Games and contests for Valentine's Day for young people. What contests can be held on Valentine's Day? Contests in honor of February 14

February 14 is Valentine's Day, however, it is also a great time for schoolchildren during this period. On this day, you can please them with a wide variety of fun contests that will allow them to unite in a team. Perhaps at this stage of their life, some interesting relationship will already begin. Love, as they say, all ages are submissive. So contests for February 14 for schoolchildren of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 grades.

The best competition ideas for February 14 for schoolchildren of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The most and most

We will start, perhaps, with the simplest, but very interesting competition, which will surely appeal to all primary school students. For the game, you will have to prepare several cards in advance, on which various words will be written. Examples include: sleeping beauty, smartest, most beautiful, funniest, best friend. These phrases will refer to girls. Boys should not be forgotten either. The following phrases will be appropriate for them: the smartest, the coolest, the bore, the king of jokes, and so on. The number of cards does not have to correspond to the exact number of students in the class. There may be more of them. It all depends on your imagination. After that, all the cards should be laid out in the form of two flowers with petals. Accordingly, the first group will refer to boys, and the second to girls. Do not forget that they are all stacked with inscriptions down, so that none of the participants in the game could see what is written on each specific card. This funny competition will surely delight schoolchildren. The game starts with one of the boys coming up to the girl's flower and taking one petal. Next, he chooses one of the weaker sex, to which, in his opinion, the phrase written on the card is best applicable, and hands it to her. Then the girl gets up and does the same. Children will certainly be interested in learning a lot about what their classmates think of them. The game continues until all the petals on both flowers run out. Quite an original competition that will delight both very young schoolchildren and representatives of grades 5-6.

Pass the orange

This is another rather funny competition that will surely delight girls and boys who study in grades 4, 5, 6. All participants in the game must line up in a chain. Boys and girls alternate in it. The person who is the first in the row should squeeze the orange between the chin and neck. The next participant of the competition must take the orange from the next participant in the same way and pass it on to the next one. There will be no end to the fun in this situation. When one of the participants drops an orange, he is out of the game. A fairly simple competition that will amuse the kids on February 14th. The game will continue until there are two participants on the playing court. They are the winners. If you wish, you can reward everyone with delicious prizes. Everything depends on you.


Many of you love fun and original contests for February 14th. One of these is the competition, which is called chairs. Many have already participated in it several times in their lives. It is perfect for children of all ages, including those in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The whole point of the competition is that chairs are placed in a circle. Moreover, their number should be one less than the number of participants. Children begin to run around the chairs in a circle, but at the signal, they should take empty seats. each time the number of participants decreases by one. After one student has dropped out of the competition, one chair must be removed. The competition continues until there is only one person left in the last chair. result - he becomes a winner. He'll have to give him some interesting present for Valentine's Day.

The way to the heart

There is another very original competition that can be applied to students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6. All girls must participate in the competition here. Each of them has a ball in their hands. They are tangled on the floor, but the ends are brought out to the place where the boys are. they will then have to choose one of the available tracks, and unravel the girl. Each will reach only one single representative of the fairer sex. The team that unravels the fastest will win.

No one knows where and when love is born. This tremendous power that rules the worlds makes us rejoice, triumph, compose odes and sing hymns. And also smile, rejoice. True love "does not walk" alone. She is always paired with happiness.

A fun quiz for February 14 (Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day) contains 14 questions with answers.

Quiz Creator: Iris Revue

1. What is "Love Elixir"?
Infusion on the flower "Ivan da Marya"
American Romantic Comedy +
Pomegranate juice

2. What geometric figure symbolizes complex love relationships, often played out in movies, in romantic literature: comedies, plays?
Love trapeze
Love triangle +
Love parallelogram

3. From which movie is the phrase?
"Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat"
Answer: (From the movie "Out of the blue")
"Love makes people brave"
Answer: (From the movie "Mr. X")
"Love is a theorem that needs to be proven every day"
Answer: (From the movie "The Same Munchausen")

4. On what bridge is the best place to express your joyful emotions?
Answer: On the "Kissing" bridge

P.S. There are such bridges in Paris, St. Petersburg and other cities.

5. What animal is mentioned in the famous proverb: "Love is evil, you will fall in love and ..."
Goat +

6. What is the name of Baba Yaga's love?
Answer: Koschey the Immortal

7. Why is love a carrot?
Answer: different answers are possible, one of them is "because gladiolus"

8. On what floor does the love of the "Secret" beat quartet live?
On the fifth + (From the song "Home again, the same house as I know him to me")
On the second
On the first

9. How are babies born?
They are found in cabbage
The stork brings children
They are born to mom and dad +

10. What is VALENTINKA?
Mandarin duck
Cheerful girl named Valentina
Postcard +

11. What is the name of the main character in the movie "Love and Doves"?
Hope +

12. If a relationship is established between two people, then it is customary to say that this is
Roman +

13. When a person is deeply in love, what disease is attributed to him?
Love fever +
Love fever +
Love flu

14. What pair does not exist?
Romeo and Juliet
Prince and Cinderella
The Princess and the Pea and Balda +

Teenagers, of course, need to be sure to delight with various interesting and fun contests and scenarios for Valentine's Day. This holiday allows you to bond hearts and give people smiles. This is the best time to confess your love and have fun. Today, your attention will be presented with several contests for February 14 for teenagers, which will certainly delight any young residents of our country.

The best contests for February 14 for teens

Body parts

To conduct this original competition, you will have to find a soul mate for yourself. Here it is desirable that real couples participate, since the competition can even be called vulgar. The fact is that in this case the guys will kiss different parts of the girls' bodies. At the same time, girls sit on chairs, and their young people move some distance away from them. Let's say it will be 5 meters. The presenter begins to read a prepared text, and the guys, hearing some part of the body in it, run to their girls and kiss them on it. After completing this action, the guy runs back to the starting position. At the same time, the rest of the participants who did not manage to cross the finish line freeze in their places. Then the presenter will continue to read his text. Some part of the body sounds in it again, the guys start their race again. Moreover, those who did not have time to return to the starting line at the first attempt must first cross it, and only then run to carry out the next task. Then again, when the leader crosses the line, all action stops in its original position. Thus, the game ends when one of the young people reaches the finish line after reading the entire text of the presenter. This is great fun that is perfect for teenagers. Of course, strangers can also participate in it, but this is done at their discretion. You shouldn't forget about presentations either. The winner should get something really significant, because this original competition for February 14 cannot be called simple.


In the next exciting competition, we'll need bright ribbons. In this case, you can use both ribbons of the same color, and of different colors. In total, you will need to prepare five strips of sufficiently long length. The presenter simply takes all the tapes in his hand. The result is 10 ends. First, five guys take five ribbons in their hands to the left of the presenter, then the girls do the same, only being located to the right of him. The eyes of all participants in the game must be connected. After that, the presenter comes into play, who mixes up all the tapes with each other. Then the eyes of the participants untie and they begin to unravel the intricate lace. As a result, the winners are those young people who are the first to untangle their ribbons. It's pretty simple. This funny competition for February 14th is sure to please modern teenagers.


That is how we called the next competition, in which several couples can participate, but sequentially one after another. The guy should sit down at the table and pick up a pen. There is a piece of paper in front of him. The girl approaches her boyfriend, and begins to read to him an excerpt from some famous poem or novel. The guy should write down everything that his girlfriend says. The trick of the competition is that at this moment the girl has a lollipop in her mouth. This greatly complicates mutual understanding. Moreover, the more candies there are, the more difficult it will be to record. The winner can be determined by the number of matches in the original with what the young man wrote. A great competition for teens on February 14th.

February 14 may not be a very popular Russian holiday, but in the middle of winter it is very pleasant to give each other gifts, add a little romance everywhere, congratulate colleagues, go on dates and just get together in a big company. Board games are great for gifts and entertainment at parties (you give them as if on Valentine's Day, but in fact, you play all year round). We have compiled a list of games for all these occasions, which can be gifted for Valentine's Day to both friends and partners.

Games for February 14 for the company


Age: from 6 years old
Number of players: from 2 to 6
The most familiar option for a company is to get a little closer to each other. You need to intertwine your legs and arms at the behest of a small tape measure on a large colored field. You can also give a gift to a family with children.

Adult tower

Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: from 2 to 16
An unusual game for companies. On February 14, you can bring it to the office (if you have a confidential atmosphere there), to a party with your best friends or home. This is a game of building a tower, only tasks from simple to somewhat intimate are written on each block.


Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: from 4 to 9
If the party is more alcoholic, Ruff will do. You can come off abruptly, forgetting all decency. In Ruff itself, there are no overly intimate assignments. It's just that if you don't complete one of the cards, you will have to drink a free kick.

Battle of the sexes

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: from 2 to 20
For those who keep their sanity, there is an excellent Battle of the Sexes quiz. Perfect for the office, and for corporate parties, and for a large heterosexual get-together. Do you know well male psychology? And what about female logic?

Valentine's Day Games for Two

For you

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2
An unusual game for two, played in pairs only once, but lasting several weeks - just perfect for a winter holiday. Every day you give each other some kind of surprise that strengthens and invigorates your relationship. Such a thing can be given both to a new partner and to the one with whom you have been living for many years.


Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: 2
You are probably familiar. There are many of them, and there is no need to invent anything - they are already packed in tempting boxes by theme. Designed for two lovers. There are many interesting tasks of different levels of difficulty and frankness.

Party in bed

Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: 2
It continues the theme of forfeits, in fact, only the tasks are even more varied, and the mechanics are simply created for unusual entertainment for two: after all, it is not enough just to give your beloved or beloved a night at the hotel, for example, you need to decorate it with something.

In love

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2
Similar to Party, but comes from the age of 16, that is, the tasks there are easier in terms of intimacy. Well suited for dating, for the first period of a relationship. Although this is such a cool game that you can buy it even if you already have grandchildren.

For romantic gifts and large companies

  • If you're looking for a romantic Valentine's Day gift for your beloved (or loved one), take a look at the category. There are many things out there that didn't make it to this small list. By the way, in Mosigra stores you can always suddenly buy a postcard or other small surprise for your beloved - you can and without a reason.
  • And if you are thinking about which games to play with friends on February 14 with a large company, then you are in the section: there is a lot of everything, and it is not necessary that it be with a touch of romance.

Difficult to choose or are you looking for something special? Just call our operators, they will find something suitable for you.

Couples in love participate in the competition. Both guys and girls are asked to name any noun. For example, "hare", "table", "cherry" - whatever comes to mind. And then the host explains the rules. You need to explain to your soul mate why she is better than what was named. The competition turns into everyone's fun when those around them find out that someone is better than a hare because he has smaller ears, and someone is better than a table because the table is hard, and so on.

You are my sweetness

A couple is involved - a guy and a girl. The presenter invites them to exchange original "sweet-compliments", pronouncing them aloud in turn. For example, “you are my bun, you are my marshmallow, you are my candy,” and so on. The winner in a pair is the one who comes up with more options. After that, the winner is awarded a prize in the form of a set of sweets.

I will give you a star

Competition for guys. Participants are given a piece of paper and, at the command of the presenter, they are offered to make a star out of it for their beloved without the help of scissors. You cannot fold the sheet, you can only cut off the edges by hand so that you end up with a figure that even remotely resembles a five-pointed star. The author of the most beautiful and geometrically correct star wins, but all participants receive incentive prizes.

We are one

Couples participate in the competition. Each of them needs to turn to face each other and join hands, and then make a series of movements, which will be called by the leader. For example, wash and comb, peel and eat a banana, run some object from one part of the room to another. In this case, the palms cannot be separated, any manipulations can only be performed with your fingers. The pair that completes the task faster wins.


Of the total number of participants, one is chosen - Cupid. This player turns away, and the rest of the participants come up to him from behind, two by two and ask the question: "A couple or not a couple?" If "Cupid" thinks that there is a couple of lovers behind him, then he says: "A couple." If he suspects that people from different couples are behind him, then he says: "Not a couple." The winner is "Cupid", who gave more correct answers.

Melt my heart

For this competition, you need to prepare in advance hearts that will need to be melted (chocolates in the form of a heart or ice in molds-hearts). The guests of the holiday are divided into “in love” couples. Each couple gets to heart and on the command "start" begins to melt it. The couple who melts an ice or chocolate heart faster than others will win and receive a prize.

Well-aimed cupid

For this competition, you need to prepare a "little man" (cut out a full-length image of a person from the wallpaper) and glue a balloon on tape instead of a heart or attach a circle from a dart board. Each participant receives 3 darts, respectively, each cupid will have 3 attempts. So, each "cupid" in turn makes 3 of its attempts, aiming right at the heart. If the participant immediately managed to pierce the heart, a new ball is hung in place of the heart. For each well-aimed hit, the participant is awarded a point. And the participant with the most points - the most accurate cupid - will receive a prize.

The strongest hug and the softest kiss

Each in turn will hug the guests of the holiday and kiss them on the cheek. Before the start of the competition, all guests are blindfolded. The facilitator will take turns choosing one participant from the company and guiding them. So, all the guests stand in a row, and one member of the company in turn hugs each guest as tightly as possible. As soon as the first guest hugs everyone, the host takes the next participant, brings them to each guest, and he hugs everyone in turn. This continues until all participants hug each other. After this stage, a vote is taken to “weed out” half of the participants. The guests themselves must name the numbers of the participants who were the strongest in their arms, for example, if there were 6 participants, the guests choose only three, naming the numbers (first, fifth and sixth, for example). Then the presenter announces the participants who go to the next stage. At the same time, the guests are not untied their eyes. The winners of the first stage will now take turns kissing the guests on the cheek, trying to do it as gently as possible. Again, the guests will now vote on only one winner. Who of the "kissers" gains more points in the voting of guests, he will win and receive a prize.