How to organize 23 February in the office. How to congratulate men in a team so that they definitely like it

Despite the fact that February 23 is an official day off, and this year also falls on Saturday, men at work should be congratulated. And why only congratulate? You can arrange a real holiday! Choose the perfect greeting for your colleagues - depending on their sense of humor, team cohesion and, importantly, the budget allocated for the holiday.
  1. Light party
  2. Is there a budget, management is negative about disruption, and employees are not very friendly? Organize a light party!

  • So, for everything about everything, you have an hour - and that one at lunchtime. Buy sausage and cheese cuts, a couple of salads, some champagne and a cake in advance by the women's team. Buy cheap souvenirs for male staff. Decorate your office with balloons with wishes written on them.
  • At lunchtime, invite everyone to the table, congratulate the men in poetic form and give presents.
  • Warmer ...
  • In some companies, the relationship is quite warm and the management allocates a certain budget for the holidays. But the main thing is that your boss is ready to defuse the working atmosphere! This means that you have several hours to celebrate. If everyone has a sense of humor, then a theme party is the best choice.

    • Prepare gifts in the form of front-line bags in which you can put scarves, socks, a cup, keychain. In a word, everything that has enough imagination. And set the table itself in the spirit of a military atmosphere. Do not cook delicious dishes, but do (at least for warming up) black bread, canned food and vodka. The main thing is to create the right surroundings and choose the right music.
    • After the feast, hold contests among the "fighters". It all depends on your imagination. Eat a whole lemon at a speed, fasten buttons on your inside out shirt, assemble and disassemble a ballpoint pen, fold the funniest and fastest congratulations and other humorous contests will not leave the men of your office indifferent to your efforts!
    • At the end, you can hold a competition for the best dance or simply dance to the war songs of the past.
  • Hot!
  • Do people in your office know how to relax and how should they celebrate each holiday? Are you a young and creative team? Then you should start preparing now.

    • For all male colleagues, get a military uniform, for the female part it will be enough to wear military-style dresses or suits (fortunately, just a couple of years ago they were in fashion) and garrison caps.
    • Come to the office early to meet each man with a firecracker and give him dry rations. And, of course, give him a soldier's uniform, in which he will spend the whole day. Don't forget the makeup!
    • Have a race across the office between desks with obstacles or chair races.
    • Let your male colleagues show what they are capable of: let them pass the athletic standards for push-ups and pull-ups. Present a nice souvenir to each winner. It is a good idea to give out chocolate medals to the winners.
    • Have a real belly feast at lunchtime. There should be a lot of meat dishes on the table, pay attention to drinks. Let there be both strong and non-alcoholic ones.
    • If possible, continue your vacation outside the office. Collective games bring together and strengthen the corporate spirit. And many leaders, knowing this, use them successfully. It's great if you go bowling with your entire office, or better yet, rent a paintball field. There is fun, adrenaline, and military themes. After all, no one has forgotten why the celebration?

    At the end of the day, congratulate the men again. While the bus takes everyone home, remember the war songs - surely each of you knows more than one. Sing it!

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

    Defender of the Fatherland Day is historically associated with honoring the victorious warriors, veteran veterans and servicemen. But you can be a defender not only with a weapon in your hands, and therefore we do not miss the opportunity to thank and congratulate all the dear men around us.

    Not a single team misses an opportunity to praise the stronger sex on this day. A corporate party is becoming a tradition. At the same time, the scenario for February 23 can be very diverse: from having fun in a cafe and ending with a trip to nature with the whole company.

    If you're hosting an office party, take some time to prepare the event. In the scenario plan for February 23 for a corporate event, include items such as

    • themed decorations;
    • selection of "courageous" music;
    • hearty feast;
    • tips for toasts;
    • competition contests;
    • practical gifts;

    This scenario is suitable for holding a party in a restaurant or office conference room. The participants sit at the festive tables, the corporate party is held by two hosts.

    The room is decorated with balloons of green shades or camouflage colors. From balloons, if desired, you can assemble a figure of a soldier or a tank. There are also small tricolor flags and paper planes hanging from the ceiling.

    Leading:Dear, beloved men!
    On this day filled with greatness
    We will honor and praise you
    And observing all decency
    Let's not forget to reward with a gift!
    You are all for us Defenders, soldiers,
    But you better be in plain clothes, you guys!
    Let the uniform on you be only sports,
    And your life is sunny and active!

    And now we proclaim ...

    The words are interrupted by music from the movie "Star Wars" "March of the Empire". The presenter falls silent. The military commander comes out.

    Commander: A new crisis is brewing in the galactic republic! The dark side wins all battles. I - the official representative of the Galactic Empire - came to Earth to fulfill a prophecy and find (number of office men) warriors who will save our Universe.
    Recruits, you must undergo quality training before joining the Galactic Army. Get ready for some tough challenges!

    The commander distributes lightsabers and cloaks.

    Leading: But first, I order each new recruit to take 100 grams for courage! And dear ladies support you and fill their glasses too. For men!

    The presenter writes down the winners after each competition. All competitions are accompanied by music.

    Agility test

    Commander: We will begin the tests seriously,
    And we will test the soldiers for their dexterity.
    As you know in space, gravity is not at all,
    And the one who is simpler does not survive!

    When you go into battle
    There is no time and you need to hurry.
    Who will be the first to eat
    He will be known as the most clever.

    A rope is pulled in front of the participants, to which bagels or donuts are tied on a string. The first person to eat the whole donut wins.

    Leading: Everyone shines with merits,
    Both honor and courage are whipping over the edge!
    To reinforce the strength and firmness of the fist
    Among the battles there will be a place for a bivouac!

    Table break.

    Strength test

    Commander:Rota, stand in line!

    All men line up.

    Commander:On the first or second, pay off! The first ones are one step forward!

    Leading:The first are skillful and courageous,
    Tell us about your strength!
    Here is a seemingly funny thing in front of you - from matches to boxes,
    Who can smash it with a fist, that guy is not a miss!

    Each participant is given an empty matchbox. The box is placed on an edge on a flat surface. The task is to flatten it with a blow of a fist, usually it flies out from under the hand.

    Commander:There is power, so the mind is not needed!
    Who was the second - come out!
    The test is no worse
    You have to get around!
    Before you are the shells for the gun,
    You need to check them for strength!
    Your own forehead is the best condition.
    I warn you, one shell is damp inside!

    A bowl of eggs is placed in front of the participants. They need to grab the "shell", chop it on the head and put it on their plate. The winner is the one with the most eggs. All eggs must be boiled, just do not tell the participants about it!

    As a joke, you can put one ceramic egg, but that's up to you \u003d)

    Leading:Women raise their glasses for strong and ferocious men!

    Toast from the female half of the team. Table and dance break.

    Speed \u200b\u200btest

    Commander:Well, recruits, rise! Let's check your coordination and teamwork!

    Valor and honor paint a man
    And you won't find the weak in our team!
    Have developed a discipline of steel
    And they must win the race!

    Commander:Attention fighters! To adequately react in hostilities, you need to be able to concentrate and develop great speed! Each of you is given a responsible task: to evacuate residents! And we will train on straws.

    Participants stand in a row and receive cocktail straws.

    Commander:With the help of a straw, you need to transfer all objects strictly to your territory. The one who saved more "population" wins the competition!

    If there are many men, then it is better to divide them into two teams (first-second). A large plate full of M&M chocolates is installed, you need to pull the candy with a straw to transfer it to your plate.

    Commander:I praise you, fighters,

    You are hardly new recruits.

    Leading:They are still great fathers,
    Husbands, sons and just brave men!
    Male staff are top class!
    I invite all the ladies to sing for you!

    Women sing a song-remake with congratulations for colleagues.

    Speech test

    Leading:Oh, what women, what women!

    Meanwhile, the glasses are gathering dust! And to correct the mistake, let's triple the competition in eloquence! We fill our glasses, and the men take turns to make toasts. Whose toast gets the most applause wins!

    Table break.

    Accuracy test

    In difficult battle conditions
    Aesthetics must be remembered.
    Let's practice your shaving skills,
    There's no time to mess around in the army!
    And this is your task.
    I didn’t handle her, I admit!
    Neat and not trembling,
    Shave your comrade without cuts!

    Men are given razors and balloons. Draw a face on the balls and cover them with shaving foam. Whoever can “shave a friend” (or at least hold the blade three times and not break the ball) wins.

    Test of wits

    Leading:Get together, little men!
    You are not old people yet!

    Commander:Let's check how the thinker works,
    And the Internet is not a cheat sheet for you!
    Boldly answer my questions,
    And let me ask you not to help!
    And as they say, without guesswork, the mind is not worth a dime!


    1. Is yeast added when kneading shortcrust pastry? (Not)
    2. What Russian word has 40 vowels? (forty AND)
    3. What question can you never answer in the affirmative? (Do you sleep?)
    4. Why does a woman, when her tights are torn, start looking for nail polish everywhere? (To glue the gap so they won't tear any further)
    5. Which 6-letter word contains 1 letter "K" and as many as 3 letters "H"? ( TOand Ntri)
    6. Numbers 3 and 11 are amazing and special! What unique property do they differ in? (Three and eleven consist of 3 and 11 letters, respectively).
    7. Does not bite, does not bark, but is called the same. (@)
    8. Which mountain was the tallest on the planet before Everest was discovered? (The mountain remains the tallest on Earth regardless of whether people discovered it or not. Answer: Everest)

    Table break.

    Ditties from women at the table with a chorus

    Chorus: And one more time
    Many, many more times!

    1. I am young and good,
    And besides, beautiful,
    I admire at work
    Male perspective!

    2. Our beloved boss
    Will fly on vacation tomorrow.
    This means collective
    Will be able to sleep during the break!

    3. Oh, girls, I fell in love!
    I can't tear myself away!
    The third day I walk, leaf through

    4. Oh, dear colleagues,
    Wish you now
    The sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, plenty of money,
    Let the girls love you!

    5. In honor of a big holiday
    The director will be a hustler!
    The prize will be distributed to all of us
    And he will also give you an increase!

    6. The team is our very friendly,
    What is there to argue for a long time!
    No staff turnover
    Not to be seen in our office!

    7. Men, congratulations!
    We speak in the end.
    We raise the glasses

    A toast to the fellows sounds!

    Video congratulation

    Showing a presentation or video about the male half of the team. It can be a photo with comments. Signatures can be related to habits or hobbies, gastronomic tastes or favorite phrases of the employee.

    Sword Challenge

    Leading:Get your swords ready, but not for battle.
    Who will last longer will make an impression
    Let's start the test of coordination.
    Lay the plate flat, support it with a sword.

    Participants are given a paper plate. The winner is the one who managed to balance with the cymbal on the tip of the sword for the longest time.

    Commander:I solemnly declare all tests passed! Such worthy men have never been in the ranks of the Imperial Army!

    The sound of the radio turned on. The commander takes a toy walkie-talkie or a telephone from his pocket. He puts it to his ear, listens, nods.

    Commander:Report from the front line! I was informed that the Dark Forces frightened the armies from Earth, and retreated! You saved the entire Galaxy! Three "Hurray" for the soldiers of the Light!

    Leading: And we made sure that our men are perfect for a responsible job at work! And therefore directed by the Imperial Council to work for the good of the company! Let's raise our glasses to the brave and capable men of the team!

    Presentation of commemorative diplomas

    Prepare diplomas in advance, if possible, paste photos of men into them. As signatures, you can use well-known phrases from films or songs. For example, "At the samovar, I and my Masha", "Tsar, nice to meet you, Tsar", "Giant of thought", "I am an old soldier and do not know the words of love!" etc.

    Or choose beautiful aphorisms about men that suit your colleagues.

    At the same time, gifts are handed over, as well as the awarding of the winners of the competitions. You can give memorable prizes or insubstantial but humorous awards. For example, comic certificates: “The holder of this certificate can be 1 hour late for work without explanation any day”, “The right to a healthy afternoon nap for an hour. Bonus: lingering snoring is allowed, ”etc.

    Birthday cake

    End the evening with a sweet dish. You can make it yourself: a beautiful birthday cake or filled muffins. Specially ordered cakes gained great popularity at corporate parties. This cake can be decorated like a spaceship (based on the scenario) or February 23 style.

    Our evening was sparkling and bright
    Fun and laughter
    And also gifts
    We gave generously to friends and ourselves!
    In honor of you, men, let fireworks thunder,
    And the music sounds rebellious.
    You are worthy of the glory of this moment
    Accompanying you on the way!

    You take care of yourself, go in for sports.
    Eat right, have plenty of fun.
    Be confident and courageous in yourself
    Start up the work skillfully.
    And may luck decorate every day,
    Let your strong body be beautiful!
    Do not dare to say rude words to you,
    And ladies so that they go numb with admiration!


    1. Suit for the commander: cloak, belt, lightsaber, helmet or mask, in a pocket - a toy walkie-talkie;
    2. Cloaks and lightsabers for all employees. Easy DIY: Flexible aqua sticks are wrapped with shiny duct tape at one end. Or buy toys in the store;
    3. Rope with tied donuts;
    4. Empty matchboxes, a bowl of boiled eggs;
    5. Cocktail tubes, plate with M&M sweets, plates for participants;
    6. Razors, balloons, markers, shaving foam;
    7. Paper plates;
    8. Commemorative diplomas, gifts, prizes for competitions.

    If there are men in your team, then this day traditionally belongs to them! February 23 gives our defenders, part-time employees, the opportunity to feel their courage, feel the undivided female attention and smile with gratitude, having received a pleasant gift.

    And the weaker sex begins to rack its brains, having barely walked off the New Year holidays.

    How to surprise your male colleagues? What if there are a lot of them in the team? What to present to the boss? And you can't disappoint! This is not an easy task.

    How do you like this idea - to give every man the only thing in the world? Yes, yes, unique, unrepeatable, made especially for him! Then he will definitely be conquered by the attention paid to him, because, in the end, the attention shown is sometimes more important than the gift itself.

    This is possible if the chosen gift, even the same for all representatives of the strong half of your team, can be made personalized, personalized.

    I must say right away that I not only collected ideas for gifts to fellow men for February 23 for you, but also found where you can buy some of them. Links are placed in the text or banners in this article. See, choose.

    Personalized gifts

    Today you can find a personalized gift for every taste and wallet. For many colleagues there is a large selection of inexpensive, but always necessary and pleasant little things. And for the boss or the only man cherished by everyone in the team, it is worth trying hard and getting a more expensive, but also unique thing.

    Any employee will come in handy, for example, desk or wall calendar... And made in an individual style, with a name and a photograph, it will undoubtedly become a decoration of the office and a good memory. You can arrange in the same style notebook, workbook, organizer folder.

    If there are a lot of men, it is worth giving everyone a pen or a pencil with a personalized engraving - now no one will take someone else's writing material to “use” without a return!

    And the esteemed boss will be pleased to put on the table a handy diary with an engraving made especially for him.

    What kind of employee doesn't want to be distracted from work for a cup of tea? Especially if a cup also each has a unique, personalized name, and on personal pack of tea flaunts the most beautiful word in the world - your name, and even with warm words of congratulations! Nothing human is alien to us?

    Sweet gifts, surprisingly, can also please a strong half of humanity.

    And if you look at the offered assortment, you yourself will be unexpectedly and pleasantly surprised. I was! tasty help from laziness, for brilliant ideas, from nervous breakdowns and just to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

    For tea, cookies with surprise predictions (also in a personalized box) and a chocolate card (design options are limited only by your imagination) will go well. Such a gift will be to your taste in the literal sense of the word. Even office utensils can be decorated with portraits of a strong half and gift inscriptions!

    All of the listed options for personalized gifts for the male part of the team are offered by this service. There you will also find alcohol-themed accessories from the section below.

    Alcohol gifts

    Why not, if not tasting gifts right at the workplace? Good alcohol has always been considered a good gift for a man.

    It is not difficult to make a personalized sticker on a bottle right in the office with the words of congratulations of the highest degree of warmth! It is enough to find sticker templates on the Internet, download and print them on a printer.

    And, of course, accompanying accessories will be pleasant -

    • whiskey glass,
    • champagne glass,
    • beer mug.

    Such corporate presentations can also be ordered in a personalized version and with individual engraving. Marble or steel cubes to cool drinks are a nice addition. →

    Gifts with electronic filling

    Something that is always useful to any man. A wonderful gift - personalized flash drive, made in an original design, for example, in the form of a key or a secret lock with a code that protects invaluable information from strangers.

    The flash drive can be supplied with a business card holder and a pen: stylish and convenient.

    A beautiful accessory is an external battery in the form of a cartridge with the owner's name.

    For motorists, a pleasant addition can be thermo mug with engraving, holder for smartphone or navigator.

    T-shirts with slogans

    A T-shirt is a versatile piece of clothing that fits in any wardrobe, so this gift will always come in handy. And if a cheerful, well-aimed inscription flaunts on it, a man will flaunt it with undisguised pleasure. To buy such a unique gift is as easy as shelling pears:

    • choose the size of the T-shirt in the plate;
    • decide on the design of a T-shirt, a picture or a photo on it;
    • enter the name and text of the greeting;
    • to order!

    Well, there are countless options for funny inscriptions!

    “Andrey, your time has come!”, “Vadim is a bright personality”, “Vladimir is widely known in narrow circles”.

    You can choose a T-shirt in accordance with character traits, for example, a shy employee - "I can do everything, but sometimes I'm shy", a grumpy - "Babayka", a kind - "Always ready to protect you", and loving - "God forbid everyone like me ".

    Or quite simply and cheerfully - "The girls didn't know how to congratulate me" ...

    You can order such T-shirts in specialized services. Here is one place where you can. →

    Small men's joys

    There are counters (well, or online stores!), Past which men cannot pass calmly, their goods are vital for them, and there is never too much of it. Various accessories that emphasize masculinity, necessary for a hobby, are always successful as a gift, including a budget one, on February 23rd.

    Recognizable brand emphasize the value:

    • gift set for the angler,
    • folding cups,
    • compass,
    • hunting knife,
    • various flasks,
    • signal flashlight

    and many other typically masculine gizmos. ... →

    Classics of the genre

    If you find it difficult to choose a gift, for example, you do not know very well the nature of the men who are to be gifted, there are still win-win options in stock. Solid classics will always come in handy, will invariably please, never disappoint.

    A wallet, umbrella, business card holder and other necessary things of excellent quality are an inexpensive and practical truly masculine gift for a colleague on February 23rd. It ! →

    Gifts with humor

    If the men of your team are not alien to a sense of humor, then you are in luck - you can add cheerful notes to the official severity of the men's holiday, as well as extend the life of yourself and those around you with sincere laughter that your gifts will cause. Office routine can be diluted, for example, giant stationery, swear-able wastepaper basket, flying alarm clocks.

    A funny thing - cool signs on the door, for example, “Don't litter! Is that money "or" I am there! " I think everyone will like a “decision maker” giving “yes” or “no” to the question asked. And to the boss, “the person who has everything,” give a navel heating pad: he is unlikely to have such a thing!

    Dear ladies, if you are the majority in the team, it will not be difficult for you to find a gift for so few hotly appreciated defenders of the fatherland, using these ideas. Well, if you are few or you are the only beautiful flower in the harsh men's team, all the more so, do not be upset: show attention to your colleagues on February 23, and very soon a flurry of admiration and gifts will fall upon you, because March 8 is ahead!

    Today, a corporate event or a celebration in the office is not limited to "three tulips for March 8" or "voluntary and compulsory skits." Modern formats can diversify any office event and make it not only original, but also memorable. Communication agency Brooke communications shares a few tips.

    Decide on the format

    First of all, it is important to decide on the format. For example, if you do not have a comfortable common room for gathering all employees, the format of a quest, an immersive show or a hobby club is quite suitable. Do not try to drive all employees into a cramped room, where everyone will feel uncomfortable, try to escape to your office at the first opportunity.

    The implementation and maintenance of one common idea and concept will make the event complete and harmonious. Ideas can be either neutral or the most daring. Use corridors, coffee points, conference rooms. Moving from one point to another, where the concept of an event opens up from different sides, will be no less interesting than gathering guests in one room.

    Take care of the right invitation

    Invitation is a very important part of corporate culture. The employee should not find out about the upcoming celebration in the smoking room: "Mary Vanna said to be at six." An invitation is an integral element of the event itself, with which you can immerse employees in the concept, intrigue and interest. You don’t have to send out a corporate mailing or post a notice in the cafeteria - there are plenty of other options. For example, a teaser announcement of the upcoming holiday, only slightly revealing the main idea, an audio invitation, sending not classic invitation cards, but some attributes of the upcoming holiday, creating a Telegram or Whats App channel, and many others.

    Organize your buffet wisely

    A few words about catering. Of course, the simplest and most common way of serving food and drinks is a buffet table. But, as a rule, most employees strive to make a supply of food on their plate and hastily head to feast again in their beloved office. Of course, you cannot completely avoid this, but you can take care of fun, comfort and safety.

    First, the Swedish line should be replenished, let the dishes be simpler and more satisfying. A great option: invite a chef with an animated station, this will avoid the windiness of the dishes. Secondly, consider the optimal number of seats or stud tables. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not allow this, invite the waiters. It is imperative to plan in advance the appearance of the Swedish line and service personnel: this is a great and budgetary way to maintain the concept.

    Ahead of the upcoming holidays on February 23rd and March 8th, these 6 fresh ideas will help you take a fresh look at the holidays.

    Ideas for celebrating February 23

    1. Gangsters in the city

    A play-performance in which the participants are transported into the atmosphere of the boundless gangster Chicago of the 20s: each player at the table is a potential suspect, your neighbor is not who he claims to be, and the pretty girl opposite is clearly up to something.

    The classic mafia game is divided into roles, where employees, together with actors, try to bring the head of the clan to clean water. For this, believable props with pistols and contraband alcohol, planted clues and riddles, uninvited characters that will appear in the room and make their own adjustments to the action are used.

    For example, if a police officer is killed during the night, the sheriff will rush into the room and call the alleged killer for interrogation using a lie detector. Or in one of the rounds, a seductive mistress of the salon will appear among the awake guests, who will offer one of the villains a tempting deal against members of his gang.

    At the beginning of the day, a box is delivered to the office, from which a severed hand with a ring sticks out. Someone sent a threat and the company's employees have to find out who exactly. Everyone pulls a card out of the box, in it - the dropped out role and number. Every 1–1, 5 hours the leader will invite employees with certain numbers to the headquarters (meeting room), forming a team. Actors will already be waiting for them at the headquarters: whether they are on your side or not - you will have to find out during the game. With each round, the characters change and new tasks are added.

    2. Beer casino

    Bachelor party in the "В̶е̶г̶а̶с̶е" office in a hipster way. A gambling intellectual duel with tasting different sorts of craft beer. The sommelier invites guests to an educational happy hour, in the program of which testing with tasks for erudition, intuition and the ability to quickly google questions.

    In the end, beer is the most masculine drink and every member of the stronger sex should understand it better than anyone else. And if there are gaps, then the presenter will definitely fill them and even more - he will tell about your favorite drink what we can show off in front of friends. The most active participants and those with the largest number of correct answers will receive gift boxes with beer and accessories (mugs, coasters, etc.).

    A playing field with marks is created especially for the casino. Guests roll dice, place bets, select questions, complete tasks and earn chips. In addition to the casino, guests are invited to take a variety of photos, for example, a mug shot - a shot against the background of a wall in a police station with signs of an eventful night.

    3. Geek men’s club

    The League of Real Geeks is opening its doors. A cave of gamers with entertainment for every taste: pinballs, consoles, virtual simulators, arcades, glasses with augmented reality and, of course, an inexhaustible supply of snacks (chips, cola, pizza, etc.). Pause all your activities and press play on the joystick. The room is decorated with pixel elements, soft ottomans are thrown over. And the characters go straight off the screen: Lara Croft, Mario and superheroes.

    Ideas for celebrating March 8

    1. Hygge Land

    The sensational Danish word "hygge" leaves no one indifferent: we all strive to find happiness in simple things. Well - it's time to finally do it, even if in the midst of the working day, because you deserve it and certainly deserve it. Welcome to Haggeland - the land of home joy, comfort and bliss. Soft blankets, fluffy skins, tubs of green plants for surroundings, cute mugs of hot cocoa and shelves of pies and pastries for sweet moments.

    Sit back and enjoy, fortunately, there is something: a shoulder massage from a hot Scandinavian blonde, watching life-affirming films, talking with husky dogs, meditative drawing of zen-art patterns, and Danish experts will teach you how to make wish cards and take beautiful photos for instagram, so that everyone thought that this is how (in a soft blanket and plush socks) your life goes on from day to day.

    2. Breakfast at Tiffany's

    Even if you do not consider yourself to be Audrey's fans, deny your obsession with diamonds and have never wanted a ring in a turquoise box, there is nothing more "girlish" (regardless of age) than breakfast at Tiffany's: hot coffee in paper cups, cupcakes for every taste, shelves with sweets, waiters with champagne, courteous gentlemen distributing compliments, crystal chandeliers under the ceiling. Mania turquoise right in your office. At the entrance, each guest will be given a string of pearls (unfortunately artificial) and long gloves to get used to the image of the heroine of Truman Capote's novel.

    3. Beauty bar

    There are two universal remedies for blues and bad moods that help all girls under any life circumstances - manicure and styling! Beauty is omnipotent, and it is surprisingly easy to please a woman - let her go to lunch for a beauty procedure, and you definitely won't want it! So why reinvent the wheel when there is a beauty salon and we invite all the employees to run into it for an hour or two. Champagne for those who are waiting, new looks for those who have already fallen into the skillful hands of a stylist.

    Affiliate material

    The day of the defender of the fatherland will come soon. Well, of course, women are already thinking about how to congratulate men on February 23, and what gift to give. How to decorate a room with festive decorations at home or at work. What to cook and set on the table, how to decorate the festive table, and most importantly, whether to put alcohol on the table. (I will immediately advise you to put alcohol on the table, but the question is - how much to put? The answer is the norm - the golden mean, so that there is not much to drink until you lose your pulse, but so that there is not little, or rather, you need to put a festive bouquet of wine is more like a symbol of celebration and respect for those whom you are going to congratulate. And the bouquet is simple - champagne, vodka, cognac and a bottle of good wine for women and girls present at the holiday. Some women decide not to put alcohol at all out of fear the fact that men get drunk, or rather get drunk, but this approach is not correct, it offends men, so it is imperative to put wine on the table, at least symbolically at least a bottle. Champagne is a must, and that it is men who open it with a shot. here, we will consider some ideas-notes about the holiday on February 23 and how to organize a holiday for your men and congratulate them so that they remember your congratulations not with their minds, but with their hearts.

    It just so happened that in our country this day is a holiday for all men, regardless of age and attitude to the Army.

    How to congratulate men on February 23?

    Congratulations to men on February 23 can be organized in a romantic style. For example, on a festive morning, you can wake up your beloved defender of the fatherland by serving him breakfast in bed, or prepare a romantic dinner by preparing his favorite dishes and presenting a gift. It all depends on your imagination and finances. Congratulations from men from February 23, when there are children in your family, can be prepared in the form of a collective holiday congratulations to dad: by staging a scene or playing a real performance. It is a good tradition to celebrate any event or holiday with a home festive feast, and February 23 is a great occasion for fun meetings with mutual friends or relatives.

    What to give men for February 23?

    Let's talk a little about what to give men on February 23rd. After all, men are also very fond of receiving gifts, so we recommend that you treat this issue with all care. Any man can be pleased with gifts related to fishing, hunting or travel, for example, car and barbecue sets, picnic cases and all kinds of accessories (thermoses and flasks, boxes, purses). You can give a souvenir weapon to men on February 23 - they love it. Equally gifts can be backgammon, or beautiful carved chess. Knowing their needs, it is possible to give men on February 23 more solid and at the same time useful items, for example, a mobile phone, watches, cufflinks, etc. An item for his favorite collection will be very appropriate - this is almost a win-win option.

    The present you presented on Defender of the Fatherland Day should be used regularly by a man. This can be a tie, a pen, a lighter, a folding knife, a pocket steel flask, an MP-3 player, and more. Tying a brand new beautiful tie in the morning, your chosen one, looking in the mirror, will think: "She is a real clever one!" Having signed the paper in his office, he will twirl the pen you donated in his hand for a couple of seconds, and his heart will be filled with gratitude.

    Imagine how pleasant it is, having chilled out early in the morning on a fishing or hunting trip, to take out of your pocket a stylish flask with an engraved dedication signature, sip a sip of warming cognac and remember that his only and beloved is waiting in a cozy house tempo.

    When choosing gifts in the form of clothes or accessories, it is important to understand that the older a man gets, the more he gravitates towards classics in style. For example, such men especially appreciate the chic leather strap in wristwatches, with the simplest dial. For absolutely nothing superfluous, his things and wardrobe details should be simply of high quality and corresponding to taste and individual preferences. Thinking about what to give men on February 23, it should be borne in mind that different sexes have their own special, sometimes radically different attitude towards presentations. For men, the main thing in a gift is its practical value. The success of cute trinkets lasts exactly as long as the young lady giving this little thing is nearby. Then such a thing, which cost the girl many hours, or even many days of mental anguish in the process of acquiring it, is sent for life-long storage to the most rarely used desk drawer or distant shelf.

    He has long known about your feelings, but understanding of some weaknesses and gratitude to a strong person is often sorely lacking. Therefore, in order for a gift to really "hook" your man, it must have some qualities or at least one of them: usefulness, giving masculinity, a source of pride, be of high quality or branded, correspond to hobbies, hobbies, addictions, or embody old dreams.

    If the speech is about what to give to men on February 23, who are your colleagues, then the main thing here is the usefulness of the gift.

    For example, donate pens and pencil holders, a CD shelf, and other things that might come in handy at work. If a corporate party is planned at your work, then we recommend developing a fun holiday scenario, coming up with small poems on postcards, and giving inexpensive souvenirs.

    Well, and of course, what a holiday without all the goodies! After all, it is known that "the way to a man's heart is laid through the stomach." Show your own culinary skills, and, we assure you, men will appreciate it!

    Congratulations to men on February 23 at work

    Traditionally, on February 23, women congratulate all men, regardless of whether they served in the army, whether they defended the Fatherland in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, long before the holiday, the fairer sex is really puzzled by how to congratulate men on February 23, their relatives and loved ones, colleagues and friends.

    Special difficulties, as a rule, are caused precisely by organizing the celebration of this day for colleagues. In the team, I would like to celebrate this holiday so as not to leave anyone offended, and at the same time not spend much money, because my man, dad, son, brother and so on will also have to buy gifts. To combine these conditions, congratulations to men from February 23 at work can be organized in several ways.

    The most budgetary option for the holiday is to present colleagues with postcards containing holiday greetings from February 23 in pictures and verses. In addition to standard phrases, congratulations from February 23 for men may contain small funny poems written by you personally, addressed to each colleague individually. If you do not have poetic talents, then find something suitable on the Internet. You can choose ready-made greetings from February 23 in pictures and create individual postcards by printing them in any nearest photo studio.

    An alternative, even more economical option for congratulating men on February 23rd can be one single large postcard-poster on which the names of all colleagues, their best qualities and merits, and words of congratulations will be listed. If the relationship in the team allows it, congratulations to men from February 23 can be comic. Photos of male colleagues can be processed in Photoshop in a variety of ways and decorated into a single poster. Hang this gift in a conspicuous place so that it attracts the attention of others - a great mood for the whole day will be simply guaranteed! The main thing is not to get too carried away in bantering - remember: March 8 is on the nose.

    If finances allow you to make presents for everyone, you can use the following tips. The options for personalized gifts are varied and depend solely on your own imagination and availability of funds.

    Gifts for colleagues can be pens, lighters, perfume sets, components and accessories for phones or computers. A valuable gift will be a certificate for a certain amount for its implementation in an office equipment store, or auto parts. Your colleagues will surely appreciate tickets to any entertainment event, for example, a boxing tournament or a football match.

    Collective congratulations of men since February 23 Option one.

    Unlike an individual gift, a collective gift may well be creative or even somewhat spicy. Now, in offices that are distinguished by free politics, it has become fashionable to order strippers from February 23rd as a congratulation for men (of course, after work or at lunchtime).

    Option two.

    If it is customary in your team to celebrate events at one festive table, then cover the "clearing" for your colleagues. Try to do this secretly from them, arrange for the delivery of ready-made meals to the office, or cooperate and bring each one of your own specialty dishes at home. Decorate the dining room where you will celebrate February 23 with balloons, for example, and greet the heroes of the occasion with pipes and whistles. All kinds of holiday accessories can be purchased at any children's store. Under the napkins, on the table, you can hide a small surprise for each colleague: a small personal postcard, lottery tickets, or something else. You can also arrange a symbolic drawing of prizes, gifts on homemade tickets.

    Option three.

    To congratulate men on February 23, you will need: 1. - a festive screensaver on your computer; 2. - festive wall newspaper; 3. - caviar, pancakes, vegetables, meat pies; 4. - gifts.

    The form of congratulations, of course, depends on the possibilities of your budget and the form of relationships between employees in the team. An interesting and memorable long-term congratulation of men on February 23, you can think of, even if you are the only woman in the team. On the eve of the celebration, stay longer in the office and, after waiting for your colleagues to go home, put festive computer screensavers on their desktops (try not to knock down any settings in the computer and not "demolish" the necessary files).

    Step # 2

    Make a wall newspaper with your own hands, posting on it photos of the men of your team and congratulation poems (the main thing is not to forget anyone, otherwise you will have to make amends for the whole next year). If your company does not have the necessary equipment, you can simply print photos on a printer, attach them to an ordinary Whatman paper, and hand-write congratulations to men from February 23rd.

    Step # 3

    One of the main events is the festive table. The main thing here is not to confuse anything: leave the cakes and all kinds of sweets for March 8, let the men give them to you. For the strong half of humanity, meat dishes will be the best option: make homemade pies with meat (bachelors will especially appreciate home cooking), bake pancakes and buy a jar of caviar for them, bring vegetable slices. This will be the perfect treat for men. If you are not sure whether it is really worth putting alcohol on the table, then it is better not to put it. You don't have to worry, the men, if something happens, will quickly decide which of them to run to the store. But, nevertheless, it is better to put good brandy and vodka, and for the women present, in order to have good wine, champagne will not be superfluous at all. In this matter, the main golden mean is that the question is not whether to put or not to put, but what it is obligatory to set, but - the norm - a lot will be bad, it will not be at all - even worse.

    Step number 4

    The most important component of congratulations to men on February 23 is gifts. If you don't know your coworkers well enough to give everyone a personalized gift, then opt for gifts that will delight most men. Such gifts can be towels or hats with funny inscriptions for going to the sauna or bathhouse. You can buy a bottle of alcoholic beverage and attach labels with photos of the gifted and lists of the best qualities on each.

    If there are not many women in your men's team, you can limit yourself to just a festive table or postcards - colleagues will appreciate your efforts and attention.

    Step number 5

    If your team has free, informal relationships, you can arrange fun contests, sing a few songs with your colleagues. You can play a humorous scene in front of men, arrange a kind of parade, with the entire women's team disguised as vests and elements of military uniform. Men will certainly appreciate your efforts and on March 8 they will definitely try to please you.

    How to congratulate your beloved man on February 23

    In anticipation of the holiday, I would like to find an original and pleasant idea of \u200b\u200bcongratulating a loved one. Here are the options to help create a real holiday atmosphere. How to arrange a surprise for February 23rd? Ideas for February 23rd.Leave standard greetings and banal gifts in the past. Give yourself the opportunity to think creatively, and then you can easily organize a great surprise for your beloved man on February 23... For instance…

    1 Throw a surprise party

    Invite friends, set a dress code, and come up with special contests. Order a cake in the form of a soldier's helmet or an AK-47 assault rifle. When your loved one returns home, then let him be greeted by his best friends, delicious dishes and the woman he loves in a seductive form.

    2 Organize a romantic outing for your loved one

    Book a limousine with a bottle of good wine waiting for you. Let the walk end in a restaurant or cafe, culminating in the presentation of a gift. Make a surprise out of this too - order the delivery of your gift directly to the cafe, a table at which will be ordered in advance. Such a scenario will leave a lot of pleasant impressions.

    3 If you are lovers of large and fun companies

    rent a skating rink, order food there, and arrange fun competitions. Do not warn your beloved man in advance - just bring him by taxi to the venue.

    4 Come up with a holiday scenario that is unusual for you

    If you are noteworthy couch potatoes - spend this day actively. Go to the theater, on a hike, to a concert. If you prefer an active pastime, then arrange a home day off - lie in bed, watch your favorite movies, take a bath together, and have dinner in the dark in the evening. Such a holiday will be different from anything you are used to.

    How to congratulate your beloved man in an original way?

    Any representative of the stronger sex will be pleased with an interesting and original congratulation.

    Try one of the following:

    Write your own poetrydedicated to the courage and courage of their man. Let them be not very perfect, but absolutely exclusive!

    Make a huge postcard from a whole sheet of Whatman paper. On it, write a congratulation on the topic "To my defender." Decorate the card with pictures of various male toys - cars, weapons, racing bikes and more. Make funny captions-wishes under the pictures. Decorate your room with such a "festive wall newspaper" while your loved one is still awake.

    In advance take care of purchasing the form or any of its elements... For example, a long vest, peakless cap and belt. In this form, bring your beloved man breakfast in bed on the morning of February 23rd. Trust me, he will be impressed!

    Come up with a slideshow with photos and captions. Let the main theme be the same - the heroism and courage of your man. Still, the holiday obliges. Put some good music on your slides and put it on on a holiday morning.

    If business calls your spouse to work that day, well, it doesn't matter. You still have every chance to hit him to the core. At lunchtime, order pizza or grilled chicken, delicious salads and desserts to his office address, let your loved one and his colleagues rejoice. Your loved one will be pleasantly amazed at such care.

    What gift will delight a man?

    What is a holiday without gifts?

    Please your loved one with something unusual, pleasant, and even mischievous!

    1) DIY gift doubly pleasant. You can knit an original scarf, sleeves that are fashionable this season, sew a funny keychain, make a cake especially for him, or embroider a towel with his initials. This surprise can be a great gift in itself, or complement an already purchased present.

    2) Let your gift become a wish at the same time. For example, for someone who works too hard, buy a relaxation kit: a neck massager, a selection of CDs with pleasant music and a lava lamp for relaxation. So you can not only please your loved one, but also help him.

    3) In order to entertain your man and give him a good mood, you can take his photo and process it in a graphic editor, presenting your beloved in the form of a movie hero that he especially likes. Then print this photo in a studio on a large format and present it on February 23rd. Such a surprise will bring a lot of joy!

    4) February 23 is a holiday for real men! Present a selection of good films: action movies or science fiction, or maybe he prefers a military theme? Set up a real movie theater at home: buy popcorn or nuts, prepare your favorite drinks, and turn off the lights. Enjoy watching, and don't forget that every decent movie theater has a kissing spot!

    5) All men love to eat well.... Therefore, the basket with his favorite delicacies, beautifully decorated and waiting for him on the white tablecloth of the kitchen table in the early festive morning, is a great joyful surprise, no worse than the notorious rose petals.

    Our men are so different! Everyone has their own taste, preferences and moods. But every woman is quite capable of arranging a pleasant surprise. You just need a little imagination and desire, and then everything will definitely work out.

    Ideas for February 23 a surprise for your beloved man
    How to arrange a memorable holiday for a loved one, so that both the impressions remain pleasant and the surprise is pleasant? To those who want variety, in whom the fire of creativity and imagination has not died out, is dedicated! Ideas on how to arrange a surprise for your loved one on February 23rd. How to arrange an unexpected surprise? How often do we hear that a girl or wife does not share the interests of a loved one. Indeed, it is strange to demand from a woman that she feel joy at the thought that her man sits on a muddy and wet shore for several hours, trying to catch the unfortunate fish. Or expect that she will come to indescribable delight at the sight of her husband, enthusiastically yelling something inarticulate in front of the TV, surrounded by beer and fish skeletons.

    Surprise him by organizing his favorite leisure... If the man is a fan of the bath, order a good sauna for a few hours, stock up on herbal teas, honey and towels. Spend some really hot hours together. Give the registered football fan a visit to a game of your favorite team or a visit to a good sports bar. Try to read at least something about the playing teams beforehand, and surprise with unexpected knowledge of the subject.

    The second option for an unexpected surprise is organize his leisure time with a friendly male company... Let him go to play paintball with them, skate on the rink, fish on organized fishing ... But imagine how happy your loved one will be with such a gift, and with what pride he will listen to friendly congratulations with such a wonderful woman.

    Another option is to create an impression he has never experienced before... For example, a visit to the spa for two or a Thai massage session, a firing line or dinner in the dark. Or maybe you rent a tram and go for a ride around the winter city?

    How to arrange a romantic surprise for your loved one?

    Love romance and passion never end. May 23 February be no exception, make a romantic surprise for your loved one:

    1) A romantic candlelight dinner? This is corny! It is much more interesting to arrange the whole romantic show in the style of a japanese geisha... After all, it's a men's day! Meet him from work in full dress, take him to the bathroom, where everything is already prepared, help your loved one take a bathroom (just a bathroom!). Then lead to the dining room, where a delicious dinner is served. Blindfold him and feed him yourself. Then lead to the bedroom ... And there, according to the circumstances. Believe me, your beloved will remember such a surprise for a very long time!

    2) Want it even hotter? Then go with your beloved not somewhere, but to strip club... New experiences and a passionate night guaranteed!

    3) It can also be a good surprise cinema visit, if, of course, you buy not ordinary tickets, but the VIP-hall. You will be completely alone, you can order drinks and light snacks in the hall. Here is just the case when you find yourself "alone in the crowd." A very unusual feeling!

    Suppose that you decide to stay at home, and the presence of relatives and children does not provide an opportunity to fulfill passionate fantasies. How to be? Do you really have to give up the idea to please your loved one? Of course not! Take these surprise ideas for February 23:

    Morning breakfast can be a pleasant surprise if you get up early and decorate the room with pre-prepared greetings and postcards. Serve a delicious breakfast and bring it to the room on a tray, wake up your loved one with a kiss, and let the first thing he sees on this holiday is a beautifully decorated room, a beloved woman and carefully prepared goodies.

    Stretch a rope with flags around the room. Hide the clues inside a few, by which you will need to find a gift. Let your loved one play this quest!

    Order as a gift a personalized magazine with its photo on the cover, and in the morning put it in the mailbox, or shove it into the handle of the front door. Under some pretext, ask him to leave the house, and let him find this magazine. The surprise will be excellent!

    Order a personalized cake and flowers delivered to your door. Flowers can be replaced with balloons. Arrange for delivery by a specific time. The same courier mail can be used to send a gift. It will be interesting and unusual!

    A variant of such a surprise congratulation may be a telegram sent to your husband from you or a registered letter written and sent in advance with an agreed delivery date. In the letter, write your congratulations and warm words dedicated to him - your defender.

    Any event prepared and organized in advance can be a pleasant and unexpected surprise for your loved one. Focus on its taste and use your imagination, and then February 23rd will become a truly unforgettable holiday!

    Ideas for February 23rdhow to decorate the room (decor)

    The festive mood is the main basis of any celebration. And the creation of a truly festive mood is greatly facilitated by the decoration of the house or hall where the celebration will take place. How to create that special holiday atmosphere that is so memorable and happy?

    The most interesting ideas for festive room decor

    How to decorate an office?

    February 23 at the office is a special day. Where there are few women, they do their best to please their men, where there are many women, they do everything so that men do not feel abandoned. And where there are no women, men arrange a celebration for themselves according to their own understanding. But all these options require creating a festive mood and supporting the fighting spirit, therefore, decorating the room. How to decorate an office by February 23?

    Most often used for this air balloons ... But let's diversify decorating ideas. Surely, in every office there are New Year's garlands of light bulbs. They can put the number 23 on the wall or on a notice board. Glowing bulbs will add a festive mood.

    Decorate your office with postcards themed February 23 ... Now they are sold in great variety, of all shapes and sizes. Large ones - use to decorate walls, and small ones install on employees' desks.

    Make a holiday poster. It may be the simplest - on a large sheet of Whatman paper there is an inscription "Congratulations on February 23!" Or you can try and create a completely creative work. With photographs of men and personalized greetings, with a playful "military" horoscope or with photo collages, in which the men of your office are placed in various branches of the military. Let them become tankers, pilots, artillerymen, sailors for one day.

    Think back to childhood and decorate the office with colorful flags... Collect paper flags in garlands and stretch them in offices and rooms. Place the larger flags, which are fixed on sticks, on the tables. And hang large panels on the walls. For all the simplicity of this decoration, it will greatly diversify the office interior and create a cheerful, festive mood.

    Making a holiday on February 23rd in class

    In order for classmates to feel that this holiday is not just another date, but a real event, creating the right atmosphere is simply necessary. How to do this in a school or student setting?

    1) Perfect small balloons blue, green and white flowers, collected in bouquets. Such "inflorescences" can be used to decorate walls, boards and doors. Balloons filled with helium can be tied to the chairs of young people. Attach a small congratulatory note to each balloon. This will add intrigue!

    2) The tradition of school wall newspapers is a thing of the past, instead of them the notes are left on the Vkontakte wall. But for the sake of the holiday, an exception can be made. Get creative with this process. Draw a heroic comic strip featuring classmates and classmates. So that there is no doubt, glue the photo of the "originals" to the bodies of the drawn superheroes.

    3) look beautiful ribbons tied next to each other to a long rope... They can be the primary colors of the Russian flag. It will turn out not only smartly, but also patriotic.

    How to decorate a house for Defender of the Fatherland Day?

    The best way to cheer up your family is to festively decorate your home for the holiday. What can be used as home decorations for February 23rd?

    Children's drawings hung on the walls, will give a special, touching mood to the holiday. Agree in advance with your children or nephews, so that by the 23rd, these drawings will be ready.

    Air balloons - an excellent choice for home endeavors. Let them be of certain colors. For example, green and white. This will give your jewelry the desired masculine, understated style. Put a small surprise in each ball - a candy, a note, a small magnet. Let men enjoy not only the festive decoration of the house, but also the popping of balloons! For special surprises, purchase foil balloons filled with helium, such as stars. They will make your home more solemn. Joyful play of light on their shiny surface will add good mood to both adults and children.

    On the wall you can put the number 23, using for this multi-colored sheets of paper. To do this, you can buy blocks of note sheets. On each such leaf, write a few congratulatory words - it will be not only pleasant to look at, but also interesting to read!

    You can decorate the house with bundles of ribbons. the same colors as the balls, placing them on large interior items - mirrors, cabinets, refrigerator. Instead of ribbons, you can use flags - it’s also fun and interesting.

    Origami figurines or appliques - also great decorations for this holiday. They add variety to your holiday experience, especially if you have guests. After the holiday, these decorations can be presented to those present.

    We are festively decorating the hall by February 23

    Suppose that you have a solemn event on this day. How to decorate the hall, so that both the mood was good, and the spirit of the holiday to observe?

    1) Look great in the hall large bundles of balloons... Let their color be symbolic for those who gather in it. If you find it difficult to decide on the symbols, then prefer the white-green, white-blue options, which symbolize the army and navy, respectively, or choose the colors of the Russian tricolor. They are suitable for any occasion.

    2) Festive fashion on balloon figures is still preserved. But on this day, do not get carried away with this idea. Still, this is a man's holiday, so a certain restraint is necessary here.

    3) Will look great plain fabric decorations - portals, wide ribbons, tablecloths, napkins and chair covers. Let them match in color with other decorations. Then you can create a uniform style of space design.

    4) An interesting design idea - floral decorations... No, roses in bouquets are not very suitable. But dry branches, decorated with paper balls - kusudama - and satin ribbons to match the balls, look festive, and elegant, and original. If you took very large tree branches, then you can hang symbols of the holiday on them - stars, images of medals, military equipment or symbols of different types of troops.

    Decorate your surroundings and create a party for everyone! Then everyone is in a good mood, and first of all, you are guaranteed!