Plan of events dedicated to family day, love and fidelity in the Dow. Family day in kindergarten. Preparatory Group Scenario Family Day in Kindergarten

Holiday for children of the eldest - preparatory group of the kindergarten "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

Holiday Scenario for Preschool Children
  "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

  To nurture the responsible attitude of children to the family, as the basic value of society.
  1. Develop positive emotions and feelings;
  2. To nurture the consciousness of a share of one's own participation in creating warm, family relations.
  3. Develop the communicative qualities of the child - free communication with adults and children.
  4. Creating a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.
  The script is intended for a holiday on a summer playground on the street for children of preschool age. The script can be useful for music managers, teachers of additional education, educators.
  The holiday begins in the morning, with the meeting of parents with the children, the main event takes place after breakfast - on the summer terrace and ends with a competition of drawings on asphalt.
  Actors: two adult Presenters, a Camomile girl and Peter and Fevronia with children.
  The entire event is held by graduate and senior kindergarten groups. The musical numbers were as previously learned - a song about mom, about family, "Pens Clap", "Boogie Woogie" (graduation group); number of children engaged in a dance club - "Spanish Dance"; and those learned for the holiday - the dance "I Love You Russia", the song "Anthem of the Family."
  And, of course, games, charging for shows for children, spectators and guests.
  Such holidays associated with family, good always leave a mark in the hearts of children and adults!

The course of the holiday:
Family songs are heard. In the morning, parents with children on the threshold of the kindergarten receive a holiday symbol as a gift - a snow-white daisy with the wishes of peace and good to all the families of our pupils.

Children and guests of the celebration meet on the summer terrace. Two leading out.

Presenter 1.   Hello dear guys! Today we celebrate with you the World Day of Family, Love and Fidelity!
Lead 2.Children, do you know what a family is? Family is a world where love, devotion and mutual understanding reign. This is one in all the joy, sadness, habits and traditions.
Presenter 1.Day of family, love and fidelity is celebrated on July 8. This beautiful summer day was not chosen for the holiday by accident - for about 780 years the Orthodox have been honoring the memory of holy princes on July 8.
Lead 2.Peter and Fevronia of Murom - patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity.

  1. Family Day in the world today -
  How many of you are in the family, four?
  Let it be ten soon:
  More noise, din, songs!
  Let the family grow, grow stronger
  Never upsets!

2. In Russia there is a tale about
  Like Fevronia with Peter
  They were a couple exemplary,
  Friendly, loving and faithful.
  That time flew by
  No Fevronia, no Peter.
  But they are an example of a family,
  Honest, sincere love.

Song "My Family" (girls of the group "Pearls")

  1. What is a family?
  You will ask me.
  I will answer you with pleasure,
  That family is home
  My kindergarten is outside the window
  And the family is a small homeland!
  2. Under the snowstorm and rain we will warm
  And help in any situation
  Moms have cute eyes, and father’s smile,
  And cheesecakes, and grandmother’s buns!

Presenter 1.
  We go to the world from the family,
  Your roots are there
  Your long life begins.
  And the foundation of the basics is our parental home,
  And as a family in the world, life goes on.
Lead 2.The symbol of Family Day, love and fidelity is a simple
  Russian flower - camomile.

To the music goes Chamomile.
  Hello my guys, preschool children!
  I am Chamomile, I am rich in the sun!
  My flowers are burning in a wreath
  Fresh flowers - this is my outfit!
  White daisy - family symbol,
  Little children are my petals!
Presenter 1.
  When it suddenly becomes hard for you
  Hugs a white daisy
  Her smile brighter than the sun,
  She knocks on your window.
  Playfully wink petals
  And lead the white dance.

Dance "I love you, Russia" (girls of the group "Bees") (with flowers)

Lead 2.
  Family - how much meaning in this word ...
  When the kids laugh in the house
  So you want to live right away,
  Create, care, love.

Presenter 1.
  For children, the most beloved and dear people are his parents. We carry love to our parents, to our family through our lives.
  Mom ... - the kids repeat
  Many thousands of times!
  This word of all is dearer to each of us!
  There is no person closer than mom in this world,
  And everyone knows about this on a big planet!

Song "How good that there is a mother in the world" (2 soloists of the group "Pochemuchki")

  Poems about mom.

Lead 2.
  Every morning, together, we gather as a whole family - children in kindergarten, school, mothers, fathers to work!

Song "Hello morning" (gr. "Pearls")

Presenter 1.
The house we live in
  This is a very noisy house.
  After different things in the morning
  There is always a game in it!
  And on holiday, friends,
  We can’t do without games
  More passion, more laughter
  Let everything go fun !!!
  Each morning begins with a charge, so show your fingers.
  Held game Finger "Our Family"
  (Take turns to extend your fingers, starting with the big one)
  This finger is big -
  This is dad dear.
  Next to dad is our mom.
  Next to mom is an older brother.
  Following him little sister -
  Lovely girl.
  And the smallest strong guy -
  This is our glorious baby!
Lead 2.
  Well done, stretched out, and now, funny exercise!

Exercise "The radiant sun loves to ride"

Presenter 1.
  Family is happiness, love and luck,
  Family is a summer trip to the country.
  Family is work, care for each other,
  Family is a lot of homework.
Lead 2.
  Family is a round-table celebration.
  Family is happiness, family is home.
  Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

"Spanish dance" (2 girls of the group "Daisy")

Presenter 1.
  And now, Camomile and I will be riddling you, and you will guess them. Spectators, help us too!
  Who is not a joke, but seriously
  Will a nail teach us to hammer?
  Who will teach to be bold?
  Having fallen great, do not whine,
  And scratching my knee
  Do not cry? Of course ... (dad)
  Who loves you more children
  Who caresses you so gently
  And takes care of you
  Not closing eyes at night? (Mother)
  Fragrant Jam
  Food cakes
  Tasty pancakes
  Beloved ... (grandmothers)
  He did not work out of boredom,
  His hands are in calluses
  And now he's old and gray
  My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)
  I’m not alone with mom
  She still has a son,
  I’m small by his side
  it is for me - Senior ... (brother)
  That’s what’s the matter ...
  There are not seven of us, but three:
  Dad, Mommy and I,
  But all together we are ... (family)
Lead 2.
  Well done, guys,
  Guessed all the riddles.

Presenter 1.
  My family is my wealth
  Love, protection, tenderness, brotherhood.
  They appreciate tenderness and comfort.
  Here they never attach.
Lead 2.
  All together celebrate the holidays
  Yes, and on weekdays do not miss.
  And we firmly know friends
  What is important in life - family!

Dance “And the hands clap ...” (children of the group “Pochemuchki”)

Presenter 1.
  And now, the time has come, play us kids!
Lead 2.
  Hurry up, get in the trailers,
  Time is approaching, the train is leaving!

The musical game "The Locomotive of the Bug"

Presenter 1:
  On this bright Family Day,
  With a strong union, and in love
  We wish you a long life!
Lead 2.
  Let dad with mom kids
  They are surrounded by care.
  And older children never
  Do not upset anything!

Dance "I love Boogie Woogie" (2 children of the group "Pochemuchki")

Presenter 1.
  And now, we meet the main characters of our holiday!
Lead 2.
  Peter and Fevronia of Murom!

Sounds music "Anthem to the family."
  Peter and Fevronia come out with their children.

  There is nothing more important in the world than love and friendship. To exclude them from life is like depriving the world of sunlight!
  Let us, despite everything, smile at each other, for friendship and love begin with a smile!
  And let today the anthem of our holiday - the anthem of the family - become a symbol of our unity, the unity of our families!

The song "Anthem of the family" (gr. "Bees" goes on stage with daisies on his palms)

Presenter 1.
  Let everyone on the planet be happy:
  Both fathers and mothers - and most importantly - children!
Lead 2.
  We are again convinced today
  Everyone has a great family!
  Thank you for coming to the party,
  Today everyone is friends!
Presenter 1.
  We invite you to play the Russian folk game "Trickle"!

  Game "Brook" (Russian scarves)
  (adults (6-8 people) get up two with scarves - “collars”, and children in a group, one after another, go through the “collars” in a chain)

Presenter 1.   And, our holiday continues, and we invite children to the contest "Drawings on the pavement." Go to your sites, let each of you draw your family with colored crayons.
Leading 1.2.   See you soon!

[Groups to the music diverge for the competition "Drawings on the pavement."

MDOU "Center for the Development of the Child - Kindergarten No. 44"



TOPIC: "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity".

Event title:

“We were born to live joyfully!”


The development of family creativity and cooperation between the family and kindergarten, the education of children with feelings of love and respect for parents, pride in their family;

The formation in children of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe family as people who love each other, take care of each other.

Design: the playground is decorated with balloons, arches with daisies, tables and plates for the number of families and for the jury.

Musical accompaniment: tape recorder, music for children's rooms and for the background.

Education of a responsible and cordial attitude to the family.


1.   To form a highly moral approach to the issue of maintaining family well-being;
2.   Develop communication skills;
3.   To develop creative, musical and rhythmic abilities;
4.   Develop positive emotions and feelings;
5.   To educate preschoolers about their own participation in creating warm family relationships.


1. Exhibition of drawings "My family"

2. Photo exhibition “Beautiful moments from the life of my family”

3. Parents hobby exhibition “Skillful hands do not know boredom”

4. Learning creative numbers with children

5. Writing a holiday script


Balls, markers, hearts made of paper, white paper, musical equipment, microphones, a selection of appropriate music, attributes for games with parents, presentations, equipment for presentation, cards with letters from the word PEDIGREE (several copies, by the number of families).

Gurtskaya’s song “Day of love, family and fidelity” sounds, children and guests are located on the territory of the fountain.


Good evening to all those present today! Today, July 8th, we celebrate Family Day: the day of love, family and fidelity! The feast of Peter and Fevronia ... The family is close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take an example, whom we care about, to whom we wish good and happiness.

I want to tell you one legend why it was named in honor of Peter and Fevronia a holiday.

The seeds of kindness are in us,
Recall the memory of the past -
The legend of Peter and Fevronia,
The legend of beautiful love.
Ringing bells and ceremonial Russian folk music. Presenter:(against the background of musical accompaniment)
In the glorious city of Murom, Paul reigned. And he had a brother, Peter. Paul had trouble. He began to fly a snake to his wife.
She complained to her husband, and Paul ordered her to find out from the snake the secret of his death. And the serpent said that death was destined for him "from Peter's shoulder and Agrikov’s sword." And Peter decided to help his brother - to destroy the serpent of the damned. Swung his sword, and hit the adversary. But he sprayed the snake of Peter with his poisonous blood, and
his body was covered with ulcers.
No one could heal Peter from a serious illness.
Peter humbled himself, prepared to die. But the Lord thought him over: they say there is a girl in Ryazan lands who can heal him.
We found the servant of Prince girl called Fevronia. And she said that she could heal the prince, and did not ask for anything as a reward, but after recovering his prince should take her as a wife, otherwise the treatment would not work. The prince agreed. And after healing his wife Fevronia took.
The years of their life in love and harmony have passed. They died on the same day and hour, each in his cell. The holy spouses were buried together near the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and every believer here received a generous healing.
So the legend goes.

On a holiday, without poetry is impossible. What is a family? Our children will tell us about this. (children come out who read poetry and run one after another at the fountain, singing along to the soundtrack “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”.


Assembled all who could come

Day happier to be found.

There will be contests and songs.

We will all be interested.


Today, no one is in a hurry.

No one to work in the morning is not running,

Gathered all together, today, now -

What a wonderful holiday we have!


Today is a holiday - “Family Day”,

We congratulate you together.

You smile heartily

Now we are playing!

We are glad that you have gathered today for a competitive - game program dedicated to Family Day. After all, only in a family can a person feel like a person, receive confirmation of their significance and uniqueness.

I wish you health, happiness, mutual understanding and peace in the house. And today we are waiting for an interesting meeting with families, jokes, smiles and sonorous laughter. I wish you all a good mood and victories! Children will open this holiday with a song.

"How amazing!"

1. Probably in the world

There are no more beautiful moments

When we are with children

And they held hands

After all, childhood gold - 2 times

The magic is

It’s great that we are all here

Gathered today

2. Who can do so with love

Warm the baby with a word

And a little heart

And conquer the soul

Of course, parents - 2 times

Relatives and relatives

It's great that we are all here.

Gathered today

Leading . What is family? A word understood by everyone as “bread” and “water”. You can write an interesting book about each family. Imagine that such a book already exists. And it’s called “Seven Seven,” because it has seven pages. And each page has a number seven in the title. After all, the family is the seven Ya

Children of the group "Cherry" recite poems ...

Reb1 . What does my family mean to me?

Of course - home comfort and happiness,

Seven rules of compulsory keeping,

Only seven, but very - very important

Firstly, this is the main thing - love.

With all my heart and soul, and my mind.

It’s not just that blood rages with passion,

And trembling, and every day in different ways.

Reb 2 . The second is children. What kind of house without them?

Desert without a well - do not get drunk.

And children are life, this is a spring

And procreation. Let it flow!

Reb 3 . Then care. She alone

The family hearth will save from the wind.

Try to smile with a spring

Was always with you, and not somewhere.

Reb 4 . Fourth is patience. It

It will help us survive all the hardships

And the window will warm by the sun.

That frost icy white.

Reb 5 . And the fifth is responsibility and home

The foundation of the family is a weighty stone.

They will help protect love

Protect the spiritual flame from the wind.

Reb. 6 . Sixth is respect

It doesn’t like fights, quarrels.

Resentment, screaming and contention.

We ask everyone for forgiveness -

It is impossible in a family without respect.

Reb 7 . And finally, the seventh is purity

Everywhere - in the house, in your soul and in thoughts.

That's how we represent the whole family,

Where we live in harmony with all loved ones.


In the family circle, we are growing up,

The basis of the basics is the parental home.

In the family circle all your roots

And you came into life from a family.

Let's look through the pages of this book, maybe we will learn something interesting about our family.

Family is not just a word. This is a warm smile of mother, kind hands of father and cheerful laugh of children. This is the place where they love and wait. It's nice to see people with a kind smile, a happy look, and if it's a family, it's doubly nice. It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to each other. Let's welcome families - participants of our holiday:

Family ___ Mironovs

Family ___ Nadirov

Family of __ Perovs

A family___

A family___

A family___

I will tell you a legend: In ancient times, a family lived - 100 people, and peace, peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Rumors about this reached the ruler. And he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling, without offending each other?” “The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler read and was surprised. The word “UNDERSTANDING” was written a hundred times on the sheet. Indeed, happiness in the family depends on mutual understanding. Who does not want to be happy.

And what do you think? What is happiness for your family?

Everyone is responding ...

Leading: Today we are together again to get a boost of vivacity, to show off erudition and cheer for those friendly families that take part in the competition.

Submission by the jury.

leading:   Today we will be participants in our favorite TV shows (the song “Cool you hit TV” sounds) for the mood of families.

"TV show KVN"

So, the business card of the family!


The ___ family consists of __ people.

(Which) (last name) (number of family members)

The motto of our family is ___


The secret of family happiness ___

So, we begin our first competition - a creative presentation of the family (a story about education, hobbies, leisure, performance of art numbers, etc.)

leading:   You have successfully completed the task, we are waiting for the results of the jury.

Presenter: Moms and dads are good at performing. But how they can draw, we’ll check now.

Competition "Portrait of a favorite son (little daughter).

(mothers draw a portrait of their child with a marker on a balloon, and children draw a self-portrait, then compare the drawings)

Moderator: Guys, while mom and dad draw Guess let's try to guess the riddles! Ready? Getting started! We answer all together amicably and loudly!

It radiates light, from a smile - a dimple.

No one is more expensive than my own.(mommy).

The whole farm: quinoa, but Corydalis ryadushka

But scrambled eggs always feed us.(grandmother).

Gave trinkets - seven dolls and a beaver.

But more expensive than all the toys, for me mine. (sister).

Guess who it is? Car keys, tie, hat.

Waiting, friends, for an answer from you. Well done! Of course.(dad).

He’s soaking in warm milk, he’s a piece of bread

He walks with a wand in his hand, our beloved.(granddad) .

Telecast "Lips of the baby "(Phonograms with statements of children are included)

When all together - mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, child (family)

In the family, this is the most expensive, they take care of it, pass it from generation to generation? (heirloom)

The most tender, kindest, most beloved person on earth? (mother)

A place where we all live together? (house)

This is such a squeaky, a lot of trouble, but still everyone loves it? (child)

She knits all socks and bakes wonderful pies and rolls? (grandmother)

They are sold in a store, are they played by children? (toys)

This is not a man, but all family members love him (pet)

The mobile game "Let's do everything like me"


The jury gives marks, and we have the followingtelecast "Fazenda", acompetition   called:

"My dream house"

leading:   Undoubtedly, each person should have a house, and not just a roof over his head, but a place where they understand him, love and wait, where a person is warm and comfortable.

Today, every family can build their dream home. Your family will now be the construction team. We offer you a set of different cubes, soft modules (families complete the task)

(Build a house from the modules. Each module is a brick signed (health, understanding, love, peace, comfort, etc., parents sign the empty modules themselves)


The house was built. It remains to plant a tree. Each of you has hearts. Write a character trait or quality on the heart that you would like to give your child. Hang hearts on a tree. It is magical. Let's hope that it fulfills your wishes.

While families are building a house, heldgame - dance with the audience: "Fixiki"


Thanks to all the builders. You’ve got beautiful houses. The jury evaluates the work.

And nowtV show "Lucky chance" (30 seconds to answer the maximum number of questions)

For each correct answer 1 point.

1. A boy who has the best friend in the world? (Carlson)

2. The nickname of Uncle Stepa? (bowel)

3. A hero of a Russian folk tale traveling on a stove? (Emelya)

4. Scarecrow Content? (straw)

5. The organ grinder, who made Pinocchio? (dad carlo)

6. A musician from a flower city? (Gusli)

7. Rat of the old woman Shapoklyak? (Lariska)

8. Great and terrible? (Goodwin)

9. The weapons of the lumberjack? (ax)

10. Who caught the extraordinary pike? (Emelya)

11. The postman of the village of Prostokvashino? (Pechkin)

12. Panther, friend of Mowgli? (Bagheera)

13. Who lost the crystal shoe? (Cinderella)

14. Who said the words: fly, fly the petal (girl Zhenya)

15. What became the ugly duckling? (Swan)

16. What magical item did Aladdin have? (lamp)

17. Who got into the Looking Glass? (Alice)

18. To whom did pop pop his forehead? (Balda)

19. The home of Baba Yaga? (hut)

20. What hit Kai in the eye? (mirror shard)

21. Is the fox a companion of Basilio? (Alice)

22. Who became the wife of the prince from the swamp? (frog)

TV program “Guess the melody”

(sound recording of a song, families guess and sing one verse)

TV show "Star hour"


And now the teams need to make as many words as possible from the letters that make up the word"PEDIGREE".

In the meantime, parents complete the task, the children will fulfilldance "Barbara"

The jury sums up for all contests.

Awarding teams: nominations:   “The most intelligent family”, “The most musical family”, “The most friendly family”

“The most talented family”


It's time to end the concert

We welcome all guests

What did you choose time

And looked at us!


Although we don’t obey you sometimes

Dear parents, we always love you!

And we always want without a doubt

See you in a good mood!


More often with the whole family

We went out!

People are closer than family

In the whole world, no!


How wonderful that today

We were all together

Even someone sometimes

Sang us songs!


Thank you all for your attention.

For ardor and resounding laughter

For fire competition

Ensured success!

Here came a moment of farewell

Our speech will be short

We tell you goodbye

See you soon!

A background song about the family sounds.

  Galina Gerasimenko
  Plan of events dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity in the DOW

goal: spiritual and moral education of preschool children, introducing children and their parents to folk culture. To form in children an idea of the family, cultivate love for your relatives.


1. To increase the educational, professional, theoretical knowledge of teachers on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

2. To form children's ideas about the traditions of Orthodox holidays.

3. To educate children in respect for their people.

p / p activity   Reach Participants Responsible

Work with teachers

1. Meeting with staff and teachers event planning and implementation   Employees of the preschool educational institution Senior tutor Gerasimenko G. A.

2. Briefing on the protection of the life and health of pupils during the holiday of events   Kindergarten staff Senior teacher

Osadchaya S. A.

3. Consultation for educators: "Day families, love and fidelity» , Kindergarten teachers

Osadchaya S. A.

4. Production of a holiday symbol - daisy

Uskova Yu.S.

Work with pupils

1. Conversations on the topic: "My a family» , "What I know about mom and dad", "My friendly a family» , “What my parents work for”, "Friendly everyone needs a family» , "What games do I play with mom and dad?", "Day families, love and fidelity» , "How I help mom"

2. Viewing photos "My a family»   Middle, older, older senior preparatory groups Teachers of groups

3. Didactic games: "Call mom, dad"Guess who I am to you, " "Mother Daughter",

"To whom it is necessary for work"   Younger, middle, older, older senior preparatory groups Teachers of groups

4. Reading is thin. literature:

E. Blaginina “Let's sit in silence”, "That's what mom is.", R. n from. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, V. Osiva "Sons", "Bone", E. Taranova « Family is Dad and Mom, and grandfather"E. Assumption "Grandmother's hands", Yu. Yakovlev "Mother". Younger, middle, older, older senior preparatory groups Teachers of groups

5. Finger games "My a family» , "Mother"   Junior, middle groups Teachers groups

6. Role-playing games: "Mother Daughters", "House", « A family» , "Mom’s Assistants", Middle, Senior, Age-related Senior Preparatory Group

7. View presentation "My a family» . Age-related senior preparatory groups

Sklyar I. S.

8. Competition of drawings on asphalt "My a family»   Elder, senior-age senior preparatory group Educator Nesterenko E.V.

9. Watching an animated movie "Peter and Fevronia"   Junior, middle, senior, age-related senior preparatory groups

Nazaryeva N.A.

10. Entertainment: "Day families, love and fidelity»   Younger, middle, senior, senior-age senior preparatory groups Educator A. Trunaeva

Work with parents of pupils

1. The design of the folder-sliding "History of the holiday"   Educator Pereverzeva T. A.

2. Consultations: "Mom, Dad, I'm friendly a family» , "Day families, love and fidelity» , "Role families   in raising a child "   Group educators

3. Booklet "Day families, love and fidelity»   Educator Shevchenko S. S.

Related Publications:

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity". Scenario for entertainment for kindergarten children and their parents   “Day of family, love and fidelity” Plan - a scenario for entertainment for kindergarten children and their parents Purpose: to form primary ones.

By tradition, residents of our village Nesvetaevsky celebrate this holiday on the stage of the club in the village of Nesvetaevsky, where all social institutions are invited.

  Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant.

MBDOU №31 “Blue Arrow”, Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory Educator Strokan Olga Nikolaevna All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Celebration of family, love and fidelity   Purpose: to introduce children to the Orthodox holiday "Day of Peter and Fevronia." Tasks: 1. Encourage parents to participate together with their children.

The little sun on my palm, - A white daisy on a green leg. With a white rim there are yellow hearts ... How many are in the meadow, how many are there.

Publication Date: 01.07.2016

Short description:

material preview

The scenario of the holiday in kindergarten "Family Day"

Education in children of feelings of love and respect for parents, pride in their family;

To formulate in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family as people who love each other and care about each other;

Development of family creativity and collaboration between family and kindergarten;

Presenter: Hello, dear guests! Today we are gathered in this cozy hall of the kindergarten in order to meet one of the most wonderful holidays.

In Russia today, July 8th, has been declared the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity! Probably, now each of you remembered Valentine's Day - a holiday very popular among young people. However, Valentine's Day is a Catholic holiday that came to us from the West. But few people know that in Russia we have our own saints - the patrons of lovers, marriage, family happiness.

Presenter: (against the background of musical accompaniment)

In the glorious city of Murom, Paul reigned. And he had a brother, Peter. Paul had trouble. He began to fly a snake to his wife.

She complained to her husband, and Paul instructed her to find out from the snake mystery of his death. And the serpent said that death was destined for him "from Peter's shoulder and Agrikov’s sword." And Peter decided to help his brother - to destroy the snake curse. Swung his sword, and hit the adversary. But he sprayed the snake of Peter with his poisonous blood, and

His body was covered with ulcers.

No one could heal Peter from a serious illness.

Peter humbled himself, prepared to die. But the Lord thought him over: they say there is a girl in Ryazan lands who can heal him.

The servants of the prince found a girl named Fevronia. And she said that she could heal the prince, and did not ask for anything as a reward, but after recovering his prince should take her as a wife, otherwise the treatment would not work. The prince agreed. And after healing his wife Fevronia took.

The years of their life in love and harmony have passed. They died in one day and an hour, each in his cell. The holy spouses were buried together near the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and every believer here received a generous healing.

So the legend goes.

Presenter: Our today's holiday is dedicated to love and fidelity. Love marital, long and in spite of any obstacles, happy. On this day, it is customary to congratulate those who have lived a long life together with a loved one. Despite the difficulties, obstacles, disagreements, he did not exchange his spouse for another person. It is about such people that they say - two halves.

Congratulations on a holiday of family, love and fidelity.

May your union be preserved by the saints Peter and Febronia!

Only in a friendly happy family grow good responsive deti.Samy sure way to strengthen the family is God's eternal values, love, faith, hope, diligence, commitment, and hard work.

Song "Faith Hope Love"

Presenter: God is LOVE. And if Love lives in your family, then God lives in your family. And in that family where God lives, happiness, peace, peace, harmony, prosperity and other spiritual, spiritual and material goods reign.

We have a family, a parental home, where they are waiting for us, remember and forgive us, no matter what happens. Today we will talk with you about the family, participate in interesting contests and quizzes.

It is very nice to see people with a friendly smile, an affectionate and kind look. It is these people who create strong and happy families in which wonderful children grow up.

Children of the senior group have prepared congratulations for you.

1 child:

Family is what we share at all,

Little by little: tears and laughter

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrel, silence seal.

2 children:

Family is what is always with you.

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush

But the walls are dear, your father’s home -

The heart will forever remain in it!

3 children:

What could be more expensive for a family?

He meets his father’s house with warmth

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And see off with good!

4 children:

Love it! And appreciate the happiness!

It is born in a family,

What could be more expensive

On this fabulous land!

5 child:

In the family circle

We are growing

The beginning began - the parental home.

In the family circle all your roots

And in life you come out of the family.

In the family circle, we create life,

The basis of the basics is the parental home.

Song: “Parental Home”

6 child:

Mom, Dad, you and me -

This is our whole family.

We live very friendly

We play, we sing.

We give in to each other

And do not scold each other,

And we try to understand

And as it is, accept.

Happy Family Day to all,

To live as we live, we wish!

7 children:

Thank you, thank you very much -

I’ll tell my beloved mom.

For your caress ever

I, mother, will serve you.

You are given to me by the grace of God

Thank you for your efforts.

God willing and I will grow too

And I will be like you!

8 child:

Very rarely, but still, it’s sick,

And then everything is around somersault, upside down,

Because she, because she -

A swift age is taking us somewhere.

In the hustle and bustle we sometimes forget

That she is not a foundation, she is a man.

The person on whom the house rests.

So that it is light in both the heart and the house,

Respond to her kindness with kindness.

May always feel love and warmth

The person on whom the house rests.

Song "About Mom"

9 children:

We paint mother's portraits

In a well-deserved crown.

And these modest couplets

Remind about the father.

Where there is a father, there is a house

By the labor of strong hands.

He is the most courageous warrior

And the kindest friend.

10 children:

I'm not worried about anything

When father is with me

I’m like behind a stone wall, behind my father’s back.

The evil fire will die down

When will I pat my head

Wide palm.

Although he will be affectionate or strict,

Love him and honor him.

He is your guardian given by God

On the path of life.

The song "Dad can"

Anchor: But a family is not only a husband and wife. These are children, and grandchildren, and numerous relatives on both sides. When a man and a woman connect their fates, all their relatives are also related, but sometimes people don’t even know how to call each other. Let us, dear parents and relatives, will now try to determine who is the matchmaker, and the guys will help you!

Presenter: Brother of father (mother) - UNCLE

Sister of father (mother) - Aunt

Wife's father - TEST

Wife's mother - Mother-in-law

Wife's brother - SHURIN

Husband's brother - DOOR

Husband's sister - HERE

Wife's Sister - BIRTHDAY

Husband's father - SVEKOR

Husband's mother - MOTHER

Daughter (son) of a brother, sister - Niece, Nephew

The mothers of the wife and husband to each other - SOVIETS.

Presenter: And now I invite you guys to listen to and solve riddles, be careful - guesses are sitting next to you!

Without which in this world

Adults do not live and children?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friendly ... children answers: family!

Who is the cutest in the world?

Whom do the children love?

I will answer the question directly:

Our sweetest all ... children’s answers: mom!

He will teach carnations to drive,

Will let the car drive

And tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

All you guys know

This is our favorite ... children answers: dad!

Who loves never gets tired

For the whole family, the cake is baked

And delicious pancakes?

This is our ... children answers: grandmother!

He is a man and he is gray

Dad - dad, he told me ... children answers: grandfather!

Who loves me and brother

But loves to dress up more? -

Very fashionable girl -

My favorite ... children answers: little sister!

I’m not alone with mom

She still has a son,

I’m small by his side

For me he is the eldest ... children answers: brother!

Moms older sister -

She’s not old at all,

With a smile he will ask: “How do you live?”

Who came to visit us? ... children's answers: aunt!

Who is with my mother’s sister?

Comes to us sometimes?

Looking at me with a smile

  "Hello! "- tells me ... the answers of the children: uncle!

Presenter: Well done, you were all very attentive and did a good job! Guys, when you grow up, we hope each of you will have your own friendly, strong, loving and beloved family. After all, such a family is the main wealth in the life of every person.

11 children:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is a summer trip to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, good spending.

Birth of children, first step, first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

12 children:

Family is work, care for each other,

Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But living alone is impossible!

13 children:

Always be together, take care of love

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family you are!

Presenter: Well, now we will split into two teams. This is a wise family team and a strong family team.

1. Competition "QUALITY OF CHARACTER".

Anchor: The family should do everything as God's Word says it. It should become a piece of heaven on earth, a place where love is not suppressed by rudeness, but, on the contrary, is cherished. Our happiness depends on how much we will show love, sympathy and true courtesy to each other.


Write as many qualities as possible that members of a Christian family should possess.

Runtime while music is playing. (Music number)

Victory is credited to the team that indicated more good qualities. The prize is chamomile.

2. Competition "HOW DO YOU CARE?"

In life, we must be very observant so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Now we will check how you and your children have developed attention:

2. What will remain in the box if you take out the matches? (Bottom)

3. Can a rooster call itself food? (No, the cock can't speak)

4. What will you get to heaven? (A look)

5. Why does the dog run? (On the ground)

6. What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)

7. Which year lasts only 1 day? (New Year)

8. How to write "dry grass" in 4 letters? (Hay)

9. What number is the same number of numbers as letters? (One hundred)

10. In which word, consisting of 5 letters 5 "O"? (Again)

11. Without which bread does not bake? (Without peel)

12. In what year do people eat more ordinary? (In leap).

13. What water can be brought in the sieve? (Frozen)

14. What is half an orange more like? (To the other half)

15. What tree does a crow plant after rain? (Wet)

16. What fields does grass not grow on? (In the margins of a school notebook)

17. What comb cannot you comb your head with? (Petushin)

18. What does the watchman do if a sparrow sits on his hat? (Asleep)

19. Where does the water stand? (In glass)

20. What disease on land is no one sick? (Nautical)

21. What do they walk but never ride? (On a chessboard)

22. What bird name consists of a letter and a river name? (Oriole)

23. What is between the city and the village? (Union "I")

24. What can I see with my eyes closed? (Sleep)

25. My father’s son, but not my brother. Who is he? (Me myself)

For the correct answer on a camomile, whose team will collect more - the winner.


Even the most modest work is a work of God. All the work that we need to do - whether washing dishes, caring for the sick, cooking or doing laundry - makes sense ...

Everyone should work in their place and in the corresponding field. A woman in her home who performs simple daily duties can and should show faithfulness, obedience, and love as sincerely as the angels in her ministry. Obedience to God's will honors all the work that must be done. And do not forget: labor was assigned to man to make him happy.


Make a list of family work responsibilities. We do not ask for responsibilities for dad, for mom, for children. Write down all possible responsibilities.

Runtime while music is playing. (music number)

Victory is credited to the team that indicated more good qualities. Prize (chamomile)

4. Competition "TASTY QUESTIONS".

1. Fruit boiled in water. (Compote)

2. Oriental food made from rice and meat. (Pilaf)

3. A big cake. (Cake)

4. Favorite bear berry. (Raspberries)

5. A bakery product that you can steer. (Bagel)

6. Soft-boiled potatoes. (Mashed potatoes)

7. Fooled kitchen worker. (Cook)

8. Specialty dish magpies and white-sided. (Kashka)

9. The food that Zhuravel fed Fox. (Okroshka)

10. A dish made from milk and eggs. (Omelette)

11. Bread with various layers on top. (A sandwich)

12. Favorite dish of Ukrainians and Kuban from vegetables. (Borscht)

13. Cooked dough with meat. (Dumplings)

14. The art of cooking. (Cooking)

15. Sauce from vegetable oil, egg yolk and various seasonings. (Mayonnaise)

For the correct answer, the prize (daisy) whose team will collect more is the winner.

5. Competition “Continue Proverbs and Sayings”

1. Do not be born beautiful, but be born (happy).

2. Seven nannies have a child (without an eye).

3. A guest on the doorstep - happiness in ... (at home).

4. A house without a mistress ... (an orphan).

5. House to lead ... (do not shake your beard).

6. An apple from an apple tree ... (does not fall far).

7. Than rich, ... (that and are glad).

8. Away is good, ... (and better at home).

9. Home- ... (full bowl)

10. The tree is rooted and man ... (family)

11. When the sun-heat (when the mother-WELL)

12. The whole family together ... (and the soul is in place)

13. Who respects his mother ... (doesn’t scold someone else’s)

14. Where is love and advice ... (there is no grief)

So to summarize. In what kind of command over the daisies? The team ..... became the winner.

And now a memorable gift to all participants.

The recipe for a good day.

We take the day and cleanse it of envy, hatred, grief, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, indifference.

We add three full (with the top) spoons of optimism, a large handful of faith, a spoon of patience, a few grains of tolerance, and, finally, a pinch of politeness and decency in relation to all people.

We fill the whole mixture with love from above.

Now that the dish is ready, decorate it with flower petals of kindness and attention.

Serve daily with a garnish of warm words and heartfelt smiles that warm your heart and soul.

Bon Appetit! Have a good day!

(Distribute to adult participants)

Presenter: Parents should not only carefully protect the future interests of their children, but also make their family hearth as attractive as possible. This has much more important consequences than the acquisition of things and the accumulation of money. The house should not lack sunlight. Feelings associated with the family should be kept alive in the hearts of children so that they can remember their childhood home as a place where, like in heaven, peace and happiness reign. And then, as adults, they will return home to become support and blessings for their parents.

Presenter: The daisy became a symbol of the day of love and fidelity - a flower of Russian fields and meadows. And let this clean, sunny flower grow in your home.

(Children present postcards to parents)

Presenter: Each Christian family should have its own rules, and parents, in their manner of communicating with each other, should give the children a precious living example of how they want to see them. It is necessary to constantly take care of the purity of speech and to show true Christian politeness. Teach children and youth to respect themselves, to be sincere, to be faithful to their principles. And let each lesson be aimed at ensuring that your children grow up to be kind, honest, responsive and well-mannered.

Presenter: Dear parents! On your tables are colored pencils and sheets of paper with the image of vases. If you had a joyful, warm feeling from our meeting today - “put yellow flowers in a vase”.

If you were bored and not interested, draw blue flowers.

If you had an enthusiastic mood that overwhelmed your feelings - draw red flowers.

Host: And at the end of our holiday, I invite everyone to take a picture for memory!

Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Family Day" in kindergarten preparatory group

  Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher GBDOU №43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Material purpose:   This material will be useful to teachers and primary school teachers; children 6 to 10 years old.

Goal: fostering a responsible and welcoming attitude to the family.
  1. To introduce children to the holiday - International Family Day.
  2. Make a gift with your own hands.
  3. Develop the creative abilities of children.
Preliminary work:   reading fiction, riddles and proverbs, looking at family photos.

Course progress:

Educator:   Hello guys! Today in our country is another holiday. But to find out what kind of holiday it is, you need to solve riddles. Ready?

  - I have a mother,
  I have a father,
  I have a grandfather
  I have a Grandmother,
  And they have me.
  What is this? (Family)
  - This word everyone knows
  Will not trade for anything!
  I’ll add “I” to the number “seven” -
  What will happen? (a family)
  - Without which in this world
  Adults do not live and children?
  Who will support you, friends?
  Your friendly ... (family)
Educator:   Well, have you already guessed what kind of holiday it is?
The answers   children.
Educator:   What do you think is a family?
The answers   children.
Educator:   Of course, all of you answered correctly: this is when your family and friends are happy, friendly, live in peace and harmony. And who do you think is the main one in the family: mom or dad?

Educator:   Of course, the main ones are all family members. I want to offer you to play, but you need to listen carefully and answer loudly.
The game "Yes, yes, yes" or "No, no, no."
  - Mom insults dad? (No, no, no)
  - Dad will play with you? (Yes, yes, yes)
  - Dad goes to the store? (Yes, yes, yes)
  - Buying a limousine? (No, no, no)
  - Mom will buy you sweets? (Yes, yes, yes)
  - And fry you cutlets (yes, yes, yes)
  “Will you take a cat to kindergarten?” (No, no, no)
  - Will you pour soup into the plate? (Yes, yes, yes)
  - Will you set the table for mom? (Yes, yes, yes)
  - Dad treat the pies (yes, yes, yes)
  - Congratulations to all on the occasion? (Yes, yes, yes)
  - Success awaits everyone? (Yes, yes, yes)
  - Will we celebrate Family Day? (Yes, yes, yes)
  - Will we give flowers to everyone? (Yes, yes, yes)
Educator:   Well done! They played very well
  You answered correctly.
  Now I’ll ask you,
  Describe your family.
  I offer each child to tell about his family (a short story, the name of mom and dad, where and by whom the work, who are engaged in home cooking and ironing, etc...)

Children   tell.
Educator:   To relax a bit, I suggest finger exercises. Or maybe one of you will remember the gymnastics in which we call family members.
Child   reads words, and children repeat movements.
  This finger is grandpa
  This finger is a grandmother,
  This finger is dad
  This finger is mom
  This finger is me
  That's my whole family!
  Children show fingers on both hands, starting with the big one.
Educator: Guys, can we say that we are one big family?
Educator:   What kind of family do we have? I suggest you pick up more words about your friends and girlfriends.
Children   answer in turn. For example: My friend Varya is very kind, affectionate, sympathetic, beautiful, cheerful, smart, etc.
Educator:   Do you have any - any duties at home? How do you help your parents? What is your help?
The answers   children.
Educator:   I’m sure that your beloved mothers and daddies will be happy if you give them drawings in which to depict your family.
  On the tables are the necessary materials for drawing, come, choose and get to work.
  Children take the necessary materials, get to work. While working, calm music sounds.
Educator:   You are great fellows, the work is gorgeous. Let's summarize our lesson.
  - What date do we celebrate family day?
  - What is family?
  - What do we call mom's or father's mom?
  - In which month do we celebrate the holiday - Family Day?
  - Who today best of all told about his family?
Exhibition of children's works.

  Family is a big word!
  Family is a clear word!
  Family is an important word
  Everyone will tell you about this.
  Family is the sun shining
  Family is the stars in the sky
  Family is all love.
  The love of sons and fathers
  Love of daughters and mothers.
  We give you our love! ... A.V. Sidorova