Unusual scenario graduation in kindergarten. Kindergarten graduation scripts are the coolest. A script with characters. An interesting scenario of a graduation party in kindergarten

Graduation at the preschool educational institution. Kindergarten Graduation Party Script

A detailed and interesting scenario of farewell to kindergarten.

Graduation Party: Goodbye, kindergarten!

Children are built in front of the entrance to the hall. The bell rings. Children to the music of the song "Beautiful is far away" (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin), sounding in the recording, go around the hall in pairs, stop in two semicircles at the central wall. In the first - girls, in the second - boys.

1st child.

A cheerful bell rings

The children are rushing to class.

School doors open

Now always for us.

2nd child.

White cheerfully

Spacious white house.

From small to large

We all go there.

3rd child.

We are invited to school

Perky calls

We were kids -

Now students.

4th child.

Let's grow up over the summer

To make it visible to everyone

That it's time to go just

We study in first grade.

5th child.

Kindergarten, kindergarten,

Light and cheerful

You're glad today too

That we went to school.

Song "Soon to School" (music by M. Krasev, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya).


1. The wind wanders in the open,

Colder every day.

The headdress is in gold

Two birches behind the wattle fence.

2. We will learn before summer

And always in all subjects

We will receive "five !.

School soon for the first time!

First grade school soon!

All will be called soon

We are schoolchildren!

3. A song is flowing free,

She can be heard far away.

A place for all the guys at school

She cooked it.

6th child.

Kindergarten is a kindergarten

Where trees are in a row

And on every branch

Children are growing up.

7th child.

Rosy, happy

Screaming, pugnacious,

Attached to bows

Like candy wrappers on a Christmas tree.

8th child.

And they laugh and buzz,

Like bees in a flock.

Children (all together).

What is a kindergarten,

We certainly know.

Song "Kindergarten" (music and lyrics by E. Aseeva)


1. You and I woke up early,

We are going to kindergarten.

There are toys, there are animals

All the guys are expected.

And Tanya and Antoshka,

And Katyusha and Seryozha -

Everyone is welcomed

kindergarten (Chorus 2 times)

2. We start the day by charging.

Here we dance and sing.

And we don't miss at all

We live a lot of fun.

Both Tanyusha and Antoshka,

Both Katyusha and Seryozha -

We have a lot of fun in the kindergarten. (Chorus 2X)

3. You have to smile at a friend-

After all, we live as one family.

To quarrel and fight

There is no reason for you and me.

We play together fun

We do not offend friends.

After all, for a quarrel

There is no reason for you and me. (Chorus 2X)

Leading.Guys, guests should come to our holiday today. But where are they? Something they are gone for a long time!

To the cheerful music of "Polka" by E. Tilicheyeva, clowns run at a side gallop.

Clowns.Hello guys!

Children. Hello!

Knop. This is Tyopa!

Tyopa. It's Knop! (They bowed.)

Leading. We have been waiting for you for a long time, why are you late?

Tyopa... Sorry, please, but we were preparing lessons.

Leading.What were you asked?

Knop. Learn all numbers. Want to hear how we did our homework?

Leading. We really want it, guys?


The unit looks like a hook

Or maybe a broken off twig. (Shows a card.)


Two looks like a gosling

With a long neck, thin beak.

Knop. Number three is like a swallow, look!


Look - four is a chair

which I turned over.


What does the number five look like?

On the sickle, of course, how not to know!


Seven is like a sharp scythe

Mow, scythe, while the dew.


Number eight is so tasty -

She's two bagels.

Tyopa. Now let the guys tell you what the numbers zero, six, nine look like. (The children answer.)

Leading.Well done, clowns, you know the numbers, but can you count?

Clowns. We are able! We are able!

Leading. We will now check this. Who will be the first to solve the problem?


Knop. Look, Tyopa, don't let me down!

Leading.Then listen carefully. Imagine being given five sweets. You gave one candy to Knopa. How many candies do you have left? Tyopa. Five! Leading. Five?

Tyopa. Yes, five!

Leading.Why five, because you gave one.

Tyopa. And I won't give it to anyone, I like candy myself.

Leading. Children, did Tyopa solve the problem correctly?

Children. Not!

Leading. How many sweets should he have left?

Children... Four!

Leading. Correctly! You have to share with your friends. You, Tyopa, should be ashamed.

Tyopa (lowering her head). It's a shame, it's a shame!

Leading. Okay, let's give you the opportunity to improve. Listen to another challenge. You have two balls, Knopa has one. How many balls do you both have together?

Tyopa. What are we going to do with these balls?

Leading... Why do you need to know this?

Tyopa. It is necessary!

Leading (in thought). Well, let's say you go for a walk with them.

Tyopa. Will the wind be outside?

Leading. Let's say it will.

Tyopa. Strong?

Leading. Strong!

Tyopa. Then Knopa and I won't have a single balloon.

Leading. Why?

Tyopa. Because the wind will snatch the balls from our hands and carry them high, high into the sky.

Leading. Children, did Tyopa solve this problem correctly?


Leading. Tell me, how many balls do Tyopa and Knopa have?

Children. Three!

Leading.Tyopa, and you haven't solved this problem.

Knop. Ask me a problem, I will definitely solve it.


Okay, listen carefully.

Are all the chickens here,

Six in the garden, three in the rye,

How many of them are there, tell me!

Knop... Six in the garden, three in the rye - there will be nine.

Leading. Well done, Knop, answered correctly.

Clowns (clap their hands, jump). Hurrah!

Leading. And our children can count too.

Clowns... Really?

Leading. And they even know the song about it. Want to listen?

Clowns. Yes, we want!

Leading. Then stay with us on the holiday. Song "Like two times two" (music by A. Abramov, words by M. Vladimov).


1. A schoolboy walks to the first grade.

He is the happiest in the world.

He opened for the very first time

That two times two is four.

And you learn, like him,

All the commas,

Any paragraph and law,

Like twice two is four.

2. But you say: Yalta on the Oka,

And Krasnodar is in Siberia,

And you will see "two" in the diary,

Like twice two is four.

Perhaps you will fly

Into cosmic width

But first, learn to be "five"

That two times two is four.

Leading... Well done, guys, you sing well. Can you solve problems?

Children. Yes!

Leading... Listen carefully.

1) Andryushka placed the toy in two rows.

Next to the matryoshka is a teddy bear.

Together with the fox - the scythe hare,

Behind them is a hedgehog and a frog.

How many toys did Andryushka arrange? (Six toys.)

2) He gave the ducklings eight leather boots.

Which of the guys will answer: how many ducklings were there?

Two bundles of balls (four ducklings) fly into the hall through the door: large in one, small in the other. Each has four.

Tyopa... Balloons! Balloons! And you didn't believe me! These are balls for Knopa and me! (Takes a bunch of big balls.)

Knop. The balls have arrived! (Takes the second bundle of balls.) We didn't have a single ball, but now - a lot!

Leading. Do you think, Tyopa, do you and Knopa have an equal share of balls or not?

Tyopa. Of course not. I have more!

Leading (addresses children). Guys, is Tyopa right? (Answers of the children.) How do you know if Knopa and Tyopa have equal balls or not? (Answers of children.) Let's count.

Tyopa picks up one ball, invites the children to help him count: one, two, three, four. Knop does the same. She also has four balls in the bundle.

Leading... Guys, why does Tepe feel like he has more balls?

Children... Because Tyopa has big balls, and Knopa has small ones.

Tyopa (examines the balls). Thank you guys, you counted everything correctly, and I understood everything!

Leading.Tyopa, you are sad about something. Do you want the guys to cheer you up?

Tyopa. Yes.

9th child.

I'm having so much fun today

That the legs themselves are torn to dance.

One, two, three, four, five!

Everybody comes out to dance!

Couple dance "Livenskaya polka" (arranged by M. Iordansky).

The dance involves 4 girls and 8 boys: 4 boys with accordions, 4 - with balalaikas.

Girls stand at the central wall facing the audience, on the right - boys with balalaikas, on the left - boys with accordions.

First figure

Music A. 1-7th bars. Boys with balalaikas walk with alternating strides, playing the balalaika, moving towards the girls in an even line.

8th measure. They bow, the girls respond with a bow, put their left hand on the boy's shoulder with balalaikas, and take their right hand with a handkerchief slightly to the side.

Music B. Children in pairs walk at alternating steps and stop in front of boys with accordions.

Music B. 1st measure and 1st quarter of 2nd measure. Balalaika players make three tributaries. The girls clap their hands, spread their hands to the sides, raise their right hand with a handkerchief up, and with their left grab the edge of the sundress.

3-4th bars. The girls run at a fractional step, each around a boy with a balalaika.

5-8th bars. The movements of the 1st-4th measures of V.

Second figure

Music A. Boys with balalaikas move with alternating steps to the middle of the room, boys with accordions take their place.

1st measure. The girls turn right.

2nd measure. They make three headings straight.

3rd measure. Turn left.

4th measure. Three tributaries are made.

5-8th bars. The movements of measures 1-4 are repeated.

Music B. Girls and boys with accordions follow each other with alternating steps. They stand in ranks in front of the balalaika players.

Music V. 1-8 bars. The girls repeat the movements of the first figure to the same music. Boys with accordions do half-squats.

Third figure

Music A. Children go in pairs. Boys with balalaikas come and stand next to the girls. The triplets disperse and stop on both sides of the hall (one after the other), that is, on the right and left, facing the guests.

Music B. Boys play their instruments, stamping with their right foot: the 1st bar - behind the left, on the 2nd bar - next to the left, not moving. The girls, raising their handkerchiefs, run around the two boys in figure eight.

Music B. The movements of the first figure are repeated to this music, both boys dance at the same time. To repeat the music And the children go to their places. (The movements were composed by V. Kuklovskaya.)

A robber runs into the hall, looks around.

Whiskered... Hey one-eyed! Here! Here they are! (Runs in.)

One eyed... Fu you, what smart, clean, neat, already disgusting! (They come up to the children, make faces.)

Whiskered.And why are you gathered here. Disorder! Something is wrong here.

Leading.We have a holiday today.

One-eyed. What such a holiday without quarrels, and without fights! We will not allow this!

Whiskered... Not a single holiday was fun when we came to visit!

One-eyed and mustachioed (together). It's time to put things in order!

Whiskered. Where is my edged weapon?

Leading... Wait, don't make any noise, look how many guests! And where were you brought up?

One-eyed and mustachioed (together). In the woods!

Leading.So, you don't have a school in the forest?

Whiskered.Not! Why is it needed?

One-eyed. What do they teach there?

Leading. Find out now, sit down and listen!

Song "What they teach at school" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

One-eyed and Mustacheth (together). Now it is clear!

Leading. And before the guys go to school, they are presented with school supplies.

One-eyed. What are these school supplies?

Whiskered(pulls out slingshots, pistols, stone). Here are our school supplies!

Leading... Guys, right? (They call it.)

One-eyed and mustachioed(together). We want those too!

Leading... Now I'll consult with the guys how you can earn them. Well, let's compete. Do you agree?

Whiskered. Okay.

One-eyed. You’ll lose anyway.

Leading... The first competition is music. You need to sing and play musical instruments.

One eyed... Oh, you can! It's easy! Whiskered. Now we will play for you! One-eyed, get your tool.

They take out bottles, put them in the middle of the hall, try many times to play "Is it in the garden ...", nothing happens.

One eyed... Well, we are not musicians!

Whiskered. But we know how to fight! (They shoot.)

Leading... Stop, it's the kids' turn.


About the guys and about our garden

The ditties were composed.

Sing to you now

So that you are not sad!

We will sing ditties to you,

Clap more amicably

We will try

Sing more fun!

I go to the garden with flowers

I hold my mother's hand

Because of the lush bouquet

I can't find doors.

The school year has begun

The clock went off

And the question oppresses me:

Is the vacation coming soon?

Even on Tanin's birthday

Yura out of habit

Tanya instead of congratulations

I pulled my pigtails.

Letters in the Machine Notebook

Do not stand like a parade.

Letters jump and dance

Masha are waving their tails.

Vova is spinning in the buffet,

Making his way forward.

Have pity on Vova, children,

And then he will die of hunger.

We made a little noise

Glass rattled in the windows.

We said: "Silence" -

A wall cracked in the school.

New uniform put on

White shirt

Admire me

What a first grader I am.

Oh, burn-talk,

Spooners started playing!

An ensemble of spoonbirds. "The month is shining" (Russian folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchverger).

10th child.

All over Russia now

Folk traditions.

We will show you now

Don Cossack dance.

"Little Bee" (Russian folk song).

Whiskered. Oh oh oh! Sing it out here, play out!

One-eyed. What are you! Straight artists!

Leading... Do you admit your defeat? Or will we continue?

Whiskered.What else did you want?

One eyed... Let's continue! You won't get rid of us easily!

Leading... Well, okay, the second competition is poetic.

Whiskered... It's always welcome, we know a lot of poetry.


If you're blacker than the night

The dirt lies on the face -

It is very good

For baby skin.


If the fighter hits hard

Weak boy

I will write this down

Even in our book.

Do you have children like that? I'll write them down now!

Leading... We don't have such guys. But we know the song about one such boy.

Whiskered... Oh, it's good! Come on, sing!

Song "Bully" (music by T. Korganov, lyrics by B. Dubrovin).


1. The whole mob came running

Today in the morning:

The school is a bully

Suddenly he offended the kids.

He collided with the little one -

So healthy myself,

I swung my briefcase

And gave free rein to his hands!

He gave the will, he gave the will,

He gave free rein to his hands!

2. He was considered the strongest of all,

Bullying my class

Wasn't afraid

He and each of us.

But here I did not feel intimidated,

Baby got wet

And boldly rushed into battle,

Pressing the offender

I rushed into battle

Pressing the offender!

3. And a formidable bully

I remembered that lesson:

Can't stand the attack

And he took off.

Let it be so offensive

Run the offender

Now he has us, as you can see,

Will not offend.

He won't, he won't,

Will not offend!


If you broke in a row

The scribe and the ball.

Everyone in the world says:

He is a good boy.

If you have such boys, then join our team.


From the crow toddler

He ran away with a cry.

This boy is just a coward

This is very clever!

One-eyed. But even in our team, cowards are not needed!


This one got into the mud

And I'm glad my pants are dirty.

They say about this:

Clean little boy!

One-eyed.Well, let's see who your piglet is. No, no grunt, no sluts!

Leading.Guys, the robbers read the correct verses to us.

Children... Not.

Mustachioed and One-eyed (together). How not?

Whiskered. Which ones are correct?

Leading. But listen!

1st child.

It's good to love both courage and a riddle,

Love trains, not the platform,

And not a comfortable house, but a tent,

Blue pines quiet chime.

Everything is at the beginning, everything will come true,

That's why you want to fill

Every day is like a blank page

Every year, like a new notebook.

2nd child.

In our school, in the first grade,

There are no guys stronger than Vasya.

To argue with him is grief:

Vasya is not familiar with boxing.

But in any serious dispute

Wins ... with a fist!

And for the "courage", we will not hide,

The class considered him a hero.

But ... in our school's infirmary

Somehow they gave injections.

Entering the office to see the doctor,

Vasya shouted: "I don't want to!"

The syringe saw, trembled

And, like a hare, he ran away.

The first graders laughed:

"But we were afraid of him!"

3rd child. TWO AND THREE

Serezha went to first grade.

Almost ten!

“Two pies here, dad, right?

Do you want to bet

I can always prove

That there are not two, but three!

It's not a sin to such a wise man

Turn up your snub nose.

Somehow at the table to my father

And he asked the question:

We count together: here is one,

And here are two, look!

One and two! - finished the son -

There will be three!

Well done, - said the father. -

Indeed, three.

And so I'll take two,

Take the third one!

One-eyed. In give! This is memory!

Whiskered.Yes! The smart ones are caught!

Leading. The third competition is dance. Any dance must be performed.

One-eyed and mustachioed(together). Ha! Let's do it!

Dance of the robbers, phonogram from “The Bremen Town Musicians (G. Gladkov).

Leading.Well done! As you are, such is the dance to match you.

One-eyed and mustachioed (together). Well, like this! You are far from us!

Leading. Wait to brag, now the guys will show their abilities!

4th child.

How the dance hall will play

All dancers are fascinated.

Eh, stomp, foot, stomp, right,

I'm going to dance, though small!

“I’ll go out to the river” (Russian round dance, arranged by V. Ivannikov).

The robbers, having conferred, approach the presenter, give her a black mark.

Leading... What is it?

One-eyed and Mustache (together). Black label!

Leading... What for?

Whiskered. We, the robbers, are so accepted, if something does not suit us, then we put forward our demands, they are written on the reverse side.

Leading. What happened?

One eyed... You sang us, danced us.

Whiskered. Yes, and re-read too. Not our way!

Leading. Well, let's see! (Reads.) Guys, the robbers offer to gather a council of the smartest, wisest. They want to test our knowledge and ingenuity.

Three children put on black hats, raincoats.

One-eyed. Yeah, try to guess our riddles!


I study, study, study.

I go back and forth:

In the morning to school, in the afternoon back,

It's hard, but nice! (Portfolio.)


Girly come in a line and a cage.

They give a bad mark for blots. (Notebooks.)


Well, admit it, without me

You would not live a day:

Who corrects mistakes

Does it help you out of trouble? (Rubber.)

Leading. The smartest, the wisest have passed our tests. Now you are robbers.

The smartest, the wisest in turn.

1st child. Why are leaves falling?

Whiskered.Because they are heavy!

2nd child... How many will be three and three!

One eyed... Hole! Draw, draw!

3rd child. What bodies of water do you know?

Whiskered.Ocean, sea, puddle.

Leading... You did a poor job. And how are you only tolerated at school?

One-eyed. They don't just endure, they love us very much, but they left us for the second year.

Whiskered. Just think, the smartest, wisest are gathered here, but what about charging? Do you have musculature?

One eyed... Aren't you afraid to run, jump?

Children (together). Not!

One-eyed and mustachioed(together) And this still needs to be checked!

Leading... Now we will check and play.

Amusement games:

1) "Who will collect the portfolio faster?"

2) "Who runs home faster at recess?" Two teams - relay race.

3) "Come up with a dance." Two people play: a boy and a girl. A boy is put on a headscarf, a girl - a headdress for boys. The boy has to come up with dance moves for the girl, and the girl for the boy. Children dance to the Russian folk melody "From under the oak".

One-eyed and mustachioed (together). We decided to make friends with you guys.

Whiskered. You are very nice, funny.

One-eyed. And you were taught everything in kindergarten.

One-eyed and mustachioed(together). Will you take us to school?

Children... Let's take.

Leading... Once you are all friends, join the general round dance.

Song "To make the sun shine" (music by V. Peskov, lyrics by S. Furin).

So that the sun shines

1. To make the sun shine,

So that there is enough for everyone

So that flowers bloom in the meadows,

So that you and I are friends. (2 times)

2. To make the sun shine,

So that there is enough for everyone

For the birds to sing in the morning

So that your face shines with happiness,

Let's join hands, stand in a circle.

Every person is a friend to a person!

Let's join hands, let him go

There is a huge round dance on Earth!

3. To make the sun shine,

So that there is enough for everyone

So that there is no thunderstorm

So that there is no trouble

That there was no war.

4. To make the sun shine,

So that there is enough for everyone

So that in the whole wide world

Children could easily sleep

Children could sleep peacefully.

Leading. Our holiday is coming to an end.

Children take turns.

1st child.

Thanks to the educators for the kindness and warmth,

We were next to them

And it's light on a gloomy day.

2nd child.

You felt sorry for us, you loved us

You raised us like flowers.

Wish we can get you

Take with you to first grade.

3rd child.

Thank you for all the worries,

You had a lot of work on the holidays,

You taught us to perform

Sing songs and dance beautifully!

4th child.

Thanks to our doctors,

That we are not afraid of a cold

What, look at whoever,

All as one - heroes!

5th child.

Our nannies, thank you

To you for the sun of smiles,

For attention, for comfort,

For the kind work of the heart.

6th child.

We tell the cooks:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Go around the whole world

There is no better porridge.

7th child.

The head of our

All year round worries are countless,

To Olyam, Kolam, Masham

There was something to drink and to eat

So that we have enough books,

To make everyone happy.

8th child.

To everyone who taught us good things,

To everyone who raised

Who just loved

We are talking...

Children (together). Thank!

Song "Good Hour" (music by T. Popatenko, lyrics by I. Chernitskaya).


1. Coming Soon

September golden,

We will say goodbye to summer

On an autumn day

We will go to school

With a bright and lush bouquet!

Educators will say: "Good hour!"

We are going to school for the first grade!

2. Aspen leaves

And bunches of rowan trees

As if they will catch fire!

And no matter how sorry

For so many friends

It's time to part!

Children give flowers to kindergarten staff. Congratulations to the manager; parent committee. Presentation of gifts.

The host invites you to the group for a tea party (attractions, disco). Guests and children leave the hall to the soundtrack of the song "The Road of Good" (music by M. Minkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).


- create conditions for a festive mood and a solemn atmosphere;

- evoke positive emotions;

- Deliver joy from participating in a festive event and in all types of activities at the celebration.

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday, a knapsack, a ball, stars with desires written on them, cubes with letters.

1st host. Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd presenter... Hello, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and everyone who came to the music hall of the kindergarten on this exciting day for us.

1st host.The years go by very quickly. We do not have time to look back as the kids become schoolchildren.

2nd presenter... Today we are seeing off our graduates to school. A very important page in the life of preschool children has been passed.

1st host. A new page opens before the children, interesting and exciting - they will have a school. Meet the graduates.

The presenters name the names of the children who come out to bow.

2nd presenter... Ahead is a difficult road to the world of adult school life. And today they, beautiful, funny, smart and, of course, a little excited, came to the first prom in their life.

1st host. Let us greet our alumni with loud applause again.

There is applause.

2nd presenter... It has already become a tradition to start the graduation ball with a wonderful dance - a waltz. So let's not deviate from it. We present this waltz to all guests.

Children perform "Waltz" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

1st host. We give the floor to our guys.

1st child

Our favorite kindergarten,

The kingdom of the fairy tale is golden.

We ask you not to forget

We say goodbye to you.

2nd child

Kindergarten has become our home,

Let's say in this sad hour

To their educators:

We love you with all our hearts!

3rd child

Even the sun shine

It got brighter above the ground

To give us all

It's a graduation party.

A. Metzger

Children perform the song "Goodbye, kindergarten" (music by G. Levkodimov, lyrics by V. Malkov).

1st presenter

It is always very difficult to part with childhood.

The white boat sailed away, you can't return it.

Memories bright feeling

It will get stronger the longer you live.

M. Ryabinin

2nd presenter... But I wonder what our guys dream about? They will tell their secret in funny ditties.

Children perform ditties.


We will sing ditties for you


Because we are children

Super modern.

My years are growing

I will be seventeen

What to work for me then

What to do?

Strive for knowledge.

To become very smart

And travel abroad.


I'm going to run for president

I will receive presents.

I will rule the country

To add salaries to all.

1st girl

I want to be a star

I am not silent about this.

Without much difficulty

I'm always ready to sing.

2nd girl... I would become an educator, let them teach me.

3rd girl... Think what you said, children will torture you.


We sang ditties to you

Clap, try.

You brought us up

You and sort it out.

1st educator

Yes, there are many different professions,

But the road to them is difficult.

Become a teacher, chauffeur,

A businessman, a sailor,

Conductor and actor,

President and physician,

Will you remember friends

It is impossible without teaching.

A boy runs in with a knapsack behind his back - Petya Lentyaykin.

Peter. Who said that it is impossible? Here I am, Petya Lentyaykin, I do not like to study.

2nd leader. What a suspicious name. And you say the wrong words. Better say the words of parting words to our children, future first graders.

Peter. Don't go to school. School years are terrible, the most, the most terrible. I already went twice to the first grade, twice to the second.

2nd leader. So are you a bad student?

Peter. That's not my fault. This is the wrong teacher came across to me. Take me to school with you, maybe I will study well with you!

2nd leader. Well, what is behind you, it seems, a knapsack? The diary should be in it. Can I see what you were asked for reading? Here is the task to guess riddles. Did you fulfill it?

Peter. Not.

2nd leader. Guys, let's help Petya and do his reading homework for him.

There is a house, who will enter it, that mind will acquire. (School.)

If it lies on the table, then the food appears by itself. (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

What object of the house lies on the floor, but flies in fairy tales? (Carpet plane.)

They waited for mom with milk, and they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these little children? (Little kids.)

Guy rode the rolls on the stove,

I took a ride through the village and married a princess.

Who is it? (Emelya.)

What do wizards wave when they cast a spell? (With a magic wand.)

Well, Petya, the riddles were guessed and the reading task was completed. Let's see what is asked in math. Have you solved the problems?

Peter. Not.

2nd presenter... Guys, let's help solve the problems too, so that Petya doesn't get a deuce.

May beetles lived under the bushes by the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

Seryozhka fell into the snow, and behind him Alyoshka,

And after him Irinka, and then Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

Gave the ducklings a hedgehog

Eight brand new boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there?

Seven sparrows sank into the beds,

They jump and peck at something without looking back.

The cunning cat suddenly crept up,

Instantly grabbed one and dashed off.

That's how dangerous it is to peck without looking back,

How many sparrows are in the garden now?

(Six flew away.)

Petya, you need to do your homework, and then you will do well at school.

Peter. I'll run to school faster.

Petya runs away, leaving his knapsack.

1st presenter... He ran away, but left the knapsack. Let's see what else is in it. (Names items that are in the knapsack, but does not reach them.)

Guys, let's play school. I will name the lesson for which the student must prepare. You need to quickly get those accessories that will come in handy, for example, for a drawing lesson.

The game "Get ready for the lesson" is being held.

Now you know everything you need to take with you to school. But little mice from T. Efimova's poem take not only books and notebooks:

For the first time two mice were going to the first grade.

They took pens and notebooks, each took a chocolate bar,

Paints to paint and a pillow to take a nap.

They took the clubs, took the helmets - this is all for a change.

And also a tape recorder to make your sleep pleasant.

The mother mouse told them:

- We need to remove the excess,

In order not to play at school, and not to jump, and not to sleep.

The mouse mom helped, she collected the backpacks herself.

And now for a fun break.

Children perform a dance (at the teacher's choice).

2nd leader. And here's a book in my knapsack. What a beautiful book of fairy tales. Let's open it to any page and read it.

There was a hut in the depths of the forest. Those who entered this forest could no longer find their way back, because Baba Yaga lived in that hut.

Baba Yaga runs in on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga. Wait, the device does not let me down, carrying me above the ground. Wow, where did I go? Have you taken my fairy tale to read?

2nd presenter... Hello, Grandma Yaga. This is us, the guys from the kindergarten. We are having fun today, because it’s a holiday.

Baba Yaga. What fun is it all of a sudden, is it your birthday?

2nd leader. No, the guys are going to school, and therefore the holiday is the graduation party.

Baba Yaga... What is this holiday, what is this ball? Who gave permission for such an event?

2nd presenter... Grandma, don't be angry, because the guys love you and have always expected such a cheerful old lady to visit.

Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm so funny, groovy. What, don't you believe? Well, play with me, you can even tease me, I will not be offended.

The game "In the dark forest"

There is a hut in the dark forest,

Stands backwards.

There is an old woman in that hut -

Grandma Yaga lives.

Crochet nose, big eyes,

Like lights are burning.

Wow, what an angry one,

The hair is standing still.

Children perform movements according to the text, at the end of the game they run away from Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga... It's okay to tease you. You better ask, and I will sing. Children applaud.

Baba Yaga sings (to the tune of the robbers' song from the movie "The Bremen Town Musicians").

They say I'm Grandma Hedgehog

And I limp a little,

As if my nose had become a hook

Curls, curls - all upright.


Oh, la, la, oh, they invent in vain

Oh la, la, oh la, la, eh ma!

I am beautiful, I am beautiful

And you laugh in vain

Take a better look

My whole soul is inside.


And I don't like dancing alone. Well, where are my gentlemen? (He takes several boys onto the stage and dances with them.)

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the girls.

2nd leader. Yes, our girls are very beautiful today.

Baba Yaga... Yes, not on these, but on those that took the very first place in the competition, because they sang a song about me. Let's meet, please.

Children perform a song about Baba Yaga (at the teacher's choice).

Pleased the old woman, I'm leaving for a fairy tale with a calm soul. You study well at school, but do not forget to look into fairy tales, because "There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows." Hey, boy, handsome, come on, see the old lady.

The boy escorts Baba Yaga to the door of the hall and waves to her.

1st presenter

We will study at school

Mandatory for "five"

In gym class

Let's play balls.

Competitions are held with the ball.

2nd presenter... Our children dream of studying only at "four" and "five" at school, to find new friends, to see their class and the first teacher as soon as possible. Oh, I imperceptibly ended up in a fairy tale ...


I hear you want to dream

Just talk about a dream.

I look at the stars in the night sky,

I'll tell you about stellar secrets now.

I took some stars with me,

There are already too many lights in the sky.

I know everything, the stars tell everything. Here you are, boy, I know your name is Nikita. And you dream ... Oh, you are still a little dreaming about this. But this girl's name is Masha, and she dreams ... oh, what a beautiful dream.

1st presenter... Suleiman, give our guys a star dream, because you can do anything.

Suleiman.Oh, fairest of the stars, help spread my stars on your flying carpet.

Game "Our desires"


Let's run in circles now

One after another all forward.

And the star will now show

In the future, what awaits us all.

Children jump around the carpet to the music, and at the end of the music they take one star. Desire is written on the reverse side of it. Each child reads what is written on his star. For example, I want to learn how to drive a car. I will only study for A's. I want to find a seven-colored flower. I will be a military man and pass all physical education tests with excellent marks. I will go on a trip around the world in a big ship.

I’ll tell you guys what I’ll tell you:

Dream more often, and I will help.


2nd presenter... Well, let's turn one more page of the magic book of fairy tales.

Three girls sit on a bench.

1st presenter

Three girls on a spring day

We were in a sweet mood.

On the bench they cooed and dreamed of the future.

1st girl

If I were a queen

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast.

2nd girl

Eka is unseen, sister.

If I were a queen

Then there would be one for the whole world

I knitted canvases.

1st girl

Canvas? Well, you say too,

And why does the king need matting?

2nd girl

Do you think he needs

Burnt pancakes?

Both girls (referring to the third girl)

Why are you silent

Don't you say anything?

3rd girl

I want to study at school, I promise not to be lazy.

Because, as I grow up, I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer, and be friends with mathematics.

Own geography so that the whole world can be seen.

Geometry and Russian, Biology, French

At school, you need to study in order to be the smartest.

1st girl

The smartest, that's how it is!

Aren't you tired of it?

2nd girl... Why should such beauties like us go to school? We will find suitors for ourselves.

The girls come up to the boys and take them out to dance.

Children perform "Tango" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

1st host. Girls dream of grooms, people dream of happiness, guys dream of school, new friends, a kind teacher and good grades.


Very soon, very soon

I will go to school.

And for the first lesson

Call me to call.

I'll grow up over the summer

To make it visible to everyone

That it's time to go just

I study in first grade.

The song "We are now students" (music by G. Struve, lyrics by K. Ibryaev) is played.

1st presenter

The fairy tale is over, we are in the kindergarten again,

It's time to say goodbye.

How fast our lovely children grow

How quickly the years pass.

2nd presenter

Everything passes, but we're a little sorry

That childhood page is closing.

Everything is ahead, but only to kindergarten

You will never return.

And again we give the floor to the main heroes of our celebration - the graduates.

Children take flowers for employees, and presenters take out cubes with letters.

1st child

Today we all stand in front of you,

A little tired, but proud inside.

In five years we have grown up in the garden,

We stand handsome, whatever you say.

2nd child

For everything we want to say "thank you"

To all those who raised us so carefully.

To everyone who healed, fed, protected

And he loved the mischievous ones very much.

3rd child

We will never forget the teachers and the nanny,

We will miss you at school, sometimes visit you.

We will receive fives,

We will never forget you.

4th child

And our head is a beauty,

Cope with all matters.

And her work is voluminous,

And thanks a lot to her.

5th child

We are parting with kindergarten

But still, there is no need to be sad.

After all, on a golden autumn day

All together we will go to school.

But we will always remember

The first time we came here.

Children perform the song "Goodbye, kindergarten" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).


One word we want

From large letters to fold,

We want him today to you

Speak with love.

Children put together the word "thank you" from large cubes.

All (together). Thank!

The guys give flowers to the kindergarten staff.

Congratulations from the manager and presentation of diplomas. Congratulations to the parents.

Before tackling the script, remember that kindergarten graduation is not just an entertainment program aimed at bringing joy to children.

Read about how to prepare for you in the article Before you start the entertainment program by all means ventilate the room. If the solemn matinee has just ended, then one should take into account that there were a large number of children in the hall (a whole group, and sometimes two), while with each child there were parents, grandparents, educators, a photographer and a videographer.

Parents and caregivers at the graduation in kindergarten

This is a great event for educators, for parents of graduates. They did a lot to make this event take place and they also deserve a holiday! At the very least, they deserve warm words addressed to them.

Therefore, dear animators, during the program, unobtrusively, in a playful way, you should repeatedly draw the attention of children to teachers, parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters. Express your gratitude to them.

For what?
At first they will be pleased and they will be imbued with sympathy for you. And it is you who will be recommended to their friends.
Secondly during the solemn matinee, the parents sat up, tired. They want to get emotions, to cheer up.
Thirdly this is a good educational moment. Adult participants of the holiday will be pleased to see that you, the host, are not just a clown, but a thinking, respectable person.

Once I heard a response from a young mother. Her words were literally like this: “The child was delighted. But I didn't like it. " It should be noted that it was a big holiday with tickets, a rich program, then we painted with chocolate on pancakes, ate them, all the children received face painting and good prizes. And what were the parents doing at this time? For almost three hours they sat in one place, watching the children. Of course they were tired and wanted everything to end as soon as possible.

Since i always involve parents in the program! Of course, I do it in an easy way, without coercion. There are a lot of people willing. Adults are happy plunge into the atmosphere of joy, feel like children.

Fine! So what are we worth? We are ready to go into adulthood. (children become a little train, grabbing each other) Let's look at our dear parents, wave a pen to them, wave a pen to our teachers. Go.

Children become a train and move around the area under
BACKGROUND - 3 - Steam locomotive Antoshka

Animated dances

LEADING: Great ride. We graduated from the kindergarten. Adult life is ahead. Are you ready for it? Did you learn anything in kindergarten? Show me how you can count.

Puts children in a circle. Gambler BACKGROUND - 4 - "Four steps"

Great! And tell me, why does the day replace the night, after the summer comes autumn? Why does this happen? ( in the process of communication we come to the conclusion that The earth is round and revolves around the sun)

And who turns it around? Ay-yay-yay, you don't know. Polar bears are turning the earth! Therefore, it is spinning. Let's help our bears, so that they would have more fun twirling the earth's axis and we quickly went to school

BACKGROUND - 5 - "Bears" - Game Dancer with Acceleration

Are you tired? And what helps us well when we are tired? What relieves stress? The best thing - Massage! Turn to the right, put your hands on your neighbor's shoulders and start giving him a massage!

BACKGROUND - 6 - Massage
During the pause, ask the children to turn around in the opposite direction, put their hands on the neighbor's shoulders and repeat the massage on the second verse. Thus, the one who did the massage now receives it himself.

Have a rest? Then show what else you learned in kindergarten. Have you studied foreign languages... Not? Are any of you planning to go on vacation in the summer? And how will you communicate at the resort if you do not know foreign languages?

Well, nothing, I will teach you one language. Knowing him you will be your man on any coast, in any company. The language is called "Soku-bachi" Does anyone know him?

If it turns out that the children know it, we ask you to show the movements and say that it is outdated for a long time and no one uses it. Showing new movements: Divide into pairs and stand opposite each other. On "Juice" - we slap ourselves on the knees. On Bachi - clap the palms of the neighbor, on "Virus" - also on the palms of the neighbor opposite, but at the same time we make the hands with a cross.

BACKGROUND - 07 - Soku bachi

Fine! It's not just fun language, it's friendship language! After all, playing with a friend is much more interesting than playing yourself!

I see you are good friends. Are you well-bred children? Kind? Brave? Good? Modest? Are your parents good? And the educators? Blimey! So many good people gathered in one place.

Let's call our parents and educators to us. Because this is a dance about us - the best people in the world!

Parents and educators come out to us, stand in a circle.

BACKGROUND - 9 - "I am the"

We ask adults to return to their seats (if they wish, they can stay)

Children, you are so wonderful! I just fly from you and invite you to fly with me.

Parachute block

Before playing, you must explain to childrenthat for this game we need to be not brave and dexterous, but friendly and obedient. The game will only work if we do everything together... If one indulges or does it wrong - he spoils the game for everyone.

I invite you to subscribe to our channel: Valuable tips from the Main Fairy where you will find a lot of useful information.

The scenario of the graduation ball in the preparatory group of the kindergarten "Desire Machine"
Ship, steering wheel, Desire Machine, nameplates-islands with names, insect paintings, Teremok house, hats
Teachers enter the hall to the solemn music of ABBA.
Educator 1: Hello, dear guests.
Educator 2:
Voices will now be heard in this hall
Our lovely and kind guys
The last holiday
A little sad
It will start for our guys.
Educator 1:
Once in this kindergarten,
You mothers brought them.
Gave us their guys
And we took care of them.

Educator 2: Yes, time has flown by imperceptibly, but today is the last day for the children in kindergarten. And I want him to remain in their memory forever.
Educator 1: Yes, time flew by completely imperceptibly. It seems that quite recently our guys were such crumbs, they could not hold a spoon, put on sandals.
Educator 2: Remember how many funny stories happened to our children.
Educator 1: Yes, yes, as I remember now. (The teacher tells a funny incident from the life of a child.)
Educator 2: Yes, since then our children have grown up, wiser. And many of them dreamed of becoming a driver, a bodyguard, a director and a director.
Educator 1: It would be great if today all their wishes come true. Maybe we should try?
Educator 2: What to try?
Educator 1: Build a desire machine.
Educator 2: Will we succeed?
Educator 1: I think so. After all, everyone who works in kindergarten is a little dreamers and wizards. Well, let's get to work?
Educator 2: Let's try.
(They begin to finish building the machine of desires. At the end.)
Educator 1:
That would be great in life with us,
Whatever he wanted, it came true at once.
I would love to go back to childhood.
Educator 2: And I, all my life dreamed of going on a cruise on a ship and visiting different countries.
Educator 1: Well, I think it's time to test the desire machine. Can we make wishes?
Educator 2: Come on.
(Educators stand in the circle of the Desire Machine, the f-ma from the movie "Guest from the Future" turns on with the words of the machine.)
Stand in a circle. Grasp the handrails. Close your eyes. Don't peep.

(The teachers close their eyes, the machine starts elumination. The melody of the song "Top-top-foot-trappers" sounds, children run into the hall, disperse around the hall.)
Educator 1: In my opinion, my wish is being fulfilled. (Move away from the "Desire Machine" to children.)
Child 1:
We invite everyone to the ball
Into an elegant music hall
Where there will be music and laughter
And the mindset for success.
Child 2:
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope for future meetings




Educator 2:








Educator 2:
Educator 1:
Educator 2:
Educator 1:
Educator 1:
Educator 2:
Educator 2:
























