DIY wedding wine glasses with ribbons. DIY decoration of wedding glasses. About the nuances and practical benefits of a hobby

Painted glasses are rarely used in wedding ceremonies, but thanks to this they are now gaining popularity, because you can create any design with paints.

After exclusivity, the main advantage is that such decor cannot be accidentally disturbed, as happens with lace, rhinestones or ribbons. It does not deteriorate and does not fall off the glass, so the wine glasses have a long service life.

Depending on the execution technique, certain paints are used, which vary for each case. When the drawing is done in a mixed style, several types of materials are used.

The main types of paints used to decorate a glass:

  1. Acrylic (stained glass) paints on water based when solidified, they acquire a muted color glossy shine, and when undiluted they give a slightly convex pattern. The picture on the glass takes a long time to dry; it may require firing to consolidate the result, but this method is dangerous for thin-walled wine glasses.
  2. Solvent paints, also classified as stained glass paints, are based on varnish compositions, which is why they are more fluid and harden quickly. Therefore, to increase transparency, a special solution will be required. Pictures look good on glass, especially if the design does not involve a ribbed surface.
  3. Contour paints are a thick mass placed in a tube with a sharp spout, made specifically for drawing thin lines. To make the pattern convex, the manufacturers created a fairly dense texture. After all, it is used for drawing details or contours.

Techniques used to paint wedding glasses:

  1. Dotted or confetti. The selected colors are applied with matches, toothpicks or cotton swabs, depending on the required diameter. In this case, to create a pattern they use acrylic paints.
  2. Decoration. Thematic motifs are depicted using brushes. Most often, buds or other plant patterns bloom on the glass. This technique will require some experience in drawing and working with glass.
  3. Picture in stained glass style. This design creates a specific pattern using stained glass paints, after which, after drying, an outline is applied depicting lead or gilded bindings. To make the glass look like a real cathedral, the base paint should be slightly translucent, showing the passage of light rays through the picture. This creates the feeling of a mosaic.

Stained glass paints are often used to create drawings, especially in an authentic style. And contour pictures are used to draw schematic pictures, or individual small details that should protrude above the surface.

How to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands: dot painting on glass

The most in a simple way, is a point decoration. To create it, you don’t need the ability to draw, and you don’t need a lot of time and resources.


  • acrylic paints;
  • cotton swabs, matches;
  • disposable container, from 2-3 cm in diameter (can be made from foil);
  • cotton pads or cloth napkin;
  • alcohol or acetone.

First, wash the glasses and let them dry. After this, the surface is further cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. When everything is done, the wine glass is turned upside down.

This method of preparation will remove all contaminants that could disturb the future decoration.

Paint of the selected color is poured into a disposable container. Having dipped a cotton swab into the paint, they begin to make dots from the very bottom of the bowl. The distance between them is approximately the same so that the decoration looks uniform.

After completing the first row, the next one begins, while the pressure applied with the stick decreases - this method will produce smaller circles. When this ceases to work, they switch to painting with matches. The higher the dots rise in the glass, the less common they are.

At the same time, they are arranged in a chaotic order. Sometimes they are made into curls or pyramids.

Stop placing dots 1.5-2 cm before the edge of the glass. This is done to prevent paint particles from getting into your mouth.

The leg and stand are most often left clean. But sometimes inscriptions are made on the stand using contour paints of the same shade.

When newlyweds want more variety, glass decorations are made from several colors.

This style of execution can look rude, just like the same mugs, so you need to monitor moderation in.

How to paint wedding wine glasses with an outline on glass - master class

Painting glasses for a wedding with an outline on glass is a fairly easy technique. But at the same time, you need to try to create dots and lines on the paper so as not to spoil the workpiece.

For painting you will need:

  • contour paints;
  • masking tape;
  • cotton pads and alcohol;
  • stencil.

Glasses are cleaned and degreased with alcohol or acetone. After preparation, thin strips of tape are used to glue the stencil onto the bowl.

Take a tube of paint of the main color and begin to apply dots along the outline of the stencil. When the figure is completed, the adhesive tape is removed and the gluing area is degreased with a cotton swab.

After the glass has dried from the alcohol, the boundary is closed and the next stage is started. Sometimes there is a more complex method of execution - drawing a solid line.

When the main figure is completed, dots begin to be drawn on the sides of the wine glass. At the same time, they try to different colors and the size of the circles were randomly distributed.

The dots gradually become smaller, leaving large gaps between them. At the same time, a clean strip the size of the main pattern is maintained at the back. This is done to make the glass look lighter and lighter.

DIY painting of wedding glasses with acrylic paints - tips and ideas

Painting is the most difficult way to create a design on glasses. This technique is only suitable for people with developed drawing skills.


  • 2 plastic plates;
  • 1 plastic glass (for washing);
  • brushes;
  • cotton buds;
  • acrylic paints of the desired colors;
  • cotton pads and degreaser.

The glasses are prepared for drawing and turned upside down. After this, water is poured into a glass, and paint is squeezed onto one of the plates. The second vessel will serve as a stand for wet brushes.

To draw the stamens, cotton swabs are dipped in paint and dots are randomly placed along the bottom of the glass. In this case, the colors and sizes of the circles should differ slightly. When the stamens are completed, they are left to dry for 2-3 hours.

Sometimes it is advised to bake paints to finish the job faster, but wedding glasses are fragile and can crack from high temperatures. Therefore, it is better to let the paint dry naturally.

After drying, draw the petals of the plant. They are made with a thick brush, and then the veins and details are drawn. When all the small elements are completed, the glass is again given time to harden.

The last step is decorating the stem of the glass. It is covered with green paint, depicting the stem of a plant.

This is the easiest way to create an original glass. But if a person has extensive experience in drawing, he can make more complex plant designs on the bowl.

How to make painted glasses for a wedding yourself: templates, stencils with patterns

In this video you will learn in more detail about painting a wedding glass:

When there is a desire to create a complex design on wedding glasses, but there is no skill in working with paints and glass, ready-made sketches and stencils will help. After all, the principle of creating decor is to print and cut out the pattern, then apply it to the glass and paint over the voids.

Depending on the volume of the pattern on the stencil, different colors are chosen. For large ones, stained glass is used, and for small parts, an outline is used.

Self-painted wedding wine glasses bring joy during the holiday and from photographs, and with the correct application of paints, they can be placed as decoration in a future home. Sometimes the execution technique is so flawless that they are used on every marriage anniversary without losing their beauty.

A wedding is a significant event in the life of a couple. But for the event to be a success, and for only the warmest memories to remain from it, you need to carefully plan everything, because every little thing is important. For example, every bride can decorate wedding glasses with her own hands, and the result will be unique accessories that cannot be found anywhere else.

Every couple wants their wedding ceremony to be the best, original, exclusive, and memorable. The external side of the event plays a huge role: the decoration of the cars, the hall, and the tables. Lately, decorating has become customary to trust to specialists, but their services are not cheap, and the result often looks rather formulaic. Why not do the decorating yourself?

The decor of wedding glasses will make any celebration bright and memorable. Such unusual accessories attract attention, decorate the table and make memorable photos. And after the holiday, a couple of decorated glasses will turn into a real family treasure, reminiscent of a happy day.

How to decorate glasses in an original way

Decorating wedding glasses with your own hands may seem difficult, but only desire plays a role. Some decorating methods require special skills, others can be mastered even by a beginner, so among the many options, everyone can choose something of their own.

You can decorate glasses for a wedding in a variety of ways and materials. Choose the one that is closest in spirit and abilities, do not try to immediately take on complex things, because even simple decor can look impressive. Study photos and master classes, and you don’t have to completely copy the products; try to add something of your own to the design so that the wedding glasses match the character and mood of your future ceremony.

You can decorate all the wine glasses at once or just the glasses of the bride and groom. The latter may be the same or, conversely, radically different, but the design style must be uniform. The same applies to the design of all glasses for wedding ceremony: wine glasses for a couple can have a lush decor, some features of which will be repeated on the guest ones.

To decorate wedding glasses with your own hands, use:

  • Paints (acrylic, stained glass) and glitter.
  • Ribbons, braid, lace.
  • Beautiful textiles.
  • Beads, seed beads, rhinestones, crystals.
  • Artificial flowers, their individual elements
  • Decoupage or appliqués made of paper, textiles, feathers, flowers, shells, buttons.


Painting is the simplest and at the same time complex way to decorate wedding glasses. The complexity of the design directly depends on the skills of the decorator. It can be:

For painting use:

  • Acrylic paints that do not wear off over time and from constant contact with hands.
  • Glitters - white, colored or gold contour paints with a convenient applicator for applying fine lines. There are types with a 3D effect, used to create three-dimensional decor.
  • Special markers.
  • Stained glass paints.

Using stained glass paints you can create your own a real masterpiece, painting the glasses in several colors at once, and circling the borders with gold or silver glitter.

Colors and themes for painting wedding glasses should be selected based on the overall style of the event, the nature of the couple, even the time of year and location of the celebration can be important. Finished goods should look harmonious on the table and in your hands.

If your own artistic abilities are not enough, then stencils will help in applying the drawings, which, by the way, can also be made independently from ordinary masking tape. These can be simple strips of different widths, which are glued to the glasses in a certain or chaotic order, and the spaces between them are painted with the selected colors. When the paint has dried, the tape must be carefully removed.

An alternative to painting would be to decorate wedding glasses with sparkles. This is easy to do with your own hands even without artistic skills:

By the way, guests’ glasses can be decorated with sparkles of any color, and white and black can be used for the bride and groom.


Decorating glasses with ribbons occupies a special place in wedding decor. Such products look professional, expensive and very stylish.

The easiest option is to simply tie satin ribbons of the desired shade with a bow around the stems of the glasses. This detail will effectively complement the decor with sparkles of the same color.

You can make roses or small bows from satin ribbons and secure them with a glue gun over the entire surface of the glass in the form of a spiral. You can glue rhinestones or beads to the center of each flower or bow. If there are gaps between the elements, they can be filled with chains of beads or rhinestones. A thinner tape of the same color should be wrapped tightly or with gaps around the stem of the glass, coated with PVA glue.

The groom's glass can be decorated with black ribbons, and the bride's with white ones. If desired, it is worth working on the details, making for men's accessory something like a tuxedo made of ribbons of different widths, and for women - a dress, lace, rhinestones, black or white beads will help with this.


Decorating wedding glasses with your own hands using lace will add sophistication, grace and romance to any celebration. You can make elegant skirts for wine glasses from this material, complementing them with decorations from ribbons or beads.

Glasses whose surface is covered with lace mesh look impressive. The leg of such a wine glass can be decorated with a bow made of satin ribbon, decorative cord and even twine.

The process itself is quite simple:


Wedding glasses decorated with thin gold or silver braid look impressive and elegant. It needs to be wrapped around the convex part of the base of the wine glass to approximately the middle, having previously coated the glass or cord with glue. It is better to leave small gaps between the turns; they will make the product visually lighter and more elegant.

A shiny cord can be wrapped tightly around the legs; such decor would be appropriate without additional decoration or as an additional element to the painting.

Wedding glasses decorated with twine look very unusual, but extremely original. This design must fully correspond to the style of the entire ceremony. For example, if the wedding is arranged in nautical style, then the stems of the wine glasses can be tightly wrapped with twine, and striped bows can be secured at the base of the bowl. As an additional decoration, you can stick small shells, wooden beads, draw fish, boats, etc.

Bead jewelry

Beads, rhinestones, seed beads and other small accessories are widely used to decorate glasses. Such elements can complement almost any decor: painting, ribbons, flowers.

Using beads, you can create ornaments on the glass surface: lines, waves, curls, flowers, etc. Wedding glasses look luxurious, the surface of which from the stem to the middle is completely lined with small round beads. This pearl coating is best used to decorate the glasses of the bride and groom: decorate her wine glass with white beads, his with black ones. The colors can be any other, depending on the style of the ceremony.

To attach beads to glass, it is best to use transparent silicone, applying it pointwise using a gun.

Do you want to create an exclusive decoration for glasses with your own hands? Decorate the legs with rhinestones, gluing them in a continuous layer. In this case, the main part of the wine glass should be left unchanged so as not to overdo it with the design. Still select the color of the crystals based on the same design style. Transparent - a universal option.

Rida Khasanova

Glasses at a wedding are no less important an element than the decor of the hall, the bride’s bouquet or the cake. After all, the guests’ attention will also be focused on the newlyweds’ wine glasses. The design of the glasses should echo the color scheme of the entire wedding. You can do it yourself or entrust it to a specialist.

Wedding glasses: decoration options

Great decoration option glasses - this is a pattern lined with rhinestones. They will look especially impressive if sparkling details are also used in the bride’s outfit.

Rhinestones can be one color or a combination of two, for example, white and pink. They can completely cover the stem of the glasses or be laid out in letters - the initials of the newlyweds

Decorating with lace will give the wine glasses sophistication and tenderness. This decoration is easy to make. You can use lace fabric to make a rim for the top of a glass or a flirty skirt for the stem.

Photo of handmade wedding glasses

DIY wine glasses for newlyweds with lace

Wedding glasses for the bride and groom look beautiful, studded with beads and small beads, with pearls. They can be of different colors: white, beige, green, red or blue - depending on the overall style of the wedding.

Glasses with flowers are a real trend for 2019. Flowers can be artificial or real. Real flowers on the stem of a glass they look very gentle and beautiful, but they will also last for a short time, unlike artificial ones.

Flowers can also be sewn from ribbons with a silver or gold border using the kanzashi technique. Delicate roses white or Pink colour Looks great on clear glass e glasses. will become the most important accessory beautiful couple newlyweds

Glasses for newlyweds with roses and bows

Photos of beautiful wedding glasses for the newlyweds

Painted glasses for newlyweds

Spot painting with paints extremely beautiful. Design made with silver or gold paint turns ordinary glasses into royal ones worthy of such an exciting day. The painting done with acrylic paints also looks unusual on the thin glass of the glasses. Original painted patterns can be complemented by the sparkle of sequins or rhinestones.

A real decoration wedding hall - This is a pyramid of glasses. It is built according to a certain scheme, which is best entrusted to a specialist. Then a real show is staged: sparkling champagne is poured into the top glass, and the drink gradually fills all the other glasses standing below.

The price of wedding glasses for newlyweds ranges from 500 rubles. up to 2000-2500 thousand rubles. The cost will depend on the complexity of the decoration and the price of materials. Wine glasses decorated by hand and to order will cost an order of magnitude higher.

Decorating glasses according to wedding style

When the wedding is decorated in the same style, then the glasses should reflect the chosen theme. The decoration may have similar colors or small decorative details

Glasses for a wedding in a nautical style should be decorated in blue color. The following elements are suitable for decoration:

  • cord in the form of a rope;
  • pearl;
  • net;
  • white and blue ribbons;
  • Starfish;
  • mini-wheel, anchor.

The stems of nautical glasses and champagne bottles can be covered with red, white or blue ribbons.

Marine style glasses

Delicate but at the same time bright colors are relevant For summer wedding . Particularly popular turquoise. Glasses decorated with sea green paint can be complemented with imitation foam, and the stem can be decorated with fine sand.

For a wedding in Provence style, glasses made colored glass. It can be soft lilac, pink or deep purple, the choice depends on the color design of the room. These glasses look very decent, but their price is quite high; for a pair you will need to pay about 2,500 rubles.

A wedding decorated in red and white colors turns out to be very bright and festive. Two opposite colors symbolize the unity of two elements. Marsala glass glasses or decorated with flowers, ribbons or beads in white and red will look best on the bride and groom's table.

Photo of bride and groom glasses for a wedding in red

Marsala glass wedding glasses

Wine glasses with engraving for newlyweds for a wedding

The glasses from which newlyweds drink during the wedding are preserved for life as a family heirloom. Before choosing a design method, it is worth considering that decor over the years may become unusable, lose your attractiveness.

Only engraving can guarantee that a wedding drawing made on the eve of the wedding will remain in its original form for many years

Engraving on wedding glasses can be done in several ways:

  • laser – suitable for thin glass;
  • mechanical - best for dense, thick glass.

When choosing a design, you need to take into account the cost. It will fluctuate depending on how the pattern or text is applied, and on the complexity of the execution. Average engraving price starts from 450-500 rubles. If urgent engraving is required, the price will double.

What can be depicted on wedding glasses:

  • funny words, wishes;
  • initials;
  • wedding date;
  • image of two hearts, doves, wedding rings.

The most popular engraving is a personalized one, complemented by a beautiful pattern.

Wedding glasses with name engraving

Photos of beautiful wedding glasses for newlyweds

The most popular inscriptions on glasses are the following words and phrases:

  • wedding;
  • Love;
  • bitterly;
  • together forever;
  • only you;
  • with love;
  • today and tomorrow forever;
  • the best day;
  • I love you.

The decor of glasses does not have to be limited to engraving. You can supplement it rhinestones, ribbons or beads. It is important that the decoration of the bride and groom’s glass is in the same style.

Decorating the glasses of the newlyweds can be original and unusual, becoming a real work of art. For example, a pair of glasses decorated in the shape of a bride and groom. This could be a drawing of a tuxedo and white dress, or a real butterfly made of fabric and a lush veil made of organza or lace. These glasses are a great gift option for a lasting memory.

Unusual wedding champagne flutes - glasses with a stand. It can be made of glass in the shape of a heart, two lovers holding hands, or in the shape of swans. The stand is decorated with fresh flowers, and the glasses in this case are decorated as simply as possible. The stand in the form of a silver tray decorated with light lace looks delicate.

Wedding glasses in the shape of the bride and groom

Glasses for newlyweds on a silver stand

Looks very nice decor with ribbons. For example, a thin satin ribbon bright color, entwined on the stem of a glass. And on the base of the leg there are decorations of a similar color. This design can be complemented with the initials of the bride and groom lined with rhinestones.

Glasses decorated with beautiful lace look simple and at the same time elegant. Stylish glasses for newlyweds for a wedding are wrapped in elegant fabric, with an organza bow.

The most popular glass decoration for newlyweds in 2019 is decor from polymer clay . From this plastic material you can make exquisite compositions with roses, in the form of wedding rings or figurines of the bride and groom.

To order from handicraft masters, you can decorate glasses with “clothes” made of macrame. Unusual weaving is perfect for a rustic wedding. Delicate shades such as beige, peach or white are suitable here.

Wooden glasses are used at weddings in Irish style. Each leg should have a wooden ring or two, indicating the strength of the new union.

It is important that the glasses and rings are made from one piece of wood, so that the newly-made family grows as one

If you are afraid that the glasses will break during the holiday, you can purchase wine glasses with a metal stem. They look very elegant, especially with the beautiful engraving on the top glass part of the glass.

Wine glasses for a wedding with clay legs

Wedding glasses on a wooden leg

On wedding celebration many signs are observed. There are some superstitions, associated with the glasses of the newlyweds. According to one version, it is known that wine glasses should be broken for good luck, according to another, that they should be kept for life.

Therefore, traditionally, two sets of glasses are purchased for a wedding. One is broken by the newlyweds, and the second is drunk from during the wedding and subsequently kept as a good memory.

– this must be done before the newlyweds sit down at the table, for example, immediately after the registry office. This role will be played by plastic wine glasses for the newlyweds for the wedding, and the second pair of glasses will be made of glass or crystal, with decoration or engraving.

If you believe it, then the more fragments of broken glasses remain, the more happiness there will be in the family of the bride and groom. And by the number of the largest fragments you can count how many children will be born in this marriage.

The bride and groom break glasses

And if accidentally crashed one of the glasses that needs to be kept is a harbinger of disagreements and quarrels between husband and wife. In this case, you need to break the second glass so that the problems that arise can be solved in the family together.

It is believed that a drink should not be left in wedding glasses, as these remains symbolize tears. Therefore, the glasses of the bride and groom should not be filled to the very brim

Only newlyweds can drink from wine glasses.. If someone else does it - living together things may not work out for the newlyweds. Therefore, at a wedding you need to make sure that no one takes glasses. When the bride and groom leave the table, this responsibility falls on the wedding witnesses.

Wedding glasses will be a wonderful addition to your wedding decoration. It is important that they stand out, but at the same time be made in the same style with the outfits and decor of the entire wedding. The newlyweds hold glasses in their hands during toasts, so the attention of guests and photographers will be focused on them. And after the wedding, the wine glasses will take their rightful place in the sideboard, reminding you every day of the past exciting event.

Even more interesting options you will see the decor by watching the video about wedding glasses:

April 30, 2018, 00:53 Liana Raimanova

Preparing for a wedding often brings a lot of trouble. In order to approach the organization of the celebration as rationally as possible, it is recommended to describe all stages step by step. One of these steps that you can do with your own hands is decoration of the bride and groom's glasses. Often, the external design of an event is entrusted to specialists, but the services of professionals are not cheap, and the result is not always the desired one. How to decorate glasses for a wedding with ribbons yourself?

Decorating glasses with ribbons is simple and fun. Such an accessory will become important element decor festive table. As the practice of weddings and reviews of newlyweds shows, products made at home are superior to factory ones.

In their home creations, spouses can give free rein to their imagination, decorate the wine glasses with taste and beauty and make them truly unique

Such interesting glasses will become the highlight of the bride and groom’s table, and after the celebration will take pride of place within the walls of the nest of the young.

The tradition of breaking glass beverage containers is a thing of the past. Now the couple treasures the exclusive design wine glasses as real heirlooms, passing them on to subsequent generations. Taking glasses out of the cabinet, the married couple will remember those very touching and beautiful moments of the fateful day.

When decorating wedding glasses with your own hands, pay attention to important recommendations:

  • Don’t take on the most complicated methods of decorating; among the mass of simple master classes, a beginner will definitely be able to choose something for himself. Often it is the simplicity of decor that leads to spectacular results.
  • Study photo and video materials, trying to add something of your own to the design, because no one can convey the mood of the future wedding ceremony better than you.
  • Consider the main wish: the style of the glasses should be combined with the overall style of the wedding.
  • You can decorate not only the glasses of the spouses, but also all the guests of the celebration. Of course, the style of the bride and groom’s wine glasses will be lush and unusual, but some individual details can be placed on the guests’ glasses.

Decoration of wedding glasses with satin ribbons

Decorate glasses with the most different materials: lace, fabric, acrylic paints are used, satin ribbons, applications of shells and buttons, beads and sparkles, feathers and fresh flowers. Some people choose to decorate one stem of the glass, while others like the idea of ​​making an engraving on the side wall of the wine glass.

But more and more often, newlyweds are taking master classes in decorating wedding glasses from satin ribbons with their own hands.

Thanks to satin material, the glasses look presentable and very stylish

Following step by step instructions outlined below, you can decorate your dishes without any special skills or time.

Decor of the bride and groom's wine glasses with ribbons

To decorate glasses in a classic black and white decor using satin ribbons required:

  • glasses made of crystal or glass - 2 pieces;
  • glue stick);
  • white and black tape (2 m each);
  • rhinestones and beads;
  • gold spray paint;
  • scotch;
  • nylon bow;
  • strip of lace – 20 cm;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

Photo of a wedding glass made from satin ribbons, made by yourself

  1. We paint bottom part glasses with gold or white spray paint, let dry. Painting the glass will hide the subsequent application of glue. In order not to paint over unnecessary details, we wrap the top and sides of the glasses with tape.
  2. Groom's glass: We cut out a strip of white satin ribbon, the edges of which are cut at an angle. We apply glue along the top of the golden color and glue the strip - the collar is ready. Wrap black elastic tape around the bottom of the glass along the adhesive surface of the wine glass. We form a butterfly from satin, in the middle of which we place a rhinestone. It is better to attach beads, rhinestones and other small parts with cyanoacrylate glue - it is resistant to moisture and dries before your eyes. Bend it down White collar, place the butterfly - the groom's glass is ready.
  3. Bride's glass: wrap a white one around the wine glass satin fabric. We sew the lace with thread white. We glue it in the same way as the collar of the groom's shirt. We wrap the bottom of the glass with a white ribbon, and use a nylon bow to make full skirt– we collect it on a thread and sew it to the very end of the ribbon. To hide irregularities and folds, we glue golden braid onto the nylon. The glass is decorated.

Such glasses will become a real resemblance to the groom’s strictly masculine tuxedo and fluffy dress brides

Satin ribbon can give crystal glassware elegant and sophisticated look, and lace adds romanticism and tenderness to the design

More ideas for decorating glasses with satin ribbons

Satin is used to create smooth and real stripes. flower arrangements, simultaneously inserting pearl inclusions into the center of the bud. For the groom, blue and black ribbons are used, for the bride - white, pink and beige.

To, for example, make an elegant rose, you need to take a ribbon of red or soft pink color and roll it up into a roll with several turns. Fixation occurs with a needle and thread to match the flower; you can also use a glue gun. After the core, the folding process continues (a little looser), securing each petal with a new stitch. Glue the finished flowers at the junction of the stem of the glass and the stand, but you can also glue them along the entire perimeter - at your discretion.

Photo of wedding glasses with flowers made of satin ribbons

A classic and fairly strict design of glasses would be engraving and satin bow with decoration in the middle. Sometimes newlyweds don’t bother and simply tie a satin bow of the desired color to the bottom or middle of the glass. Simple and tasteful!

Photos of wedding glasses with satin bows and pearls in the middle

It is elegant and simple to place bows made of light beige satin ribbon on glasses.

Photo of wedding glasses with satin decor

The next idea is to wrap a satin strip around the stem of the wine glass, tying a bow at the bottom and placing a shimmering bead in the center. The bottom of the glass itself can be decorated with several layers of airy lace.

Pay attention to detail and think over the design of your wedding glasses so that a real holiday atmosphere reigns at the wedding celebration.

Decorated wine glasses for the bride and groom will attract the attention of guests, become a bright decoration for photographs and a valuable family treasure

And, of course, it’s worth practicing in advance on unnecessary dishes in search of the very technique and desired design for decorating glasses. Having taken the time to train, you can be sure of the success of the final masterpiece!

A video from MK on decorating wedding glasses with satin ribbons will help you get comfortable with the decoration technique.

April 30, 2018, 00:50

In this material you will learn how elegantly decorate wedding glasses with your own hands decorative elements. A wedding is always an amazing event that the newlyweds will remember for the rest of their lives. Therefore, both for the wedding ceremony and for the festive banquet, you need to select various wedding accessories that will create a unique atmosphere of celebration and emphasize the style of the event.

As a rule, two sets of wedding glasses are prepared for a wedding, each of which has its own purpose. If desired, they can be the same or significantly different. According to a long-standing tradition, the newlyweds break the first pair of wedding glasses. Once upon a time, brides broke a clay pot as a sign of their chastity.

Over time, the pot was replaced by wedding glasses, the fragments of which symbolize a strong family and happy well-being. Since the glasses from the first set will still have to be broken, an inexpensive glass option will do the job. If family happiness is more valuable to the newlyweds, then expensive glasses can be broken, but in no case are they personalized - a symbol of the future marital hearth.

Time for the second pair of wedding glasses - banquet. It is from them that young spouses drink at the wedding, and after it they keep it as a family heirloom. Some newlyweds even start a tradition of celebrating their wedding anniversary only with wedding glasses. Therefore, this pair of wine glasses is chosen very carefully and is even made to order. Color range wedding glasses and the overall design style are often selected to match the style of the wedding ceremony. Ribbons, beads, rhinestones and a wide variety of accessories are used to decorate them. Often the names of the newlyweds are written on the glasses or their monograms are added - the initials of the newlyweds connected and intertwined. Now let’s move on to the master class on decorating wedding glasses and look at a photo gallery of glasses beautifully decorated for a wedding:

Photo gallery with ideas for decorating wedding glasses with different decorative elements.

Master class with photos and detailed description stages of work. How to elegantly decorate wedding glasses.