How to make a cone from beads. DIY New Year's crafts made from beads. DIY New Year's beadwork: balls made of beads and lace

If you have learned how to make flat figures from beads, you can take on making more complex ones. volumetric elements, the creation of which requires knowledge of basic beading techniques.

One of the simplest volumetric techniques is weaving a cylinder. To make it, a rope of a certain width is first woven, which is then connected into a cylinder using threads. Further, depending on the idea, various overlays are added to this cylinder.

Volumetric bead embroidery technique

The technique of voluminous bead embroidery appeared in needlework relatively recently. This option is suitable when you need to highlight some detail in the picture and place emphasis on it. In this case, there is no point in making all the embroidery voluminous, otherwise it will turn out bulky and sloppy, and a small voluminous detail will add an interesting “zest” to the craft, making it unique and inimitable.

When working with volumetric embroidery, forget about the rules adopted in classic beading. When choosing beads, choose a material of a size that will correspond to one cell of the canvas, so the balls should be large and the cells as small as possible.

The beads are attached to the base using a half-cross stitch, a master class on which you can watch below.

Half-cross stitch embroidery pattern

It's simple and reliable way attaching beads to fabric, which volumetric technology They are not sewn smoothly, but in relief layers. Due to changes in texture, color combinations and the play of light, the finished work is obtained with a gorgeous 3D effect.

In autumn, you increasingly begin to think about the coming of the New Year with its festive mood, meetings with friends and family and, of course, gifts. Besides, New Year We have all been associated with the Christmas tree since childhood! That's what we'll talk about)

Fortunately, people are increasingly thinking about what not to cut live Christmas tree for the sake of several holidays. Krestik and I fully support this decision and believe that a DIY Christmas tree is much more interesting and humane! In addition, these are excellent options for those who have nowhere to put a large Christmas tree (for example, there is no free space, or there is an active small child in this free space).

We bring to your attention a large selection of master classes on creating a decorative Christmas tree with your own hands, which will serve as a wonderful decoration for your home and an original gift to a wonderful holiday!

Christmas tree made of pine cones

Very original Christmas tree you can make it with your own hands from pine cones. But we will not use the whole cones, but will use only their scales so that the tree is not too bulky.

So, first, let's separate its scales from the cone. This can be done with a sharp knife, wire cutters or pruning shears.

Be careful, take care of your hands!

The next step from thick paper or cardboard we will make a cone, which will be the base of our Christmas tree. We roll the paper into a cone, glue it on the sides and cut off the excess at the base.

Then we simply take the scales in our hands and glue them in a circle, starting from the base of the cone.

You can glue each new row in a checkerboard pattern, or, like here, on top of each other.

You can glue a clove to the top of the tree (such a spice))

After the glue has dried, you can start painting our beauty. To do this, you can use spray paint or regular paint. acrylic paint.

If you choose acrylic paint with a metallic effect, your Christmas tree will look much more impressive.

Then we cover the ends of the “twigs” with PVA glue and sprinkle glitter on them.

This is the beauty that results from these simple actions:

Using exactly the same principle, you can decorate the cone with chains and beads, decorative cords, ribbons, braid, etc.

Another very popular manufacturing method artificial Christmas trees Do-it-yourself is their weaving from beads. This is perhaps the most painstaking method, but for lovers of beadwork nothing is impossible!

The detailed process of weaving Christmas trees from beads cannot be contained in one article, so we are sharing with you links to master classes previously published on Krestik.

Christmas tree made of paper and cardboard

If you have nothing to do at work) or just want to add a little holiday to the office, make a Christmas tree out of paper. What's easier?)

And this tree is very similar to a designer one, don’t you think? It’s all because of colored designer cardboard, which is so beautiful and bright that you don’t even need to decorate the Christmas tree with anything else), which simplifies the process of making a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Secondly, to make a designer Christmas tree you can use threads that are wound on paper cone using the technology of making openwork balls.

Thirdly, flower net and bouquet net.

The technology for making these three Christmas trees is very similar, so the process of creating them is shown in one master class.

Feather Christmas tree

Yes, they do too! Feathers can be bought at hardware stores, or maybe you have supplies of bird feathers? For brightness, they can be painted with food coloring. It looks original, beautiful and so airy!

Christmas tree made of candies

A Christmas tree made from candies is not only beautiful, but also delicious! This New Year's gift will be appreciated by everyone: both adults and children! Watch the video master class from Kateryna Bay and create!

Today I want to bring to your attention an experiment with weaving an American rope. This master class is designed for beginners who still find it difficult to navigate the variety of patterns, weaving techniques and methods of working with accessories. That is why I tried to describe the whole process so that even a beginner bead weaver could create such a necklace in a few hours.

We will need:

For weaving:

  • Czech beads No. 9 (there are approximately 6 in 1 cm) - for the base - golden color - 10-15 g
  • Czech beads No. 11 (there are approximately 7-8 in 1 cm) - for braiding - green - 20-25 g
  • Chips of stones (in this case, chips of malachite with through holes) - 40 cm thread
  • Threads in the color of the braided beads (i.e. green), or black, as in this master class.
  • Bead needles No. 11-12.
  • Wax for waxing the thread (so it doesn't get tangled).
  • Scissors.
  • Comfortable work surface - flock or other soft fabric so that the beads do not crumble or roll on the table.

Separately, I would like to warn you - do not weave an American rope from Chinese beads, because you will be very disappointed with the result. Take at least Czech, and at most Japanese beads, because the American strand looks impressive only when all the beads are more or less even and lie bead to bead.
The exact amount of beads depends on the length of the necklace, but more is not less, you can always weave a bracelet or earrings from the leftovers in addition to our decoration, if necessary.

For assembly:

  • Pins - wires with rounded ends - 2 pcs.
  • Cone caps for masking the ends of the weave - 2 pcs.
  • Lock rings - 2 pcs. The diameter is not important.
  • Lock - 1 pc.
  • Round nose pliers for straightening and bending pins.
  • Nippers - for cutting pins to the desired size.

Let's say we decided to weave a necklace approximately 40 cm long. This means that the weaving length should be at least 39 cm, 1-2 cm will be added by attaching the lock.
We divide our 39 cm into 3 parts of 13 cm each, because the first part will be woven with a simple American braid, the second part will be with chipped stones and the third part we will again weave with a simple “American”.

Weaving begins with fastening the “stop beads”.
This is a bead that will prevent our weaving from initial stage slide down the thread or unravel. We put the bead on the thread, leaving a tip of 10-15 cm and pass the needle through it again. Then it moves along the thread, but does it tightly, does not fly off and does not allow the rest of the beads to fly off the thread.

Now we collect 4 golden beads and three green ones.

Use the needle again to pass 4 golden beads in the same direction.

Let's tighten up our weaving. Always place the green rows of braid to the left of the golden beads (as in the photo), strictly moving each new row of braid to the left, then the weaving will not get tangled from the very beginning.

We collect 1 more golden and 3 green beads.

We pass the needle through three golden beads as shown in the photo, from bottom to top:

We tighten our weaving again and pass the needle through the golden bead we collected, which is “pulled up” to the rest of the golden beads of the base.

We tighten the weaving again.

We collect again 1 golden bead and 3 green ones.

And again we count 3 golden beads from above and pass through them from bottom to top.

And we pass the needle into the “pulled up” golden bead.

And then sooner or later you will run out of thread. And it will be necessary to somehow increase it.

When there is about 10 cm left of the thread, I usually pass through two green beads from the last braided braid.

Then I make a loop knot.

Then I pass through the remaining green braid bead and a couple of golden base beads in the opposite direction from our weaving.

I also make a loop-knot there.

And again I pass through 2 green beads from the current braid.

And again I go through the remaining green bead of the braid and a couple of golden beads of the base.

This way I make 3-4 knots, and only then I calm down and cut the thread.

Now we need to weave new thread. To do this, I insert a needle with a new thread into a pair of golden base beads about 1 cm from the end of our weaving.

And I make a loop knot.

Then I go through a couple more base beads.

And again I make a loop knot.

And so I continue until I remove the needle from the last golden bead of the base (usually this also results in 3-4 knots).

Then we continue to weave our “American” until the length of our weaving reaches 13 cm.

Then it’s time to start weaving in stone chips. Not all chips are suitable. Try to select as flat pebbles as possible, because the principle of weaving will remain the same, but instead of the pattern - one gold, three green, we will have a pattern - one gold, one green, stone chip, one green bead. Those. a stone chip will be woven in place of the middle green bead. If the pebble is much thicker than the green bead, then the weaving process will be very complicated, because it will be extremely difficult for you to get through the stone chips with a needle to the golden beads of the base.

We collect 1 gold bead, 1 green bead, 1 malachite chip, 1 green bead.

And just like in a regular “American”, we pass from bottom to top through 3 gold beads.
When the weaving of stones begins, the golden beads of the base will no longer lie so smoothly in a row, and most likely you will not be able to pass the needle through all three beads at once, you will have to stitch these three one at a time, be prepared for this. Also, the thread, which until now has not been very tangled, will get caught on all the chips and beads in a row and you need to be very careful that it does not get tangled or wound around the braid. On American tourniquet any flaw, any protruding thread is clearly visible, so there should be no mistakes.

And through the “pulled up” golden bead.

So we continue to collect 1 gold, 1 green, 1 chip, 1 green all the time.

And go through 3 base beads.

And one “pulled up” golden base bead.

We weave this way 13 cm.

Then we weave another 13 cm with the classic “American” beads.
When we're done, we'll have a picture like this:

We hide the ends in the same way as when extending the thread, but in order to avoid loose weaving, we sew the last braid and the last four beads of the base not once, but at least 2 times. If the holes in the beads are large, then 3 times is possible.

Now that we have removed the ends of the threads, we need to attach the lock. To do this, take a pin, bend its curvature with pliers, thread the pin between the first and second beads of the base, and then bend the tip back.

We put on a cone that will cover our end of the weave.

We cut off the excess wire of the pin with wire cutters, leaving only 8-9 mm to create a ring.

We form a ring-loop. To do this, bend the tip 90 degrees, grab the tip of the wire with pliers, make half a turn, then move the pliers to the middle of the wire and finish the turn from there. Then our loop will be round and neat. We process the second end of our weaving in the same way.

In our barrel lock, we bend the loop with pliers and put a ring on it.

Then we bend the loop back. And so on both sides.

Then we bend the loop of the cone cap, put the lock ring into the loop of the cone and bend the loop back.

We get this picture. It is clear that the issue of the lock is variable; here you can attach any other lock that you like best.

Not only necklaces are woven in exactly the same way:

But also bracelets:

Or earrings:

Christmas tree made of beads can be an excellent alternative to real spruce. In anticipation New Year's holidays A beaded tree decorated with bright balls will look especially trendy. The most interesting thing is that even a beginner can weave such a tree with his own hands - the process of making a Christmas tree is absolutely simple. Our step-by-step master class will help you understand the intricacies of making original New Year's crafts.

The first thing you have to think about is the base for the Christmas tree. You need any ready-made cone. If there is no ready-made one, we will make it with our own hands from plastic bottle. We cut off the middle part of the bottle and roll the plastic into a tube, then bring the ends of one side together, and align the other side with scissors. Secure the edges with tape.

Try to roll a cone of such a diameter that you can put a kind of lid-base on it. In this case, a yogurt lid worked.

Now let’s prepare a straight branch and a decorative ball-top.

We will thread the branch into the cone and secure the ball on top. Let's make a hole in the base and also put it on the branch.

We fix the top and base with glue - it is convenient to use hot silicone glue (from a gun).

Now wrap the cone with green floral tape. The texture of the floral tape will prevent the beads from sliding along the cone. Green color also chosen not by chance - to match the beads.

You will get a finished cone-shaped workpiece. It's time to prepare another base (lid) for it.

This cap, placed over the first one, will secure the florist tape. Let's decorate it to match Christmas ball on the top of the head - red beads.

We take PVA, drop red color into it - we get red PVA. We coat the lid with it, cover it with beads and leave it to dry for about 6 hours.

It's okay if the beads don't stick everywhere - this problem can be eliminated at the final stage of making a Christmas tree from beads.

The red lid was attached to the bottom of the Christmas tree with glue.

Now let's move on to working with beads. It is clear that the amount of beads depends on the height of the Christmas tree. For example, our finished Christmas tree, together with the stand and the crown, turned out to be 30 cm high. It required 180 grams of large beads (No. 8). A combination of two similar shades always looks original. So, we took blue and green beads.

Before we start weaving, I suggest you look at what we need to do: we will wrap the cone, making it “fluffy”.

Using a spinner, we collect a lot of beads onto a thin wire. The more, the easier it will be later. Minimum - 3-4 meters.

Now we begin to make small loops, 9 beads each. We fix the loop three turns.

Next to the first is the second loop. The distance between them is 0.5 cm.

Behind the second are the third and fourth loops.

Three meters of beads will make a beautiful beaded necklace, approximately 50 cm long.

We will wrap the cone with this necklace. Drop a little hot silicone glue and wrap the Christmas tree with beaded thread.

As a result, when all the beads are gone, the Christmas tree will be ready. Don’t forget to fix the wire with beads to the cone with glue in some places!

All that remains is to decorate the beaded Christmas tree with large beads.

Just glue them in a chaotic order using a glue gun.

It's time to check our foundation. In places where the beads did not stick, you can coat them with varnish and add beads.

Now let's take an unnecessary jar or container with smooth edges, cover it with a bag, and put a mixture of alabaster and water in it. We will install our Christmas tree in the mixture.

After a couple of hours, the beauty can be taken out. By the way, it’s time to decorate the branch, which is a supporting structure - this can be done with the same alabaster. In our case, a more plastic finishing plaster was used. We simply apply it to the trunk of the Christmas tree and imitate the texture of the bark. The photo shows that the plaster has more light shade than alabaster.

When the plaster is dry, we will arrange a shower for the Christmas tree - we will wash the base from dust.

Let's move on to painting work. We paint the trunk brown, and the base in White color. Gouache or acrylic paint will do.

And decorate your home or Christmas tree with them.

You can also use these crafts to decorate gifts, for loved ones, or as a separate gift from children.

Here is just a small part of the crafts that you can make with your own hands from beads and seed beads.

How to make New Year's toys from beads

You will need:

Thin wire (you can use flower wire)

Wire cutters

1. Prepare a long thin wire and start stringing beads on it different colors, sizes and shapes.

2. Inflate the balloon of the size you need.

3. Start wrapping the ball with wire and beads. You can leave a lot of wire at the end to make a hook, or you can use all the wire and add thread or ribbon to hang the toy on the tree.

*You can gradually add beads as you wrap the ball.

4. When wrapping with wire, try to twist it in the same place so that after removing the ball the wire does not unravel (this is why we recommend making a hook).

* Do not wrap the balloon too tightly to prevent it from bursting.

5. When you have wrapped the entire ball, make a hook out of the remaining wire and trim off the excess.

6. Blow off the balloon and you will have a beautiful one. New Year's ball from beads.

New Year's decorations made of beads: Christmas tree for Christmas tree

You will need:

Wire (thick and thin enough to string beads on) or a thin pipe cleaner

Beads and beads of different colors and shapes

Cone (you can make it yourself from cardboard) - optional

1. Prepare a cone and wrap it with wire in a spiral.If you don’t want to make a cone, you can twist the wire with beads into a spiral and then pull one end of the wire (the central one) to make a Christmas tree.

2. Bend the ends of the wire so that the beads do not fall out.

3. Start stringing beads and/or seed beads onto it.

4. You can add some ribbon and string to hang the ornament on the tree.

5. Pull one end of the wire to straighten the Christmas tree.

New Year's toys made of beads (master class, diagrams): mini wreath

You will need:

Thin wire

Beads 3 colors

Pliers (to make it easier to twist the wire)

Wire cutters

PVA glue (if necessary)

1. Prepare a thin wire and wrap it around three fingers several times. Twist the ends.

2. Cut three pieces of wire of the same length - in this example, each length is 45 cm. Twist the ends of the wires on one side.

3. C reverse side start stringing beads - one color on each wire. The beads should cover each wire by 30 cm.

4. Start braiding three wires covered with beads.

6. Use wire cutters to remove excess wire.

7. Tie a ribbon to where the ends of the wire are attached and tie it so that you can hang a mini wreath.

8. If you wish, you can make a bow from a separate ribbon and glue or sew it to the already attached ribbon.

9. Using PVA glue you can better secure the braid to the wreath, but this is not necessary.

New Year's patterns made of beads: snowflake made of beads (photo)

New Year's beadwork: Christmas tree

You will need:

Beads and beads



Wire cutters

* To make a white Christmas tree, use silver wire, and for green will do copper wire.

* This small Christmas tree is woven using the “loop and twist” technique. Everything is quite simple, but this technique requires a lot of free time.

Each loop contains 6 green beads and 2 golden ones. To make it, collect beads in the following sequence: 3 green, 2 gold and 3 green. After this, twist the wire and repeat until you have collected the required number of pieces.

* From the top to the base the branch becomes larger, as does the number of loops.

* When you have created the required number of branches, start attaching them to the stem in a circle.

How to make a Christmas tree from beads (video)

DIY New Year's beadwork: balls made of beads and lace

You will need:

Plastic bag


Tulle or lace (organza or opaque fabric may be alternatives)

1. Take plastic bag and crumple it to form a ball shape.

2. Wrap thread around the crumpled bag. You will get a more or less even ball.