How to celebrate 30 years of a girl in the spring. Celebrating at the rink

Getting ready to celebrate the first 30? Surely you have more than once imagined how you will be in your 30 years. Some by this moment completely find themselves, others reach the peak of their careers, others decide to drastically change their lives before it's too late.

Whatever surprises fate has in store for you for the thirty, this is not just another date. This is a new page in life that needs to be turned in a fun, original way and always in good company. Today we bring you 30 helpful ideas on how to celebrate 30 years.

1. Birthday in nature

This is not a barbecue in your backyard. Collect backpacks, tents, provisions, and go hiking. Celebrate your birthday in a picturesque forest or in the mountains, with guitar songs around the fire, with the best people and without the usual city bustle. Romance!

2. Party at the bar

If you are a child of a metropolis, and cannot distinguish ordinary matches from hunting matches, go with your friends to your favorite bar or cafe. Throw in a loud party with interactive entertainment, gourmet food, live music and a lively show.

3. The actual barbecue

Don't have the time and desire to ring up entertainment venues, negotiate with artists and gather in a public place? Then calmly fry the meat and drink beer in a narrow circle of relatives and close friends. A minimum of preparation, just a pleasant stay.

4. Wine tour

Are you a passionate wine lover, whose tastes will be the envy of professional sommeliers? Then it's decided: plan a 30th anniversary wine tour of the best wineries in Italy, France or Spain. See the world, taste and stock up on your favorite wines for yourself and your friends.

5. Concert or music festival

If a concert of your favorite artist is planned nearby, book tickets and indulge yourself in pleasure. Music festivals are generally a wonderful place for a music lover to celebrate their 30th anniversary: \u200b\u200bfood, drinks, entertainment, conversation partners and a lot of positive emotions.

6. Ghost Tour

We do not in any way hint that dust is already falling from you, and the world of spirits has become a year closer. Foreign birthday people are increasingly ordering extreme ghost tours through abandoned cities and dangerous places. For example, a tour to Pripyat is the perfect place to think about the eternal.

7. Karaoke marathon

An excellent choice for musically gifted owners of a sonorous voice. Have a fun karaoke party at your local bar or at home. But do not forget about high-quality sound equipment, without which the karaoke marathon will turn into a pitiful parody.

8. Amusement park

Thirty is not a reason to become a bore. Include your inner child and explore the nearest amusement park. A great option for family birthday people with children.

9. Car travel

Turn your 30th anniversary celebration into an exciting journey with friends or family on the roads of your home country. Fill up a full tank, pack your suitcases and go to the cities you've always wanted to see. All you need is a credit card and good company.

10. Excursion to the brewery

Do you like beer? Then we suggest that you go on a tour of the legendary breweries of Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium. This is an opportunity to expand your knowledge of beer and at the same time enjoy the tourist beauty of old Europe.

11. Long vacation

To celebrate your 30th birthday, take a vacation, turn off your phone and fly into the dreamland. Someone dreams of the beaches of Thailand, someone dreams of the brooding peaks of Nepal, and someone wants to ride with the breeze on the African savannah. Hurry to make your dreams come true!

12. Cool hotel

Celebrate your birthday in a luxury hotel that you would never stay at during normal times. Just check out the current incredible selection of boutique hotels, historic hotels, and more.

13. Zipline and Skydiving

Prove that you are young, physically strong and brave. Extreme activities like skydiving or descending over an abyss along a steel rope are an unforgettable experience for 30 years.

14. Luxurious party

Are you used to saving a pretty penny for a pretty penny? Then a chic party with a Hollywood scale will shake up your familiar world. Do not skimp on this day, arrange an enchanting show, invite your favorite performers. Pamper yourself and surprise your friends.

15. Medieval fair

Ideal for those who are not alien to the spirit of travel and love of history. In many cities of Western and Northern Europe, from time to time, unique medieval fairs are held with a mass of authentic entertainment and goods, music and costumes. Pack your bags!

16. Conquest of the summit

Epic conquest of a mountain peak - for the strong in body and spirit. If you were mountaineering in your youth, then climbing a mountain with friends will be a serious test of the strength of old bones. There you will raise your glasses to your health!

17. Horse riding

Arrange a trip to the nearest farm or stud farm. Celebrate the 30th anniversary on horseback, literally and figuratively. Picturesque countryside, clean air, communication with nature, surrounded by dear people - what else do you need to have a good time?

18. Cooking class

If you dream of learning new things, order a culinary master class with friends. A great opportunity to chat, learn the secrets of delicious cuisine and cook something special for your own birthday party.

19. Excursion to the museum

Visit with family and friends a themed museum that suits your interests. What fans do not exhibit - from racing cars and sabers to wine corks and butterflies.

20. Paintball

Whether you want to vent your displeasure or just have some fun, paintball is good for both. Grab a group of buddies and go to the nearest arena, where you can let your senses run wild.

21. Winter fun

Winter is coming, which gives birthdays a special experience of the holiday. Skiing, ice skating, snowboarding - rock it out. No snow? Celebrate 30 years at the ice arena.

22. Climbing wall

Not everyone has the spirit and preparation to climb real mountains, but no one bothers to go to the nearest climbing wall. It’s fun and good for the body, and you’ll work up your appetite.

23. Predictions

Add some mysticism. Go to a medium and get a prediction for the next 30.

24. Massage session

Sign up for the best massage parlor. Relieve stress and anxiety, relax all your muscles, and get ready to celebrate your big date. Take time for yourself.

25. Game Festival

Gaming is a hobby for all ages. A game show or festival like WG Fest is the best place to experience the virtual universe. Bring your children and your wife - the first will surely be delighted, and the wife ... But where will she go on your holiday?

26. Marathon

For those who own more than just a joystick, we suggest running a marathon. Well, or at least a more modest distance. In any case, do not hesitate: you will remember this birthday for a long time.

27. Beach Party

If you live close to the sea, then a beach party will be the natural end of your day. Outdoor enthusiasts can start with surfing and scuba diving.

28. Best Restaurant

Quiet gatherings in the bar are too modest for an anniversary. Hollywood party is too expensive. But a birthday in the best restaurant, with your favorite dishes, cocktails and music - that's it.

29. New pet

Start your fourth decade by making a new friend, even a four-legged friend. In addition to a true look and a gentle hug, the smaller brothers are good company, especially if you are alone.

30. Shopping

Classics of the genre. Shopping for a modern person is not just a hike for things, but also communication, stress relief, and entertainment. Stock up on time and a tight wallet, take your best friends, and go ahead - fight stress. You will definitely not return without pleasant shopping.

Every person's birthday is a special date. After all, this is a year of a lived life that cannot be returned. And many do not celebrate their birthdays, referring to the fact that they are already tired of celebrating every year. But the anniversary is a different story. The anniversary is celebrated every time, because this event takes place every five years. We have for you a ready-made script for the anniversary of the 30 years of a man. We think we have a cool script, because it has games and contests, funny scenes and much more. Check it out and choose what you like best.

First toast.
The first toast I want to say about the moments of our life. Everyone knows that every moment in our life will not be repeated. Every moment happens once in a lifetime. And even if we gather in the same company in a few years, everything will still be different.
I propose to raise a glass to the hero of the day. To raise him so that he appreciates every moment of his life. And so that you always go to your goal!

The main holiday.

You know, every person dreams of something. We cannot live without a dream. I don't know what our hero of the day dreams of, but I will try to fulfill his dream. Which he once dreamed of. All people, one way or another, think, is there life on the moon? I can tell you with confidence - there is!
And in confirmation of these words, I give the hero of the day a visa for the moon, which was issued to me personally by the head of the moon. And a certificate to visit the moon at any time!

Game for the mood.
Let's play one game that will cheer us up and liberate us all. The game is called - and in my pants. Many people know this game, but still play it. Because she's funny and funny.
The rules of the game are simple: the guest says the phrase - AND I HAVE IN PANTS, and then takes out one piece of paper from the bag and reads out what is in his pants.
Examples of phrases for the game:
- the delicate taste of modern England!
- a complete collection of modern entertainment!
- Hedgehog!
- a living source!
- the most favorable conditions!
- nothing sour!
- cleaning is in progress!
- the universe will fit!
- exchange office!
- something is hidden!
- profitable course!
- bad visibility!
- sale!
- a pass to the country's secret facilities!
- sometimes precipitation falls!
- dry and fresh!
- there are storms!

Scene for the hero of the day - kid.
For the scene, you need some props. You need to prepare a sheet that has an opening for the head and hands. You also need to sew a baby jumpsuit on the sheet. The guests pull the sheet on both sides and hold it.

The facilitator begins:
- a long time ago 30 years ago a child was born in the same family.
(the head of the hero of the day appears in the place for the head, and the hands of another person appear in the place for the hands).
Parents were delighted with him and immediately shouted - hurray! But the child was frightened by their scream and began to scream himself.
(the hero of the day cries, depicts the first cry of a baby)
The parents began to comfort their boy and waved his hand. In response, the little one waved his hands to them.
(the hero of the day, that is, the one who plays the role of his hands, waves his hands)
The kid grew not by years, but by days. He quickly understood everything and within a few days he learned to stroke himself on the head.
(hands stroking the hero of the day)
The parents thought that this is how the child shows them that he wants to put on a cap. And they gave him a cap.
(they give a cap in their hands and hands try to put a cap on their head)
Even though the child was growing quickly, he still ate from the bottle.
(they give a bottle of milk in their hands and their hands try to feed the head)
In kindergarten, the child really fell in love with music and even began to go to dances.
(turn on music, and hands dance with head)
And at school, he fell in love with REP music.
(include REB)
Soon our baby became quite an adult and tasted alcohol for the first time.
(they give a glass of vodka in their hands and give their head a drink. They don't give a snack and the hero of the day frowns)
You see how he immediately disliked drinking!
And so it went year after year, and our boy turned 30! And now it has become like this:
Shirmochka is removed and the hero of the day appears in all its glory.

Game with guests.
This block is completely devoted to playing with guests. The essence of the game is simple - funny tasks are written on the cards for the guests to perform. The guests take turns taking out one card and doing what is written there.

An unusual game with guests.
We need to select four guests - two girls and two guys. They turn their backs on the guests. Plates are hung on their backs. Guys are: sober, registry office. And the girls are: sauna, bushes. It is important that the word boards are not seen by the participants in the game. And the guests could see them.
After the plaques have been put on, the presenter starts asking them the same questions. And the participants answer while the moderator comments on the answers.
- do you like going to this place?
- how often do you go there?
- with whom do you usually go there?
- Do they like it?
- how much time do you spend there?
- what are you doing there?
- would you recommend guests to go there?
- and which of the guests?

Since the participants do not know what is written on the plates on their backs, their answers turn out to be ridiculous and funny. The main thing is not to forget about the presenter's comments!

Gifts for guests.
They brought gifts to the hero of the day. But the hero of the day is not going to let the guests go empty-handed. let's run a lottery and give out gifts!
The lottery is held simply - numbers from 1 to the number of guests are written on the cards. And each number has its own verse and a gift under the verse. The guests take turns taking out a card with a number, and the presenter reads a verse and presents a gift.
Poems for the game:

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It is hard to argue with the fact that for any girl a birthday is an incredibly important and significant event that requires careful preparation and attitude.

It is also worth remembering that 30 means some transition, the line between youth and maturity. No, this does not mean that you are losing your status as a girl and turning into a woman. It's just that life values \u200b\u200band guidelines will change and move in a slightly different direction. There are many stories when, after the girl turned 30, she completely changed unrecognizability. Not so much externally as internally. Of course, for these changes to start positively, this date must be well celebrated. You need to do it so that the anniversary will be remembered for a long time by your friends and family.

So, let's try to answer the question of how to celebrate a 30-year-old girl. First, remember that this date should be celebrated. In this case, signs do not work, in contrast to the forty-year anniversary. Absolutely anyone can participate in the celebration, regardless of gender, age and family affiliation. You just need to choose the most suitable setting and call the prospective guests in advance.

And yet, how to celebrate a girl's 30 years, how to spend this day so that later there will be many pleasant memories. First, decide in advance what you want from this day in order to outline a plan of action. After thinking, you need to start making your dreams come true.

To directly understand what you want from this day and how to celebrate a girl's 30 years, you need to count your savings, correlate with the number of guests. After all, whatever one may say, first of all such events hit the pocket.

If financial opportunities are limited, it is better not to take risks and not take out a loan, so as not to get yourself into debt. Do not forget that if you really want to, you can meet this wonderful date well without big investments.

Celebrating at home

How to celebrate a 30-year-old girl, if money is tight at the moment, but you want to arrange a celebration? First, you can always meet this holiday at home. Buying groceries instead of ordering a table at a cafe will significantly reduce your costs. Also, if you are in a trusting relationship with friends, then you can simply explain the situation, and they will meet you halfway.

You can agree that instead of a gift, they will help you decorate and purchase products for the festive table.

The time of year is of great importance when choosing a place. Of course, it is best to celebrate your day in the summer, when you can have a picnic right on the street. But at other times of the year you can also find something to your liking for yourself and your invited friends.

Celebrating in a country house

How to celebrate 30 years of a girl? Autumn is an amazing time for change and the beginning of a new life. It's great if your birthday falls on such a wonderful time. It is also good that nature during this period pleases with its extraordinary beauty and brightness. Therefore, an excellent option would be to invite friends to a country house.

In rainy weather, you can hide indoors, and if you want to watch the amazing nature, you can just go outside.

Hike to the philharmonic or theater

How to celebrate 30 years of a girl in the fall? You can try to take a trip out of town. You can also invite friends to a movie or a play. Most likely, symphony orchestra concerts are often held in your city. Your friends will remember such a trip to the Philharmonic for a long time.

Celebrating at the rink

How to celebrate 30 years of a girl in winter? In the event that your thirtieth anniversary fell on the winter month, do not be discouraged. During this period of the year, you can have a great time, despite this weather. There are many options for celebrating in winter. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

First, you can invite friends and family to the skating rink. Pleasant atmosphere, music will fill your hearts with joy and give new impressions. You can also go skiing. Such a holiday will remain in memory for a long time.

It will be great to go somewhere out of town on a winter evening, play snowballs, ride down the slides, and in the evening sit by the fireplace over hot and aromatic tea.

We figured out how to celebrate the 30th birthday of a girl, now let's try to consider in detail the question of where to do it. Of course, I would like to mark such a date so that pleasant memories will be engraved in my memory for a long time. Therefore, in addition to good company, you need to carefully choose a suitable place. What conditions must be met to make everyone happy? First, you should ask people close to you what they want from the holiday and where they would prefer to meet it. After that, it is already worth taking more decisive action.

Cafe or bowling?

So, where to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the girl? The first thing that comes to mind is a cafe. Of course, this is pretty commonplace, but nonetheless.

If your favorite band or singer comes there on this day, it will create a real sensation among the guests. You can invite your friends to bowling and combine business with pleasure. It will be great to go to a movie together. It will be especially good if the topic is somehow related to your date.


Another place where one could celebrate the 30th anniversary is the sauna.

This is a rather unusual and peculiar place. Before going to it, you should think about whether such an exotic choice will embarrass your friends.


If your financial capabilities allow you to order a limousine, then you can organize an unforgettable adventure with driving through the city at night. Believe me, you will remember this for a long time.

Stylized Anniversary Party

When we talk about how to celebrate the 30th birthday of a girl, the thought of a theme party hardly comes to our mind.

Meanwhile, the decision to spend the holiday in this way is the guarantor of incredible fun and many ridiculous and funny moments. Just imagine how extraordinary you can celebrate your anniversary. There remains only one question: in what style to celebrate the 30 years of the girl. It all depends on your limitless imagination. You can throw a real pirate party, put on vests, paint faces, and play the appropriate music.

You can also arrange a 90s disco. Get Soviet dresses, an old turntable out of the closet, stylize the apartment in a certain way and play old legendary songs.

You can have a real foam party. Buy a dedicated foam machine and be patient. It is best of all, of course, to do it outdoors. Although it is also possible to rent a room.

Celebrating the anniversary in Moscow. What are the options?

If you live somewhere on the outskirts, then a luxurious celebration will be quite difficult. If you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then everything is much simpler. Let's think about where to celebrate 30 years of a girl in Moscow. This could be a water park, a ride to the stable, or a visit to an organ music concert. In this sense, the capital of Russia is a truly unique city. As you know, in Moscow there is an amazing cafe "Sea inside". Here you can get advice on yoga classes or relax and listen to classical music.

There is also a restaurant in Moscow where there is absolute darkness around. Nobody sees what is happening around. Even what visitors eat is not visible to them. If you are interested in secrets and riddles, then a visit to this restaurant will be an excellent alternative to an ordinary cafe.

In Moscow in the summer you can order a motor ship. Of course, this pleasure is not the cheapest, but what kinds will open up before you.

Also in the capital you can visit a restaurant called "Expedition". It contains a bathhouse and a restaurant. By visiting it, you can immediately "kill two birds with one stone."

Quests have become very popular today. For a birthday, this is also a good option, especially if you are a gambling and addicted woman.

By the way, it is very important to capture all the moments. Therefore, it is worth hiring a photographer or inviting a friend who has a professional camera.

A little conclusion

So, in this article, we examined in detail the issue of celebrating the thirtieth anniversary. You should not spare funds for yourself and your loved ones, allow yourself to meet this day so that it will be remembered for a lifetime. You should not skimp on creating mood, moreover, sometimes this is not something fundamental. Remember that the most important thing is the smile of your loved ones and pleasant memories after a long time.

Anniversary scenarios when it turns thirty

In order to prepare a choice of scenarios for anniversaries at 30 years old, you need to find out as early as possible where the celebration will take place, how many guests will be present and what the hero of the day expects from this day. We liked these 30th anniversary scripts: and. Recommended!

All events differ from each other, depending on the general interests of the participants in the event, musical preferences, professional activities, material wealth. Someone can afford a chic banquet and an expensive entertainment program, but someone collects from "the world on a string" to please themselves and loved ones.

What unites all scenarios of anniversaries? 30 and 35, and even 40 years is a very young and blooming age, so loud music, cheerful laughter and endless fun are the goals of any banquet project. Gifts and flowers are handed over immediately, and the guests usually get up from their seats or congratulate the birthday person when they meet. This can be done in a comic form, prepare some kind of practical joke. Remember the widespread foreign tradition: the birthday person enters a room where there is no light, and thinks that everyone has forgotten about him, and when the room is lit up, all his friends and relatives meet him with joyful congratulations and wishes of happiness. At the same time, the room looks more like a carnival hall in its decoration than an ordinary room.

Any scenario is easy to remake "for your" company. Add something new or remove unnecessary. Competitions can be taken from wedding scripts. Well, if the event is held outdoors, then you can include active games in the holiday.

Anniversary scenarios - thirty years and older, are not much different from celebrating the 20th anniversary. Unless by this age, many people have their own families, so "to the fullest" fun will not work. And for the rest, you can do everything that made you happy in your youth.

Scenes for the anniversary of the 30 years old girl

1. Scene: Queen of the Russian Ireneby - Bianca

Hi friend! You look cool, I would say - dangerous!
Booty - what you need, your calves are pumped up, you go to the gym, not otherwise.
Come on, share how you got to the anniversary, huh?
Are you sorry for yourself?

I understand, I also suffer, I hide from everyone, my age is a secret.
And you do not inject anyone, how old. Speak - a secret!

You look ... well ... 16, no more, you are getting younger every year.
And docha looks like you, you have the same delicate skin.

My wishes are - dance and sing in the shower. Why in the shower?
Well, if you don't know how to sing, so that no one listens.

Achieve heights, such as Bianca!
Oh, everyone, let's go, the booze begins!

2. Scene: Congratulations from Olga Arbuzova on her 30th birthday

Is it birthday here? So I'm at the right place.
Let me put your house on google maps.

I don’t know what to wish you, mother.
I, as a blonde, have not yet had time to think.

But I brought you gifts:
Super cool glasses and slippers!

So you buy tickets
And you fly to where the eternal summer is.

Meet a millionaire on the beach
An oil tycoon, or another gentleman.

Don't tell me you're 30 years old
Otherwise, you will have to take a return ticket.

You look amazing, just like me!
The same young and fun!

Until then, be happy!
And I ran, otherwise I'm late for the plane!

3. Scene congratulation to a woman for 30 years: from the Witch.

Oh, oh, oh, I'm tired
I came to you for your birthday!
I made my way through swamps, along forest overgrown paths.
I collected nettles, ripe cranberries, mountain ash for you.
So that you cook tinctures,
And bewitch love.

They say that at 30 - the women of the queen!
Well, you, princess, are a young girl.

I'll tell you a secret
How to preserve your beauty.
You brew a potion like this:

You will collect dew from the grass,
A couple of drops of child's tears
Hair of a ginger kitten,
A pair of frog legs
You fill it with alcohol.
And you drink on a spoon.

I guarantee success.
You will be younger than everyone!

Well, it's time for me to go home, the goblin is waiting for me at home.
He's jealous - just creepy
Come to us sometime!

Scenes for the anniversary of the 30 years of the man

1. Scene: Big Russian Boss at the anniversary

Big Russian Boss: Yo, are you 30 years old? You're a tough kid, just like me. But it is not exactly.

Come on, tell me, how are you doing? What kind of chicks are they?
What's your lady here, huh? This one busty, or this bespectacled one?

What do you ride, Lamborghini or bike, huh?

What do you eat for lunch Pho-bo, Romaine, seafood?
Or maybe you are chewing Doshirak noodles? What kind of fruit are you?

I am Big Russian Boss - a tough kid. Made his first million in Miami.
And you, young hero of the day, how about money?
I'm full, there will be problems - call, borrow, no questions asked.

What are you doing in life, where are you roaming?
Do you squat at the entrance, or do you play sports?

Do you dance, sing, rap, rhyme? What are you getting high on?

Well, you bro, cool like me. You look powerful.
And the fact that you are in your thirties, you give it up, it's not for sure!

2. Joke scene: From the girl of your dreams

Hi handsome! Here I am!
In a dream you called me
And I finally decided
Come and surprise you!

I am the woman of your dreams!
And the beauty queen!

Look what a priest, chest,
And lips are just cool!
Eyelashes, nails, everything
I replaced everything
What only I could!

I've been pumping the abs for a month
And now she appeared before you!

I am a goddess, well, agree!
Touch me with your hand….
Do not be afraid, soft, lively,
But I am a business person in life.

I keep a beauty salon
With any I am a master on "you".
Do you want to be corrected too?
Shave something
Yes, they will.
They will tint, trim,
Will they get a tattoo?

Do not want? In vain ...
Others will come running.
Well then be yourself
And so you are cool man!

Well I have to go, bye, kiss,
I envy myself
God created this ...

3. Impromptu scene: From the car of the 30th birthday anniversary

To congratulate the hero of the day - a young man dress up a girl in a car suit. You can do it yourself. Two tires are worn on each shoulder. Large glasses are on the eyes - instead of headlights.
The guest is given a sheet of text, which she sees for the first time, without preparation. At the same time gives gifts: seat covers, wet wipes, car fragrance, snow brush.

Auto: Hi driver, I'm your car.
You have ridden me ... For what ?!
I worked for you with all my heart,
It was freezing under the snow and gathering dust in the heat.
He had me mercilessly
The seat was all for me.
He smoked the salon for me, did not wipe it,
And before the migraine I played the music.

I give you a chance to mend
Change seat covers.

In the winter from the snow brushed cleanse,
Napkin do not forget to wipe.

And most importantly in the salon - flavor,
So as not to stink of a thousand soldiers.

And please don't break the rules.
You always skip pedestrians
Don't go too fast, I ask
We don't need a risk with you!

Thirty years is a special age, because a person is already serious and wise, but there are still so many achievements ahead. And, of course, such a date cannot be complete without a noisy celebration with friends. No matter where you are going to celebrate 30 years, birthday contests will come in handy.

The competition can be held both between pairs and teams, and it is better if the participants are men. Players are given two sheets of cardboard (or very thick paper), on which they stand, like on skis. The task of the competition is to reach the “foot of the mountain”, which will be the opposite wall, without taking your feet off the paper. The winner is the one who "reaches" the conditional finish first.

Both girls and men can participate in this birthday contest for 30 years. Each participant in the game is given a newspaper or magazine and scissors. The task is to find on the pages a symbolic gift for the birthday man in a minute and cut it out. It can be an image (of jewelry, a house) or just words, for example, "wealth", "love". The winner is the one who picked up the most "gifts".

Several couples are invited for this fun competition. The guy and the girl stand at a distance of 3-4 meters opposite each other. Open bottles of alcohol are placed between them. The task of the men is to reach their companion blindfolded without knocking over the bottles. The "trick" is that while the guys are being unwound, the bottles are quietly removed. After the command “start”, men very effectively bypass non-existent obstacles, based on intuition. Viewers can "help" with comments from the series: "To the right, Vasya, now everything will break!" etc. The fastest participant wins.

Those wishing to take part in this birthday competition for 30 years are divided into two teams - 5 people each. Task: for a certain time (2-3 minutes), put on as many clothes as possible for one selected player. The trick is that only team members' wardrobe items can be used.

It is advisable to carry out this in a large room (a room, in a cafe hall, in nature). Both girls and men can participate. The game requires preliminary preparation: you need to make a maze out of a long rope by pulling it between trees on the street or furniture in the room. At the same time, it is better to change the height of the obstacle so that for the passage it is necessary to sit down, bend over or raise your leg high. Anyone wishing to take part in the competition is asked to leave the room, having previously memorized the location of the rope. Next, the player is blindfolded, and the obstacle is removed. The participant begins to step over and crawl under a non-existent rope. Viewers can "help" with comments and advice. It is interesting to shoot everything on video or take a photo.

This competition will be remembered for a long time by all guests invited to the birthday of 30 years. The competition can be both team and single. For the game, you need to prepare 1 balloon for each participant, ordinary threads, pushpins and an adhesive plaster. Then the inflated balls are tied to the participants in the waist area (at the level of the buttocks). Also, a button is glued to everyone's forehead with an adhesive plaster (you just need to pierce it). All players put their hands behind their backs, it is forbidden to use them, and are given the task: to pierce the opponent's ball with a button on the forehead. If the competition is a team, time is allotted for the execution (depending on the number of participants), for example, 3 minutes. Then players are counted with "surviving" players. If everyone plays for himself - the fun continues until the last participant.

Such simple and fun contests will make your 30th birthday celebration unforgettable.