It is definitely impossible to say that ultrasound is harmful during pregnancy. How many times can ultrasound diagnostics be done during pregnancy? Is frequent examination in the early stages harmful for the fetus? Is ultrasound dangerous?

Every parent worries about the health of their child. Moreover, the mother’s concern for the child’s condition begins even before his birth. At the same time, a huge number of dangers await the baby, especially in the first years of his life. In order to prevent them, it is necessary to undergo timely examinations. And here another dilemma arises. Not all examinations can be carried out on a child in early age. The harm of X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been unequivocally proven. However, as for ultrasound. Is ultrasound examination harmful for a child at an early age? In order to protect yourself, you need to be armed with knowledge. This is the only way to determine the harm caused by ultrasound diagnostics to a child.

Before determining the presence of harmful effects for a child, it is necessary to determine what types of ultrasound diagnostics can await him. And, if the safety of some is confirmed by theory and practice, then there is no need to talk about the safety of some species.

There are several types of ultrasound diagnostics that children undergo.

Ultrasound diagnostics of a child performed transabdominally

This type of ultrasound is performed through the tummy. Of course, it is harmless to the baby, but to undergo it you need to follow simple recommendations that can protect the baby from an incorrect diagnosis.

Ultrasound diagnostics of joints and muscles

Performed using superficial ultrasound. This diagnosis is also completely harmless for the child. Moreover, the diagnostic results cannot be influenced by any extraneous factors. At the same time, it is performed much less frequently, so there is no theoretical data on the complete harmlessness of such an ultrasound.

Rectal ultrasound

It is used extremely rarely, in case of detection of specific pathologies that need to be detected at the correct angle. Ultrasound itself is harmless, but there is a danger of damage to the rectum if the doctor is not experienced enough. The sensor is inserted into the anus. Before undergoing this type of ultrasound, it is important to adhere to strict rules that will help protect the baby from damage and incorrect diagnosis.

In order to completely protect yourself from damage to the esophagus, you need to contact private clinics that offer expert ultrasound services. This ultrasound differs significantly from the classic one in the equipment used, as well as in the qualifications of the doctor. Therefore, it is not only completely harmless, but is also capable of accurately making a diagnosis, or providing a three-dimensional image that will help the doctor make a conclusion without additional tests.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the head

Everything is much more complicated here. Despite the fact that no direct effect of ultrasound diagnostics on the brain has been identified, there is a great danger associated with an incorrectly configured device. Due to the fact that the child's skull is not completely covered with bone tissue, there are areas that are most susceptible to the influence of ultrasonic waves. Therefore, an overly powerful apparatus can cause serious pathological changes in the cerebral cortex due to denaturation.

Denaturation is the folding of a protein. Prolonged exposure to mechanical factors, heating above fifty degrees, as well as sound waves with a frequency of more than 40 thousand hertz can cause denaturation - protein folding. A long procedure can cause irreversible changes in the cerebral cortex, and even cause death. At the same time, there is nothing to worry about, since most devices can produce a frequency not exceeding 30 thousand hertz, which is completely safe for a child.

Ultrasound examination and age

Depending on the age of the child, there are a huge number of warnings regarding undergoing an ultrasound scan at certain stages of its ontogenesis. It is important to follow simple recommendations and know what you can do and what you should avoid. This approach will allow you to protect yourself as much as possible and not harm the child during the procedure.

Passage in early pregnancy

In the process of numerous studies, expectant mothers, especially those who are at an advanced stage of pregnancy, are afraid of harming the baby. Recently, many people are refusing ultrasound examinations in favor of other diagnostic methods, as they believe that an ultrasound machine during pregnancy can cause irreparable harm to the baby. Initially, this statement is completely false, since over the years not a single negative case has been discovered during an ultrasound scan. Even if we consider the issue from the point of view of ordinary logic, then an examination using ultrasound is an examination with sound that is reflected from surfaces, on the basis of which the doctor can see a complete picture of the body.

Despite the fact that ultrasonic waves cannot in any way harm either the fertilized egg or its mother, it is worth adhering to certain precautions during the diagnostic process. In particular, the doctor must be extremely careful if a transvaginal ultrasound examination is performed. Since, due to carelessness, it can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Due to the fact that many women refuse to undergo an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, they increase the risk of suffering severe diseases of the genitourinary system. This can lead to miscarriage or the baby developing serious illnesses after birth. Infections can lead to death of the baby and mother. Therefore, due to suspected diseases, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound diagnostics.

A disease detected in time is much easier to cure than a disease that has become chronic.

Ultrasound for a newborn

Ultrasound examination of a baby is associated with some difficulties during its passage. However, it can be unequivocally stated that a competent doctor will not be able to harm the baby. In the first months after birth, ultrasound diagnostics of the head and rectum can be performed. Correct settings when diagnosing the head will in no way harm the child. At the same time, there is a danger of protein folding with powerful equipment. It is important to take this into account when undergoing it in order not to harm the child.

As for rectal ultrasound, it is important to choose a hose of suitable thickness, get rid of digestive waste first, and completely trust the doctor. The best course of action would be to avoid the latter and opt for an expert transabdominal ultrasound. This type of ultrasound examination will allow you to completely avoid the risks associated with the illiteracy of the doctor conducting an ultrasound examination of the anus.

Ultrasound of a preschool child

If we talk about passing ultrasound examination for a child over one year old, then we can talk about the complete harmlessness of this procedure. So, firstly, the bone tissue of the skull is sufficiently formed, so even an incorrectly configured ultrasound device cannot cause significant harm to the baby. The same applies to rectal examination. Although postgraduates may cause minor injuries during this type of surgery, this damage will be insignificant and will not subsequently affect the normal functioning of the baby's body. Therefore, you should not worry about the fate of the child in the future.

As for other types of ultrasound examination, they cannot in any way affect the body. However, they can identify serious diseases at an early stage, which will protect the child from the disease becoming chronic and other unpleasant sensations associated with untimely treatment of diseases.

Harm of ultrasound

There have been no theoretical studies on this topic, due to the fact that most mothers refuse to participate in such experiments, because they are worried about the health of their baby. However, the practice of hundreds of doctors conducting ultrasound diagnostics every day says that, in general, its passage cannot harm the baby in any way. The only exception is ultrasound diagnostics of the head. At the same time, most doctors claim that all precautions are taken when undergoing it, so it can in no way harm the child. In order to completely protect yourself, it is better to consult an experienced doctor.

Ultrasound diagnostics, which provide three-dimensional results, also do not in any way affect the child’s body, and therefore are completely safe. The only serious danger for a newborn is undergoing an ultrasound examination performed rectally. However, here the damage is not caused by the equipment and procedure itself, but rather by the doctor’s ability to work with children. Therefore, conditionally, this type of diagnosis can also be called completely painless.

The only serious harm that can occur during ultrasound diagnostics is an incorrect diagnosis. However, any competent doctor makes his conclusions not only on the basis of the results of this type of examination, but also through complex tests, which include multiple blood tests, waste tests digestive system, sputum analysis, various punctures, etc.

Preparing for an ultrasound

At the same time, in order to avoid an incorrect diagnosis (the only serious problem that can harm the baby during ultrasound examination), you should follow simple recommendations that significantly affect the accuracy of the results. It is also worth noting that when undergoing an expert variation on the topic of ultrasound research, the accuracy of the study practically does not depend on the measures taken.

So, in order for an ultrasound examination to give the most accurate results, it is necessary:

  • Adhere to a special diet that can relieve the baby’s food system. Fecal and gas masses can significantly complicate the examination, especially given the size of the child’s organs.
  • Before undergoing an ultrasound, it is also recommended to take carminative medications (espumisan class). They are completely harmless to the baby, but before taking them you need to consult a doctor in order to avoid manifestations allergic reaction for this class of drugs. Best choice will become a doctor specializing in allergies.
  • In most cases, an enema is also recommended. Such an enema will completely cleanse the child’s intestines, which is especially important when undergoing a rectal ultrasound. After all, in the event of a collision with feces, during this particular type of examination, damage to the intestinal tissue is possible, which can lead to bleeding and other significant problems with the normal functioning of the child’s body.
  • It is recommended to drink a glass of water during any type of examination. This slightly elevates the kidneys, activates the bladder, and elevates other organs of the digestive system, making them much easier to examine. This is especially important if a preschooler is suspected of having a malfunction of the pancreas or has appendicitis.


Real alternatives to undergoing ultrasound diagnostics are:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging. This type of examination has a very strong impact on the baby and can damage his fragile brain. However, in rare cases, its passage is necessary to determine serious chromosomal diseases that may not be visible on ultrasound. Also, MRI is the only operation that allows you to determine the activity of brain neurons over time. However, in most cases, doctors avoid undergoing an MRI due to its obvious unsafety for a preschooler.
  • X-ray radiation. Fluorography is strictly contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. At the same time, if it is necessary, a special X-ray machine is used, which is much less harmful to the child. At the same time, any radiation can cause radiation sickness and dysfunction of many organs, especially in the early stages of ontogenesis.

Summary (video)

Of course, clumsy doctors can harm the baby when conducting any type of examination (even during blood sampling), but in general, undergoing an ultrasound examination is considered completely safe for a child at any age. Also, ultrasound examination is the only type that is considered completely safe, unlike its analogues. Completing such a study is a necessary measure for a comprehensive diagnosis of the body. It is carried out if the slightest developmental deviation is suspected. And it is ultrasound that allows you to avoid many diseases that can lead to the death of a person at such an early age.

In the video, an experienced doctor talks about whether ultrasound is harmful, and whether it is worth abstaining from it in the early stages of ontogenesis. The video also shows the main pathologies that are diagnosed using this type of examination.

Ultrasound diagnostic technology has been used to examine pregnant women for quite some time. In modern obstetric practice, it is standard practice to undergo such an examination three times during the entire period of gestation. And in some cases it may be necessary large quantity once.

All pregnant women, as a rule, become very anxious. They are extremely concerned about the safety of various procedures and how their implementation will affect the baby’s health. So, is ultrasound harmful during pregnancy? This is a very popular question among expectant mothers and their loved ones.

Modern prenatal ultrasound diagnostics is recognized safe procedure worldwide. There is no scientifically sound evidence of obvious harm that ultrasound can cause. But those who oppose such diagnostics are finding more and more counterarguments. And for expectant mothers themselves, there are acute questions about how ultrasound affects the embryo and is ultrasound dangerous?

Popular arguments of opponents of ultrasound

Some statements may seem completely absurd. At the same time, others seem quite reasonable and justified.

Effect on intrauterine development

No one has yet conducted full-fledged experiments proving the influence of ultrasound diagnostics on the development of the embryo or other harm of ultrasound during pregnancy for the fetus, so the evidence base is too small. Certain studies were carried out on the very first devices, but then no negative effect on the embryo was detected.

Today, prenatal ultrasound examinations are performed on improved third-generation devices with the ability to regulate the radiation power, so the influence of ultrasound on the fetus cannot become stronger.

However, most obstetricians and gynecologists claim that ultrasound is often done early stages pregnancy just to make sure that “everything is okay” is not worth it. This is due to the fact that in order to display an image on the monitor, the ultrasound wave must be reflected from the embryo, from its organs and systems. And this can still in one way or another affect the formation of the most important organs and the general course of pregnancy, although this has not yet been proven.

Currently, no serious consequences of frequent ultrasound examinations during pregnancy have been identified, but research in this area continues

Ultrasonic waves hitting the surface of biological tissues and being reflected from it produce a thermal index and heat the cells. This is especially true for structures with a high water content. The pregnant woman's uterus suffers slightly from this due to its size. But an extremely small embryo can feel this and its brain will suffer most from the heating.

No one can say for sure how this will affect intrauterine development or the health of the child after birth. The general expert opinion is that the effect of ultrasonic waves on the fetus has not been thoroughly studied and further research in this area is necessary. In any case, experts do not recommend undergoing such examinations frequently unless there are serious reasons for this.

The effect of ultrasound on DNA

Some researchers argue that the obvious harm of ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy for a child is damage to its genetic apparatus. High-frequency waves cause resonance in tissue, which leads to tissue heating and cavitation (the process of formation and subsequent collapse of gas bubbles that can damage cells).

There is a theory according to which high-frequency waves not only affect the mechanical structure, but also cause field distortions in DNA. This can lead to a malfunction in the genetic program. Field distortions will provoke the formation of damaged tissues, which will lead to further pathologies in the development of organs and systems.

However, this theory is refuted as follows:

  • Modern prenatal ultrasound diagnostics are carried out using sensors that operate within specific international safe radiation limits.
  • During the time the examination lasts, most of the high-frequency waves do not reach the embryo, but are reflected from other organs and absorbed by them.
  • Ultrasound machines operate in short pulse mode. During the entire study, radiation accounts for no more than one thousandth.

However, scientists do not deny that the fetus is at its most early stages development is more sensitive to high-frequency ultrasound than the already fully formed one. Therefore, they strongly do not recommend undergoing examination in the early stages of pregnancy unless absolutely necessary.

If a pregnant woman is in good health and there are no indications for ultrasonography, then she has the right to refuse additional studies

Fetal reaction to ultrasound

Most women especially begin to worry about whether ultrasound during pregnancy is harmful to the fetus when they are faced with a violent reaction from the baby during the examination. Some children may experience the following reaction during an ultrasound for pregnant women:

  • active movement;
  • turning away from the sensor;
  • strong pushing.

Those who are trying to prove the harm of ultrasound during pregnancy consider this behavior of the baby to be evidence of his negative reaction to the harmful effects of ultrasound. Supporters of such diagnostics claim that the embryo reacts this way not to ultrasound, but to the movement of the ultrasound sensor across the abdomen or the tense emotional state of the mother during the examination.

Some, insisting that ultrasound during pregnancy is harmful, claim that high-frequency waves for a baby are comparable to the noise of an airplane taking off or a train passing by for an adult, but there is no evidence of this.

Ethical component of the issue

In addition, when raising the question of how harmful ultrasound is during pregnancy, some focus on the ethical side. Proponents of such arguments argue that if an ultrasound is performed, the following effects will be exerted:

  • How the baby develops in the womb should be hidden from prying eyes. Ultrasound research breaks the boundaries set by nature.
  • Over the course of 9 months, mother and baby develop special relationship, and prenatal ultrasound diagnostics destroys them.
  • Prenatal examinations cause emotional stress to the child, which can affect his mental development in the future.

Such statements are quite subjective regarding the question of whether ultrasound is harmful to the fetus, but they also have a right to exist. Some families want to get closer to nature, giving up all available funds increased comfort. They also refuse to perform ultrasounds on the fetus during pregnancy, even a limited number of times, and they have the moral right to do so.

It is impossible to absolutely prove harm from ultrasound to a child or mother.

Safety and timing

The debate about whether ultrasound is harmful or not in the early stages of pregnancy continues to this day. In accordance with the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO), it is customary to do ultrasound during pregnancy 3-4 times during the entire period. As a rule, this occurs from 10 to 13 weeks, 20–22 weeks and 32–34.

The doctor may insist on performing ultrasound diagnostics ahead of schedule due to the following symptoms:

  • a pregnant woman systematically experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • there is a risk of miscarriage;
  • there is a suspicion of pregnancy developing outside the uterus;
  • presence of bleeding.

In such cases, medical personnel and the pregnant woman do not think about whether ultrasound is harmful. After all, delay can cost life for both the child and the mother. If the pregnancy is problematic, doctors can prescribe additional ultrasound examinations an unlimited number of times. In this case, they focus more on the likely benefit, and not on whether such an examination is harmful?

In addition, to completely refuse ultrasound diagnostics would be negligence on the part of future parents. Quite often without additional examination it is difficult to notice disturbances in fetal development or a threat premature birth. In such cases, the benefit of a screening examination certainly outweighs the possible harm from ultrasound diagnostics. You should have a reasonable approach to this medical procedure.

Ultrasound examination is one of the main methods for diagnosing the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

It can be carried out in the early stages to confirm the very fact of pregnancy and determine the correct localization ovum, in the future to monitor the development of the embryo, before birth to determine the readiness of the baby for birth.

Some women are glad to see every opportunity to see the outlines of the future baby on the monitor screen, others try to avoid such procedures, fearing that ultrasonic waves are dangerous to the fetus.

How many times is ultrasound included in the pregnancy calendar and is there a need for additional studies?

The very term “ultrasound” suggests that we are dealing with waves that are inaudible to the human ear. It is known that some animals (dolphins, the bats etc.) can distinguish between waves of a given range; ultrasound serves them for communication and navigation.

The medical research method is based on changing the speed of ultrasound depending on tissue density. The sensor that the doctor places on your body is both an emitter and a receiver.

It emits a wave of the required length, which passes through soft fabrics, is reflected and, returning, is registered by the receiver. Depending on the parameters of the returning beam, the density of the tissues it encountered along its path is calculated and the image on the screen is reconstructed.

Thus, it should be understood that, unlike an x-ray, an ultrasound is not a “photography”, but a graphical representation of the data obtained. During the study, weak waves are used that are unable to change the quality of tissue. Although there are medical devices with high-intensity ultrasound, they are used in therapy and surgery.

Types of ultrasound examination

Ultrasound is used to diagnose various diseases. And for the study of each organ, its own sensors have been developed; they differ in shape.

In gynecological practice, a long, thin vaginal sensor is used, which allows one to penetrate closer to the internal genital organs and obtain the most accurate result. This method is called transvaginal ultrasound.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, when it is necessary to determine the exact location of embryo implantation, the transvaginal method can be used.

Sometimes it is used for more later, for example, with pathology of the location of the placenta.

But in general, this method is used extremely carefully in pregnant women; preference is given to an external sensor, transabdominal ultrasound.

With transabdominal ultrasound, a transducer is placed on the abdominal wall. In shape it resembles a sensor for studying the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

But for the pelvic organs a separate, several smaller in size and having a convex (semicircular) edge. A small sensor easily fits between the pelvic bones and allows even from the outside, thanks to the elasticity of the skin, to get as close as possible to the organs being examined.

In addition to examining the tissues themselves, ultrasound allows you to evaluate the speed of blood flow (Doppler method or).

To do this, the doctor just needs to switch the device to the appropriate operating mode. The patient will hear noise, hum or pulsation characterizing blood flow, and a graph of pulse waves will appear on the screen. The technique allows you to evaluate the fetal heartbeat, placental blood flow, diagnose cases of umbilical cord entanglement.

Diagnostic value of ultrasound during pregnancy

The emergence of ultrasound research methods in obstetric practice has significantly expanded diagnostic capabilities:

  1. Life-threatening cases for the mother:
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • suture failure after cesarean section.
  1. Fetal development assessment:
  • Correspondence between the size of the embryo and the gestational age.
  • and its location (including the appearance of hematomas in the placenta).
  • Early intrauterine diagnosis of developmental pathologies.

Allows you to either decide to terminate a pregnancy or prepare future parents for the birth of a child with special needs. Some pathologies can be corrected even before the baby is born.

  • Multiple pregnancy.

Depending on the location of the embryos, it was not always diagnosed during obstetric examination and often turned out to be a “surprise” during labor.

  1. Postpartum period:
  • monitoring the condition of the suture after a caesarean section,
  • diagnosis of possible postpartum inflammatory processes.

In addition, in most cases, ultrasound allows you to find out in advance the gender of the unborn child and buy the necessary dowry for the baby. And also taking his first “photos” or even filming the child’s movements on video - these are unique shots that are so valued by all parents!

Is ultrasound harmful: myths and truth

Ultrasonic waves have been known to physicists for a long time.

But they found their application in medicine not so long ago, and they began to be used in obstetrics only from the middle of the twentieth century. Therefore, the method was perceived with doubt, and over the years it became overgrown with myths about possible harmful effects on the fetus.

Let's not forget that medical technology is constantly being improved, and special attention is paid to its quality and safety.

Therefore, even if when using ultrasonic devices in the 70s of the last century and there were any risks, then in modern devices they are no longer there.

However, since pregnancy ultrasound has only been widely used for a few decades, the available this moment Statistics do not allow us to completely refute some myths. But knowledge about the physical processes and physiology of the body makes it possible to talk about the groundlessness of such fears.

Myth one: Ultrasound can cause harm and affect the perinatal development of the fetus

The embryo is most vulnerable in the first trimester of pregnancy. At this stage, the formation of organs and systems takes place. In addition, a short period of pregnancy does not make it possible to obtain a reliable picture using an abdominal sensor and in the early stages a vaginal one is used.

That is why ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy is prescribed only if necessary.

However, there is no evidence of a negative effect on fetal development, even with experience using old equipment. At later stages, when organ formation has already occurred, the risk to the baby is even less likely.

Myth two: Ultrasound can cause gene mutations

We do not hear or feel ultrasonic waves, and therefore they seem incomprehensible and dangerous.

They are credited with some properties characteristic of X-rays, radiation, and magnetic fields.

But if we understand the physics of the process, we will see that this is just a method of echolocation, recording reflected sound vibrations. In addition, diagnostic equipment uses waves of limited power that do not affect either the state of tissues or the molecular composition.

Myth three: during a normal pregnancy, ultrasound is pointless, it only bothers the baby

Not all pathologies are characterized by acute manifestations. But only early diagnosis helps prevent serious problems in the future. It also happens the other way around: the position of the fetus does not always make it possible to discern some features (for example, a knot on the umbilical cord) and trouble occurs despite “good” descriptions from ultrasound.

An ultrasound scan is a voluntary procedure; a woman can refuse it.

But the opportunity to protect yourself and your unborn baby as much as possible - isn’t this what a future mother should take care of?!

Today, ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy is recognized throughout the world as a safe procedure for both mother and fetus. There is not a single scientific, recognized by expert organizations, evidence of harm from ultrasound diagnostics. However, opponents of ultrasound find a lot of arguments against carrying out this procedure for pregnant women. Some of them look completely absurd, others are quite reasonable and even, in part, confirmed by doctors. Let's look at them all:

1. Ultrasound waves can negatively affect the development of the embryo.

Scientists cannot yet confirm or completely refute this statement. The latest scientific research was carried out in the 70s on the very first devices (today doctors work on third-generation ultrasound scanners (with much better regulation of radiation power). Then scientists did not find a negative effect on the embryo, however, they found some deviations in the men examined , whose mothers underwent ultrasound examinations during pregnancy, these deviations were not associated with pathologies, we were talking about an increase in cases of left-handedness: among those examined there were one-third more left-handed people than among those whose mothers did not undergo ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. However, there is a connection between these. data and ultrasound has not been proven. Today, experts agree that the effect of ultrasound waves on the fetus has not been fully studied, and the solution to this issue requires additional scientific research and data. Therefore, doctors do not recommend it. once again undergo an ultrasound examination during pregnancy.

Expert Danila Zherdev - gynecologist, ultrasound doctor:

“You shouldn’t do an ultrasound again. But if the patient has signs of a threatened miscarriage: pain, bloody issues etc. This, of course, is an indication for ultrasound - without any doubt or hesitation. If there are no indications, then three planned procedures are enough. Doing an ultrasound just to make sure that “everything is okay” is not worth it. Especially in the early stages: after all, an ultrasonic wave (despite the fact that we do not yet have enough convincing research and evidence on this topic) can affect pregnancy, the embryo, and the formation of organ systems. Although such evidence does not exist today. But in any case, you need to understand that this is an ultrasonic wave that is reflected from the embryo, from its organs, systems and gives a picture on the monitor. We cannot be completely sure that it does not affect him in any way. As for ultrasound in later stages (for example, in order to get a 3D photograph, video) - I think that this is a completely safe procedure. After all, at a period of 22-30 weeks, the fetus is already formed, all organs and systems are formed, and ultrasound cannot influence this.”

2. Ultrasound radiation affects DNA

Supporters of this version, as a rule, refer to the research of P. P. Garyaev (“Wave Genome”, 1994). According to his findings, it follows that ultrasound affects the genome and can lead to mutations. However, today his work is not recognized by the scientific community. Garyaev also claims, for example, that “a child can carry genetic information from past partners of the mother (not the father),” and prayers can restore destroyed cells. In a more simplified version, Garyaev’s argument against ultrasound sounds like this: DNA “cells” are “scared” by ultrasonic waves.” The researcher claims that ultrasound causes not only mechanical, but also field distortions of DNA. This means that a malfunction may occur in the hereditary program: a distortion of the field will form damaged tissues, and a healthy organism will not be able to develop from them.

Other studies often cited: Experiments at Yale University led by Pasko Rakic. Here pregnant mice were exposed to ultrasound radiation, and later doctors looked for abnormalities in the brains of newborn mice. Despite the fact that no visible pathologies were found: the brain sizes turned out to be standard, in all animals that were subjected to ultrasound examination more than 30 minutes, the so-called E16 neurons did not move to the appropriate location in the cerebral cortex after birth.

Expert Leonid Siruk - obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound specialist:

“Ultrasound is known to vibrate tissue, causing a thermal effect and cavitation (the formation of gas bubbles that, if ruptured, can damage cells). But for modern prenatal diagnostics, sensors with radiation frequencies that are safe for humans are used; An ultrasound scan lasts only a few minutes and most of the ultrasound energy does not reach the fetus, being reflected from and absorbed by other organs. In addition, research devices operate in pulse mode, the duration of which is no more than 1 microsecond, the time between them is 1 millisecond, that is, the radiation itself lasts no more than one thousandth of the entire research time. So it is very unlikely that a routine ultrasound could harm the fetus or the woman. However, scientists confirm that in the first weeks of development the embryo is more sensitive to high-frequency ultrasound than more ripe fruit, and therefore it is not recommended to undergo examination in the early stages of pregnancy without special indications.”

3. The child “does not like” ultrasound

One of the main arguments against ultrasound examination during pregnancy is the violent reaction of the embryo to the ultrasound sensor. Indeed, many children react very actively to the examination: they begin to move vigorously, “turn away” from the sensor, as if “out of spite,” not allowing themselves to be examined by a specialist. Opponents of ultrasound consider this behavior of the embryo to be a reaction to the harmful and dangerous effects of ultrasound waves. Supporters claim that the fetus reacts not to ultrasound, but to the touch of the sensor to the abdomen and the tense state of the mother during the procedure.

Expert Elena Smyslova, Obstetrician-gynecologist:

Can hypertonicity be a reaction to ultrasound?

“Yes, in addition to spontaneous contractions of the uterus, hypertonicity can be a reaction to ultrasound or any other strong irritants (excessive emotions, dehydration, full bladder, etc.).”

4. Ultrasound is unethical

New arguments against ultrasound during pregnancy have emerged from “ natural parenthood" The following justifications are given:

The intrauterine life of a child is a deeply intimate process, not intended for prying eyes. This is how nature intended it to be, and this is how it should continue to be.
Medical intervention violates the trusting relationship between mother and fetus.
Ultrasound and similar procedures are a great emotional stress for the child, which can subsequently affect his mental development.

5.Scientists need ultrasound

It is obvious that routine screenings provide enormous statistical information for scientific research in the field of medicine, genetics, and anatomy. However, in some cases, what can be diagnosed using ultrasound, modern medicine still cannot cure. Low placental attachment, oligohydramnios, fetal pathologies. The doctor sees these disturbances, but cannot influence them: as a result, the mother worries, worries, which is harmful for both her and the fetus. In addition, sometimes doctors make mistakes and experiences turn out to be completely empty. Thus, such a diagnosis makes sense only if an abortion is possible or the woman is ready for it. Then, having seen the pathology, you can terminate the pregnancy. Otherwise, such information has very little meaning for the expectant mother. True, supporters of this version often forget that ultrasound often helps to avoid many problems, and sometimes even save the life of the mother or fetus. For example, timely diagnosis of frozen pregnancy today saves the lives of many women; entanglement of the umbilical cord and breech presentation are indications for caesarean section, whereas with natural childbirth such a child faces a very real danger.

There is such a funny rule married life: You can never be 100% sure that they are not cheating on you, you can only catch them cheating. The story is similar with ultrasound - it is almost impossible to absolutely accurately prove the safety of ultrasound for the mother and embryo. Safety is the absence of harm. Until the harm is proven, the scientific community rightly considers ultrasound a safe procedure, and all reputable organizations, including the WHO and the Russian Ministry of Health, recommend it as a mandatory routine examination for pregnant women. Ultimately, ultrasound, like any other medical service, is voluntary, and each woman decides for herself how many times to do it and whether to do it at all. And it is best to consult on this issue with a doctor you trust.

Probably every expectant mother has at least once wondered whether it is harmful to do frequent ultrasounds during pregnancy. After this study, will there be any negative consequences with the baby and the main thing is whether it hurts him. In our article we will dispel all the myths about the global harm of ultrasound and figure out why it is needed.

Let's figure out why ultrasound is done for expectant mothers during pregnancy. Basically, this is done only for the benefit of finding out how the fetus is developing, whether there are any deviations, and whether its development corresponds to the gestational age. Without an ultrasound, the expectant mother risks not finding out in time that the baby suddenly needs help. For example, it lacks oxygen or is not positioned correctly in the womb. The ultrasound also shows whether he has any congenital abnormalities that are incompatible with life.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a non-invasive test that is performed by moving a transducer over the surface of the skin. Using ultrasound, it is possible to determine the condition of the fetus and internal organs.

It is known that ultrasound is used in medicine to treat various diseases; it is also used by the military on submarines and aircraft. In dentistry, teeth are cleaned and whitened with ultrasound, and this is not the most pleasant procedure. However, ultrasound during pregnancy differs in nature from the above. If we compare the first with the second, we can draw an analogy with the roar of music at a disco and the sound of the sea surf. Therefore, if some expectant mothers think that their baby burns or stings during an ultrasonic examination, then this is a big misconception. Moreover, doctors perform ultrasounds and take measurements with a sensor that is not constantly on. They take something similar to a photograph using a sensor, and then look at the condition of the baby and his internal organs on a computer monitor.

Ultrasound during pregnancy should be done as many times as the doctor says. If there is no indication for additional testing, then only 3 times during the entire pregnancy are sufficient.

If the doctor says that it is necessary to repeat an ultrasound of the fetus after some time, then in no case should you refuse. Perhaps, if you refuse, the harm to the baby will be many times greater. It is important to closely monitor the state of its development.

Is ultrasound during pregnancy harmful to the fetus?

It is generally accepted that no global negative impact on the fetus occurs during ultrasound. But you should not do an ultrasound on your own initiative without a doctor’s testimony. Many parents want to see their baby as often as possible, even while he is in his mother’s belly, and go to various private clinics for 3D and 4D ultrasounds. There is no good in it if it is done every month. Or in parallel with standard ultrasound in the antenatal clinic. After all, with 2D and 4D ultrasound, the ultrasound power is slightly greater than with a regular one. It is enough, instead of some kind of routine screening, to do a 4D ultrasound with video recording and at the same time take all the necessary measurements of the baby. Answering the question whether ultrasound during pregnancy is harmful to the fetus, we can say that there is no 100% guarantee that it is absolutely safe. As already mentioned, it is not worth exposing your baby to various radiations again if there is no indication for it.