New Year's ditties for a corporate party of doctors. For the new year: New Year's ditties for adults. Cool New Year's ditties for parties and corporate events: words

I want something original. Why not? Cool adult New Year's ditties with peppercorns will refresh the New Year's holiday in the company of adults.

Funny funny New Year's ditties for adults

Happy New Year! non-frowning ditties (adults)

Let the snow fall, let the frost
Reigns on the street.
Even if it stings your nose -
There is no reason to frown!

Should it rain on New Years?
Under the feet of a puddle?
Everyone will bypass the puddle
And he won't frown!

Is the sun shining directly into your eye?
You can squint your eyes.
I give you all an order:
Don't frown on New Years!

Put on the table for the New Year
Olivier and chicken.
Who will come to your holiday -
Exactly! Don't frown!

Happy New Year to you, friends!
May your wishes come true!
I sincerely wish
Don't frown for a whole year!

Singles in the New Year
Let there be a companion
So that there are no worries
And reasons to frown.

At least one still lives
She is a smart hard worker.
Will find a husband this year
And ... will not frown !!!

Kohl beloved husband with you
Often does not kiss
Relationship iron
And ... you won't frown !!!

I wish I could celebrate the New Year
Amicably the whole street! ..
If the general round dance ...
Who will frown?

Happy New Year! Happiness to everyone!
Let each other be friends !!!
I wish to live without problems -
Never frown !!!

New Year's suffering ... New Year's ditties naughty

Have fun until you drop
We're in the shadow of the snow
The rain will pour down - we will be angry
And under the roof we have fun.

On Christmas and New Years
All the people under the tree,
The fun will stop -
Christmas trees will turn into sticks.

Fun, fun,
Chickens, geese and turkeys,
Vodka, fish, jellied meat
And pickled cucumber.

I gave my sweetheart
On New Year's Eve, there are already two bottles,
She drank one
And it lies - not whoa, not well ...

On the table are mushrooms,
The husband collected them in the forest,
There are milk pigs
Only hell kudys escaped ...

We will smear the caviar
And we will smear shampoos.
Walk the field, walk the grove,
No money - I'll take it from my mother-in-law.

Dear mother-in-law,
How skinny you are
All in work, all in struggle
Not enough pension for you?

Well, I have my salaries
I will give the Olympics to the Fund,
That's the kind of patriot I am,
Well, maybe an idiot? ..

For the people, everything is to please
Know comrade, friend and brother,
By the eighteenth year -
World Championship!

For us in a solemn moment
The President himself wished,
To make us proud of the country
And they bred like rabbits.

Promised on New Year's Eve
That income will increase
He didn't know, we are goners
We are unemployed people.

Allowed to get rich
And the people are "always ready!"
And, as he could, he forged gold,
Exactly Lyonya Golubkov.

But look what a picture
What a wonderful game:
Fat Buratino
Stripping naked ...

People drink for two weeks
In the Old Year and New Year,
The whole country is walking gulmi
Resting from worries.

Have fun until you drop
We're in the shadow of the snow
The rain will pour down - we will be angry
More fun!

Chastooshkas about the new year

(naughty and funny only for adults!)

There is a Christmas tree in the house.
Everything sparkles with lights.
And under the tree the dear sleeps
Greets the New Year.

My dear on New Year's Eve
I decided to confess my love.
Only confused me with my mother-in-law
I climbed to kiss her.

The husband went to the party.
Santa Claus dressed up.
Only now in shorts and a hat
After the holiday he appeared.

At Christmas, the wife returned.
Was merry.
Know, I fasted well,
Her deeds are good.

Do you like New Year's ditties for adults? Tell about them on your pages on the Internet.

Everyone loves to celebrate the New Year holidays: with congratulations, toasts, contests and songs. And to make the feast more fun, we offer you ditties for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow (Earthy) Pig. And their people came up with a great many!

In the coming year, the Yellow Pig will replace the owner of this year, the Yellow Dog. And since pigs are themselves funny and positive animals, it is difficult to do without ditties on New Year's holidays. After all, this folklore genre is universal - perky quatrains are suitable for home competitions, and for various corporate events, and even for children's matinees. Moreover, do not worry about the selection of ditties - there are so many of them that it will not be difficult to find suitable ones for every taste. And if it is necessary to mention the mistress of the year in them, then, as the popular omen says, the year will be successful and favorable. We have selected the most interesting ditties for you.

Universal New Year's ditties

Such funny quatrains are suitable for any event, whether it is a feast in a small circle of the family or a celebration with a big fun company. These funny ditties for the 2019 New Year will not only cheer you up, but also charge you with positive for a long time.

Who is at our gate
Knocking soon?
This is the year of the Pig just about
Will come to visit us!

The Year of the Pig congratulates us,
Wish you happiness, joy!
Sends a cheerful hello to us,
To live for many years!

We will spend the new year
With dances and songs!
The pig sends us all a bow
Let's meet her cheerfully!

Our noisy party
We welcome the Year of the Pig!
Tangerines with Olivier
Love the Pig very much!

Pig on enemies
I will not wish you!
Let them cry a little
In order not to be piggy any more!

May luck come to the house
And finances are in our pocket!
And may all our tasks
The Pig mascot will decide!

We are the Year of the Pig today
Have fun!
Soon Santa Claus will come
How we embrace!

A blizzard is sweeping in the yard,
Snow falls around.
Soon the year of the Pig will come
Will have fun!

Hello Yellow Pig,
How we waited for you!
All gathered at the table -
The dog was seen off!

All the people rejoice:
The pig year is coming!
Pig, don't let me down!
Bring a lot of happiness!

Adult New Year's ditties

Not only kids but also adults love to have fun - they take part in New Year's contests with pleasure and few of them will refuse to sing ditties for the New Year 2019. We offer you a selection of funny quatrains that are suitable for adults.

New Year's ditties
In the Year of the Pig we will sing!
Let's drink, friends, a check,
We live wonderfully!

Soon the year of the Pig will come
Ears on the crown!
Pour, quickly, people,
Sing ditties!

We meet the pig with vodka,
We accept congratulations,
Well, Pig for order
Wish everyone prosperity!

Santa Claus is already at the gate,
He's lucky us New Year!
We will hug a peasant
And we will offer brandy!

Our Pig is good -
Noble soul!
We will meet the winter holiday
And let's not be pigs!

We celebrate without worries
This piggy New Year!
Because - the year of the Pig!
We respect her!

Who is there new year
Is he jokingly calling him Hryundel?
It's fun so we
Calling the Year of the Pig!

Let our glasses clink
Top up if not enough!
And may the year of the Pig pass
No problem and no worries!

We wish everyone to be friends
And don't put a pig on it!
A friendly Boar
Will also become a friend to us!

Good-natured cute Pig!
You are a friend and a kind person!
Bring happiness a basket
Well, a little money!

Children's New Year's ditties

Where children are always fun, because children are smiling and spontaneous people. These children's New Year's ditties for 2019 of the Pig will help to spend any matinee easily and fervently. And kids will be happy to sing such funny quatrains!

Kind Santa Claus,
Bring gifts!
Soon the Pig will come to us
Let's stand together in a round dance!

Skis, rollers, tablets -
All the kids love this!
May the Year of the Pig be bright
And we will receive a gift!

The time for miracles is coming
And fulfills desires!
Well, Pig in the New Year
Will bring us gifts!

Hung on the Christmas tree
Balls, toys,
We kids are having fun
Let's sing ditties!

We dressed up beautifully
The matinee is wonderful!
The Christmas tree lit up playfully
There is no place for sadness!

We are funny guys
Mischievous preschoolers!
We greet the Year of the Pig
And we meet with ditties!

How great that New Year
Comes to us every year!
And now Pig has come,
Brought us oranges!

We looked under the tree -
And they saw the gifts!
Pig, this is Santa Claus
Have you brought us presents?

We are waiting for sweets and crackers,
And a wagon of toys!
Soon, soon he will come
The Year of the Pig is at the gates!

We see off the Dog,
Goodbye, doggy!
And now we meet
Dear Pig!

For the New Year holidays to be fun, they must be diversified and supplemented with folk art. For this, ditties for the New 2019 Year of the Pig are perfect. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time, and you will certainly want to repeat it!

See video with New Year's ditties:

Probably, it will not be a secret that many dream of meeting the next year with fun and excitement. Moreover, no one has canceled the well-known proverb: "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." However, some people are confused on the eve of the holiday because they do not know how to provide fun on New Year's Eve. In fact, the solution is quite simple - to throw a party in a folk style and remember funny ditties for the New Year 2019.

Funny and funny quatrains with accordion or a cappella have always been very popular among our people. They were performed during almost all folk festivals. They sang about our life with a certain amount of irony. Resting and performing ditties, people ridiculed shortcomings in the hope of becoming the best.

Origin and characteristics

Chastushki, as a genre of folk art, arose in the middle of the eighteenth century. They appeared among rural youth. Mostly they were performed by the guys with an accordion or balalaika. Chastooshkas, as a rule, were of an everyday character and told about life. Most often, they had a major tone and were verses that alternated one after another with or without one melody. Poems were written in the trochee style and were usually performed without the use of literary expressions. Very often they were satirical in nature and represented an improvisation on a specific topic. Chastooshkas are addressed to a certain person or a certain audience. They are usually performed in a semi-verse in a melodious manner.

Chastooshkas are of different types:

  • with lyrical content on all sorts of topics. These are usually four-line choruses;
  • for dances - they have a special rhythm, they also consist of four lines, but they are shorter;
  • type "Yablochko" - are of a love nature and are more common in Ukraine;
  • the suffering ones also belong to love ones, have two lines and are performed in a slow and drawn-out manner. They are widespread in Central Russia and the Volga region;
  • "Semyonovna" - named after the image of a broken Russian woman, have two lines and a mournful rhythm of performance;
  • "Matanya" - the name originated from the word with which the performers addressed their loved ones. Such a ditty is made in a four-foot chorea.

Examples of New Year's ditties

Recently, this genre of folk art is increasingly used, concerts, youth parties. They perfectly cheer up the participants and make the holiday unforgettable.

Soon, soon New Year
On a sleigh he will rush.
Now, probably, he
Knocking on our window.

In our yard stands
Snowman with a broom
Watching the dark night
He is our home from the wolf.

New Year, New Year
Nobody sleeps!
In every house, young and old
The night is having fun.

Oh, winter, winter, winter,
How many snowdrifts it covered!
The people are not sad -
Celebrating New Year!

Winter holiday New Year,
I love you more than anyone!
Long-awaited chimes fight
I will never oversleep!

Santa Claus for New Year
There was still a prankster
He drank vodka in the cold,
And he sculpted Baba Snow.

Santa Claus I'm in a bag
I will make an audit.
He was going to give
A whole division!

What a fir tree looks like
On the New Year's carousel!
She has from all sides
Now a deer, now a horse, now an elephant,
And in a circle through the lights
They gallop merrily.

Winter holiday New Year,
I love you more than anyone!
Long-awaited chimes fight
I will never oversleep!

Happy New Year
I am sending you a fiery HELLO!
I wish everyone health
And live to be 100!

Comic ditties
Santa Claus fell in love
And I forgot about my husband
And when I came home
He was already sitting on the other!

Santa Claus in our village
I danced around with Natasha.
And now I will tell you guys
Natasha has snow cubs.

I spent the New Year
Nourishing, but fun!
And now in my hut
The mouse hung itself out of hunger!

I wanted a holiday
Vigorous mother caviar,
I ate sandwiches
I will remember a year!

Santa Claus got drunk drunk
And snores under the tree
And the Snow Maiden to Demyan
She ran away to rummage.

The new year is coming
All will be screwy.
Will bring surprises again
Putin with the deputies.

Don't break, TV, -
We ask you kindly.
In the New Year we are waiting for a surprise -
Peña Koli Baskova.

My favorite "Olivier"
Love the pig
After every party
The pigs eat him.

Santa Claus in a bag brought us
The book "Kamasutra".
The husband did not go to work ...
Didn't notice the morning.

I danced and danced
And, dancing, got lost.
Santa Claus is so good
I fell in love with him!
Chorus for adults
Like a Snow Maiden in white cheeks
I kissed until the morning -
Didn't run away, didn't send
Didn't melt! Hurrah!

My dear doesn't come to me
Only promises.
With the Snow Maiden under the tree
Meets every day!

Old Santa Claus,
Molested the Snow Maiden.
Pestered her to tears
Sneaked up to the skirt.

Come in guys into the house
Let's have fun
Let's drink some vodka, then
You can get married.

If I was young
If I was frisky -
I would dance on the table
And I would climb the tree!

Rehash in the Year of the Pig
The giver does not lose his hand.
Our Pig is generous. And while
She will have something to give you
She will always help.

Let your soul live
In harmony with myself-
Then you are in the most piggy year
You won't be a pig.

The noble pig is good
She has such a delicate soul!
So gallant, gentle and modest
She is defenseless and trusting.

To all who work, we wish
Generous earthly joy.
There will be a master in the year of the Pig
Chop and ham!

In the New Year, I wish you
Put a pig on your enemies -
Let them think, cry
Let them not be pigs in the future!

Let there be a little pig
For happiness and success is generous.
Let her bring on the back
A bag of love, luck and goodness!

The Pig is dear to us the most,
An evil blizzard is not terrible with her.
Our Pig is not only smart,
She is a well of various merits.

There are bright toys on the tree.
The window is in patterns of ice
May this year of the Eastern Pig
You will be as lucky as ever!

Love will suddenly strike
The pig will become even happier.
Luck will mark the year
Nobody lives so fat.

Someone in ancient times came up with.
To Pig Mascot
Brought good luck to the house
And the coins are in your pocket!

Chastooshkas for the New Year of the Mouse in 2020 are very popular among young and middle-aged people. These easy-to-remember verses will amuse a close, pleasant company. A special effect of ditties is produced by people dressed in funny costumes. Men disguised as women, and vice versa, singing comic ditties, make you laugh heartily.

Comic New Year's ditties will help you relax, join the company, for someone - remember your youth. Funny ditties from your lips - and you are the soul of any company!

New Year of the Rat (Mouse)


I will run away in the year of the Rat,
I'll get into a dark burrow.
I'll score on a diet
I love to eat very much!

You call me mouse
And I will turn into a Rat.
I'm in the Rat year, love,
From you in general I trudge!

You will become the Rat King,
Don't forget to buy me
Cool car, apartment,
And something else!

They considered a gray mouse,
They said: About nothing,
They broke off in the year of the Rat,
I will avenge you with the king!

I don’t worry in the year of the Rat
And I'm getting married.
After all, for this New Year
They called me to the registry office, here!

For children

And I am so small
Anyone will hide in a burrow
I will live with the Rat
And wait for the gifts!

I met Santa Claus
And I told the rhyme,
And grandpa surprised
He turned me into a Mouse!

And they gave me a Rat,
Only the cage was not handed over.
Guests saw the Rat
Together they fainted!

And I got a deuce
And she hid her diary,
The Rat took him away
I'm not to blame!

I have a boy friend
I put the Rat in the bag,
It's so original
He invited me to be friends!

New year of the pig

1. Oh, guys grunt,
They sleep under the tree.
That's why they sit bored
Girls on the sidelines.

2. The year of the pig is coming,
Look, don't let me down.
Give us lard with meat
It will be just a fairy tale!

3. My husband got a blame,
She sticks to her neighbor.
Let her cook now
And he washes socks.

4. Pig will be a year,
All the people rejoice.
Because he loves to eat
And of course lie down.

5. The year of the pig is coming,
Someone will go into a binge at once.
Well, we don't drink, we eat,
Because we want to live!

New Year of the Dog

1. Don't bark at me,
Dear wife,
I drank two liters
Celebrating the holiday.

2. I sit at home on a chain,
I don't even walk.
I put on curlers
I'm waiting for the holiday.

3. The year of the dog is coming,
The ginger cat is dissatisfied.
After all, the owner will be a dog
So the cat hung up its nose.

4. In the year of the dog we wish
People shouldn't be dogs
To be alone
You didn't have to toil.

5. Soon holiday, New Year,
My bulldog is happy
I'll cook some jelly
Well, the bones are all to him!

Ditties for the New Year about the Rooster and the Hen (for adults)

1. Girls go for a walk
Painted chickens,
Grooms are going to look
Little fools!

2. Mom, mom, let go
To dear Petrushka,
He stands near the fence
Frozen ears.

3. Tyatya flooded the bathhouse,
I poured boiling water into a barrel,
Come take a steam bath
In order not to grow old!

4. Petya-Petya-Cockerel,
Butter head,
Let us, dear, sleep,
Do not take the neck!

5. I am in a hem for chickens
Brought bread
I looked at my knees
Because of the fence Glebushka!

6. My grandmother scolded me:
I went on a date ...
Says: You Manya are a fool,
You are dumber than our chickens ...

7. Cockerel, Cockerel,
Don't take off on a stack.
There are darlings kissing
The guy with the girl are young.

8. We cooked chicken soup,
They did not forget to salt.
I saw this cock
And he ran with all his might!

9. Ryaba was sitting on the nest,
Like a caring woman.
And the rooster walked around.
I cleaned my feathers, washed my feet.

10. It's snowing on the street.
Our cockerel sings.
He calls the New Year,
Old he sees off.

11. New Year's time,
Chickens should sleep long ago.
And the rooster does not give them,
All bawls, yes sings!

12. I go to my beloved in the window
Threw a snowball
To go out on the porch
Dear friend!

13. We sang ditties for you
They began to crow,
Because Happy New Year
Very puzzled!

Funny ditties for the New Year

I put on a dress in the new year
The most decent
Even my dear one told me
I'm pretty!

New year, new year
Borka pesters me.
He says he loves me
Well, I'm the opposite.

Sweetheart kissed me
In the field, by the hillock.
Even red with shame
The tree was becoming.

New year, new year
The people are already drinking.
Yes, and I am not without sin,
I drank beer in the morning.

Thank you all for your attention,
It was fun with you
Let's say together: goodbye!
We will leave you now!

New Year's ditties for the Year of the Rooster (for adults part 1)

We will sing ditties for you
Children - cover your ears.
You have not gathered in vain
Know that we have a red pepper.

How the snowman was blinded
My girlfriend and I are smart!
In a jacket, a cap and glasses,
And between the legs - a carrot!

You were waiting for me at the viburnum,
On a snowdrift for two hours
Mom didn't let me in -
Get out even up to the porch.

I ordered myself by mail
Rubber boat
And she came as a gift to me
Rubber Zina.

What is the same for a sweetheart?
I'm breaking my head ...
Should I buy her a bra?
I don’t know the size.

Good gifts
Valera gave me:
Electrodes - not for welding,
Instead of fireworks!

Ditties for the New Year (for adults part 2)

To meet the New Year together -
It's romantic.
What will we do in the New Year -
It is indecent to tell you.

I bought gifts for everyone -
I have not forgotten anyone.
Sweetness - for children, old people.
Polka dot panties for men.

New Year, New Year
The boss pesters me.
Your short report
In my big vanity report.

I prepare in advance
By the New Year's meeting
Sexy lingerie
I put it on that evening.

Everything is ready at the doctors
On New Year's Eve
Shine with a bright light
From hemorrhoids candles.

I put it in a bra,
To surprise her husband.
Well, he himself - potatoes,
So as not to upset me.

New Year's ditties for adults (part 3)

I've already gone to a party
The boyfriend will come to me ...
Couldn't open the fly -
All down the drain New Year.

My Ural dumplings
Only in the New Year and ate.
How tired of them we are
Those Ural dumplings.

New year lights
Christmas trees, gifts ...
Even sex on New Year's Eve
Very very bright!

The long-awaited one is coming
Miracle holiday New Year,
Everyone is missing something
Someone is always waiting for happiness.

I’m waiting for Grandfather Frost -
A rich groom
He will give without question
My fur coat is shaggy.

And my friend is Katya
Waiting for a gift boldly
That the car will be rolled to her
For a couple of thousand euros.

I'm not afraid of the cold
Let at least minus thirty-five!
Give me a shot of vodka to drink
And I will rock!

We are simple girls
It's no stranger to cold weather.
We'll quickly put on our boots
And let's go for a walk in a crowd.

We were preparing for the holiday:
Oh, and got tired ...
Well, our men
Already drunk in the morning.

Chastushki by profession (professional)

For New Year's Eve
Nobody gives rest:
Who is trying to give birth
Who toil with gastritis!

In the military unit forty eight
The New Year is trumpeting
The commander became Santa Claus,
And the Snow Maiden is the political officer.

They all celebrate the New Year,
I'm spinning the steering wheel
Can throw his tractor
And have a booze?

In the New Year, students
Drunk walking
And the teacher is under the table
Checks notebooks ...

In the New Year to the economist
You need to meet the "three hundred" -
Sparingly set the table:
Half a baton and kefir.

New Year is a favorite holiday
For all the people,
Only toastmaster again
Sad for some reason ...

They covered it on the counter
The aprons were adjusted
So beloved New Year
Saleswomen celebrated!

Political ditties

It is difficult to work in the Duma,
Shopping at TSUM is much easier.
From a heavy butt, honestly
The leather chair will crack.

Life in our country is stable,
Everything goes its own way:
Demographics are getting lower
And inflation is growing.

A bear cannot understand bees
When the paw climbs into the honey,
So well fed never
He won't understand everyone who is hungry.

We are very happy with tariki,
The pension is growing!
Effective taxes
The state is pulling us off.

The crisis of the banking system
We - the people, do not care.
There are potatoes in the garden
Here we will live on it.

We wish you a Happy New Year
Prime Minister Medvedev hastened:
New Year gifts
In November I gave it to everyone.

We sang ditties to you,
We're tired and sweaty
We are waiting for your applause,
And of course compliments!

Festivities rarely do without ditties, because ditties are ardor, fun, songs and dances. New Year's holidays are no exception. Someone comes up with beautiful and unusual costumes, someone comes up with New Year's skits and games, make riddles about the New Year, about winter or funny teasers. We offer you interesting New Year's ditties - funny and mischievous, funny and playful. Happy New Year to you!

That's how Santa Claus -

I froze everyone in earnest.
Look at the guys
They all stand like icicles.

I sit on the sleigh
I roll boldly from the hill
Let it be white from the snow
But how brave!

Oh, and the Frost is pinching,
Old bully.
Irishka's cheeks
Two poppies bloomed.
(I. Ageeva)

Grandma made a suit for me
Little white bunny
I forgot to give a carrot
To a little boy.

Listened to Santa Claus
Voiced ditties
I gave all the guys
Resounding crackers.
(I. Ageeva)

Near the house, at the rink
I made a snowman
Made a nose out of carrots
It turned out Santa Claus.

Dad put a suit on me
I didn't have time to look back -
I'm hanging from the ceiling.

Mom and I dressed up a Christmas tree
And the flashlights turned on.
My Christmas tree will be
The most beautiful!

New Year, New Year
Nobody sleeps!
In every house, young and old
The night is having fun.
(I. Ageeva)

In my kindergarten
We will go to the matinee
And for Santa Claus
Sing a song together.

The three rushes, the three gallops
And on it a cart of gifts.
Bells are ringing - which means
Santa Claus is coming!
(E. Nikiforova)

I got up early today.
I immediately ran to the tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus,
What gifts brought me!

We're all our toys
Dressed up a Christmas tree.
She has no free
Not a single needle!
(I. Ageeva)

Grandma made a suit for me
Little white bunny
I forgot to give a carrot
To a little boy.

Herringbone paws
Hold the candles tightly.
Santa Claus will light them for us
On New Year's Eve!
(I. Ageeva)

Happy New Year,
New Year's greetings!
I wish mom and dad
To live up to a hundred years!

There is noise and laughter in our hall,
Singing never stops.
Our tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.
Our Santa Claus with a beard,
With a lush mustache
But, as a young guy,
Dances with us.
What are you, Santa Claus,
Checking your chair?
Is it possible for your grandchildren
Don't you trust?
(I. Ageeva)

New Year is knocking at the door!
This is a holiday - anywhere!
Only to those who believe in miracles
He comes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Look, Santa Claus,
Festively dressed.
He brought us gifts,
Gingerbread, sweets.
I am a cheerful Snow Maiden
I'll play blind man's buff with you.
But I'm afraid to drink tea -
I melt from hot.

Snow covered again
All roads, trails.
So Grandpa is in a hurry
On a frosty troika!

New Year is coming -
I will dress brightly!
Santa Claus will come to me -
With him a bag of gifts!

Soon, soon New Year
On a sleigh he will rush.
Now, probably, he
Knocking on our window.
(I. Ageeva)

Yes! I am Santa Claus -
beard to the waist.
Brought presents for everyone
Yes from the North Pole!
Meet the kids,
Meet the adults!
This is my granddaughter
Snowy, frosty!

Near the Christmas tree with us
Games, dances, songs.
Sweet, good New Year,
You are not more wonderful!
(I. Ageeva)

Children lead a round dance
Clap their hands.
Hello hello,
New Year! You are so good!
(T. Melnikova)

Circling, circling in a round dance
Snow beauties.
Dance blizzard
We all love it!
(I. Ageeva)

Carnival! Carnival!
I gathered everyone in the hall today.
Here are Pierrot and Pinocchio,
Carabas and Cipollino.
The wolves are dancing, the hares are dancing,
Leshy and Yaga are dancing.
Who is under the mask in this room -
You hardly know.
Only at our carnival
The miracle turns out:
Cats and mice are dancing
The wolves are smiling!
(I. Ageeva)

Give us Santa Claus
And skating rinks and slides!
Turn us, Santa Claus,
"Twos" are all "fives"!
(I. Ageeva)

I danced under the tree
And stamped her feet
I picked gingerbread from the branches
And I ate candy!

Santa Claus comes with a knapsack,
Children are jumping under the tree.
He gives gifts to everyone
Has fun and sings.

We will jump like a rabbit
Stomp like bears.
Let them rejoice too
Downstairs neighbors!

We celebrate the New Year
At our school every year.
Singing songs together
We walk cheerfully in step.

Winter holiday New Year,
I love you more than anyone!
Long-awaited chimes fight
I will never oversleep!
(I. Ageeva)

Dances with us.
Everybody sculpts a snowman
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.

There is noise and laughter in our hall
Singing never stops.
Our tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.
Children lead a round dance
Clap their hands.
Hello, hello, New Year!
You are so good!
A flock of snowflakes outside the window
They also dance in a circle.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.
(T.A. Melnikova)