Program for the birthday of a 30 years old girl. Excursion to the museum

Thirty years is a kind of line between youth and maturity. The thirty-year mark is very important on the scale of life. This anniversary, as a rule, is celebrated more often than the twentieth or fortieth anniversary.

There are beliefs that some dates cannot be celebrated. They do not recommend celebrating 40 years, they associate with the memorial forty days. For this birthday, it is better to have a modest dinner with your family. You also need to quietly and calmly live your 33rd birthday, since it was at this age that Jesus Christ died, and excessive fun can lead to trouble. Are you 30 years old? You can safely say that they are celebrating, and how! Why can't you celebrate such a first significant event as 30 years, because this is the time of the first serious achievements, for example, such as promotion or buying your own apartment.

If you or your close friends are approaching this milestone, it's time to think about where and how to celebrate this wonderful holiday for 30 years in an original way, so that it remains bright and unforgettable in your memory. Anniversaries are celebrated on a larger scale than regular birthdays. Many guests gather at such events, and they tirelessly have fun and regularly congratulate the birthday man. And in order for the celebration to pass without hesitation and at the highest level, you need to think in advance about where you can celebrate 30 years, and make an entertainment program the day before.

A few ideas for celebrating your 30th birthday

For the holiday to be successful and unforgettable, the main thing is that its organization is fun and easy. Doing everything with a good mood, vitality and a pure desire for a pleasant stay for guests, your anniversary will be a success!

Thirty years is a very important mark on the scale of life. Thirty years is a kind of borderline between youth and adulthood. The 30th anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale more often than the 20th and fortieth anniversary. If you are about to celebrate your thirtieth birthday and you want it to be a bright, memorable holiday, there are three ways: spend a lot of money on celebrating your birthday, throw a party in an unusual place, or come up with an original idea for the holiday. We will talk about ideas and themes for celebrating the 30th anniversary.

How to celebrate 30 years anniversary: \u200b\u200ba few ideas

You can choose almost any topic for the thirtieth birthday that is interesting to the hero of the day, his relatives and friends: it can be a Mexican fiesta, etc. However, you can tie the topic either specifically to the birthday person - that is, to his hobby, profession, life interests, or directly to his thirtieth birthday. We will just consider the last option.

1. Party "We are 20" (15, 18, etc.). In this case, the 30th anniversary party is dedicated to that short period when the birthday boy and his classmates (classmates) were 20 years old.

That is, for example, a party can be dedicated to the year 2001. The slogan of the holiday: "We are always 20 in our souls!" ... For a woman's thirtieth birthday, you can choose a year when she was 18. Then the slogan will be slightly different: "Body and soul we are always 18!" .

The hero of the day and the guests try to dress the way they did when they were 20. To remember what the fashion was, you can look at the photos in your photo albums and on the Internet.

Music that was fashionable at that time is selected. If possible, objects that are relevant for that time are used - for example, you can make a "garland" of antediluvian mobile phones, which at that time only appeared in our lives. Floppy disks, Kodak film reels, etc. will also work.

How to have fun? First, you can watch video collages from photos of the hero of the day and his friends at the age of 20. Secondly, you can arrange a quiz on the knowledge of that era. The host names any event in the world (politics, art, science, natural disasters, etc.) that could have happened that year, and the guests guess whether this event actually took place in that year or whether it happened in another time or not at all. You can also arrange games and entertainment that were popular at parties at the time when the hero of the day was 20 years old.

2. Party in honor of the 30th anniversary "30!" Everything revolves around the number thirty. Firstly, the room is decorated with thirties - these can be paper figures, electric garlands fixed on the wall in the shape of a thirty, balloons with this number, etc.

You can order such decoration for your birthday as decoration with balloons ... A large arch made of balloons will look amazing at the entrance to the place of celebration, on the sides of which are the numbers "3" and "0".

You can give guests any details with the number "30". For example, shoulder straps, caps, T-shirts, etc.

The more thirty on the holiday - the more entertaining. It can be 30 dishes, 30 cocktails on the table, 30 bouquets, etc. By the way, when inviting guests, you need to inform them that the gift also contains a "thirty", For example, relatives can give a gift certificate for 30 thousand rubles; someone will present you with 30 fish hooks or 30 wine glasses, and someone will order an engraving. It will be interesting.

Another option is to ask the guests to tell what they will use the ambulance method for the hero of the day to save him from the blues. There can be a lot of ideas, ranging from "I will come to him with champagne" or "I will take him on a fishing trip" and ending with "striptease" and "give birth to a child for him."

Second entertainment. If the number "thirty" is read differently - the number 3 as "three", and 0 as the letter "o", then the word "trio" will turn out. This can be served as a rebus by asking guests to read the word for a musical ensemble in thirty. When the rebus is solved, you can organize a creative number of three people. Moreover, it can be quite serious, lyrical number or humorous, playful. For example, male guests with their mouths sealed with tape can perform a serenade to a hero of the day.

Third entertainment. The number “thirty” can be read as the syllable “ZO”. The host may invite guests to name two words ending in -zo. There are 2 words in -zo: belly and iron. When the guests guess them, the host will say: "We wish the hero of the day (hero of the day) always eat from the belly and have character, like iron" ... Then contests can be held tied to these topics (comic power competition "iron muscles", culinary competition, etc.).

3. Retro party in honor of the 30th anniversary "I was born". The thirtieth anniversary celebration can be held in the form of a retro party dedicated to the era when the hero of the day was born. Retro decor is used, guests come in clothes of that time, appropriate music is selected. Entertaining moments can also be tied to the place where the hero of the day was born, and to the profession of his parents.

4. Cinema anniversary 30 years. A film is selected that was shot in the year the hero of the day was born. This film is taken as the basis for the script of the holiday.

For example, in 1981, films were made "Carnival" with Irina Muravyova in the title role and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Dog of the Baskervilles" - these films are quite suitable as a theme for a holiday.

For example, the hero of the day may be in the guise of Sherlock, and his wife - in the guise of Watson. The holiday can be held in the form of an investigation into the case of the disappearance of the "Elixir of Youth", which is received by the mother of the hero of the day.

A carnival party can be very fun, with performances by professional singers and dancers, magic tricks, juggling contests and tongue twisters with nuts in your mouth.

If a holiday has an idea, then the whole structure obeys it. There is nothing superfluous in, all its elements are harmonious and interesting. Such holidays are always remembered because they leave the impression of something very bright.

We wish you a successful and very beautiful 30th anniversary!

We are offering to you original script for the anniversary of a woman's 30 years.This script was written to celebrate Victoria's 30th birthday.

Please note that all rights to publish this text belong to its author. It is forbidden to reprint any part of the text! However, you can use this anniversary scenario when preparing and organizing your family holidays.


(Victoria Anniversary)


Victoria, so as not to happen on the way,
Be confident and go to victory!
We wish you great happiness
Friends' concerns, kindness and compassion.
And so that your talent is like a bright diamond
Shone more and more and made us happy.
And may everything in life be successful
Always live in harmony with fate
And let happiness pour in the palm of your hand
Like a pouring summer rain!

Leading: Good evening ladies and gentlemen!
We are glad to see you at the NIKA 20 ** diploma and award ceremony. This diploma and prize will go to whoever is chosen by the members of our drinking academy.
Hello nominees!

1. A charming long-legged, slender like a cypress, charming, beautiful woman - Victoria!
2. Arthur's wonderful, loving, seductive wife!
3. Kind, affectionate, gentle, the best mother in the world for / name of the child /, she's a mommy!
4. Affectionate loving daughter / mother's name / and / father's name /
5. Attentive, obedient, caring daughter-in-law / mother-in-law's name and father-in-law's name /.
6. Beloved sister, counselor and faithful friend for my sister / name /.
7. Sensitive, gentle, caring granddaughter / names of grandfathers and grandmothers /.
8. Wonderful niece / names of aunts and uncles /.
9. An attentive, hospitable daughter-in-law for the brother-in-law / name / and his family.
10. Wonderful housewife, cleanliness, excellent cook, knowledgeable, sensitive, educator of the daughter, master of "Golden hands" in all matters of household - Vika!
11. Experienced, competent trade specialist, knowledgeable commodity expert - / full name of birthday people /.
12. The best godfather for families / godparents /!
13. A devoted friend, ready to always substitute her, albeit fragile, but reliable shoulder for / the names of friends /.

Leading: Gentlemen, academics of the drinking academy, let us test your knowledge about the life of the nominee. Question:
The current birthday girl Victoria began her journey with

  • TV stars
  • Serviceman of the Armed Forces
  • Office clerk
  • Serving boilers and pans.
  • Seamstresses
  • Charming girl

1. The right to present the birthday girl is given to me, your humble servant!

A short story from a friend, toast:
You strive for a victorious crown -
Becoming a winner suits you.
Like an angel you fly in
Into the life of friends, girlfriends.
Without touching the strings and keys
You pour music into them.
You are strict and good-natured
And humble and firm,
Let them fall obediently at your feet
And years and cities.


Leading: The second nomination of the candidates for the jubilee prize. In the second decade passed the years lived with Arthur.
Favorite wife Victoria!
And again, let's check the awareness of those present about the life of the nominee.
Vika met Arthur at:

  • Maternity hospital
  • Kindergarten
  • In the sports section
  • In the registry office
  • At the disco

And everyone who knows this family will say: “Love and mutual understanding reign in this family”! This nominee will be presented by her husband - Arthur!

Wife story, toast:
Behind the tale and the new
To find space
I strive, with love
Drawn along on the way.
To a single goal -
To Victoria, to Vika!

Until so distant
Mysterious stars

I'm a lovers' song
First reported.
I confess to you boldly
My soul sang
Just one word -
Victoria, Vika! ..


Leading: The noble mother of the family, she is a mother!
According to dad, daughter Angela looks like

  • Arthur
  • Victoria
  • They are not like anyone!
  • You don't know him

So, the word about the nominee "Mommy" is given to daughter Angelica!

Daughter's story, toast:
Mom dear, dear
I will hug and kiss
I want to congratulate her
And wish you health
Correct behavior
I want to promise her.
I promise to be obedient
And less upset
Only do what is needed
And help around the house.

Leading: Who can say better about the nomination - a loving daughter, if not her mother. A word to parents.

Parents toast.

Leading: The mother-in-law will tell about the nomination of the daughter-in-law ...

Toast from mother-in-law:
Happy birthday daughter-in-law
We give poems, flowers:
So smart, kind, lovely,
Only you on the planet!
And I wish for years
Happiness and love to you
May bad weather and adversity
Will not appear in fate!
Beloved husband, be a daughter,
And don't forget your mother-in-law.

Leading: A wonderful housewife, an excellent cook, a master of "Golden Hands", who, no matter how close relatives who like to visit this family, can present this nominee. I give the floor ...

The story about the birthday girl. Toast:
Oh, what a beauty -
A lovely sight, a lovely sight!
Wow, what a delicious treat -
Delightful, delicious!
When you come in for half a minute
So unable to refuse!
We are ready hours, day
And overeat weeks!
Remember, we often say:
"Can I have another piece? .."
We want to wish you
Rain of all kinds of recipes!

Leading: About the next nominee - the best godfather, the floor is given to godfathers.

Story about your beloved godfather, toast:
Your home for us is like a second home!
(And for someone, maybe the first.)
A swarm of worries recedes here,
This is where our nerves rest.

We are always here: in frost and heat -
Cordially, genuinely happy.
We are coming to you, as to our own,
For inspiration and joy.

Be successful! Your sweet home
Let it be warm and cozy
Supported every minute
Your caring work.

Leading: The next nominee presents: / word to friends /

Friends story, toast:
You are thirty today - this is an experience, daughter, family,
You're thirty today are the best friends in the world
This is strength, the desire to live and grow,
Ability to choose the right paths!
We wish you never get sick
We wish you never grow old
We wish you to be yourself
Sun, sky, good luck, great, great!


Leading: So, the solemn moment of presentation of the diploma and the award has come ... Who will win? The drums beat solemnly!

He takes out a medal and reads:
"NIKA 20 **" A woman in full bloom of the 1st degree !!! The best wife and mom !!! The best daughter, granddaughter, niece. The best friend !!! Who is this lucky woman ?! Who is the winner ?!
Opens an envelope, takes out a sheet.
There is no doubt about it! The winner is our Victoria !!! Vivat to the winner of such a significant award!

Pour champagne into glasses
After all, you have not worked in vain for so many years!


Capture your 30th anniversary in a photo or video:When planning a holiday for an anniversary, be sure to take care of a professional photographer and videographer in advance,who will take photos and videos of the holiday (

Leading: And now for our birthday girl "Old songs about the main thing"

Song-alteration to the motive of the song "Blue Carriage"
Let the years run, rush somewhere into the distance,
Look into the past with a smile.
Maybe youth is a little sorry
But the best is, of course, to come
White tablecloths on festive tables.
We are celebrating a glorious anniversary here.
In honor of the birthday girl, sweet Victoria
Pour the drunken cup to everyone as soon as possible.

You are surrounded by love in your family.
And you live together with friends
We celebrate the anniversary with friends,
If, of course, you will pour it for us.


Friends' words are living water.
They are champagne in blood.
Balm for the soul - all wishes
Health, joy, love!

Song-alteration to the motive of the song "Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka ..."
Today we are in a good mood.
A treat awaits us all
Fun good hour.
After all, Vika is now ... years old,
Here is a holiday for the soul!
Victoria, Vikulechka,
Congratulate let me.
Chorus: Tra-la, la, la ... ...
And on my birthday, Vikochka,
Pour in a stack.
Victoria you, Vikochka,
We wish you
To be beautiful and cheerful
Lucky everywhere.
We also wish my dear
Happy long years
From all the guests we send you
Our ardent greetings!

Song-alteration to the motive of the song "My darling".
Oh, you are Vikochka, oh, you are darling,
Look at us more fun.
Your friends and relatives have gathered,
To celebrate the anniversary.
And you don't have to tell us
That that song isn't new.
Pour us some more
For good words.
On the anniversary day, it's not too lazy to speak,
All words are sweet to you.
Let from flattering words
From fresh flowers
Your head is spinning.
You are Victoria light Valerievna,
Let's drink today for your anniversary.
Be beautiful for many years
Never, Vika, you are not old.
We are not cunning, because not in the least,
We confess to you in love.
We will always drink with you with joy
Don't forget, just call us.

Song-alteration to the motive of the song "Merry Neighbor"
We all love you very much
Take our word for it
And, having abandoned their affairs,
Celebrating the anniversary.
You are smart, slim, beautiful,
And you are sweet with everyone
We tell you today
From the heart we are all words.
Chorus: Dad…

All adversity and adversity
Let them go around
We wish you happiness
And love is big, big.
Anniversary is not over yet
The whole life is still ahead,
May prosperity be eternal
Always stay afloat.

May I love you with all my heart
The husband is your half
Let my daughter be obedient
And all friends are reliable.
Let the house be a full bowl
You can even over the edge.
All our wishes
Take it with all your heart.

The presenter presents a diploma:

"NIKA 20 **"
This diploma has been issued
Table academy of relatives and friends
/ Surname / Victoria / patronymic /.
The winner in the nominations:
A charming, charming woman.
A seductive wife.
The best mom.
Loving daughter.
Obedient, caring daughter-in-law.
Beloved sister is a counselor and friend.
A sensitive, gentle granddaughter.
A wonderful niece.
A hospitable daughter-in-law.
Wonderful housewife, cleanliness, excellent cook.
Competent commodity expert.
The best godfather.
A wonderful, loyal friend.
A woman in full dawn of strength 1 degree !!!

date Council of the Academy of Table Sciences.

30th anniversary of Mary.(the program is designed for 3 hours of reference).

Meeting the hero of the occasion.

(planned in advance - agreement with guests).

Active persons: 3rd thief, birthday girl, 3rd girlfriends.

Thieves steal birthday girl from home (blindfold, mouth taped, etc.), bring her to a cafe and put her in the car (made from a children's house - tent)... The DJ turns on the "engine factory" background. This creates the illusion that the car is moving. Then the noise is heard, distant, the conversations of people and the DJ turns on the background "Rukki-up group" Ay-ay, girl "Thieves pull the birthday girl out of the" car ", untie her hands, remove the blindfold from her eyes and a dialogue takes place:
1 thief: "What is happening, then !?"
2 thief: "Where are we?"
1 thief: "Give your feet, throw her here, she will twist herself."
(thieves run away)

Girlfriends run up to the birthday girl.

1. Where are you from in this outfit?
2. Where was that? We are all tired of waiting already! At the flea market, eh?
3. Let's send you in a civilized form. And then your boyfriend has already been waiting, got him with questions!

(the girls take the birthday girl away, and dress in accordance with the dress code of the evening).

(The birthday girl appears in the hall. The background is "the sound of a stopped DJ record")

Leading: Hey! People, look around
All eyes raised up
The birthday girl came.
It's time to applaud.
Masha is a super man
We send her a big hello
All of you are longing for you
It's time for everyone to sit down at the table.

(the birthday girl invites guests to the table)

1 table.

Leading: Respect to everyone, or rather good evening
We were all looking forward to this meeting.
We have a weighty reason, familiar to all guests for a long time.
I am revealing a secret, our N-tsat years
I do not name numbers
Woman's age hide
Our Masha is good
And figure and soul
We fill all glasses
And we drink to Masha.

Toast: for the birthday girl.

Leading: Mash, so we can start celebrating your birth in full force. You need to be prepared for this, namely, you need to read a prayer so that everything goes like clockwork with us. Are you ready? (the birthday girl answers)
(the birthday girl reads a prayer)

Women's prayer before the anniversary:
“Lord, help me not to get drunk! wake up in YOUR bed in the morning. Help not to lose the image of a seper-girl! Don't give the guests a face! And do not sit booty in a salad! Don't lose things (including yourself)! Help not to write drunk SMS to anyone at 2 am! Don't call! And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, no more than 2 times! Help me come home in two, not four! And if I do something wrong, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever! Amen.
Toast: for the fulfillment of desires.

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)


You don't have to be modest today -
Respond in Aries Hall!

Well done and rascals,
Where do Taurus sit with us?

Where are the daredevil guys?
All faster Gemini!

The zodiac has many signs
Now I want to see Cancers!

You will respond amicably,
Kings of beasts, handsome Lions!

Let's all look to the right, to the left,
Where is the anniversary of the Virgin?

Turn up your noses
And show yourself to us, Libra!

Queue for all laws
Get up and have a drink for the Scorpions!

All the signs are well done here,
Sagittarius are the luckiest ones.

Don't be hard on the host
And answer, Capricorns!

Let them raise their glasses soon
Don't hesitate to Aquarius!

Let the hero of the day smile
Give affectionate Fish!

Toast: for your acquaintance.

Today, the closest and dearest person for the birthday girl is present at the anniversary - this is her mother! Dear guests! Let us greet ______________ with a loud loud applause. After all, she is also a birthday girl today!
On September 11, 1983, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the firstborn in the family, a girl - Masha!

Dear (Mother's name)!
Do you remember the day when you brought Masha from the hospital?
What was she like?
How do you see her now?

(Mom's congratulations).

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Refill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I know the people will agree with me,
What a toast should be raised to parents
I wish mom health and happiness!

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

Leading: The sister of our birthday girl is at our table! You grew up in the same family, two girls. The two closest girlfriends. Surely, you trusted each other your innermost secrets, shared secrets. Inna, and maybe remember, the most memorable, the most unforgettable moment of childhood.

(sister's congratulations)
(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

Leading: Dear friends! There is such a good tradition to light a candle on all birthday holidays, since fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, beauty and goodness. I suggest that you, Maria, also light a candle in honor of such a significant event - your birthday. (a gift from the host of the holiday - a candle for the birthday girl)
May the flame of this light never go out, giving light and warmth to your loved ones and loved ones, and may only the most beloved and dear people gather for this light, as today.

Toast: For the warm light that comes from the anniversary candle.

Leading: We have one boss here
Very important lord
His heart burns with love
And everyone knows about it
Well, I give my word to Maria's husband.
I expect a creative toast from him.

(congratulations from husband Alexander)

Game "Goldfish".
Leading:Friends! Each of us at least once in his life dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished desires. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The host walks around the guests with a bag in which there are cut-out fish from cardboard.) One of them is gold, and offers to choose any of them without looking into the bag. The owner of the "goldfish" has the right to voice his three wishes, choose them among the cards offered by the presenter. But, before that, he names among the guests, any "performer".)

Examples of desires:

I want a toast to be made in honor of the birthday girl, in which there would be three words "anniversary".
I want any item on the table to be presented to the birthday person as a memorable gift with meaning.
I want your neighbors to the right and left to recite a children's poem in chorus.
I want you to embrace the birthday girl, and then gallop on one leg to your place.
I want you to sing the motive of a familiar song to the guests, and they will guess its name.

(Rewarding "executors" of desires.)

Leading: Every little girl's dream is a magical journey. And I think Maria is no exception. Do you dear guests like to travel? (Guests answer) Now we will check your geographic knowledge ...

Competition: Dance cruise.
1.Where is the Eiffel Tower located? France.
2. In which country was the 1st DISNEYLAND opened? America.
3.Which country is the most salty sea? Israel.
4.Where do the hottest horsemen live? Caucasus.
Those who gave the correct answers go to the dance floor.
Traveling alone is boring, I suggest each of you to a couple of influences. And here we have four Pairs.
Friends, there are wandering artists in front of you !!! They Traveled through different countries, and in which countries, they will now show us IN THE DANCE !!!
By your faces, I already understand that you also want to start dancing. And I invite all the guests to the dance floor

Dance block number 1.

Leading: Oh nostalgia, always in our memories we return to our favorite events and places. Here I am, dear guests, I want to invite all of you to one of the most popular talk shows "guess the melody". Your task is to guess the composition - a shape-shifter. The guest who gives the most correct answers will receive a super-prize from the birthday girl (tape "music special")
Melodies: rocket, natalie - the wind blew from the sea, shark - acid DJ, doctor Alban - about life, disco accident - eggs, paints - and you don't touch me, hands up - I'm 18 already.

Leading: Today is an evening of surprises and miracles. And one very important person of the European stage came to our holiday. To your thunderous applause. Meet the E-TYPE group. (performance by parodists 1)

Leading: Unforgettable impressions from the performance of European stars. And the question immediately arises, What are we worse? Well, of course not! And we can verify this by going to the center of the hall.

Dance block №2.

Competition. The biggest bubble.
Competition: Fun gum.

Performance - a parody group "Combination"

3 table.

Let the glasses be whole
Let the mood rush up
Let the fanfare sound in the music
And let Maria, success awaits!

Toast: for our charming birthday girl.

(guests drink. 5-minute feast)

For a long time we all sit with folded hands,
And as if we are all perishing from boredom,
I want to stir you up,
We will hold a competition!

“According to the majority of people who were born and lived in the USSR, our country was ahead of the rest of the world in such areas as space, ballet, sports and the army. This means that we, who were born in the USSR, are very good at these areas. Check it out? "

Game "Soviet Space: Discoverers".
It is better to choose men to participate. Eyeliner: “Do you want to feel like Soviet cosmonauts? Your task is to discover a new planet, plant the Soviet flag on it and populate it with Soviet people. But time is strictly limited. The cosmonaut who populates more people will win. "
Participants are given balloons (not inflated), threads and markers. The task for each player is to inflate the ball as quickly as possible, tie it with a thread, draw a sickle and a hammer on the ball with a marker, put your initials, and then draw as many simple figures as possible, schematically depicting a person. Not much time is given: 5 minutes maximum. At the end, the presenter counts the number of "little men" on each "planet". Whoever has more - he gets the title of "Honorary Gagarinets".

Toast: for the discoverers and their discoveries.

Leading: As I said, in addition to space, our country was the very first in sports. Everyone knows the achievements of our figure skaters, gymnasts, etc. Here is the moment to remember the past.

Game "Soviet Sport: Sprinters".
Liner: “You have to cover a short distance as quickly as possible. Before you start, remember the Soviet slogan that all world records should be ours. Don't let your Motherland down - the most athletic country! ”.
Number of participants (both men and women can play)limited only by the amount of inventory. Equipment for one participant: a beer bottle, to which a long ribbon or rope is tied at one end. Length - the more the better (maybe five meters or more).
Participants stand in one line, holding the bottles in their hands. The presenter and his assistant stretch the tapes, fixed at one end to the bottles, along the room to the opposite end. (forming a kind of treadmill for each participant)... At the Start command, the participants begin to wind the tape around the bottle. Whoever does it faster wins, receiving the title of "Soviet record holder".

Leading: What a holiday there is without dancing.
Probably, there are simply none,
Let's do it so that to blush,
So that the light comes on in your eyes!
And so that Masha's birthday
It was remembered by everyone for many years!

Dance block №3.

Competition: Rubik's Cube.

The performance is a parody of Alla Pugacheva.


Guests form 2 circles (small and large)around the birthday girl.

Leading: May your life be bright
May your life be beautiful
Let there be a lot of warmth in her
And let love be dominant in her!
Let your husband be your king
And you, will be his queen,
So that everything is as you want,
So that all desires come true,
So that all cherished dreams
They were looking for excuses in life!

We do not say goodbye to you dear guests, but simply say "see you soon!"

The background sounds: a remix of the song of the crocodile Gena "Let them run awkwardly"

This should be the scenario for the anniversary of a 30-year-old woman

3.3 | Votes: 7

Thirty years is a great time, especially for the gentle and sweet half of humanity. At this age, a woman is still beautiful and graceful, but, to all this, such excellent qualities as life experience, intelligence and knowledge were added. We are glad to present you, which is perfect for celebrating in a restaurant or cafe.

Of course, the room should be appropriately decorated. You can use for this multi-colored balls, fresh flowers, bows, posters with photos of the hero of the day. The hero of the occasion herself must shine, so the clothes should be bright and shiny.


Dear relatives and friends of the hero of the day, so that throughout the entire celebration you have a great mood, I offer you a choice of multi-colored balls.

Guests make a choice.


Now let's find out why each of you came here! While the culprit is not in the hall, I will declassify the intentions of each of you. If any of you chose a red ball, come here to have fun; green was chosen by those who came here to get drunk; blue was preferred by guests who had nowhere else to go; those who came to eat chose yellow. It was an innocent joke.

Guests with balls stand in two rows, some of them fulfill the presenter's requests.


Here is our model
Opened the door for us
I invited you all to visit
And she called them big "stars"!
It's time to thank her
We begin to give her star gifts.

Gifts need to be presented in an unusual way, with humor and treat the birthday girl like a real star.


Now, the word for congratulations goes to my dear husband (name of the hero of the day).
It so happened that today is a rather rare and unusual date that happens only once in life. Therefore, the congratulations will be extraordinary. (Husband's name) will now perform a song for his wife, he has not performed this before and no one guessed about his talent.

The husband of the birthday girl, according to the scenario of the jubilee, for her thirtieth birthday, sings the song "Happy Birthday", authors: E. Muravyov - A. Garnizov, lyrics - I. Allegrova. The song is being sung (applause).


Well, now, you can go to the table
Champagne, wine, salads, pickles
Naturally, this may not surprise us.
But the "stars" also need a snack!

The birthday girl goes to her place.


In honor of our sweet star
We raise our glasses
And we say a wish for her
Let happiness without borders be yours!

The music stops, the feast.


Dear guests, this holiday might not have gathered us milestones here, if our hero of the day had not had such good parents - dad and mom ... Today they also have a holiday. Exactly thirty years ago, in one of the maternity wards appeared (name of the hero of the day)... We congratulate them on this wonderful event and give them the floor!


Since childhood you have been the very best
You have now become a respected lady
And even though you are still young and young,
Beautiful and slender like a birch,
Happy birthday to you,
Let me give you guidance!
Always smile at the sun and people
Then love and luck will always be with you!


And now the guests are dear, let's digress a little from the feast, and find out how well our hero of the day remembers her past years.

Leaflets with the text down are laid out on the tables. On them there are such inscriptions: “I was drinking tea”, “I was walking with a boy”, “I was singing and dancing all day”, “I worked for two,” “I listened to music”, etc.

The host announces:

And let's remember what the “name of the hero of the day” did when she was seven years old.

The birthday girl picks up any card and reads the text on it. After that, the word is passed on to the parents, who must tell about that age of their daughter. The procedure is repeated a couple more times. Further, according to the scenario of the anniversary at the age of 30, the woman's favorite music of the hero of the occasion sounds. The guests are dancing.


Close friends of the birthday girl prepared a small but interesting impromptu concert.

A group of men disguised as women appears on the stage under the name "Buranovskie Maidens". They perform the song Party For Everybody!


It's time to relax a bit and start playing. Everything has become noticeably more cheerful. Let's play the game "Patter". The conditions of the game are simple, whoever reads the tongue twister accurately and without hesitation gets a glass of wine (vodka, brandy) as a gift.

The presenter lays out pre-prepared sweets, in which the texts of tongue twisters are placed. The guests take turns taking sweets and read the text.


Our feast continues, it's time to dance.

The scenario for the woman's 30th birthday is over!