What do men fear most in relationships? When should a man be concerned about his fear of women?

Hello, dear friend!

Egor Sheremetyev is in touch.

In one of the previous articles we touched on the topic, today I want to talk about much deeper things, which, by the way, have a direct impact on how men approach (or do not approach, alas) girls. Namely - why is a man afraid of women.

It's no secret that most of us were brought up in a post-Soviet mentality, and our parents, without realizing it, instilled in us bad and ineffective beliefs about women, and not only that. Of course, they wanted only the best, but in their own way. Some were luckier; they had a confident, strong-willed father or brother who could show by example how to behave with women. But most guys were raised (this still happens today) by more or less insecure parents who did not know what specific skills needed to be instilled in a boy child.

What parents could not give, television, films, books, environment, friends, teachers, the Internet and so on gave. From here we have the following: no one really knows how to meet a girl, seduce her, build a relationship, but it is implied that, supposedly, everyone should already know about this. In most cases, people are embarrassed to talk about this, and if topics come up about this, then people prefer to laugh it off, or say something like, are you a fool, how can you not know this?

After this, it is not at all surprising that the vast majority of men and guys do not know how to interact with the opposite sex at all, and moreover, they experience fear of women. Before I started seducing, I also had a lot of unnecessary fears, but I went for it, and in the end it changed my life. So, the basis of most fears of men lies in improper upbringing and positioning.

These include: refusal, defeat, fear of success, dependence on the girl’s reaction, fear of calling her on the phone, anxiety before a date, uncertainty on the date itself, fear of touching a girl, touching her in intimate places, fear of kissing, anxiety when getting close, fear bring her home, fear of starting the “living”. So, this is all bullshit. Because all fears and insecurities exist only in our heads. We have been taught to think this way, although we can think completely differently.

By nature, a man is a male, a hunter. It is in our genes to track and hunt game, drag a mammoth skin into a cave, build a fire and rule a tribe. But in mind reverse side With progress, we men have become more domestic and have bowed to women. Which is absolutely not worth doing. All these negative aspects of upbringing turned wild lions into fluffy cats who, instead of taking their piece of prey, wait for milk to be brought to them on a silver platter. But that doesn't happen. And if you have already embarked on the path of self-development, then listen very carefully, I will tell you the main, and in fact, the only reason why guys are afraid of girls.

So, a man is afraid of a woman because he evaluates her as more important than himself. Read this carefully and remember this! Not because he has a small penis, a not cool enough car, little money, a small apartment and something else (these are just attributes of conditional confidence; a man must have unconditional confidence, if only because he is a man!), but because he himself, in his thinking, puts a woman higher than himself, and nothing more. Everything else is nonsense. If all men behaved in the right way and did not put girls on pedestals, then there would be no need for seminars. 🙂 When a man treats a woman as an equal, or better yet, when he puts himself above her, then her genes tell her: “Look, this is the best male, in order to have quality offspring, you must mate with him.” That's when girls want such a guy and constantly think about him. What the hell are the templates or techniques when all you need to attract the opposite sex is not to be a doormat and have confidence?! All girls are ordinary. You are better!

What kind of women are they afraid of? Beautiful and quite well-groomed. There is a stereotype that if a girl is expensively dressed, has an attractive appearance and is well-groomed, then she is “pretentious”, “a bitch”, “a bitch”. That is, they haven’t even talked to the person, and they are already judging him, especially in a negative way. To find out what the girl you are considering and evaluating is like, go up and talk to her.

Just as often, guys are afraid and in every possible way avoid women who are morally stronger than them. Who are tough, powerful, uncompromising. Such girls may have increased demands on the behavioral qualities of a man, but in essence, they are simply looking for a stronger male than those around them. And they give up checks not to trample a man into the dirt, but to make sure that their choice is correct.

After all, every girl essentially wants one thing, to have a strong, confident man who can protect her and allow herself to be and feel like a woman with him. If you become such a man, not a single girl will be able to refuse you, moreover, there will be a huge struggle for you among the weaker sex. I sincerely believe and hope that you got the maximum benefit from reading this article, and if you still have some doubts, you will remove them soon and live the life you want.

And finally - I am now spending completely free seminar on how to find be sure to come!

Egor Sheremetyev was with you! And remember, you must first love yourself and only then will girls love you.

To build for real happy family you need to understand your soulmate, take into account opinions, interests, inclinations and, of course, know her fears well. What can alarm, frighten, or deprive your life partner of sleep? What are men really afraid of? Let's take a closer look.

Men's fears are a basic emotion that helps prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations and causes a timely defensive reaction. It played an important role in the history of mankind and ensured survival in difficult life situations.

The danger may be real or exist only in the imagination of the chosen one, but in any case, male complexes and fears cause anxiety, nervous and muscle tension, and lack of self-confidence. There are natural fears of men that have little effect on human behavior, do not complicate relationships with the outside world, and are pathological. At this level, it is difficult for a partner to control his emotions, and an obsessive state arises. May have a chronic form.

A short-term emotional reaction to danger is called fear. If the condition does not go away for a long time, but does not have acute manifestations, it is described as anxiety. We do not consider pathological conditions, in which a person needs qualified medical care.

The palette of feelings from mild excitement to fear and apprehension is familiar to all of us. We often experience these emotions in Everyday life and they do not, as a rule, have a significant influence on a person's character. The roots of experiences and most complexes should be sought in deep childhood, painful memories, mental trauma, failures, and negative life experiences.

What can cause your loved one to panic?

Failures in intimate life

Guys, as a rule, do not like to talk about their experiences, preferring to be alone with their own thoughts. And so, let's try to understand the confusing world of emotions.

Inexperienced guys are terrified by the thought of being rudely rejected or ridiculed, which will make him feel rejected, unsuccessful and unwanted.

Most guys admit to fears of losing strength and masculinity. Impotence and failure as a sexual partner for a beloved are equated to helplessness and uselessness. This is why failures in intimate life can cause panic and drive the chosen one into a prolonged depression. It is important for him to realize that he is strong, confident, and capable of satisfying a woman’s needs, including intimate ones.

If family happiness is important to you, you should not draw parallels between your lover and previous sexual partners, even if the comparison is in his favor. Hints about a spouse’s inability and poor skills in bed can also deeply wound a husband’s pride.

Dependence on another person

Why are many guys in no hurry to ask their girls to marry? The young ladies dream so much about Mendelssohn's waltz, snow-white dress and an alley strewn with red rose petals!

We reveal all the cards. As a rule, a convinced bachelor is afraid of responsibility. He is afraid of the prospect of succumbing to female manipulation and unnoticed to find yourself under a lady's sharp heel, which is tantamount to a loss of status. The guys are convinced that marriage will make them vulnerable and until the very end they enjoy the awareness of their own freedom and independence. A girl’s phrases about pregnancy or an offer to meet her parents, as well as frequent reproaches for not wanting to get married can throw even the bravest daredevil into a cold sweat.

But, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, men are most afraid of being unnecessary, insignificant and feeling like failures. Despite all the bravado and ostentatious prowess of his bachelor life, the guy dreams of a caring loving woman, next to whom he would feel happy.

Marital betrayal

Adultery by a beloved girl or spouse is such a traumatic and painful event that it literally crumbles the inner world and self-esteem of the stronger sex, and, with it, faith in people and the ability to trust. This explains men’s fears, jealousy, and desire to limit the circle of male acquaintances and friends for their beloved. Sometimes such aspirations border on inadequacy and can cause serious conflicts with the other half, leading her to think about the incompatibility of characters and reluctance to continue family life.


Often in relationships, a man is afraid of female competition. Fear of one's own insignificance, insignificance in the case of an alliance with a successful and confident lady, playing second roles and dependence on the other half bring gray clouds of panic to the stronger sex. It is important for guys to always be the first, winners and wonderful knights who will always save the lady of their heart from the menacing embrace of a fire-breathing dragon.

That's the law male psychology. If a woman earns more and becomes financially independent, then why does she need me? The fear that the beloved will give preference to a more successful partner or will stop respecting and appreciating the beloved, this will certainly harm family relations. The loss of status for your partner is equal to being an outsider, realizing oneself as a complete loser.

That is why a woman for whom it is important to achieve mutual understanding and preserve the love of her husband does not focus on the failures of her chosen one, does not humiliate him with harsh criticism and accusations, does not overuse phrases in the style of “Lyudka’s husband bought tickets to Goa and a fur coat from an arctic fox, and you ... " A wise wife does not skimp on compliments, support in difficult moments, believes in her chosen one and encourages her to move forward, reach new heights and feel like a winner.

Opinions of others

It is important for a lover that the choice of a soul mate is approved and accepted by loved ones, especially the mother. Peace and understanding between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law - important factor happiness of a young family. As a rule, the guy also tries to improve the bride’s relationship with his own social circle and close friends. A friendly wife who respects her lover’s acquaintances and friends is simply a godsend for a man.

What else can cause anxiety in men?

Among the common reasons for panic are the following fears of real men:

  1. Go bald and lose your former attractiveness. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to shave their heads bald, fearing ridicule from others.
  2. Short stature complexes. Guys try to compensate for this “defect” with strength of character, ambition and the desire to emerge victorious from any situation.
  3. Fear of not making a good impression on others. Everyone knows the “folk” methods of raising a real man in the style of “men don’t cry”, “don’t whine, you’re a guy, be strong”, “it’s a shame to be henpecked”. The sad consequences of such upbringing give rise to a large number of men's fears and feelings of anxiety.
  4. Fear of looking ridiculous, being too soft, compliant, weak and effeminate. Often, representatives of the stronger sex limit themselves to this explanation, refusing to do their “homework.”
  5. Awe of beautiful women who seem unapproachable and too confident in themselves, which threatens the guy with the failure of the operation to gain their attention.
  6. Jealousy of one's gentlemen adult daughter, unconscious competition and fear of losing authority, becoming less significant for your beloved little one, who has become an adult so quickly.
  7. Fear of becoming unemployed, unable to provide for your family, being a burden and losing control over your own life. The reasons for fear are usually the same as in the third point. Loss and failure are perceived not as a reason to overestimate your capabilities, strengths and resources, and not as a useful life experience that can strengthen you and make you better, but as a sign of insolvency and weakness.

How to help your loved one?

First of all, you should treat your spouse with understanding, respect his right to make mistakes, support his partner’s self-esteem and do not skimp on well-deserved compliments. Give thanks even for such little things as washed dishes or a modest bouquet of wild flowers. Don't forget to emphasize how important he is to you. And everything else is in the hands of the beloved himself. As the famous ancient Greek philosopher said,

Fear makes people think. — Aristotle

Perhaps the fears of real men are necessary at this stage of their lives to reassess values, change life guidelines and personal growth.

If unreasonable anxiety and worry haunt a person and interfere with his life, he should turn to an experienced psychoanalyst to understand the reasons and get rid of them once and for all.

Yes, that’s what he is: strong, brave, self-confident. But for some reason, despite his strong-willed chin and strong arms, he is afraid of a weak, defenseless woman. As a result, two singles never become a happy couple. Why ? The reasons for such fear are both in him and in her. It would seem that they were simply created for each other, but he still does not dare to take the first step. And if she intends to take the initiative, she cowardly evades the final decision.

5 reasons why a man is afraid of a woman

1. She is too beautiful. And next to her he feels not only “a little better than a monkey,” but even a little worse than King Kong. A beautiful woman is always a little worrying: will she be faithful? Wouldn't he prefer someone more successful (rich, handsome, smart)? A man needs to have huge reserves of self-confidence just to try to approach a beauty! As a result, it is the most beautiful women who are lonely or unhappy in love.

Conclusion: the idea of ​​deliberately disfiguring oneself, becoming Baba Yaga, does not stand up to criticism. If you really like this man, try to show him that, in addition to your appearance, you have other advantages. For example, you love home comfort, want to have many children, and categorically do not accept deception and betrayal. After all, it is deception and betrayal that your beloved man is afraid of!

2. She's too successful.
Well, yes, at less than thirty she already runs a department, drives her own car, or managed to promote her own business. Yes, compared to her, he is a complete loser! Such a woman will laugh at him and destroy him morally. Unfortunately, many men are unaware that successful women, no matter how strong and powerful they may seem at work, just like the last cleaners, want to come home and simply become loved.

Conclusion: you can give up on your career and get a part-time job as a janitor. There is another option: during private conversations not related to your work, stop being a commander in a skirt. Just forget about your achievements! Talk about nature, about animals, about your favorite cooking. In a word, don’t stick out your success. Maybe then your beloved man will become bolder?

3. She is too independent. He is not afraid to argue and defend his point of view. She doesn’t require that she be escorted home (why, if she herself has a black belt in karate?). He doesn’t insist that they pay for it in the restaurant (we are in the age of emancipation!). He simply does not see himself next to such a self-sufficient and independent person. After all, judging by her behavior, she doesn’t need anyone...

Conclusion: fainting at the sight of a mouse is, of course, too much, but still you shouldn’t hide your femininity and softness so deeply. In fact, what's wrong with a man handing you a coat or paying for a cup of coffee at a bar? He also helped fix a leaking faucet. By doing this, you make it clear to the man: you can and should look after me! I am weak and defenseless, I need you!

4. She is too categorical. He decides everything, both for himself and for others. As soon as he sees a person, he immediately labels him: this one is a weakling, and that one is a parasite. In general, not only men, but also women feel uncomfortable next to such a person. And also dogs and frogs. The habits of a tyrant do not suit anyone. It’s especially unpleasant to find them in a nice girl you like.

Conclusion: where did you get the idea that you are the ultimate truth? Don't you think so? Then change your behavior! Drop categoricalness and harshness. Ask your man often what he thinks about a situation or person. Consult with him and (very important!) follow his advice. Of course, prudent.

5. She is too caring. She's like mommy number two: she brings pies to feed her man (she suddenly becomes thin!). asks to cough into the phone if he complains of a cold in a telephone conversation. He rushes headlong to the other end of the city to feed his cat (although he is already as fat as an elephant). In general, a woman, of course, should take care of a man, but there should be limits to everything!

Conclusion: stop patronizing him, he has long since left kindergarten age! If he has problems, offer your help. Does he refuse to accept her? Don’t insist: he’s a man, let him figure it out himself. http://dom.goodhouse.com.ua

Why is a man afraid of the woman he is in love with? Video

Psychological fears are usually common to both sexes: losing security, freedom, status, being humiliated or unwanted to a loved one. But there are also specific fears that only men experience.

Looking into the face of men's main fear

What are men afraid of? One of the most hated is the fear of losing physical strength and the similar fear of being incompetent. To worry about your own man's health there is added fear that this will become known to the mistress or wife, her girlfriends and friends.

Men make no secret of their intimate relationships, but their sexual capabilities should only be rated “excellent”. A joke thrown in the bedroom about manhood, a hint about a weak temperament or lack of mastery in the art of love hurts so deeply and for a long time that the fear of surviving moments of fiasco haunts them all their lives.

Why are men afraid of women with whom they have nothing?

Because in relationships, at work, in the family, failure manifests itself even more acutely. To feel strong and confident, never make mistakes, keep your word, be an indispensable specialist and make great money - men carry a considerable burden of responsibility on their shoulders.

The dictates of society make high demands, and if a man does not meet them, he is forced to mask his shortcomings. This means that his life will be filled with fear of failures and the consequences of them.

Fear of being unwanted, lonely, rejected, funny

The male world is full of tough struggle and competition, so a man looks for an ally in a woman who can provide him with moral support. In a home environment, men tend to relax and feel safe. That is why they value the comforts of family living and get married.

In addition, a family in society is an indicator of well-being, which additionally stimulates its creation. With age, a single person feels unclaimed, which means he is afraid that his whole life will be regarded as one big failure.

If a man does not immediately begin to worry about loneliness, then the fear that haunts even boys in childhood is being rejected by a woman. Rejected feelings, of course, are a big problem, but even if we are not talking about the love of his life, then this fear will give odds to many other fears. Meet a girl, invite her on a date, give her a special gift, open up and propose - danger lurks at every stage. That's why so many nice girls have suffered from male indecisiveness.

The fear of being ridiculed by someone, especially a girl and her friends, is also based on a reluctance to be an outsider. A sense of humor may be fine as long as the jokes are not directed at his person. This fear makes a man hot-tempered and suspicious, and sometimes simply an unbearable conversationalist in a company.

Fear of losing freedom and independence

Men's freedom from women is generally difficult to describe.

At first it's reluctance Serious relationships, then a reluctance to get married, and in marriage, the majority spend colossal efforts trying to fight off any infringement of their right to decide for themselves. These fears break free in a variety of situations.

An independent man calmly enjoys the benefits of female society, but he should always feel that if he leaves, he will not lose anything.

The fear of falling in love and becoming attached to a partner dominates among those who are demanding and powerful, and it is very difficult to fight it.

It's better not to touch the beautiful ones

On the list of reasons for fear of beautiful woman There are both naive and strange phrases. However, all of them, apparently, are not without foundation. Why are men afraid of beautiful women?

They believe that it is better to avoid such ladies because they:

  • they immediately refuse and ridicule;
  • always busy with someone;
  • choose a more attractive and wealthy friend;
  • abandoned without warning;
  • they want a lot - money, power, sex;
  • they love only for their appearance and wealth;
  • They don't stay faithful for long.

The good news is that there are men who are able to accept this stereotype as a challenge and appreciate the character of a girl, and not her external data. It doesn’t mean that they don’t know about the fears listed, it just doesn’t stop them.

Fear of a competitor in a skirt

It is important to immediately clarify that representatives of the stronger half know perfectly well the difference between intelligence and wisdom and make a choice in favor of the second. Relying on female wisdom, a man will be able to overcome many fears and complexes. A woman with a masculine mentality, on the contrary, will mercilessly play on each of his fears.

It could be argued that men are mistakenly held captive by the stereotype, and a smart woman is not necessarily either a bitch or a gray mouse. But life experience suggests that often educated women with excellent command of logic want to oppose themselves to the opposite sex in everything. And the latter do not strive for such relationships at all, because they have enough competition and value judgments even in male society.

Why are men afraid of smart women? As sad as it may be, some people really shun the smart ones: getting lost in the background smart woman shameful and insulting.

The speed of thinking is different for everyone, but when a woman demonstratively bullies a slow-witted or ignorant person, this is probably their last date.

However, almost everyone agrees that a woman should be smart enough to be interesting to communicate with. A broad outlook and a positive manner of expression in this sense are much better than a high IQ.

What kind of woman is scary for a man to lose?

Nature powerful of the world This means being a hunter, so most of all he values ​​the one he won with great difficulty. A woman running after her lover will get him, but what will he think of her?

We all have something we're afraid: some spiders and mice, some heights or darkness, and some are horrified by the thought of a wedding or a long-term relationship with the opposite sex. In any case, it is worth fighting fears, especially if they interfere with your life. Women have always been interested in the peculiarities of male psychology, because it helped them discover the secret of thinking of the stronger sex. Men seem strong and calm, conquer women's hearts and achieve their goals, but just like women, they have their own fears. Surely every woman wanted to know exactly what fears men have regarding their personal lives. What frightens them so much and why are they sometimes completely dependent on their emotions? This is exactly what this article is about.

Men often try to hide their fears and secrets so as not to seem weak and helpless. Often the desire to carry one’s fears within oneself comes from childhood, because mom and dad constantly told him that he should be strong and wealthy in all plans. Today, women are trying to penetrate the essence of male consciousness in order to better connect, understand and support. Sociologists have been conducting research on male psychology for many years, so the topic of fears has also been explored. So, here is a list of the most common male fears. Try to use this information to the maximum benefit.

1. Men are afraid to show inability in intimate life. Every representative of the stronger sex believes that self-realization should be not only at work and in creating a successful marriage, but also in intimate life. Men constantly worry about whether the woman they love is deceiving him, portraying incredible pleasure and ecstasy from sex with him. Men get nervous every time they start an intimate life with a new partner, especially if they know that she is quite experienced in this matter. Every representative of the stronger sex wants to appear in the eyes of the woman he loves as a skillful, experienced seducer and lover. It is actually very important for him whether she considers him a professional in lovemaking and whether she is not bluffing.

2. Men are afraid of the unplanned. Men love when everything goes exactly according to plan, and surprises can only please you if they are desired. Any little thing can sometimes piss off even the most calculating and pedantic man if it can change his usual way of life. Among the most popular fears of men is an unplanned pregnancy of their partner. It doesn’t matter to him who the woman with whom he had sexual intercourse is: a beauty at a party or a wife, in any case he is afraid of this kind of surprise. Of course, the birth of a child can make him truly happy, but he will always be afraid of this news.

3. Men are afraid of sexually transmitted infections. Only the bravest or simply the drunkest will agree to have sex without a condom with a stranger. Men can talk all they want about being fearless about sex, but in reality they are very afraid of contracting sexually transmitted infections. We all know that there are a lot of different diseases that can become a real disaster for the whole body, so the ordinary instinct of self-preservation is triggered. A man can refuse to use barrier contraception, but only if his partner is permanent or he has learned the details of her intimate life before him.

4. Men are afraid of a salary lower than their chosen one. No matter how much money a wife brings into the family, a man will always strive to prove his superiority by his ability to earn money. In modern society, there is a stereotype that a man is the breadwinner of the family, so his main duty is to earn money. In a situation when a woman begins to earn more, any representative of the stronger sex begins to feel weak and helpless. This is where the complexes wake up. That is why every man is afraid of a woman’s victory in competition for a good salary.

5. Men are afraid of betrayal or the departure of their beloved woman. Oddly enough, this fear haunts both men and women. Representatives of the stronger sex always want to feel worthy, loved and desired, but the thought that he could be abandoned by the one he values ​​so much horrifies him. Sometimes the role here is not played by love and tender romantic relationships, but by banal narcissism. Every man admits that he will not tolerate humiliating treatment from his other half, decrees or simple minor manipulations. A man is afraid that sooner or later his beloved may say goodbye to him, which will damage his honor and dignity.

6. Men are afraid of having to propose. Of course, there are such specimens who, from childhood, dream about children and happy marriage, but the majority of men delay the wedding day as much as possible. Women are luckier in this regard, because according to the prevailing tradition in society, it is the man who should offer his hand and heart, but it is precisely this fact that frightens him most of all. A man is afraid of making the wrong choice, afraid of appearing awkward, afraid of rejection and simply afraid of being the center of attention on this special day. This amount of stress is scary in advance, so almost all representatives of the stronger sex are reluctant to talk about the wedding.

7. Men are afraid of their mother’s negative attitude towards their chosen one.. Almost all men treat their mother with special tenderness, because she raised him, educated him and instilled good manners. A man who wants to start his own family wants his parents and his new lady to get along. This is where a problem often arises, because the relationship between a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law is always quite complex, so a man may find himself caught between two fires. That is why it is very important for a man that his mother approves of his choice and helps him create a family.

8. Men are afraid to perform worse in bed than ex-man beloved girl. Here rivalry and the desire to prove one’s superiority play a role. A man wants his beloved to know that he is the best, so he will make every effort to achieve self-realization in her eyes. Sex for any man is a special part of life, so he will also try to show his knowledge and skills in practice. But every man, deep down in his soul, is afraid that his beloved will say that his ex was much more gentle, more courteous and better at bringing her to a state of ecstasy. This thought haunts the majority of the male population, even in the absence of a dear friend at the moment.