New Year's poems for children. New Year's poems for children New Year's poems for a child 3 years old

The most magical holiday is coming soon! We continue a series of New Year's poems that kids can learn for the New Year.

A flock of snowflakes outside the window

A flock of snowflakes outside the window

Also leads a round dance.

Saying goodbye to the old year,

We are celebrating the New Year.
(T. Melnikova)


- Who are the snowflakes

Did these?

To work

Who is responsible?

- I! - answered Santa Claus

And grabbed me

By the nose!
(G. Novitskaya)

Mom decorated the Christmas tree

Mom decorated the tree

Anya helped her mother;

I gave her toys:

Stars, balls, firecrackers.

And then the guests were called

And they danced at the Christmas tree!
(V. Petrova)

Our tree


Through the door slit -

You'll see

Our tree.

Our tree

Up to the ceiling.

Hanging toys -

From stand

To the top of your head!
(E. Ilyina)

To our Christmas tree

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!

Santa Claus walks alive.

Well, Santa Claus! ..

What a cheek, what a nose! ..

Beard, beard! ..

And there is a star on the hat!

There are specks on the nose!

And the eyes are ... daddy's!
(A. Shibaev)

First snow

Look guys

Everything was covered with cotton wool!

And in response there was laughter:

It was the first snow that fell.

Only Lyuba disagrees:

It's not a snowball at all -

Santa Claus brushed his teeth

And he scattered the powder.
(I. Bursov)


Herringbone, Christmas tree,

Barbed needle

Where did you grow up?

What did you see?

What's in the forest?

Bare birch trees

Wolves and bears

That's all the neighbors. -
And here on New Year's Eve
Everyone sings a song.
(M. Ivensen)

It happens in the world ...

It happens in the world

That only once a year

Light on the tree

A lovely star.

The star burns, does not melt

Beautiful ice glistens.

And immediately comes

Happy New Year!
(I. Tokmakova)

Walking the street

Walking the street

Santa Claus,

Hoarfrost scatters

On the branches of birches;

Walks with a beard

Shakes white

Stamps his foot

Only the crackling goes.

It has grown to my eyebrows

It has grown to my eyebrows,

He climbed into my boots.

They say he is Santa Claus,

And he is naughty like a little one.

He messed up the water faucet
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And he is naughty like a little one.

He paints on glass

Palm trees, stars, skiffs.

They say he is a hundred years old

And playing pranks like a little one.
(E. Tarakhovskaya)

The Christmas tree came to the children

The Christmas tree came to the children

Brought snow on the branches.

You need to warm the Christmas tree

Put on a new dress.

Stars shine brightly
The lights are burning bright
Different beads are hanging -
Wonderful outfit!

Musicians, hurry up

Play more fun!

Let's become together in a round dance,

Hello, hello, New Year!
(A. Barto)

Happy New Year!

Well, the tree! It's just amazing!

How smart! How beautiful!

Here the lights lit up on her,

Hundreds of tiny lights!

And decorating the tops,
It shines there as always
Very bright, large,
Five-winged star!

The doors are wide open, as if in a fairy tale,

A round dance rushes in a dance!

And over this round dance

Talk, songs, ringing laughter.

Happy New Year!

With new happiness everyone at once!
(E. Blaginina)

Santa Claus

Who's come?

What did you bring?

We know:

Santa Claus,

Gray-haired grandfather,

With beard,

He is our dear guest.

He will light a Christmas tree for us,

He will sing songs with us.
(E. Blaginina)

Snowman new year greetings

Snowman sends a letter to a friend:

"I wish you a blizzard ...

So that the blizzard is chalk all year ...

Ice, drifts, snow slides,

And frosts "minus forty" ...

And sincere warmth! "
(A. Usachev)

We love the holiday - New Year,
He gives us gifts
And also frost and snow,
Christmas trees and cheerful laughter!

Congratulations to all the children,
Let's wish you sweets!
Congratulations to all people
We wish you joy!


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Create a postcard

Who lit the lights on the tree?

Who lit the lights on the tree
And did you call your friends here?
The best, the most lively
Holiday - New Year, hurray!

Everyone will get a treat
And there are gifts for everyone:
Books, juices and cookies
And funny children's laughter!


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Create a postcard

On New Years my child
Hopes come true
And all that you are looking for sometimes
Comes serenely.

And may today, this night,
All all your desires
Grandfather Frost will perform
With love, with understanding.


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Children are all friends!

New Year, New Year -
Herringbone, light up!
Santa Claus is coming to us -
Sadik, have fun!

We will dance -
Round dance to drive!
And we want to wish -
Children are all friends!


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Happy New Year

Wake up soon
The Christmas tree is waiting, don't forget
Santa Claus is knocking on the door
Let's meet the New Year.

My baby, the sweetest
The best, and dear,
Happy New Year,
Congratulations gold.


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There will be a friendly round dance!

One two Three -
Our tree, burn!
One, two, three, four, five -
Let's dance together!

Let's join hands
Let's smile at the Christmas tree!
There will be a friendly round dance
We will wait for the New Year!


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Wonderful holiday

What wonderful
The holiday is coming-
And baby and big
Welcomes the New Year!

Everyone has so much fun in the morning
People are waiting for gifts!
And shout: "Hurray!" "Hurrah!"
Everyone will be soon!

New Year's poems for children 3-4 years old

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Squirrel jumps on branches
The bunny gallops through the fields.
They want our children
Happy New Year!

Bunny will wish you all
Dexterously run and jump.
The squirrel will order everyone
Never lose heart!

So come on guys
Let's stand in a friendly round dance,
And to the noisy fun
Let's meet a glorious New Year!


The site "Mom can do everything!" collected the most interesting poems about the New Year for beloved kids. Even children 2-3 years old will easily remember these short works and will be able to tell Santa Claus at the Christmas tree.

Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered
Good Santa Claus!
Decorated everything in fluffy snow
And brought gifts!

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands and firecrackers.
Good gifts
The holiday will be bright!

Santa Claus, though old,
But he is naughty like a little one:
It pinches the cheeks, the nose tickles,
He wants to grab by the ears.
Santa Claus, don't blow in the face,
Enough, do you hear
Do not spoil!

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
I came to you today,
I brought you gifts
On New Year's holiday!
Let's shout loudly all Hurray!
It's time to give gifts!

Clubfoot bear
Washes his nose in the morning with his paw,
It is New Year today
The first time goes to meet.

(T. Marshalova)

Mom decorated the tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.

I have beautiful toys
Will bring on New Year
White Santa Claus
Under the green Christmas tree
There, under the winter tree
Fluffy, forest
Sleep, covered with hats
Forest gnomes
Let the crib be for them
Soft and comfortable
To sleep it was sweet
I'll give them a butter cake

It has grown to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he is Santa Claus,
And he is naughty like a little one.

Snow flutters and whirls
Like a bird, time rushes by
And hurries forward quickly:
New Year is coming
Adults and children are happy -
The best holiday in the world
After all, Santa Claus came to them
And he brought gifts to everyone.

(E. Erato)

A flock of snowflakes outside the window
Also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.

Sunny bunny

I'm so tired today!
Decorated the Christmas tree with my mother!
Dad walked side by side,
He directed us.
How many balls on the tree
And painted toys!
Needles smell like holiday
Coniferous forest twigs.
The lights flicker on it
Like they are leading a round dance
All children in the world know:
The best holiday is NEW YEAR!

We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers.

Grandma has clouds
Wonderful granddaughters.
Grandma has clouds
My mouth is full of worries.
For each of the granddaughters
Elegant suit -
New Year's suit
She sews tirelessly.
For little granddaughters
For dear granddaughters
Grandma is trying
Days on end.
So that it becomes a rain
Cheerful snowflake
So that it becomes white from the snow
In the new year

(Yu Kamysheva)

The new year has already passed.
Santa Claus went home.
He gave gifts to everyone.
Poor Grandpa is tired.

(Yu. Koltsova)

Fluffy herringbone
She came to visit us.
Golden beads
Braided into the branches.
Bright balls
Pleases the people.
Will say with us:
"Hello, New Year!"

(T. Gusarova)

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
I lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And on the branches - snow!

New Year, New Year,
The Christmas tree lives in the room
Fresh, downy
Pine Christmas tree!
Pulling Sasha by the sleeve,
Av-av says importantly:
What are you doing here, old man,
She is not pine
And spruce!
Pine spruce when
The needles are long
Here the needles are nonsense,
Two and a half!

(I. Belkin)

The Christmas tree dresses up -
The holiday is coming.
New year at the gate
The tree is waiting for the children.

It's fun on the streets
After all, soon - New Year.
Boys and girls
Gathered in a round dance
Around a huge Christmas tree.
Green needles
They burn from frost
Beckoning passers-by
To the holiday parade.

From under the furry Christmas tree
The fox waves a fluffy paw:
“Here he is - Grandfather Frost!
He brought snow with him! "


Santa Claus is in a hurry to the holiday
In a red coat, in felt boots.
He carries gifts with him
For little kids.
Petenka - a ball,
Sasha - a book,
And the girl Katenka-
Not a simple backpack -
The barrel opens
And inside sits cold
Northern snowman.

Children lead a round dance
Clap their hands.
Hello hello.
New Year! You are so good!

Golden rain is pouring
Flowing from the Christmas tree.
Admire her:
Here she is!
Everything sparkles and blooms
With bright lights.
Invites you to a round dance
Have fun with us.
New year is on its way
Will come to us soon.
Brighter, herringbone, shine
You are for the delight of children!

(N. Radchenko)

New Year is a carnival
Serpentine is a bright light
Even the adults sent
Hello from childhood!

The tree flashed with lights
Tinsel sparkled
Beads, stars are playing
The kids screamed:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!-
And started dancing together
New Year's round dance.
The hour of fun has come!

(S. Loseva)

Santa Claus goes to the holiday
In a red coat, in felt boots,
He carries gifts with him
For little kids!

The horn of the month shines
A thick snow is falling
Dressed up Christmas trees
Into shiny needles
Someone is pinching our nose
This is Santa Claus,
And the clock is running forward
New Year is coming.

(E. Erato)

White snowflakes
Winter has come to us.
She dressed up the Christmas trees
Streets, houses.
Brought us a fairy tale -
New Year holiday.
Let dreams come true!
May you always be lucky!

Santa Claus came to us
Let's have fun
Let's sing and dance
Whirl with music.

Herringbone, you are a tree
The Christmas tree is just a miracle
See for yourself,
How beautiful she is!

We celebrate the holiday.
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys.
Balls, crackers.

Herringbone, herringbone,
Here she is,
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big.

Santa Claus is dancing with us
Cheers everyone today
And under the tree are heard
Jokes, jokes, laughter!

Christmas tree was dressed up for the holiday
Fun to tears!
Who brings us gifts?
This is Santa Claus!

New Year, New Year,
The holiday is coming.
Santa Claus in New Year
He wishes everyone happiness!

A bunny is jumping around the tree,
He dresses up needles
Because it will come to us
New Year is coming soon!

Winter-winter has come
She brought a lot of snow.
Bunny dressed up a Christmas tree
The hedgehog cooked dinner for everyone.
The forest people are glad now,
That New Year is coming!

And at our tree
Bright needles
Balls and tinsel
Have fun kids!

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Are you cold on the road?
Come to our tree
Round dance faster drive.

Happy New Year, mom, dad,
Happy New Year, all friends!
Congratulations to everyone today!
Will I get the candy?

New Year is coming to the house!
He brings us gifts,
Lights up the lights
Gives snowy days.

Gifts are waiting under the tree.
Our year will be the sweetest.
Happy New Year! Until dawn
Bright, herringbone, burn!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree - New Year,
Santa Claus will come now:
He is such a good grandfather -
He will give us all - sweets!

Beads and balls
Golden cones
Our girls are happy
Happy and boys
Soon Santa Claus will come
The holiday is coming - New Year!

We celebrate today
New Year's holiday,
Even kind Santa Claus
Came to us - today:
Brought gifts to everyone
He's in boxes - bright!

Happy New Year.
I wish everyone happiness
To Santa Claus
I brought you good things to your homes!

New Year is coming to us
Both to the big ones and to the kids!
We will decorate the tree
And wait for magic miracles!

Fluffy snowflakes
They are spinning outside the windows
And on New Year's under the tree
The kids are having fun.

We want gifts
And noisy bustle
So that Santa Claus beloved
Spun around like we did.

Happy New Year
All people in the world.
May this holiday bring
Happiness to the whole planet.

Let the lights burn on the trees
Let Santa Claus hurry to us
And the lucky kids are lucky
He has a whole cart of gifts.

I won't sleep tonight
I will wait for Santa Claus
He will quietly enter the house
And he will bring me a gift.
I won't be scared, no
I will tell him: "Thank you, Grandfather!"

I worked so hard all day
Decorated the Christmas tree with my mother,
Stars, balls, little animals
I alternated with tinsel.

I learned a beautiful rhyme,
I'll tell Santa Claus
Come quickly my dear
I'm really looking forward to the gift!

Santa Claus - he with a beard,
He is very, very gray-haired,
He gives out gifts
He dances and sings!

Santa Claus is so funny!
With a white beard
He has a red nose
He brought me presents!

Santa Claus, go quickly
Bring me gifts
I'll sing a song for you
I will hug you tight!

It's winter outside
The blizzard howls like a wolf.
In shops and homes -
Festive Christmas trees.

Santa Claus came
Asks strictly:
“Was everything okay?
Didn't you play a lot? "

Kind grandfather, hurry
Give out gifts -
From hot batteries
You will get hot!

The firecrackers are coming soon
There will be sweets, toys.
After all, today is New Year!
So a miracle is coming to us.

This miracle is Santa Claus.
He brought us presents.
And candy, and cars,
And fluffy snowflakes.

The balls on the tree are golden
Oh, the bumps are bright, big,
We will also decorate with tinsel
And we will be happy with you:

After all, the holiday is coming soon
New Year,
To visit us
Santa Claus is coming!

New Year is a holiday that all children are looking forward to. As a rule, many parents invite Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka to the house on the eve of the holiday so that they give the baby gifts, and the child, in turn, must recite a rhyme. You can come up with short children's poems about the New Year yourself or choose a suitable rhyme on our website. This section presents a large selection of rhymes for the smallest children, which they can easily learn. Poems about the New Year for children should be simple and memorable so that the child, even when worried, can remember the text.

This section presents children's short New Year's poems that are easy to understand and easy to remember. You can help your little one choose a rhyme not only to tell Grandfather Frost on the eve of the holiday, but also for a performance in kindergarten. Also on our site you can find short comic congratulations in verses for adults.

Who's come?
What did you bring?
We know:
Santa Claus,
Gray-haired grandfather,
With beard,
He is our dear guest.
He will light a Christmas tree for us,
He will sing songs with us.
Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
We don't know you.
And you, Santa Claus,
We are happy to meet.

Oh, Frost, Red nose,
Singing the song
And you in a round dance
We invite the children.

Oh, Frost, Red nose,
Hit harder in your palms
And we have more fun
Legs will dance.
Santa Claus puts all the hares under the tree
For a soft toy - a fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play
Who terrifies him in the forest.
It has grown to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he is Santa Claus,
And he is naughty like a little one.
He messed up the water faucet
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And he is naughty like a little one.
He paints on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old
And he is naughty like a little one!
Snowman sends a letter to a friend:
“I wish you a blizzard ...
So that the blizzard chalk all year round ...
Ice, drifts, snow slides,
And frosts "minus forty" ...
And sincere warmth! "
Long-awaited New Year
We meet together.
There will be a friendly round dance
And rhymes and songs.

Let the lights on the tree
Will light up brightly
Everyone on the holiday Santa Claus
Will bring gifts.
For a whole year we have been waiting for a holiday
And gifts and sweets.
In the snow yesterday I saw
Santa Claus trace!

And today - here he is, next to him!
Open the bag soon!
You know how I taught for a long time
This little rhyme!
New Year has rushed to us
With Grandfather Frost.
I congratulate you all
Happy New Year.

May he bring us all
Happiness and prosperity
So that in your families all
There was always order.

May success come to you
With the sun rising.
I congratulate you all
Happy New Year!
Among the snow, among the trees,
Among the bright lanterns
Suddenly appeared cheerful
A holiday for adults and children.

Happy New Year,
With new joy, great!
With a new song, with a new tale
Happy New Year's mess!
Soon, soon New Year.
It is snowing outside the window.
Sparrows tremble under the roof
Misha sleeps sweetly in his den,
Frost crackles at night
Nibbles the finches by the nose.
Fir trees are lined up
Change the forest outfit.
Snow hats, fur coats
The garlands are gold.
Soon, soon New Year.
Laughter, round dance by the tree.
Santa Claus with a big bag
He walks through the forests.
The stars shine brightly for him
He has gifts in his bag.
Tangerines, oranges
For the guys of the country of Russia.
Waffles, apples, lemons
And millions of nuts.
Hurry, New Year,
The kids are already waiting.
New Year's days!
The snow is frosty, prickly.
Lights lit up
On a fluffy tree.

The ball swung painted,
The beads rang
Smells like forest freshness
From resinous spruce.
New Year has come! Hurrah!
You are like white snow -
A holiday of peace and goodness
Share it at all!
Grief and sorrow - dispel! ..
Again until January
Fly fast on Earth
Giving us happiness!
Winter goes around the whole planet
And a fairy tale wanders around the world with her,
On New Year's Eve comes into the house
And we are waiting for her today.
She's on her way now.
And soon she will knock on the door.
Round dance
Everyone has a New Year
And we have a New Year!
Near the green Christmas tree
Round dance, round dance.
Santa Claus came,
Santa Claus came to us.
He's toys and crackers
And he brought us sweets.
He is kind with us,
He's funny with us, -
Near the green Christmas tree
He himself went to dance with us!
The New Year is racing at a trot
He hurries to the house, knocks;
White ice on the lakes
The eye is blinding, sparkling.

Maple, hugging an alder, stands -
It's so warmer together;
Something quietly says
To her, to her bride.

The sun will soon fall
Fun up the hill;
Will forget, will sing
The forest is like a blizzard.

Snow will dance in a round dance
It will whirl like a whirlwind;
Soon, soon New Year!
Trotting to visit.
They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Even the guys can
All desires come true
You just need, they say,
Make an effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn,
And have patience
And do not count learning
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

There are funny toys on our Christmas tree:
Funny hedgehogs and funny frogs,
Funny bears, funny deer,
Funny walruses and funny seals.
We are also a little funny in masks,
Santa Claus needs us funny
So that it was joyful, so that laughter could be heard,
After all, the holiday today is fun for everyone!
What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance
This is the laughter of funny guys
Near all the elegant trees.
What is New Year?
Everyone knows beforehand;
These are pipes and violins
Jokes, songs and smiles.
Anyone who wants to be cheerful
It would be this New Year,
May with us today
Sings a resounding song!
Will come to visit us soon
Merry New Year!
And a whole load of gifts
Santa Claus will cook!
Come to us little animals
Bring us toys
Let's decorate the tree!
We will bring the holiday closer!
I went out on a sled
Ride from the mountain.
And the cold is shameless
Can't wait -

Runs up immediately
And for my nose
Take a running start
More painful than fire.

But I was not shy -
I rushed up the hill.
And the cold is angry
I stayed under the hill.
Round dance, round dance ...
The little people are dancing.
Dance by our tree
We are ready for a whole year!

Beauty, beauty ...
Our tree is thick.
You can't reach the top of your head.
That's the height!

Under the bush, under the bush
Someone with a red tail.
This is a sly fox
There is a fox house under a bush.

Snow is falling, snow is falling ...
Hello hello,
New Year!
How funny we are
Round dance near the tree!
Soon, soon New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on the door to us:
"Children, hello, I'm here!"
We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers ...
Soon Santa Claus will come
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets ...
Santa Claus, where are you ?!