When will the redness after tanning go away? How to remove redness after tanning: effective methods. Is it possible to use certain products to increase the intensity of tanning?

Redness after clear baths or solarium– not the most glorious phenomenon, so let’s learn to cope with this task effectively and become the owners of beautiful bronze skin as quickly as possible!


1. Firstly, after solarium You should take an extremely cool shower. Hot water not only increases redness, but also destroys the delicate natural protective layer of the skin. Do not use a washcloth or sponge, except perhaps a nourishing and gentle shower gel (preferably with a neutral ph level). Remember that showering after solarium- This is an essential procedure.

2. Moisturize and soothe the skin: firstly, the tan will last long only if the skin is perfectly moisturized, and secondly, after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, your skin urgently needs to replenish its moisture reserve! Choose light creams or gels with natural extracts, say, chamomile, which charmingly soothes the skin and relieves redness. Do not use heavy nourishing creams; they are unlikely to help hide redness. It’s good if you manage to find products with menthol that will cool the skin and effectively relieve redness.

3. If you feel that you are burned, then try to remove the redness with the help of avocado pulp and peach (although apricot oil is absolutely suitable). They contain a huge number of nutrients that will come to the aid of your skin, which has suffered from intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

4. With potential burns and redness after solarium Various herbal infusions work wonders: sage, the above-mentioned chamomile, parsley and celandine. In addition, an excellent remedy is brewed black or green tea, which should be soaked in cotton wool or gauze and applied to the affected areas for about 20-30 minutes.

The idea that it is impossible to burn in a solarium is false. Unfortunately, even more is allowed. The skin burn is observed to be exactly the same as with prolonged contact with direct bright rays. If after solarium redness does not go away within 2-3 hours, then we can say with certainty that this is a burn of the skin. The sensations will be unpleasant: redness, the appearance of blisters, the skin will slowly begin to peel off, and an increase in body temperature is also occasionally observed. You can avoid these signs, the main thing is to take timely measures.


1. The most common remedy is sour cream. Take sour cream of any fat content, but the thicker it is, the better. Lubricate the redness area and wait - after a while the redness will begin to subside. But there is one significant drawback - the smell. The sour cream will begin to smell annoying, so as soon as you feel relief and the redness goes away, wash it off your body. After this, apply any nutritious cream.

2. Different oils also help a lot. You can use anything you have in your home: olive, sunflower, burdock and even camphor. Apply a small amount of oil to the skin, and after a few hours you will notice a visible result. You don’t have to wash off olive oil, and other types of oils, too, but if you don’t like the smell, you can wash it off with regular shower gel.

3. Will also fit modern means, fortunately there are quite a lot of them now. Buy any cream after tan and take advantage of it. There are also creams that are made to eliminate not only redness, but also natural burns. Creams are applied to damaged areas of the skin, but there is no need to wash them off. They have a nice scent and have a calming effect. If you notice obvious redness after solarium, go not home, but to the nearest pharmacy.

Skin burns and redness after tanning are not uncommon. The sensation is somewhat similar to a clear burn. If you greatly exceed the duration of the procedure, blisters may appear on the skin, but if not, the redness will gradually disappear, and only a brownish tan will remain. To eliminate redness, use moisturizing and skin softening products.

You will need

  • – sour cream or cream;
  • – oils;
  • – remedies against burns.


1. Lubricate the skin with thick sour cream or cream. Dairy products quickly relieve redness and burning. After a short period of time, the redness will begin to subside. As soon as you feel better, wash the sour cream off your skin; on the contrary, it will begin to smell annoying. Later in the shower, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to your skin. If you have sea buckthorn oil, mix a portion of the cream with 5 ml of oil and apply to the body. Sea buckthorn promotes skin healing and eliminates burns.

2. Other oils will also help to cope with the burn and relieve redness: sunflower, olive, camphor or burdock. Apply a little oil to your body, massage lightly and wait until it is absorbed. Repeat the procedure until the discomfort disappears completely 2-3 times a day. Finally, olive oil is superior to others, but if you don’t have it, then use any. Do not use too much oil, it will be very difficult to wash it off even with the help of shower gel; it is impossible to rub reddened skin with a washcloth.

3. Go to the pharmacy and look for remedies for clear burns. Buy anything that suits your price. Use the cream according to the directions on the package, but not more often. Such products may contain medicinal components, the excess of which can lead to poisoning.

Do not exceed the average time spent in a solarium - you will not tan more powerfully, but you will definitely get a burn. Before the first procedure, visit a dermatologist and consult about permissible contraindications.

Helpful advice
Before going to the solarium, feel free to apply products with a high level of SPF protection to your skin. Creams made for babies, tea and children's cosmetics protect well from the effects of ultraviolet rays High Quality, which cannot always be said about creams for adults.

Pimples do not go away without a trace; often these pustules leave behind redness on the skin, which can be too noticeable for a long time. To quickly remove redness from acne, only a green camouflage pencil and an intonation cream that will flawlessly harmonize with your skin tone will help you.

You will need

  • – toner/foam for washing;
  • – green camouflage pencil/powder;
  • – intonation cream;
  • – powder.


1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin of your face by wiping it with an infusion of medicinal anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, etc.) or lotion containing alcohol. You can use tonics with glycolic acid.

2. If you choose to wash with soap or foam, it will benefit every pore on your face. Do this diligently, rub your face effortlessly, and pat your face dry after washing. terry towel, being careful not to touch the inflamed areas.

3. The camouflage pencil should be green in color in order to “cover” the scarlet color of the skin. It is applied pointwise to the area where there was previously or is just a ripening pimple. Gently blend the product onto the skin with your fingertip and let it harden. Intonation cream is applied over the green color natural color. It would be better if you choose an intonation cream to mask redness that is a tone lighter than your natural skin tone, but something completely matching it can be absolutely fine.

4. If there are a lot of red spots on your face from acne, makes sense to use concealing powder. It is also green in color and has a thicker texture. Use it instead of a corrector/concealer pencil. It is quite simple to apply it with a sponge to large areas of the collection. acne or for redness that formed after their treatment. Of course, the intonation cream is no longer applied on top of the green powder. It will be beneficial to cover your face with several layers of flesh-colored powder. Apply the latter in as many layers as possible until the green tint disappears completely.

5. This methodology is only suitable for one-time masking of redness. It is often not recommended to use “heavy” foundations on sore skin. This way you clog the pores even more and aggravate the situation. For treatment acne and their consequences, you need to go through a lot of procedures, follow the rules of hygiene, often use high-quality cosmetics, and do not neglect folk remedies. And most importantly, if you have a large number of problem areas on your face, you should consult a doctor.

Video on the topic

How beautiful and sexy a tanned body looks! And in order to achieve stunning results, people visit the solarium. But the fact is that after visiting him, burns, rashes and various spots may appear on the skin. To remove a rash that appears after a tanning salon, girls often write on the Internet: “I got burned in a solarium. What to do?" There are many ways to treat red skin and relieve symptoms of UV allergies.

Why does my skin turn red after visiting a solarium?

Redness of the skin after solarium

Red skin after a solarium is the norm, since, when interacting, elevated temperature and ultraviolet radiation produce the appropriate result, much depends on the person’s skin type. Therefore, if a girl finds red spots after a solarium, there is no need to panic, they can go away in a couple of hours or in a day. But what to do if a person gets a burn after a solarium? Here you need to act immediately. It manifests itself in the form of redness and blisters, the skin begins to itch and peel, and the body temperature rises at this moment.

A red face after tanning can be due to several reasons:

  • Allergy to ultraviolet rays (including allergy to solarium) is “photosensitization”, sometimes it can be caused by skin care products.
  • The patient's skin is too sensitive.
  • Sometimes this happens after taking medications that provoke a sensitizing effect.
  • A man suffered a thermal burn after using a solarium.

Rules for visiting the solarium

Usually dark spots after solarium appear due to non-compliance with certain rules. Therefore, before you go looking for tanned skin, you should learn a few points:

  • Most often, redness of the skin appears during the first visit to the solarium. It must be remembered that dark-skinned beauties can stay in it for no more than 5 minutes, while blondes and red-haired girls need only three minutes.
  • You cannot sharply increase the amount of time for this procedure, as an allergy to the solarium may occur.
  • It is necessary to use special products to moisturize and nourish the skin before the session.

You also need to remember that if the owners of the solarium decide to change the lamps, the client may receive a thermal burn.

When should you consult a doctor?

Redness from tanning beds does not always go away on its own. You should immediately see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  1. Blisters have formed on the skin.
  2. Body temperature became higher than normal.
  3. The blisters broke, after which wounds appeared.
  4. Inflammation has begun.

Chocolate skin is the dream of many women, but not everyone has the opportunity to spend time and money on trips to the sea. A solarium is a suitable solution. In just a couple of hours you will get an even tan, and the amount paid for it is not so great. Another plus, suitable for a business woman, is the speed, because often it only takes 10-15 minutes to get tanned skin. However, there are a number of restrictions that must be observed after tanning.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse/sauna after solarium?

IN winter time When the intensity of the sun's rays drops, many people, like birds, head south to sunbathe and relax. Others prefer solariums. Since it’s cold outside, baths and saunas are not inferior to solariums in popularity, but how exactly can they be combined?

Dermatologists are confident that there is no particular risk in going to the bathhouse after a solarium, because in the latter the temperature of human skin is not greatly affected, which means that additional “sweating” will not affect the person’s condition. However, dermatologists believe that the reverse order (solarium after sauna) is quite dangerous for a person, since after steaming and immersing in water, a person partially washes off his natural protection from UV radiation, which means he risks getting skin irritation or irritation in the solarium. even burns.

Can I wash immediately after tanning or should I wait?

A shower after a solarium is a good thing, but not right away. Wait 2 hours if you only used sunscreen, or 4 hours if you used enhancers such as bronzers and the like.

Unlike a shower after a solarium, you should not arrange water procedures before a solarium. If you rinse in the shower in the morning, then without using scrubs and gels that could damage the natural protection of the skin.

Is it possible to sunbathe during your period?

If we are talking about natural tanning in the sun, then please, but not in the most active phases. A solarium is prohibited, since the rays there are directed and not scattered, as in sunlight. Such a tan can lead to complications and pain.

Is it possible to sunbathe topless?

No, taking off your swimsuit is strictly prohibited. The problem is that it is extremely sensitive to any radiation, which means the risk of skin diseases, including breast cancer, increases.

Can I take my mobile phone with me?

UV radiation and radiation from telephone devices do not interfere with each other in any way. That's why mobile phone It is not forbidden to take it with you. Of course, the connection may not be perfect, but this is not due to radiation, but due to the thick walls of the booth.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

If your skin is fair, it is recommended to visit the solarium no more than twice a week until it darkens, then you can reduce the interval and go every other day. The first session should be no more than 3 minutes, after which the time increases, based on the sensitivity of the skin.

Is it possible to get burned in a solarium?

Yes, you can, that’s why you can’t stay there for a long time, otherwise you’ll get burned. Tanning bed burns are no more dangerous than sunburns. Of course, you will have to wait a while until the skin recovers, but there is nothing wrong with that.

Is it possible to sunbathe without glasses?

Not recommended. Sunglasses prevent directed UV rays from entering the eyes. The retina of the eye is not designed for such a load, if you sunbathe without glasses and open your eyes (and it is quite difficult to keep them closed for a long time in strong light), you risk getting a burn.

Is it possible to sunbathe without cream?

Needed to change the shade or for a quick tan. You may not use the cream during the procedure. However, it is recommended to apply a soothing cream after tanning to help regenerate skin cells. This could be a special cream after solarium or just a moisturizing gel. The main thing is that the substance is not aimed at cleansing the skin: scrubs and cleansing gels can seriously damage sensitive skin.

Appearance of redness

Many girls complain that redness appears after tanning. This is due to the skin's sensitivity to UV rays. If the redness is painful, you are most likely sunburned. In this case, you can use panthenol to speed up skin healing. If the redness is not painful (and there is no discomfort at all), it is likely that you used a cream that stimulates blood circulation. In this case, the redness will go away on its own after some time.

Do I need to use stickini?

Stikini is a nipple-sized sticker to protect the delicate skin of the areola from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If you have a fairly thick swimsuit, you don’t have to use stikinis, otherwise it is recommended not to risk it and stick them under the swimsuit.

Peeling skin

People with dry skin experience flaking and dry skin after tanning. In this case, it is recommended to use moisturizers after tanning. You can also apply soothing masks or special oils to soften the effects of UV radiation.

Is it possible to visit a solarium with bruises and abrasions?

Of course, if you have been seriously beaten (God forbid!), visiting a solarium is not recommended. This applies to large lesions and skin lesions that occupy a significant surface of the body. In other cases, scratches and bruises do not interfere with visiting the solarium.

Is it possible to sunbathe with a lot of moles?

Doctors do not recommend this practice, since radiation may stimulate growth and/or unhealthy processes in the case of. If you still need to visit a solarium, cover problem areas with a strong protective cream to reduce the risks.

At what age can you sunbathe in a solarium?

You can sunbathe from about three years old. Of course, the sun's rays do not harm the child and more early age, but a solarium, where UV radiation is directed directly at a person, is not recommended. Also, children have a reduced time spent in the booth, since their skin is more sensitive compared to adults. If possible, try to delay as much as possible the moment when the child needs to go to the solarium. Of course, before a special event, you can make a similar trip, but if there is any possible alternative, refuse to do so in order to reduce the risks.

How long after tanning can you peel?

There are several options for how long you need to wait after a tanning salon. If you are going to do superficial peeling, 2-3 days are enough; for deeper cleansing, it is recommended to wait about a month. In addition, the meaning of a solarium is lost if you immediately “cleanse” your face of it using peeling.

How long after solarium can you sunbathe?

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, you can’t sunbathe after a solarium for about 2 days, since a solarium and sun rays in one day is a huge burden on the skin. Moreover, you will not immediately see a bronze tan on yourself after a solarium; it needs time to fully manifest itself. Such diligence can lead to burns on the skin, not to mention irritation.

Is it possible to visit a solarium while taking antibiotics?

It is forbidden. Some types of antibiotics are not compatible with ultraviolet radiation. This combination may cause skin irritation. After taking a course of antibiotics, you need to wait about 7-10 days so that the substances are completely eliminated from the body and do not interact with UV rays. For more effective cleansing, it is recommended to drink more liquid.

Is it possible to get heatstroke?

If you visit a professional solarium, special channels must be installed in the booths to remove heat. Heat stroke occurs not due to radiation, but due to overheating, so in a solarium the risk of getting a stroke is minimal.

Is it possible to use certain products to increase the intensity of tanning?

You can, of course, eat more foods containing vitamin D, but it is far from certain that they will greatly affect the intensity. However, you can make your tan more yellowish (reddish) by taking more vitamin C, either natural (carrots) or artificial (vitamins/pills).

Is it possible to visit a solarium during pregnancy and lactation?

During pregnancy, visiting a solarium is not prohibited, but it is not recommended. The skin is more sensitive during this period, so UV rays may not have the same effect that the mother experienced when in contact with them previously. During lactation, you can sunbathe, but not with your breasts exposed (in a swimsuit, not even in a swimsuit), as some doctors believe that the composition of milk may change under the influence of UV radiation.

Can solarium increase blood pressure?

Yes maybe. A person is in a supine position, in one position for quite a long time.

The temperature is slightly elevated, so people with a tendency to hypertension experience an increase in blood pressure.

Is it possible to have an allergy?

There is a disease called photodermatitis. Photodermatitis occurs due to increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight (UV radiation), and is therefore also known as “sun allergy”. In this case, the allergy manifests itself in the form of blisters, redness, peeling or itching. Typically, such diseases are detected at an early age, so manifestations of the disease in a solarium are unlikely.

Before and after solarium

Despite all the restrictions, very few solarium visitors fall into these categories, and the result pushes everyone more girls get a bronze tan this way. See for yourself by looking at the solarium clients before and after in the photo:

What you can and cannot do after visiting a solarium was last modified: May 8th, 2016 by MaximB

Staying in a solarium often has a negative effect on the skin, especially if you neglect protective measures and exceed the time spent in it. Let's figure out what to do if, even if you follow the regime, your face becomes red after a solarium. There are a number of factors leading to burning, which, in addition to neglecting the rules, include the characteristics of the body.

Why does my face get red after tanning?

If you notice redness of the skin after sunbathing, then you need to understand its causes. Most often this indicates burns. They usually appear during a long stay in a solarium, in the absence of protective equipment.

A red face after tanning is also a cause of ultraviolet allergies. In addition to changes in skin color, peeling and itching are observed. This reaction occurs in response to chemicals contained in medications and cosmetics.

The reasons why the face turns red after a tanning salon are also:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • skin problems.

What to do if your face turns red after tanning?

First of all, it is important to ensure that your skin is regularly moisturized. Masks from:

A cucumber mask will cool the skin and relieve inflammation.

You can use pharmaceutical anti-burn products containing panthenol.

A compress of honey and milk is effective against facial burns. The last component can be replaced green tea. The cloth is soaked in this mixture and placed on the face.

If after a tanning salon your general condition has deteriorated significantly, and the painkiller has not helped, then it’s time to call a doctor. Since such a reaction to ultraviolet radiation can be a symptom of serious skin pathologies such as dermatitis, eczema or melanoma, only a dermatologist can determine the exact cause of facial redness after an examination.

What to do if your face turns red after tanning?

In an effort to look perfect in any situation and in any weather, women try more and more new products on themselves. One of these ways to look attractive is to get an even bronze or slightly chocolate tan, which visually gives a slimmer body and clearer lines to the face. But visiting a solarium does not always give the expected result. Often girls have a red face after a tanning salon and do not know what to do in such a case! We will share with you the most effective recipes regenerative therapy for skin.


If your face is red after tanning, first you need to determine the reasons for this skin reaction to tanning. The first thing that comes to mind when red spots appear on the face after tanning is an allergy to ultraviolet radiation. As a rule, people with sensitive skin types suffer from this type of allergic reaction. The reaction manifests itself as redness, itching, burning, and peeling of the skin. Two types of factors can contribute to the occurrence of such a reaction in the body: external and internal. External factors Various chemicals and compounds that are part of cosmetics or household chemicals, and medications for external use may appear. Internal stimulators of allergies can be various diseases of the liver, kidneys, and digestive system. Diabetes And overweight may also trigger a reaction.

An allergic reaction in a solarium can be caused by various chemicals that are used to disinfect and sanitize the premises. For all allergic reactions caused by visiting a solarium, a separate term was even introduced - allergy to solarium.

Red spots on the face after artificial tanning are also characteristic of burns or overheating of the skin. Such spots can be accompanied by the appearance of blisters, severe burning, and over time, peeling of the skin.

A reaction in the form of bright redness can also be evidence of various skin diseases such as eczema, various dermatitis and even melanoma.


You need to fight redness on the face based on the reasons for its occurrence, which only a dermatologist can answer you with great certainty, and even then, having the results of laboratory tests in hand. In order not to miss the birth of a new dangerous disease, you should consult a doctor in any case if abnormalities are detected.

Traditional treatment of allergic redness includes the use of internal and external antihistamines. Hygienic procedures during this period are recommended to be carried out using infusions or decoctions of chamomile, string, and celandine. It is also necessary to protect your facial skin from sunlight. To do this, use various protective creams with UV filters, and stylish accessories like hats and sunglasses.

A mask made from crushed avocado pulp with olive oil in proportions 3:1.

Before visiting a solarium, you should consult an experienced dermatologist or cosmetologist. In any case, you should remember that you should not overuse procedures in a solarium, and you need to cover your face with a napkin from time to time, otherwise banal redness of the facial skin can lead to fatal consequences for health, not excluding skin cancer.

What to do if your face is red after tanning

Before an important event, you decided to tan in the solarium, but did not calculate the duration of the session and overdid it? This happens to many girls, and in most cases it is due to failure to take precautions. In this article we will talk about how to prevent skin burning and what to do if your face still turns red after tanning.

Causes of redness

Everyone associates reddened skin after sunbathing with a burn. However, this is not the only reason for this skin reaction. There are also others, and if you don’t know about them, you can be treated incorrectly, which not only will not remove the redness, but will also worsen the condition. Let's look at all the possible causes and signs.

  • Let's start with the common one - a burn of the upper layer of the epidermis. It is characterized by redness, a strong burning sensation and a feeling as if the face is “boiling.” The skin is really hot to the touch, causing the applied cream or cosmetics to instantly “float.” Small watery blisters often appear from which ichor flows. After a couple of days, the skin begins to peel off.
  • Allergy to ultraviolet radiation. There are people who cannot be in the open sun at all, because their skin does not immediately react to it in the best way. The signs of such an allergy are similar to a burn, but it differs in that it does not go away for a long time. If your face is burned in a solarium, the redness lasts for 1–2 days, but an allergic reaction can last up to 5 days or longer.
  • Allergy to sunscreens for skin or chemical components that are used to clean tanning beds. Yes, this also happens. Therefore, if you again and again observe a swollen red face after a solarium, even if you adhere to all the rules, then change your protective cosmetics or go to another solarium.

Prevention of burns

The tanning procedure in a solarium is absolutely harmless if all precautions are taken. Often we neglect certain rules, we want to tan quickly, but as a result we get completely burned. If you don't know how to protect your face in a tanning salon, remember the following:

  • The first times you need to start with a minimum session duration so that the skin gradually gets used to it. Even better, consult with a specialist who, based on the characteristics of your skin, will advise how many minutes and how often you should visit the solarium.
  • Do not neglect products with UV protection, especially for the face. However, tanning creams and lotions should not be used in the sun. The salon will offer you a number of products from which you can choose the right one. They will not only reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, but will also contribute to a more even and lasting tan.
  • The skin on your face is so delicate that even if you adhere to the first two rules, you still risk getting sunburned. To prevent this from happening, cover your face in the booth with a cotton napkin three minutes after the start of the procedure.
  • After the session, even if you do not feel any signs of a burn, it is recommended to apply moisturizer to your face and entire body. The cream will help restore the water balance in the epidermal cells. It would be good to use special cooling sprays.

What to do if your face is red after tanning: Video

Remedies for ultraviolet burns (herbal decoctions and juices). Memo

How to remove redness

No matter what, everyone, even avid tanners, experiences setbacks from time to time. If your face is burned in the solarium, you feel discomfort, and those around you mistake you for the squaw of the leader of an Indian tribe, then it’s time to quickly do something. Here are some good SOS recipes:

  1. Cooling procedures have worked well. Rub your face with an ice cube or apply a cold compress as often as possible. Wet the cloth, place it in the freezer for a few minutes, then apply it to the skin. Keep it on your face until the fabric warms up.
  2. Next, medicines based on Panthenol will help you. If the pain is so severe that you cannot apply cream to your skin, then use spray products.
  3. Among folk remedies, we can recommend low-fat fermented milk products. Kefir or natural yogurt without additives is best. You cannot smear yourself with fatty sour cream or oil, because it clogs the pores, which disrupts the oxygen exchange in the layers of the epidermis.
  4. Redness that is caused by an allergic reaction is treated with antihistamines. If nothing helps you, go to the doctor. You may have allergies. He will prescribe internal or external medications.

Rules for tanning in a solarium: Video

Now you know all the secrets and you don’t have to worry about an important event being ruined by your overly flushed face. Try not to overdo it with tanning, because burns accelerate skin aging. By observing moderation in everything, you can enjoy the appetizing golden hue of your face and body for a long time.

How to treat a burn after a solarium?

In pursuit of a beautiful tan to look more attractive, we go to the solarium. But sometimes, over the course of a session, you can overdo it and end up not with a bronze color, but with severe redness or even a burn after a tanning bed.

What to do in such cases? How to remove redness? How to quickly restore burnt skin?

Read about all this on sympaty.net.

Why does the skin turn red after tanning?

Always and without exception, the skin of everyone, without exception, does not darken immediately after tanning - first it turns red, for some more, for others weaker. This is a normal reaction that occurs as a result of exposure to UV rays and high temperature and including the protective mechanisms of the skin.

If there are no problems and the skin is not burned, this redness will go away in a few hours or a day.

But sometimes, even if you follow all the rules for safe tanning, Can a real burn appear after a solarium, and what to do in this case? The women's website sympaty.net knows the answer to this question.

Solarium burn: help from the inside

If the skin is not just red, but cannot be touched, you need to take serious measures without delay. First, drink enough water - not cold, clean and non-carbonated - it will nourish your skin with moisture from the inside.

Now make sure that rule out a serious allergic reaction. If you see that the skin is covered with spots or a rash, you need to urgently take antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs - they will relieve these symptoms.

Do you feel like you’re shivering or, conversely, feeling hot and your whole body aching?

Measure the temperature - it may well rise by one or two degrees. In this case, you can take an antipyretic (aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen) and go to bed.

Nothing helps, and it only gets worse? Then you have a direct route to a therapist or dermatologist.

Red skin after solarium: removing redness

If there are no such serious problems, but just redness, you need to act directly on the affected skin. You need to approach eliminating redness in stages.

  1. First, take a cool shower (not warm or hot), rinse off all the products with which you sunbathed in the solarium. Use a mild shower gel that does not dry out your skin.
  2. On those areas where the skin is especially red after tanning, apply natural vegetable oil(sunflower, olive, almond, flaxseed, castor, burdock - in a word, any that is within reach). Try to walk around without clothes and allow the oil to absorb as much as possible.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, rinse off the oil in the shower, you can use the soft gel again.
  4. Now apply it to your skin intensely moisturizing or deeply nourishing skin product(cream, lotion, milk) and allow it to be completely absorbed.

How to relieve a burn after a solarium with medications?

Best for skin redness and burns medications. Which ones should you pay special attention to?

  • "Panthenol". The well-known SOS remedy for all types of burns, produced today by many pharmaceutical and cosmetic brands. It is best to use it in the form of a spray or skin foam - it will quickly absorb and do its job without leaving a sticky residue.
  • "Bepanten-Plus". Here the active ingredient will also be dexpanthenol, the same as in the Panthenol foam. But the texture of the product is already more saturated - in the form of a thick cream or ointment. This option is perfect if you have a burn on your face after tanning. What to do with the cream? Apply a generous layer 3-4 times daily to the entire face, neck and décolleté.
  • "Levomekol". If you don't like ointments with a greasy texture, you should try this one. This ointment is available for water based, it is absolutely non-greasy and can be easily washed off with water if necessary. It contains an antibiotic that will relieve inflammation and swelling, as well as components that will help increase the skin's defenses.
  • "Rescuer". This balm will not only help restore your skin, but also relieve you from unpleasant painful sensations. The pain and feeling of heat will disappear within 10-15 minutes after application, and the redness will subside within an hour.

How to relieve redness with folk remedies?

If you don’t have any of the above medications at home, and you have neither the strength nor the desire to run to the nearest pharmacy, you can completely get by with folk remedies. Which ones will be the most effective if you have a red face after solarium? What to do with the skin of the body if it is reddened profusely?

  1. Dairy products. This home remedy has proven itself to be excellent. In this case, almost all fermented milk products are suitable - they contain lactic acid, which helps relieve discomfort, redness and even severe burns. The serum can be used as a compress. It is excellent to rub the whole body with curdled milk or kefir. But rich sour cream will have a good effect on the skin of the face - just apply it as a mask.
  2. Cucumber and potatoes. These vegetables are useful for emergency relief of redness of the skin of the face and décolleté. The cucumber can be cut into slices and applied to the skin. But the potatoes need to be peeled, grated (or chopped in a blender) and the pulp or juice used for a compress. This mask should be kept on for about 20-30 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water and applied to your face with moisturizer.
  3. Natural oils. As we said above, Unrefined vegetable oil copes well with skin restoration. Take any that is at hand, apply a generous layer to the skin that is red after tanning, let it absorb for 20 minutes, and the residue can be removed with a napkin.
  4. Tea and herbs. If you have time, it would be useful to use compresses made from tea - black or green, or from herbal infusions. Just brew strong tea, soak gauze or cotton pads in it, and apply to the reddened areas. Herbs you can use are chamomile and sage, calendula and parsley - they perfectly soothe the skin and relieve inflammation.
  5. Aloe. This excellent remedy against many skin problems, and against burns - even more so! If you have this plant at home, cut off the leaf, wash it, remove the inner part, chop it and apply it to the skin. The effect will be noticeable after the first use of such a 20-minute mask. Pharmacies sell gel with aloe vera extract - it also helps a lot.

Remember, to prevent redness from appearing again after tanning, carefully monitor the timing of your tanning session. If the redness and burn were severe, refrain from visiting the solarium for at least a week and allow the skin to restore its natural defenses.

A tan acquired with patience and intelligence will not only be beautiful and harmless, but also useful!

The article was written based on materials from the sites: prolico.ru, doctor-eskin.ru, www.sympaty.net.

After visiting a solarium, many people are faced with the question of how to remove facial redness. This article gives a lot of proven recommendations on how to relieve redness after tanning.

It is not known who and how long ago made a cult and a standard out of tanning. In Japan, for example, they are zealously fighting dark skin. In this country there are huge, bright brochures with pictures of white-skinned girls.

They are calling for people to stop tanning in solariums and on beaches. Europe is in panic and they are starting to close these salons. The Spanish authorities were the first to ban visits to persons under the age of majority and pregnant women. In addition, medical institutions are strictly prohibited from recommending solariums as beneficial to health.

Americans are making statements that the radiation waves received in a solarium are three times more harmful than the sun's rays. And German scientists, after many years of research, proved that 88% of people who visited “artificial tanning” during the year were diagnosed with malignant tumors. So is such a tan dangerous for people?

In such establishments, customers are welcomed with open arms. They offer tea, coffee and even a small buffet just to entice you. What happens in the human body when rays hit. There are two subtypes of rays: short - A and long - B. But the point is that both short and long are equally dangerous for precious health.

The first ones lead to a decrease in immunity and leave skin cells without water, from such thirst it dries and withers, which leads to a rapid aging process; but there are generally terrible things, this is the effect of second rays on the cell - the cell begins to mutate, that is, to change pathologically. Under the influence of ultraviolet birthmarks and the pigmentation develops into cancer cells, which begin to grow and eat everything around. These are the products of sunmania.

Salons that provide such services without certificates are killers, because a person’s condition is in their hands. Therefore, it is better to avoid constant trips to so-called beauty salons. There is a very good expression - what is done normally is not harmful. These are the most terrible and unfortunate aspects. There are some less negative aspects of tanning, but they are also not very pleasant. Burns. There are 4 types of burns: 1st – redness of the skin; 2nd - redness, itching and pain; 3rd - redness, itching, pain and blisters; 4th – charring (the most terrible type, mainly occurs when exposed to flame or thermal burns) . Things are absolutely not pleasant, but the first two types are easily tolerated.

How to deal with such ailments? There are a million ways to help your skin. When burned, the skin becomes dehydrated, that is, it loses that precious moisture, without which not a single cell can live. If redness of the face occurs, you must devote all your efforts to recovery. water balance. Firstly, drink more liquid, and it doesn’t matter what kind (but only non-alcoholic). Apply to reddened areas baby cream, anti-burn medications, can be done cucumber mask(since cucumber is a very water-saturated vegetable). If you get the second type, you need to carry out all the procedures described above, but with the addition of painkillers. Because in addition to the itching, there is also pain. How to relieve redness after tanning is described above, but you can also add skin treatment with fermented milk products and yoghurts. Sour cream product is an ideal option because it contains fats and conserves water and moisture accordingly. There are certain rules and requirements for tanning that need to be mentioned.

First of all, you need to understand who is allowed to visit such places and who is not. Absolute contraindications are various inflammations, that is, on the skin and systemic. It is not recommended to use ultraviolet radiation for people who have oncology, or have already been treated and long forgotten. The next category of people - taboo - are those who have problems with the thyroid gland, or only with adjustment medical workers. Such baths are contraindicated for expectant mothers, because in this condition, the woman’s hormonal levels change, the hormones that are present can lead to different reactions, and this is extra stress for the body, and accordingly for the future little person. In addition, people who have benign tumors cannot afford this pleasure, because any benign tumor can develop into a malignant one at any time. Therefore, if there are big size moles, you need to be very careful when using ultraviolet light.

The light-skinned public (the first photo skin type) does not know how to protect itself from the sun on its own (only with the use of protective equipment). It is unlikely that the type of skin that has developed pigment spots will be able to protect itself in a solarium. Medicines (antidepressants, antibiotics and even vaginal contraceptives) prevent their owners from taking ultraviolet radiation. Such medications immediately cause redness of the face and body in general. There may be such allergic reactions rash-like, red spots. So, if a person still decides to go and treat himself to a tan, he needs to consult with a doctor who knows everything about diseases. this person, sees the structure of the skin, and will be able to give practical advice on the time spent in the salon and the power of tanning. After winter cold, you need to start sunbathing gradually, with the smallest doses, that is, no more than 3-5 minutes. Gradually, the stay time can be increased, but not more than 10 minutes. In principle, doctors and cosmetologists say that in 2-3 weeks several trips, namely 2 times, to such establishments with ten-minute tanning are not harmful. Again, don't forget that this all depends on your skin type. A dermatologist can tell you how to sunbathe correctly and what type of skin a person has.

For women, before taking such baths, it is recommended to wash off cosmetics, because some of them contain photoprotective elements, and some contain photodamaging elements, so it is better to go to the solarium without cosmetics or makeup. The components that make up cosmetics can interact with the sun's rays and further damage the skin, the same applies to scented perfumes. Before tanning, you should take a shower with moisturizers. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the body tissue begins to heat up and sweating becomes profuse, which means the loss of water from skin cells; for this, previous hydration is necessary.

After such procedures, you need to moisturize the skin again so that it does not become dry and flabby. Various creams, lotions and tonics are suitable. In addition, you need to cover all sensitive parts of the skin and body (lips, eyes, especially for those people who wear contact lenses, since they dry out and damage the mucous membrane of the eye). It makes sense to cover the chest area and, of course, take care of your hair. Such rays dry them out very much, they become brittle and disobedient. Speaking about the choice of the shape or type of solarium, it should be noted that this is a matter of person’s preference - is it a vertical solarium, or a horizontal or turbo one. But it should be taken into account that in turbo solariums the power of the rays is always higher and build on these parameters, not forgetting about health. Horizontal, the safest and most comfortable. In a vertical solarium, it is possible to achieve a uniform tan, since the body does not come into contact with the lamps. The most important thing is to find out from the salon owners whether the tanning machine is professional. The following parameters indicate the professional properties of this installation:

29 lamps of 100 watts;

Good ventilation;

Inside there is a system control with an emergency shutdown button;

Control buttons for time adjustment and air supply.

The quality of such solariums can be indicated by the fact that the lamps work, that is, when coming to the salon, you need to clarify how long the lamps work. The best option is up to 700 hours. If the operating time is 800 or more, it is better to give up tanning. Because after 700 hours of operation, the lamps stop protecting against ultraviolet radiation. It is harmful.

But new lamps will heat up twice as hot. This should also be taken into account. The use of protective equipment must be mandatory. The more a person protects himself, the better.

The question of what to do if your face is red after a tanning salon is quite relevant. Many girls want to get an even, attractive tan before an important event. But in a solarium you must follow your own rules. If you miscalculate the time of the procedure, or do not take precautions, a burn may occur. After this, the skin looks painful. She will need time to recover. Therefore, it is better to use protective measures to avoid getting burned.

What to do if your face is red after tanning? There are effective professional and home remedies for this. The latter are prepared on the basis natural products, and therefore recovery occurs quite quickly. Usually they are applied to the skin of the face in the form of masks and then washed off with water. After regular procedures, the redness disappears.


Many people perceive redness of the skin as a burn. But this is not one reaction. There are others that you should also be aware of in order to begin proper treatment. Otherwise, you may cause harm to your health. Common reasons include:

  • Burn of the upper layer of the epidermis. At this time, burning and redness may occur. In some cases, watery blisters may appear. Peeling may occur after a few days;
  • Allergy to ultraviolet light. Some people have difficulty with their skin tolerating exposure to the sun, causing redness to appear quickly. It's like a burn, but the redness lasts a long time. If your face is burned, the redness will last for 1-2 days, and the allergy will appear for up to 5 days;
  • Allergy to sunscreens. They are used in all solariums. If this factor is the cause of the redness, then you should replace the protective equipment, or visit another establishment.

Preventive measures

Tanning will be safe if simple precautions are followed. The rules of procedure are often violated due to the desire to quickly tan. The end result is burning. To protect yourself from these factors, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • The first procedures should be carried out with a minimum amount of time. This is necessary for the skin to get used to it. It is advisable to consult a professional on this issue, who will determine the duration of the session based on the condition of the skin;
  • It is necessary to use cosmetics with UV protection. But sun creams and lotions are not suitable for this. Typically, solariums offer suitable cosmetics. With them, the skin is protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, resulting in a uniform color;
  • Facial skin is very sensitive, so even if you follow the rules, there is a possibility of burning. To prevent this from happening, you need to cover your face with a cotton cloth in the cabin;
  • After completing the session, you need to apply moisturizer. It is necessary to restore water balance. A cooling spray is also suitable for this, which will prevent redness from appearing.

Elimination of redness

Even if you have experience tanning, a burn may occur. If your face is burned, you need to immediately take measures to eliminate this defect. The following tools are suitable for this:

  • Cooling treatments are great. The skin should be treated with an ice cube. You can use a cold compress.
  • The fabric needs to be wetted, placed in the freezer, and after a few minutes it can be applied to the skin. It should be kept until it heats up;
  • Then you should use a product from Panthenol. If you feel severe pain, you can choose a spray instead of a cream;
  • There are funds from traditional medicine. Fermented milk products have an excellent effect. It is advisable to use kefir. You should not use fatty foods, as they cause disturbances in oxygen metabolism;
  • Antihistamines are suitable for treating redness. If none of the remedies bring results, you should visit a doctor. He will prescribe medications for external or internal use.


Pharmacies sell various medications that can help eliminate skin redness. Creams and ointments with panthenol have an excellent effect. Medicines may have different names: Beponten, D-panthenol, Dexpanthenol. All products may have a different base.

Medicines containing panthenol are harmless, so they are used to eliminate skin ailments in young children. After the procedure, you need to use a healing and moisturizing agent. It is advisable to choose sprays or aerosols so as not to cause pain with your hands.

It is better to buy creams with panthenol at a pharmacy so as not to run into a fake. Before use, you need to check for allergies, since they may contain fragrances and other substances. To do this, the composition should be applied to a small part of the skin and left for half an hour. If no itching, peeling or redness is noticed, the product can be used to eliminate skin problems.

Other proven remedies can also help get rid of redness:

  • Solcoseryl ointment has a restorative effect;
  • Calamine lotion helps get rid of inflammation, burning and itching;
  • Fluorocort ointment used to normalize the water balance of the skin.
There is a wonderful balm called Rescuer, which contains natural ingredients. They moisturize the skin, heal redness and protect against the development of bacteria. This remedy will also help eliminate the effects of solarium.

They have a similar effect with Prey Olazol and Livian. To quickly eliminate redness, you need to use vitamin E. It may be included in the funds. But it is better to use it as a separate medicine. Antihistamines can quickly eliminate a burn, as they eliminate the effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Folk remedies

They have an excellent effect folk remedies. Dairy products are used for these purposes. They contain many proteins that protect the skin from drying out. Folk recipes allow the skin to recover very quickly.

You can eliminate redness with gruel from raw potatoes or the juice of this vegetable. You can use black tea (the main thing is to brew it stronger), from which compresses are made. The redness quickly disappears after using infusions based on chamomile, quince seeds, calendula, and St. John's wort. Sea buckthorn oil, cucumber juice, cabbage leaves will help.

Any means must be used regularly, and then the effect is expected. Now those who like to lie in the ultraviolet rays know what to do if their face is red after a tanning salon. Thanks to these simple remedies, you can quickly return your skin to its former healthy appearance.

If after the next session in the solarium the skin is very red, use vegetable oils. You can take burdock, camphor, olive or sunflower oil and gently lubricate the reddened skin with it. After this, lightly massage this area of ​​the body until the oil is completely absorbed. Repeat this procedure several times a day until the redness begins to subside.

Take advantage by special means from burns. It is best to purchase them at a pharmacy. Before use, be sure to read the instructions; use the product as recommended by the manufacturer. Do not apply it to your skin too often, pharmaceutical drugs, as a rule, contain medicinal components. Exceeding the dose may lead to poisoning.

During water procedures Do not rub damaged skin with a washcloth. Use the gel and gently massage your body with your hands. After showering, put on a soft robe or pat dry your skin with a towel, but do not rub it. During this period, try not to use scrubs, they can further injure the skin.

Sour cream will help relieve the burn. Using a cotton pad, apply a small amount of sour cream to the desired areas of the body. After this, soothe the skin with an emollient. You can also use sea ​​buckthorn oil. It promotes rapid healing of the skin and relieves redness. If you don’t have sour cream at home, you can use cream, kefir, yogurt or yogurt.

Apply a compress. Brew tea and cool. Moisten it small piece gauze and apply the compress to the damaged skin for half an hour. In addition to tea, you can use chamomile. Pour a glass of boiling water over a handful of dry chamomile inflorescences. Apply a compress to problem areas. Such procedures can be done 3 times a day. After two days, the redness should go away.

Use products that contain panthenol. They speed up the process of skin cell regeneration, promote healing of damaged areas and have a pleasant cooling effect. Such drugs are usually available in the form of ointments and sprays.

To prevent skin flaking, use aloe vera cream. Apply it to the skin and let it absorb. Aloe leaf juice can be used to lubricate burns. It contains substances that relieve pain and promote skin healing. You can also use potato juice.

An effective folk remedy for burns and redness is a paste of fresh cucumbers. It will relieve irritation and redness and cool the skin. If you don't have a cucumber on hand, you can use raw potatoes. The resulting paste must be applied to the affected area for 15 minutes. After this, rinse off and apply a moisturizer.

In the future, before visiting the solarium, apply special protective agents to your skin. They will help avoid redness and burns.

What to do if your face is burned in a solarium? If you know how to deal with sunburn, you won't have to learn anything fundamentally new. Ultraviolet is ultraviolet, to remove redness, it will take some time for healing and especially sensitive attention to the skin.

First, drink more water. Sunburn and tanning bed burns occur because water evaporates from the skin, causing it to become very hot. In order for the skin to return to its previous state, it needs to restore its moisture balance after solarium. Cool showers and periodic gentle washing will help relieve pain, but the main thing is that the skin begins to moisturize itself again. Help her from the inside out by making sure you drink enough.

The coolness will make you feel better, and sleep will help you get through the unpleasant hours and allow the damage (burns are damage, even small ones) to heal. The main thing is to be patient, and when the skin begins to peel off, do not tear it off, so as not to irritate it even more and cause an infection.

10 remedies and tips on how to remove redness if your face has been damaged in a solarium

  • Vinegar

Both regular and apple will do. Just make sure it's vinegar and not vinegar essence! Soak a small soft towel in vinegar diluted with water (a couple of tablespoons per bowl of water) and apply to your face. This remedy will perfectly help with both redness and pain.

The tannins in it soothe the skin. Brew 4-6 tea bags in a large teapot, let the tea cool thoroughly, soak a towel or napkin in it, and blot your face. For added relief, place a damp towel in plastic bag and keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Burnt skin will appreciate the cold!

Spilled tea bags (not straight from the cup, but cooled, of course) can be applied to the eyelids if they are also damaged. For the same purpose, you can moisten cotton pads with tea and make applications from them on your eyelids.

  • Dairy

Who didn’t have their burnt shoulders smeared with curdled milk as a child? Nowadays, few people have yogurt in their possession. finished form, it takes a long time to cook, but natural yogurt is an excellent home remedy that will help both relieve redness when your face is burned in a solarium, and soothe discomfort. Apply to your face like a mask, walk for 20-30 minutes, and rinse gently with cool water.

  • Oatmeal

Oatmeal masks are excellent and, most importantly, gently cleanse and whiten the skin. Mix oatmeal with a couple of egg whites, make a mask, leave for half an hour, rinse. Egg whites, by the way, are good for the skin in themselves.

  • Potato juice

Grate the potatoes, do not squeeze. Soak a napkin or towel in potato juice and apply to the affected areas. And by adding the proteins mentioned above, we get a mask of grated potatoes.

  • cucumbers

Applying cucumber circles to your eyes when making a mask taught you that cucumber soothes the skin. If you have a burn, you can apply circles to your entire face, this will help cope with redness and irritation. Or grate a cucumber and use it as a mask.

  • Tomatoes

And vegetables again. Tomatoes are known for their positive effects on the skin, especially protective. They are recommended to eat to reduce the risk of skin cancer. So - take a couple of pieces orally, and the rest - on the face in the form of a mask, in circles or mashed pulp.

  • Aloe vera

Perfectly soothes, moisturizes, relieves redness and heals. Surely you have cream or lotion with aloe. The main thing is that it is moisturizing, and not nourishing: fatty formulations do not soothe, but only irritate the burned face more, it is better to wait a while with them. If the product contains vitamin E, it’s generally ideal, it speeds up healing.

  • Dexpanthenol

More precisely, an ointment, emulsion or spray containing it. Most likely, you have seen the inscription on a bottle of after-sun lotion: “Contains panthenol.” So, this is the same substance that helps with burns. There are simply preparations of dexpanthenol and panthenol for external use, there are after-sun products and care products that contain it. By the way, it helps with burns of other origins, and with abrasions and scratches.

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

They actually relieve inflammation - for quick relief of burn symptoms. If you need an immediate effect and are not ready to endure while folk remedies work. Of course, it must be used with caution, like any medicine.

Let your skin be healthy, tanned and beautiful!

In pursuit of a beautiful tan to look more attractive, we go to the solarium. But sometimes, over the course of a session, you can overdo it and end up not with a bronze color, but with severe redness or even a burn.

What to do in such cases? How to remove redness? How to quickly restore burnt skin?

Read about all this on the website.

Why does the skin turn red after tanning?

Always and without exception, the skin of everyone, without exception, does not darken immediately after tanning - first it turns red, for some more, for others weaker. This is a normal reaction that occurs as a result of exposure to UV rays and high temperature and includes the protective mechanisms of the skin.

If there are no problems and the skin is not burned, this redness will go away in a few hours or a day.

But sometimes, even if you follow all the rules for safe tanning, A real burn may appear after a solarium, and what to do in this case?

Solarium burn: help from the inside

If the skin is not just red, but cannot be touched, you need to take serious measures without delay. First, drink enough water - not cold, clean and non-carbonated - it will nourish your skin with moisture from the inside.

Now make sure that rule out a serious allergic reaction. If you see that the skin is covered with spots or a rash, you need to urgently take antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs - they will relieve these symptoms.

Do you feel like you’re shivering or, conversely, feeling hot and your whole body aching?

Measure the temperature - it may well rise by one or two degrees. In this case, you can take an antipyretic (aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen) and go to bed.

Nothing helps, and it only gets worse? Then you have a direct route to a therapist or dermatologist.

Red skin after solarium: removing redness

If there are no such serious problems, but just redness, you need to act directly on the affected skin. You need to approach eliminating redness in stages.

  1. First, take a cool shower (not warm or hot), rinse off all the products with which you sunbathed in the solarium. Use a mild shower gel that does not dry out your skin.
  2. On those areas where the skin is especially red after tanning, apply natural vegetable oil(sunflower, olive, almond, flaxseed, castor, burdock - in a word, any that is within reach). Try to walk around without clothes and allow the oil to absorb as much as possible.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, rinse off the oil in the shower, you can use the soft gel again.
  4. Now apply it to your skin intensely moisturizing or deeply nourishing skin product(cream, lotion, milk) and allow it to be completely absorbed.

How to relieve a burn after a solarium with medications?

Medications are the best treatment for skin redness. Which ones should you pay special attention to?

  • "Panthenol". A well-known SOS remedy for all types of burns, produced today by many pharmaceutical and cosmetic brands. It is best to use it in the form of a spray or skin foam - it will quickly absorb and do its job without leaving a sticky residue.
  • "Bepanten-Plus". Here the active ingredient will also be dexpanthenol, the same as in the Panthenol foam. But the texture of the product is already more saturated - in the form of a thick cream or ointment. This option is perfect if you have a burn on your face after tanning. What to do with the cream? Apply a generous layer 3-4 times daily to the entire face, neck and décolleté.
  • "Levomekol". If you don't like ointments with a greasy texture, you should try this one. This ointment is water-based, it is absolutely non-greasy and can be easily washed off with water if necessary. It contains an antibiotic that will relieve inflammation and swelling, as well as components that will help increase the skin's defenses.
  • "Rescuer". This balm will not only help restore your skin, but also relieve you from unpleasant painful sensations. The pain and feeling of heat will disappear within 10-15 minutes after application, and the redness will subside within an hour.

How to relieve redness with folk remedies?

If you don’t have any of the above medications at home, and you don’t have the strength or desire to run to the nearest pharmacy, you can completely get by. Which ones will be the most effective if you have a red face after solarium? What to do with the skin of the body if it is reddened profusely?

  1. Dairy products. This home remedy has worked well. In this case, almost all fermented milk products are suitable - they contain lactic acid, which helps relieve discomfort, redness and even severe burns. The serum can be used as a compress. It is excellent to rub the whole body with curdled milk or kefir. But rich sour cream will have a good effect on the skin of the face - just apply it as a mask.
  2. Cucumber and potatoes. These vegetables are useful for emergency relief of redness of the skin of the face and décolleté. The cucumber can be cut into slices and applied to the skin. But the potatoes need to be peeled, grated (or chopped in a blender) and the pulp or juice used for a compress. This mask should be kept on for about 20-30 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water and applied to your face with moisturizer.
  3. Natural oils. As we said above, Unrefined vegetable oil copes well with skin restoration. Take any that is at hand, apply a generous layer to the skin that is red after tanning, let it absorb for 20 minutes, and the residue can be removed with a napkin.
  4. Tea and herbs. If you have time, it would be useful to use compresses made from tea - black or green, or from herbal infusions. Just brew strong tea, soak gauze or cotton pads in it, and apply to the reddened areas. Herbs you can use are chamomile and sage, calendula and parsley - they perfectly soothe the skin and relieve inflammation.
  5. . This is an excellent remedy for many skin problems, and even more so against burns! If you have this plant at home, cut off the leaf, wash it, remove the inner part, chop it and apply it to the skin. The effect will be noticeable after the first use of such a 20-minute mask. Pharmacies sell gel with aloe vera extract - it also helps a lot.

Remember, to prevent redness from appearing again after tanning, carefully monitor the timing of your tanning session. If the redness and burn were severe, refrain from visiting the solarium for at least a week and allow the skin to restore its natural defenses.

A tan acquired with patience and intelligence will not only be beautiful and harmless, but also useful!