New Year's crafts from light bulbs. Christmas tree decorations made from light bulbs. DIY Christmas tree decorations made from light bulbs. DIY light bulb toys for the New Year: a toy using waste materials

Light bulb toys New Year with your own hands: master class in step by step photos, interesting ideas and video.

DIY light bulb toys for the New Year

Dear friends! In this article we continue the series of master classes for children and adults on how to make beautiful, original, giving good mood things from old waste materials.

In the previous articles of this New Year's series of master classes, we learned how to make wonderful Christmas trees from a variety of unnecessary things, as well as a garland from candy wrappers, and today we will make toys for christmas tree from burnt out light bulbs. You can read previous articles here:

New Year is one of the most wonderful holidays, for which they prepare especially. The focus of such preparation, of course, is always the Christmas tree. They buy Christmas tree decorations for her outfit. Adults and children have great fun making homemade Christmas tree decorations. And they often use unnecessary things that have served their useful life for this purpose. And we again return to the environmental problem: let’s not litter trash containers with burnt-out light bulbs, but give them a second life by turning them into Christmas tree decorations.

There are many interesting New Year's crafts made from burnt out light bulbs on the Internet. It can be crocheted and knitted, sheathed with fabric, painted, or decorated using the decoupage technique. It is perhaps even difficult to list all possible types of finishes.

DIY light bulb toys for the New Year: a toy using waste materials

The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, reader of “Native Path”, technology teacher, circle leader children's creativity, participant of our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”

Today we will make an original Christmas tree toy from old light bulb. And for finishing we will take waste material.

Toys made from light bulbs using waste materials: materials and tools

To work you need:

- burnt out light bulb;

- tea leaves;

- grape or other small seeds;

- PVA glue, titanium glue, brush;

- newsprint;

— gold spray paint;

- bows from wrapping gifts, flowers, etc.

Toys made from light bulbs using waste materials: a master class in step-by-step photos

Step 1. The first option for decorating a light bulb is made from tea leaves.

Do not rush to throw away the tea leaves after using it. Spread it evenly on paper and leave it on the radiator overnight to dry. You can also use tea from disposable tea bags.

Step 2. The second option for decorating the light bulb is grape seeds.

Pour boiling water over the grape seeds or boil for several minutes and rub on a metal sieve to remove the sticky layer.

If you don’t have grape seeds, you can prepare other small material.

Step 3. Prepare the base for decorating the light bulb.

Cover the glass of the light bulb with pieces of newspaper and PVA glue in several layers, thus giving it greater strength. And the glue, thanks to these layers, will better hold the next layer of decor.

Step 4. We collapse the light bulb and create a texture.

Lubricate the pasted surface of the light bulb with a thick thick layer of glue. Roll the light bulb in prepared tea leaves or grape seeds.

Step 5. We finish making a Christmas tree decoration for the New Year from a light bulb.

To make the light bulb look like a Christmas tree decoration, you need to apply a layer of PVA glue to the base of the light bulb and wrap it with linen twine. Paint the entire light bulb with gold paint from a can.

This is what you get.

Step 6. Make a loop and a bow.

Tie a bow. Tie a string to a bow. Glue the bow to the light bulb using titanium glue or hot glue.

This unusual New Year's tree decoration was made from an ordinary burnt-out light bulb.

Creative task:

— What options for decorating light bulbs can you offer? Let your imagination run wild! 🙂 Make a Christmas tree toy that your imagination suggested to you!

Good luck and success in your creativity! A few more techniques for making toys for the New Year from burnt out light bulbs will help you.

Light bulb toys for the New Year: decoupage technique

Toys made from light bulbs for the New Year using decoupage technique: tools and materials

- PVA glue, glue brush,

- napkins for decoupage with New Year's drawings,

- white acrylic paint,

- acrylic contours for decoration.

Toys made from light bulbs for the New Year using decoupage technique: step-by-step description of production

Step 1.

We cover the glass part of the light bulb with white acrylic paint as densely as possible. This is the basis for decoration.

Step 2 .

After 10 minutes, apply a second, thinner layer of white acrylic paint to the glass part of the light bulb.

Step 3.

Cut out from New Year's paper napkins favorite patterns and designs. Glue them onto the light bulb using PVA glue.

Step 4.

We decorate the light bulb by drawing elements and signatures using an acrylic outline.

More details You can see this master class in short video below.

Light bulb toys for the New Year: painting with acrylic paints on glass

Using this technique, you can make a snowman, a funny little man, or an animal out of an ordinary light bulb.

Step 1.

You need to prime the light bulb with a thick layer of white acrylic paint.

Step 2.

After 10 minutes, apply another layer of white acrylic paint, but thinner. We are waiting for the paint to dry.

Step 3.

Draw a picture on the light bulb with a simple pencil.

For example, if it is a snowman, then we draw a mouth, eyes, hairstyle, mark with a pencil where the nose will be - a carrot.

Step 4.

We color our drawing with paints.

Step 5.

We decorate the base of the light bulb. You can sew a felt cap onto the base for a figurine of a gnome, a snowman, or a little man. You can wrap the base with decorative cord.

Nose - carrots can be made from salt dough, felt, orange fimo.

Step 6.

If necessary, then glue additional handles, legs and other parts to the light bulb. It is better to glue with a glue gun.

Some interesting videos master classes on making toys from light bulbs for the New Year with your own hands using this technique.

How to make a toy - a snowman from a light bulb: a technique for painting with acrylic paints on glass

You will learn how to make a snowman toy from a burnt out light bulb in this video from the Handicraft channel.

How to make a penguin toy and a girl toy from a light bulb: a technique for painting with acrylic paints on glass

How to make a Santa Claus toy from a light bulb: a technique for painting with acrylic paints on glass

Light bulb toys - a wonderful way of creativity and use of waste material, a way to give a second joyful life to something we no longer need. We wish you inspiration!


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As we approach New Year's holidays An irresistible desire to create awakens, and it’s just in time, because we can save some money on Christmas tree decorations by preparing them ourselves for the holiday. You can create New Year's decorations from anything, for example, from old used light bulbs, if you didn't throw them away. Of course, new ones can also be used if you are creative.

So what can we offer? What new toys can be made from used light bulbs. How to breathe into them a new magical life and fabulous, festive atmosphere New Year?

Cute snowmen

The first thought that comes to mind is good-natured, smiling snowmen made from small light bulbs. It will be easy to make them, for example, by painting a light bulb white; you can easily draw a funny smiling face on a whitewashed light bulb. Carrot-nose can be made from salted dough; real craftswomen may have fimo or some cold porcelain. The base of a light bulb can be easily and very cutely decorated with a small cap made of fabric. Handles made from sticks can be glued to universal adhesive gel. It will make a very funny face and an attractive decoration for the New Year tree.

The snowman can be simplified by, for example, covering the entire light bulb with glue and sprinkling it with white or silver sparkles. Using rhinestones or paint on top, draw noses, coal eyes, a sweet smile and buttons. Handles made from sticks are a must-have attribute for a snowman!

Grandfather Frost will be in time for them. It will be even easier to make if you have brushes and paint. A beard can be made from cotton wool, as the well-known poem says. However, you can draw not only Santa Claus, but also the same snowman, and penguin, and New Year's bottle champagne.

Animals from famous fairy tales: making Christmas tree decorations from old light bulbs

If you can draw the faces of famous heroes, then diversify Christmas tree branches you can have cute animal faces from different fairy-tale heroes. Light bulbs instantly turn into bright, familiar characters.

Speaking of a couple of reindeer for Santa Claus. They, like snowmen, can be drawn on a primed light bulb, adding horns made of dough or cardboard, and decorating them with the same bright New Year's hats.

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The sophistication of decoupage: master class on decoupage of an old light bulb

Of course, the painted faces are too simple and lack some kind of sophisticated work. The decoupage technique will be just right. An exquisite, beautiful Christmas tree toy will come from simple New Year's napkins and will not require artistic skills such as character drawing. Simple, quick and very beautiful, especially if you add a little sparkle. Here is a short master class on decoupage:

  1. Prepare the light bulb for changing it, wipe it with alcohol, this will degrease it and remove dirt. Get some primer and prime the light bulb with a thin layer using a piece of foam rubber.
  2. After the primer has dried, paint the future toy white with acrylic, although the choice of color is yours, it all depends on your idea. While the acrylic is drying, choose a suitable New Year's motif, a napkin is just right.
  3. After cutting out the desired piece, use decoupage glue to glue a piece of napkin onto the dried light bulb. If extra wrinkles appear, you can go over the dried bulb with sandpaper.
  4. The toy already looks festive, but this is not enough, there is not enough background decor. Add a little with a sponge blue tint toy below and above. Glitter will add a festive touch to the toy; you can use it to outline a picture, an inscription, or draw a snowflake. A pair of large snowflakes and small dots near the base will not harm the toy.
  5. Secure your piece with glossy acrylic and add a thread. If desired, the base can be masked with an acrylic outline, depicting icicles.


A light, cute toy will hint to Santa Claus about your desire to travel. By the way, it’s not a sin to decorate not only the New Year tree with such a toy.

Yes, old light bulbs make for a long journey Balloons. The base of the light bulbs can serve as a basket for travelers, and the glass part can serve as a ball that can be painted on the glass with the most different ways. Exquisite, light, sophisticated, no, it is impossible to find the right word to describe these beautiful products.

Openwork joy

If you are good with a ball of thread and a crochet hook, then the idea of ​​decorating light bulbs with lace will not be difficult for you. You can simply crochet them and get a wonderful toy in a hurry. Toys can be diversified with different thread colors, add beads, borders, whatever your imagination suggests.

By the way, with woolen threads you can tie a light bulb tightly, with a pattern or giving it the shape of a strawberry, for example, or a small mushroom.

Simply brilliant: Christmas tree decorations made from old light bulbs

Maximum effect and minimum effort? Of course you can! Having painted the light bulbs different colors or after covering it with glue, sprinkle dry sparkles on a light bulb - no big deal, you can decorate them afterwards with ribbons, rhinestones, and more sparkles. This toy cannot be distinguished from a simple Christmas tree toy from the supermarket.

More Photo Ideas:

For artists

For those who confidently hold a palette and a brush in their hands, you can paint a light bulb in a variety of ways, placing on it not just drawings, but whole art, real paintings and incredible scenes. Pictures or bright ornaments are a wonderful design for a light bulb of any size.

A little for the base

It is worth focusing on the base. If painting the glass part of a light bulb costs nothing, then decorating the base is not a simple thing, it’s ugly, it’s made of steel, it stands out from the overall picture and spoils all the charm of the craft, revealing that an old light bulb is hiding under the Christmas tree decoration. Remember the base, decorate them with hats, braids, cotton wool and bows, depending on the design of the toy itself.

Options for decorating a light bulb can be very diverse, simple and crazy, bright, shiny, voluminous, decorated with bows and felt hats, with the addition of salt dough, sparkles, beads, and paints. Don't be afraid to get creative by inventing new characters to decorate your forest guest.

If with previous versions Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs are all clear, then how to make a snow globe from an old light bulb? If you want to make something truly original New Year's craft, then this master class was created especially for you.

Well, let's begin. In order to place anything inside an old light bulb, you need to open it and remove the filament. This is actually done quite simply:

Now that the lamp is free, you can put whatever you want inside, for example, a miniature Christmas tree and sparkles. Then you will get a real snow globe.

Instead of a snow globe, you can make a very personal gift for a loved one. You won't need glitter, but you'll have to find some small piece wire.

I saw it on the internet once New Year's toys made with my own hands from light bulbs) I really liked this idea (because I’m already pretty tired of plastic New Year’s toys) and now, when I still have time to start making such toys, I’m picking up all required material. I suggest you, who are interested in this idea, to join. Moreover, such creations will appeal exclusively to all children, and therefore, for some time, computer games will be able to fade into the background.

The closer the New Year holidays come, the more you want to create! And the most rewarding time for making your own New Year's decorations right now. You can create them from anything, for example, you can make Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs.

Ideally, to do this, take the accumulated burnt-out lamps, but if your soul is boiling with inspiration, and your hands demand to create, then you can use new ones, which have been waiting for their bright hour in the pantry for many months. So what kind? Christmas decorations Is it possible to make something out of this ordinary and already useless thing in everyday life?

Cute and good-natured snowmen made from light bulbs.

Having been inspired to make toys from light bulbs with your own hands, the first thought or idea that comes to mind is snowmen. It’s easy to draw a funny face on a primed light bulb painted white, a carrot nose can be easily made from salt dough, and for true hand-made craftswomen there is the opportunity to make noses for snowmen from fimo or cold porcelain. The lamp base is perfectly decorated with a cute fabric cap. Well, you can also add stick hands by gluing them on a universal glue gel or with a glue gun. There is a huge field for imagination here.

That's all - wonderful snowmen in such funny New Year's caps will happily decorate your New Year's tree! And they will also be paired with fairy-tale grandfathers, penguins and other New Year’s characters. Cute little animals and characters from your favorite fairy tales

Since drawing faces on light bulbs is so much fun, why not add more characters to your Christmas tree branches? Wonderful and very cute New Year's toys made from light bulbs - these are all kinds of little animals! Such an adorable pair of bunnies will look very cute! You can also provide the bunnies with New Year's caps, such as in this photo.

But besides bunnies, there are many other animals that we strongly associate with the New Year holidays. Which of them can come to mind? For example, a deer. Yes, yes, if you want, you can make funny deer out of a burnt out light bulb! And New Year is a cold, snowy holiday, which means curious penguins on the Christmas tree will be very welcome!

After the light bulbs are primed and you have a palette of colors in front of you, more and more new ideas come to mind. What other toys can you make from light bulbs for the New Year with your own hands? The sophistication of decoupage in creating toys from light bulbs

In addition to quite childish crafts that are distinguished by enviable spontaneity, you might wonder how to make a light bulb toy in a more sophisticated style. A technique like this is amazing for this. Recently, this type of hobby has become very popular, as it allows you to create very beautiful things without any special artistic skills. So prime your light bulbs, pick out some New Year's themed napkins, and create an elegant New Year's masterpiece for your Christmas tree.

The lightness of balloons.

If in the coming year the only thing you really want to get from Santa Claus is a trip to somewhere far away and warmer, or even better - several trips a year, then the Christmas tree will need to be decorated... That's right! Balloons!

You can create an elegant, lace openwork by choosing multi-colored threads for work. Smooth silk threads will create a classic lace design and will make the products more sophisticated.

Simple and tasteful

Well, if you want to get maximum effect, spending minimal effort - you can go the simplest way. Having painted the light bulbs in different colors, you can sprinkle them with dry glitter on an adhesive base, or use ready-made glitter for decoration in a tube. You can make the toys either completely shiny or alternate matte and shiny stripes.

These toys made from old unwanted light bulbs will look very impressive! Especially if they are decorated with shiny rhinestones!

For free artists.

Well, for those who confidently hold a brush in their hands, and a supply of paints at home is a must, you can paint light bulbs with wonderful patterns, turning them into real works of art. You can use clear ornaments or a noble floral design, or you can go avant-garde - in any case the result will be impressive.

The options can be very diverse. Can be used salty dough, cute caps and hats made of fabric, structural paste for creating icicles and three-dimensional relief, painting and decorating with sparkles and beads, and possibly tying it to a light bulb base beautiful bow. Choose the option that best suits your idea!

In anticipation of the New Year holidays, it’s worth doing some handicrafts. This will help lift your spirits and give you the opportunity to decorate your home. Some people make Christmas wreaths, others cut out snowflakes, sew or knit a symbol of the coming year. We suggest making a Christmas tree decoration with your own hands. Since we are accustomed to such products being made of glass, we will not deviate from the rules. Let's take a burnt-out incandescent lamp as a basis. We have already used it for its intended purpose, now it’s time to give it a second - a new and no less interesting, but more durable life.

To create a Christmas tree decoration from a light bulb you will need: a light bulb, two 15 cm pieces of thin red satin ribbon, scissors, a lighter, white acrylic paint, PVA glue, napkins with a suitable “winter” pattern, a brush, water, acrylic varnish in a spray, acrylic paints, a set of multi-colored sparkle glitters and a piece of red crepe paper.

It’s not difficult to make a Christmas tree toy from a light bulb, but the process will take time, since you will need to wait until the paint and glue dry.

So let's get started, take a light bulb. We tie one end of the red ribbon around the base.

We will pass the second tip under the resulting girth, which will not turn out to be very tight, since there is a thread on the base. You can help with a knife.

Now we tie a tight knot to hold the tip. Our product can be hung by a ribbon.

It's good if you have a matte incandescent lamp. But most often we use transparent ones, so we have to paint the glass with white acrylic paint in one layer. You can add 50% PVA glue to it to make it stick better.

Cover the entire surface of the lamp and hang it to dry. Depending on the thickness of the layer, it may take from half an hour to several hours. We wait until the paint dries well. At this time, we will work on the future pattern of the toy. Take a napkin. We cut out fragments from it, trying it on a light bulb. It should be covered around the circumference with a pattern. We needed two identical fragments.

Carefully tear off the evenly cut edge, leaving it uneven so that the joints of the drawings are not visible on the toy. Separate the two white layers of the napkin.

The paint on the light bulb has dried.

We make a solution for decoupage - dilute PVA glue and water in half. We apply the fragment to the glass, outlining its future location.

Using a brush dipped in decoupage solution, glue the fragment to the light bulb. We coat carefully, quickly, from the center of the pattern to the edges. Remember that a soaked napkin will greatly stretch and deform. Slowly correct the folds if they appear during gluing.

We join the drawings of both fragments, glue all the planned elements and let the glue dry.

We take acrylic paints and glitters. We select a red color that suits the tone and paint over the surface of the light bulb above the fragment of the napkin, continuing the drawing.

We do the same with the blue area at the bottom of the pattern. We do not leave white places on the toy. It should be covered either with a fragment of a napkin or with acrylic colored paint.

Now let the paint dry. This may also take several hours. We will only decorate a completely dry surface! Let's take a set of glitters and start doing magic. We apply silver sparkles to the snow-covered roofs of houses.

We outline the snowdrifts located in the background with blue glitter.

We go over the red background with red.

We draw in blue the contours of the snowdrifts in which there are houses, trees and fir trees.

With green we add volume to the Christmas trees, highlighting the tiers on their surface.

When you are completely satisfied with the decoration, leave the toy to dry. The glitter gel will evaporate, and the sparkles will remain on the surface of the toy. Now the light bulb can be varnished. We took acrylic varnish in a spray, which is suitable for any surface and dries quickly. We leave the room on the staircase, balcony or street and spray varnish on the toy from a distance of 30 cm, turning it so that the coating is even. We hang the product, placing a newspaper under it, and let it dry. After this, you can decorate the toy. We will need a second piece of tape and corrugated paper that is twice the width and height of the light bulb. The edges of the ribbon should be cut evenly with scissors and set on fire with a lighter so that they do not unravel.

Fold the paper in thirds lengthwise.

We take PVA glue and coat the lamp base with it around the circumference. Carefully apply the paper, collecting folds from it. We hope that it will be enough to cover the entire surface of the base. We fix the corrugated paper satin ribbon, tied with a bow approximately in the place where it was coated with glue.

Let the decoration stick. Our Christmas tree toy made from a light bulb is ready!

Serebryakova Anna specially for Women's News magazine

For the New Year 2020, you can make a wonderful craft with your own hands in the form of a beautiful snowman, created from an ordinary light bulb and simple additional materials at hand. Be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed, because at the holiday in New Year's Eve guests and relatives will certainly immediately notice your products displayed on a chic Christmas tree or somewhere else in the interior of the room.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Brush;
  • Textile;
  • Tapes;
  • Scissors.


  1. To make one snowman, you need to take one light bulb and repaint it white.
  2. On its narrow part you need to draw eyes, lips, nose and eyebrows.
  3. The body of a toy made with your own hands for the New Year 2020 should be covered with a different color of paint, and this will be its clothes.
  4. And for the top of the craft you need to cut and sew a hat. By tying it at the top with a simple ribbon, the decoration can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Step-by-step video instructions for making a snowman from a light bulb

New Year's toy

With your own hands you can make a wonderful Christmas tree toy from a light bulb for the New Year 2020, which will look more like a store-bought one. Such a bright and unique craft will add variety to your New Year's decor.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Glue;
  • Sequins;
  • Ribbons.


  1. To get a brilliant DIY light bulb craft for the New Year 2020, you need to take a simple material, which will, in fact, become the basis of our creation. A miniature form of the material, which is usually used for lamps, will look even better.
  2. Its surface needs to be coated with glue and then covered with glitter. Beads, beads or sequins can be used instead.
  3. It is best to decorate the top of the toy with a satin ribbon. In building New Year's product Other instructions can also be used, in any case you get a beautiful elegant decoration for the Christmas tree, as in the photo.

Video: master class on making a Christmas tree toy from a light bulb with your own hands

Santa Claus from a light bulb

To make a beautiful Santa Claus for the New Year 2020, use an ordinary light bulb and bright, appropriate colors. It is advisable to use a model in this work in order to create this character with your own hands as best as possible. Having spent your time making this craft, you will receive a reward in the form of warm smiles and positive emotions from your children and relatives when contemplating such a miracle creation.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Ribbon;
  • Beads.


  1. The background of the toy can be any, but pink looks better. On its surface you need to draw Santa Claus with a beard and hat. To make the craft more accurate for the New Year 2020, it is advisable to copy it from some sample or as in the photo.
  2. Where the thread on the light bulb is located, it is better to glue beads with your own hands. And a ribbon is tied at the top. A wonderful toy for the Christmas tree is ready! If you create a whole collection of such jewelry, it will be even more beautiful. This activity will be especially interesting for children.

Video: master class on making Santa Claus with your own hands

Christmas trees on a light bulb

To create any craft with your own hands, you need paints. They set the overall background for the product and add color and liveliness. So in our case, we use an ordinary light bulb to form a wonderful Christmas tree toy for the New Year 2020 with a cool print in the form of a coniferous tree. In addition to the Christmas tree, another design can be drawn, the main thing is that it is done carefully.

To do this you will need:

  • Bulb;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Decorative ribbons.


  1. The pear-shaped material needs to be repainted golden, as it makes the product look much better.
  2. Then on its surface you should draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands. It will be more beautiful if you do this on both sides or all over the DIY light bulb craft for the New Year 2020.
  3. It is advisable to decorate the place of the carving with decorative ribbons with sparkles.
  4. At the top you need to attach the same ribbon and a toy with Christmas tree ready!

Video: master class on making Christmas tree decorations

New Year's wreath

From old unnecessary light bulbs collected in your home, you will get a beautiful unusual wreath for the New Year 2020 if you brightly decorate them with your own hands. Any New Year's materials are suitable for this craft.

To do this you will need:

  • Light bulbs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Glue;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • Tinsel.


  1. All light bulbs need to be decorated and attached to a foam base, which is first cut out with your own hands in the form of a circle.
  2. To decorate the wreath created for the New Year 2020, tinsel, rain, etc. are used. The finished elegant craft can be used to decorate any corner in your home, including doors and windows.

Hedgehog from a light bulb on a Christmas tree

A hedgehog made with your own hands from a light bulb for the New Year 2020 will, of course, be a pretty excellent toy for a Christmas tree or just for home decor. It is advisable to do such a craft with your children, because this kind of fairy-tale character will delight them and, for sure, encourage them to make their own creative works.

For production you will need:

  • bulb;
  • acrylic paints brown, white, black;
  • black or gray polymer clay;
  • hot glue;
  • brush;
  • string;

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take our base - a light bulb and repaint it in Brown color using acrylic paints.
  2. When the product dries, we will draw a hedgehog’s face on the top of the material. For this we need to take acrylic paints white and using a convenient brush we apply small circles, placing them opposite each other, and in the middle of them we put black dots. These will be the eyes fairy tale character.
  3. As in the photo, draw a nose and mouth.
  4. As for the paws, we need to make them from polymer clay black or gray in color, and then use hot glue to attach them to the body of the hedgehog.
  5. To make our craft look like a real fairy-tale character with a spiny back, we will need to form it from a small piece of fur, which we need to attach to glue.
  6. If you want, you can complement the product with a bag that the hedgehog holds in his hands. Don't forget to also have a string to hang the figurine as decoration. This is how simple and beautiful you can create an amazing Christmas tree toy from a light bulb that will delight everyone for the New Year 2020.

Video: master class on making a baby penguin


Our article has now come to its end, which told you about how you can make handmade crafts from light bulbs for the New Year 2020 for your home collection of New Year’s decorations. You are probably already convinced that this creative process- this is a rather exciting and useful activity, as a result of which your home will be filled with new, unusually attractive decorative products that radiate positivity, beauty and magic. Making a celebration lively and filled with bright colors is so easy and simple if you show desire and awaken your personal imagination. Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!