Serpentine of ideas script for the anniversary of a man of 30 years. Anniversary kisses and hugs

If you need a script for the 30th anniversary of a man, then we offer you a great option. This scenario can be used as a basis for a small-scale event.
The room where the anniversary will be held is decorated with flowers, balloons, posters of appropriate content. It is not bad to arrange a kind of wall newspaper reflecting the life of the hero of the day. At the very beginning of the event, you can hold a kind of presentation of the hero of the day with the presentation of an anniversary diploma at the end. The diploma lists all the merits of the hero of the day and his achievements. One host can host the event, but it is better if there are two of them.
After the presentation of the anniversary diploma, everyone present at the celebration is invited to take their places at the banquet table.
They trust the friend of the hero of the day to pronounce the first toast.

I propose the first toast for the hero of the occasion!
In honor of your birthday, people gathered here!
We wish you health and a happy long life,
And to keep our loyalty to our old friendship!

After this toast, a kind of test is held among the guests for attentiveness and knowledge of events in the life of the hero of the day. The presenters give the guests cards with pre-prepared questions. For example: When did the hero of the day say the first word? What school did you finish? Diploma specialty? Favourite dish? Etc. If someone does not know how to correctly answer the question proposed to him, then he will have to give any of his things as a fantasy. It will be possible to get this thing back only after he fulfills the wish of the hero of the day. This does not happen immediately, but during the entire festive event. The task of the facilitators is to regulate this issue. Let's say after another toast.
Leading: - Now I propose to honor those thanks to whom our hero of the day was able to become who he really is: an excellent person and a loving son! And this toast is in honor of the happy parents of our hero of the day!
We wish you happiness,
We wish you health
And with the birth of a son
We congratulate you!
Thirty years have passed
You raised well
Own son -
A worthy man who grew up!
And at this hour
We all drink to you!

Leading: And now a little test for my son. I will read the proposals, and our hero of the day will continue them. Everything needs to be done as quickly as possible, without hesitation. For example, my mother is great ... she cooks.
My mom never ...
My dad always ...
My mom loves ...
My dad hates ...
My mother often ...
My dad sometimes ...
My mom doesn't like it when ...
My dad is fond of ...
My mom is the best at ...
My dad knows best ...
Etc. A lot of questions do not need to be prepared so that it is not tiring.

Leading: - Such wonderful parents and a wonderful son!

Our hero of the day he is so good!
And you can't find it better
Men in this world!
Let's drink to this!

The hero of the occasion must confirm that he is really that good. To do this, he is invited to complete the following task. Small cardboard mugs with numbers from 1 to 30 are laid out on the floor. You can arrange them in different ways, as the room allows. You can go in a circle, or you can zigzag, at a distance of a wide step from each other. The hero of the day stands near the circle with the number 1 and names one of his positive qualities. For example, "I am smart!" and stands on the circle with the number 1. Then he lists his other qualities, stepping in turn on the circles with the corresponding numbers. An assistant is chosen in advance, which can be a wife, girlfriend, friend, who, in case of difficulty, will help with the characteristics of the hero of the day. It is forbidden to prompt others, otherwise it will not be so interesting. At the same time, a temporary restriction on staying in one circle is assigned. The leader counts to a maximum of 10. If during this time a suitable epithet is not chosen, the player returns to the starting position and everything starts all over again, and the task becomes more complicated, since it cannot be repeated.

Toast in your honor
Let me read it now!
You are worthy of all praise
With mind and growth you took!
Your affairs are going as they should
And on business - your reward!
We drink for your success today!
Good luck, friend, in everything!

Leading: - From all that has been said, it follows that our hero of the day is worthy of all praise and deserves a full-length portrait. What we will do now. Everyone is given the opportunity to put a hand in this matter.
Cards are handed out on which it is written: face oval, nose, mouth, right eye, left eye, right eyebrow, left eyebrow, right ear, left ear, hair, neck, torso, right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg. A sheet of Whatman paper is attached to the stand in advance and each of the "artists" approaches him, he is blindfolded and he draws his part of the "portrait" with a marker and leaves his autograph at the bottom of the sheet. The result is very impressive. You can turn the stand away from the audience and show the "portrait" only when it is completely ready.

Leading: - The creation of this magnificent masterpiece must be celebrated with a glass of wine! But first, toast. And this toast will also be collective!
Each of those present gets up and in turn says a wish to the hero of the day, expressed in one word. For example, "Happiness!", "Good luck!", "Success!", "Love!", "Well-being!", "Good!", "Wealth!" It is advisable not to repeat yourself. They raise their glasses for all this.

Thirty years - flourishing life!
There are no reasons for sadness today!
Great anniversary
In the circle of family and friends!
Let's drink again to the bottom
We have a glass of wine!

After this toast, the host says:
- But I wonder if our dear hero of the day will be able to recognize his relatives and friends with closed eyes? Let's check!
The hero of the day is blindfolded and then guests come up to him in turn, and he must determine who it is by touch. You can't talk. You can change items of clothing, which makes it difficult to recognize and makes the game more fun.
After "identification" the lights are turned off in the room and a birthday cake with 30 lighted candles is brought in. The size of the cake depends on the scale of the event. All those present sing the traditional: "Happy birthday to you!" and the hero of the day blows out the candles. The light comes on. Everyone treats themselves to cake. Song performed: "Unfortunately, the birthday is only once a year." This is followed by colorful fireworks prepared in advance at a special site. As with any festive event, the celebration of the 30th anniversary continues with dancing.
According to the situation, if the guests show a desire and are able to do so, a competition for a pair dance with balloons held between the foreheads of partners can be held. Also, during the dance, a ball with surprises, prepared in advance and installed under the ceiling, is revealed. This, in fact, ends the scenario of a 30-year-old man, as such.

Amazing, one might even say exciting jubilee scenario 30 years old man, will help create a holiday that will cheer up not only the birthday person, but also all guests, funny games will make everyone laugh to tears.

Scenario of the anniversary of 30 years for a man - the beginning of the celebration

Hello dear guests!

At the table with friends
Opening the anniversary,
Speaking to you,
I want to start with words
Not from pretentious speeches,
Not drinking, rather,
And such that friends speak heart to heart.

May our evening today
It will be warm and it will be cheerful
Let it sound today
Congratulations one hundred in a row.

There will be dances, there will be songs
We'll talk jokes.
We will celebrate the anniversary together
I ask everyone to pour it into a glass!

The birthday holiday is an annual gift given to a person in order to rejoice, love, and the disposition that his relatives and friends have for him. Today we have gathered to celebrate a significant date in the life of our birthday boy!

To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends,
Let me take the floor today!
We gathered for the anniversary
You dear person!
So we wish you many years
Love, health and good luck,
Destiny that will take away from troubles,
And ours will solve the problem!
May all dreams come true
Trust me, they are realizable!
And as a source of kindness,
Give warmth to your loved ones!
Let the days, intertwining in a round dance,
They always bring happiness to your house!
And every year that has come
Add more tender passion!
So, friends, for the anniversary!
So that everything comes true, and everything happens!
The years make us wiser -
Enemies in spite, friends at the mercy!

And the first toast is ready-
We drink for the birthday boy!
May he be happy!
(feast 3-5 min.)
("Happy Birthday" Allegrova)

Now let's greet each other….
Table fun

They raised their right hand - waved to the hero of the day!
Well, the left hand drops slightly on the knee ...
Not yours! And your neighbor!

With our right hand, we warmly hug the neighbor's shoulder so decently…. Did you like it? Fine!
Swung left, right. Well done! Fine! Bravo!

They stroked their belly - Smiled into a mouthful!
Let's push the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left!
We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim!
We continue the fun - clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ...
The glass so as not to fog up, let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the left….

And with a neighbor opposite - for a cheerful team ....
Together we get up from our seats - we will say a toast in our thoughts ...
Let's say together "Congratulations!" and we all drink to the bottom!
Do not forget to have a snack - and pour yourself again!

-Today is the anniversary not only of the birthday man, but also of his parents Nikolai Gennadievich and Olga Nikolaevna! After all, it was on this day, 30 years ago, January 7, that the angels descended from heaven and a miracle happened, a charming baby, a boy, Seryozha, was born! Dear birthday boy, will you allow me to call you that sometimes today?
-Dear guests! Let's raise our glasses together to the health and longevity of our dear parents !!!

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for the parents.
For those who gave the joy of life,
And he opened the doors to the beautiful world.
For those who taught him kindness,
Endowed with considerable mind.
For those thanks to whom now,
Sergei is sitting among us.

Feast 3-5 min. "Let us pray for our parents"

So, now I will talk about the life of the hero of the day. And you, Edik, will help me. Your task is as simple as a synchrophasotron. It is necessary to say: "Shouldn't we have a drink?" This should be done after the words "And he says ..."

Once upon a time there was a birthday man. I was inquisitive - passion! Sometimes, even in preschool age, he came up to his parents and said ...
(Anniversary: \u200b\u200bShouldn't we have a drink?

Well no! He says, "Where do children come from?" or “Why doesn't the sun fall?”….
And parents will bury themselves in books, explain everything, explain. But time passed, and in the 7th grade on the line, the headmaster came out and said ...
(Anniversary: \u200b\u200bShouldn't we have a drink?)

What are you! He says that every student will participate in some Olympiad, and Seryozha Shvetsov - in all at once! And I took part, I even won a prize. Therefore, at the last call, Sergei takes an answer from all graduates and says ...
(Anniversary: \u200b\u200bShouldn't we have a drink?)

No, he says: "Thank you for participating, I received such a temper in life's struggle." ... Then a technical school, sessions, coursework. I came to work to get a job and said ...

No, she asks: "Do you need specialists?" And the head of the personnel department says ... (Anniversary. Shouldn't we have a drink?)

No, he says: "Start from tomorrow." So he started, but somehow he didn't like it there and he decided to work for himself. He tries to work with his family, and every year on his birthday he says ...
(Anniversary. Shouldn't we have a drink?)

Now that's right! Note, the hero of the day suggested! ... We pour and drink to the health of the birthday man!

In advance, you need to prepare rubber gloves according to the number of participants in the competition. They will need to be filled with water, tied on top and hung on a rope, secured well with clothespins. The leader quickly walks along the rope and pierces one of the fingers of each glove with a needle, after which he gives the command "Start". Participants grab bowls or other containers and try to milk all the liquid from the glove into the container as soon as possible. The fastest milker or milkmaid wins.

King of beasts

The hero of the day is usually chosen as the king of beasts, the lion. He sits on the throne and, pointing to the next guest, tries to explain to him with gestures and facial expressions who he is. And this guest should, according to his role, approach the lion. If the guest was shown long ears with gestures, and he decided that he was a hare, then he should gallop to the lion, and if he was shown a writhing snake, then he should crawl and so on. When all the animals have gathered at the feet of the king, he rewards the most intelligent and skillful with something delicious.

Catch up in 30 seconds

Guests are divided into pairs: a man-woman. Each pair is given an orange. There are two options for the development of events by the "start" command:
A man peels an orange and a woman eats it;
Both the man and the woman peel together and then eat the orange without using their hands.
The couple who complete the task in 30 seconds will win and receive a prize.

A fairy tale for the birthday boy

Guests must compose a fairy tale about the birthday man, relying on the real life of the hero of the day and their imagination. Each guest in turn tells one sentence, trying to support the theme of the previous narrator, but one rule must be followed: use the number 30 in any form (thirty, thirtieth, etc.). The result is an interesting fictional story that will delight the hero of the day, for example, Our birthday boy was born in a certain kingdom 30 years ago. For the first 30 minutes, he wet his finger. The kid grew by leaps and bounds, because he ate as many as 30 tablespoons of delicious porridge. Once our Andryusha went into a dense dense forest, where 30 tall trees grew. He wanted to find a magic mushroom, about which there was a legend that it weighs 30 kilograms and can fulfill any 30 wishes. Etc. Whoever forgets about the rule and does not insert "30" into his sentence is eliminated from the game. The rest of the guests receive prizes for their imagination, ingenuity and diligence. And the hero of the day will tell a new fairy tale to his children.


Each of the guests counts in a circle, 30 is 1 + 29, the second: 30 is 2 + 28, the third: 30 is 3 + 27, and so on. And the presenter names the action that the guest must perform with his second number, for example, 29 compliments to the birthday boy, 28 wishes, 27 character traits of the birthday boy, 15 squats for the birthday boy, 5 jumps to the ceiling, 2 poems associated with the birthday boy, 1 song with the name birthday boy and so on.

30 "no"

What he likes to do, what the hero of the day prefers in food and music, all the guests probably know, but what categorically he would not like to do and that, for example, he would never eat or listen, not everyone can guess. Guests are divided into teams of several people, each team receives a leaf and a pen, and when the presenter gives a "start", the teams must make a list of 30 "no" heroes, for example, does not eat fish, does not listen to rap, does not like red , does not use the services of a beauty salon, does not play cards, does not like sleeping under a blanket, and so on. The team that is faster than the others will make the list of 30 “no” heroes of the day and win.

30 peas

It's simple: for each participant, 30 peas (green canned peas) are poured onto a saucer and each has one fork. At the start command, the participants must prick the peas and eat them. Whoever can eat his dish faster than anyone else won.

Anniversary kisses and hugs

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. In the center of the room is the hero of the day, and at the same distance from him the guest teams. The first participants receive a ball and place it on the floor between their legs. At the start command, the first participants run, or rather, jump (jump) to the hero of the day, trying not to lose the ball (otherwise they will have to return to their original position) and, depending on the gender, either kiss him (women), or hug him (men) and race back, pass the ball to the second participants and stand at the end of the team. The team that kisses and hugs the hero of the day faster, that is, the team with the first participant to be the first again will win. Both the hero of the day is pleased, and the guests are happy.

Eat baguette bread for 30 years

Small (thin) bread baguettes are required for this competition. And then the development of events in two ways:
Participants are divided into pairs and each pair on the command "start" must eat a baguette faster than the others, one participant starts from one end, and the other from the other;
Each participant on the command "start" begins to eat a baguette, trying to do it faster than the others.
Whoever completes the task faster will win.

A little about organizing a birthday celebration

A large number of future heroes of the day are trying to shift all the troubles onto the shoulders of companies that organize such actions. It also happens that the scenario of the anniversary of 30 years for a man in its grandeur is not inferior even to the celebration of a wedding. This is due to the fact that mainly at such holidays there are a large number of guests, a fairly wide cultural program, professional presenters and a competently composed entertainment part. Therefore, such a moment should remain in the memory for a long time. No mistakes can be made in the organization. In advance, you need to think over the number of toasts, which will alternate with wishes for the hero of the day and some interesting stories or memories. Such a holiday cannot do without fun and interesting contests, where you can please guests and plunge them into a carefree atmosphere. Without them, the anniversary will turn into a boring and banal feast.

What you need to do to make the holiday a success

An interesting and well-organized celebration will be remembered by guests for a long time. For everything to go at a high level, a good script must be prepared in advance. The main thing to consider is the number of years of the birthday person, his gender and preferences. For example, a jubilee scenario, when a man turns 30 or more, it does not matter, will differ from the scenario intended for a woman. But for people over 60 years old, such a development of events is categorically not suitable.

An example script for an anniversary

Good evening to dear guests! We have gathered here for a very pleasant occasion, because:

Today is not an easy day

Jubilee, golden,

Very festive in everything

This holiday is in full swing!

For three dozen, dear,

And what were they?

And with joy, and with grief,

With passivity and surprise!

In general, they lived them with dignity,

They deserve a round of applause!

The guests applaud, after which the meal begins. During the feast, there is a casual conversation. You can recall some of the merits and achievements of the birthday man. But all this should be in moderation. It is categorically not necessary to recall in detail and meticulously the whole life from childhood itself.

Details that won't let guests get bored

Take seriously your anniversary scenario. A 30-year-old man is considered to be that turning point when a person stands at half of his life. There is something to look back at, from which to draw conclusions, but there are still many years ahead. This is the heyday of strength, inspiration and energy. Therefore, the celebration should have wishes for the future, and a certain solemnity, and a lot of optimism. Therefore, the scenario for the 30th anniversary of a man should be thought out to the smallest detail and nuance, taking into account the specifics of this event. Everything should go according to plan, without any deviations. So that the guests and the hero of the day after the celebration will have only positive impressions. To do this, you need to come up with various contests that would amuse both the hero of the day and the guests.

Competition "Winter Party"

The terms of the competition are as follows. Everyone is invited to participate, then two teams are formed from the participants. At a distance of a couple of meters from them there are two chairs, on which lie: a jacket, a hat, a flask, vodka or mineral water (at the request of the guests and the hero of the day). Each team member must take turns running up to the chair, put on a jacket and hat, pour a glass of drink and drink. Which team will empty the tank faster, that one won. The prizes may vary depending on the choice of the drink that will be on the chair. If it is alcoholic, then the prize can be mineral water with the inscription "For tomorrow".

Take care of the location of the celebration

There are many options for celebrating the anniversary. A scenario for a man's 30th birthday might involve a visit to a nightclub or a restaurant, or an ordinary picnic in nature. All this depends only on the thoughts and desires of the hero of the day, as well as his financial capabilities. The main thing in the organization is to avoid punctures and not to miss any important details. For example, if you are planning to have a celebration outdoors, then you need to think about how your guests will get there. If this nuance is missed, the overall impression will be ruined, and the whole upcoming holiday will not be held in such a carefree mood. If you adhere to all these tips, then it will not be difficult for a man to compose a scenario for a 30-year anniversary.

The first truly significant anniversary for most people is the birthday on which the person turns 30. Upon reaching this age, a person passes a certain psychological line that separates youth and adulthood. At the age of 30, a person becomes wiser, more experienced and serious. But at the same time, a person has a youthful fervor and energy. Therefore, it is not surprising that most people at this age want to celebrate their anniversary in a really fun, perky and memorable way. Anyone can be helped by fun games and contests for the birthday of 30 years.


Thirty years this is the age when you can safely play the most popular youth game that has conquered corporate parties, birthdays and anniversaries. If your guests are 25-35 years old, then you can safely invite them to have fun on their birthday with this game, which is now being introduced to the rank of cult. Everyone knows the rules of the game. The task of one player is to demonstrate, with the help of his acting skills, the word that was thought to him by another participant. Everyone else must guess what was conceived. You can play as a team or individually.

"Broken MMS"

People who are thirty years old remember the famous game "broken phone". At one time, it was so popular that a TV show was created on its basis. In order to feel a little nostalgic, you can invite guests to play this game at a festive party in honor of the thirtieth birthday. However, this game can be slightly modified to make it more modern.

The host asks the guests to line up in two columns with an equal number of players (at least four participants in each team). The first participants in each column are given a piece of paper and a pencil. After that, the presenter goes to the tail of the column and alternately shows each extreme participant a simple drawing. The task of the extreme players is to draw with their fingers on the backs of the people in front of them the picture that was shown to them. Thus, the pattern is transferred from the tail of the column to its beginning. The first participants, to whom the sheets were originally issued, will have to draw a drawing passed to them across the entire column. The winner is the team that draws the drawing more like the original.

Since, after completing the circle, the last person draws, and does not name words, that is why the game got such a name.


At the age of thirty, people want fun no less than twenty-year-old boys and girls. Therefore, for the anniversary of 30 years, you can hold really fun and incendiary contests.

One of the more fun contests that will fit perfectly into the celebration is the popular dance game limbo. To carry it out, you do not need any special devices that are shown in films. In order to play it, it is enough to prepare a medium-length rope and music, to which the participants will overcome the obstacle.

Two assistants to the leader raise the rope to a height of one and a half meters, and the participants begin to pass under it, while actively dancing. You need to pass in such a way as not to hook the rope with parts of the body. In addition, it is imperative to maintain balance so as not to fall. After each lap, the rope is lowered, making it harder to overcome the obstacle.

This competition is best held outdoors or on the beach, but you can also do it indoors. However, in this case, you need to be careful so as not to injure yourself.

Armless scrambled eggs

For this competition, you need to boil a few eggs. The facilitator calls two participants and ties their hands behind their backs. After that, he puts eggs on the table in front of them and asks them to break them, and then peel them. This is not an easy task, so the competition will surely cause a storm of emotions among all the guests of the anniversary.


If the anniversary is celebrated in the company of good friends whom you want to amuse, then you can hold this competition. To conduct it, it is necessary to call eight people among those who wish and ask them to stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. After that, the moderator whispers to each of the participants in a whisper "eagle" and "rhinoceros". Then the presenter explains to the contestants that the "eagles", when they hear their name, should curl their legs, hanging on the rhinos. The rhinos should do the same when they hear their word. There are no winners in this competition, but it looks fun.

"Gift from the Past"

To hold a competition, you need to find last year's newspapers that were published on the birthday of the hero of the day. There should be a lot of such newspapers, as they will need to be distributed to all guests. The guests' task is that they need to cut out from these newspapers any gift to the hero of the day, for example, an image of a car or cars. Moreover, you can cut out certain words from the text of the newspaper and collect from them congratulations to the hero of the day. The winner is the one who managed to cut out the most original greeting.

"Guess who"

People of all ages love to play associations. Given this fact, you can hold a funny birthday contest for 30 years, which will appeal to all guests and the hero of the day. The essence of this competition is that the presenter takes the hero of the occasion out of the room, and the guests must make a guess at one of the guests. After that, the hero of the day comes back and begins to guess who was the one who was conceived. In this matter, leading questions should help him. For example, he may ask, "If a person were a fruit, what kind of fruit would he be?" Although there is no correct answer to this question, guests can make an association between a hidden person and a certain fruit. After the answer is received, the hero of the day can ask a few more questions in order to confirm his guesses and name the person.

This competition is quite difficult, but fun. With him, laughter on the birthday of 30 years will be provided.

"Delicate pencil"

This competition is only suitable for guests who know each other well. The host asks the guests to split into two teams with an equal number of men and women. The teams line up in two lines, and the leader gives each of them a simple pencil. The first participant holds the pencil between his nose and lip and hands it to the second participant, who should take it in the same way. The winner is the team that was able to pass the pencil faster without dropping it.


Another great competition for celebrating a man or woman's thirtieth birthday. The essence of the competition is that one person is selected, who is blindfolded. For the rest of the participant, the presenter issues leaflets on which one or another part of the musculoskeletal system is written. The chiropractor extends his arms forward, and the participants take turns approaching him. The leader tells the chiropractor which part of the body he needs to examine, and the participant presents this part to the therapist. After conducting an inspection, the driver must guess to whom he rendered services. If he was lucky enough to guess, then the "chiropractor" swaps places with the "patient", and the competition continues. From the outside, everything looks extremely fun and perky, which is what is needed to celebrate a birthday at the age of 30.

When choosing games and contests for the birthday of 30 years, you need to give preference only to really funny fun so that the hero of the day does not have the idea that he is getting old.