Olive oil for dry skin. Olive oil for the face against wrinkles. Who is it suitable for, benefits and harms, features of application. Recipes for masks, compresses, creams, lotions, scrubs. Olive oil masks for normal skin

27 February 2011, 12:57

Consumers and skin care professionals are bombarded with facts and claims about skin care products every day from the media, manufacturers, and even doctors. They all swear to the truth of their statements. Sometimes this turns out to be the case, sometimes it doesn't. In fact, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Everyone and everything, from midnight talk shows to the tabloids, publishes their ratings. This list invites you to familiarize yourself with 30 myths about skin care. He will question generally accepted concepts and long-standing traditions. Of course, the list is incomplete. However, it contains facts and explanations and will give you the opportunity to question many claims about skin care products, their ingredients and other “scientific” facts. Facial muscle exercises make us younger The face is the only part of the body where muscles are attached directly to the skin. Constant exercise and stretching will lead to even more wrinkles. They are usually called mimic. Vitamin E reduces scars Vitamin E is an antioxidant and is involved in the structure of skin cells. However, nothing is known about its effectiveness in the fight against scars. Moreover, some studies, on the contrary, confirm the opposite. Cucumbers can reduce bags under the eyes Cucumbers are 90% water, which binds inert fibers together. In theory, cucumbers can soothe and moisturize the skin. The same effect can be achieved with a cold compress. Pores on the skin open and close The pores open, allowing sebum to pass through to the surface. If the pores are constantly enlarged, this is a sign of poor heredity, a thick stratum corneum of the skin, or a consequence of frequent squeezing of pimples. The higher the SPF value, the better The SPF level refers to protection against UVB radiation only. A person needs a sunscreen with chemical and physical sun blocking elements, as well as antioxidants. High SPF level gives false feeling security. Moreover, SPF 50 is only nominally better than SPF 15, SPF 30 is only 2% more effective than SPF 15, and SPF 40 is 1% more effective than SPF 30. And one more thing - sunscreens need to be reapplied every 1.5-2 hours. Applying several SPF products enhances protection In this case, only a product with the highest protection factor works. Foundation with SPF 10, moisturizer with SPF 15 and sunscreen with SPF 10 in total will not provide SPF 45 protection. Collagen injections can be replaced with cream There is no reliable or practical evidence to support the ability of collagen or elastin to penetrate the skin, even with the help of nanotechnology. They can provide hydration, but absolute effectiveness is only possible when administered by injection. Mineral oils are harmful to the skin Modern cosmetic mineral oils are not at all what they used to be. They are very effective in removing excess oil from the skin. Fat attracts fat, and modern mineral oils have a different molecular weight, so they do not harm the skin or clog pores. Combined with kaolin, a natural adhesive, mineral oil helps control sebum production. Mineral oils cause acne Cosmetic mineral oils are non-comedogenic. It is a myth that cosmetic and industrial oils and lubricants are the same thing. The so-called white medicinal oil is subject to the strictest controls. To remove fat plugs from the skin, you need an oil-based substance. Preservatives in skincare products are bad Preservatives prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that can not only reduce the effectiveness of the product or even ruin it, but also directly harm the skin. There is some confusion about parabens: research is unclear on whether applying them to the skin leads to the formation of harmful deposits. However, parabens are found in many fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries. Packaging doesn't matter
In fact, packaging is very important - not for aesthetic reasons, but to maintain the effectiveness of the products. Bottles with wide necks, transparent jars, and any packaging that allows air to pass through are a threat to the safety of the active ingredients. Chocolate and fatty food cause acne
Chocolate itself does not cause acne. Hormonal imbalances and bacteria are the causes of problem skin, and stress can lead to even greater aggravation. In addition, food allergies may well cause inflammation. Natural and organic products are always better Carefully! Many products are only called organic and natural. In addition, any ingredients undergo synthetic processing to become bioactive and effective. Synthetic ingredients can be identical to natural ones, and sometimes even more effective. And choosing a product based on the predominant natural or artificial elements is wrong. Not all chemicals are harmful, just as not all natural elements are beneficial. The more you use, the better
Less is better. A pea-sized amount of cream is enough. Excessive cosmetics are a threat to your skin. And your wallet. Acne is a consequence of improper skin cleansing Acne appears due to clogged pores, and overuse of exfoliation can cause irritation. Blackheads are dirt, sebum and dead cells that need to be removed on time. Therefore, it is better to use products that remove the stratum corneum of the skin. From problematic and oily skin you can get rid of it by drying it In fact, it's the other way around. When the skin becomes dry, it begins to produce even more oil. Use drying products sparingly and try to hydrate oily skin. It is important to maintain its balance. To avoid getting sunburned at sea, you need a “preparatory” tan Tanning of any kind is damaging to the skin and is never safe or healthy. To achieve the desired skin color, it is better to use a self-tanner. All skin problems occur before the age of 18 The sun affects your skin throughout your life. However, a little less than 50% of skin damage occurs before the age of 18. It is never too late to use protective equipment. Tanning in a solarium is safe The information that solarium does not cause skin mutations is a complete lie. UVA radiation, which provides artificial tanning, penetrates deeper and is much more damaging to the skin. And you don't have to get burned to harm your skin. Antioxidants reduce wrinkles Antioxidants fight the formation of free radicals and prevent skin damage, but they cannot remove wrinkles. Skin damage and signs of aging can be quickly eliminated If the packaging of the product claims this, then rest assured, it is a lie. Today's skin condition is the result of more than one day. Prepare to wait at least three cycles (and the skin renewal cycle is 21-40 days) to see visible results. Alcohol in skin products is bad Some components of alcohol can act as a soothing agent and prevent moisture loss. Cetyl alcohol, benzyl and oleic alcohol are useful substances. The sun will help get rid of acne The sun may temporarily hide skin inflammation, but it can damage it, causing pigmentation, dryness and increased sebum production. Alcohol abuse can cause your nose to become swollen and red. Drinking alcohol can temporarily dilate blood vessels and make the face red. But usually a large, inflamed, burgundy nose is a consequence of red acne. Skin recovers only at night Good sleep is definitely good for the skin. Her nutrition is a separate process. Lack of sleep can cause stress, swelling and reduce collagen production. Skin products can last three years or more Contrary to many claims, most skin products lose their properties after 12 months. It is better to use a jar of cream before this period expires, because preservatives do not last forever, and bacteria may appear. Rough scrubs, soaps and exfoliators are good for the skin Overuse of scrubs or other abrasives that remove the protective layer of sebum, leave micro-cuts, cause aging and irritation. Less is more: a gentle cleanser and a light moisturizer are the perfect combination. Vitamin A thins the skin In fact, it's the other way around. The skin can become thin if there is a lack of vitamin A, as it is involved in the formation of new healthy cells. Perhaps vitamin A is the most important element skin care products, and perhaps one of the few whose effectiveness has been proven time after time for more than 50 years. The only effective form of vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid L-ascorbic acid remains active only for a short time. Now new forms of vitamin C have appeared water based. This means that they will penetrate the skin more easily and remain effective for a longer time. There is one, the best antioxidant
Every year new antioxidants appear that are claimed to be better than the previous ones. However, a combination of several of these elements is much more effective. Therefore, choose foods that contain plenty of antioxidants.

Olive oil for dry skin best friend: it will help cope with peeling, give the skin softness and velvety, and protect against harmful environmental influences. If this remedy is so effective, then why not use it?

All the miracles that olive oil can create for facial skin are determined by its composition, which includes various fatty acids. Fatty acids gently care for the skin, and other components complement this effect.

  • Fatty acids create a thin oily film on the skin that protects against exposure to ultraviolet radiation, wind, pollution and temperature changes and from the salt of sea water.
  • All the same fatty acids make olive oil an excellent moisturizer, since the resulting protective film retains moisture and prevents it from evaporating.
  • Squalene also has a moisturizing effect
  • Vitamin E, which olive oil is rich in, is the “vitamin of youth”. Under a protective film, it is able to penetrate deep into the skin and helps normalize the process of collagen and elastin production. As a result: the skin texture is evened out, the complexion is improved, and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Vitamin D exfoliates dead skin cells and thus helps cleanse the skin.
  • Iron is another component of olive oil that stabilizes blood circulation and helps skin cells receive enough oxygen, so skin cells can fully “breathe.”

Such chemical composition one can only envy, so it is impossible to deny all the benefits of using olive oil on the face. If you use olive oil as a cosmetic product regularly, you can appreciate its effectiveness.

In order for olive oil to be truly beneficial and give the expected results, you need to skillfully use it at home. In many cases, olive oil is not used as a cosmetic product because it has an oily consistency that is difficult to wash off and leaves the skin feeling oily.

However, if you have knowledge of its use, know the indications and contraindications for its use, then you can easily avoid all these problems, sensations and inconveniences. Olive oil is recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Very dry skin;
  • Flaky spots;
  • As an after-sun product (both natural tanning and tanning in a solarium);
  • After a sea holiday;
  • At the first signs of aging;
  • If the skin constantly suffers from high or low temperatures (for example, working in the kitchen).

Olive oil has no special contraindications as such. There is a misconception that oily skin does not accept this product: if olive oil is used in conjunction with fermented milk products (with low interest fat content), then the skin will acquire healthy color and will look beautiful after the initial use.

You can simply regularly lubricate your face with olive oil, and you will already notice how your skin condition improves. You can make compresses and lotions from olive oil, various masks that contain other ingredients.

As you can see, there are many options, so you need to choose the most optimal and suitable for skin recipe, because everyone has individual characteristics. Unrefined virgin oil is best suited as a cosmetic product.

  • Daily. You can wipe your facial skin with olive oil every day. And not even once, but twice a day. For this procedure, you should heat a little olive oil in a water bath (do not bring it to a boil, it is enough if the oil is lukewarm), soak a piece of cotton wool in the oil and wipe it all over your face, even the skin around the eyes. If this procedure is done in the evening, you can leave the oil overnight. If the procedure is in the morning, then the oil should be removed from dry skin after 30 minutes, from oily skin - after five minutes. It’s easy to wash off the oil: you just need water slightly acidified with lemon juice.
  • Peeling mask. Olive oil must be mixed with wheat bran in equal quantities. Massage the mixture into the skin for two minutes.
  • Tonic mask. Mix olive oil with apple cider vinegar in equal quantities. You should wipe your face with this tonic once a day.
  • Hot compress. Add 5 drops of orange essential oil to two large spoons of olive oil, apply the mixture to clean skin face, then cover terry towel, which must first be moistened in hot water. Keep this compress until the towel cools completely. Remaining oil should be washed off with lemon water.
  • Rejuvenating. Heat olive oil in a water bath. Then take cotton pads and soak them in warm oil, apply the oil-soaked pads to your eyes and leave for five to ten minutes.
  • Refreshing. Olive oil should be mixed with mint and honey in equal proportions (one small spoon of each ingredient), then beat using a mixer.
  • For oily skin. Chop 50 grams of cabbage leaf very finely, then add two large tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Protective. Puree the avocado, add two large spoons of olive oil to two large spoons of puree.

If you skillfully apply knowledge about olive oil as a cosmetic product, you can once and for all forget about skin problems and various complexes due to these problems. Olive oil will help your skin become beautiful, healthy, clean, fresh. You can look in the mirror without fear, and those around you will throw pleasant compliments about such well-groomed skin.

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Olive is native to the Mediterranean. And the main producers of vegetable oil from the fruits of this tree today are Spain, Italy, Greece, Syria and the Moroccan kingdom.

Sophia Loren's elixir and Cleopatra's favorite remedy

The medicinal properties of the olive product were described by the “father of medicine,” the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. And soap and cream based on this were used by the great Egyptian queen Cleopatra.

The modern Italian diva Sophia Loren in her interviews assures that she regularly uses the “golden” component in cosmetics, care and nutrition. And the result, as they say, is obvious. The artist is 81 years old, and many thirty-year-olds envy her skin.

Olive liquid is not particularly popular in Slavic culinary traditions. But recently, nutritionists have been recommending using it instead of the sunflower product we are used to.

Research shows that olive can prevent the appearance of malignant tumors - it reduces the risk of cancer by almost 50%. It is recommended for heart patients, hypertension and diabetics. Used to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs and kidneys. Olive “juice” is rubbed for back pain.

Beauty ingredients included in the product

Olive oil is a common component of various cosmetic series. In the beauty industry it is used to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Is it good to apply olive oil to your face? According to reviews, olive oil is ideal for the face when you need to get rid of the first wrinkles. With regular use, the product also moisturizes well, evens out color, nourishes, and creates a velvet effect. The beneficial properties of the product for good appearance and good health are determined by the composition. In particular, a set of fats and important unsaturated fatty acids.

  • Oleic acid. The olive product is saturated with oleic acid, essential for the human body. This substance is one of the components of healthy metabolism. The benefit is that it stimulates collagen production, increases skin elasticity, and relieves irritation. Oleic acid is used in the treatment of cellulite. Helps other essential components penetrate and remain in the skin.
  • Linoleic acid. Olive oil is also relevant in facial cosmetology, since it contains linoleic acid. She normalizes water balance, which solves the problem of moisture. Plus, this substance protects against harmful effects ultraviolet.
  • Palmitic acid. Needed to activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Therefore, a face mask with olive oil for wrinkles really gives results.
  • Stearic acid. Strengthens the protective capabilities of the layers of the epidermis and has a wound healing effect.
  • Linolenic acid. It has an anti-inflammatory role. The substance is even used in the treatment of eczema. Therefore, it is good to use olive oil on your face for acne.

Olive “juice” also contains polyphenols and carotenoids, which are recognized as natural, powerful antioxidants. Chlorophyll acts as an antiseptic and has an anti-aging effect. In a tablespoon of “golden” product - almost 10% daily norm key “beauty vitamin” E. The product also contains vitamins D, A and K.

Who is it suitable for and who can it harm?

Olive oil is literally a panacea for dry skin. Moreover, you can improve both your face and hands. The product is also suitable for permanent care of combination skin.

Girls with problem skin You can also use olive, but this requires a special approach. Firstly, when creating mixtures based on olive oil at home, you should wisely select the enriching components. Such masks may contain low-fat dairy products, lemon, and fresh fruit.

The course of “olive therapy” in this case should not last longer than three weeks. Then the break is about a month and a half. With more intensive use of olive mixtures, pores may become clogged, and there is a risk of a negative impact on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Can olive oil be used instead of face cream if you have oily skin? Definitely not.

How to use it correctly

To care for dry skin, olive oil is often used in its pure form, slightly heated in a bowl of warm water. Apply with a simple cotton pad. Olive replaces many daily care products. For example, cream, lip balm or makeup remover cream.

By the way, girls with dry skin can apply the product under their eyes and even leave it overnight. But in the case of combination and normal skin types, it is still better to remove olive oil before going to bed and not leave it on for longer than 20 minutes. In this case, it is better to wash off the product with warm boiled water to which lemon juice has been added.

Once the product is uncorked, it must be used within a maximum of six months, since further beneficial properties are lost. Close the lid tightly, keep the oil in a dark cabinet and do not heat-treat it.

Do not add olive oil to store-bought cosmetic products. Especially in cream, otherwise harm to the skin is inevitable. Substances contained in olive may be incompatible with the components of commercial products. Another risk is an overdose of oil and fat components. As a result, the face may become covered with pimples and turn red.

Top 10 best recipes

Olive oil can be supplemented with other “good” ingredients. Then you will get masks to solve different problems or even face cream with olive oil. We will discuss the most popular recipes below.

With banana pulp for peeling

  1. Mash the banana pulp in a bowl with a fork. Quantity - tablespoon.
  2. Leave for 20 minutes.

Preventive nutrition with kiwi or apple

  1. Crush the kiwi pulp in a bowl with a fork or grate an apple. Quantity - tablespoon.
  2. Combine with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Delete using boiled water with lemon juice or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply your daily cream.

Moisturizing vegetable “cocktail”.

  1. Grate the pulp of a fresh cucumber. Quantity - teaspoon.
  2. Grate the pulp of fresh zucchini. Quantity - teaspoon.
  3. Combine with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove using boiled water with lemon juice or herbal decoction.
  6. Apply your daily cream.

Mix with cottage cheese for intense hydration

  1. Crush homemade cottage cheese in a bowl with a fork. Quantity - tablespoon.
  2. Leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Apply your daily cream.

Anti-aging option with honey and egg

  1. In a bowl, beat the yolk of one chicken egg.
  2. Combine with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  3. Combine with a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove with warm boiled water or herbal decoction.
  6. Apply your daily cream.

Simple cleansing scrub

  1. Grind oatmeal using a coffee grinder. The required amount of flour is a tablespoon.
  2. Combine with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  3. Apply the resulting paste to the skin using massaging movements.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove with warm boiled water or herbal decoction.
  6. Apply daily cream.

Recipe for inflamed, oily skin

  1. Grate a leaf of fresh cabbage. The required amount is two tablespoons.
  2. Combine with two tablespoons of warmed olive oil.
  3. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Remove with cooled boiled water or herbal decoction.

Anti-wrinkle rubs

  1. Combine a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of warmed olive oil.
  2. Using a cotton pad, wipe your face with the mixture several times a day, allowing it to be absorbed.

Cream with beeswax for dryness and early aging

  1. Combine 50 g of beeswax and about 150 ml of olive oil.
  2. Apply at night or as a base under makeup.
  3. Do not rinse off.

Three-day natural cream with collagen, herbs and sour cream

  1. Make a herbal decoction of chamomile and nettle. Amount - a teaspoon of herbs and ¼ cup of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, strain with gauze. Divide the resulting broth into two parts.
  2. Using a grater, grate the pulp of a fresh green apple.
  3. Mix applesauce with one part of the herbal infusion and strain again.
  4. Add pharmaceutical collagen. Quantity - 4 g.
  5. Combine with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  6. Combine with a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream.
  7. Apply overnight.
  8. Shelf life is three days.
  9. In the morning, wipe your face with the remaining decoction of chamomile and nettle.

When choosing olive oil, pay attention to the date of manufacture: the shelf life of the product is about 12 months. The liquid should be in a dark container. It is better to take unrefined oil without additives with an acidity of up to 0.8%. The preferred production technology is cold pressing. The average cost of a half-liter bottle is 400 rubles.

If you like face masks with olive oil, then you can think about enhancing the effect by consuming the product. But keep in mind that it is high in calories and is contraindicated for cholecystitis.

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It is no coincidence that the oil from the fruit of the olive tree was given the name “liquid gold”. This product has unique nutritional properties, remarkable antioxidant and moisturizing characteristics, which is why cosmetic manufacturers often include it in exclusive formulas of masks, creams and serums for facial skin.

How do you get it?

High-grade olive oil is produced using a time-consuming and labor-intensive technology that uses manual labor and verified over the centuries. Olive trees grow in specially treated soil without the use of chemical fertilizers or chemicals. Harvest dates are determined based on the fruit's maximum ripeness, when the production liquid obtained from the olive becomes most fragrant and oily. Before harvesting, cover the soil near the olive tree to prevent the skin of fallen fruit from being damaged.

The fruits of the olive tree are most often collected by hand, trying not to damage the surface and to prevent the fruit from souring, into small containers in which the harvest is promptly transported for further grinding. The most important condition for maintaining maximum benefits of the oil is processing the fruit on the day of collection. Before grinding, the olives enter the ventilation zone, where aeration occurs and wood residues are separated. Before washing, the olives are sorted according to quality indicators, then driven through stone millstones, obtaining an oil pulp necessary for cold pressing.

Olive oil separation is typically done in one of two ways. The traditional method involves placing the pulp in special mesh containers, which are placed in tiers and subjected to compression. The first cold-pressed product is separated from the water due to the difference in density. Modern method involves the separation of oil and water phases by centrifugation.

After settling, the final product is carefully checked to determine its categorization. Oil that does not meet the requirements of the highest category is subjected to refining, during which the final removal of impurity compounds occurs. Olive pomace, subjected to heat treatment with special chemicals, is used to produce a cheaper refined product.


IN natural oil contains a whole range of nutrients important for the human body. The product is characterized by a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid. Olive oil also contains flavonoids, vitamin E and provitamin A.

Oil, as a nutraceutical supplement, has a positive effect on all systems of the human body and individual organs. After using olive oil, for example, tissue regeneration is noticeably activated, and active synthesis of amino acids begins: arginine and lysine, which contribute to the body’s production of the necessary energy.

Beneficial properties for the skin

Extra virgin olive oil has enormous potential needed by the skin any type of nourishing, moisturizing and protective properties. Ancient peoples of the Mediterranean and European countries, where the year-round hot sun actively dries out the skin and hair, they well understood the benefits of olive tree oil juice and used it after gymnastics and bath procedures to give the face and body a smooth, sleek look. Later, based on olive fruits, they began to produce rubs designed to soften, moisturize and smooth the skin of the face and décolleté, massage products, as well as aromatic compositions.

IN modern world this precious product is readily used by perfumery and cosmetics concerns to produce beneficial effects on the skin nourishing masks and moisturizing creams. Products containing a storehouse of natural vitamins and fatty acids rejuvenate, tone and protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of the environment.

You can learn even more about the benefits of using olive oil for the face in the following video.


Surprisingly, olive oil, being an active natural product for maintaining youth and beauty, in some cases can be harmful to health. Before using the oil in its pure form or a cosmetic product with an oil formula, people prone to allergies should check the body's reaction. To do this, apply a small amount to an area with thin, sensitive skin, such as behind the ear. If no allergic reaction

does not arise, the remedy can be safely used. Before using oil preparations on skin with very enlarged pores, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face and try to narrow the pores by special means

The oil should be used with caution on very oily, shiny facial skin that is prone to inflammation and rashes. In any case, it is necessary to first test the effect of an oil-containing product.

Application in cosmetology

Olive oil, which has universal properties, in pure form or as a component of caring formulations cosmetic preparations performs the following functions:

  • promotes effective cleaning and maintaining the integrity of the structure of the epidermis;
  • restores beautiful view problematic oily skin;
  • maintains fat balance and helps moisturize very dry skin prone to flaking;
  • heals and rejuvenates the epidermis when signs of aging occur;
  • regenerates skin that suffers from production factors, household and seasonal changes in temperature and humidity;
  • softens the negative effects of solar beach insolation and artificial tanning in a solarium on the skin.
  • helps to achieve good elasticity of the tissue and acquire skin tone during the process of therapeutic and prophylactic massage.

Recipes for effective masks

The simplest and effective methods facial skin care at home, cosmetologists believe proper cleansing and the use of masks. To achieve the greatest effect, it is better to use slightly warmed olive oil.

It is advisable to wipe your face daily with a cotton pad with warm oil in the morning an hour before going outside and in the evening before bed. You can remove excess product from dry skin with a damp towel. Excess oil from oily facial skin is easy to blot away paper napkin. The procedure promotes better opening and cleaning of pores and refreshes the skin. To enhance the effect, care can be completed by applying a moisturizer.

Regular use of oil on the delicate skin around the eyes instead of cream allows you to eliminate a network of fine wrinkles and get rid of deep facial “crow’s feet”. The product is applied in a thin layer without effort and left for about half an hour, then lightly blot off the excess with a napkin.

Having set the goal of obtaining unusually elastic and smooth skin of the face and body, you must constantly use a mixture of pureed avocado and olive oil at a ratio of one to one. Apply the mask to clean skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Remove the remainder with a damp towel.

The health of a normal skin type will be supported by a paste of one tablespoon of rice, oatmeal or wheat flour with a spoon of olive oil. The mask must be carefully applied to the face, neck and upper chest. After holding for about 20 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with warm water, then with water at room temperature.

A paste of equal parts olive oil and any fruit puree, applied to previously cleansed skin of the face and décolleté, will help to improve the health of a face with acne-prone skin. Keep the product for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water.

Sensitive dermis can be delicately nourished with a mask consisting of one chopped fresh cucumber mixed with half a banana and two tablespoons of olive oil. The nourishing substance is applied for 25 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

A problem such as increased dryness of body skin most often occurs in winter. Lack of vitamins, cold, windy weather - all this has a bad effect on the condition of the skin of the hands and other parts of the body. To restore normal level To moisturize the skin, you can use expensive cosmetics, or you can give preference to natural products, from which you can prepare your own creams and lotions. Vegetable oils– an excellent remedy for effectively eliminating dry skin. In this article you will find the best moisturizing oils for dry skin on the body.

If you have dry skin on your body, what should you do?

Human skin contains sebaceous glands that regularly secrete lubricant - it is this that moisturizes the skin and also protects it from the negative effects of the environment. Sometimes, as a result of external or internal factors, the glands function incorrectly or are not active enough. Dry body skin causes unpleasant and painful sensations, as it loses its elasticity and former firmness, sometimes it even becomes covered with cracks.

Regular care will help prevent excessive drying of the body's skin. And it doesn’t matter where it will be carried out - in the salon or at home. High-quality moisturizers will help make your skin firm and smooth again. In addition, it is also important to normalize the metabolism in the body if it is impaired.

For dry body skin, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. - regularly cleanse, moisturize, nourish the skin and exfoliate its dead particles;
  2. - use homemade cleansing lotions and scrubs;
  3. — after cleansing, apply moisturizer to the skin;
  4. - to stimulate blood flow in the capillaries, do exercises daily for 15 minutes;
  5. — take a contrast shower (useful for both dry skin and cellulite);
  6. — after a shower, be sure to rub your skin with a terry towel to invigorate your body;
  7. - Take a bath once a week for about 20 minutes (it will improve blood circulation, calm the nerves and help completely cleanse the skin);
  8. - do deep skin peeling once a week;
  9. - in summer, be sure to use high-quality sunscreen for body.

Vegetable oil, which is made from olives, is an excellent remedy to combat increased dryness of body skin. Removable and wrung out olive oil for body only from ripe fruits. Olive trees grow and fruit abundantly along the coastal regions of Mediterranean countries in Europe, as well as in India, Africa and the Middle East. Almost everywhere, olive oil is used to care for the skin of the body due to its rich natural content.

Benefits of olive oil:

  • - very beneficial for the skin (if used twice a day);
  • - retains moisture for 8 hours or more;
  • - has an antibacterial effect when caring for body skin;
  • — contains an optimal pH level;
  • - has a natural sweet aroma.

Olive oil moisturizer recipe

In its pure form, olive oil is an indispensable product for moisturizing, restoring and nourishing the skin. It is especially useful to use it in places where the skin is especially prone to dryness: hands; elbows, décolleté, etc.

To prepare effective cream, you need to heat the olive oil a little. Then add to it egg yolk and mix these ingredients well. The resulting mass should be applied to the neck, décolleté and other areas of the body with gentle, careful movements. After 10 minutes, rinse off the product with warm water.

Olive oil baths for hands and nails

With regular use of olive oil, you can make the skin of your hands soft and velvety. A couple of times a week you need to take simple warm baths to which you add a little olive oil. Place your hands in this warm liquid for 30 minutes, hold, and then rinse with cool water.

Experts especially recommend using coconut oil for dry and depleted body skin. Coconut oil moisturizes, nourishes and does not dry out the skin at all. It can be used both in its pure form and as a base for homemade cosmetic products.

Coconut oil has the following beneficial properties:

  1. - slows down the formation of deep and fine wrinkles;
  2. — moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin, including after hair removal;
  3. - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. - reduces negative effects on the skin external factors(bacteria, viruses, hard ultraviolet radiation, dust, etc.);
  5. — creates a protective layer, which promotes a beautiful and even tan;
  6. - relieves stress and fatigue.

Coconut oil may thicken during use. There is no need to worry about this; on the contrary, it indicates its naturalness. To melt the butter, you need to place the jar with it under running warm water. You can simply store coconut Body Oil in a warm room, for example, in a bathroom - there it will not change its consistency. When thickened, the oil can be used as a cream.

Moisturizing coconut oil scrub

Mix thickened honey and Coconut oil. Stir until more or less homogeneous and apply to those areas of the body where it is necessary to exfoliate dead skin particles. Gently massage the skin, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Shea butter is a solid white fat that may also be slightly yellowish or ivory in color. Real shea butter has a light nutty aroma. At room temperature, the product takes on the consistency of ghee.

Shea butter is extracted from the fruits of trees called shea butter. Its fruits are very similar to avocados, but are smaller in size. This healthy oil is obtained from the seed, which is located inside the fruit.

  • - for rough skin of the hands, elbows, legs, feet and other parts of the body;
  • - with increased dry skin;
  • - for uneven, rough and flaky body skin;
  • - for thin, dull and gray skin;
  • - lack of skin hydration and nutrition;
  • - with fading and loose skin body as a tonic and rejuvenating agent.

Shea butter cream for sensitive skin

For this cream, in addition to shea butter, you will also need almond oil, which will serve as the basis for preparing a moisturizer. Heat 1 tbsp in a water bath. spoon of shea butter until it starts to melt. Then add 2 tbsp to it. spoons of almond oil. Finally, add a couple of drops of lavender and chamomile essential oils into the almost finished cream. The finished cream must be used daily and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Shea butter cream for dry and mature skin

This cream is able to enhance the regenerating properties of shea butter, which will only contribute to skin rejuvenation. To prepare the product, you need to melt 1 tbsp in the same way as in the previous recipe. spoon of shea butter, then mix it with 1 teaspoon of avocado oil and 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil. Finally, add 2 drops each of rosewood and rosemary essential oils to the cream. Place the mixture in a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Argan oil is pressed from the green nuts of a tree called argan. Such trees are found in Morocco, Israel and Algeria. Since they grow in limited quantities, the oil extracted from their fruits is considered rare and has a fairly high cost. To obtain 1 kg of argan oil, you need to squeeze 100 kg of seeds.

Argan oil is a universal cosmetic product. It can be used to care for the skin of the body and to improve appearance hair, nails and facial skin. Using argan oil you can restore the natural freshness and softness of the skin. For dryness, loss of elasticity and wrinkles, this oil is considered a simply irreplaceable product.

Argan oil massage

Thanks to the use of argan oil, massage can improve skin elasticity, effectively moisturize it and even relax the spine. The product is easily absorbed into the skin, does not leave a greasy residue, protects and moisturizes the skin. Argan oil can be mixed with any body lotion and massaged with it after taking a shower. Thus, the skin will become velvety, firm and elastic.

Sandalwood oil, which has many beneficial properties, extracted from sandalwood wood. It is perfect for restoring and treating any skin type. The balancing antiseptic effect of sandalwood oil is actively used in the care of skin that is prone to increased oiliness and acne formation. With its help, you can regulate excess oil, reduce inflammation, and also prevent the formation of scars and scars.

Sandalwood oil is an excellent moisturizing, nourishing and softening agent. For dry sensitive skin it will be simply irreplaceable. The oil not only cleanses and tones, but also soothes, heals, and removes irritation and itching.

You can take a bath with sandalwood oil. To do this, you need to dissolve it in honey, milk or sea ​​salt 5-7 drops of oil, then pour this mass into warm water (about 37-38°C). Take a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Sandalwood oil can be added to homemade or purchased funds to moisturize the skin of the body: creams, lotions, scrubs, etc. A small amount (only 3-4 drops per jar) of the product can work wonders on the skin: with regular use, it becomes soft, very pleasant and smooth.

Oil made from sunflower seeds has unique composition and excellent specifications. That is why it is used to prepare various cosmetics. Masks, lotions and creams based on sunflower oil perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin of the body.

Sunflower oil can also be added to an evening bath. Just a few drops diluted in warm water can effectively soften the skin. After the bath, you should also apply sunflower oil to the skin of your body and lie quietly for 15-20 minutes. After this, wipe off with a dry towel; you no longer need to use the cream. The skin will become beautiful and healthy.

With sunflower oil you can also make an excellent peeling for the whole body. By thoroughly massaging certain areas of the body with oil, you can remove dead skin cells, stimulate blood flow to the tissues and eliminate problems such as cellulite.

Moisturizing sunflower oil body scrub

Add to 1 tbsp. spoon of sunflower oil 1-2 teaspoons of oatmeal. Mix well, apply to cleansed body skin and massage it with light movements. Rinse off after 5 minutes with warm water.

Sunflower oil hand mask

Take a small amount of cottage cheese and add a few drops of sunflower oil (unrefined only). Apply a homogeneous mixture to the skin of your hands and hold for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then wipe the skin with a slice of lemon or orange. This will return an even color to your hands.

This is one of the most expensive types of body oil. It's not very rare, but it's high price due to special production, which is carried out using complex technology. In addition, the oil is extracted from grape seeds through a long process. The grape seed has to go through a lot of processes to eventually get the consistency needed to release the hidden nutrients and actually produce a healthy oil.

Experts recommend using grape seed oil for all women over 35 years of age. It has the consistency of water and is absorbed very well by the skin. Suitable for any skin type, but especially indicated for oily skin, as it is lightweight and quickly absorbed.

Grapeseed oil is most often used for cosmetic purposes:

  • - with increased dryness of body skin;
  • — in neuro-scientific facial skin care;
  • - to quickly dry out pimples and eliminate unwanted bacteria;
  • - for tired and sagging skin;
  • - against wrinkles;
  • — for the treatment of minor injuries, cracks, cuts, etc.

To restore skin elasticity, you can use pure grape seed oil. But if the skin is dry all over the body, it is better to prepare a lotion or cream containing oil, as it will need to be used regularly and in large quantities.

For dryness, flaking, inflammation and aging of the skin, experts recommend mixing light grape oil in a ratio of 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 with nourishing and fatty cosmetic oils. This could be avocado, wheat germ or jojoba oil. You can also add 1-2 drops of sandalwood, orange or blue chamomile essential oil to the resulting mixture.

Grape seed oil moisturizer for massage

If you have dryness and stretch marks, add 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil and 1-2 drops of lavender and mint essential oil to the grape seed oil base. For massage you can also use grape seed oil in combination with essential oils marjoram and tea tree. Use as you would any other massage product.

Lavender is known for its soothing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, making it great for treating many skin problems on the body and face. The subtle aroma of lavender oil harmonizes well with lotions, creams and skin tonics (at a concentration of 1-2%). For treating acne on the body and face, lavender oil is considered the most valuable.

If you add lavender oil to your hand cream and use it regularly, it will help quickly heal cracks and wounds, and also smooth and soften the skin. This supplement is very good to use in winter.

You can also prepare massage creams with lavender oil. To do this, add a few drops of orange and lavender oils to the massage product. This composition will significantly enrich the cosmetic product and, when used, will improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.

Lavender oil cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the body. It can also be used to exfoliate dead skin particles and relieve irritation.