Plan of events dedicated to the day of family, love and fidelity in the dow. Family day in kindergarten. Preparatory group Scenario for family day in kindergarten

Holiday for children of the senior preparatory group of kindergarten "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

Holiday script for older children preschool age
"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

To foster a responsible attitude of children towards family as a basic value of society.
1. Develop positive emotions and feelings;
2. To cultivate awareness of the share of one’s own participation in the creation of warm, family relations.
3. Develop the child’s communication skills - free communication with adults and children.
4. Creating a favorable atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding.
The scenario is intended for holding a holiday on a summer playground on the street for children of senior preschool age. The script may be useful for music directors and teachers additional education, educators.
The holiday begins in the morning, with a meeting of parents and children, the main event takes place after breakfast - on the summer playground and ends with a drawing competition on the asphalt.
Characters: two adult Leaders, a girl-Romashka and Peter and Fevronia with children.
The entire event is carried out by the graduating and senior groups of the kindergarten. The musical numbers were as previously learned - a song about mom, about family, “Hands clap”, “Boogie-woogie” ( graduation group); number of children involved in a dance club - "Spanish dance"; and learned for the holiday - the dance “I love you Russia”, the song “Family Anthem”.
And, of course, games and exercises during the show for children, spectators and guests.
Such holidays associated with family and goodness always leave a mark in the hearts of children and adults!

Celebration progress:
There are songs about family. From the very morning, parents and children on the threshold of the kindergarten receive a holiday symbol as a gift - a snow-white daisy with wishes of peace and goodness to all the families of our pupils.

Children and guests of the holiday meet on the summer playground. Two presenters come out.

Presenter 1. Hello, dear guys! Today we celebrate with you the World Day of Family, Love and Fidelity!
Presenter 2. Children, do you know what a family is? Family is a world where love, devotion and mutual understanding reign. These are the same joys, sorrows, habits and traditions.
Presenter 1. The Day of Family, Love and Loyalty is celebrated on July 8th. This beautiful summer day was not chosen for the holiday by chance - for about 780 years, Orthodox Christians have been honoring the memory of the holy noble princes on July 8th.
Presenter 2. Peter and Fevronia of Murom - patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity.

1.Family Day today in the world -
How many of you are in the family, four?
Let it quickly become ten:
More noise, din, songs!
Let the family grow, become stronger,
Never upsets!

2. In Rus' there is a tale about
Like Fevronia and Peter
Were an exemplary couple,
Friendly, loving and faithful.
The time has flown by
No Fevronya, no Peter.
But they are an example of a family,
Honest, sincere love.

Song “My Family” (girls from the group “Pearls”)

1.What is a family?
You ask me.
I will answer you with pleasure,
That family is home
My kindergarten is outside the window,
And family is a small Motherland!
2.Under the blizzard and rain they will warm us with warmth
And they will help in any situation
Mom's sweet eyes and father's smile,
And cheesecakes and grandma’s buns!

Presenter 1.
We come into the world from family,
There are your roots,
Your long life begins.
And the foundation is our parental home,
And as a family, life goes on in the world.
Presenter 2. The symbol of Family Day, love and fidelity is a simple
Russian flower – chamomile.

Chamomile comes out to the music.
My greetings to you, preschool children!
I am Chamomile, I am rich in sunshine!
My flowers are burning in a wreath,
Fresh flowers are my outfit!
White chamomile is a symbol of family,
Little children are my petals!
Presenter 1.
When it suddenly becomes hard for you,
White daisy will hug you,
Her smile is brighter than the sun
She knocks on your window.
Winks playfully with petals,
And he will lead you away with a white dance.

Dance “I love you, Russia” (girls from the “Bees” group) (with flowers)

Presenter 2.
Family - how much meaning there is in this word...
When the kids are laughing in the house,
So I immediately want to live,
Create, care, love.

Presenter 1.
For children, the most beloved and dearest people are their parents. We carry love for our parents, for our family throughout our lives.
Mom... - the children repeat
Many thousands of times!
This word is dearer to each of us!
There is no person closer to mother in this world,
And everyone knows about this big planet!

Song “It’s so good that there is a mother in the world” (2 soloists of the group “Pochemuchki”)

Poems about mom.

Presenter 2.
Every morning, together, we get together as a family - children to kindergarten, school, mothers, fathers to work!

Song “Hello morning” (gr. “Pearls”)

Presenter 1.
The house we live in
This is a very noisy house.
After various things in the morning
There is always a game going on!
And at the holiday, friends,
We can't live without games
More passion, more laughter
Let all the fun go!!!
Every morning begins with exercise, so show your fingers.
The finger game “Our Family” is being held
(Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)
This big finger -
This is dad dear.
Next to dad is our mother.
Next to my mother is my eldest brother.
Following him, little sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong guy -
This is our sweet baby!
Presenter 2.
Well done, we've warmed up, and now, have some fun exercises!

Exercise “The radiant sun loves to jump”

Presenter 1.
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Presenter 2.
Family is a holiday for round table.
Family is happiness, family is home.
Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

“Spanish dance” (2 girls group “Romashka”)

Presenter 1.
And now Romashka and I will ask you riddles, and you guess them. Viewers, help us too!
Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,
And scratched my knee,
Don't cry? Of course...(dad)
Who loves you children more?
Who loves you so tenderly
And takes care of you
Without closing your eyes at night? (Mother)
Fragrant jam,
Pies for a treat,
Delicious pancakes
At my beloved...(grandmother)
He didn't work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he's old and gray
My dear, beloved...(grandfather)
I'm not alone with my mother,
She also has a son
I'm too small next to him,
For me he is the eldest... (brother)
That's the thing...
There are not seven of us, but three:
Dad, Mommy and me,
But all together we are... (family)
Presenter 2.
Well done guys
We solved all the riddles.

Presenter 1.
My family is my wealth,
Love, protection, tenderness, brotherhood.
Tenderness and comfort are valued here.
Here they never attach.
Presenter 2.
Everyone celebrates the holidays together
And they don’t miss everyday life either.
And we know for sure, friends,
What is most important in life is family!

Dance “And hands clap...” (children of the group “Pochemuchki”)

Presenter 1.
And now it’s time for us kids to play!
Presenter 2.
Hurry up, get into the trailers,
The time is approaching, the train is leaving!

Music game"Locomotive Bukashka"

Presenter 1:
On this bright Family Day,
We congratulate you!
With a strong union and in love
We wish you to live long!
Presenter 2.
Let mom and dad have babies
They surround you with care.
And older children never
They don’t upset you in any way!

Dance “I love Boogie-Woogie” (2 children of the group “Pochemuchki”)

Presenter 1.
And now, we meet the main heroes of our holiday!
Presenter 2.
Peter and Fevronia of Murom!

The music “Hymn to the Family” plays.
Peter and Fevronia come out with the children.

There is nothing more important in the world than love and friendship. Excluding them from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight!
Let us, no matter what, smile at each other, because friendship and love begins with a smile!
And let today the anthem of our holiday - the anthem of the family - become a symbol of our unity, the unity of our families!

Song “Family Anthem” (group “Bees” comes on stage with daisies on his palms)

Presenter 1.
Let everyone on the planet be happy:
Both fathers and mothers, and most importantly – children!
Presenter 2.
We are now convinced again
Everyone has a great family!
Thank you for coming to the holiday,
Everyone is friends today!
Presenter 1.
We invite you to play the Russian folk game “Rucheyok”!

Game "Rucheyok" (Russian scarves)
(adults (6-8 people) stand in twos with scarves - “collars”, and children in a group, one after another, go through the “collars” in a chain)

Presenter 1. Ah, our holiday continues, and we invite children to the “Drawings on the Asphalt” competition. Go to your areas, let each of you draw your own family with colored crayons.
Presenter 1,2. See you again!

[The groups disperse to the music for the “Drawings on the Asphalt” competition.

MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 44"



SUBJECT: "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity".

Event title:

“We were born into the world to live joyfully!”


Development of family creativity and cooperation between family and kindergarten, instilling in children a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family;

Forming in children an idea of ​​family as people who love each other and care about each other.

Decoration: the playground is decorated balloons, arches with daisies, tables and signs according to the number of families and for the jury.

Musical accompaniment: tape recorder, music recordings for children's numbers and for the background.

Fostering a responsible and welcoming attitude towards the family.


1. To form a highly moral approach to the issue of maintaining family well-being;
2. Develop communication skills;
3. Develop creative, musical and rhythmic abilities;
4. Develop positive emotions and feelings;
5. To educate preschoolers to understand their own share of participation in creating warm family relationships.


1. Exhibition of drawings “My Family”

2. Photo exhibition “Beautiful moments from the life of my family”

3. Exhibition of parents’ hobbies “Skillful hands know no boredom”

4. Learning creative numbers with children

5. Drawing up a holiday script


Balls, markers, paper hearts, white Whatman paper, musical equipment, microphones, a selection of appropriate music, attributes for games with parents, presentations, equipment for presentation, cards with letters from the word GENEALOGY (several copies, according to the number of families).

Gurtskaya’s song “Day of Love, Family and Fidelity” is played, children and guests are located in the area near the fountain.


Good evening to everyone present today! Today, July 8, we celebrate Family Day: the day of love, family and fidelity! The holiday of Peter and Fevronya... Family is close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness.

I want to tell you one legend, why the holiday was named in honor of Peter and Fevronya.

The seeds of kindness are planted in us,
Summon the memory of the past -
The legend of Peter and Fevronia,
The legend of beautiful love.
Bells and ritual Russian folk music sound. Presenter:(against background music)
Pavel reigned in the glorious city of Murom. And he had a brother, Peter. Pavel was in trouble. A snake began to fly to his wife.
She complained to her husband, and Paul ordered her to find out from the serpent the secret of his death. And the snake said that he was destined to die “from Peter’s shoulder and Agrikov’s sword.” And Peter decided to help his brother - to destroy the damned serpent. He swung his sword and struck the adversary. But the serpent splashed Peter with his poisonous blood, and
His body was covered with sores.
No one could heal Peter from a serious illness.
Peter humbled himself and prepared to die. But the Lord advised him: they say, there is a girl in the Ryazan lands who can heal him.
The prince's servants found a girl named Fevronia. And she said that she could heal the prince, and did not ask for anything as a reward, but after his recovery, the prince must take her as his wife, otherwise the treatment would not work. The prince agreed. And after his healing he took Fevronia as his wife.
Years of their life passed in love and harmony. They died on the same day and hour, each in his own cell. The holy spouses were buried together near the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and every believer received generous healing here.
So says the legend.

On a holiday, you can’t live without poetry. What is family? Our children will tell us about this. (children come out and read poetry and run after each other by the fountain, singing along to the soundtrack “Mom, Dad, I - Friendly family».


Everyone who could come is gathered

You couldn't find a happier day.

There will be competitions and songs.

It will be interesting for all of us.


Today no one is in a hurry.

Nobody runs to work in the morning,

We all gathered together, today, now -

Which wonderful holiday we have!


Today is a holiday - “Family Day”,

We congratulate you together.

You smile from your heart,

Now we are performing!

We are glad that you have gathered today for the competition - game program dedicated to Family Day. After all, only in a family can a person feel like an individual and receive confirmation of his importance and uniqueness.

I wish you health, happiness, mutual understanding and peace in your home. And today we will have an interesting meeting with families, jokes, smiles and loud laughter. I wish everyone a good mood and victories! Children will open this holiday with a song.

"How amazing!"

1. Probably in the world

There are no more beautiful moments

When we are with children

And they joined hands

After all, childhood is golden - 2 times

So magical

It's great that we're all here

Today we gathered

2. Who can do this with love

Warm a child with a word

And a little heart

And conquer the soul

Of course parents - 2 times

Relatives and closest ones

It's great that we're all here

Today we gathered

Leading . What is family? A word that everyone understands, like “bread” and “water.” An interesting book can be written about every family. Imagine that such a book already exists. And it’s called “Seven Seven” because it has seven pages. And every page has the number seven in its title. After all, family is seven selves.

Children of the group "Cherry" recite poems...

Reb1 . What does my family mean to me?

Of course - happiness and comfort at home,

Seven rules of obligatory keeping,

Only seven, but very, very important

Firstly, this is the main thing - love.

With all my heart and soul and mind.

Not just to let the blood boil with passion,

And it’s thrilling, and every day is different.

Reb 2 . The second is children. What is a house without them?

A desert without a well means you can't get enough to drink.

And children are life, they are a spring

And procreation. Let it flow!

Reb 3 . Then there's the concern. Only she

The family hearth will be protected from the wind.

Try to bring a smile to spring

I was always with you, and not somewhere else.

Reb 4 . Fourth is patience. It

Will help us survive all adversity,

And the window will be warmed by the sun.

What is frozen white with frost.

Reb 5 . And fifth - responsibility and home

There is a weighty stone in the family foundation.

They will help protect love,

Protect your spiritual flame from the wind.

Reb. 6 . Sixth - respect

It doesn’t like fights or quarrels.

Resentment, shouting and strife.

We will ask everyone for forgiveness -

You can't be in a family without respect.

Reb 7 . And finally, seventh - cleanliness

Everywhere - in the house, in your soul and in your thoughts.

This is how we represent the whole family,

Where we live in harmony with all our loved ones.


IN family circle you and I are growing,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you came into life from family.

Let's look through the pages of this book, maybe we'll learn something interesting about our family.

Family is not just a word. This is the warm smile of a mother, the kind hands of a father and the cheerful laughter of children. This is the place where we are loved and welcome. It’s nice to see people with a kind smile and a happy look, and if it’s a family, it’s doubly nice. It will be our great pleasure to introduce you to each other. Let's greet the families participating in our holiday:







I'll tell you a legend: In ancient times, there lived a family of 100 people, and peace, tranquility, love and harmony reigned in it. Word of this reached the ruler. And he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling or offending each other? “The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler read it and was surprised. The word “UNDERSTANDING” was written a hundred times on the sheet of paper. Indeed, happiness in a family depends on mutual understanding. Who doesn't want to be happy?

And what do you think? What does happiness mean for your family?

Everyone is welcome to answer...

Leading: Today we are together again to get a boost of energy, show off our erudition and cheer for those friendly families who are taking part in the competition.

Jury presentation.

leading: Today we will be participating in our favorite TV shows (the song “It’s cool you’re on TV” is playing) to get families in the mood.

"TV show KVN"

So, the family's calling card!


The ___ family consists of __ people.

(Which) (last name) (number of family members)

Our family motto is ___


The secret of family happiness ___

So, we are starting our first competition - a creative representation of a family (story about education, hobbies, leisure, performance artistic numbers etc.)

leading: You have successfully completed the task, we are waiting for the jury's results.

Host: Moms and dads are good at performing. Now we’ll check how they can draw.

Contest “Portrait of a beloved son (daughter).

(mothers draw with a marker on balloon a portrait of their child, and the children draw a self-portrait, then compare the drawings)

Host: Guys, while moms and dads are drawing, guess, let's try to guess the riddles! Ready? Begin! Let's all answer together loudly and amicably!

She radiates light, her smile makes her dimple.

There is no one more precious than your own.(mommy) .

The whole farm: quinoa, and Ryabushka,

But he will always feed us with scrambled eggs.(grandmother).

They gave me trinkets - seven nesting dolls and a baby beaver.

But more valuable than all toys, for me mine. (sister).

Guess who it is? Car keys, tie, hat.

I am waiting, friends, for an answer from you. Well done! Certainly.(dad) .

Soaks it in warm milk, he eats a piece of bread,

Walks with a stick in his hand, our beloved.(grandfather) .

TV show “Through the Mouth of a Baby” "(phonograms with children's statements are included)

When everyone is together - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, child (family)

Is this the most precious thing in a family, is it protected and passed down from generation to generation? (family heirloom)

The most gentle, kindest, most beloved person on earth? (Mother)

The place where we all live together? (house)

It's so squeaky and causes a lot of trouble, but everyone still loves it? (child)

She knits socks for everyone and bakes wonderful pies and buns? (grandmother)

They sell them in stores, do children play with them? (toys)

This is not a person, but is loved by all family members (pet)

Outdoor game "Let's do everything as I do"


The jury gives scores, and we have the followingTV show "Hacienda" Acontest called:

"My dream house"

leading: Undoubtedly, every person should have a home, and not just a roof over his head, but a place where he is understood, loved and expected, where a person feels warm and comfortable.

Today every family can build their dream home. Now your family will be a construction crew. We offer you a set of different cubes, soft modules (families complete the task)

(Build a house from modules. Each module is a brick signed (health, understanding, love, peace, comfort, etc., parents sign empty modules themselves)


The house was built. All that remains is to plant a tree. Each of you has hearts. Write on the heart a character trait or quality that you would like to give to your child. We'll hang the hearts on the tree. It's magical. Let's hope it fulfills your wishes.

While families are building a house,game - dance with the audience: “Fixies”


We thank all the builders. Your houses turned out beautiful. The jury evaluates the work.

And nowTV show "Happy Accident" (answer as many questions as possible within 30 seconds)

For each correct answer 1 point.

1. The boy who has the best friend in the world? (Carlson)

2. Uncle Styopa's nickname? (tower)

3. Russian Hero folk tale traveling on a stove? (Emelya)

4. Contents of the Scarecrow? (straw)

5. The organ grinder who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)

6. Musician from flower city? (Gusla)

7. The old woman’s rat Shapoklyak? (Lariska)

8. Great and terrible? (Goodwin)

9. Tin Woodman's Weapon? (axe)

10. Who caught the unusual pike? (Emelya)

11. Postman of the village of Prostokvashino? (Pechkin)

12. Panther, Mowgli's friend? (Bagheera)

13. Who lost the glass slipper? (Cinderella)

14. Who said the words: fly, fly petal (girl Zhenya)

15. Who did the ugly duckling become? (swan)

16. What magic item did Aladdin have? (lamp)

17. Who got into Through the Looking Glass? (Alice)

18. Who did the priest give his forehead to? (Bolda)

19. Baba Yaga’s home? (hut)

20. What got into Kai’s eye? (mirror fragment)

21. Is the fox Basilio’s companion? (Alice)

22. Who became the wife of the prince from the swamp? (frog)

TV show “Guess the Melody”

(sound recording of the song, families guess and sing one verse)

TV show " Finest hour»


And now the teams need to make as many words as possible from the letters that make up the word"PEDIGREE".

And while the parents complete the task, the children will completedance "Varenka"

The jury sums up the results for all competitions.

Team awards: nominations: “The most intelligent family”, “The most musical family”, “The most friendly family”

"The most talented family"


It's time to end the concert

We welcome all guests

What time did you choose?

And they stopped by to see us!


Even though we don’t listen to you sometimes

Dear parents, we love you always!

And we always want without a doubt

To see you in good mood!


More often, with the whole family

We would go out into the world!

People are closer than family

Not in the whole world!


How wonderful it is today

We were all together

Even someone sometimes

He sang along to our songs!


Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and loud laughter

For the fire of competition

Guaranteed success!

Now the moment of farewell has come

Our speech will be short

We say goodbye to you

See you again!

A background song about family plays.

Galina Gerasimenko
Plan of events dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity at the preschool educational institution

Target: spiritual and moral education of preschool children, familiarization of children and their parents with folk culture. To form in children an idea of family, cultivate love for your relatives.


1. To increase the educational, professional, theoretical knowledge of teachers on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

2. To form children’s ideas about the traditions of Orthodox holidays.

3. Raise in children respect for their people.

p/p Events Coverage of participants Responsible

Working with teachers

1. Meeting with employees and teachers of preschool educational institutions on planning and carrying out events Employees DOW Senior teacher Gerasimenko G. A.

2. Instruction on protecting the life and health of students during holidays events Preschool staff Senior teacher

Osadchaya S. A.

3. Consultation for teachers: "Day families, love and fidelity» , Preschool teachers Senior teacher

Osadchaya S. A.

4. Making a holiday symbol - chamomile Educators Preschool teacher Educator

Uskova Yu. S.

Working with students

1. Conversations on the topic: "My family» , "What do I know about mom and dad", "My friend family» , “What do my parents do?”, "Friendly everyone needs a family» , “What games do I play with mom and dad?”, "Day families, love and fidelity» , "How I help my mother"

2. Looking at photographs "My family» Middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

3. Didactic games : "Let's call mom and dad""Guess who I am to you" "Mother Daughter",

“Who needs what for work” Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

4. Reading thin. literature:

E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence", “That’s what mom is like”, R. n. With. "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", V. Oshiwa "Sons", "Bone", E. Taranova « Family is dad and mom, and grandfather", E. Uspensky "Grandma's Hands", Yu. Yakovlev "Mother". Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

5. Finger games "My family» , "Mother" Junior, group average Group teachers

6. Role-playing games : "Mothers and Daughters", "House", « Family» , "Mom's Helpers", Middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

7. View the presentation "My family» . Mixed-age senior preparatory group Educator

Sklyar I. S.

8. Asphalt drawing competition "My family» Senior, mixed-age senior preparatory group Teacher Nesterenko E.V.

9. Watching an animated film "Peter and Fevronya" Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Educator

Nazareva N. A.

10. Entertainment: "Day families, love and fidelity» Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Teacher Trunaeva A. S.

Working with parents of students

1. Design of a mobile folder "History of the holiday" Teacher Pereverzeva T. A.

2. Consultations: “Mom, dad, I’m friendly family» , "Day families, love and fidelity» , "Role families in raising a child" Group teachers

3. Booklet "Day families, love and fidelity» Educator Shevchenko S.S.

Publications on the topic:

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity". Scenario plan for entertainment for kindergarten children and their parents“Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” Plan - scenario for entertainment for kindergarten children and their parents Goal: to form primary.

Traditionally, residents of our Nesvetaevsky village celebrate this holiday on the stage of the Nesvetaevsky club, where all social institutions are invited.

Family means happiness, love and luck, Family means trips to the country in the summer. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant ones.

MBDOU No. 31 “Blue Arrow” Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory Educator Strokan Olga Nikolaevna All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

A holiday of family, love and fidelity Goal: to introduce children to Orthodox holiday"On the Day of Peter and Fevronia." Objectives: 1. To involve parents in joint participation with their children.

A small sun on my palm, - A white daisy on a green stem. Yellow hearts with a white rim... There are so many of them in the meadow, so many of them.

Publication date: 01.07.2016

Short description:

material preview

Holiday scenario in kindergarten"Family day"

Instilling in children a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family;

To form in children an idea of ​​family as people who love each other and care about each other;

Development of family creativity and cooperation between family and kindergarten;

Presenter: Hello, dear guests! Today we have gathered in this cozy kindergarten hall to celebrate one of the most wonderful holidays.

In Russia, today, July 8, is declared the day of Family, Love and Fidelity! Probably, now each of you remembered about Valentine's Day - a holiday very popular among young people. However, Valentine's Day is a Catholic holiday that came to us from the West. But few people know that we, in Rus', have our own saints - patrons of lovers, marriage, family happiness.

Presenter: (against the background of musical accompaniment)

Pavel reigned in the glorious city of Murom. And he had a brother, Peter. Pavel was in trouble. A snake began to fly to his wife.

She complained to her husband, and Paul ordered her to find out from the serpent the secret of his death. And the snake said that he was destined to die “from Peter’s shoulder and Agrikov’s sword.” And Peter decided to help his brother - to destroy the damned serpent. He swung his sword and struck the adversary. But the serpent splashed Peter with his poisonous blood, and

His body was covered with sores.

No one could heal Peter from a serious illness.

Peter humbled himself and prepared to die. But the Lord advised him: they say, there is a girl in the Ryazan lands who can heal him.

The prince's servants found a girl named Fevronia. And she said that she could heal the prince, and did not ask for anything as a reward, but after his recovery, the prince must take her as his wife, otherwise the treatment would not work. The prince agreed. And after his healing he took Fevronia as his wife.

Years of their life passed in love and harmony. They died on the same day and hour, each in his own cell. The holy spouses were buried together near the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and every believer received generous healing here.

So says the legend.

Presenter: Our holiday today is dedicated to love and fidelity. Marital love, long and despite any obstacles, happy. On this day it is customary to congratulate those who lived long life together with your loved one. Despite the difficulties, obstacles, disagreements, he did not exchange his spouse for another person. These are the people they say about - two halves.

Congratulations on the holiday of family, love and fidelity.

May Saints Peter and Fevronia preserve your union until the end of your days!

Only in a friendly, happy family do kind, sympathetic children grow up. The surest way to strengthen a family is God’s eternal values ​​- love, faith, hope, diligence, determination and hard work.

Song "Faith Hope Love"

Presenter: God is LOVE. And if Love lives in your family, then God lives in your family. And in the family where God lives, happiness, peace, tranquility, harmony, prosperity and other spiritual, mental and material benefits reign.

You and I have a family, a parental home, where we are expected, remembered and forgiven, no matter what happens. Today we will talk to you about family, participate in interesting competitions and quizzes.

It is very nice to see people with a friendly smile, affectionate and kind eyes. It is these people who create strong and happy families where wonderful children grow up.

Children senior group We have prepared congratulations for you.

1 child:

Family is what we share among everyone,

A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

2nd child:

Family is what is always with you.

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

3rd child:

What could be more valuable than family?

The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,

And they send you off on your way with kindness!

4th child:

Love it! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more valuable than her?

On this fabulous land!

5th child:

In the family circle

You and I are growing,

The beginning began - the parental home.

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you leave your family in life.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Song: “Parental House”

6th child:

Mom, dad, you and me -

This is our whole family.

We live very friendly

We play and we sing.

We give in to each other

And we don’t scold each other,

And we try to understand

And accept it as it is.

Happy Family Day to everyone,

We want to live the way we live!

7th child:

Thank you, thank you very much -

I'll tell my beloved mother.

For your affection ever

Mom, I will serve you.

You were given to me by the grace of God,

Thank you for your efforts.

God willing, I will grow too

And I will be like you!

8th child:

Very rarely, but still sometimes sick,

And then everything around is topsy-turvy, upside down,

Because she, because she -

The rapid age is taking us somewhere.

In the bustle, we sometimes forget that

That she is not a foundation, she is a person.

The person who holds the house together.

So that there is light in both the heart and the house,

Respond kindly to her kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house together.

Song "About Mom"

9th child:

We paint mother's portraits

In a well-deserved crown.

And these modest couplets

They will remind you of your father.

Where there is a father, there is a home

Through the labors of strong hands.

He is the most courageous warrior

And the kindest friend.

10th child:

I don't worry about anything

When my father is with me.

It’s like I’m behind a stone wall, behind my dad’s back.

The evil fire will subside,

When he strokes my head

Wide palm.

No matter whether he is affectionate or strict,

Love him and honor him.

He is your God-given guardian

On the path of life.

Song "Daddy Can"

Presenter: But a family is not only husband and wife. These are children, grandchildren, and numerous relatives on both sides. When a man and a woman unite their destinies, all their relatives also become related to each other, but sometimes people don’t even know what to call each other. Let us, dear parents and relatives, now try to determine who is the matchmaker for whom, and the guys will help you!

Presenter: Father's (mother's) brother - UNCLE

Father's (mother's) sister - AUNT

Wife's father - TEST

Wife's mother - MOTHER-IN-LAW

Wife's brother - brother-in-law

Husband's brother - BRother-in-law

Husband's sister - SISTER-IN-LAW

Wife's sister - sister-in-law

Husband's father - Father-in-law

Husband's mother - MOTHER-IN-LAW

Daughter (son) of brother, sister - NIECE, NEPHEW

The mothers of the wife and husband are matchmakers to each other.

Host: And now I suggest you guys listen and guess the riddles, be careful - the riddles are sitting next to you!

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friendly... children's answers: family!

Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I’ll answer the question directly:

Ours is the cutest of all... children's answers: mom!

He will teach you how to drive a nail,

Will let you drive the car

And he will tell you how to be brave,

Strong, dexterous and skillful?

You guys know everything -

This is our favorite... children's answers: dad!

Who never gets tired of loving

Bakes a pie for the whole family

And delicious pancakes?

This is our... children's answers: grandmother!

He is a man and he is gray

To dad - dad, to me he... children's answers: grandfather!

Who loves both me and my brother,

But does he like to dress up more? -

Very fashionable girl -

My favorite...children's answers: little sister!

I'm not alone with my mother,

She also has a son

I'm too small next to him,

For me he is the eldest... children's answers: brother!

Moms elder sister -

Doesn't look old at all

With a smile he will ask: “How are you living?”

Who came to visit us? ... children's answers: aunt!

Who's with mom's sister?

Does he come to us sometimes?

Looking at me with a smile,

"Hello! " - tells me... children's answers: uncle!

Presenter: Well done, you were all very attentive and did a good job! Guys, when you grow up, we hope that each of you will have your own friendly, strong, loving and beloved family. After all, such a family is the main wealth in the life of every person.

11th child:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

12th child:

Family is work, taking care of each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

13th child:

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!

Presenter: Well, now let's divide into two teams. This is the “wise family” team and the “strong family” team.


Presenter: The family must act in everything as God’s Word says about it. It should become a piece of heaven on earth, a place where love is not suppressed by rudeness, but, on the contrary, is cherished. Our happiness depends on how much we show love, compassion and true courtesy to each other.


Write down as many qualities as possible that members of a Christian family should have.

Running time while the music is playing (music number)

The victory is credited to the team that indicated more good qualities. The prize is a chamomile.

2. Competition “HOW CAREFUL ARE YOU?”

In life, we must be very observant so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Now we will check how your and your children’s attention is developed:

2. What will remain in the box if you take out the matches? (Bottom)

3. Can a rooster call himself food? (No, the rooster can't talk)

4. How will you reach the sky? (with a glance)

5. Why does the dog run? (On the ground)

6. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth)

7. What year lasts only 1 day? (New Year)

8. How to write "dry grass" in 4 letters? (Hay)

9. Which number has as many numbers as letters? (One hundred)

10. Which word consisting of 5 letters has 5 “O”s? (Again)

11. What can’t you bake bread without? (No crust)

12. In what year do people eat more than usual? (On leap days).

13. What kind of water can be brought in a sieve? (Frozen)

14. What is half an orange more like? (To the other half)

15. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (On wet)

16. In which fields does grass not grow? (On the margins of a school notebook)

17. What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)

18. What does a watchman do if a sparrow sits on his hat? (sleeping)

19. Where does the water stand? (In glass)

20. What disease on land does no one get sick? (Nautical)

21. What do people walk on but never drive? (Across the chessboard)

22. The name of which bird consists of a letter and the name of a river? (Oriole)

23. What is between the city and the village? (Conjunction "I")

24. What you can watch with eyes closed? (Dream)

25. My father's son, but not my brother. Who is he? (Myself)

For the correct answer on the daisy, whose team collects the most is the winner.


Even the most humble work is God's work. All the work we need to do - whether washing dishes, caring for the sick, cooking or doing laundry - has a moral meaning...

Everyone must work in their own place and in the appropriate field. A woman in her home, performing the simple duties of daily life, can and should show fidelity, obedience and love as sincerely as the angels do in their ministry. Obedience to God's will makes every work that needs to be done honorable. And do not forget: work was assigned to man to make him happy.


Make a list of family labor responsibilities. We do not ask you to allocate responsibilities for dad, for mom, for children. Write down all possible responsibilities.

Running time while the music is playing. (music number)

The victory is credited to the team that indicated more good qualities. Prize (daisy)

4. Competition “TASTY QUESTIONS”.

1. Fruits boiled in water. (Compote)

2. Oriental food made from rice and meat. (Pilaf)

3. Big cake. (Cake)

4. The bear's favorite berry. (Raspberries)

5. A bakery product that you can steer. (Baranka)

6. Soft-boiled potatoes. (Puree)

7. The fooled kitchen worker. (Cook)

8. The signature dish of white-sided magpies. (Porridge)

9. The food that Zhuravel fed the Fox. (Okroshka)

10. A dish made from milk and eggs. (Omelette)

11. Bread with different layers on top. (Sandwich)

12. Favorite vegetable dish of Ukrainians and Kuban residents. (Borsch)

13. Boiled dough with meat. (Dumplings)

14. The art of cooking. (Cooking)

15. Sauce from vegetable oil, egg yolk and various seasonings. (Mayonnaise)

For the correct answer, a prize (daisy) whose team collects the most is the winner.

5. competition “Continue the proverbs and sayings”

1. Don’t be born beautiful, but be born (happy).

2. Seven nannies have a child (without an eye).

3. A guest on the doorstep means happiness in... (house).

4. A house without a mistress... (orphan).

5. Lead the house... (don’t shake your beard).

6. An apple from an apple tree... (doesn’t fall far).

7. The richer we are... (the more we are happy).

8. It’s good when visiting, ... (but at home it’s better).

9. House-…(full bowl)

10. A tree is held together by its roots and a person...(family)

11. When the sun is warm, (when mother is GOOD)

12. The whole family is together... (so the soul is in place)

13. Who respects his mother... (doesn’t scold someone else’s)

14. Where is love and advice... (there is no grief there)

So let's summarize. Which team has more daisies? The team..... became the winner.

And now memorable gift to all participants.

Recipe for a good day.

We take a day and cleanse it well of envy, hatred, grief, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, and indifference.

We add three full (topped) spoons of optimism, a large handful of faith, a spoonful of patience, a few grains of tolerance, and, finally, a pinch of politeness and decency towards all people.

Pour love over the entire resulting mixture.

Now that the dish is ready, decorate it with petals from flowers of kindness and attention.

Serve daily with a side dish of warm words and heartfelt smiles that warm the heart and soul.

Bon appetit! Have a good day!

(Give to adult participants)

Host: Parents should not only carefully protect the future happiness of the interests of their children, but also make their family home, as far as possible, an attractive place. This has much more important consequences than acquiring things and saving money. The house should not lack sunlight. The feelings associated with family should be kept alive in the hearts of children so that they can remember their childhood home as a place where, like heaven, peace and happiness reign. And then, as adults, they will return home to become a support and blessing to their parents.

Presenter: The symbol of the day of love and fidelity has become chamomile - a flower of Russian fields and meadows. And let this pure, sunny flower grow in your home.

(Children give postcards to their parents)

Host: Every Christian family should have its own rules, and parents, by their manner of communicating with each other, should give their children a precious living example of what they want them to be. It is necessary to constantly take care of the purity of speech and show true Christian politeness. Teach children and youth to respect themselves, to be sincere, and to remain faithful to their principles. And let every lesson be aimed at ensuring that your children grow up kind, honest, sympathetic and well-mannered.

Presenter: Dear parents! On your tables there are colored pencils and sheets of paper with pictures of vases. If you had a joyful, warm feeling from our meeting today - “put yellow flowers in a vase.”

If you were bored and not interested, draw blue flowers.

If you were in an enthusiastic mood that overwhelmed your feelings, draw red flowers.

Presenter: And at the end of our holiday, I invite everyone to take a photo as a souvenir!

Summary of the integrated lesson “Family Day” in kindergarten, preparatory group

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Purpose of the material: This material will be useful for educators and teachers. primary school; children 6 – 10 years old.

Target: fostering a responsible and welcoming attitude towards the family.
1. Introduce the children to the holiday - International Family Day.
2. Make a gift with your own hands.
3. Develop children's creative abilities.
Preliminary work: reading fiction, riddles and proverbs, looking at family photos.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys! Today is another holiday in our country. But to find out what kind of holiday this is, you need to solve riddles. Ready?

- I have a mother,
I have a father,
I have a grandfather
I have a Grandmother,
And they have me.
What is this? (family)
- Everyone knows this word
Wouldn't change it for anything!
To the number “seven” I will add “I” -
What will happen? (family)
- Without what in this world?
Can't adults and children survive?
Who will support you, friends?
Your friendly...(family)
Educator: Well, have you already guessed what kind of holiday this is?
Answers children.
Educator: What do you think a family is?
Answers children.
Educator: Of course, you all answered correctly: this is when family and friends are happy, friendly, and live in peace and harmony. Who do you think is the boss in the family: mom or dad?

Educator: Of course, the main ones are all family members. I want to invite you to play, but you need to listen carefully and answer loudly.
Game "Yes, yes, yes" or "No, no, no."
- Does mom hurt dad? (no, no, no)
- Will dad play with you? (yes, yes, yes)
- Does daddy go to the store? (yes, yes, yes)
- Buying a limousine? (no, no, no)
- Will Mom buy you some sweets? (yes, yes, yes)
- And he will fry you a cutlet (yes, yes, yes)
- Will you take a cat to kindergarten? (no, no, no)
- Will you pour the soup into the plate? (yes, yes, yes)
- Will you set the table for mom? (yes, yes, yes)
- Treat dad to some pies (yes, yes, yes)
- Shall we congratulate everyone on the holiday? (yes, yes, yes)
- Does everyone expect success? (yes, yes, yes)
- Will we celebrate Family Day? (yes, yes, yes)
- Will we give flowers to everyone? (yes, yes, yes)
Educator: Well done! They played very well
You answered correctly.
And now I ask you,
Describe your family.
I invite each child to tell about their family (a short story; what are the names of mom and dad, where and who they work for, who does the cooking and ironing at home, etc.)

Children they tell.
Educator: To get some rest, I suggest finger gymnastics. Or maybe some of you will remember the gymnastics in which we call family members.
Child reads the words, and the children repeat the movements.
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mom
This finger is me
That's my whole family!
Children show fingers on both hands, starting with the thumb.
Educator: Guys, can we say that you and I are one big family?
Educator: What kind of family is ours? I suggest you choose more words about your friends and girlfriends.
Children answer in turn. For example: My friend Varya is very kind, affectionate, sympathetic, beautiful, cheerful, smart, etc.
Educator: Do you have any responsibilities around the house? How do you help parents? What is your help?
Answers children.
Educator: I am sure that your beloved moms and dads will be happy if you give them drawings in which you depict your family.
They lie on the tables necessary materials for drawing, come up, choose and get to work.
Children take the necessary materials and get to work. While they are working, calm music is playing.
Educator: You guys are great, your work turned out great. Let's summarize our lesson.
- What date do we celebrate Family Day?
- What is family?
- What do we call mom’s or dad’s mom?
- In what month do we celebrate the holiday - Family Day?
- Who spoke best about their family today?
Exhibition of children's works.

Family is a big word!
Family is a ringing word!
Family is an important word
Everyone will tell you this.
Family is the sun that shines
Family is the stars in the sky
Family is all love.
The love of sons and fathers,
Love of daughters and mothers.
We give you our love!... A.V. Sidorova