Holiday lesson "farewell to the alphabet". A holiday for first graders. Farewell to the ABC. Scenario Congratulations to first graders on the holiday farewell to the alphabet

You tried, you tried,
They tried to learn the letters,
And now the whole alphabet
Your teeth are flying.

Congratulations, kids,
All books are now available,
Feel free to read
Learn a lot.

You with the end of the alphabet
I want to congratulate
Did you get to the last
Pages of the Primer.

All letters of the alphabet
You are now familiar
Poems, stories, fairy tales
You are ready to read.

Let it be reading for you
Favorite occupation
Let the world of books share with you
By their riches.

Congratulations on completing the alphabet. Now all the letters are familiar to you, now all paths to new discoveries and real miracles are open before you. I wish you to read good stories and fairy tales with interest, I wish you to make beautiful, kind words from funny letters and give them to your friends, I wish you to continue to study successfully and achieve incredible victories on your way.

You've learned the whole alphabet
So, you are great fellows!
In honor of you this verse sounds today,
Mothers and fathers are proud of you!

You are all very capable guys
And they can learn a lot!
Let this joyful date
It will be imprinted in your memory!

There are not many letters in the alphabet,
Words are a million!
Who finished the alphabet
Included in the "experts".

Congratulations! Well done!
With the alphabet you are a sage.
You are smart, knowledgeable
In literacy dedicated!

The study of the alphabet is completed,
With what I congratulate you!
You know the letters very well
So proud of you and you know

Well, now you have passed the whole alphabet,
You know all the letters, you can do everything.
You read line by line
And you rejoice about your teaching.

I sincerely congratulate you!
I wish you patience and diligence
After all, a whole crowd of knowledge
Still waiting for you in life.

You have become a little smarter
Let the heart beat joyfully
Let the soul sing more merrily
You know the alphabet!

Learning the alphabet is not easy
But you all did it, hurray!
I wish you only growth
It's time to read and learn!

Accept congratulations
The ABC is now mastered by you.
Everything is fine, no doubt about it.
You can be a little proud of yourself.

I sincerely wish that all knowledge
Easily given to you.
So that desires come true
It turned out that you are on top.

Letter by letter -
The alphabet gave in to you.
You words now read
Learn to be different.

You guys are great!
Everyone is not tomboy now.
And all the letters were swallowed
Like a candy cane.

Come on guys, from "A to Z" boldly
We will repeat again now,
So that you definitely read skillfully,
So that they could, knowing the letters, write!

Back forward

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Purpose:summarize the work done in literacy classes; to intensify the cognitive activity of students; to bring up a love of reading.

Equipment: TSO: a multimedia projector, a screen for a projector, a CD with a computer presentation, a poster with the inscription “Thank you, ABC!

Holiday progress

Children take their seats to the music of "Little Country". Slide 1-4


You have been at school for almost a year,
You did a lot and learned a lot.
You have already learned to write and count.
And they read their first books.
And she has become your faithful assistant in this.
The first main book.
And she showed the first letters
To her girls and boys.
The letters then formed into words,
Words - into sentences and phrases.
A huge and colorful world then.
Opened to you guys right away.
You will read a lot of good books,
Let the years pass and many, many days
ABC has become a good friend to you,
We dedicate this holiday to her!

The song "Farewell, primer!" Words and music by Lyudmila MelnikovaSlide 5

1st student. Slide 6

Come in, come in!
The way is clear for the holiday.
We invite you with us
Say goodbye to the ABC!
If you left boredom
And doubts are behind
If you haven't cheated with a friend,
Come in!
If you left your laziness,
The violations are behind
Then dare to go to class
Come in!

2nd student. Slide 7

If everything is in order:
Desks, books and notebooks,
Friendship with a book is forever
We invite you here!
School is good today
The hall is on fire.
We are on our merry holiday
We call all friends.
Come in, come in,
See you at the party.
We invite you with us
Say goodbye to the ABC.

3rd student.

Over the country on a winter morning
Dawn broke.
There is a holiday in schools
Glorious holiday -
Reading holiday.
First graders in rows
They go slender
The first book, the wise book

- Guys, read what is written on the board: Slide 8


- Today we will be able to thank the wise book "ABC" and show what we have learned.

The song "School Rap".

4th student. Slide 9

We remember that funny call
That rang to us for the first time
When they entered the school with flowers,
Our very best first class.
As the teacher met at the door,
Our faithful friend for many days
And the noisy family is big
New girlfriends and friends.
Sitting down at the desk carefully
So as not to crumple the new form,
We opened our "ABCs"
They opened a clean notebook.

5th student.

At first we did not know the letters
Mothers read fairy tales to us.
And now we read it ourselves,
Fairy tales made friends with us.
And our teacher
I started with "ABC".
And our director, guys,
I used to go with "Azbuka".
Everyone went to first grade
It's our turn now.

Leading: Now, guys, you are learning letters from the alphabet, but before, many, many years ago, children did not have an ABC book or other textbooks. ( Slide 10).And more than a thousand years ago, two brothers - Cyril and Methodius, created the first alphabet. And then it was called Cyrillic. As time went on, the Cyrillic alphabet changed and the first educational book for children "ABC" appeared. Slide 11.

The ABC is the elder sister of the Primer.

ABC, Who knows why it was called that? Everything is very simple. Now we call the letters a, be, ve, ge. And earlier A was called Az, B - Buki, V - Vedi. We added the first two letters AZ and BUKI - it turned out ABC.

6th student.Slide 12

Mid February
At school the holiday of the ABC book
We read it through
We are reading - fives

7th student.

You can take the train.
This train is moving fast
From border to border
Through the steppes to the blue mountains
On the green semaphore.

8th student.

He's in a hurry to school now
To us for a holiday in the first class.

Everyone knows that.
A first-grader train is racing
The speed is picking up.

9th student.

Adds along the way
Three to four, two to five
A little pencil cases thunders
Slightly moving her lips,
Studying the alphabet.

10th student.

First graders in rows
They go strict!
The first book, the wise book
Fireworks are given.

11th student.

Daily in the morning
we need to do it.
We do not take our eyes off the board
And the teacher teaches us.

12th student.Slide 13

Spruce, ax, shovel, hands
In every word we hear (in chorus - sounds)
These sounds are different -
Vowels consonants

13th student.

The vowels are ringing in the song
They may cry and scream.
In a dark forest, call and auk.
And lull your little sister into lullabies.
But they don't want to whistle and grumble.

14th student.Slide 14

And the consonants agree
Whisper, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But I don’t want to sing to them.

15th student.

We know the letters, we know the syllables ...
We know how to speak, count ...
And constantly, little by little.

Dance "Waltz" is being performedSlide 15

Leading: The holiday has begun. And the most important guest is ABC, no. Let's call her!

ABC. Hello first graders. Did you call me? Slide 16

They all studied according to me and old,
I am a school book - "ABC":
Drawings, letters, dots,
Short lines.
To someone who wants to know a lot
Who wants to read books
About mountains and valleys
Water depths
About rivers, stars and seas,
You can't do without "ABC"!

First grade boy.

With you, "Azbuka", for the first time
I came to my first light class.
I fell in love with this book,
I studied all the letters in it,
And how happy I am to say:
"I can read now!"
How good to be able to read -
Don't bother your mom
Don't beg your sister:
"Well, read another page!"
No need to call, no need to wait
And you can take and read.

First grader girl.

I inked first
She wrote only sticks,
And now I look at the "Record"
I boldly bring out the letters
And that's what I say
Thanks to the ABC!
We learned in the "Recipe",
How to write both "a" and "p"
And they learned, for example:
They say not "re", but "er".
We learned to write
And great phrases.
Can we read now
Fairy tales and stories.
We have worked hard:
After all, in truth,
The beginning of Russian literacy -
On the pages of "ABC".

First grade boy.

Dear ABC!
We all want to tell you:
Thank you for everything.

Song "ABC" Words by Z. Petrova, music by A. Ostrovsky

ABC. Dear guys, I am very glad that you love me so much! But I brought you riddles about those who helped teach you to read and write. Guess who was my assistant.

ABC (reads riddles). Slide 17-19Attachment 1

ABC. You guys have solved all my riddles. Now you can go to the country of the Primer. Is everyone ready to travel? Are the vowels ready? Are the consonants ready? And what about letters that don't mean sounds?

Come on, letters
Line up!
I am the commander
You are my squad.
The guys are announced
That the train is leaving
Dispatches immediately
From Moscow station
Until the first letter A.
Steam is driven by a locomotive
I lit two lanterns
And rushes in the rumbling of wheels
By the lines of the ABC book.
You can't be late for a holiday -
Everyone knows that.

First grader girl

A first-grader train is racing
The speed is picking up.
So get on the fun train -
And we will rush from A to Z.
I really like the speed
I like it very much, friends.
Icon letters,
Like soldiers on a parade
In strict order
Lined up.
Everyone in the agreed
The place is worth
And everything is called - the alphabet!

Song "Alphabet" R. Pauls I. ReznikSlide 20

The song of A. Rybnikov “ABC” is played, students in costumes of letters go on stage, recite poems about letters.Appendix 2

ABC.Station "Fabulous". Appendix 3 Slide 21

Friendship helps on the road. We arrived at the station " friendship». Slide 22

Students perform movements to the song of M. Plyatskovsky "Strong friendship".

Teacher: As a rule, there are losses along the way. If we lose anything, we contact the lost property office.

Station " Lost and found». Appendix 4 Slide 23


You don't have to choose anything
All sciences are necessary and important,
To become a good person
We must learn everything, know all the sciences:
Music, Literature,
Mathematics and Physical Education,
Natural Science and Culture.
Everything must be taught - do not be lazy,
It will come in handy in life.
And in order not to get bored, I invite everyone to dance!

Dance "Ducklings"

And here is the station " Magic"Where only magic words are spoken.

Teacher: From a set of letters you need to collect words, sapisob pjoyalstua yvsvruadtzet

Let's read the received words. (Thank you, please hello.)What are these words called? (Polite.)Don't you forget about them? Do you know when to use them? Let's show you how you learned to read; as you read, you will also need to insert a suitable polite word. (The learners read the text along the chain.)


Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word ... (thank).
The old tree stump will turn green
When he hears ... (good day).
If you can't eat anymore,
Tell Mom we ... (thank).
The boy is polite and developed
Speaks when meeting ... (Hello).
When we are scolded for pranks
We are talking... (Excuse me, please).
Both in France and in Denmark
Say goodbye ... (goodbye).
I met Vitya, a neighbor,
The meeting was sad.
On me, he is like a torpedo,
Came from around the corner.
But, imagine, in vain from Viti
I was waiting for the word ... (sorry).
Grandfather said about his granddaughter:
“What a shame! I gave her a briefcase.
I see I'm very glad.
But you can't be silent like a fish,
Well, I would say ... (thank)".


Place your ears on top of your head.
Listen carefully.
We will sing ditties for our native alphabet.

Students sing ditties. Appendix 5

First grade boy.Slide 32

We now read ourselves, we know the syllables and words.
Let's say to the ABC: "Thank you!"
It's time for us to part.

First grader girl

Goodbye! Goodbye!
And next year
Our ABC will teach those
who will come to the first class.

First grade boy.

We want to thank you.
We thank you for everything!
We tell you: "Goodbye!"
"Hello!" - we are talking about the new book.

(music sounds includedLiterary reading)

Literary reading:

Hello guys.
Congratulations on your first victory.

First grader girl

Hello dear guest!
Come here soon!
Tell us about Russia,
About nature, about friends,
That live on the whole planet
Tell us about everything!
We are glad to be friends with you!
Let's value friendship!

Literary reading: For the solemn initiation of first graders into young readers, I ask the first graders to stand up.

  • Promise, he treats every textbook, every book with care.
  • Promise to befriend the book.
  • Promise to become active readers of our library.

We will say goodbye to the ABC, and wave our hand,
And let's say thank you ten times together!

Teacher: Dear first graders! Slide 33.People say: "The ABC is a step to wisdom." You have passed your first, very difficult step. I sincerely congratulate you and present you with these certificates of completion of the ABC course.

(Handing over)

- I congratulate you once again and wish you new successes. New steps await you on the path to wisdom

The song is sung"Wonderland"Slide 34

Used Books:

  1. Master class of an elementary school teacher. - M .: Globus, 2010.
  2. Uspensky "School of Clowns".
  3. E. G. Kuznetsova "Games, quizzes, holidays at school and at home" Entertaining scenarios - M .: Aquarium, 1999.
  4. Savinova S. V. "Holidays in primary school" - Volgograd: Teacher, 2002.
  5. Davydova M. A., Agapova I. A. "Celebration at school" Scripts, contests, quizzes. - M. 6 Rolf, 1999.
  6. Filkina L. V. "Four seasons" Scenarios of children's holidays. - M .: Publishing Center IPK and PRNO MO, 1997.
  7. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson". Collection of abstracts. 2007/2008 academic year: Book 1; [Project manager S. Ostrovsky]. - M .: Publishing House "First September"; LLC "Chistye Prudy", 2008 - 640 p.

Matinee goals:

    summing up the results of studying "ABC";

    fostering an active attitude to the surrounding reality in each student;

    drawing attention to the book, generalizing knowledge about the fairy tales read;

    development of the individual abilities of each child, the desire for self-expression;

    team building.


Teacher:Dear Guys! Dear guests ! Today we have gathered for a wonderful holiday - the holiday of farewell to the ABC. Our guys finished the first educational book - "ABC". Quite recently, on September 1, they crossed the threshold of the school and became students. During this time, everyone learned to read, count, write and make friends. And the children taught this - "ABC". Now we will tell our guests what we have learned.

Slides 2 - 7.

Slide 8.

Student 1:

Daily in the morning
We need to do it.
We do not take our eyes off the board
And the teacher teaches us.

Student 2:

I really like to learn,
I'm not afraid to answer.
I can handle the task
Because I'm not lazy.

Student 3:

We know the letters, we know the syllables.
We know how to speak, count
And gradually, little by little
We learned to read everything.

Student 4:

I am with this book for the first time
I came to my first, bright class.
I fell in love with this book,
I studied all the letters in it.

Student 5:

Student 6:

And how happy I am to say
I can read now!
And that's what I say
Thanks to the book - ABC!

Teacher.Guys! Now we will go on a fascinating journey through a magical land. ABVGDeyke. Slide 9. But how can it be, without the ABC we cannot go there! Maybe something happened. Let's call her all together.

(Children call: ABC! ABC!)
(Baba Yaga enters)

Baba Yaga: Here I am, tired of waiting for me, sweeties, hello!

IN: Who are you, grandma?

Baba Yaga: Kaka-taka grandma? I am the ABC, don't you see what? Here is tea written. (ABC.)

Leading: ABC? Can't believe something?

Baba Yaga: I can't believe it, I can't believe it, I can't believe it!

Leading: Well, then, guys, let's say to the ABC: "Hello, ABC!"

(Children say hello.)

Baba Yaga: Hello, hello!

Leading: ABC, test the guys, give them a task.

Baba Yaga: Yes, I didn't take anything from them, I won't give them anything! Sly what, give them something, I have nothing, look.

Leading: No, ABC, you do not understand. Ask the children a question.

Baba Yaga: Oh, well, I would say so right away. Right now, I'll ask ... (Thinks.) And I don't know anything, what to ask?

Leading: Admit who are you?

Baba Yaga: (sobbing.) Oh, I am Granny, Yagulechka! I live alone, I don't know anything, I don't go anywhere, I am not friends with anyone except Kashchei. It was true at someone's New Year's party, so they almost piled up Kashcheyushka and me with snowballs. The sides still hurt. I want to be at the party. But no one invited me, so I decided to cheat, and you found out, which means you are more cunning. I give up, just don't hit me, I'm old!

Leading: What are you, grandma! We're not going to beat anyone. And if you want, then, of course, stay with us at the holiday, just do not deceive anyone else.

Baba Yaga: Okay, okay, I won't, and I'll sit quietly here on the sidelines.

Leading: Okay, well, there is still no ABC. Let's call her again.

(Children are calling.)
(The ABC enters.)


Here I am, my friends!

I am glad to see you, I am very glad to you!

You cannot but know me.

Study me by "five"

Without any difficulty.

The song "ABC".

ABC: I am very glad that you are all gathered here today for me. Congratulations, guys, on your first school victory. I wish you success in mastering knowledge.

Leading: So, we can begin our journey.

Letters are badges, like soldiers on a parade,

Lined up in a clear order.
Everyone stands in the appointed place

And it's called ... (Alphabet).

Leading:Dear ABC! Take the parade of troops from "A" to "Z".


Have to take the parade!
Oh, come on, letters,
Stand in a row:
I am the commander, you are my squad.
Vowels consonants
Letters that do not represent sounds
Stand together in a row.

Slide 10

ABC:This is the Russian alphabet. Letter to letter in a row stands.

Song "33 sisters".

ABC: I'm glad you guys know the letters so well. From now on, they are your faithful friends and assistants.

Leading: Thanks to the ABC, you learned all these letters, learned a lot about letters. What is interesting and what letters do you know about? (Answers of children.)

How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet? (33)

What are these letters, what can you say about them? Slide 11

What can you say about these letters? Slide 12

What can you tell us about b and b? Slide 13

The sentence consists of ... (words).

Words are divided into ... (syllables).

We hear and pronounce ... (sounds).

We write and see ... (letters).

How many vowels are in a word, so many ... (syllables).

Our speech consists of ... (sentences).

What are the hissing sounds (w, w, h, sch.)

What spelling with these letters do you know? (zhi-shi, cha-schu, chu-schu)

- We made sure that the guys know a lot about letters.

ABC:Competition. From the scattered letters, words must be formed. On the magnetic board, the letters are randomly arranged: C, C, C, O, O, O, A, A, B, L, N , Y, T, W, L, E

Leading: Guys, today is your holiday, everyone wants to congratulate you. So the fairytale heroes have sent you congratulations. Now you will have to guess who sent the congratulations (Moidodyr, Goats, Ryaba chicken, Alyonushka, Mukha-Tsokotukha, Kolobok, Masha).

Slide 14 - 20

Leading: Well done, you guessed it. So, we are going on a journey. You have learned a lot by studying letters. And our first stop Mysterious.Let's show the ABC how you can guess riddles.

Slide 21 - 23

Leading:Simultaneously with reading, our first graders learned to write letters, and it was very difficult to make the letters stand straight, not leave the line. This is our scene.

Scene "Magic wands".

Leading: There are many fairy tales in the world: sad and funny. And to live in the world - we cannot live without them. All children in the world love fairy tales. The adults tell them first. Then the children learn letters and start reading themselves. It has always been that way. Do you know fairy tales well? We will check it now. And our next stop Fabulous.

1.Pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose,

He swallowed nothing and stayed with the nose. ("The Fox and the Crane") Slide 24

2. The mouse found a home,

The mouse was kind:

In the end of the house

There were many tenants. ("Teremok") Slide 24

3. After listening to the fox's advice,

I sat on the river until dawn.

The fish, however, did not catch

Only the poor fellow lost his tail. ("The Fox and the Wolf") Slide 25

4. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp, someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin?

Became in an instant beautiful, handsome? ("Princess Frog") Slide 25

Baba Yaga:Wow, how smart the kids are! No, I'll confuse, I'll confuse everything! You read fairy tales. Do you know the names too? Let's see now. Slide 26-28

1. "The Snow Princess" ("The Snow Queen")

2. "Yellow cap." ("Little Red Riding Hood")

3. "Ilya Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf")

4. "Beetroot" ("Turnip")

5. "Boy and Carlson" ("Kid and Carlson")

6. "The Adventures of Znayka and His Friends" ("The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")

ABC: You answered well, correctly. Granny are you happy?

Now let's play. The game is called "Clappers".

Everyone here is clapping;

Only those who love delicious food;

Only those who have never been late for lessons;

Only those who love vacations;

Only those who love to learn;

Only those who are in a great mood. Well done!

Leading:Next station - Musical. Slide 29.

Execution of ditties on a school theme.

    Put your ears on top of your head

Listen carefully.

Cheerful ditties

We will sing for you!

    We are in new outfits today,

And everyone looks happy

After all, today is finally

Learned the alphabet!

    Wake me up at night

In the very middle,

I'll tell you the alphabet

Without one hesitation!

    We love vowel letters

And more and more every day.

We don't just read them -

We sing these letters!

    Letters in the Machine Notebook
    Do not stand like a parade
    Letters jump and dance
    Masha are waving their tails.

    A thousand words a minute now

Like a typewriter, I write.

I am any of your books

I'll swallow it in one fell swoop!

    We will say goodbye to the ABC

And wave our hand

And thanks ten times

Let's say in unison!

8. The ditty has a beginning

The ditty has an end.
Who listened to our ditties.

Let's face it - well done!

Leading:You guys have learned a lot. But you already understood that teaching the lessons is a difficult matter that requires perseverance, patience, and diligence. To make everything work out one should not be distracted, but there are situations like in B. Zakhoder's poem "Harmful Cat".

Scene "Harmful cat".

Leading:And now we are at the station Lost and found. Slad 30.

Task "Collect a proverb".

A proverb is a well-aimed saying.

(The ABC is a step to wisdom. Live and learn. Time for business, hour for fun. Written with a pen, do not cut out with an ax.)

Quest "Phraseologisms"

- What is a phraseological unit? (Phrase with meaning)

Name for each phrase - meaning

    The apple has nowhere to fall. (Very crowded.)

    Like a fish in water. (Okay, feel free.)

    Like a shower. (Pouring rain)

    The first swallow. (About the appearance of the first, good)

    You can hear the fly fly by. (Very quiet)

    He sat in a galoshe. (Failed)

Leading: Next station - Magic. Slide 31. Here live words that are often lost in the speech of some people. They gathered together in the hope that they will be remembered, because they are so important and needed by everyone who wants to speak correctly and beautifully. Only the ignorant are not friends with them. What are these mysterious words? Who wants to name them? (Thanks, please hello and others.)
- What are these words called? (Polite) Don't you forget about them? Do you know when to use them? Now we will show our guests how we learned to read.
(Children choose leaflets with text for themselves and read in turn.)

1. If in word or deed

Someone helped you

Do not hesitate loudly, boldly

Talking ... (thanks).

2. If you ask for something,

Then don't forget first

Open your mouth

And say ... (please)

3. If you meet an acquaintance,

Whether on the street or at home

Don't be shy, don't be cunning

Say it up ... (hello)

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased to communicate with you.

ABC: Guys, you are great, but let's play some more. I will ask questions, and you will answer them by raising your hand, as in a lesson. Whoever makes a mistake gets up.

Who among you doesn't like boredom?

Who's the jack of all trades here?

Who protects clothes, puts them under the bed?

Who keeps things in order?

Who tears books and notebooks?

How many thanks you?

Who says thanks?

Raise your hands children

Who does not know these words?

Leading: So we arrived at the last station - The ultimate... Today we say to the ABC:

Children (in chorus) "Goodbye!". Slide 32.

Leading:You will soon be learning from a new book. Slide 32.

ABC: This is your new tutorial, which I give my place to. Now he will lead you further through the land of knowledge. I hope that you will take care of it, make sure the pages are clean, so that the tutorial stays as beautiful as you get it.

So it's time to say goodbye

And I want to wish you:

Always study hard

Always willing to work

And do not forget the ABC!

And as a keepsake, I give you bookmarks for a new book. ( Hands over and leaves).

Leading: Our journey ends. In memory of this day, when you have finished reading your first book, I would like to congratulate you and present you with the Reader's Cards.

You have read the "ABC" to the cover,

Your reading is A!

Hard work behind

Slow reading:

I give you today -


The fact that they read the "ABC"

We have completed a full course of sciences.

And now without respite

We will read any books.

Awarding students with diplomas. Congratulations to your parents. Presentation of gifts - books, balloons.

Performance of the song“What they teach in school”. Slide 33.


TEACHER : Dawn broke over the ground on a spring morning.

There is a holiday at school, a glorious holiday,

Holiday of the Primer!

First graders all come here today

The first book, the wise book, is given a salute!

To the melody of a song "Our school country »First graders enter the hall .

TEACHER: Dear guys, dear guests! I ask everyone to stand up! Let's welcome the school ABC book!

(A boy and a girl bring the ABC book to the music.)

TEACHER : Dear Guys! Today is an unusual day for us. We finished the first school book - "Primer". During this time, you have grown a lot, matured, learned a lot and learned a lot, experienced the first difficulties and learned to overcome them. Days, weeks, months of hard work flew by. The first step on the ladder of knowledge is a common work, both for you and for your parents. Congratulations on your first school victory, which you won thanks to your efforts, hard work and desire to learn!

1. We overpowered the whole ABC book,

We did not work in vain.

Hello holiday,

School holiday -

Holiday of the Primer !!

2. The holiday begins,

The guests are smiling

We will try

Show today

Everything - what we learned

Everything - what they were striving for,

Because we have

Tell you something.

3. We have worked a lot,

After all, in truth,

Russian literacy beginning

On the pages of the Primer!

4. I fell in love with this book,

I studied all the letters in it,

And how happy I am to say:

And for this I say:

Thanks to the book - Primer.

5. Barely read a syllable,

I didn't understand the meaning of the words,

Now I can myself

6. Our journey was not very long,

Imperceptibly the days are running.

And already on the bookshelf

Other books are waiting for us.

7. I take the ABC book for the last time,

I carry the ABC book to the spacious classroom

And to the dear Primer, I say: “Thank you!

You are my first book.

There are many books in the world,

I can read all the books! "

Don't bother your mom

Don't shake your grandmother:

"Read, please, read!"

Don't beg your sister:

"Well, read another page!"

No need to call

No need to wait

9. We all know the letters for sure.

We write and read ourselves.

We will say goodbye to the Primer,

We'll take new books.

10. Our whole class loves school.

Dads, moms praise us.

There are many lessons ahead

A long road awaits us.

There is a lot to know:

To live for the benefit of people,

Together : We will study well!

TEACHER: How wonderful that we can read!

How much new, exciting, mysterious we have learned in the lessons of teaching literacy and writing!

But now it's time to part with the Primer, and we say with gratitude:

(all together) “Thank you, Primer!”.

(There is a knock.)

TEACHER: Do you guys hear someone knocking?

( "Pechkin" enters with a bicycle, a package on the trunk).

Pechkin: It was me, the postman Pechkin, who brought letters for the children of the 1st grade.

TEACHER B: Oh, we are so glad, we have never received a letter to the class!

Pechkin: Only I won't give them to you!

TEACHER : Why so? The letters read: “MBOU SOSH s. Lamskoe, 1st class ”. Means to us!

Pechkin: But because you have no documents. How do I know, maybe it's not grade 1, but grade 2 or 3?

TEACHER: Do you guys have any documents with you? I don't have either ... What should we do ?! Oh, I remembered! We have a document! One for all! The "magazine" is called. Here are all the names of the children in alphabetical order, and my last name!

(Shows the magazine, Pechkin studies it carefully.)

Pechkin : I won't give it up anyway. Because you need to sign for the parcel, and you are still small, illiterate.

TEACHER : How are they illiterate? Yes, we have finished the entire Primer, studied all the letters. Here, listen! (children tell the alphabet). All the guys learned to read and write well. Really guys? Which of you can sign Pechkin's notice?

(One child signs.)

Pechkin : Well, now that's it. Here are your letters, but I need it on business, in Prostokvashino. Goodbye!

Children: "Goodbye!"

( Pechkin leaves).

TEACHER (examines letters ): I wonder what is it about them? Let's open it guys?

(Opens, pulls out telegrams, reads)

TEACHER : Strange, telegrams without signatures. Guess from whom. (children read the text and guess)


1. Congratulations! We will not be able to come. The gray wolf ate us ...


2. I am very upset that I cannot come to the holiday. Accidentally broke a testicle ...


3. I wish you happiness in your personal life! I love honey, I went to visit Piglet ...


4. Sorry, I can't come to congratulate you on the holiday, I'm afraid of the sun and warmth. I'll stay with my grandparents. Your girl is ...


5. Guys, live together!


TEACHER: Oh, and there is another letter. ( Opens)


Text of the letter: (read by those present in the hall) Dear first graders!

There is such a day in March

With a number like a pretzel.

How many of you will know

What does the number mean?

TEACHER : Children in unison will tell us:

Children: This is our mothers' holiday!

TEACHER : Dear, lovely, beloved our mothers, grandmothers, female teachers, girls! We congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, wish you all good health, success, personal happiness and present our song.

(first graders perform song of a mammoth)

Pupil: Here I stand and think, I cannot decide:

What else can we give mothers?

Maybe a doll?

Not!!! (in chorus)

Maybe some candy?

Not!!! (in chorus)

A-a-a, we know:

Here's to you, dear, on your day

The scarlet flower is a light!

(children give mothers gifts - applique cards, flowers)

TEACHER : Guys, fifth-graders came to our holiday. They want to get to know you better and play with you.

I wonder what game you will offer us?

(fifth graders offer to guess fairy tales)

TEACHER : How is it? Are you ready for the challenge?

Children : Yes!

« Learn a fairy tale "(read by fifth graders)

1. Grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name

Can you tell me what her name was?(Red Riding Hood) Slide

2.With a primer walks to school

Wooden boy.

Hits instead of school

Into a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the name of the boy himself? (Pinocchio) Slide

3. Who didn't want to work, but played and sang songs?

Then they ran to the third brother in a new house.

They escaped from the cunning wolf, but for a long time the tails were shaking.

The fairy tale is known to any child and is called….("Three pigs") Slide

4. Give a new trough, and a new house, and servants to boot.

But if she's really angry, luck will float away with her!

Everything will disappear, and it will melt unsteadily into the sea….("Gold fish") Slide

5. People are surprised: the stove is going, the smoke is coming,

And Emelya eats big rolls on the stove!

Tea itself is poured at his will,

And the fairy tale is called ...("By magic") Slide

6. They are invited with a friend Gena

For your birthday, by all means.

And loves every bug

Funny kind ... .. (Cheburashka) Slide

TEACHER: Well done! And I propose a taskfor guests.

"Guess" (game with the audience)

(Of the three options, you must choose one correct).

What bird did Thumbelina fly? Slide (swallow, swift, sparrow, owl)

From what tool did the soldier cook soup in the Russian fairy tale? Slide (from a plane, from an ax, from a hammer, from a drill)

What woke Sleeping Beauty? Slide (alarm clock, prince kiss, phone call, noisy neighbors)

What character was not among the Bremen Town musicians?Slide (donkey, goose, cat, dog).

Meeting with what fish was a turning point in the life of the fabulous Emelya?Slide (pike, piranha, gudgeon, ruff).

What egg was laid by Ryaba chicken? Slide (Gold, Kinder Surprise, Easter, Silver).

What kind of bakery did both grandparents leave? Slide (pie, bagel, bagel, bun).

What special sign can you recognize Baba Yaga? Slide (gold tooth, diamond hand, lush wig, bone leg).

TEACHER: - To know a lot, you have to read a lot!

( The song "If you are friends with a book" is performed by students of grades 1 and 5)

If you are friends with the book,

If you are friends with a book -

Lives more fun.

And without a book, you understand

And without a book, you understand

It's getting harder and harder.

Chorus: What is A to me, what is B to me,

What am I, A, B, C, D, D,

When I know the letters everything!

In the classroom, I always

In the lessons I always

I answer strictly.

My faithful book,

My faithful book,

Help me in everything.

And I will tell you, friends,

And I will tell you, friends, -

You are friends with the book.

Books are true friends

Books are true friends.

You love books!

TEACHER : But I wonder how parents remember their childhood, their school life?

Express survey for parents.

2. What are all schoolchildren in the world looking forward to? (Vacation)

4. Responsible for classroom order? (Duty)

5. What is the name of a student who has “round fives” in all subjects? (Excellent student)

6. A person whose hobby is reading books? (Bibliophile)

7.Does it draw at school? (Ruler)

8. A student who dislikes studying and doing homework? (Quitter)

9. Favorite color of the teacher?(The teacher prefers red - he marks and makes corrections in the student's notebook with a red pen)

10. Book storage? (Library)

11. A “break room” for teachers? (Teacher's room)

12. The teacher's "notebook"? (Cool magazine)

13. Is the stick a pointer? (Pointer)

14. "Complaints book". (Diary)

14. Only smart people have a lot of it. (Mind)

TEACHER : Well done, guys and dear parents !!!

The tutorial is closing,

It's time to say goodbye to him ...

He was a faithful friend to us.

Saying goodbye to him, our class is sad.

But we cannot be sad for a long time:

More books are waiting, friends!

Together we will read

Many different books.

And everyone will proudly say:

Together: "I am the best student"!

We read the whole ABC book,

Completed a full course of sciences,

And now without respite

We will read any books.

TEACHER : Our school librarian Irina Vyacheslavovna came to our holiday with congratulations.

(Speech by the librarian, handing over the readers' memos)

TEACHER : I congratulate you on the holiday! Now you can handle any books, any knowledge. I wish you to read many beautiful, kind books. Let the book become a shining beacon of knowledge for you. I wish you joy! I wish you not to be bored! Moms and grandmothers are not very upset. And always ask for forgiveness for any grief! In memory of our holiday, I want to present you with certificates.

Children : Our friendly class studied

The entire ABC book to cover.

And now we all want

Study for five!

Children: Saying goodbye to the Primer, we are not sad

We are in a hurry to new knowledge!

TEACHER B : Good luck!

Thank you all for your attention,

For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter

We say: "Goodbye!"

Until a happy new meeting!

( first graders sing song "Farewell to the primer" to the melody "Goodbye, Moscow!" )

We know the letters from A to Z.

May we say goodbye to you today

But we said goodbye to the meetings, as friends.

We will not forget you, our Primer,

You are like the first teacher for us.

And, when we are already adults,

We will bring the children to the first grade.

(The primer on balloons goes up)

Chorus: Goodbye, Primer!




{!LANG-64f5c106461634c1307aa9594827f71b!} : {!LANG-4021663f2084ae0af7f0cdff1ccfc355!} {!LANG-6b1c373510f0052e447924d4f2353d56!}


{!LANG-9a04a30ff89668e5586893edea2d607e!} ({!LANG-9cb39ff515e154cf556f5e9ed9d6d330!} {!LANG-5fef9f13cc247752312cbdcb659028b8!}


{!LANG-49502e2f8b5a48a48a962411d3f6336a!} ({!LANG-9e74eb8fbe6c0be23dea90df8f90786a!} )



{!LANG-b731a7ded862e99089ebc035627f58bf!} {!LANG-59a59857ff4072cac026429225649ae0!}




« {!LANG-36a54e9fdf5558723223986dd44e3b54!}»

{!LANG-8e40c1acd9a5b632ce430249dcd4f6a8!} {!LANG-1b488ba7f5debbfccdf3c3a909296e59!}{!LANG-eedd489f09c2d57e1f99cfe063bb2572!}



{!LANG-52fa7ab6178a8f1759bc2176b67853a9!} {!LANG-77c9c371021c98fe16b1d77d59c91784!}{!LANG-ad667ea417a0cad86b886d8abaf2da38!}



{!LANG-997ee37b636d9c1cd753105529fadc6b!} {!LANG-ff2acc70c3ba232e2b60529130b72ce3!}.

{!LANG-404a875f37057a10dce9f494f850edda!} {!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}?


{!LANG-cbf9d200315628dcf2e0561dae59bf5c!} {!LANG-94e57cc806ad38a982319485349f1a16!}{!LANG-df9ffacf3c661487c72b28aedc7584d8!} {!LANG-673e0088acb8388fab9a9edc04257573!}

{!LANG-2f8f0fdcff0e3a3b12eb99302a26d797!} {!LANG-94e57cc806ad38a982319485349f1a16!}{!LANG-3de695c6b07e0fd2f279798bf2bb5af6!} {!LANG-f431b346aa7c40383533d7432754eff9!}{!LANG-57c4ea67e1c40a806e6181b2f6df0cbc!} {!LANG-673e0088acb8388fab9a9edc04257573!}.

{!LANG-2e0f99d1111353a4c9e97204f0a69436!} {!LANG-94e57cc806ad38a982319485349f1a16!}{!LANG-48f21415da83d330753ed44235a158fd!} {!LANG-5392c5f3d6940a1d87132d8811e53e4a!}{!LANG-d21def751791bb9a586a5be02ae415a9!} {!LANG-673e0088acb8388fab9a9edc04257573!}{!LANG-307ea3bd01971a9adb4fb5731f225bf1!}



{!LANG-562da14d4a1c91c472d40b7311fe1b11!} {!LANG-27011bb66ddd1c6acc31d4271d7a6c19!}{!LANG-8e6c614da3e270eff2b29d811d842fe3!} {!LANG-673e0088acb8388fab9a9edc04257573!}.

{!LANG-6743436867cbb3d42350e8c47f96ef8f!} « {!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}» ?

{!LANG-86042b52dd468a360c5f09dda9d3e070!} {!LANG-f840256b5cfb39bf26143773e6463c6d!}{!LANG-3768a9c8c0df635f6be77a1698eef2d5!} {!LANG-95f20aec8909ad73e2adeb02b05a6209!}{!LANG-95e4dd846f51b08c2224dd99bade3d82!} {!LANG-ed2e98ce8ddb5986fb0eff718d25b06b!}{!LANG-536a26379d7f4e4f783a0141386d1844!} {!LANG-f6da3ca88bed3499b69df5682bca43e4!}{!LANG-d85bfc4d3beff33bd376bc97d62aca06!} {!LANG-33b89815711047e420453a837d7216e3!}{!LANG-536a26379d7f4e4f783a0141386d1844!} {!LANG-3335ab18e5ea6405732849fb44c5801f!}{!LANG-8e684d3818a8b7d5a55eac923eaa01fb!} « {!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}» .

{!LANG-075dc616210c5550b287b02f036628b0!} {!LANG-673e0088acb8388fab9a9edc04257573!}.

{!LANG-19d55a4a9afcaa7aa24e5f2845dfb62a!} {!LANG-673e0088acb8388fab9a9edc04257573!})


Here I am, my friends!













{!LANG-7380791ef33f2e162c363425dccd1fde!} {!LANG-c7b0c2d31e9c8e71efa991cdef94bd7a!}



{!LANG-6143d8fec5fd743b738a13c8b20293f3!} {!LANG-94e57cc806ad38a982319485349f1a16!}!

{!LANG-52bb6000ec74a72b416c41879eae6d81!} {!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}



{!LANG-7ac62b23c825adb8337fa138ed0abc19!} « {!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}»





{!LANG-83229d64648c4e6e2917661cff76540c!} {!LANG-1265c6f886d5494d5a4c04e35b32b5a8!}


{!LANG-e1a69b2c0e59874d3746ca501e6e19ea!} {!LANG-e3708674c9b2df10a7f8d3ec484357b9!}{!LANG-ab53b7f85bd41456f38f9eab65420ab0!} {!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}

{!LANG-43e1fcd7882235032f38153cf228670a!} {!LANG-19d50b9ea1695066904399759e50e4ee!}{!LANG-453222b1d88bae17ef0a4cffa5918baa!}


Children{!LANG-9cfd1b33be06b8eea9d0caaa602ef236!} {!LANG-1265c6f886d5494d5a4c04e35b32b5a8!}


{!LANG-70f6443e112476d9fd634c38513d98e9!} {!LANG-68d9cfd9124b621aa3db37fe3fc40534!}

Station {!LANG-0fd121b46a80c80f026f26d1b4cda9f3!}











Station {!LANG-ed57e22105f22d4b7e8fb474c373810f!}





Everyone stands in the appointed place




{!LANG-a71d065b2e9746f606b1eefd2a4cb1e9!} « {!LANG-69d6001251a9830c4e4ab8811e6df783!}» {!LANG-2a7851feb7239cf9bafe697b517cf6fc!}


{!LANG-2062e6c3e194ff345063e49011bb17e6!} {!LANG-7b0e3193c244580790efb51226cc62ad!}

Station {!LANG-c8946bc424541f33935319c149d96d4f!}










{!LANG-4773344c3b152be158ce6f212369054b!} {!LANG-d90080eea616548e40b1d9fc2e5940c8!}



{!LANG-9bb7d99ae1e2c7ed5a850f83dfee8b48!} {!LANG-6b8645c821291a174f94e46556e358d3!}


{!LANG-0e02447205b390c6900f6f1d76b2723b!} {!LANG-1fe9d9a6ebd5b1c5265445ceeafc7543!}



{!LANG-e6c2f6faec1e4ccaa21624922809ba22!} {!LANG-5eb183593ea5bc88f6a8adaab4263dd7!}




{!LANG-79eb27e84be1f9e05fb5b225a22ed0c4!} {!LANG-12c3241fe9785757166dbbe1a9344e7f!}




{!LANG-f6900e19de7fff4b4072ddb84eac8c36!}{!LANG-69842f390cf1b3905e0be03b96ee85b4!} {!LANG-3ccea1459c62ad02962b908e30a3247f!}



{!LANG-13392117f3b4943b1b392da92fba3f30!} {!LANG-61df541129f87c33f6dfdd2bdfa0a680!}

{!LANG-18886f366d49f3adce6a6a6b0bdf5993!} {!LANG-68b524cffdcbe14afcc01541505f62fb!}

{!LANG-42d5fb3431a0f834f174b06e6ff38599!} {!LANG-579fb07762130eaa30b8cc0ac74b5519!}

Station {!LANG-68b524cffdcbe14afcc01541505f62fb!}


{!LANG-3dd52acfc4bff6bf8cbcb779e4146a4d!} {!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}{!LANG-19c27009552984f671eec1e2b7e53f36!}

















{!LANG-5e636d0dfb81ee138ed8535f8934fa90!} {!LANG-227a61a2399539cc5f1b9730ab84d58c!}{!LANG-ade84181ddd14b801abe82d20dd0a9b2!}










{!LANG-95052211ffc26007e2416693a4d052eb!} {!LANG-673e0088acb8388fab9a9edc04257573!}{!LANG-05b124f7cc10b56079a7be6008c18f0f!}

{!LANG-8aaff29c3e707c80e08cde9b02cc439e!} {!LANG-2ce1c01d1e5da58fb5e6366d290e0720!}{!LANG-71f7aa29ea0e4100b158bade5ad118b4!}

{!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}{!LANG-62ad54cfe468bb76924c9397230db768!} {!LANG-2ce1c01d1e5da58fb5e6366d290e0720!}{!LANG-02a7ee6504113ffe03dcd29630e5191b!}











{!LANG-63a7d60cf0dfbec78115af2ec40f9270!} {!LANG-6238cd56594e14ef3009b5ab1574afc5!}

























{!LANG-2062e6c3e194ff345063e49011bb17e6!} {!LANG-b10235aa5e18ab95e6e0e4b9ba3a4f97!}



So it's time to say goodbye


Always study hard

Always willing to work

{!LANG-45a7ccaad8f91f424b3ff3da80aa1d05!} {!LANG-007fa12035980eaf6b56f326d4bbbe00!}!




{!LANG-27d594783e17fe6d539943eab8d5e61b!} {!LANG-b2472fad8237a6b9c70b8668c1025f4a!}:


First grader girl:

Hello dear guest!








{!LANG-aa39e727b32662848b5a473386078a0c!} {!LANG-5c8e72c25f9847eff76a3ca65690da16!},













{!LANG-060709c3824ae6be3db417029cb553b1!} {!LANG-d1504614721c5fccfc7fc82417068b04!}{!LANG-0a72d9147d3a8a9de6228576eb9e9baf!}

{!LANG-50d875862936b73463b3f0fda73b80f5!} {!LANG-673e0088acb8388fab9a9edc04257573!}{!LANG-02412085cad6c7b8cb080eb6ce4852eb!}





{!LANG-6d879530eaaf326da61607df4741319d!} {!LANG-6f5e59da7409b3ca3bdfbf21d13a697d!}



{!LANG-70f6443e112476d9fd634c38513d98e9!} {!LANG-68d9cfd9124b621aa3db37fe3fc40534!}







{!LANG-41c0d5e7fbd528b4efd5040ac253ac4e!} {!LANG-74dab8dc776924967e9349e2a5b39762!},

{!LANG-a5aecb5c5bb49199f9b5926a6d488037!} {!LANG-9c9e282924ce3d402342540362551889!}.

{!LANG-70f6443e112476d9fd634c38513d98e9!} {!LANG-7b0e3193c244580790efb51226cc62ad!}














