New Year's patterns on the windows. New Year's vytynanka: a silhouette paper cut for the New Year. The history of paper stencils

In the days leading up to the New Year, each person plunges into the indescribable atmosphere of the most magical of the annual celebrations. We all start looking for gifts, hoping to fulfill the wishes of family and friends, go around many shops in search, think over a delicious menu and buy the necessary products. And in our free time, of course, we decorate the Christmas tree and the apartment, decorating it with multi-colored tinsel, panels, banners, and thematic ones.

All these elements of festive decor have surrounded us since childhood, therefore, they are quite familiar decorations, but recently many have discovered surprisingly graceful vytynanka pictures that fill the house with the atmosphere of a fairy tale, as if descended from the pages of books. Vytynanki are silhouette figures cut from white or colored paper or a very thin cardboard sheet.

Neat paper cutouts will decorate the windows of your home

With their help, you can create incredible compositions, combining many decorative figures in the form of houses, fairytale castles, animated characters, forest animals and magical characters into one panel. A little patience and perseverance - and now snowmen and deer have settled on your windows, the Snow Maiden leads a round dance around the Christmas tree with bunnies and bears, and Santa Claus flies over the city on a magic sleigh.

In addition, protruding figures can be attached to the surface of a mirror cabinet or made a wall panel. Some figurines combine from several symmetrical elements, turning into three-dimensional decorations that can be attached to the chandelier. Vytynanki are made very simply, so feel free to collect all your home on winter evenings and start cutting out the most sincere New Year's decorations.

How to make a vytynanka?

The tucked-out craft will not take much of your time and will not require any exceptional skills, because all you need is a little patience and the following tools and objects:

  • paper for office printing;
  • pointed scissors with thin blades;
  • a piece of plywood, a cutting board, or a self-healing art mat;
  • tweezers;
  • double-sided tape and glue.

The vytynanka can be glued to window panes, mirrors and even walls!

The stages of making a protrusion include the following steps:

  • Step 1. Download the pictures below and save them to your computer.
  • Step 2. Print the cutouts on paper.
  • Step 3... Cut out the design carefully with scissors. In the case of complex, asymmetrical protrusions, first shade all the parts to be cut with a simple pencil. For fine details, it is better to use a breadboard knife. The main thing is not to forget to put a board under the sheet so as not to scratch the table. At the end, carefully peel off the cut pieces with tweezers.
  • Step 4. Think over the scene of the future panel and glue the figures on the surface of the glass, mirror or on the wall of the room. For smooth glass surfaces, use a strong soapy water solution that can be applied to the protruding area with a brush. On wooden surfaces and walls, it is better to glue paper on double-sided tape. Do not be afraid that after removing the figures, sticky marks will remain on the furniture - they are perfectly removed with an anti-glue spray.

After you have coped with simple vytynanki and got the hang of cutting even the smallest parts, you can start making volumetric figures, consisting of several parts. Such protrusions are great for decorating window sills, Christmas trees, cornices, as well as window and doorways.

Vytynanka for the New Year of the Dog 2018

Each person has the opportunity to plunge into a special exciting atmosphere before the New Year. Preparation for the most important celebration takes a lot of our time. In this case, we go to the nearest stores in order to pick up good gifts for family and friends. We also go to the shops in order to choose a beautiful outfit for celebrating the holiday. In addition to these troubles, it is necessary to draw up a menu and purchase the necessary products. Well, when there is time left, then you can get creative. For example, you can decorate the tree with tinsel and make crafts. And you can also make vytynanka for the New Year 2018. And in this article we will present templates for you.

What are these products

Of course, in our article you can see samples of special pictures for windows. But first of all, it should be said that without these elements, the home atmosphere of the holiday will look incomplete. Vytynanki, which have quirky patterns and shapes, can fill your home with a fabulous atmosphere. Vytynanki are figures that resemble silhouettes. These figures are cut out not only from snow-white paper, but also from colored paper. A sheet of cardboard, which is not very dense, will also work.

If you cut out a lot of figures from paper and combine them all together, you get a beautiful composition. Such compositions can consist of beautiful houses, heroes of a fairy tale, as well as Christmas trees. In general, here you should rely on your imagination to do as you like. Vytynaks can be attached not only to window panes. You can also attach these products to the surface of the cabinet with a mirror. If you show a little ingenuity, then several asymmetrical figures can be connected together in order to form a three-dimensional figure. Such three-dimensional figures are usually attached to a chandelier in a room. You shouldn't think that making vytynanki is a complicated process. Trust me, it's very simple. Therefore, invite your loved ones to this lesson and create something bright together.

Vytynanka and how to make it

Vytynanka for the New Year is easy to print if you read our article to the end and see their samples. It doesn't take much time to make this craft. Moreover, this process does not require any special skills. To create a craft, you need patience and the following list of tools:

  • Scissors that have pointed tips.
  • Office printing paper.
  • A piece of plywood or a cutting board.
  • Glue, tweezers and double-sided tape.

A paper product for the New Year's theme is made in several stages:

  1. The pictures below must be downloaded and saved on your computer. The cutouts are then printed onto the paper.
  2. The drawing is cut out with scissors using neat movements. If you come across complex drawings, then proceed as follows. First of all, it is worth shading those elements that need to be cut. The work uses an ordinary simple pencil. If the details are thin, then a breadboard knife is used in the work. When cutting, a board is placed under the sheet. As a result of such actions, your table will not be scratched. After all the work has been done, the details will be removed from the cast with tweezers.
  3. A worthy place on your window can be occupied by a vytynanka dog for the New Year, which you can see in this article. But still it is worth returning to the process of creating a vytynanka. The next step is to think over the arrangement of the elements on your panel. In order to make a beautiful composition, the figures are first placed approximately on glass or a mirror. In order to glue the figures to glass or to a mirror, you must use a soap-based solution. This solution is applied with a brush to the vytynanka. Paper crafts are glued to wood surfaces using double-sided tape. And if, after removing the protruding hole, sticky marks remain on the surface, then remove them with an anti-glue spray.
  4. In order to make beautiful vytynanka, you must first get a handle on it. You need to start improving your skills with simple products. After that, you can start making more complex figures. Volumetric protrusions will perfectly decorate the window sills in the house. You can also decorate with them: Christmas trees, cornices, as well as window openings.

Vytynanka for the New Year 2018

Now for you, we will present templates for vytynanka for the New Year for printing. These templates can be easily cut and decorate the spaces that you want.

New Year is one of the most magical and long-awaited holidays for both adults and children. A wonderful atmosphere of expectation of a miracle, which is in the air all December, warms our souls and lifts our spirits, which is why it is so important to decorate the window for the New Year 2019.

It is so nice, walking around the city at night, to see the glowing festively decorated windows of houses unfamiliar to us. And it is even more pleasant to look at all this beauty of New Year's decorations in your rooms. Give yourself and the people around you a holiday feeling right now. Join the window decorating marathon for New Year 2019.

We have collected for you the most common and original ways and ideas for New Year's window decoration, helping to instantly turn your cozy nest into a fairy-tale castle. Imagine, create, enjoy the process and the result!

Even if there is still no snow outside the window on the street, you can create a whole whirlwind of snowflakes at home. To do this, you just need paper and scissors. You can take both ordinary A4 sheets and unusual ones, for example, candy wrappers, napkins with beautiful drawings, colored cardboard, thin bright fabrics or origami sheets.

Having folded the square-shaped paper in a special way, draw a diagram of the future snowflake with a pencil and cut out everything unnecessary. Each snowflake will be unique in its own way, since sheets of different sizes and all kinds of patterns can be used to create them. Stick the made openwork snowflakes directly on the window panes using paste or hang them on strings of different lengths. The paste should be made from starch, which must be brewed in water. It is most convenient to apply it to the snowflake with a brush, and after gluing it to the glass, you need to remove the excess "glue" with an absorbent cloth.

The so-called volumetric snowflakes have become very popular now. They consist of sectors of several ordinary snowflakes, fastened together in a special way. Thanks to this, the design of the snowflake is very light, airy and bewitching. Snowflakes made using the origami technique look original. The most common pattern of such a snowflake is from an isosceles hexagon. The best way to make your first such snowflake is to watch the tutorial video.

About decorating windows with paper stencils - Dog 2019

About decorating windows with paper stencils

Print or purchase stencils for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Snowman and snowflakes, Christmas trees and Christmas balls, carts with deer and other fabulous animals and characters. Pay special attention to the stencil of the next year's animal symbol. Place it in the center or make it large in relation to the other figures. Additionally, they can be decorated with sparkles, varnished or painted with gel colored pens, markers or felt-tip pens. In addition to individual figures, you can cut out a whole composition, for example, snow-covered trees around a house with a chimney, Santa Claus in a sleigh with reindeer, birds in tree feeders, children decorating a Christmas tree or angels with candles.

About decorating windows with Christmas garlands

A wonderful, attention-grabbing garland can be made with your own hands in just a couple of hours. And if at this time you turn on a good New Year's comedy, then you will definitely be in a festive mood. To create a garland, you will need several sheets of multi-colored cardboard, on which you must first mark out, and then cut out stars of different sizes using the prepared templates, and then cut out with scissors or a clerical knife.

By the way, it can be crescents, circles, Christmas trees, and everything that your fantasy tells you. On one side, each such figure must be covered with sparkles, and when they dry, on the other side of the figures, stick a strong thread that ties them together. A garland with figures alternating in color and size looks very original and stylish. In addition, garlands can be created from ordinary tinsel by gluing cones, bunches of rowan berries, small toys, balls crumpled from foil and the same cut-out figures with sparkles on it.

A garland of cotton balls looks unusually airy and easy. To make it, you need to roll up balls of medical cotton and string them on a fishing line or strong white thread. To make the balls better keep their shape, they can be covered with a small amount of PVA glue. It is recommended to separate each ball from the neighboring ones using knots. You can alternate cotton balls with paper snowflakes. Having made several of these garlands, they are hung on a horizontal rope on the cornice. The length of the garlands of balloons should be approximately the same as the height of the window.

About decorating windows with an electric garland

On the market for Christmas decorations, there is a huge variety of electric garlands of all kinds, shapes, colors and different blinking modes. As a decoration for windows, they can be hung along the entire contour of the window or from the top to the window sill. Garlands-curtains or garlands-nets, specially designed for decorating flat surfaces, look the most impressive and solemn. And also from the usual electric blinking garland, you can build on the window the outline of a glowing Christmas tree or snowman.

About decorating windows with beautiful drawings

1. Ready-made stickers

If you want to take an easier path, then purchase special vinyl window stickers in the form of Christmas trees, snowmen, deer, Santa Claus, Snow Maidens, bells, etc. in stores. They are sold both as separate items and as whole compositions.

2. Self-made stickers

If you have the time and desire, you can print the templates found on the Internet on a color printer and cut the figures yourself.

3. Hand drawing

If you want to show your creativity, then use toothpaste, gouache, watercolor or "snow" from a spray can to paint on glass.
To apply a pattern to glass with "paint" in the form of toothpaste, you will need tools such as a sponge, dishwashing sponge or toothbrush.

The toothpaste should be diluted in a small amount of water and, applying previously prepared stencils to the window, evenly distribute the mixture with the selected tool along the slots of the pattern template. It is most convenient to do this with a foam sponge.

From stencils, you can create whole compositions by placing them over the entire surface of the window. And by sprinkling the “paint” with a toothbrush, you can get original snowflake dots around the main drawings. Freehand at the bottom of the glass, you can draw snowdrifts, which will make the composition complete and harmonious.

After the New Year holidays, the toothpaste is well washed with ordinary wet wipes, and if you also use a special glass cleaner, then returning the windows to their original form will not be difficult. You can use lace napkins or tulle as stencils for liquid "snow" from spray cans. Secure them to the glass with masking tape and apply "snow". Once the fabric is removed, flawless lace patterns remain on the windows.

About decorating a window with a Christmas wreath

A Christmas wreath in the center of the decorated window composition will look very beautiful and unusual. To make it, you need to cut a ring out of cardboard, and then glue it on both sides with snowflakes, stars, small balls and cones, cover with sparkles, tie with satin ribbons or thin tinsel, and decorate with small bows. Match colors to suit your mood and taste. The Christmas wreath can be either snow blue or burgundy green. There are no strict rules, the main thing is that you like what you have done.

About the decoration of the cornice and curtains

Remember that, in addition to window panes, you need to festively decorate the cornice with garlands, tinsel, colorful rain or Christmas tree decorations on ribbons of different lengths. The curtains will sparkle with new colors if snowflakes and beads are carefully sewn onto them.

About window sill decoration

On the windowsill, you can put up ikebana - a New Year's composition of Christmas tree branches, cones, tangerines and decorative candles. Flower pots can be wrapped with tinsel, and the surface of the windowsill can be showered with small metal stars, which can then be easily assembled with a magnet. In addition, you can put small toys from souvenir shops on the windowsill - cats, rabbits, bears, etc., tied with a small rain bow on each of them.

About decorating a window with illuminated paper panoramas

This method of decoration has appeared relatively recently, and has already managed to prove itself well as an elegant, original decor for windows. Preparing panoramas takes some free time, but it's worth it! It is necessary to take several sheets of thick paper and glue them together, or cut a Whatman paper. As a result, you should get two stripes that will be equal to the length of the window sill.

On these strips, it is necessary to apply with a simple pencil the pre-selected plot stencils for the New Year theme. These can be Christmas trees of different heights, houses with windows and chimneys, or snowmen. It is recommended that you draw and cut these elements as a continuous ornament. After that, it is necessary to vertically fasten the made stencils on the windowsill so that there is a small distance between them.

To do this, use foam rubber or a flat box of sand. An electric garland should be placed in the gap between the two paper decorations. In the dark, it will illuminate the drawing in an original way, thereby creating a panoramic picture. These windows create a warm, homely atmosphere and attract the attention of guests and passers-by.

About decoration from Christmas balls

If this year you do not plan to put up a Christmas tree, and you have a lot of New Year's glass balls, decorate the window opening with them. Tie a satin ribbon to each such ball and secure them to the upper cornice. Use ribbons of different colors and lengths, and then the balls will hang at different levels, which will create an original spectacular appearance of the decoration. And also from the balls suspended at different heights, you can create a silhouette of a Christmas tree, additionally decorating its outline with green tinsel.

About decoration from gifts

Pick up about 10 small boxes (from cosmetics, groceries, or matches) and wrap them in several different types of gift wrap. Tie bows on top and place them on the windowsill or hang on a strong thread.

About decoration from postcards

Beautiful New Year's cards of the past can be useful for decoration if they are fixed on the curtain with special New Year's clothespins.

Now that you know such a huge number of ideas and options for decorating windows for the New Year holidays, it will be easy for you to choose what you like, turn on your imagination, find all the decorative things that you have at home, and boldly get down to business!

It is in our power to create a sense of celebration, expectation of a miracle and a magical atmosphere of the New Year in our own home. The main thing is to do it with joy, interest and dedication. And then the next year will give you many bright, pleasant and unforgettable moments!

On the eve of such a wonderful holiday as the New Year, a sacred rite reigns in every home, associated with a spectacular decoration of both home and office interiors. Among the variety of festive outfits in any room, paper pins for the New 2018 will undoubtedly be very popular, the templates of which, presented here in a wide range, can be used.

The meaning of the name of the decoration

The word "vytynanka" is of Ukrainian origin. The literally described process means the careful cutting of some patterns, silhouettes from paper.

Despite the seemingly simple appearance, the presented type of decorative and applied art is rightly considered by specialists in this area to be one of the too complex.

Talented craftsmen, who have a hand in this business and have imagination, are distinguished by their ability to create integral compositions with a fascinating plot, in which the smallest details are carefully cut. Such painstaking work requires extreme attention, patience and accuracy.

The use of a vytynanka

The technique of making a vytynanka has been known for more than one century. Pull-outs made of paper 2018 can serve not only as a New Year's design of windows for a house, apartment, summer house or office space, but also become the basis

  • plot picture,
  • framed wall panel,
  • original composition on the surface of a mirror cabinet or dressing table,
  • traditional greeting card,
  • a paper lantern for decorating a Christmas tree,
  • exclusive paper garland,
  • consisting of several symmetrical sections of the Christmas tree ball,
  • volumetric decoration of a chandelier or wall sconces,
  • new Year's decorations for a festive fairy-tale performance.

Taking into account the specific purpose of the protrusions chosen for decorating the room, they can be divided into several thematic varieties:

  • snowy winter landscapes,
  • snowflakes,
  • christmas balls,
  • christmas wreaths and bells,
  • vegetable world,
  • figurines of animals,
  • new Year characters: Santa Claus with his granddaughter Snegurochka, snowmen,
  • magic sleigh of Santa Claus,
  • christmas nursery surrounded by touching angels,
  • heroes of fairy tales or cartoons,
  • fantasy houses and amazing castles,
  • symbol of the coming year.

In some cases, individual figures are connected from several symmetrical elements. Thus, the result is a volumetric interior decoration using the vytynanka technique.

New Year's vytynanka, dated for 2018, must necessarily contain an image of his symbol - a dog.

Their silhouette figures cut out of white or colored paper or images that make up whole compositions will fill the house with a special atmosphere on the eve of the New Year.

Using image templates chosen to your liking, the ready-made protrusions can be glued to postcard cardboard, furniture or windows at the end of the work, which is the most common way of using them in interior decor.

For this purpose, depending on the surface, it is recommended to use

  • a solution prepared from laundry soap and water,
  • stationery glue,
  • special paste,
  • adhesive tape,
  • double-sided tape.

Vytynanka manufacturing process

Making a vytynanka for the New Year 2018 as a window decoration or another way of festive decor does not require any exceptional skills and does not take much time. With such a fascinating New Year's skill, you can captivate children and, together with them, prepare rooms for the celebration.

For painstaking work on New Year's tuck, you should arm yourself with certain materials and tools:

  • the required number of sheets of white paper for the printer,
  • thick cardboard
  • sharp small scissors (nail scissors with straight tips would be an excellent option),
  • clerical knife,
  • a special breadboard knife for cutting through small details of the image,
  • with a medical scalpel,
  • a rug made of cut-resistant material as a backing for paper with a printed template (this material can be a piece of linoleum, a sheet of plywood, a wooden, plastic or glass cutting board),
  • tweezers,
  • stationery glue in a tube or double-sided tape.

On the future vytynanka, you can depict anything you like. The main thing is to initially present the result of the work, to correctly see the details of the planned work, to understand how the shadows will form.

It should be borne in mind that on the selected sheet of paper, each element of the tuck is cut in such a way that the edge of the paper common to the entire product remains intact, not damaged.

It is necessary to pay attention to one more important nuance in the manufacture of paper protrusions. Thin, fragile paper for office printing requires you to work with cutting tools very carefully so as not to tear the product. When planning the production of postcards using the demonstrated technique, they prefer to choose cardboard of different densities.

When preparing to cut the vytynanka for the new year 2018, you can print templates using this article with a step-by-step description of the process, which will present in detail the master class proposed below.

  • Anticipating the exciting work of the designer, you need to choose a picture to your taste among the displayed images and save it on your personal computer.
  • The preferred image of the future vytynanka is printed by means of a printer on office paper. Optionally, you can use not only paper of the common A4 size, but also print an image on an A3 sheet, which is available for certain printer models.
  • Use sharp nail scissors or the tip of a clerical or mock knife to cut out the indicated patterns.
  • Anticipating this stage of work on the product, it is necessary to cover the table with a special mat, which will prevent scratches or cuts on the table surface. As such a mat, it is customary to use a wooden or plywood board, a fragment of linoleum.

    Small parts cut out during work are usually removed not with your fingers, but with tweezers to avoid damaging the thin paper base of the protruding hole.

    Depending on what exactly will be decorated with this type of New Year's decor, you can use several types of fasteners, which were discussed above.

    If the vytynanka assumes further use in a greeting card or decor of various pieces of furniture, it is advisable to place fragments of double-sided tape on its back side, by means of which the image will be attached to a wooden, polished or paper surface.

    Options for New Year's poke holes for windows

    Preferring the 2018 New Year's vytynanka for windows, their templates should be printed and made from thin paper.

    Paper snowflakes have long been considered a classic option for decorating a glass surface and, first of all, windows. They are most in demand in the home interior, and in the case of decorating office windows, and when decorating the premises of schools and kindergartens.

    In addition to this option, which is very easy, especially for children, it is possible to cut out patterned stripes stretching along the entire length of the window glass. They can be both with a symmetrical, repeating elements of the plot ornament, and a composition with a certain content. Most often, vytynanki are made with the image of Santa Claus riding in a sleigh.

    Dogs will be especially popular for the New Year 2018, the templates of which are also presented to the attention of those wishing to master an interesting technique.

    When planning to print the found template, you need to keep in mind that there is an opportunity to save printer ink. Since the vytynanka image will be subsequently cut out, there is no need to make its outlines too bright or dark. In this case, before printing the template, it is necessary to reduce the brightness to an acceptable level in a special editor. A distinguishable contour will be sufficient for subsequent work.

    A rather light, but very original image for the future New Year's eve in the Year of the Dog will be a template with dog's paws that paved the way.

    You can decorate the front door, furniture, and windows with such paper protrusions. Such an image will directly symbolize the arrival of the hostess of the coming year in the house.

    Methods for attaching protrusions to glass

    To effectively decorate windows on the eve of the new year, it is not at all enough to print and neatly cut ready-made templates. The paper base must be properly secured to the glass surface of the window. If the above was about the effectiveness of using double-sided tape, that for a glass surface it is advisable to use other fastening methods, the range of which is very wide - from office glue to a milk-based solution.

    A fairly reliable way of attaching the protruding to the window glass in the room will be the so-called dry glue decorated with a pencil.

    However, any kind of stationery glue can be difficult to remove from the glass surface after the holidays. In addition, the adhesive composition can negatively affect the surface, leave traces, make it dull at the attachment point.

    This is the reason for the choice of the inhabitants of the soap solution, which interacts well with paper tuckers. For these purposes, it is recommended to use laundry soap. Some people prefer the use of pine-scented soap to heighten the effect.

    Using soap, you can attach a paper tuck to the window as follows:

    • moisten a clean sponge in warm water;
    • take a small amount of laundry soap with a sponge;
    • apply soap to the edges of the paper template with a sponge;
    • attach the tuck, soaped by the described method, to the window glass.

    Excessive wetting must be avoided. This can cause the template to get wet or to slide down towards the windowsill.

    Tucked out in this way at the end of the holidays can be easily removed from the glass and stored in a cardboard box until next year.

    In addition to soap solution, there is another method of attaching paper templates to windows. You will need milk to prepare the original adhesive. This product contains casein, which is an excellent adhesive.

    However, an important nuance must be taken into account: for such a fastening technology, it is necessary to purchase only homemade milk. Skimmed milk powder or milk powder prepared in production is not suitable for such purposes.

    The vytynanka is glued with milk in the manner described above, except that milk replaces the soap solution.

    Milky traces left on the window panes after removing the paper decorations can also be very easily removed with the help of only wet cleaning.

    Other types of paper decor

    There are not only flat protrusions made from a single sheet of paper, but also voluminous room decorations that bring bold design ideas to life.

    From thin or rather flat cardboard, it is possible to make volumetric openwork objects using the tucking technique, for example, a herringbone consisting of four sections.

    Such an item of New Year's decor can be installed on New Year's Eve in the center of the festive table or decorate a coffee table, curbstone, chest of drawers with it.

    Sectional, made up of two or four symmetrical paper or cardboard fragments with cut patterns, can be successfully attached to the lower tier of a chandelier in the room where the celebration will take place. For these purposes, you can perfectly use a harsh white thread, confetti or New Year's rain.

    Undoubtedly, for each of us, the New Year is the most long-awaited and bright holiday. The flickering of colorful garlands on the streets, the smell of a Christmas tree, tangerine and the taste of Olivier became the harbingers of a magical moment. But, perhaps, we ourselves create the most amazing festive atmosphere on the eve of the holiday. Especially at the moments of decorating a Christmas tree and at home, decorating with multi-colored garlands, tinsel, New Year's wreaths and themed templates.

    The symbol of 2020 is the White Metal Rat. Below you will find templates with the image of this cute animal.

    What templates to cut on windows for the New Year 2020?

    Oddly enough, but recently it was the pictures - templates that have become especially popular among the usual decorations. However, it is not surprising. These templates for the new year 2020 are wonderful paper cutouts for a window, which are quite easy and simple to create with your own hands. In this article, you will find and be able to print the most original and incredible pictures - templates that will bring a fairy tale into your home, as if descended from the pages of your favorite books.

    Children can also be involved in this pre-holiday craft, who will gladly take part in creating home decorations for the celebration.

    Window cutouts can be made on a variety of topics, namely:

    • winter landscapes;
    • snowflakes;
    • bells;
    • angels;
    • figurines of Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden;
    • animals;
    • snowmen;
    • characters from fairy tales or cartoons;
    • ancient castles and lovely houses;
    • symbol of the coming year - Rat or Mouse

    In order to make templates for cutting for a window for the new year 2020, you will not need special skills and you will not need much time.

    A picture - a template for cutting out on a window, you can draw either one figure yourself or the whole composition. The main thing in this skill is to clearly see the final result of the work and the location of the shadows. And, at the same time, a figure should be cut out of a sheet of paper so that one edge remains intact. So let's get started!

    Templates with the symbol of the year 2020 - Rat and Mice

    According to the eastern calendar, the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2020 is the White Metal Rat. Uncomplicated pictures of this cute animal will help you attract prosperity and good luck to your home. You can draw a rat or a mouse yourself, or choose and print the templates below.

    And, with a color printer, you can print such templates. Image size is also fairly easy to make by changing the settings.

    To simulate these figures, you should prepare components such as:

    • templates;
    • stationery scissors;
    • underlay for cutting;
    • scissors for manicure;
    • stationery knife.

    First, you should print the template - on plain or colored paper, and then cut it out. At the time of cutting out small parts in the figure, it is necessary to press quite hard on the blade of the clerical knife, while the movements themselves should be neat and scrupulous. Remember to use a cutting board while you work. Just place it under the template and get creative. You can get rid of larger parts with nail scissors. Now ready-made templates - you can stick on windows, doors and other pieces of furniture, thereby giving a festive decor in the house.

    Fragile, snow-white snowflakes are considered an exquisite decoration not only for home interiors, but also for offices, schools and kindergartens. To create a winter blizzard indoors, you will be helped by templates - snowflakes for cutting on the window, which you can download or print. Although each of us was taught to create snowflakes from childhood, we still recall how the process of creating the future queens of New Year's Eve takes place. So, first, prepare the following materials:

    • sheet of paper and templates;
    • construction knife;
    • stationery scissors;
    • cutting board;
    • a piece of soap;
    • art brush;
    • a piece of fabric;
    • sponge.

    The templates should now be printed on the printer. If you do not have this technique available, it doesn’t matter. Take a sheet of paper and attach it to the computer monitor, trace the picture along the contour. You can resize the template using standard browser tools or image viewers. Then take scissors and carefully cut the workpiece from the outside. After that, with the help of a clerical knife, you can start modeling the internal figures of snowflakes to your taste and skill. Remember to carefully remove any dark outlines. Then take a glass of warm water and dip a brush in there, and rub over the soap. Next, lubricate the surface of the snowflake and use a sponge to gently press it against the glass. Remove any air bubbles with a piece of cloth. That's all, beautiful snowflakes are ready.

    Paper templates - Christmas balls

    New Year's paper balls can serve not only as a decoration for a green beauty, but also for an interior. Indeed, inside an uncomplicated template, you can place a special, magical world where fairy tale and magic reign. It will not be difficult to print out templates - balls for the new year 2020 will not be difficult, but they should be cut out very carefully. The main thing is to prepare all the necessary components and start creating holiday balls, namely:

    • construction knife;
    • stationery scissors;
    • cutting board;
    • sequins;
    • sequins.

    It is quite simple to make unique jewelry, the main thing is desire and inspiration. To get started, print templates or depict the ball in the form that you want to bring to life. Then take scissors and cut out all the small details, if any, from the template - the ball. Then you can cut the shape along the contour. Now you can decorate this figure to your taste with multi-colored sparkles or sequins. And, all New Year's, bright balls are ready to decorate your room. You just have to attach them either to dry glue or to double-sided tape and thus pleasantly surprise your household and guests.

    Heroes of fairy tales and cartoon characters will fill your home with joy and plunge you into wonderful memories of your childhood, and perhaps help you feel like a child again. Templates - pictures you can download or sketch, then print and cut. This business does not require much time, but the process of creating paper cartoon figures will please not only children, but also adults. It remains only to prepare all the necessary materials such as:

    • sheets of colored or white paper and templates;
    • construction knife;
    • stationery scissors;
    • cutting board;

    Print the template you like - a picture. Use scissors to cut it out. Then put the picture on a cutting board and carefully cut out all the small parts with a construction knife. Now you can start decorating windows or doors. You can use either soapy water or double-sided tape or glue stick.

    These cute images of everyone's favorite characters from fairy tales and cartoons will always make everyone smile.

    Templates for the New Year 2020 - Santa Claus with his granddaughter Snegurochka.

    Of course, what New Year is without the main characters - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden? True, without them, no where. Templates - drawings with these characters can be very diverse. It all depends on your wishes. They can become participants in a whole plot composition, for example, they can dance around the Christmas tree, give out gifts, play with forest animals, rejoice and dance, or just stand.

    During the manufacture of these templates, you will not have any special difficulties. All you need is some of your time and the following components:

    • sheets of white paper and templates;
    • whatman;
    • construction knife;
    • stationery scissors;
    • cutting board;
    • a piece of soap;
    • art brush;
    • a piece of fabric;
    • sponge;
    • glue stick or double-sided tape.

    Before starting the needlework, download and print the templates you like for the new year 2020 for cutting to the window.

    Use scissors to carefully cut out the images. For smaller parts, you can use a construction knife. Do all the work on a cutting board. Glue the finished figures on the glass with a soapy solution. We remind you that you need to apply it to the surface of the picture with a brush. If you want to decorate wooden surfaces or walls, then in this case use double-sided tape.

    To create a real festive, New Year's performance on the windows in the form of a sleigh rushing through snowdrifts, pulled by deer, you need large sheets of paper, for example, a Whatman paper, or you can make up a panel from various templates - pictures.

    You can decorate your house with such funny characters - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. These templates are sure to grab the attention of all your guests and make everyone around them joyful and fun.

    It is not difficult to make patterns - bells for the new year 2020 for cutting on the window. All you need is to prepare tools such as:

    • sheets of white or colored paper;
    • templates;
    • stationery scissors;
    • underlay for cutting;
    • scissors for manicure;
    • stationery knife.

    Now everything, as noted earlier, download and print the template - a picture. Then, using scissors, cut and attach to any surface.

    To make your bells sparkle on New Year's Eve and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, they can be decorated with sparkles or multi-colored sequins. And, festive cocoons are ready.

    Window templates - Christmas tree

    Of course, in the New Year you cannot do without the main green - beauty. Here you will find the most original and excellent patterns - Christmas trees for the new year 2020 for cutting on the window. Making them is as easy as shelling pears. After all, the figures are symmetrical, so you won't have to work on them for a long time. Prepare all the necessary tools and get to work:

    • a sheet of colored paper and templates;
    • construction knife;
    • stationery scissors;
    • cutting board;
    • glue stick or double-sided tape;
    • sequins,
    • small figures of balls.

    Download and print the templates on colored or white paper, and use scissors to carefully cut out the pictures. After that, with the help of a clerical knife, you can start modeling the internal figures of the Christmas tree. Remember to carefully remove any dark outlines. Now you can decorate your beauty with bright sparkles or attach figures of balls to it. You can also cut the rain and smear the image with a thin layer of glue and sprinkle it on its surface. That's all, you just have to glue it on glass or any other piece of furniture. In this case, you can use a soapy solution. As noted earlier, you will need to take a glass of warm water and dip a brush in there, and rub over the soap. Next, lubricate the surface of the Christmas tree and use a sponge to gently press it against the glass. Remove air bubbles with a piece of cloth. And, the tree is ready.