, health and good luck,
Destiny that will take away from troubles
And ours will solve the problem!
May all dreams come true
Trust me, they are realizable!
And as a source of kindness,
Give warmth to your loved ones!
Let the days, intertwining in a round dance,
They always bring happiness to your house!
And every year that comes
Add more tender passion!
So, friends, for the anniversary!
That everything came true and everything happened!
The years make us wiser -
Enemies in spite, friends at the mercy!

As you already understood, I spend this evening. But I need an assistant. Try each one under your chair - on the bottom of it - to find the attached whistle. Whoever has a whistle under the chair - must whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order.
Nothing happened
Just in the atomic age
Under the shining sky

A man was born!
He's more than a month old
He's more than a year old
30 exactly April,
he lives in the world
Nothing happened
With great wishes
We wish you
Always be young
And it's not a sin on this day
Raise our glasses
Wish you happiness
And wish love!

Ivan, hero of folk legends,
He was brave and daring,
Foreign adversaries
He prevailed.
The enemy fled when he saw him,
And not feeling my legs.
Know, for the happiness of Ivan
God gave us!

Well, now that everyone is sitting at the table
We will fill the glasses with
And the first toast is ready-

We drink for the birthday boy!
Well, while you are eating and drinking, of course there are some among you who adhere to the principle “between the 1st and the 2nd interval is not long”, I would like to report the forecast of today's celebration: Today is expected to be Cloudy, anniversary hurricane with wine and vodka The temperature above the table is 40, the air is filled with fun. At night, there is a fog in my head, in the morning it may clear up. They also say that they do not go to a strange monastery with their own rules, and therefore I want to read out the rules of conduct for today's celebration for some guests
1. д. Banya, we ask you to have fun, otherwise we will not let you get drunk
2. Anya, you must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go without an invitation
3. Tolya, after the 10th glass, it is advisable to sing, but it is undesirable to elbow into the neighbor's plate.
4. T. Zina, I ask you not to lose heart, dance until you drop.
5. Katya, you can't dance while standing, dance while sitting
6. Sylvia, put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in your neighbor's pocket
7. Remember Olya: drink to the bottom, but don't lie down.
8.T.Masha undertakes to sing until tired
9. Sasha and Vanya are strictly prohibited from meeting under the table or on the roof

If you, before leaving, Discovered slightly on yourself other people's things This right does not matter.
But we strictly forbid
Go home then
When will be next to you
Someone else's husband or wife.
So, drink more, be sad less, don't hide the corks, don't eat flowers.
We continue our holiday, so I ask everyone to fill up their glasses and glasses.
In the meantime, dear guests are having a snack, I will briefly tell you about the life of our birthday boy.


Our birthday boy Ivan.
Like a brand new fifty dollars
That sparkles and glitters
You are a birthday boy today,
"Dazzling to look at"!
Let's wish you a lot of money
The best moods
Lots of happiness, meeting with friends
And pleasant dreams at night.
All possible wishes
Earthly blessings and new "knowledge".
Always be in great shape
Personal achievements

I wish you a good journey
Walk this path with friends
Health so as not to occupy,
And never lose heart.
Smiles, joy, good luck,
Live to be a hundred! And not otherwise.
30 years! Let this date
Will not give us a reason to be bored
After all, everyone has to
Celebrate this date
Though 30 and not 20 years old,
Don't be sorry for this
It's better not to find words
"Your years are your wealth!"
Wealth is nothing to count!
And the sentence is simple
Let's drink for the hero of the day!
I ask everyone to stand up, raise their glasses and drink to the hero of the day!
Friends, please look at this table. On it we see delicious, beautiful dishes. They were made by masters of their craft. Now look at each other. How beautiful and smart you are. All costumes, dresses, hairstyles were also made by masters of their craft. Now look at our hero of today's celebration. And it was created by the masters of their craft, his parents. Without them, there would not have been this happy holiday.

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for the parents.
For those who gave the joy of life,
And he opened the doors to the beautiful world.
For those who taught him kindness,
Endowed with considerable mind.
For those thanks to whom now
Vanya sits with a birthday boy among us.

So, let's fill our glasses and drink to the parents of our hero of the day, let them be happy and fun today.
Dear guests! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were many congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him yet. The floor is given to the sister and brother of the hero of the day.

Dear friends, we continue our evening dedicated to the 30th anniversary

Happy 30th anniversary
All friends are in a hurry to congratulate
And where would fate not wear them -
Everyone came here today.
We wish you health
And a long life without worries
Good luck, happiness and luck!
The time has come for big victories!

Let's all fill our wine glasses and drink to the happiness and health of our birthday boy!

Wow, I'm looking. Are you moving something? Wait, I'll introduce you to the bylaws of our evening. Our charter states:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that 20__. Ivan's anniversary is not canceled
3. Remember: for a start, everyone did not interfere with a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

And now the floor is given to the beloved wife of the hero of the day.

We congratulate you on a significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And many sincere friends.
We do not give to the birthday boy
No headsets, no rings
Surely you will take it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

I offer a word for congratulations to friends. Dear guests, dear birthday man, a children's nursery squad "Mouse" has come to your holiday!

Congratulations to Uncle Vanya
Our favorite kindergarten,
Sends greetings to you dear
Junior nursery squad.
We promise to listen to Vanya,
Always go to the pot,
When everyone ate the porridge,
We'll take away the cups.
Be healthy, Uncle Vanya!
Many many more days
We promise that we will come
To you for the hundredth anniversary!

Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with little white, and drip red into the glasses.

Do you want to believe
If you want, don't believe
A beast roams somewhere nearby.
Does not live in a dense forest,
In the Russian language, powerful.
This beast is called "elk"
- It has long been so.
May "ELS" be with you,
For three to drink,
To want and be able
So that happiness does not end,
To dream of good things, to make things happen
So that everything always comes true!

We want to congratulate you
With a wonderful date - thirty years.
You have already achieved a lot
But then all the forces flourished.
Let hope never
Your earthly will not leave the path.
May he be full of good luck!
We wish you not to turn away from it!

The Canary Islands have only 350 sunny days out of 365 days a year.
So we wish you, Vanya, that in your life there was a ratio of joyful and sad days.
But the natives in the Canary Islands are far from stupid. On those 15 days when there is no sun, they all get together in their big huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mango fruits. And again they have a good mood in their souls, again the sun is shining in their souls. And you, Vanya, on gloomy and rainy days, do not forget to take mango fruits. And if you don't have juice at hand, use any substitute from 12 to 40 degrees

For your anniversary!
Thirty years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you that
The soul did not grow old over the years.
So that creativity does not leave,
To make the table wide from wine
To make music sound in the house
To make my wife love more.
Birthday is a crucial step
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
May good luck not leave you!

Hear, Ivan, such a thing -
The vodka boiled in the glasses
Schaub she didn't run out of steam
We need to sip a little for us.
For a reason for this
Let's say a small toast.

Masha and Glasha meet.
- Masha, how is your husband Misha?
- As he drank, he drinks, as he beat, he beats.
- Well, thank God, if only I didn't get sick!
For the health of all those present!

Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is drawing to a close. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

We walked nicely on your holiday
No where have we seen a more beautiful holiday
So be healthy, live richly,
And we are leaving home to the hut!
The evening ends with songs and dances.

In advance, you need to prepare rubber gloves according to the number of participants in the competition. They will need to be filled with water, tied on top and hung on a rope, secured well with clothespins. The leader quickly walks along the rope and pierces one of the fingers of each glove with a needle, after which he gives the command "Start". Participants grab bowls or other containers and try to milk all the liquid from the glove into the container as soon as possible. The fastest milker or milkmaid wins.

King of beasts

The hero of the day is usually chosen as the king of beasts, the lion. He sits on the throne and, pointing to the next guest, tries to explain to him with gestures and facial expressions who he is. And this guest should, according to his role, approach the lion. If the guest was shown long ears with gestures, and he decided that he was a hare, then he should gallop to the lion, and if he was shown a writhing snake, then he should crawl and so on. When all the animals have gathered at the feet of the king, he rewards the most intelligent and skillful with something delicious.

Catch up in 30 seconds

Guests are divided into pairs: a man-woman. Each pair is given an orange. There are two options for the development of events by the "start" command:
A man peels an orange and a woman eats it;
Both the man and the woman peel together and then eat the orange without using their hands.
The couple who complete the task in 30 seconds will win and receive a prize.

A fairy tale for the birthday boy

Guests must compose a fairy tale about the birthday man, relying on the real life of the hero of the day and their imagination. Each guest in turn tells one sentence, trying to support the theme of the previous narrator, but one rule must be followed: use the number 30 in any form (thirty, thirtieth, etc.). The result will be an interesting fictional story that will delight the hero of the day, for example, Our birthday boy was born in a certain kingdom 30 years ago. For the first 30 minutes, he wet his finger. The kid grew by leaps and bounds, because he ate as many as 30 tablespoons of delicious porridge. Once our Andryusha went into a dense dense forest, where 30 tall trees grew. He wanted to find a magic mushroom, about which there was a legend that it weighs 30 kilograms and can fulfill any 30 wishes. Etc. Whoever forgets about the rule and does not insert "30" into his sentence is eliminated from the game. The rest of the guests receive prizes for their imagination, ingenuity and diligence. And the hero of the day will tell a new fairy tale to his children.


Each of the guests counts in a circle, 30 is 1 + 29, the second: 30 is 2 + 28, the third: 30 is 3 + 27, and so on. And the presenter names the action that the guest must perform with his second number, for example, 29 compliments to the birthday boy, 28 wishes, 27 character traits of the birthday boy, 15 squats for the birthday boy, 5 jumps to the ceiling, 2 poems associated with the birthday boy, 1 song with the name birthday boy and so on.

30 "no"

What he likes to do, what the hero of the day prefers in food and music, all the guests probably know, but what categorically he would not like to do and that, for example, he would never eat or listen, not everyone can guess. Guests are divided into teams of several people, each team receives a leaf and a pen, and when the host gives a "start", the teams must make a list of 30 "no" heroes, for example, does not eat fish, does not listen to rap, does not like red , does not use the services of a beauty salon, does not play cards, does not like sleeping under a blanket, and so on. The team that is faster than the others will make the list of 30 “no” heroes of the day and will win.

30 peas

It's simple: for each participant, 30 peas (green canned peas) are poured onto a saucer and each has one fork. At the start command, the participants must prick the peas and eat them. Whoever can eat his dish faster than anyone else won.

Anniversary kisses and hugs

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. In the center of the room is the hero of the day, and at the same distance from him the teams of guests. The first participants receive a ball and place it on the floor between their legs. At the start command, the first participants run, or rather, jump (jump) to the hero of the day, trying not to lose the ball (otherwise they will have to return to their starting position) and, depending on the gender, either kiss him (women) or hug him (men) and rush back, pass the ball to the second participants and stand at the end of the team. The team that kisses and hugs the hero of the day faster, that is, the team with the first participant to be the first will win. Both the hero of the day is pleased, and the guests are happy.

Eat baguette bread for 30 years

For this competition, you will need small (thin) bread baguettes. And then the development of events in two ways:
Participants are divided into pairs and each pair on the command "start" must eat a baguette faster than the others, one participant starts from one end, and the other from the other;
Each participant on the command "start" begins to eat a baguette, trying to do it faster than the others.
Whoever completes the task faster will win.

30th Anniversary Scenario

We planned a bachelor party
But apparently we were late
Inform our guests,
That this holiday is not for ladies.
You ladies, forgive us,
Discuss among yourself
And answer me now:
"Are you staying with us?"
(Answer: "Yes!")
Leading (to women):
All men will be guests
There are reasons for the visit.
So there is nothing to be sad
It is worth twisting them all.
Host (to guests):
But if everyone is gathered,
Even the women stayed
We open this holiday,
What is called an anniversary!

May the punishment not touch all of us,
Let's raise a toast to the hero of the day!

Sergey is a prominent guy
And for many, he is enviable.
Because we all, friends,
You can't argue with him at all!
He does not name the age,
He hides everything under secrecy.
I give you exactly the answer:
"The hero of the day is not enough."
If you want to live wonderfully
Perform the rituals on this birthday.
Since this is a sacred thing,
We bring you dear wine.
So that there is always a balyk in the house,
Take 30 drops of wine on your tongue.
(With a pipette, drop 30 drops on the tongue of the hero of the day.)
To drink cognac in the evenings,
You should drink 30 grams of this wine today.
(They pour 30 grams to the hero of the day.)
So that your life goes smoothly,
We will consecrate you with this wine.
(With a brush dipped in wine, the hero of the day is “sanctified” his ears, chin, and nose.)
After going through all these rituals,
Pour wine into the glasses for the guests.
(The hero of the day pours a drink for the guests.)

My call is pretty simple -
"Let's raise this toast for the age of the hero of the day!"
(They drank.)

Host: In ancient Rome, a man before this age was considered a youth, at this age - a youth, after that - a mature man. Congratulations to the hero of the day with the entry from adolescence into adolescence, so to speak, with initiation into puberty, with the fact that he goes from unkissed to kissed. The women present today, I hope, will help make the transition from one age to another, leaving their kisses under the numbers on this portrait of the hero of the day.
(The portrait of the hero of the day starts up in a circle. All the fairer sex leave kisses under the numbers.)
Host: I am delighted to inform you that we will define two happy kisses right now.
(The hero of the day takes out 2 cards with lucky numbers from the bag. The winners are given gifts that must be applied immediately. 2 packages are given out. Each of them contains: shaggy wig, foam ears, foam lips with an elastic band, text with words.) Host: Our girls so good!
We have prepared a speech for you with all our hearts.
(The girls read the text.)
First girl: We didn't think when we came that we would get to the bachelor party.
Second girl: And her hair stood on end when we found out about it.
First girl: And our ears were red when they wanted to start without us.
Second girl: We immediately pouted our lips for being dragged into the adventure.
First girl: But despite this, we are all glad to tell you one thing, that our hero of the day is “just a class”. For this we ask you to drink!
(They drank.)
Since we have a bachelor party here,
Then the reason to drink will not be superfluous.
We give the floor to the guests,
We expect a good toast from everyone.
(Congratulations to the guests.)
Host: We continue our bachelor party
And we invite you to dance.
Host: We present a jug to the birthday man in a dance,
Today we ask you to accept it from the bottom of our hearts.
Our dear hero of the day!
When you taste the contents of the jug,
Then you can see the fabulous genie.
(The hero of the day drinks water from a jug, a genie appears.)
Genie: You rubbed your jug \u200b\u200bfor a reason,
The genie is now free.
I will be your servant
Any order I will fulfill yours.
I read your thoughts
I have known about the anniversary for a long time.
You don't have to tell me
I know what to give you.
So that the aches disappear into the bones immediately,
Dance with us "Belly Dance".
(Oriental music sounds. "Girls" in burqa, trousers perform a dance, attracting the birthday boy.)
Genie: When I served with the godfather before you,
He dreamed already in a dream: “Oh! Chaikhana! "
I decided not to wait for an order from you,
And create your best teahouse for your anniversary.
I know that you don't smoke at all
But you will sip this pipe
And through it so casually
You will taste magic tea.
And to make it more fun
Compete with one of the guests.
(The birthday boy and the participant of the game wear oriental dressing gowns, skullcap, turban; carry out "tea" (gas water) in vessels and give a pipe - 1 m long cocktail straws glued with tape. Whoever drinks the contents of the vessel through the tube faster is the winner.)
Genie: They say the mighty genie
One wins all.
Yes! And this is not a lie
Offer me a test!
Okay, don't torment yourself with thoughts,
I will offer you a game.
In every bank
A genie is sitting
He is still one
How many of them will you type,
You will gain so much strength.
The strongest wins
This one gets the prize.
(12 cans of “Gin and Tonic” are placed on the floor. 2 participants are selected. At the signal of the host or the genie, they collect cans of “Gin and Tonic” with their eyes closed. Who collects more?)
Genie: Oh! Lord!
I tried to cheer you up now,
Surprise with wonderful wonders from the east.
I leave with permission
And I will try not to interfere with you.
(The genie leaves.)
Host: Today the birthday person is more fun for us,
And this is due to what awaits guests.
I came to the bachelor party a long time ago
A shoemaker who sings and acts in films.
(A shoemaker appears with two bags of shoes, sings a song to the soundtrack.)

Song to the melody of D. Tukhmanov
The shoemaker wrote a song all day
Today he composes for all and sundry.
Anniversary congratulations for the first time
He sends him greetings and does not bypass you.

Just don't worry
Just don't interrupt.
Maybe it will come out, maybe not
New song instead of boots.

We are similar to the hero of the day in almost everything
And every day we dream about one thing,
So that the work in life is to your liking,
Then all things will go smoothly.

Shoemaker: I brought a bag of shoes here as a gift to the hero of the day,
Disassemble it in pairs, apparently, the deadline has already expired.
Jubilee, rather you come to the bag
And disassemble the shoes in size and pairs.
(The shoemaker gives the bag to the hero of the day.)
And if the guests also want to play,
Then I can get the second shoe bag.
(Gives the second bag to the participant of the game. Task: arrange shoes in pairs and sizes in ascending order. Competition. Awarding of the winner.)
Shoemaker: Dear birthday boy!
So that not a single leg gets tired,
Take these 2 boots as a gift.
No wonder they say that two boots are a pair. Our hero of the day also has his own half, which he values \u200b\u200bvery much. Let the boots become a family symbol and they will preserve your love forever.
(The shoemaker leaves.)
(Guests are invited to the table.)
Host: Yes!
Our hero of the day is like a clot of pepper,
Master's firm hand
And a heart loving a wife.
So let's all shout to him: "Hurray!"
Guests: Hurray! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Host: With her beauty the wife of the hero of the day struck everyone down a long time ago,
And I haven't made a toast yet.
We have been waiting for her performance for a long time,
After all, wine is poured into everyone's glasses.
(Toast to the wife of the hero of the day.)
Host: They say that a wife recognizes her husband out of a thousand with her eyes closed. We invite my wife to demonstrate this in practice. Since the hero of the day resembles a clot of pepper, his wife needs to smell the heart of her lover with her eyes closed. Several hearts with spices are offered, including pepper. What will the wife choose? (Guessing the heart of the hero of the day.)
Host: Dear Sergey!
So that you do not give your wife pepper,
Give her a loving heart more often.
Long live our revelry -
Cheerful and close circle!
On the right hand is a girlfriend,
On the left hand is a friend.
Here everyone is calm for friendship,
And in honor of this friendship it was given
Find out as soon as possible which
Plays wine in glasses.
So let's clink glasses, or what, if necessary,
So that she shines everywhere
And let's drink to male friendship,
For strong friendship - to the bottom!

Based on materials from [email protected]