Traffic light volumetric trim made of fabric. Trimming from corrugated paper: methods, templates, pictures. Master class for beginners

Some of us, when we first heard the name of this type of creativity, ask the question: what is trimming? There is nothing complicated hidden behind this name. This is a technique for working with paper that combines both applique and quilling. This method is so easy to master that even kids in kindergarten can easily learn this type of creativity the first time.

Before you start working in the trimming technique, you need to decide on the pattern according to which you will later create work from trimmings. For those just starting out, these diagrams are perfect:

Such pictures can also be used for activities with the baby.

In general, almost any drawing is suitable as a pattern for trimming. The main point you need to know is that the simpler the pattern, the larger the size of the blanks for trimming can be. And vice versa, the more complex the diagram and the more small details it contains, the smaller the squares of paper or napkins should be. Another important point is that when working with napkins, the thickness of one square should be 2-3 layers, since in one layer the paper will tear and nothing will come out.

Thanks to a technique such as trimming, very unusual things are obtained: topiary, three-dimensional crafts, and, of course, paintings.

Cutting from napkins: making a Valentine card

This original gift cannot but please the one who receives it. A simple technique will give anyone the opportunity to create such a valentine on their own.

Materials for work

  • A ready-made card in the form of a Valentine's card.
  • Three-layer napkins, which will be used to make trims.
  • Cardboard for the template.
  • Scissors.
  • Pen refill.
  • Plasticine

First, let's start drawing the template. To do this, take a ready-made postcard, attach it to the cardboard and circle it.

Now cut out the resulting shape and bend it.

In the middle, write your wish or confession.

Take white plasticine and apply a thin layer to the front of the card.

Now we proceed directly to the trimming. Take a napkin and divide it into three layers.

Since the Valentine is small, the size of the cut squares should be 1x1.

If you don't want to make a single-color card, then the heart can be divided into color zones using a pen.

We begin to make trims, as shown in the photo.

Without removing a piece of napkin from the rod, press it in the place where the given color is indicated on the plasticine.

The trim pieces should be very close to each other, so that there are no gaps, then the work will look much better.

Well, the valentine is ready, and now you know how to do such things easily and simply. The technique of cutting from paper napkins is practically no different from the technique of working with corrugated paper, so the source material can be easily changed to your taste. Good luck and new achievements!

Video lessons for beginners

Cutting paper allows you to make fluffy crafts and unusually beautiful three-dimensional paintings. Using this technique you can make cards and even topiary.

The content of the article:

Paper gives immense scope for creativity. They draw on it, fold it, making unusual crafts. You are already familiar with many of them, but not everyone knows about trimming. This crafting technique is quite simple: pieces of paper are rolled up and glued or attached to a base. The result is voluminous and airy compositions.

Paper cutting: technique, master classes

This handicraft comes in several types:
  1. Outline. When curled pieces of paper are used to frame a drawing along a previously drawn contour. This technique is sometimes used in conjunction with scrapbooking.
  2. On a plane. This is a facing technique in which the workpieces are placed next to each other, filling the entire surface with them.
  3. When trimming in layers the parts are glued into each other. At the same time, the combination of elements of different shades helps create interesting effects.
  4. Volumetric trimming most often made on a plasticine base. Twisted parts are attached to the molded blank, which allows you to make complex compositions.
Let's look at a simple example so that you understand how to work in this technique.

To make such a violet, take:
  • corrugated paper;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • a bottle of glue with a spout.
Redraw the presented image onto light cardboard. From corrugated paper you need to cut squares with a side of 1 cm.

To fold paper elements, you need to use a special trimming stick. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with a pen body sharpened with a pencil.

  1. Using one of these tools, press a small piece of paper in the center and wrap it around the stick.
  2. Roll with your fingers without removing from this tool. Lubricate a small area of ​​the contour with glue, place the twisted piece here directly on the stick, and carefully remove this tool.
  3. Create the second element in the same way, glue it next to the first. Having completed the contours, proceed to filling the inside of the petal.
  4. When the blanks are glued to all the petals, roll the same elements from squares of yellow corrugated paper. Glue them to the center of the flower.
If you wish, you can draw only the outlines of the plant, then the work will be completed faster. If, on the contrary, you want to prolong the pleasure of creativity, then cut out the same squares from light paper, twist them, fill in the background, or proceed to the next work. See how napkin trimming is done.

To make this work, take:
  • bright napkins;
  • scissors;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • gouache;
  • trimming stick.
Cut strips 1 cm wide from napkins and chop them into squares with the same side.

Draw the outline of a tree on a white piece of cardboard. Apply glue to a small area so that it does not have time to dry.

At this time, take a square from a napkin, screw it onto the tip of a trimming stick, and glue it to the smeared outline. Then glue another one and others.

Take napkins of different colors to make the tree bright and cheerful. Fill the entire crown, sketch the trunk with brown gouache.

Since you made the foliage of the tree from elements of different colors, make the picture frame from napkins of the same color.

Use blue napkins to create a background. Elements for this are also created using the trimming technique.

You will get a wonderful picture that will surprise and delight everyone who sees it.

Using this technique, children and adults can do many other amazing projects using either flat or contour cutting.

For this, corrugated paper in yellow, orange, lilac, green, white and blue was used.

First, glue a sheet of blue paper onto white cardboard, then draw the outlines of a fish and algae. After this they are rolled out of squares yellow color blanks for trimming, fill the tail of the fish with them. Make her body from orange and her head from lilac. And white and blue will create the eye of the fish. All that remains is to fill the seaweed with similar elements and admire the wonderful work.

See how you can make it interesting crafts using another trimming technique.

Templates for three-dimensional crafts made from paper and plasticine

Trimming will also help create such flowering cacti. For these crafts take:
  • well sharpened pencil;
  • plasticine;
  • corrugated paper;
  • toothpick;
  • packing tape or satin tape;
  • a pin with a bead;
  • colored cardboard.
Let the child make three blanks from plasticine. The large oval one will turn into a cactus, the small round one will become a flower, and the square one will become a pot for an artificial plant. Cut triangles from green corrugated paper, and from yellow - shapes of the same type, but only with an acute angle. You need to cut petals from lilac paper.

Insert a toothpick into the cactus and the other end into the pot. Attach the flower base to the cactus. Fill his body with beautiful voluminous blanks. To do this, place a pencil in the center of the paper triangle, wrap it around the rod, and stick it into the plasticine base.

Complete the first row, placing the elements close together, then move on to the second and the next.

To get the petal the desired shape, leave its tip free, twist only the part that you will attach to the plasticine.

To decorate a flower, you need to make 1-2 such petals, then fill its middle with triangular blanks made of orange paper.

Look how the pot is decorated. It needs to be wrapped with a strip of colored cardboard or wrapping paper and tie with ribbon.

A cactus made using corrugated paper cutting has been created.

Look at the process of making another work using volumetric techniques. It will help your child develop creative thinking, fine motor skills, and imagination. Children show interest in working with paper, as a result of which such wonderful models appear.

Prepare the following:
  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • album sheet;
  • pencil.
Cut paper into small squares. Place the blanks of each color in separate containers. If the child is not very small, let him draw an apple on half a sheet of album paper. If he cannot do this on his own, adults will help.

Coating small areas with glue, let him attach the squares here to make a fabulous rejuvenating apple.

You can draw a twig or glue a thin strip of brown paper instead.

You can glue one piece of a different color into an already attached one, thereby obtaining the effect of trimming in layers. The next two works are devoted to this technique.

Schemes for cutting corrugated paper in layers

Not far away New Year. Children and their parents will certainly prepare for this holiday. They will be able to make a postcard by placing a Christmas tree on its front side.

Prepare with your children:
  • corrugated paper;
  • Christmas tree drawing;
  • glue and a brush for it;
  • pencil;
  • thick sheet of paper.
The work begins with drawing a Christmas tree on a sheet of paper. You can use a template for this. Cut squares from green paper, as well as from sheets of other colors.

First, the child will fill in the contours of the Christmas tree with green squares wrapped around a pencil. Then, in some places you need to glue blanks of other colors on top of them. They will become a decoration for the Christmas tree.

But you can do not trim in layers, but along a plane. Then you will need to first glue colored squares, which will become toys, and then fill the surface with green ones.

You can give your mother or grandmother a souvenir scarf. They will certainly be happy, especially since their beloved child did such a job.

To make a scarf, you need to take:
  • a sheet of red cardboard;
  • corrugated paper different colors or napkins;
  • glue along with a brush;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • drawing template.
If the gift is made by March 8, then have dad or grandpa transfer the pattern template onto cardboard. You will need a triangular part of the base. To do this, draw a square on cardboard, then cut it diagonally.

Starting with small areas, have your child fill in the design with squares of different colors. You will need a lot of them. If your child doesn't have the patience to turn the crosscuts, help him with this so as not to reduce his interest in the work.

The result is such a wonderful scarf. The next work was done by his mother and the child. A great example to follow. The result will be mushrooms and autumn leaves, made using trimming layers.

To create an autumn forest, take corrugated paper in red, orange, yellow. You can also make inclusions using brown and green.

For the craft, take:
  • colored paper, cut into squares with a side of 2 cm;
  • templates for application;
  • trimming stick or pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
It is convenient for children to glue using a brush or taking a glue stick. Provide them with these materials and help them cut paper into squares.

You can take your favorite mushroom and leaf templates from the Internet or use the ones presented. You can draw them yourself on thick cardboard and cut them out.

The most painstaking work is cutting out squares and forming twisted blanks. To create the desired shape, place a square of paper on your left index finger. Hold it with your thumb. Place a pencil in the center of the workpiece and twist it.

As you can see, this is another option for forming parts. We will also glue it in another way so that you can choose the one that is most suitable for you.

Pour glue into a bowl. Dipping the trim piece here, attach it to the leaf template. Having glued the red one, attach the yellow one directly onto it using PVA. The result will be an interesting effect. The yellow one is also glued to the orange blank; use green and brown squares as a base.

To make mushrooms, line the stem with white ends and the cap with brown, yellow or red.

Children's paintings made of corrugated paper

The trimming technique will also help you make them. Such children's paintings turn out to be very cute and touching; they will remain for a long time and will decorate any corner of the house.

If the child can, let him draw a round lake, reeds along its shores, and ducklings swimming. He will depict where the birch tree will be, a rainbow, and draw a horizon line. If this is difficult for a child, then adults will help.

For this work you will need squares of corrugated paper with a side of 1.5 cm.

How larger size paper blanks for trimming, the higher the pile of the finished work.

Having cut them, you need to start gluing. In this case, it is most advisable to fill the space on the left side. First, cover the rainbow with multi-colored stripes, then make grass around it, and glue green trims. Also decorate the sky on this side, filling it with twisted blue squares. Leave some space for the clouds; glue the white blanks here.

Also on the left side, start gluing brown parts in the form of reeds, make the chickens yellow, and lay out the lake blue.

Gradually moving to the right, decorate the white birch trunk with black splashes, rolled from paper of this color. Fill the entire space with voluminous blanks, after which you can enjoy the view of the colorful painting. For kindergarten such a craft would be an ideal option. Having brought it there, the child will certainly take first place in the competition.

But there are also more complex works that schoolchildren can do.

These violas were created by students in grades 1–8. Such collaboration brings the guys together.

On a sheet of whatman paper you need to draw a viola with a pencil or transfer another image here. Then each of the guys will fill the flower with twisted trims of a certain color.

You can make winter paintings for the New Year.

If you draw well, draw the future art on cardboard with a pencil; if not, then just redraw it. A good template is embroidery patterns. They are transferred to a sheet and decorated with rolled paper pieces of a certain color.

Please note that the outlines of the Christmas trees are made of blue elements. This technique allows them to keep their shape and look fluffy and snowy.

Finally, look at how to make a New Year's garland, which can also be created using the trimming technique.

For it, on whatman paper or white cardboard, draw the letters of the future inscription and cut them out. Now each one needs to be framed first by trimming white, glue the red ones inside.

For the base take satin ribbon. Using a glue gun, letters are attached to it to create an inscription. Remember to maintain space between individual words.

That's how many interesting and necessary things trimming can help you do. But this is not all that can be made using this technique. If you want to create volumetric snowflake, watch a visual master class.

Another will teach you how to make a heart-shaped topiary using the same technique. This is what you would give to your loved one for his birthday or Valentine's Day.

Contrary to its name, trimming has nothing to do with processing the ends of any object. This design technique, often used to decorate postcards and paintings, is related to appliqués, but unlike the latter, it is aimed at creating volume. The intricacies of trimming are very easy to master, so this activity is ideal for leisure activities with young children.

Trimming: what is it?

The main attractiveness of paintings created using the cutting technique lies in their certain airiness and lightness, which is achieved through the use of corrugated paper - thinner and more transparent than ordinary colored paper. And also due to the technology of cutting and fixing it. Unlike other methods of working with paper, in trimming the accuracy of cutting out parts does not play a role: on the contrary, the more uneven the edges are, the more attractive the finished picture will be, since it will have an individual relief. True, some rules still need to be followed so as not to step over the line between deliberate negligence, which adds liveliness, and unattractive, carelessly performed work.

To realize the idea conceived using the cutting technique, in addition to the picture, you need to stock up on colored corrugated paper, which is cut into small elements of square, triangular or round shape, 1.5-2 cm in width and length. In this case, as already mentioned, the edges can be made not only smooth, but also zigzag, wavy, etc. The main thing is not to unnecessarily increase the size of the parts. If the picture is large, you can make 3*3 cm squares, but no more than that. The smaller they are, the more of them there will be in a certain area, as a result of which the filled form will look more holistic.

The paper is fixed to the glue using a thin long object: it can be a pencil or a match: the area of ​​its end should be small, and at the same time it will be inconvenient to use a thin needle. The match is placed exactly in the center of the paper element, after which its edges rise, clasping the match, and curl slightly along it. Then the paper is pressed against the side edges of the match with your fingers to strengthen the resulting paper shape, and the element is seated in the chosen place using glue.

Finally, it is pressed down in the same center where the match stood for 5-7 seconds. According to this algorithm, each paper blank is glued, and the larger the area that needs to be filled, the longer it takes to work with the product, since the elements are placed end-to-end to each other, with maximum density. When examining the finished section, the joints of the parts should not be noticeable: visually, a craft made with high quality using the cutting technique always resembles an expensive fluffy carpet.

Those who are just trying their hand at this method of decorating products with paper are recommended to start with simple “paintings”, practicing not only the step of twisting and fixing parts, but also transitions and color combinations. For example, lay out a rainbow, trying to make the stretch as soft as possible, which is achieved by selecting large quantity shades of paper and smooth interspersing of elements into each other.

If you want to try experimenting with shape, building flexible lines, start with simple geometric shapes and their connections: first fill the circle, making it as even as possible, then connect it to the oval - you get the head and torso of a person. Then you can begin to deform the usual details: concave several lines of the triangle so that you get a butterfly wing, or stretch out its base in places and round the top, getting a barely open tulip bud.

Corrugated paper cutting technique: description

  • The basic principles of trimming as a technique were discussed above, but it is worth understanding that trimming does not always involve filling a certain area. For example, there is a contour trimming technique, the name of which speaks for itself: fluffy paper twists frame the selected shape around the perimeter, and the center can either remain empty or be decorated using other techniques - quilling, scrapbooking, etc. Contour trimming also looks interesting on crafts made in monochrome or when using only 1 color different from the background color. The drawn outline of the design is simply duplicated with rolled paper to match, and not always completely - perhaps only in areas where you want to add volume.
  • Planar trimming is a classic for paintings and postcards, which was already discussed above. This is a traditional filling of any shape on a plane, and with the combination of all the shapes of the pattern, an even terry carpet of rolled paper is obtained. Due to the small size of the paper elements, all lines, contours and boundaries of the drawing are preserved, and the picture does not lose clarity and ideas.
  • There is also a technique for volumetric trimming: the operating algorithm is similar to the algorithm for planar trimming, but paper twists are used to tightly cover a volumetric figurine - a box, a figurine, etc. In addition to the fact that in this way you can give new life old thing, such a design idea allows you to create figures on a simple base from cardboard, plaster, clay, etc., “revitalizing” them not with a brush and paints, but through paper decoration. Here, the degree of twisting, the angle of inclination when fixing and the size of the paper parts often vary depending on what kind of shape needs to be put into paper. Moreover, the elements are not always attached with glue: for example, the plasticine base will independently hold the paper pieces, without additional means.
  • The last option, which should be considered more of a subtype of any of the previous techniques, rather than in a separate way, this is trimming in layers. It involves gluing rolled paper blanks into each other, while simultaneously varying their size and density, which allows you to achieve very soft color transitions or realistic volume on a plane. All this affects the overall perception of the craft: the same green grass in the picture will look livelier and more natural if in shading areas it is made in a dark green shade, and in areas where the sun’s rays fall - in light green. You can use layered trimming for both contour and other techniques.

Trimming corrugated paper: pictures and ideas

On the Internet and magazines dedicated to needlework, you can find a lot of different pictures that will serve as the basis for planar or contour trimming, but sometimes you want something special, your own. If you have basic skills in working with graphic editors, you can draw the desired sketch on a graphics tablet, print it in a certain size and design it using the trimming technique.

Or you can do the same thing in Photoshop using brushes that represent a variety of elements - from basic geometric shapes to full-fledged details of nature, clothing, silhouettes, etc. You can also outline the contours of the future painting by hand, using a pencil - it will not rub and mark as much as a pen, especially at the moment of contact with glue. It is not necessary to make complex drawings: it is enough to simply indicate the shapes that will be filled in, or the contours that need to be duplicated.

If in other techniques - quilling, etc. - even simple elements looked quite impressive, then in trimming, paintings that have at least 4-5 details look much more interesting. Even if it is a simple sun, clouds, a house, an apple tree nearby and a wooden fence, then this is already a finished product, which, after filling it with paper rolls, becomes voluminous and alive, and also carries a holistic idea.

A single flower, decorated using trimming technology, will look no worse only if a volumetric technique is used on the originally constructed frame of this flower. But even here, bonsai and topiary are much more attractive: artificial flower trees. By the way, through volumetric technology With trimming, you can even create a bridal bouquet from “artificial flowers” ​​or decorate a wedding table.

Creating corrugated paper is a great idea for an evening at home with the kids or even alone. Crafts made using this technology are distinguished by their special tactile softness and visual grace, and by combining several techniques at once you can get unusual, but very attractive paintings and sculptures.

Trimming is a type of handicraft that does not require expensive and scarce materials. The master must have artistic taste, be able to combine colors and be prepared for long, monotonous, painstaking work. The reward is a charming craft and sincere admiration from the audience.

Using the cutting method, corrugated paper is used to create paintings that look like carpets, postcards, voluminous colorful topiaries, cacti, and decorative ornaments. This type of needlework can be mastered by children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Technique and materials

Paper, as an inexpensive and easy-to-work material, is used for many types of needlework: applique, quilling, origami and trimming. Corrugating paper makes it soft and convenient for making wonderful crafts and trimming, among other things.

Types of facing:

  • contour;
  • planar;
  • multilayer;
  • volumetric.

Master class for beginners

For children and beginners, learning to trim takes place in the manufacture of the most simple crafts. To understand the essence of this needlework, you need to explain the cutting technique, list the tools and materials, and also select simple designs.

Prepare for work:

  • corrugated paper of the desired color;
  • a sheet of thick paper or cardboard;
  • trimming stick;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Making crafts:

Facing on a plane

Trimming corrugated paper is easy to do with your own hands. Children are happy to create bright, beautiful, fluffy cards, pleasant to look and feel, to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, and friends. For these crafts, it is enough to prepare the simplest drawings.

For postcards for March 8, create images of the sun, flowers, and rainbows on a blue background. For New Year cards choose drawings of snowmen, Christmas trees, forest winter landscapes. For your birthday, you can come up with cards on any theme: a triangular scarf for grandma, decorated with flowers; cake and fruits on the festive table.

The most simple and, at first glance, boring drawing is transformed after it is completed using the trimming technique. It is necessary to choose the right not only colors, but also shades. Poppy petals can consist of several shades of red; the grass can contain not only green, but also yellow and light green blades of grass.

Landscape with poppies

Required tools and materials:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. A trimming stick or toothpick, a pen refill, a pencil.
  3. PVA glue, scissors, contour drawing “Poppies”.

Step-by-step instruction.

With this technique, any boring outline drawing can be turned into a fluffy one. beautiful picture from corrugated paper.

Volumetric trimming

For it you need to prepare a base in the form of a ball. You can take a tennis ball or make it from foam or plasticine, which is convenient because you can do without glue. Cover tennis or foam balls with cloth or napkins so that the end pieces stick better.

The base can be of any shape, it depends on the master’s plan. The volumetric trimming method is suitable for creating topiaries, cacti, and decorative volumetric flowers.

Cactus in a pot

To make it take:

  • plasticine;
  • pencil;
  • paper, cardboard, toothpick;
  • tape.

Step-by-step production.

  1. From plasticine you need to fashion an oval template for a cactus, small ball for a flower and a pot for a cactus.
  2. Cut paper blanks: green triangles for the cactus, orange or yellow for the middle of the cactus flower and lilac for the petals.
  3. Using a pencil, connect the cactus to the pot. Attach the flower base with a toothpick. Twist the green triangles around a sharp pencil and stick them into the plasticine body of the cactus, row by row, until the entire base is filled.
  4. Also fill the base of the flower in the center with orange blanks. To make the flower more magnificent, twist only the corner that sticks into the plasticine. Then place lilac petals around.
  5. The pot can be wrapped in bright paper and tied with ribbon.

Making topiary

This cute souvenir, which girls love and call the tree of happiness, can be made in the form of any shape: a heart, a seven-flowered flower, a ball with butterflies and flowers. A heart or seven-flowered flower is cut out of cardboard and covered on both sides with corrugated trim.

All that remains is to attach it to the trunk and insert it into the pot. To prevent the topiary from tipping over, you need to put a piece of plasticine inside the pot.

For beauty, you can use multi-layer trimming and, for example, make a topiary in the form of a green spherical tree. We use red trims to make “apples”: insert and glue them inside the green ones. For topiary in the form Christmas tree insert and glue colorful toys.

The trimming technique is becoming popular because the crafts delight with their beauty, and their production does not require complex training. This type of needlework instills perseverance and patience in children, develops creativity, and trains fine motor skills. Materials needed and there are tools in every home. If desired, the child can do his own work as a gift for relatives, to participate in homemade competitions, or to decorate the interior.

Attention, TODAY only!

The cutting technique allows you to create wonderful fluffy carpet paintings different forms and sizes that arouse interest and admiration. It seems unlikely that such seemingly complex applications could be performed by children. Everything turns out to be possible if the work of the team is organized correctly, and even first-graders can cope with the most complex drawings. The technique does not imply the use of any special equipment. To work, you only need a drawing with contours, scissors, a pencil or a rod from ballpoint pen, multi-colored corrugated paper or paper napkins and PVA glue.

Trimming technique: preparation for work

First you need to cut pieces of corrugated paper with a side of approximately 1.5 centimeters. Their number and colors depend on the complexity and size of the work. You can draw a stencil for your future masterpiece yourself or print any simple design you like. It is advisable to use thick paper or cardboard. For convenience, you can pour glue onto a plate, or you can also use a glue stick. The trimming technique is a simple, but at the same time labor-intensive process that requires perseverance and patience, as it contains a lot of identical repetitive actions.

Step-by-step description of the technique

1) Apply a thin strip of glue along the contour to a small area of ​​the pattern.

2) The end of the rod or pencil must be covered with a square of corrugated paper and, using your fingers, give the paper the desired shape, reminiscent of a flower head.

3) Then the bottom of the resulting figure needs to be dipped in glue and glued to a certain area of ​​the drawing.

4) After gentle pressure, the rod is carefully removed.

The important point is that each subsequent corrugated piece should stand next to the previous one, so they need to be placed very close to each other so that there are no gaps.

Features of the technology

What can you make from crepe paper? In fact, this material gives almost unlimited scope for imagination. Postcards made of corrugated paper, various crafts, flowers, as well as voluminous fluffy paintings look original and unusual. The corrugated paper cutting technique is a very popular working method. The products turn out to be very interesting, and the execution of such crafts does not require any special skills. Using this method, you can create beautiful and original three-dimensional images from corrugated paper. And these can be either miniature compositions or large panels. All elements should fit very tightly to each other, creating the effect of a thick fluffy rug consisting of a large number of pieces of paper. The trimming technique is very easy to learn, so this activity is ideal for recreation and activities with young children.

The advantage of working with corrugated paper

The main attraction of a painting created using the trimming technique is that the images are light and airy, which is achieved through the use of corrugated paper, a thin and transparent material that easily takes on a given shape. Unlike other methods of working with paper, the accuracy of the dimensions of the cut out parts is not particularly important; on the contrary, the more uneven edges there are, the prettier the appearance will be. finished product. However, some rules still need to be followed so that the work does not seem careless or done in bad faith.

To realize your plans using the cutting technique, you need to purchase corrugated paper or napkins of different colors, which you need to turn into many small pieces, the size of which is about 1.5-2 centimeters. The shape of the elements can be square, triangular or round. At the same time, the edges do not have to be perfectly smooth; they can be zigzag, wavy, and so on. The main thing is not to greatly increase the size of the parts. If the picture is large, you can make a square 3*3 cm, but no more. The smaller they are, the more clearly the picture will look in its complete, complete form. When attaching paper to glue, a thin object is used: it can be a pencil or a match. To begin mastering the trimming technique, it is recommended to start with simpler images, such as a rainbow, flower, butterfly or various geometric shapes.

Basic principles

The technique of cutting from napkins or corrugated paper does not always involve fully filling the required space. For example, there is only a contour facing in the form of a fluffy twisted frame around the entire perimeter of the selected figure, while the center of the picture may remain empty. Several colors can be used in the work; the craft can also be made in monochrome using just one color, for example, to highlight the background. The main principle of the technique is to use it in those areas where you need to add volume, while due to the small size of the paper elements, all the outlines and boundaries of the pattern remain unchanged, and the picture does not lose clarity and the main idea.

Volumetric trimming technique

The paper cutting technique can be used not only for flat images, but also for firmly glued ones. paper figures. It could be a box, a figurine, a paper tree. You can give new life to old things using cardboard, plaster, clay and other materials, which can be “revived” not with a brush and paints, but with paper decoration. In addition, elements cannot always be secured with glue; it is quite possible to use a plasticine base, which will help save a lot of time. Gluing pieces of paper that differ in size and density allows you to create very soft color transitions and real volumes on a flat surface. All these effects influence the overall perception of the picture: the same green grass will look brighter and more natural if it is dark green in some places, and light green where the sun's rays fall.

Living picture

The technique of cutting from napkins or corrugated paper can transform even the simplest drawing with primitive elements into a more interesting picture. Even if it’s just the sun, clouds, a house and an apple tree next to a wooden fence, then after filling the image becomes three-dimensional and alive. Crafts made using this technology are distinguished by their special tactile softness and visual elegance.

The history of the appearance of the trimming technique

What is trimming? The history of the emergence of applied paper art technology goes back more than one century. However, there are trends that have appeared relatively recently, these include appliqué, quilling, origami and trimming. When using the cutting technique, they are created from paper, promoting the development of creativity, fine motor skills, abstract thinking. In addition, this activity teaches patience, perseverance and hard work, which are so often lacking in modern children. This young technology is becoming increasingly popular thanks to simple way execution and the unusual effect of a “fluffy carpet”, pleasant to the touch and visually. What is remarkable about the trimming technique? A master class on creating three-dimensional paintings can be held without leaving home; no special equipment or expensive materials are required. You just need to stock up on napkins or crepe paper, plasticine, glue, a brush, cardboard, multi-colored markers and other devices that are already in the arsenal of any schoolchild or kindergarten student.