What are the holidays in February? Events taking place in the world in February What dates are celebrated in February

The last month of winter is considered the most fierce one for a reason. These days, almost the entire territory of Russia is covered with special, fierce cold weather. Strong winds and frosts make it impossible to go outside. So that it is not boring to sit at home and bask around the heaters, celebrate the holidays with your friends and family.

Do you know what holidays can be celebrated in February? Probably, many will remember Defender of the Fatherland Day and Valentine's Day. Perhaps some will also remember that February 4 is Groundhog Day, which is also a very famous and interesting holiday in America.

But this is only 3 days out of 28, and in some years out of 29 ... Let's see what holidays can be celebrated on other days of February.

What holidays in February are celebrated in Russia?

February 2 - the Day of Military Glory is celebrated in Russia. On this day in 1943, the Russian army won the Battle of Stalingrad.

8 february all Russians will celebrate the Day of Russian Science. On this holiday, it is customary to congratulate Russian scientists, those who have contributed to the development of world science, as well as to honor the memory of already deceased scientists.

AND 10 february all of Russia congratulates all those who are somehow connected with diplomacy on their professional holiday - this day is the professional holiday of a diplomatic worker.

The 14th of February - the world famous Valentine's Day. This is Valentine's Day, and on this day it is customary to give your loved ones cards in the form of hearts.

February 18 - Day of the transport police. On this day, Russians congratulate relatives and friends who work in this field.

And here 21 february in Russia and all over the world it is customary to celebrate a holiday dedicated to the native language. On this day, feel the power of the Russian language, the brightness of its expressions and the variety of intonations. Thanks for our native language!

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday is familiar to very many. In Russia, on this day, it is customary to congratulate all men - those who, in a military situation, go to the battlefield to defend the territory and population of our country.

What interesting holidays are celebrated in the world in February?

1st of February - National Freedom Day is celebrated in the USA. This holiday is timed to coincide with the abolition of slavery in the United States in 1865, when President Abraham Lincoln introduced the 13th amendment to the country's Constitution.

February 2 the Day of the Groundhog, famous for one of the films, is celebrated. The essence of this holiday is to observe the behavior of marmots crawling out of their burrows, by which one can judge the approach of spring and the weather for the next few months. This holiday is celebrated mainly in North America - Canada and the USA.

February 9th in no case go to the dentists, because on this day they celebrate the World Day of Dentists.

Everyone knows that the USA is famous for its unusual holidays. But the one that is celebrated February 17is especially unusual. On this day, all Americans celebrate the Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness. Let us spontaneously show our kindness with the people of the States today.

The third month of winter is short. It has either twenty-eight or twenty-nine days. And, of course, the number of significant, important for the history of Russia and the world and holidays in it is less - does not reach even three dozen. However, everything is in order!

February 2 is listed on calendars, especially American and Canadian, as Groundhog Day. The season is already turning closer to spring. How fast is it coming? According to folk signs, a marmot tells about her approach. So he got out, say, out of his hole, and does not see his own shadow, therefore, get ready to change warm fur coats or "Alaska" for light jackets, otherwise you will sweat in your old attire. The marmot noticed its shadow under the sun, and instantly returned to the hole. There are still six weeks of cold ahead. Groundhog Day - both in the USA and Canada - is a national event, it is carefully prepared for it, and it is a breath-taking ritual!
But the seventh of February is the most important day for Christians - the Icon of the Mother of God. There are lists of her in every Orthodox church, large or small church. In the hands of the Mother of God, propping up her cheek, there is a Divine Infant with a scroll unfolded in his hands. The icon was brought to Moscow back in 1640 during the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. And placed in the church of St. Nicholas. She helped Belokamennaya more than once in her troubles - fires, natural and other hardships. She also responded to the very requests of ordinary mortals, about which there are many miraculous testimonies.

Two days later, that is, February 9, International Day of the Dentist comes. In English of this profile, doctors are called dentists. A truly world-class event has long roots. They leave at 249. At that time Apollonia of Alexandria lived in the world, who passionately believed in Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church did not like this very much, she was arrested, mercilessly tortured, her teeth pulled out with forceps - it did not help. They sent me to the stake. And she, with her unshakable faith in God, stepped into the flame herself. Numbered among the saints. If you are tormented by an intolerable toothache, say two words: "Santa Apollonia!"?, And relief will come to you - the saint helped. In Russia, the holiday has been celebrated relatively recently.
But the tenth of February is a holiday, consider all the hostesses, and the heads of families in the person of husbands - Brownie Day. Celebrating housewarming - be sure to invite him with you. He is the keeper of the hearth and comfort. But he is very strict and picky. If you are quarreling with him, do not expect good: he will certainly send you disasters - unexpected losses, breaking dishes for no reason, other misfortunes. The brownie loves peace and order in the family. Observe them, and he will be merciful to you. Just do not forget to thank him for this and certainly on the night of February 9-10 - leave various goodies for him, put one or the other penny on a plate. Appreciate your generosity, and will thank you!
February 14 comes Valentine's Day or. All lovers of the world are aware of him. Bookstores, newspaper and other kiosks sell many colorfully decorated with warm words and even in verse "valentines" - with declarations of love, devotion, wishes for a young man or girl for a long and happy life. And everyone knows the story of Valentine himself by heart. It was a priest who lived during the time of the cruel emperor Claudius II. He had in mind that conquest campaigns. He recruited all the young men in a row, categorically not allowing them to get married. And Valentine secretly married couples. For this he paid dearly. He was executed. But before that he was in love with the daughter of his jailer. Before he died, he left her a note with a fiery explanation of his feelings. The note became a "valentine"; now all lovers, including Russia, exchange it. And the holiday on February 14 did not appear at all by chance. It was installed by Pope Gelasius himself. And it happened on February 14, far from us in 496.
February 21 - International Mother Language Day. The decision on that appeared, as they say, with the light hand of UNESCO in 1999. But it began to be celebrated since the year 2000. As for languages, dialects, adverbs, there are a great many of them in the world. So the entire adult population of the earth is involved in the holiday, by the way, not only native languages \u200b\u200bare studied in the countries, but foreign ones, which brings different peoples closer together, helps to better study their mentality, to establish a live cultural exchange between them.
Well, and about the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, and there is no need to talk long. It is widely celebrated not only in Russia, but also in the CIS, although they have long had similar holidays, but on different dates. The significant day dates back to 1922, from the birth of the Red Army. And on February 23, many important things fall out. In 1942, Stalin summed up the results of the last eight months of the fierce struggle of the Soviet people against the German fascist invaders, which defeated the Nazis near Moscow. And a year later, on this very day, Field Marshal Paulus was captured. And nowhere else, but in Stalingrad itself. Moreover, not one - but together with his entire encircled group of more than two hundred thousand people, from which Hitler tore and threw in Berlin and after that his hands began to tremble from a nervous tic. On February 23, ladies give flowers and gifts to the "strong half", congratulations to men are heard at meetings in collectives, festive tables are set for them. In general, everything is as it should be. Then the "stronger sex" will thank the ladies in the same manner on Day 8 March.
February 27 - International Day of the Polar Bear. We call a clubfoot a polar bear. It lives in the ice of the Arctic Ocean, in the Arctic. But the trouble is - with the melting of ice, its number decreases. Now there are about 25 thousand white bears. And by 2050, if we don't help them, there will be a third less. Therefore, clubfoot and are listed in the Red Book. Measures have been developed and are being implemented to increase the size of this population.
Such are the holidays in February, significant and important events for Russia and the world!

International Bartender Day is a professional holiday that is celebrated annually on February 6. The growing popularity of this holiday in Russia has led to the emergence of some traditions of its celebration: various contests, quizzes and competitions between bartenders ... \u003e\u003e

Recently, a sufficient number of Russians have a strong desire to gain financial independence. The most profitable way to achieve your goal is to do business. Of course, for its successful conduct it is necessary to have certain, very specific knowledge ... \u003e\u003e

The long-standing tradition of celebrating domestic scientific achievements in Russia was interrupted, unfortunately, in the early 90s and was renewed only by the presidential decree of June 7, 1999 "On the establishment of the Day of Russian Science." According to this decree, the date of February 8 was not chosen by chance ... \u003e\u003e

No matter how difficult the profession of a military topographer, no matter how responsible the main business of a qualified specialist is, it will not take his fascination. But it is known that the work comes out especially high-quality if you feel like doing office work ... \u003e\u003e

At the start of the last winter month, pilots, stewardesses, mechanics who ensure the operation of air liners have been receiving congratulations for almost 90 years. The history of civil aviation began back in 1923, when on February 9 the decree “On the imposition of technical supervision ... \u003e\u003e

The tradition of celebrating February 9, "International Day of the Dentist" is gaining momentum around the world. There are good reasons to celebrate the Day of the Dentist on February 9, the day of St. Apollonia, the first of which is the amazingly attractive image of Apollonia that has come down to us through the centuries. Apollonia is a daughter ... \u003e\u003e

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on October 31, 2002, a professional holiday was established - the Day of the Diplomatic Worker, the celebration of which is scheduled for February 10. It was on February 10, 1549 that the earliest mention of the Ambassadorial Order - the first ... \u003e\u003e

February 10 (January 29 old style) cannot be considered a holiday date. On the contrary, this memorable date is tragic, because on this day in 1837 A.S. Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, whose name and work is widely known throughout the world, died. He was only 37 years old ... \u003e\u003e

In 1979, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Aeroflot Day was established, which is annually celebrated on the second Sunday of February. The official birthday of the Russian civil air fleet is February 9, 1923. It was on this day that the Labor and Defense Council adopted ... \u003e\u003e

Let us recall the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, when the whole country was rooting for its heroes: talented skaters, virtuoso skiers, brave snowboarders and many, many other great athletes. On February 7, 2015, the first Winter Sports Day in Russia ... \u003e\u003e

The most important thing in human life is health. It, as older people like to say, cannot be bought for any money. Here is a part of the population, wise with experience, and is engaged in maintaining good health, brewing herbal teas, regularly taking vitamin and mineral complexes, continuing ... \u003e\u003e

Maslenitsa is one of the happiest and brightest holidays. For a whole week, people see off the annoying winter, bake pancakes and visit each other. Shrovetide is called differently, but all the names mean the same thing. During Maslenitsa in Russia, all classes were fond of wild life and fun ... \u003e\u003e

According to statistics, employees of marriage agencies - namely, these institutions will be discussed in this material - have been able to connect the hearts of a considerable number of citizens around the world for more than 3.5 centuries! Representatives of the marriage business celebrate their professional holiday ... \u003e\u003e

In order to "swing" faster after sleep in the morning and get a boost of vivacity for further accomplishments, you can turn on the radio, where popular music tracks are broadcast around the clock. On February 13, those who like to be always on their own wave have a joyful event - World Radio Day ... \u003e\u003e

Every year on February 14, people send out tens of millions of postcards decorated with hearts, roses, kittens, kissing angels or doves. Boxes of chocolate, red roses with meter-long stems, touching soft toys, velvet pillows are being sold out with a bang ... \u003e\u003e

Computer scientists are people who have given humanity a ticket to the amazing world of virtual reality. For a great opportunity to escape from everyday problems, get rid of many difficulties in the process of study and work, you must certainly thank the aces of cybernetics ... \u003e\u003e

International Book Giving Day has been celebrated in various countries since 2012. On this day, it is customary to hand over books completely free of charge, primarily to children. However, International Book Donation Day is also very important for adults. Many more people regard the book as a source of spiritual values \u200b\u200b... \u003e\u003e

No civilized individual can imagine life without electricity. Its disappearance, shutdown beyond recovery would literally mean the end of the world. Once a year, there is an excellent occasion to reflect on all this at your leisure: on February 16, Russians celebrate Archive Day ... \u003e\u003e

The modern world dictates its own rules. And, unfortunately, one of them was getting the maximum benefit from any act. Even a simple good deed, few people today are able to carry out disinterestedly. But it is precisely this quality - the ability to lend a helping hand to someone in need from a pure heart - is ... \u003e\u003e

The fuel service of the RF Armed Forces is over 70 years old. Despite such a seemingly solid age, the structure that provides the army with fuel and lubricants is still very young by military standards. The prototype of the Fuel Service appeared 3 years before the appearance of the main unit - in the winter of 1933 ... \u003e\u003e

In the past, the creative activity of young people has been intensively developing in our country, due to the goodwill of its representatives. This reached its peak in the era of the USSR. Then student movements became very popular. Currently, this trend is gaining momentum again ... \u003e\u003e

Day of the transport police. The workers of the transport police of Russia celebrate their professional holiday on 18 February. On this day in 1919, a decree "On the organization of an interdepartmental commission for the protection of railways" was signed. The document became the first on the way of creating the guard of the railway ... \u003e\u003e

In our state, employees of a specific unit - the food and clothing service of the armed forces - take on the responsibility of providing soldiers with everything necessary for normal life and activities. These people celebrate their professional holiday every year on February 18 ... \u003e\u003e

Day of the whale - this is the second name of the holiday - the planet celebrates every year on February 19, starting in 1986. The reason for the establishment of the ecological date was a rather significant event for marine mammals: the official entry into force of a moratorium (ban) on whale fishing ... \u003e\u003e

International Mother Language Day is celebrated annually in the world on February 21. This holiday was established on November 17, 1999 by the General Conference of UNESCO, and it began to be celebrated in February 2000. The main task of the International Mother Language Day holiday can be called the promotion of language ... \u003e\u003e

Every year on February 21, experts in verbal support of cruises find themselves in a stream of congratulations and a heap of gifts - on the occasion of their professional holiday - World Tour Guide Day. A full-fledged definition of the specialty "tour guide" was given in 1940 and included ... \u003e\u003e

In Russian history, February 23 as the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy is celebrated "to commemorate the general mobilization of revolutionary forces to defend the socialist Fatherland, as well as the courageous resistance of the Red Army units to the invaders ... \u003e\u003e

Life in the modern world is distinguished, first of all, by its frantic rhythm. The rapid development of science and technology, the abundance of information, the maximum workload of days similar to each other, like two drops of water - all this does not allow us to fully enjoy our short earthly existence ... \u003e\u003e

Among ecological holidays, those devoted to animals attract special attention. Such dates call for the protection of a certain type, the manifestation of humanity to the representatives of the latter, and in general to the awareness of the importance of "our smaller brothers". Every year on February 27, the planet celebrates ... \u003e\u003e

In our country, throughout the calendar year, many holidays are celebrated dedicated to one or another military profession and even entire military units and structures. This year, 2015, we have acquired a new date from the announced category: Day of Special Operations Forces (MTR) ... \u003e\u003e

russian holidays in february, february holidays, christian holidays in february

February is the last month of winter. It is cold and at the same time long-awaited. Spring is just around the corner! The holiday calendar in February is not as rich as in January. But this month also has something to celebrate. For example, such unusual holidays as Groundhog Day or International Optimist Day. Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of the last winter days to create your holiday mood!

February Traditions

What are the holidays in February? Many of them will be able to name two holidays: February 23 and Valentine's Day. But in fact, in February there is a huge number of unusual and most diverse holidays. Don't know the traditions? They are easy to create yourself and stick with for years to come. For example, to see off the first day of the last winter month on February 1, and try to compliment everyone around that day, because the corresponding holiday obliges. And do not forget on the same day, making a rearrangement in the garage, to remember your childhood. A prerequisite is that the memories must be happy! Spend February 2nd without nicotine and play hide and seek with your cat.

When do we light it up?

What are we celebrating in February? This is a matter of your taste. There are a lot of unusual holidays this month. For example, February 1st is the Day of Triple Cologne. This day has no ancient traditions, so you can celebrate it as you like. Just remember that "Alain de Laon does not drink cologne", as was sung in the once popular song. It is best to follow the example of the star and celebrate this day, for example, with a bottle of wine in a pleasant company of friends. On February 3rd, think about the passage of time. Old photo albums and diaries have this. Flip through them with family and friends. The memories will surely be pleasant. Girls can spend this day without bright makeup to delight and surprise / scare guys. On February 4th, do a crazy thing, just don't jump from the 9th floor.

When do we work?

There are 19 working days in February and one of them is shortened. Accordingly, there are 9 days per weekend. However, work is not meant to be discouraged. February holidays will be enough for you and me on weekdays. Look for your strengths on February 4, ask your loved ones, friends and relatives about them. You are guaranteed to learn a lot about yourself. On February 5, celebrate the day of faith in real miracles and share wonderful stories from your life with your friends. On this day, it's time to calculate your savings so that you have something to celebrate other February holidays.

Matters of the heart

In addition to February 14, lovers have something to celebrate this month. For example, February 4 is the Day of reading poetry to a loved one. Why not devote a poem to your beloved? Or, as a last resort, not read him something from the classics? On February 3, you can take your own husband prisoner, such a day is also provided for in the holiday calendar, and on February 7, you can hunt men. February 5 can be celebrated as the day of the naive mistress. The nuances of the holiday will vary, depending on who you think you are - the main character of the day, the hero deceiving the heroine or the woman who has never been and will never be in a similar role. By the way, on the same day it is recommended to analyze your sex life.

Shopping and gifts

On February 3, give yourself, your beloved or your beloved sexy lingerie, because the holiday is obligatory. On February 6, buy a gift for your parents, out of gratitude. When choosing a gift, rely not only on your impeccable taste, but also try to take into account the preferences of your parents. February 7 - the day of dreaming about a vacation, buy yourself a ticket to an exotic country.

The beginning of the year is always marked by a large number of holidays. February was no exception. The "fierce" month, which changed its name under the influence of Byzantium, was associated in our culture with a multitude of traditions, folk signs and beliefs. Cold February spoke about the coming dry summer. The month was divided into three parts, depending on the onset of "special" frosts: Timofeyevsky, Sretensky and Vlasyevsky. It is safe to say that February is rich in cultural history associated with the traditions of the Russian people. The last month of winter, although it will not please with an abundance of weekends, unlike January, everyone will have a reason to have a great time.

Official holidays in February in Russia

The smallest month of the year is not offended by significant dates. Only Defender of the Fatherland Day belongs to the official holidays in February in Russia; it will give citizens an additional day of rest. But in our society, Valentine's Day is also widely celebrated, especially popular among young people and the younger generation, when romance rules the world, uniting loving hearts together.

Which holidays in February 2020 will make adjustments to the production schedule.

We rest as on regular weekends - days in a row 22, 23. On Friday On the 21st we work, but this holiday will be shortened.

It should be noted that this month is rich in various professional celebrations and memorable historical events and is far from limited only to the above-mentioned red date. Orthodox significant days also fall on holidays in February 2020, for example, the Meeting of the Lord and others.

The month is also unique in that many unusual, unique and funny dates are associated with it. Holidays in February include Groundhog Day, Good Day, International Sick Day, etc.

List of February holidays and significant dates in 2020

In fact, the most "compact" month of the year turned out to be full of different interesting dates:

the date Event

World bartender day


Holiday of the diplomatic worker


International Sick Day


World Kindness Day


Forgiveness sunday