Games and contests for Valentine's Day for young people. How to have fun with Valentine's Day at school? Games, contests, entertainment Interesting contests for February 14 for students

Couples in love participate in the competition. Both guys and girls are asked to name any noun. For example, "hare", "table", "cherry" - whatever comes to mind. And then the host explains the rules. You need to explain to your soul mate why she is better than what was named. The competition turns into everyone's fun when those around them find out that someone is better than a hare because he has smaller ears, and someone is better than a table because the table is hard, and so on.

You are my sweetness

A couple is involved - a guy and a girl. The presenter invites them to exchange original "sweet-compliments", pronouncing them aloud in turn. For example, “you are my bun, you are my marshmallow, you are my candy,” and so on. The winner in a pair is the one who comes up with more options. After that, the winner is awarded a prize in the form of a set of sweets.

I will give you a star

Competition for guys. Participants are given a piece of paper and, at the command of the presenter, they are offered to make a star out of it for their beloved without the help of scissors. You cannot fold the sheet, you can only cut off the edges by hand so that you end up with a figure that even remotely resembles a five-pointed star. The author of the most beautiful and geometrically correct star wins, but all participants receive incentive prizes.

We are one

Couples participate in the competition. Each of them needs to turn to face each other and join hands, and then make a series of movements, which will be called by the leader. For example, wash and comb, peel and eat a banana, run some object from one part of the room to another. In this case, the palms cannot be separated, any manipulations can only be performed with your fingers. The pair that completes the task faster wins.


Of the total number of participants, one is chosen - Cupid. This player turns away, and the rest of the participants come up to him from behind, two by two and ask the question: "A couple or not a couple?" If "Cupid" thinks that there is a couple of lovers behind him, then he says: "A couple." If he suspects that people from different couples are behind him, then he says: "Not a couple." The winner is "Cupid", who gave more correct answers.

Melt my heart

For this competition, you need to prepare in advance hearts that will need to be melted (chocolates in the form of a heart or ice in molds-hearts). The guests of the holiday are divided into “in love” couples. Each couple gets to heart and on the command "start" begins to melt it. The couple who melts an ice or chocolate heart faster than others will win and receive a prize.

Well-aimed cupid

For this competition, you need to prepare a "little man" (cut out a full-length image of a person from the wallpaper) and glue a balloon on tape instead of a heart or attach a circle from a dart board. Each participant receives 3 darts, respectively, each cupid will have 3 attempts. So, each "cupid" in turn makes 3 of its attempts, aiming right at the heart. If the participant immediately managed to pierce the heart, a new ball is hung in place of the heart. For each well-aimed hit, the participant is awarded a point. And the participant with the most points - the most accurate cupid - will receive a prize.

The strongest hug and the softest kiss

Each in turn will hug the guests of the holiday and kiss them on the cheek. Before the start of the competition, all guests are blindfolded. The facilitator will take turns choosing one participant from the company and guiding them. So, all the guests stand in a row, and one member of the company in turn hugs each guest as tightly as possible. As soon as the first guest hugs everyone, the host takes the next participant, brings them to each guest, and he hugs everyone in turn. This continues until all participants hug each other. After this stage, a vote is taken to “weed out” half of the participants. The guests themselves must name the numbers of the participants who were the strongest in their arms, for example, if there were 6 participants, the guests choose only three, naming the numbers (first, fifth and sixth, for example). Then the presenter announces the participants who go to the next stage. At the same time, the guests are not untied their eyes. The winners of the first stage will now take turns kissing the guests on the cheek, trying to do it as gently as possible. Again, the guests will now vote on only one winner. Who of the "kissers" gains more points in the voting of guests, he will win and receive a prize.

Competitive game program on Valentine's Day "Love Mosaic"


Education of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, mutual respect of girls and boys;

Activation of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents.

Equipment: for the first part of the class hour: a sheet of Whatman paper (or glued two sheets of Whatman paper), lined with 9 cells. Numbers are written in the cells: top row - 1, 8, 4; medium - 6, 2, 9; lower - 3, 7, 5; two multi-colored flags; sheets showing body parts, for example: "Head", "Legs", "Hands", "Waist", etc .; easels or tables on which you can draw, a set of markers, two hoops, a set of small children's toys.

For the second part: leaflets in the form of hearts with questions (two sets of 5 each), a set of felt-tip pens, a set of "valentines" (at least 10 pieces).

Musical arrangement - audio recordings of love songs, funny dance tunes.

Preliminary work:

Two teams are formed in the class - girls and boys (8-9 people each). Jury members are selected. The playing teams are entrusted with "homework" - to stage a clip of any love song (up to 3-4 minutes). The program is led by two presenters (preferably a boy and a girl). It is better to spend a class hour in the assembly hall of the school.

Class hour

Introductory class teacher talk about Valentine's Day:

Among the ancient Slavs, February was aptly named "lute". Gloomy, blizzard, now with real severe frosts, now with nasty wet snow, this month evokes in us far from the most pleasant associations. But in England, America and other countries, the word "February" conjures up funny and pleasant thoughts. And this is due not at all to the difference in climate, but to the fact that Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day, is celebrated on February 14.

This holiday has no deep religious basis. Its history is unusually romantic, and this day got its name after the Christian martyr Valentine, who was sentenced to death by the Roman pagans. In the III century. n. e. the Roman emperor Claudius issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and that they were destined to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having learned about "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered to imprison the priest and then execute him.

In prison, Valentin, deprived of the holy books, whiled away his leisure time, writing notes for the jailer's daughter. Obviously, both the messages and the daughter were good. Young people fell in love with each other. Despite the cruel circumstances and near death, Valentine did not stop thinking about his beloved. Before his execution on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with the short phrase "from Valentine", which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of death of the priest, who betrothed lovers, despite severe obstacles, and did not see his own happiness, has forever remained in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates began to be called "the gate of Valentine".

Later, the Church canonized him, and the lovers chose him as their patron.

Since Rome was still largely pagan in those days, for many, Valentine's Day merged with the ancient feast of Lupercalia. It was held on February 15 in honor of Faun - the god of fields, forests, pastures and animals - in a grotto on the slope of the Roman Palatine hill. All the rituals were performed by the priests-luperki, who sacrificed a goat and a dog to the Faun. After that, they ran around the Palatine, lashing with whips cut out of the skin of a sacrificial goat, the women they met, which should have contributed to their fertility.

According to legend, on this day, birds pick up a couple for themselves, and the forests are filled with ringing bird voices. Lupercalia was also a holiday of lovers, it was patronized by the goddesses Juno and Fauna, who favored women and marriage. A kind of youth festival took place. The girls threw beautifully designed letters into the vessel, and the young men pulled them like lottery tickets and thus chose their friend and girlfriend for the next year.

The choice of a pair by lot was widespread in its time. Marriage papers with the names of girls were placed in a special box, from which they were pulled out by potential suitors.

In England, Valentine's Day began to be accompanied by the secret delivery of gifts and postcards "with meaning."

The tradition of writing messages on Valentine's Day has survived to this day. Having written touching words of love to his beloved, Saint Valentine could not even imagine that they would turn into a huge number of love notes in poetry and prose, serious and humorous, from young to young and from elderly to elderly. After all, as you know, all ages are submissive to love! Announcements in the newspaper, both with an expression of love and even with an offer of a hand and a heart, and humorous, often encrypted messages, the key to which only the initiates know, have become a kind of congratulations on Valentine's Day.

On Valentine's Day, the demand for flowers, especially roses, increases dramatically. The custom of presenting St. Valentine's bouquet with a special message was borrowed by the British from the gallant French at the beginning of the 18th century. and reached the height of fashion during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). A young man in love expressed his feelings to the chosen one with the help of a carefully selected bouquet, where each flower had its own subtle meaning.

And yet the floral emblem of St. Valentine is considered a red rose.

Rose remains an open confession of true love.

Soon, lovers in Russia will receive their "valentines", and in our harsh February we will feel the breath of spring.

It is probably unnecessary to explain why the accepted symbolism of this holiday is the image of the heart.

Two presenters appear on the stage.

1st host: What is love?

2nd host: Probably, no one knows this, except our hearts and ... the participants in our today's game.

1st presenter: "Tic-tac-toe" is a child's play, but today is February 14 - Valentine's Day, so our

"Tic-tac-toe" is about love. And in the game, you guessed it, the beautiful half of humanity is girls ...

Nine girls take the stage.

2nd presenter: ... the other half are boys.

Nine young men enter the stage.

A drawing of lots is held: who will draw "zeroes" in the cells of the poster, and who will draw "crosses".

1st host: Where does love begin?

2nd leader: From the ideal. She, after reading, having seen enough of the series, decided that he should be tall, slender, handsome, tanned, intelligent, talented, witty, with a great future and a mysterious past.

A stereo tape recorder, a car is a must, a bathtub made of blue tiles is desirable. And so that he was young - from 30 to 70.

1st presenter: He is more modest in his requests: living space - at least 30 sq. m per person, the character, if not golden, then at least Nordic. In short, if not Venus, then Miss Uryupinsk will certainly.

2nd moderator: And now the task: girls should draw a portrait of an ideal man, and boys - an ideal woman. We will draw with the whole team, each of the participants his own part of the overall portrait. And what happens - an ideal or a caricature - we'll see.

The team members draw out the sheets with the names of the body parts that they will have to draw, and take places on the side of the stage.

On the other side of the stage are easels. At the signal, the participants take turns to run to the easel and

draw. It is not speed that is evaluated, but quality. The winning team draws its mark in cell 1.

1st host:

The two of us.

Late hour.

Silence enters the room.

How old are we all

The first date lasts.

2nd moderator: First date - the beginning of the beginnings. The first date is unforgettable, especially the one that the teams will show us now.

Situation for girls: “Hot summer morning. Small lake. In the middle of the lake is a boat, there are two in the boat: he and she. They selflessly admire nature. Suddenly, water begins to flow into the boat quickly. The young man and the girl frantically scoop out water, and it still arrives. It's a pity, but neither the boy nor the girl can swim. "

Situation for young men: “Summer beautiful morning. Sochi, you are far from the city, on the beach. Hot sand, warm sea. You feel good, you sunbathe. Suddenly you hear a woman's voice. She says that her clothes have been stolen, so she cannot leave the beach. Turning around, you also do not find your clothes. "

Teams offer a way out of this situation and stage it. The winning team draws its mark in box 2.

2nd host: And now we will talk about the secrets of happiness.

1st host: The secret of happiness is simple - you have to love. When a person loves, he sings, and sings, of course, about love.

2nd host: We invite you to play musical football.

The teams will take turns singing along the lines of the songs containing the word "love".

The last team to sing the song fills space 3.

1st host: It all starts with love, and often ends with a legal marriage. The symbol of marriage is, of course, wedding rings. An engagement ring is not a simple piece of jewelry, it will tie the knot forever.

2nd host: We also have our own wedding rings.

The teams join hands, and the first team members receive a hoop. The whole team, without breaking the marriage bond, that is, without unhooking their hands, must go through the hoop. Whoever does it faster will win.

The first players raise the hoops a meter from the floor, and the presenters can do this. The winning team places their sign in the square with the number 4.

1st host: Love, where did you take me? Of course, it is not bad to rest in the Canary Islands, and I will certainly be there, only I will take a song on the road.

2nd host: No, it's better to go to the Canary Islands on a cruise surrounded by stars.

1st host: So we will.

The teams got their homework: to stage a clip of any song on today's topic. So, on board our liner ...

The teams take turns showing the clips. In this competition, the winner is determined by the number of applause from the audience. The sign is placed in cell 5.

2nd presenter: Often he says to her: "We will not register, my bird, because there is such a fuss with divorce ..." But if he and she tied themselves in marriage, then this is already a real family.

1st moderator: Life in a family is not only love, but also complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance, it is no coincidence that the word "spouses" means "walking in the same harness." Nothing unites a family like joint economic activities.

2nd host: We have a small business quiz, with girls answering men's questions, and boys answering women's questions.

Questions for girls.

1. What is shit?

a) Firewood for kindling.

b) Woodworking costs.

c) Wooden sticks used for fixing plaster. +

2. What do they do with a jigsaw?

a) Measure.

b) They undermine.

c) Saw out. +

3. The birthplace of the Chrysler ...

a) Austria.

c) Great Britain.

4. Radicchio is ...

a) car brand.

b) plant - salad chicory. +

c) the name of the sports club.

6. Bucanars are ...

a) men's trousers.

b) a man's shirt. +

c) boots.

Questions for young men.

1. How many grams of rice are in one tablespoon?

2. Praline is ...

a) type of clothing.

b) cosmetic product.

c) nut filling for sweets. +

3. Poultry is plucked ...

a) from top to bottom. +

b) from bottom to top.

c) across.

4. Range is ...

a) precious stone.

b) a device for irrigating the face with steam. +

c) cosmetic product.

The winner is determined by the number of correct answers. Representatives of the winning team put a sign in box 6.

1st host: The key to the successful existence of a family is a decent budget and a great ability to multiply it.

2nd host: And for this, the spouses must be earners. Everything in the house, everything for the family. Pick the most adventurous on your team and listen to the assignment.

1st moderator: We blindfold your "earner", and he should bring home as many toys as possible. But you will have to collect them only by listening to your commands "cold - hot".

The competition runs for three minutes. The commands suggest the direction of the search. The number of collected toys is counted and cell 7 is filled.

2nd host: As you know, family life is not without scandals.

1st presenter: The nature of the scandal is simple: word for word, and then, you see, we move on to decisive action.

2nd leader: Introduce a black box! The black box is a useful attribute of a scandal. Whichever team names this item first will win.

Moderator 1: We will make it easier for you: each team has the right to ask three questions in turn, but those that can only be answered "yes" or "no".

The black box may contain a rolling pin, a frying pan, a wooden spoon, and an iron. The guessing team puts their mark in cell 8.

2nd presenter: The decoration of the family, the flowers of life are children.

1st presenter: As they say: small children - small troubles, big children - big troubles. The teams will now have small children, and the task will be big. You will have to compose a new lullaby based on the old tune.

2nd presenter: Remember: "I baiushki baiu, do not lie down on the edge"? It is necessary not only to compose a lullaby, but also to sing it by the method of the relay - each one line by line - carefully passing from hand to hand of your baby.

Whoever does it better will write his sign in cell 9.

While the teams come up with a lullaby, the presenters conduct a game or a quiz with the audience. After the lullaby is played, the last cell of the table is filled, the results of the game are summed up, and the winning team is awarded.

1st host:

Believe in the great power of love!

Believe sacredly in her conquering light,

Into her light, radiantly saving!

2nd host:

A world mired in mud and blood!

Believe in the great power of love!

1st host: But our meeting is not over yet, we want to invite five people from each team to participate in another program - "Love at first sight" and determine the ideal couple. Think for now who will be involved.

2nd host: You, of course, remember that today we have gathered with you to talk about love ...

About love at first, and maybe second sight ... Do you believe in love at first sight? So do I. And in general, I think that love and school are inseparable things. After all, as a rule, the first love visits a person precisely at school age. What is love?

1st host: We can read about love from Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his novel "Eugene Onegin". We can learn about love from the school history course. After all, it is the historians who acquaint us with the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, who abandoned social life and luxury, went to distant Siberia to hard labor, where their husbands were exiled.

But let's not go into history ... We'd better turn to the poets. After all, they are the ones who sing love.

2nd host:

Love. We read about it in books.

Love. We could not understand about this.

But gradually the boys grew up and grew up to her.

Do you remember - we didn't want to know her,

And often choosing paths for her,

We counted her until she was thirteen

A feeling that despises everything.

(R. Rozhdestvensky. "Love".)

1st host: I remind you that we have gathered in this room to choose the perfect match. We welcome our participants, who will form, so to speak, ... a "pair" of our participants.

(Five participants come out.)

1st presenter: Our participants ... We greet them with thunderous applause ... (Five participants leave.)

2nd presenter: And now, according to the rules of the game, we, the presenters, must briefly tell about each participant in our game with the name "Love of all ages ...".

1st host: We met the participants. And now we will meet the participants.

(Cards to be completed and read out.)

2nd host: So, let's start our game.

1st leader: The first task for our competitors. And we called him ... "Tell us about yourself."

I give you leaves (in the form of a heart), on which - questions:

1. Favorite singer (singer).

2. Favorite food.

3. Favorite animal.

4. Favorite subject at school.

5. What is the last book you read?

Answers are given 3-5 minutes. While you are filling out our "hearts", I ask questions to everyone present at our class hour:

1. What is the largest and most multi-page poem by A.S. Pushkin. ("Ruslan and Ludmila")

2. Name the most important god of the ancient Greeks. (Zeus)

3. Name the Moscow pop singer who released the most disco albums in the 80s-90s of the last century. (Alla Pugacheva)

4. What is the most famous Egyptian queen. (Cleopatra)

5. What is the name of the lady of the heart of the saddest knight Don Quixote? (Dulcinea Toboska)

Students and invitees who answer the questions correctly are encouraged by the class teacher or jury members.

2nd moderator: So, our participants have filled in their cards and are ready to answer the questions-situations.

The first situation is for girls.

You like a guy from a senior class. You are not familiar with him. And I really want him to notice you. Your actions:

1. You will "flirt" with him, flirt, try to get to know him. And in the end you will get your way.

2. You will carefully hide your feelings and avoid it, that is, suffer and sigh alone.

3. Tell him everything at an opportunity (for example, during a dance, of course, inviting him).

(Answers girls)

1st host: Our acquaintance continues. Well, now - we listen to our youths.

The first situation is for young men.

The situation is similar. You like the girl, but you don't know her. Your actions:

1. Do your best and impossible to get to know her.

2. Quietly, in splendid isolation, you will sigh about her, afraid to speak to her.

3. Ask your friend to tell her about you and your feelings.

(Answers of the young men)

2nd host: Our acquaintance continues.

And here is the second situation for girls.

You are dating a guy who really likes you. And he is not for you. But you meet with him according to the principle "Everyone has a boyfriend and me." But this is not interesting, without reciprocity. You are bored with it. Your actions:

1. Immediately inform him about it.

2. Are afraid to tell him and wait for him to understand everything.

3. Do not say anything to him, pitying him and his feelings.

(Answers girls)

1st leader: The second situation for boys.

You promise your girlfriend an amazing evening, go to the video salon to watch a new movie. But the session was canceled due to insufficient number of viewers. The girl is disappointed. You decide to go with her to the nearest cafe. There is no ice cream in the cafe. It's autumn outside, cold wind, you have guests at home. Your actions:

1. Apologize and walk her home.

2. Walk with her until you turn blue in the street.

3. Your own version.

(Answers of the young men)

1st host: The third situation for our participants.

A boy you know who you really like invited you to his birthday party. But your mother forbade you to go, arguing that he is a bully and his company is not suitable for you. Your actions:

1. You will not listen to your mom and go to your birthday party.

2. Stay at home worrying and crying into your pillow.

3. Your own version.

(Answers girls)

2nd leader: And the third situation for our boys.

You accidentally found out that your girlfriend has agreed to participate in the Miss City beauty pageant. Your actions:

1. Throw a scandal on her and set the condition: "Either I, or a competition."

2. Pretend that everything is fine. And go to this show with your friends.

3. Do something else.

(Answers of the young men)

1st host: The second round of our game "Love for all ages ..." has ended. Let's move on to the next round. It is called "Talk to me, my friend!" What is the essence of this tour?

Now each of you, our dear participants and participants, will be able to ask each other a question.

So who do we start with?

(Questions - answers)

2nd host: And the last, fourth round.

Questions for girls:

1. You like a guy who is currently friends with a girl with whom you are in a fight. Your actions?

(Answers girls)

2. How do you get rid of the guy you are already tired of?

(Answers girls)

1st host:

Questions for young men:

1. You will take revenge on the girl who left you for your friend.

(Answers of the young men)

2. If you like a classmate, will you pull her hair or take away the textbook?

(Answers of the young men)

2nd moderator: And now our participants must make their choice.

On the back of your heart with a name, you write the name of the girl or boy you like. While you are making your choice, the audience and I are watching ...

(A previously prepared number of amateur performances is performed - a dance or a song.)

1st host: And now we will see if our pairs have matched. So your choice ...

(The cards of girls and boys are read out.)

We got ... steam. We hope your choice is correct.

2nd presenter: (Referring to the participant of the "ideal couple" by name). Why did you choose ...? ... what did you like most about the appearance ...? Etc.

1st host: We thank everyone for their participation. We present you with our "Diplomas of Participants" and see off with thunderous applause.

And our ideal couple (determined by the volume of the applause) is waiting for the comic competition "Mothers and Daughters".

(The girl and the boy stand side by side, their hands are tied. Each has one hand free - you need to dress or swaddle the doll.)

2nd host: Well done! And this test was passed successfully. Accept modest prizes from us and our sponsors.

Leading (together). "Goodbye! See you again!

May love always accompany you through life!

High school students prefer to participate in more original and vulgar contests on February 14, rather than elementary school students. Adult life is already in full swing here, so everything should correspond to the atmosphere of celebration and the nature of the celebration. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to please the representatives of the senior classes, especially when it comes to funny and funny contests. They should be really interesting. So the best contests for February 14 for high school students.

The best ideas for fun contests for February 14 for high school students

Guess the melody

The guess the melody contest should be based on love songs that are known to many teenagers. You will have to prepare a number of popular tunes in advance. Participants line up and then music begins to play. If one of the participants guesses what kind of melody is currently playing, he raises his hand up. As a result, the music stops playing, and he names his own version of the melody. Next, the high school student gets a microphone in his hands, the music starts, and he must sing the song that was playing. If he cannot do this, then the point will not be credited to him. Many children, even high school students, are embarrassed to sing in public. Here you can add additional stimulation. if a person just guesses the melody, then he gets only one point, and if he also performed it, then three points at once. This will help overcome shyness in most students. Of course, the competition should have an even more powerful incentive, for example, it can be an original gift. Keep this in mind when organizing this fun competition.


This is a typical high school competition on February 14th. For him, you will have to prepare in advance the hearts, which will be cut in half. They don't have to be the same. Next, two boxes are taken. The first one fits the right halves of the hearts, and the second one - the left ones. Next, one guy and a girl are called. A representative of the stronger sex approaches one box, and a representative of the weaker sex approaches the other. They simultaneously take the halves out of the boxes and start running towards each other. If their hearts are united into a single whole, then the competition can end at this point. If all else fails, they go back to their boxes, put the halves in them, and take out the next ones. The competition continues until a whole heart is obtained. Of course, several couples in succession can participate in this event. The winners are those who spend the least number of attempts to get the correct heart. The competition will surely delight young people, because it is not always possible to find two identical halves as quickly as possible.


The next fun contest for high school students is called Valentines. Here you will need hearts of different colors, for example, blue and red. Moreover, there should be 9 of them, while, for example, there should be 10 participants in each team. All valentines are stacked on the table. Participants start dancing around him. When the music stops, all the students take hearts from the table. In this case, guys should take red hearts, and girls should take blue. Since there are only nine valentines of different colors, the godfather will not get them, respectively. It is this pair that is eliminated from further competition. At the same time, the number of hearts should also decrease. The game continues until one guy and one girl remains near the table. They are the ones who become the winners. A good game for February 14 for schoolchildren.


So, dear ones, now you know how to organize leisure for high school students on Valentine's Day. On this beautiful day, they will be in seventh heaven thanks to your contests.

No one knows where and when love is born. This tremendous power that rules the worlds makes us rejoice, triumph, compose odes and sing hymns. And also smile, rejoice. True love alone "does not go". She is always paired with happiness.

A fun quiz for February 14 (Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day) contains 14 questions with answers.

Quiz Creator: Iris Revue

1. What is "Love Elixir"?
Infusion on the flower "Ivan da Marya"
American Romantic Comedy +
Pomegranate juice

2. What geometric figure symbolizes complex love relationships, often played out in movies, in romantic literature: comedies, plays?
Love trapeze
Love triangle +
Love parallelogram

3. From which movie is the phrase?
"Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat"
Answer: (From the movie "Out of the blue")
"Love makes people brave"
Answer: (From the movie "Mr. X")
"Love is a theorem that needs to be proven every day"
Answer: (From the movie "The Same Munchausen")

4. On what bridge is the best way to express your joyful emotions?
Answer: On the "Kissing" bridge

P.S. There are such bridges in Paris, St. Petersburg and other cities.

5. What animal is mentioned in the famous proverb: "Love is evil, you will fall in love and ..."
Goat +

6. What is the name of Baba Yaga's love?
Answer: Koschey the Immortal

7. Why is love a carrot?
Answer: different answers are possible, one of them is "because gladiolus"

8. On what floor does the love of the "Secret" beat quartet live?
On the fifth + (From the song "Home again, the same house as I know him to me")
On the second
On the first

9. How are babies born?
They are found in cabbage
The stork brings children
They are born to mom and dad +

10. What is VALENTINKA?
Mandarin duck
Happy girl named Valentina
Postcard +

11. What is the name of the main character in the movie "Love and Doves"?
Hope +

12. If a relationship is established between two people, then it is customary to say that it is
Roman +
The story

13. When a person is deeply in love, what disease is attributed to him?
Love fever +
Love fever +
Love flu

14. What pair does not exist?
Romeo and Juliet
Prince and Cinderella
The Princess and the Pea and Balda +

MKOU Poddubenskaya OOSh

Valentine's Day (February 14) at school. Game program script

Vedas 2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family and friends. Celebrated for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must necessarily be in the shape of a heart, be it a cushion or a box for needlework.

Vedas 2. So, we start our holiday and introduce the participants and their fans. (Command submission)

Ved. 1. For all stages of the competition, each team gains a certain number of points. The team with the most points in the entire game is declared the winner. (Contests are evaluated on a five-point system)

Ved. 1. We begin our competition program with a romantic and funny song "Love-carrot" (girls of 6.7 grades)

Love for all ages! (game program)

Vedas 2 And now about the main thing. Participants in the game will have to go through four round trials. Between the tours, we will have pleasant musical breaks, all kinds of surprises and other events.

Lead 1 .First tour: "Who loved whom?" Participants are invited to answer the question “Who loved whom?

Whom did Tiny-Khavroshechka love? (To the cow.)

Whom did Gray love? (Assol.)

Whom did Gerasim love? (Mu Mu.)

Whom did Gerda love? (Kaya.)

Whom did the steadfast Tin Soldier love? (To the dancer.)

Whom did Dunno love? (Sineglazka.)

Whom did the mosquito love? (Mukhu-Tsokotukhu.)

Whom did Pierrot love? (To Malvin.)

Whom did the Russian clergyman love? (The dog.)

Whom did Lunatic love? (Ruth.)

Whom did the Prince love? (To Cinderella.)

Whom did Chatsky love? (Sophia.)

Vedas 2. - We appeal to you, dear Judge. Please announce the results of the 1st round of our competition program.

Ved. 1. Number from grade 5. Flashmob

Vedas 2. Second round: "Do you believe?"

Teams, you are given two cards: "Yes" and "No". When answering questions that begin with “Do you believe that ...”, you must raise one of the two “yes or no” cards. The time to think over each question is 1 minute. Correct answers are encouraged.

Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Valentine's Day? (No. Ancient Rome.)

Cupid - a mischievous angel with a bow and arrow - the son of Venus and a symbol of Valentine's Day? (Yes.)

In Wales, on February 14, loved ones were given wooden "spoons of love" decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant: "You have found a way to my heart." (Yes.)

Is the rose a symbol of beauty and love? (Yes.)

Do red chrysanthemums, tulips, carnations mean love? (Yes.)

In Germany, on Valentine's Day, women present all their loved ones and simply familiar men with chocolate? (No. This is a Japanese tradition.)

These lines about love were written by M. Yu. Lermontov:

It all starts with love.

With love! I know that for sure.

Everything, even hatred is dear

And the eternal sister of love.

(No. Robert Rozhdestvensky.)

Led. 1. We are waiting for the summing up of the previous 2 rounds from our fair and wise jury.

Vedas 2. Number from grade 8

Ved. 1. Third round: "Let's compliment each other."

The teams come up with compliments. Then the boys of the red table team compliment the girls of the blue table team, and so on. Then the girls compliment the boys. The compliment goes through two circles. And compliments should not be repeated.

Fan contests

Vedas 2. Fourth round: "Smart Questions".

Ved. 1. 1.Do pupils in Japan write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 3.Do some types of crayons have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (Not)

Vedas 2. 4 did the Romans wear pants? (Not)

Ved. 1. 5.If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Vedas 2. 6. Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 7.In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (Not)

Vedas 2. 8 penguins fly north for winter? (Not)

Ved. 1. 9. If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)

Vedas 2. 10 can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

Ved. 1. 11.Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Vedas 2. 12. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Ved. 1. 13. Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

Vedas 2. 14.Can bats receive radio signals? (Not)

Ved. 1. 15.Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Vedas 2. 16. Is the elk a type of deer? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 17. Do giraffes echo at night for the leaves they feed on? (Not)

Vedas 2. 18 Are firefly beetles used as lighting fixtures in some countries? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 19. Did Duremar sell frogs? (No, leeches)

Vedas 2. 20. Do the Eskimos dry my wash and eat instead of bread? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 21. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

Vedas 2. 22. Are turnips grown most of all in Russia? (No, in America)

Ved. 1. 23. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

Vedas 2. 24. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).

Ved. 1. 25. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

Vedas 2. 26. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but you can't throw it far? (Pooh).

Ved. 1. 27. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

Vedas 2. 28. How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

Ved. 1. 29. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).

Vedas 2. 30. What do they give up when they need it, and pick up when they don't need it? (Anchor).

Ved. 1. 31.The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

Vedas 2. 32. What can travel the world while staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Ved. 1. 33. Can I light a match underwater? (It is possible if water is poured into a glass, and the match is kept below the glass).

Vedas 2. 34. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw the egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly whole).

Ved. 1. 35. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).

Vedas 2. 36. How to jump off a 10-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

Veda 1. In the meantime, the respected jury will sum up the results, we will listen to the song "Half" performed by Inna Udovenko and Eli Muravyova.

At the end of the program, the hosts present prizes.

"Funny face"

On a piece of Whatman paper, you need to draw a funny face that could relate to Valentine's Day. All participants (26 people) stand in line and, taking a marker, draw one face.

"One hundred to one"

Which celebrity has a surname with the letter "P"?





Peter the First


The most common with the letter "A"






Which pets are most common?







The student sat down on a chair during the lesson and shouted loudly. Why?

Sat down on the buttons

Forgot my backpack at home

Saw a ghost

This is a music lesson. Sings

Due to the control


"Two grand pianos"

You need 2 teams of 2 people to play. A line from a famous song is guessed. Each line closed from the eyes of the participants has several transitions. You can name any hidden word and sing a song in which this word occurs. Sample lines:

I won't tell anyone anything (column "Girls")

Sings like a nightingale and knew about it ("Cool you got on TV")

Boys are flying towards life ("Other rules" "Fly! Run!"

What are you so scary ("Andryukha"

"Smart Questions"

Answer only yes - no

In Japan, do pupils write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

Is there a practice of disposable blackboards in Australia? (Not)

Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)

Are fortified pencils produced in Africa for children who have a habit of gnawing just about anything? (Yes)

Are carrot extract added to some types of colored pencils to make the lead stronger? (Not)

Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (Not)

Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)

Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before the battle. (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)

Do mice grow up to become rats? (No, these are two different squads of rodents)

Are some frogs able to fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

Can bats receive radio signals? (Not)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Is an elk a species of deer? (Yes)

Do giraffes echo at night for the leaves they feed on? (Not)

Are dolphins little whales? (Yes)

Does a rhino horn have magical powers? (Not)

Are firefly beetles used as lighting fixtures in some countries? (Yes)

Is the monkey usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)

Scrooge's lucky coin was 10 cents? (Yes)

Did Duremar sell frogs? (No, leeches)

Do the Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Can you see a rainbow at midnight too? (Yes)

Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)

An elephant, meeting with an unfamiliar relative, greets as follows - puts his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)

Hans Christian Andersen's real name was Swensen? (No, Hans)

Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).

Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

When a new house is being built, what is the first nail being driven into? (In the hat).

What does a man have under his feet when he walks across the bridge? (Shoe sole).

What can you easily pick up from the ground, but you can't throw it far? (Pooh).

How many peas can fit in one glass? (None - everything must be put).

What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).

How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).

What do they drop when they need it, and pick it up when there is no need for it? (Anchor).

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

What can travel the world while staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Can you light a match underwater? (It is possible if water is poured into a glass, and the match is kept below the glass).

How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly whole).

Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).

What can be bigger than an elephant and at the same time weightless? (Shadow of an elephant).

What are all people on earth doing at the same time? (Getting older).

What gets bigger if you put it upside down (Number 6).

How to jump off a 10-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).

When can the net draw out water? (When the water freezes).

What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three bodies, and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken).

The bottom line. As a result, it may turn out that a boy and a girl often coincide in a pair and they are awarded a "Diploma" for being a perfect match.

Entertainment script "Valentine's Day"

Characters: 2 leading - adults.

Attributes: paper hearts cut in half, easels (by number of pairs), white paper, colored pencils, colored paper, glue, scissors, glasses of juice (by number of children), cocktail tubes, plates of flour, paper napkins, bandage for eye.

(Music sounds, children enter the hall, sit down)

Ved. 1. There are 14 days left until spring. And tomorrow, February 14, Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day.

Vedas 2. February 14 - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, a sweet, homely, funny and unusual holiday. It is unusual because it is not Russian. But in Europe, Valentine's Day is celebrated with great pleasure. After all, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers.

Ved. 1. Well, yes, it is generally accepted in our country that only adults have the right to fall in love, and you can giggle and tease over a child: "Tili is dough, bride and groom!" Only this is stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten. And such a person can only be envied, because his whole life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world.

Vedas 2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Celebrated for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give any gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must necessarily be in the shape of a heart, be it a cushion or a box for needlework.

Ved. 1. In addition, on this day, it is customary to give each other cards - "valentines" - with the image of hearts.

Vedas 2. So, we start our holiday and introduce you to the participants.

(Couples pre-selected in groups - participants of the competition program) enter the hall to the music.

Ved. 1. For all stages of the competition, each pair gains a certain number of points. The couple with the maximum number of points in the entire game is announced as Valentin and Valentina. (Contests are evaluated on a five-point system)

Vedas 2. And now we are pleased to introduce you to the jury ... (introduces the jury members)

Ved. 1. So, let's start our competition program.

1 contest "My half"

(Each pair is given a half of a paper heart, at the command of the presenter, each pair must find its own half of the heart. The pair that copes with the task faster wins).

Vedas 2.
Everyone has known for a long time about seven wonders in the world,
But there is another great miracle.
And I have now discovered the eighth miracle. it
Wonderful and better than all miracles.
That miracle has long been known to everyone on the planet,
It excites us and there is blood in our veins.
Immortal as life - the eighth wonder of the world
Lovely sorceress love!

2nd competition "Arrow of Cupid"

(Girls with blindfolds draw a heart on a sheet of Whatman paper attached to an easel, and boys - “Cupid's arrow.” “Cupid's arrow” must hit the heart).

Ved. 1. While the jury is evaluating the results of two competitions, listen to a joke song

This is for you ”, lyrics and music by I. Ponomareva. The word of the jury (The jury announces the number of points for two competitions)

Vedas 2. Love for all ages. But love is different: mutual, and sometimes unrequited.

3rd competition "Broken Heart"

Ved. 1. Pay attention, on the central wall there are halves of hearts - these are “broken hearts”. You need to choose one half, on which the question number will be indicated. By answering the question correctly, you will heal your “broken heart”.


Loyal friend of crocodile Gena? (Cheburashka)

What is the name of the hare in the program “Good night, kids”? (Stepashka)

Have teeth, but no mouth? (Saw)

What was the name of the calf of the cat Matroskin? (Gavryusha)

Which bird brings happiness? (Stork)

In the forest, carved, smoothly hewn, sings, poured, what is the name? (Svirel)

The word of the jury (the jury announces the results of the 3rd competition)

The song "From what, from what ..." is performed, music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by Y. Khaletsky

Vedas 2. You all probably know well the tale of C. Perrault “Cinderella” and remember how the prince found his beloved on a crystal slipper. And each of you boys will have to find your Cinderella.

4 competition "Cinderella"

(Boys-participants stand with their backs to the girls; each girl-participant takes off one shoe, on command the boy must find and put on the girl her shoe as quickly as possible).

5 contest "Happy Valentine's Face"

(Each pair of paper cuts out a large heart and, with the help of small hearts, draws a nose, eyes, ears, mouth. Those who get the most interesting and funniest face will win this competition).

Pair dance “Find your pair”, music. Spadewakkia

The word of the jury. (the jury sums up the results of the previous 2 competitions)

Ved. 1. Do you guys like sweets? Did you know that sometimes a couple in love is called a “sweet couple”?

6 competition "Sweet couple"

(Each couple should drink a glass of juice through the cocktail straws as soon as possible)

Vedas 2. Juice is not so difficult to drink, but do you boys have the courage to get a candy for your girl from a plate of flour without using your hands?

7 competition "The most daring"

(Boys without hands have to get the candy out of the bowl of flour)

Ved. 1. And now we will ask our jury to sum up the results of the last two competitions and announce the results of the whole game.

The word of the jury (when summarizing the results, each participating couple is awarded its own nomination "The most charming couple", "The most cheerful couple", "The most smart couple", etc. according to the number of couples. The winners are announced by "Valentin and Valentina")

Vedas 2. Dear guys, thank you for participating in the game, fans for your support.

We wish you all good luck, happiness and love.