Easter eggs made of satin ribbon. Necessary materials for DIY beaded Easter eggs

If you have not yet decided what to give your loved ones for Easter, pay attention to Easter eggs made from satin ribbons, which can be made in different techniques with your own hands. The effort spent on making a souvenir will be fully repaid by its beauty. And for everything to work out correctly, it’s worth figuring out exactly how to do it.

How to make an Easter egg from satin ribbons

The easiest way to make decorative Easter Egg- wrap it with satin ribbon. The work is not difficult, but it requires some skill and knowledge of the basic rules.

What you will need:

Basic rules and stages of work:

  • It is better to start and finish wrapping the egg at the bottom, securing the tape to the egg with glue or tape. You can choose the top winding, but in this case the edge of the tape will need to be covered decorative element, for example, a bead or a bow.

    Start wrapping the egg from the bottom or top point

  • Wind the tape with light tension so that it does not sag, but not too much, otherwise deformation of the material may occur.
  • Pass each turn through 2 main points of the egg: upper and lower. To prevent the tape from slipping off the egg, fix its position at these points with glue.

    The tape should go through the top and bottom points of the egg

  • Starting from the second turn, lay the tape so that it covers about a third of the previous layer. This way you will be able to avoid gaps through which foam or plastic will be visible.

    Each subsequent layer must overlap the previous one

Having mastered the wrapping technique, you can complicate the task by using two ribbons of different colors. It’s more difficult to stack them at the same time, but the Easter egg will turn out beautiful. In order not to disrupt the alternation of stripes, the tape must be crossed every half turn.

You can decorate Easter eggs made of satin ribbons with rhinestones. beads or beads

Video: how to make two-color Easter eggs from satin ribbons

Painted eggs can also be decorated with satin ribbons. But in order not to obscure the beauty of the egg itself, you should use no more than three pieces of tape, placing them symmetrically and securing them with tape.

Some satin ribbons can decorate an Easter egg

Video: an easy way to decorate Easter eggs with colorful satin ribbons

Kanzashi is a style of making jewelry from satin ribbons. By folding small sections of ribbon, individual elements are obtained, which are then assembled into large compositions. To decorate an Easter egg, you can use kanzashi flowers or individual elements.

Flowers made from satin ribbons are especially beautiful.

The word "kanzashi" comes from an incorrect transcription of the word "kanzashi", meaning a traditional Japanese or Chinese hair ornament, some types of which are made of silk.

How to make a kanzashi flower

For one flower you will need:

  • satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide - 12.5 cm.
  • bead;
  • glue gun;
  • lighter.

Execution order:

  1. We cut the tape into squares 2.5x2.5 cm.
  2. Fold the square in half and get a triangle.

    Roll a square out of satin ribbon in half

  3. Fold in half again - a smaller triangle comes out.

    Fold in half a second time

  4. We roll it up again and, holding the edges with tongs, burn them with fire from a lighter. There is no need to hold it over the fire for a long time, satin silk quickly chars, you just need to hold it over the flame. Fire treatment will have a double effect: the edges will not crumble and will be welded together, which is necessary for further work.

    Do not forget about safety precautions when working with open flames. Make sure that the fire does not consume the entire workpiece.

    Flame the edge

  5. We turn the triangle inside out - we get a convex petal.

    We bend the blank, we get a flower petal

  6. For one flower you need 5 such petals, but you can make more flowers themselves.
  7. We connect the petals into a flower using glue. Place a bead in the center of the flower.

    Glue the petals into a flower

  8. You can make petal leaves from green ribbon.

    Leaves for the flower can be made from green satin ribbon

  9. Decorate the Easter egg with flowers and leaves. placing them on glue. Additionally, you can attach a rhinestone ribbon.

    Small flowers can be attached to the egg in the form of a curved line

In the “kanzashi” style you can also make large flower, if you use a wider tape. For an Easter egg, one or two of these flowers are enough, fixed at the base for a harmonious appearance.

It is better to fix a large flower in the “kanzashi” style near the base

Video: Kanzashi style Easter egg

Volumetric Easter egg using the artichoke technique

The artichoke technique got its name for its resemblance to the plant of the same name. In appearance it is similar to patchwork - the product consists of small parts. But you don’t have to sew anything; the elements are held together without the use of threads.

To work you will need:

  • foam egg;
  • stud pins with small heads (sold in sewing and stationery stores);
  • satin ribbon. The length and width depend on the size of the egg: the greater the height of the egg, the wider the ribbon should be. For an egg 7–8 cm high, you will need 2 meters of tape 2.5 cm wide.

Using the artichoke technique, an Easter egg is made from independent elements - pieces of ribbon. Therefore, you can use ribbons of different colors. It is important that they have the same width.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut the tape into 5 cm pieces (the length should be 2 times the width). We hold the edges of each of them over the flame of a lighter so that they do not crumble during operation.

    Use a lighter flame to seal the edges of the tape.

  2. We stick a pin into the egg, strictly in the center from above. It will be a guide for the first element.

    In order not to make a mistake with the center while working, we use the needle as a guide

  3. We first insert the next needle into the tape (in the middle of the long side), retreating 2 mm from the edge.

    Insert a pin into the tape in the middle of the larger side of the workpiece

  4. And then into the egg, so that the edge of the tape is in contact with the first pin, and the head of the second is completely immersed in the foam. The first needle can be removed from the egg; it has already fulfilled its role.

    Pin the first piece to the egg

  5. We tuck the edges of the tape so that the width of the segment touches half of its length. You should get a triangle. And fix the position with the next pin.

    We bend the edge - we get a triangle

  6. We do the same with the other side of the tape. Now we have one large triangle consisting of two small ones. And this is the first element on the egg.

    Bend the second triangle and fix the position with a pin

  7. We make the second element on the opposite side in order to maintain symmetry and prevent distortions. We stick the needle into the egg so that the edges of the ribbon at the top of the egg touch.

    We make the second element symmetrically

  8. The third and fourth elements of the first row are easier to make. They are located between the first and second, and therefore it is difficult to confuse or spoil anything.

    The first row consists of 4 elements

  9. We pin up the free corners with pins. We tighten and align the sides of the triangles so that there are no gaps between them through which the foam is visible. Once again, pay attention to the top studs. If necessary, they should be deepened well and made less noticeable.

    We pin the free edges so that they do not puff up.

  10. We lay out the second row half a centimeter lower. As in the previous elements, first fix the tape on the egg.

    Let's start making the second row

  11. Unlike the first row, we bend the tape not in a straight line, but slightly obliquely. One half of the tape should cover the other. Here it is important to decide which part of the tape (right or left) you will fold first. And then, in all other elements, follow the same sequence of actions.

    We overlap the edges of the triangles

  12. We lower the parts of the third and each subsequent row (there should be 9 of them in total) by 0.5 cm vertically and shift them by half an element horizontally. That is, we pin a piece of tape to the joint of the elements of the previous row (and at the same time we fix them so that they do not diverge in different directions). We periodically check compliance with the lines of symmetry.

    Starting from the third row, we shift the position of the workpieces by half the part horizontally

  13. We carry out the previous step until only a small section of the base remains on the egg, not covered with elements from the tape.

    At the end there should be a small area not covered with tape.

  14. We will make the base in the form of a flower with four petals. To do this, we first fix the tape, as in the previous rows, but we do not fasten the corners of the triangle at the edges, but press them to the center and pin them with a pin. One petal will come out.

    We make the last row of four petals

  15. Once all 4 petals are made you will have an artichoke style Easter egg.

    You get a beautiful Easter egg from satin ribbons using the artichoke technique

Elements can be laid out more densely and with protruding edges. In this case, the footage of the tape and the number of blanks from it will increase.

Easter egg stand

Any design that provides a stable position can be used as a stand for an Easter egg.

  • By wrapping a cardboard or plastic ring with a satin ribbon, you will get an excellent horizontal stand for an Easter egg. It is important that the inner diameter of the ring is smaller than the width of the egg, and the outer diameter is larger. For reliability, you can secure the egg with glue.

    A flat, wide stand will prevent the egg from falling

  • Measure the circumference of the egg at its widest point. Cut a strip from cardboard with a length less than this girth and a width of 1–1.5 cm. Secure the ends of the strip with tape so that you get a ring, and wrap it with tape - you get a vertical stand.

    The Easter egg stand should have a small recess

  • A rubber wrist expander will make the most stable egg stand. You just need to decorate it with a ribbon.

    No one will guess that Easter egg stands are made from wrist expanders if you wrap them with ribbons

  • You can make a pedestal for an Easter egg, and a small box can become its base. Fabric flowers will perfectly complement the Easter composition.

    A small box can become the basis of a pedestal for an Easter egg

  • Instead of a stand, you can make an Easter egg on legs by placing several small beads or seed beads on glue.

    You can use small beads to make legs for an Easter egg.

  • The combination of large and small beads gives a completely different appearance, although the essence of the stand is still the same.

A unique Easter souvenir can be an egg made in the form of a pendant or keychain, decorated with petals and kanzashi patterns. The symbols of the Great Easter holiday are painted eggs and Easter cakes, willow branches and floral patterns. The proposed product claims to be a wonderful talisman, a symbol of spring awakening and a gift for those closest to you. On this day it is not customary to give expensive gifts, but such hand-made products are quite suitable.

An Easter egg using the kanzashi technique can be made flat - the kanzashi petals are glued to a flat cardboard base, or three-dimensional - on a wooden egg-shaped blank. The first method is easier and ideal for beginners.

You will need:

  • milky felt (or white);
  • egg template made of paper or plastic;
  • a gold cord, a piece of chain or a magnet (depending on the intended purpose of the product);
  • 38 narrow pieces of champagne-colored satin ribbon – 1.2*4 cm;
  • 6 square blanks of red satin ribbon – 2.5*2.5 cm;
  • 6 square pieces of satin ribbon Pink colour– 2.5*2.5 cm;
  • 6 square pieces of satin ribbon yellow color– 2.5*2.5 cm
  • 12 square blanks of green satin ribbon – 2.5*2.5 cm;
  • 5 double-sided green stamens (regular or sugar)
  • 3 multi-colored half-beads with a diameter of 0.8 cm to match the ribbon: red, yellow and pink
  • 20 pink half beads with a diameter of 0.5 cm.

Master class: making an Easter egg using the kanzashi technique for beginners

Prepare an egg-shaped template from milky felt. You can make a blank of any size, comparable to a real egg, or larger. Keep in mind that the larger the base, the more petals you will have to model to completely cover it. Cut narrow champagne satin strips to simulate the first grade of petals. They will completely cover the surface of the egg. To make each petal, first scorch the sides of the strips with a lighter. Then bend the pieces in a special way: in the center at an angle of 90 degrees, then move the upper part of the corner again so that both parts are aligned, and a corner appears in the center. Thus, on the wrong side there will be a pocket in the upper part of the petal, and on the front side the surface will be smooth. Burn the combined ends of the ribbon again, but very carefully so that the delicate satin does not melt. Apply pressure to the hot band with your fingers or tweezers to hold the ends in position.

If you initially prepare a felt template measuring 7 cm by 11.5 cm (similar to a standard egg), then you will need approximately 38 light petals, as indicated in the materials list. Make the required number of kanzashi fragments.

Glue the petals onto the felt, starting from the top (narrower) part. Glue one element at the base, then a second layer of two elements, a third layer of three, arranging the parts in a checkerboard pattern.

Continue attaching elements, expanding their number. The fourth layer should contain 4 parts, the fifth – 5. When gluing the lower petals, partially overlap them with the upper ones in order to evenly fill the entire felt field and not leave gaps.

Glue two more layers containing 5 and 6 elements respectively. Then leave a small gap to stick the bouquet bright colors. Glue three layers of petals on the bottom, containing 3, 4 and 5 elements, respectively, when viewed from bottom to top. Thus, the upper part of the petals will be directed with sharp corners upward, and the lower part - downward.

To create bright flowers, prepare squares of red, pink and yellow flowers, 6 pieces of each. The side of the squares should be 2.5 cm. Burn the cut sides.

Make the petals in the form of rounded droplets. Fold the squares diagonally, then glue all three corners together to create a triangle. You will end up with a square-shaped piece with a gap in the middle. Pull the two corners of the square located on the sides of the slit back with your fingers, and the central part of the petal will open. Close the ends and solder them with a flame. The letter V should be visible on the petal from the back; in front it should look like a droplet with a fold in the center.

Make 6 petals of each color: red, pink and yellow. Prepare leaves from 12 green squares. The technique for making them is the same as for petals, but at the end the workpiece should be squeezed from the sides so that the leaf turns out narrow.

Glue the petals into flowers, assembling the parts by color. IN central part For each flower, glue a half bead of the corresponding shade. Also prepare bunches of green stamens. Make two tridents from green leaves, leave the remaining 6 blanks unchanged.

Do you want to quickly learn how to make sharp and round petals from satin ribbons? See Kanzashi master class for beginners

Glue the flowers into the empty space on the egg, and place the green leaves and stamens between them.

If your plans include creating a keychain for a handbag or pendant, then glue it with reverse side a loop of gold cord or chain. This product would also look great as a refrigerator magnet.

To make the souvenir sparkle, stick small pink half-beads on the outer petals.

Creating kanzashi products is a real art. Anyone can master this technique to create wonderful accessories, souvenirs and decorations for themselves and their loved ones.

Easter Sunday is coming very soon - beloved folk holiday. And we are all already looking forward to it. And if it’s still early, although we have already prepared for this, then now is the time to express ourselves in creativity. Especially when there are now just a huge number of ideas for this.

And when you come into contact with this, you want to do one thing, and another, and a third, and even a tenth... After all, today we will have exactly 10 master classes on making Easter eggs with your own hands.

You can, of course, simply paint them in different ways, as is excellently described on the website https://mnevkusnotut.ru/raznoe/kak-pravilno-krasit-yajca-na-pasxu.html, but this can be done on the eve of the holiday. And today I suggest doing art.

While I was preparing this article for publication, I was so impressed by all the works that I want to improve and create in each of the techniques proposed today. All the crafts turned out simply incredibly beautiful. Some of them are very simple and easy, others are more complicated and require certain skills.

But they all have one thing in common - they were made with love and a desire to create.

In this article we will look at techniques for working with ribbons, beads, and napkins; Let's make crafts from felt, fabric and thread. We will decorate them with improvised materials and special decorations. And in any case, the one who takes up this matter will receive great pleasure.

Master class on making an Easter egg from satin ribbons using the kazanshi technique

The kazanshi technique is a source of Japanese pride, a hobby that has now been elevated to the rank of art. And it’s no coincidence that people from all over the world are so passionate about it.

From satin ribbons, with the help of glue, lighters are made and completely simple crafts, and beautiful compositions that delight the eye. Today we will have a master class on making a beautiful stand for a festive egg. The composition will turn out very beautiful. If desired, the stand can be made ordinary, and the festive attribute itself can be decorated with flowers.

We will need:

  • satin ribbons in four colors measuring 2.5 cm
  • thin light tape measuring 0.5 cm
  • wooden egg blank
  • stamens for flowers
  • green felt
  • beads
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • lighter or candle
  • glue gun with sticks
  • ruler

And of course you need to stock up on positivity and a great mood.


For the composition we will need to make 6 flowers. For each of them you will need to make 3 pale pink petals, 4 bright pink petals and 5 petals of a darker color. That is, in total you will need 18 pale petals, 24 bright petals and 30 dark petals. You will need to make 3 green leaves for each flower, and there should be a total of 18 of them.

The dimensions of the ribbons for the petals will be 2.5x2.5 cm, and for the leaves 2.5x3 cm.

1. Cut the required number of blanks to the specified size. Let's start with the flower petals. Cut off the corners on one side, giving it an oval shape. We don't touch the other side.

2. Using a lighter or candle, process the cut edge.

At the same time, it will gently bend downwards.

3. Fold the remaining square edge into a corner and also use a lighter to seal the edge. Then bend the second edge and also treat it with flame. You should get a neat petal.

4. In this way, make all the petal blanks in the required quantity.

5. Our ribbons for the leaves are a little longer. Fold one of the blanks in half and cut off the corners, giving it the shape of an elongated leaf.

6. Treat the edge with a flame from a lighter or candle. But to make the leaf more beautiful, do it in sections. On each of the segments, slightly rotate the edge of the workpiece relative to each other in different directions. In this case, the leaf will have slightly curved edges and will look more natural.

7. The final touch will be that we will also walk along the fold line of the sheet with a flame from a lighter. Thus, the leaf will acquire a natural center.

8. When all the petals and leaves are ready, we will begin to collect our flower. To do this you need to prepare the stamens. If you didn’t buy them at the store, you can make them yourself by taking thin wire and corrugated paper.

Take one petal and place the stamens in it, cutting off the excess from the bottom. Then apply a little glue from below and pin it with your fingers, setting the original shape. Then coat the bottom edge of the second light petal with glue and place it next to the first, slightly overlapping. Fix and glue.

The first row is ready. Now let's take 4 pink petals and similarly arrange them one at a time - in the second row, fixing the position of each with glue.

9. And we still have dark petals, there are 5 of them. We also attach them to our flower using glue, slightly overlapping them.

The peculiarity of this series will be the following. We attached the first two rows of petals, making the base slightly closed, and opened this row, that is, we attached the petals with the reverse side. The photo shows how it should turn out.

10. Then we attach three green leaves.

The first flower is ready. We form the remaining 5 pieces in the same way.

11. For the souvenir, we will need to purchase a blank in advance wooden egg, it is also possible for it to be made of another material. Let's also prepare a light thin ribbon. We will need to wrap the object with it.

To ensure that the tape does not subsequently fly off, it is necessary to secure it with glue at the top and bottom points with each new turn.

12. When you put the blank into clothes, you can decorate it. Since we will be using a chic stand, we will decorate the egg quite modestly. Namely, we’ll just stick a cross on it using special half-shaped beads.

13. The next step is to prepare the stand. It can be made from corrugated cardboard, in two parts. Bottom part should be 6 cm in diameter.

And the top one is the same, but in the middle you will need to cut a circle 2.5 cm in size.

Glue the cardboard together.

And also cut out two circles of the same size from felt, but with a small allowance to cover the seams of the cardboard. You can make them with a diameter of 6.4 - 6.5 cm.

14. First, glue the felt to the bottom of the cardboard, smooth it out well so that the surface is even and smooth. Then apply glue to the middle of the front side, where we have formed a recess. Glue the felt well, forming a hole. Then apply glue to the cardboard by bending the felt, and then glue it around the entire perimeter. Then glue the edges together so that there are no gaps left.

15. Glue flowers evenly onto the front of the stand. It is better to place them at an angle. This way the recess inside will remain free. We will place our craft there later.

In order to glue the flowers evenly, first glue them on two opposite sides. And then place the two remaining flowers in the gaps.

That’s basically it, all the flowers are in their place, and the egg is perfectly placed in the stand made for it. And such a composition is very pleasing to the eye.

Not only the stands, but also the eggs themselves are decorated in the Kazansha style. And look at the wonderful work that comes out of this.

In both cases, the eggs themselves are wrapped in bright, contrasting ribbons. And on them are the same bright and beautiful flowers and beads.

All work was carried out according to the same principle as our today's master class.

And in this case, not only the stand is decorated, but also the egg itself.

Video on how to decorate an egg with beads (with weaving pattern for beginners)

Decorating an Easter egg with beads is not an easy task. This requires some preparation and some skill. And also perseverance and patience. What you need to get started.

  • choose a weaving pattern
  • prepare beads of the desired colors
  • purchase a needle for bead embroidery, thin fishing line, or monofilament
  • select an egg blank (it can be wooden, or plastic - from children's toys, or made of polystyrene foam)

It is quite difficult to describe the entire process of this technique in words. Therefore, I suggest you watch a wonderful master class on how this is done.

This is just one of the options where a certain weaving technique is used. There are other techniques where the entire egg is braided and the beads are placed one above the other.

Or the decoration is woven in the form of a net.

Schemes are selected for each technique. They can be found on the Internet. Each is designed for a specific pattern.

And no matter what technique you choose, decorating Easter eggs this way is always incredibly beautiful! Craftswomen who love to do beadwork and embroidery are sure to also decorate eggs. At the same time, there are simply no limits to imagination.

Simple decoupage technique for decoration

This technique is quite simple and not at all difficult to perform.

We will need:

  • boiled white eggs
  • napkins with small patterns
  • protein
  • tassel


1. Boil the eggs in advance, then cool them.

2. First, break one of them and separate the white from the yolk. We will only need protein.

3. Napkins with beautiful design As a rule, they are three-layer. At the very top there is a drawing. This is what we need to separate from all other unnecessary layers.

Then carefully tear off the desired fragments with your hands. You can, of course, cut them off with scissors, but when you tear them with your hands, the edges end up with fuzzy lines and are less visible on the egg itself.

4. Place the desired fragment on the surface of the shell and coat it with protein. You can do this with a brush, or just with your finger. Then glue the next fragment in the same way. And so on.

5. Place the decorated copy on a wire rack to allow the protein to dry. This is especially necessary if the drawing is applied from all sides.

6. By analogy with the first copy, draw up all the rest. For each of them you can use fragments from different napkins.

7. When the protein is completely dry, it will stick better than any glue.

For a better appearance, after drying you can moisten it vegetable oil a rag and wipe our Easter decoration.

To make it more clear, please watch the video filmed specifically for the blog “Secrets of Housekeeping”.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. And even a child can handle this technique. At the same time, you will receive a lot of positive emotions as a bonus.

Original Easter egg made from artichoke style ribbons for a school competition

For a school competition you can prepare these: original crafts. They are sure to impress all members of the jury. It has been proven more than once that their appearance invariably attracts the closest attention.

And every time I want to pick up such a craft and examine how everything is attached and held there.

We will need:

  • ribbons of two colors, 1 meter each
  • foam egg
  • tailor pins
  • scissors


To make this craft, we will definitely need a foam egg. The technique of working with satin ribbons in the artichoke style involves numerous fastenings with pins to its base. Namely, needles are stuck into polystyrene foam without any difficulty.

1. We need ribbons approximately 2 - 2.5 cm thick. Cut them into pieces 5 cm long. You will need 20 ribbons of one color and 20 of another. And another piece in the shape of a square.

2. Place the square piece at the top of the workpiece in the very center. Attach it on four sides with pins. Place the fifth pin in the very center.

3. Fold one piece of blue ribbon into a corner, place the top of the corner to the central needle and fasten it with two pins along the two lower corners.

Place three more similar segments around the perimeter of the first row. All of them must be strictly oriented towards the center. And also fastened at the corners with pins.

The appearance of the entire craft will depend on how evenly the first row was positioned.

4. For the next row, we also prepare four blue segments and place them in the same way, but just below the first row.

3. Our third row will consist of four white ribbons. But they should be placed in between the blue ones. And in such a way that all seams and needles are covered.

That is, you should get a white row.

4. The next layer is blue again. And it is located in the same way as the blue ribbons, that is, under them.

5. And from this row we begin to alternate colors. Row – blue, row – white. And so on until we get to the very bottom.

6. And here you will need to make a stand. To do this, we attach a white piece of tape, but only the seam should be located downwards. After you have fastened the corners, you also need to fasten the protruding central corners.

There will also be 4 white pieces in total.

The egg turns out to be truly festive. And you can give this to someone close to you.

And if you wish, you can combine two techniques for working with ribbons - kazanshi and artichoke. And then you will get such a gorgeous craft.

I think from the description and photo you understand how to work with this technique?! And if this is so, then you can easily create any beautiful image that pleases the eye and soul.

Therefore, feel free to take these performance techniques for exhibition work at the competition. And if you try, then success will be guaranteed to you.

Beautiful design for Easter pasta crafts

We have already looked at how to make Easter crafts from pasta. And in principle, everyone most likely figured out that there is nothing complicated with this either.

There are two options for completing this task. For the first time we will need balloon ik, which is inflated to the desired size. Then glue is applied to it in separate sections. And then pasta of a certain shape is glued to the glue. After production, the mold is given the opportunity to dry, then the ball is pierced or simply deflated. Then it will need to be removed.

But some caution is needed here, since when lowering the ball, and even more so when piercing it, the structure may not withstand it and break. After all, we glued the parts directly onto the ball. Therefore, the form is often not completely filled out. A decent gap is left through which the ball can be easily and carefully removed.

The second option involves gluing the pasta onto a mold that will not be removed later. This form can be wooden, plastic or made of papier-mâché.

It is better to apply pasta to this form using a glue gun with rods. In this case, the product only needs to be given the opportunity to dry and that’s it.

In both the first and second versions, the craft is coated with spray paint. Mostly gold and silver colors are used.

Or they leave it natural, but individual parts are pre-painted with contrasting paints and then glued on top of the main form. For example, as in this composition.

To make it, a balloon was taken. Pasta of the same type was glued to its base and to each other. When the structure had dried, the ball was removed. Pasta of a different format was painted with nail polish and beautifully decorated with the composition.

And this is the final masterpiece.

How to beautifully decorate holiday eggs with threads

Threads are another available material with which you can make crafts of eggs for the holiday. There are two main methods.

  • when the egg blank is simply woven with threads of one or several colors. The pattern turns out different depending on the imagination of the master. The color of the threads can be either one color or several.

  • a method in which a small balloon braided with threads. Fixation occurs with PVA glue.

Both methods are popular and beautiful. The first is clear, but let's look at the second in more detail.

We will need:


1. Mix PVA glue and water in a bowl until the mixture is slightly runny.

2. Prepare the threads. They can be of any thickness and any color. But it is worth noting that the thinner the thread, the longer it will need to be wound.

Very beautiful crafts are obtained from threads that are used for knitting.

The threads can be cut into long pieces in advance, or you can wind them directly from a skein. Here you can choose a method more convenient for you. The thread that we will wind must be moistened with an adhesive base. If you cut the threads, you can immediately wet them, it will be convenient.

And if you decide to wind it onto a ball directly from a skein, then you either need an assistant who will “bathe” it in glue, or you need to get used to doing it yourself.

3. And we also need a blank, which we will use to form the craft. A small balloon is perfect for this.

4. And so, we have everything ready, and we can start creating. Everything is very simple here. The thread soaked in a mixture of glue and water must be wound around the ball in a random order. It should be applied fairly tightly over the entire area so that a sufficient shape is subsequently formed that will hold even without a ball.

5. After this task has been completed, the threads must be dried. As a rule, this takes 24 hours. After the allotted time, we will see that the craft has acquired a solid shape.

6. Pierce the ball with a pin and carefully remove it through the remaining holes. You can pick it up with your fingers or tweezers.

That's basically all. The craft is ready, it turned out very beautiful. As a rule, it is left in this form. But it happens that ready-made flowers, dragonflies and butterflies are attached to the product. In any case, it turns out quite beautiful.

Such eggs are placed in vases or hung in the room, creating compositions from crafts of different colors and sizes.

DIY Easter crafts made from felt

This craft can also be classified as not difficult. Even a novice craftswoman can cope with the task. And also such products can be made by a child, either independently or under the guidance of his mother.

The activity is very exciting, and the crafts turn out simply wonderful.

We will need:

  • felt of different colors
  • threads to match the color of felt
  • needles
  • beads, buttons, ribbons, lace and other decorative elements
  • any material for stuffing (sintepon, holofiber, down)
  • scissors


1. Cut out a blank for the future egg from paper or thin cardboard. Using this shape we will cut the main parts, that is, the halves of the product.

2. Place the prepared template on felt, trace the outline with a pencil and cut out two halves.

3. Cut out details for decoration from felt of other colors. They can be different, as a rule they are contrasting straight or wavy lines. Pick up threads suitable color and sew the parts using a regular stitch seam onto the front surface of one of the blanks. Or simply glue the parts with glue.

Sometimes, to hide the seam, a lace ribbon or other decorations are placed along it.

Thus, decorate the front part of the workpiece to your liking. If desired, you can place beads, small buttons, or small flower details on it.

4. Fold the two main parts and overcast them using a contrasting or tonal thread. Leave some space at the top to insert the filler into the middle. Then sew up the remaining hole in the same way. If you plan to hang the products, sew a ribbon on top.

In this way you can make many different Easter crafts, which are nice to give to your friends and family.

Original decoration using the kinusaiga technique

And this technique is again Japanese, where it originated and now needlewomen happily work with it. The most important Easter attribute was not ignored either. Let's get acquainted with this style of work.

In essence, this technique is the creation of a kind of mosaic from fabric, and it can be compared to the familiar patchwork. That is, the mosaic is made according to the same principle as sewing before patchwork quilts. But the peculiarity is that the parts are not sewn together, but are connected to each other without a needle. Interesting?!

When I got acquainted with this technique, I paid attention to Tatyana Ulanova’s workshop. And based on her work, I would like to introduce you to this method of design.

We will need:

  • foam egg
  • pieces of fabric
  • PVA glue
  • scalpel or sharp knife
  • toothpick, or manicure pusher, or scraper
  • paper
  • pencil


1. The first thing you need to start with is an idea of ​​what kind of picture you want to see in the end. There is a very simple design in which the egg is decorated with a geometric pattern. But we will look at a more complex picture. And once you understand how it’s done, you’ll be able to make a simple one in just one or two minutes.

2. You can draw a picture on paper, whatever you want. It should be very simple to make it easier to transfer it to the egg preparation.

3. After the picture is ready, cut out the details. Then attach them to the form with safety pins and redraw them with a pencil. In this case, it is better to press on it harder so that not only a trace of graphite remains, but also a mark from the pressure.

4. After the drawing has been transferred, it should be pressed even more clearly. And not even push through, but make a cut with a scalpel or a sharp knife. It is easier to cut straight lines with a knife, and rounded ones with a scalpel.

Also apply geometric lines to the areas free from the design and make cuts along them.

5. Prepare the fabric and transfer the details from the design onto it, leaving seam allowances of approximately 0.3 mm, or a little more.

6. Place a piece of prepared fabric in place in accordance with the drawing, and using a toothpick, or a manicure tool, a pusher or a scraper with a flat head, push the seam allowances into the cut-out recess.

In this way, insert the ends of the fabric around the entire perimeter of the design.

7. Do the same with the rest of the details.

In order for the parts to hold better, you can add a little glue when inserting them into the crack. Take the glue with the same tool you use to push the fabric.

8. And we still have empty spaces between the pictures.

Therefore, cut out the background pieces, selecting the appropriate color and secure them in their places in the manner already described.

This is how you can create a magnificent picture without thread and needle.

And if you don’t want to cut out complex shapes, you can select several pieces beautiful fabric, and decorate the craft in this way.

Or come up with your own design. When the basis of the technique is understood, imagination becomes simply limitless.

Video on how to decorate a Faberge egg using embroidery

Faberge eggs can be made using absolutely any technique offered today.

The main thing to remember is that such a craft should differ from others in sophistication, style, and, if possible, big amount decorations And it should be a gorgeous job in every way.

Here is one of these chic crafts that I would like to bring to your attention.

When you see the end result, it may well seem that such work is simply impossible to do. But why not, a little perseverance, effort and desire to repeat it, and such beauty will show off on your holiday table!

And if you present such a thing as a gift, then I think that Carl Faberge himself would not refuse such a gift.

Schemes for crocheted crafts with descriptions

And if you are a big fan of crocheting, then you will probably be interested in the proposed works and patterns. Crocheting is a lot of fun and all the projects look very beautiful.

The most difficult thing in crocheting a holiday “clothes” for the main attribute is to calculate where to add loops and where to subtract them. Sometimes this makes work difficult. Therefore, schemes are used where everything has already been calculated.

However, this also does not always help. The thread has different thicknesses and different textures, so in one case the pattern will exactly fit into the specified dimensions, but in another case difficulties will arise. Therefore, pay attention to whether these parameters are also in the description.

Because of these thread parameters, one garment turns out lacy and light, while the other is warmer, just for the cool Easter spring.

I picked up some crochet patterns. I suggest you watch them. If you knit, you can understand the icons and symbols.

And this pattern will require a thinner thread. And the execution itself turns out to be light and lacy.

This product is made in the form of a bag with ties. When there is such a decoration, the eggs don’t need to be painted. Just cook and place inside. Place it in a basket and it will look incredibly beautiful.

Or like this. Pretty good too.

And by attaching a thread on top, you can hang crafts from it and thereby decorate your house for the holiday.

Or knit these funny ones souvenir bags. They knit quite simply. And giving an egg in such a package as a gift will be as pleasant as receiving it.

Of course, it is difficult within the framework of such an article to show and tell how to crochet an “outfit” for eggs. If you know how to knit, then most likely you already understand how and what needs to be done. And if you don’t know how, then you won’t be able to read the diagram at first. And first of all, you need to learn how to crochet.

But it's worth it. Look how beautiful it turns out.

In general, like all other design methods proposed today. If you treat what you do with love, then you can create a real creative masterpiece from any material.

And this is exactly how you should treat crafts for Easter Sunday.

I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday. I wish you health, joy and prosperity. And also success in creativity.

All the best!

For believers, Easter is considered the biggest church holiday. Every housewife sets the table after Lent, trying to decorate it beautifully. In addition to the main dishes, eggs must be placed on it. In the old days they were made only red, because they symbolized the drops of Jesus’ blood that dripped on the road to Calvary.

Housewives are now competing in the art of coloring eggs. Exist different ways painting using wax, paraffin, gluing fragments, alternate painting and many others. But it can be very disappointing when so much work has been put into the design of such products, and at the table the guests mercilessly break and eat them.

So that beauty not only decorates festive table and a basket for the church, but also delighted everyone for a long time, we invite you to create Easter eggs with your own hands from satin ribbons. The variety of options leaves room for creative ideas. Color combinations of ribbons and rhinestones, gluing beads and making small details - it’s all a matter of your imagination.

Necessary materials

By going to a sewing accessories store, you can immediately purchase everything you need to make an Easter egg from ribbons. You will need sharp scissors, satin ribbons (choose the width and colors depending on the type of egg), a set of sewing pins with flat heads (like nails), foam egg blanks, and double-sided tape. If you decorate a product with rhinestones or purchased insects, then you will need it. But craftswomen who love to do needlework should always have such a tool. To create ribbon flowers for decoration, you may need a needle and thread and tweezers.

Preparing for work

Before starting any work, you need to think about how the product will look in its final version, whether the colors combine with each other, and how to place additional details decorating the egg. They can be made in advance by making flower arrangement separately. All that remains is to attach it to the Easter egg made from ribbons.

If you are working using the artichoke technique, then you first need to cut the ribbons into small pieces of the same length (2-2.5 cm). Leave longer scraps for decorating the bottom of the egg with ribbons. It is better to take the length of the ribbons with a reserve, so that later the problem of lack of a certain color does not arise.

Artichoke technique

The name of this design is given from the structure of the basket of a famous vegetable, in which all the leaves have the shape of triangles, with their corners pointing upward. The first step in decorating a ribbon Easter egg is to cover the top. We find a sharp top on the foam egg and cover it with a piece of tape of the desired color, catching the edges with pins. You can use tape.

The next step is to make the first circle of triangles. We take the previously cut pieces of tape 2 cm long and fold them so that we get a sharp corner. We place the triangle with the point up and pin it on both sides. Thus we fill the first circle. Make sure the tops meet clearly.

Then we retreat down a short distance and lay out the next level. You just need to carefully ensure that the distance between the first and second levels of triangles along the entire perimeter is the same. Then ready product it will look neat.

Variations of products using the artichoke technique

An Easter egg with ribbons according to the master class is quite easy to make. All you need is diligence and patience. The variety of eggs made in this way depends only on the density of the rows and color range. Easter eggs made of satin ribbons, which have a smooth color transition in circles, look interesting. For example, the top of several layers is white, followed by light green, then light green, the next emerald and finally dark green.

The next option would be to alternate layers of different colors. They can be contrasting, but they need to be selected with taste. The option looks beautiful when the colors are combined vertically. Then, as you work, you need to alternately pin up triangles of different colors.

An Easter egg made from ribbons located close to each other looks beautiful and neat. The first row can be done by stepping back a little from the edge of the top. You can decorate eggs made using the artichoke technique only from the bottom or top. The top can be made a little differently by gluing a flower made of rhinestones or beads in the central part. A small flower collected from petals on a string will also look beautiful. You can register below beautiful bow or make a chain of two colors, assembled by folding two ribbons at right angles.

Vertical design

The most versatile way to use additional tools when making an Easter egg with your own hands from ribbons is considered to be vertical design. Applying tapes from top to bottom, we get an even and smooth satin surface. It's convenient to attach to it additional decorations from flowers, twigs, showing your imagination and skill in making flowers from ribbons.

For this type of work you need to have the following materials:

1. The thinnest satin ribbon, you can take several colors (optional).

2. Double-sided tape or pins with a bead at the end.

3. Glue gun.

4. Wide ribbons for additional decorations.

5. Needle and thread.

Making the base

To begin, take double-sided tape and cover the top and bottom of the foam egg. Next, take the tape and begin the process of carefully wrapping it around the perimeter of the dummy. The distance between the rows should be the same. The tension of the tape is strong so that it does not move later and the white base does not peek out.

You can use alternating vertical rows with ribbons of two colors. To do this, take two ribbons at once and wrap the egg simultaneously in a circle with two colors located next to each other.

You can alternate colors in sectors. But before changing the shade, you will have to glue a layer of tape to better secure the tape. The joints between the sectors can be wrapped with contrasting tape, it will look original. Each sector can be decorated differently.

As you can see, this process is not complicated. The main thing is to pull the tape tightly and make the distance between layers more even.

Combination of techniques

There are product variants where both vertical stripes and “artichoke” triangles are present. At the beginning of the design, cover the entire surface of the egg with vertical stripes from top to bottom, using double-sided tape. The resulting egg is completely covered in the base color.

The next step is to decorate the bottom of the Easter egg with triangles. To do this, take again thin sewing pins (nails with a thin head). “Artichoke” triangles can be made by moving each next row to the middle of the previous one, then the artichoke basket will look more magnificent.

We decorate the bottom with a bow of the same color. And the smooth upper part of the product can be decorated with additional, separately made flowers. You can glue flowers from pebbles, insert pins with colored beads at the ends. The design of each egg can be made different by alternating and adding different colors and shades.

Floral decoration

Easter eggs decorated with ribbons look very beautiful when additionally decorated with a pattern of flowers, beads, or gluing rhinestones and pebbles different sizes. You can make a green twig with leaves on which to place small flowers. Insects glued next to flowers look beautiful. These could be butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs. Flowers can also be made from satin ribbons, or you can use lace.

Ribbons can be either plain or with a pattern. But when working with decorated ribbons, it is advisable to combine them with plain ones so that the egg does not turn out tacky and tasteless. The main thing in making such products is not to overdo it with details. If there are too many additional elements, the egg will not look aesthetically pleasing. You need to have a sense of proportion in everything.

If you have a lot of skills in making flowers from ribbons, then make several different versions of Easter eggs. There is no need to attach all the details to one product.

Having created a whole dish of these Easter eggs, you can admire them for a long time, give a gift to relatives or decorate workplace At work. They keep for a long time, so you can put them in a box until the next Easter celebration. By and large, making Easter eggs from satin ribbons, the making master class for which is presented in our review, is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Good afternoon, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents! Have you created Easter eggs from satin ribbons with your children yet? Yes, not simple ones, but in the kanzashi style or in the artichoke technique? But I was recently taken aback by such terms. And before I sat down at my desk and started practicing, I had to study the theory. I couldn’t lose face in front of the younger generation. I advise you to take a short course of familiarization with sophisticated techniques.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. Kanzashi is the making of jewelry from ribbons or fabric that are attached to a specific base. And when you hear the word artichoke, a fruit of the same name comes to mind. This means that the decor will be in the form of teeth, corners, and scales. They, again, need to be attached to some kind of base. In our case, it will be an egg-shaped blank.

That's probably all. We have a general idea, we’ll figure out the details along the way. It's time to open a workshop for making satin crafts.

How to make your own Easter egg from satin ribbons in kanzashi style

Well, everyone, sit back, call the kids for help, and create an Easter masterpiece in your name. How are you worse than the famous Faberge? And to help you - step-by-step photos. It will be easy and simple with them.

What you need to have prepared

  • Plastic egg (you can take a wooden or plastic blank)
  • Scissors
  • Multi-colored satin ribbons
  • Glue gun
  • Double sided tape
  • A candle
  • A needle and thread of matching colors
  • Beads.

Prepare ribbons of different widths. In this example, 3 sizes are needed: 6 mm, 1 cm, 2.5 cm.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Wrap the workpiece thoroughly with tape.

  2. Take the ribbon. Place the tip of it on the top of the egg and wrap it from top to bottom. The craft will look more interesting if you select a 6 mm ribbon for the base. thick.

  3. Apply the next layer overlapping so that there are no gaps.

  4. Wrap the top of the egg crosswise. This is an important point. The ribbon will hold tightly and not slip off.

  5. To complete the process, cut the end of the ribbon and secure it at the bottom with glue. What did we get? Beautiful base. It already brings aesthetic pleasure. But this is not the limit, we move on.

  6. Take a ribbon of a different color, preferably a contrasting one. You will cut flowers from it, so the recommended width is 1cm.

  7. Cut into pieces 2 cm long. These are future petals. For each flower you will need 5 pieces, so you can count the required number of pieces.

  8. To give the piece a petal shape, scorch it with a candle and make the top oval.

  9. Gather the bottom of the section into a fold, cut off the excess, and carefully burn it with a candle.

  10. Now you need to make the base for the flower leaf. Take a green ribbon with a width of 2.5 cm. Cut small piece, use scissors to shape a leaf, scorch the edges with fire.
  11. Collect a flower. Take a needle and thread, string five petals. Insert a piece of wire with a bead into the middle (these will be the stamens), pull the thread, fix it, cut it.

  12. Stick the flower on the green leaf.

  13. Collect all the flowers in the same way.
  14. Stick to the base.

You can also add beads to the decor, if you have any in the house.

The satin masterpiece is ready! We have successfully mastered the Japanese technique of decorating crafts.

Easter egg made of satin ribbons using the artichoke technique

By and large, the artichoke technique is a type of kanzashi. Now we are already literate, and we can draw certain conclusions. Progress is obvious!

But now we will make a three-dimensional Easter egg, 3D of a kind. We will create an unusual craft, exclusive and beautiful. Resembling a pine cone.

Preparing materials and equipment

  • Styrofoam egg
  • Multi-colored satin ribbons
  • Scissors
  • Sewing needles with caps.

Select ribbons with the same width. The optimal option is 2 – 2.5 cm.

Step-by-step actions

  1. Cut a few square pieces. Set aside for now.
  2. Cut the ribbons into pieces 3–5 cm long. The length depends on the size of the foam egg. The larger it is, the longer the ribbons need to be cut. Each piece should be folded into a triangle, with the corners bent inward. This will be one of the scales of a kind of cone.
  3. Attach a square piece to the top of the foam blank. You need to fasten it with sewing needles in the four corners of the figure.
  4. Take pieces for scales of a different color. Fold the triangle and place its tip at the center of the square. Secure at only two points at the base of the triangle.

  5. Secure three more ribbon scales in a similar manner. We have completed the first tier of the craft. And look, it almost completely covers the square at the top. Only a small part of it is visible. On step by step photo this is clearly visible.

  6. For the second circle, prepare pieces of a different color. Fold the triangles, lay them out and reinforce them in a checkerboard pattern.
  7. Decorate the entire surface of the workpiece according to the same principle, changing the color of the rows at your discretion.
  8. For the bottom 2 - 3 rows, reduce the length of the segments for the scales in order to maintain the shape of the egg. A length of 2 - 2.5 cm will be sufficient here.

  9. Cover the base with a square piece of tape.

The Easter souvenir turned out great! Oh yes we are, well done!

How to decorate an Easter egg using kanzashi and artichoke techniques

Easter eggs made using two techniques are stunningly beautiful. The materials used are the same, only the step-by-step actions here are special, like the craft itself.

We have already studied the basics of styles, I will not repeat them. I’ll just indicate in what sequence to decorate.

  1. The workpiece is covered with vertical strips of satin ribbon of the same color. Here you need to remember the lessons on mastering kanzashi.
  2. Next, you need to start decorating the bottom of the egg with artichoke scales in a checkerboard pattern. The fluffy bottom should be made from ribbons of a contrasting color.

Combining styles allows you to admire the magnificent Easter souvenirs. Flowers and beads glued to a smooth surface can give them a special charm.

Easter egg on a stand made of satin ribbons

I loved the idea of ​​setting the Easter egg on a decorative stand. Moreover, both are decorated with satin ribbons.

Materials for work

  • Paper (notebook paper is best)
  • Satin ribbons in two colors (up to 1 cm wide)
  • Wide green ribbon (5 cm)
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard
  • Double sided tape
  • Candle.

Step by step process

  1. Crumple the paper and shape it into an egg.
  2. Cover the workpiece with tape.

  3. Glue the ends of ribbons of two colors to the top.

  4. Glue at the same time. At the opposite end of the workpiece, swap the ribbons. And one more point: the ribbons must be glued overlapping each other in order to eliminate gaps.

  5. After the entire surface is decorated, secure the ends of the ribbons with tape.

  6. Cut a circle with a diameter of 6 cm from cardboard.
  7. Cut a piece 10 cm long from a wide ribbon.
  8. Fold it in half from the inside out, cut diagonally.
  9. Make decor in the form of flowers from ribbons of primary colors and glue them to the top of the souvenir.

This is the kind of beauty you can create at home. It would seem that everything is so simple, but it looks so elegant, right?

Could you make an Easter egg like this?

Yeah!No, too difficult)

I don’t know about you, but I’m just itching to do something else with my own hands for Easter. This is such a fun activity. I think that our master classes are worth continuing. What do you think?